The Brussels Post, 1924-4-30, Page 7FLIES AND LIVE STAOK.
The fly is a destroyer of profits, Tbe
annoyance that the various types oe
live stock suffer 'from this cause dur-
ing the summer period can .be deter-
mined with fair aesuracy and express-
ed as loss in pounds of milk, pounds
of pork or work not done. Animals
get no rest from morning until night.
The worry is greatest during the per-
iod of greatest light and temperature.
The common stable fly, also known
as Stomoams Cateitraris, resembles the
common house fly in size and shape.
The stable fly bites much harder, my-,
ing quite a sharp sting. It is also a
blood sucker and a very persistent;
tease. The thin skin covering' the
legs, flanks and abdomen of cattle and
horses is the area they attack when.
bent on satisfying their thirst and
hunger. At other times they may rest
quietly on the animal's back or on the
stable wall. Any person that has to
milk cows during the summer period
is well acquainted with the annoyance
that there little creatures can create,
And when the stable fly is ably assist-
ed by the housefly and the horn fly,
both the cow and the milker have any-
thing but n pleasant time in their en-
deavors to be at least half efficient
in milk production. The stable fit'
breeds principally in decaying refuse,
horse manure, rotting straw—mater-
ials that are too frequently found
quite close to the farm buildings dur-
ing the summer period when it is
possible to Ice:;.-+ them at a distance.
To prevent the stable fly from an-
noying the animals, providing darken -
'ed pens, stables, es ens sheds or other shel-
ters in which the animals can retreat
is a good practice. Spraying or brush-
ing the animals over with liquid fly
repellents is also advised. There is
no repellant of very enduring effi-
ciency, but a number of such now in
common use are worth while 'even if
1 Lesson
The Assyrian Exile of Israel, 2 Kings, Chops. 11 to 17.
. Golden Text—I will delight myself <in thy statutes;
will not forget thy word.—Psalm 1110: 16.
1. Her rulers regarded the people as
their prey. Particularly was this true
during the last two decades of the na-
tion's history. When the famous king,
may seem a lot of work, but a man hundred ypara,Yrom abpu Jeroboam H. died, a period of anarchy
with an auto spray holding two gal- 721, and then fell before thesAsssaulttory of set n,f Of the
ix kings thatcceeded the
Ions o liquidcan go ever a i the First and assassins ere m i zo
Tho kingdom of Israel, founded by
Jeroboam i. after the death of Bolo -
their effect ;is so short as to require mon and the revolt against s son,
y littlemore than two
t)3C 934 to
f ` line of o the ssyr an armies, , d , blow, Ambition n of the
twenty cows in Ecus minutes. A sue- the kingdom, as told In
Ceased preparation that can be used Second Books of Icings, I o a s sinful •foul pt -typo cphe torned the desolated p p one, Of nineteen kings, n less than and. princes of the and desolated
as a spray is made by mixing the ten died violent .(loathe. There were kingdom.
following; ' repeated conspiracies and.bloodY rev°- 2. Israel put her trust in diplomacy
Three lbs, laundry soap, 414 quarts lutions. Only In one case did a king and polities of an infamous type, As -
coal tar dip, 414 quarts fish oil, 3 have four successors of his own line. syria had aroused herself under the
quarts coal oil, 3 quarts whale oil, 11/4 More than once the land was torn by vigorous leadership of Pul, and Israel
quarts oil of tar. Dissolve the lawn- rival 'adieus contending for power, was tributary to the world -power. Bat
dry soap in water and then add the Tho last of the pings of Israel died a pro-EgyPtiau party schemed and
in an Assyrian prison, plotted, and finally succeeded in ;Tr-
oller ingredients and more water to Yet this land of Israel might have suading I'ekah to rebel against As
Shake 30 gallons of 'spray, 'been prosperous and happy if it had Syria. Pokah paid the penalty of re -
Poisons • and traps are sometimes been well and wisely ruled. There was beliion with hie life. Hoshea was
used and can be made very efficient indeed, one period ` of abaut forty pad f r sIas Israel's puppets e was the
agents in stable fly control if used years, in the early part of the eighth andsfo s Bae ears, ewe s faitbful with ordinary intelligence and thole century,. in which there was temper- a eared to be favorable pipe break
oughness. Formaldehyde is one of the ative peace and prosperity. The strong `awpriy from Assyria, he yielded to the
hand of the second Jeroboam (2 Kings ayfrom
party,and rebelled.
best poisons to use in fly destruction. 14;23-29) kept peace at home and pro -Egyptian
Mix two Danced' of formaldehyde with quarts of milk, sweeten with won victories abroad. The hundred Tbat brought about the end. It took
11/i years :of petty warfare with Syria three years to subdue Samaria, but at
brown sugar, and place in :a window came to an end,and for a time, Syria last the proud capital was overthrown,
where the flies congregate,. In stables formed a bulwark against the pres- and the flower of her population was
and pig pens properly darkened,.' one sure of the ambitious and growing,dra3. ged in tee ile. a divided mind
vrittdow may be left uncovered to pro- empire of Assyria. It was . at that! and heart. This is the burden of the
vide the necessary light to attract the time that Amos could speak of Israel accusation of the writer of the Kings.
as chief of the nations; and describe. so he
flies to the poison dish. If the stable. the luxurious living of the people of ;Why
had d tsoe steadily so fatally
man will at the beginning of the sea- Samaria, ch, 6:1-8. And Hosea, a in the direction of Banlis and Some of
son provide shelves on which to place little later, wrote of Israel as planted
poison dishes high enough up to be in a pleasantplace," a luxuriant vine the features of the nature religions
out of the way and where there is whicputteth orth his fruit," saying,;which they copied, were foul and re-
light, keep the same replenished from "Surely I am become rich, I have poften a
art of worshipve. . Children wousness ere thrown
day to day with formaldehyde, milk found me wealth." kingdom of Judah wereelimited lands in ex -f *into a fire to satisfy Moloch. No won -
and sugar, and see that all other moil- tent and poor, but Israel had the. der the writer of Kings flamed out
tore is covered up, millions of Ries populous and fertile valley of Jezreel,his i
,ndignation at such loathsome
can be destroyed with little effort, A the well -watered hills of Ephraim and ; practices, The fact is' that life be -
general clean up daily to prevent the Galilee and the rich pasture lands comes unspeakably vile when these
pest increasing by breeding is very east of�Joedan. Moreover, Israel was .Practices are sanctioned by religion.
necessary to fly control; in fact, there on the great highway of overland' We must keep religion pure and
ethical through and through, or we
is little use in'cit'ing to poison or trap travel, and had opportunities of high.'
strange and irrational cus-
flies an neglect- denied t Jerusalem•
them to•In spite of periodsof
prosperity, t the widow and the orphan m
ies if we aro so shif es d gl t- ly profitable trade • o toms that damn all religion.James
fol of sanitary conditions as o permit and Judah. !toms
pure and undefiled religion as
the firsthand last wholesale.ord in Istabl pity and golden opportunities of wealth'vial ing
control.—L. Stevenson, Ontano Agri -prophets (Eh-
t f the faith
fol teaching of great
• and power, and in spite o their affliction, and as keeping oneself
cultural Oollege. jah and Elisha' in the ninth century,
nnd Amos and Rosea inthe eighth),
pink suffused Israel became more and more corrupt.
His princes, Amos declares, "store up
with white about centre, !violence and robbery in their palaces,'
Pyramid° or Fiancee—Flowers they "oppress the poor" and "crush
are white. e. o very good. " �
Selma—Lilac rose with conspicuods' hovah's altars is a.. transgression, and
crimson eye, though repeatedly warned by edam -
white with crimson) thou which God has sone upon them,
�` carmine centre, the"people
osea sa s -not
are°nted, obbeisTheir
and trate:' A few years ago when I set up
The phlox is one of the most satis- Miss Lingard-White with a lilac) heeSpeopile are like their priests; my coal furnace in the fall I found the
factory hardy perennials, as the centre, is on. early free -blooming var- "there is' no truth, nor mercy, nor ten -inch smoke pipe badly corroded,
plants multiply rapidly, bloom freely, iety which should be in every collet- knowledge of God in the land." with several holes through it, and
and make a great display in the bor- tion. 1 A period of civil 'war, about or many spots which I could push in with
der. To get the best results they, Tanis Blanc—One of the best shortly after B C 740 opened the way my thumb The elbow joints were of course, the time could be longer or
should have an abundant supply of;snhites. Dwarf. Tsrael became tr
moisture and a damp situation should' George H. Strohlein—Orange wire as es p p ,
be chosen for them when possible. scarlet. 1 greedy and ambitious empire, , and set it to week. Then I ordered a new
: after futile revolt and a longsiege, one. This• new one layin my dry cel -
Their worst insect is a tiny insect 'Mme. M. Carvalho—Mottled white Samaria fell, and the kingdom came
called the red spider, which, however, and pink. o an end in B.C, 721. The seventeenth lar all winter, for the old asbestos -
ie Hak very troublesome except in dry Ontario Horticultural •
Society. chapter of Second Kings, from which covered pipe did its work well through thing. The party consisted of twenty-
seasons. Where the red spiders are) is taken our printed lesson, contains the whole season. That set me think- five members with the Institute secre-
abundant the leaves become yellowish Nature's Method of Hatching. a long review of its, character and con ing. I recalled that though I had tart', who endeared herself to every-
where they aro working and their In hatching eggs by the natural duct; and reflections upon its downfall.' beaten my pipe clean every spring, it one through her unfailing kindness
presence may be known by these light -,method, it is a good plan to start sev- Ch. 17:9-12. They built them heg/i would always be dripping in the fall,. and thoughtfulness as conductor, says
r patches. As they are feeding on,eral hens at the same time. This is yitaces. From v. 7.onward the writer, though it was kept in a dry shed. I the English `Home and Country"nothing was nussed. common points of infection such as
dwells upon the causes of Israel's de- I At the end of the first winter with magazine. The headquarters of the Here in Ontario we have the most abscesses of the teeth or dieoased.ton-.
the under side m the leaves any spray not always possibly with the ' lighterand
tructien, and 'chief among these he art was at S lei, on Lake Thun,
which is used must be applied' there. breds, but with Plymouth Rocks and laces idolatry The eepla were not the new pipe I washed it outthorough-I P , y P wonderful falls in the world, some of sill. It has not yet been absolutely
p y P with a glorious view a the snowy
, mountains. The demonstrated wherein lies the avenue
should hold back the: Foliage with a' difficult to find three or four hens gods." They imitated the practices of dried' it The galvanizing crystals wickets for the lake steamers of which are still n luxuryfor millionaires over •a connection between these apparent -
stick or rake handle and another do wanting to sit. On the seventh or other nations; and especially of the were almost as bright as they were ly inconsequential ailments and the
the spraying. Gold buster frequently eighth day after Getting, the eggs Canaanites. Baal and Ashtoreth were in October. Then I put it in the same they made full use, visiting lakes there. Why not organize for dune heart but its existence is beyond a
and forcibly applied will be found ef- should be tested by holding them be- secretly worshipped•, and the unclean dry shed. It did not change a par -Thal , Brterlakene the Falls of Grtown and ua- shorter of this r loner ger duration o nstitute tsu t the urs of doubt:
•d Th gThe first thought of a good doctor,
members? who would treat heart disease, in
One country Branch clubbed to-
Bother and rented a lakeside cottage young or old, is to see that such points
for a month to which the membersof infection are cleaned up. Another
important matter in preventing
g hit Both d Ithe needy their very worship at Je,
unspotted from the world. Jesus, too,
always brought religion to the touch-
stone of every -day conduct.' Who was
the truly religious, man? Not he who
said glibly, "Lord, Lord/' but he who
did the will of the Father.
Caring for Furnace Smoke
• Furnace smoke, pipes are ruined in
summer, not in winter. I will illus -
Soaking takes the
place of r;, ,bbgn .
UST by soaking' the clothes in the suds
'rt is
Jnew soap,dirt dx
of thisp, gently
and dissolved.
Even the dirt that is ground in at neck -
braids and cuff -edges yields to a light
rubbing with dry. Rinso. Not a thread
is weakened. The mild Rinso suds work
thoroughly : through and thro ugh the
clothes without injury to a single fabric.
Rinso is made by the makers of Lux. For the family
wash it as wonderful as Lux is for fine things.
All grocers and department stores .sell Rinso.
1e -4-z4
It gives one a very exaltedeeeling
to stand an a pedestal, aloof from the
erowd, telling it what to do and how
to do it, ft makes one feel as above
the eommanherd, but, when one tonnes
to cauneil with oneself, that is a dif»
feront , matter, Then we meet our
proposition on the level and our oon-
'feronce with our conseience makes as
feel very humble.
Most of us dislike this humble feel-
ing, so we do not often have this quiet
personal conference. So, we go along
holding on to a false pride whish per-
mits us to keep half-baked notions
that we aro all O.I. but that the
drought spoiled the crop, the worms
ruined our fruit, the pig was a runt.
anyhow, or, in other -words, something
outside of ourselves has been to blame
for the unsatisfaetoxy results we have
If we would but,get into a quiet
place at frequent intervals to have a
conference with ourselves and seek the
answers to pertinent, personal ques-
tions, it would, without doubt, be time
well spent.
We may asic such questions as:Ani
I unprejudiced in my consideration of
the latest finding in agricultural work;
am I doing justice to my land in till-
age and fertilization; am I doing my
best to live a full and useful life; am
I endeavoring to eliminate prejudices
which hinder my progress and.the
happiness of myself and family?
If we will but conscientiously ask
ourselves such questions, we may find
answers which may broaden our views
of life, materially change our agricul-
tural practices, and add considerably
to our happiness. Too often we ob.
struct our own roads to a greater. and
more happy life.
We think of. heart disease as a
terrible handicap, and should a doctor
pronounce such a diagnosis as applic-
Fore3 m�+ '•—""r table to one of us it would Home as a
Horne and Country stuningblow—theendof e
very thing.
If we realized how few persons of
middle age are wholly free from some
When and How Are You Going to Recreate Yourself? form of heart disease, perhaps we
BY GIBSON SCOTT. should be less fearful of it, and per-
haps, on the other hand, we should
The English Women's Institutes in- tentment of the young people whose treat it with more respect even though
augurated something which might life offered for distractions. Tine with less dread.
to school girls have a custom of singing;, I venture the statement that any
prove adaptable in
some eg
when out on excursions. "The Swiss group of a dozen people rounding fifty
Canadian Institutes. It was a W.I. seem to enjoy life to the very full, years o. age, country or city folks, but
Summer Tour of two weeks, though, and sing for the very joy of it," wrote a little better odds on the country
onThe household cookingutensils 'group, will show nine defective hearts
stove arrangements, the cultivation of if critically examined Out of that
the land, so different from ours, the nine possibly five will live ton good
wooden farm implements were closely age impairmentwt of thnr that there is any
examined, and facts and impressions will their most important
eagerly stored up for the benefit of organ, two discover rheic+defect
the W.I. members at home. The color boot not die of seriofor from ea eaf
of lakes and. mountains and flowers, two will die of same form of disease of
the swirling mountain torrents with the heard.
A goodly share of heart complaints
spray, the glittering snowflelds,— are the direct result of neglecting
to the entrance of. Assyrian influence, strong enough to hold it together, so shorter to suit time and purse, and
ibutary to that I •d b los a er around it and any place could be agreed upon by
the members.
This tour was to Switzerland and
cost about $50 each, including every -
To do this effectively, one -person' other heavy sorts it is generally not loyal to Jehovah; "they feared other ly with a scrubbing brush, rinsed and. t members had season
the grandest lakes and most beautiful
landscapes, -with the motor cars, which
fictive and any of.the contact sprays' fore a light.The infertile eggs can riteat the hiof gh places o sginally sacred to e woes iss w sucle that mmer. Icou However perceive
carefully arag
stove bach,i and Ifiandersteg, where the
such as nicotine . sulphate, whale :o11 be detected by their showing a- un'- Jehovah. So popular . had these hea- partywas entertained bytwo of the
soap, or kerosene emulsion, will con -i form lightness, whereas the fertile then forms of religion become that ,pipe is knocked ibeatoefn to clean it,' members summering there, to tea, at
trol it if used frequently.' A little eggs show a dark spot with a cloudynew high.
places were built' in the re-. it retains a cositing burned
flowers of sulphur mixedwiththese) portion around it. If enough infertile �motest boder village, with its watch platter, whether you have burned coal' the conclusion of which there was a
r from the' talk by 'a Swiss on the Swiss Educa-
tional and Local Government Sys • tems.
The members climbed the GrindaI-
will . make them more effective.
The cultivation of the phlox is'a
very simple matter. Soil that will
eggs are found, it may be. possible to tower, as well as in the walled cities..or wood This absorbs orate
discard one of the sitters and give all' Here they set up their, stone pillars damp summer air and forms a corro-
sive liquid which eats into the pipe with the secretary during the hottest
q P P i The points of this tittle lecture are
wall Glacier and:some adventurous days, It was kept occupied. - r Heart
rapidly takeas we learn to our cost.two, First, thnt. - ----'
' To proper care of a furnace spirits even started at midnight to Better to spend some of our time disease is not of necessity a death
smoke pipe, therefore, one should see the sun rise on the .mountain tops, and a little money on the recreation verdict. The disease is common
scrub it out verythoro, hl . M i e one being lucky enough to find the which will keep us from taking that
has lasted me for . years, and is still much -sought-after Edelweiss flower. over -needed rest in bed with a doctor enough. It is better to be warned of
vided into even smaller portions which egg a Dent, 7:5 your state that we may respect our
may be used for starting not lants.liadc by rolling pisco of te'tand 1gVs. 13 14) Yet the
Lord wafted in almost perfect condition,—F, S. C. They were especially interested in in attendance next winter. What the limitations than to go overtaxing an
y s g v p i paper ,_ the people and their home life. The home -maker owes to herself is worthy
There are obtainable either rrom a . Placing the egg against the lighted unto Israel. The -prophets had borne The loss of little pigs will mean the general condition of well being was of thoughtful consideration too if she organ that needs consideration.
friend's garden, from the nursery, or' lamp after dark. Exhibition•Circular faithful, testimony against these esti'
went for a few delightful rest days very p
each according to a schedule planed heart disease is •to allow plenty of. time
t b 'Id
th after illness
the eggs o the remaining hens. It and their wooden posts, carved of
produce good garden crops of any 'requires some practice to do the test- painted with idolatrous symbols. The
kind is quite suitable for phlox. The, ing properly. If one does not possess Asmintsseem to have been originally
1a•re alar lam or electric light sacred trees, but where such were:
plant multiplies by an increase in the g p ght tester, lacking, wooden posts or poles were
size of the plant,. which may be dee the testing can be done by holding an. probably substituted (see' 1 Kings 15:
as horticultural society premiums, and No. 2 of the Experimental Farms, ob- at Ieast such of the prop
may be planted in either early spring, tainable from the Publications Branch true to their mission., They had been
or in the fall. I of the Dept, of Agriculture at Ottawa preachers of righteousness and teach -
says that it is a good plan, when ern of bthe law. It is now very coin.
The enninl bllox orderandllasuit growsd for test egg, to cck an egg teronomylisea propat hetic new Book eedition
one and a- half to two feet tall' it occasionally to see what is inside. The of the ancient law written for the ins
should be set fairly well back. Prom loss of a few eggs by this plan may struction of the people, and containing
three to six feet apart in the border,: Prove a gain in the end.' also such exhortations to its observ-
according to the space to be given to ' I ance as tradition ascribed to Moses.
Spraying Cherries. VI If so, it will illustrate to us very
the other varieties of perennials, is a Tho Department of Entomology o[ clearly the kind of teaching given in,
varyinlg flroince. The ubits throughmanyh
the O;A.C. has for several years con- tand wiill p age ove to useatheugreatpinflluj
grades to rod, do not clash in the.bor- ducted experiments'in the spraying, of epee
ch that teaching had upon
fir, particularly when set at the widercherries, especially sweet cherries, the minds of; at least some of the
distances, It. is a mistake to allow chiefly with the object of getting fur- eople; though it was disregarded by
the phlox to remain in the same spot titer knowledge of the best way to .many.
for many yore. About once irr three control brown r .. Ws; and spot- . Vs. 15-7.8.' The "coveltaazt" made
Years .they should be divided and tee work was continued during 1923 bile with the fathers is often recalled by
centre portion discarded. Byy this 'an innovation wee -made in, that some the historians and prophets, See Caen.
means the quality. of the bloom is kept; of the trees in each pat were sprayed chs, 15 and 17, and Exert, ch, 24. In
up and stock is increased for planting' with a fungicide (lie nrsenial being that
l bean covenant hoinsulvessaleiru ly to keel,
-..or distribution to #fiends, r l
I used) Whop in full bloom. The object the law of their God. The disoliedieiice
There aro ninny good varieties, of was o testwhether this would lessen of their children of this latef 4 g `its
Perennial phlox, but a t}ie following, the cru byinterfering with pollina-' a breaking of the cerement hoed, Per
Per nn may some of the best. tion. If it did not de so, then this that which was of highest value, they
findnhe—Bright violet -mule
method could be used in years when had substituted empty and wbrthless
fused with white, large white centre, the weather during bloom was wet things,they followed vanity, unci be -
and when in consequence most of the carne r'' Mlniteit -11001,905. The
Consul II. Treat—Pure red with blossoms would be so injured by the writer has in mind the images of Je-
;French purple centre, liovnit which Jeroboam hid made ivul
brown rot disease that they could not Kati set up •in Bethel and in Ilan, 1
Eciaircur—Bright rosy magenta set fruit, 'It was a pleasure to find Kiitgs 12:26-30. IIe •elunges alta n, 1
shading lighter, One of the earliest, that both at Simcoe and Grimsby trees plc with worship of the stirs, and of
Elizabeth Campbell—Salmon pink, thus sprayed suffered no injury 'aid Bane and with the horrible custom
shading lighter. A very pleasing color. that the fungicide did net interfere of the sacrifice of children. Therefore,
Etna or Mound Sully ---Bright with pallizzatlonor in any other way Ire concludes, "tee lard tuns aeric
crimson red with darker centre. Both lessen. the crop.. So far as We knowartgru tunllc lanced!, "ad rentot•rrl tiuee
very good, • this is the first experiment of this• out of dos stplit,
Wm. Robinson—Salmon, large flow -kind in canada upon cherries,
ers. y have had experiments d similar ca e• i
WO a p onts in Our chief purpose, in'this lcssnn, is
W'idar, or Lama.tlne- -Bright violet spraying apples in full bloom with to discover the eagses thtit brought
with large white centre, similar results. (about the decline andfall of Israel.
s+ loss of lett" i:rofits. i e noticeable, and the happiness and con- is to be really efficient Second: That if we give respectable
When you want Syrup, always specify the
albs a
to g1'
"Benson's Golden"
Equal *to the best Cane,
The Standard Corn Syrup. A White Syrup like Honey.
Equal to the best Molasses.
•` s
• I
Meaufaclured bT
111111111011 I1tI11111III11lllhhh0111111111 1r r nIII 11t1 yl11llllllll�l011011041iNM' 11I 111p . I
1! INl1lll
attention to the little ailments of life,
keep ourselves in good physical con-
dition in the hard, grinding days of
youth, take time to get well before re-
suming hard work after illness, and,
in general, show consideration of the
wonderful machine that is our body,
we need have little fear that our
hearts will fail us in our prime.—Dr.
0. H. Lerrigo.
Potato Sets.
The average of five years' results in
testing potato seta of different sizes
at the Ontario Agricultural College
show that the size of the piece of pota-
to planted hasa very marked influ-
ence on the yield produced. There
was an increasein the yield of pota-
toes per acre as the size of the potato
sets increased in weight. Planting
two ounce in comparison with ono
ounce pieces an additional 20.6 bushels
of seed potatoes were required, and
fill additional yield of 25.5 bushels of
potatoes were harvested.
Corn meal spoils more readily than
flour and for most families it is best
to buy in small quantities.
When you sayer yo ,'re going to get
rid of your chicken lice, say it with
kerosene and whitewash.
It is usually a natter of efficiency
and economy to use mechanical instead
of human n energy wherever ever T
to do work. Human energy hurl better
be used in brain work which a rna-
rhine leeks.