HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-4-30, Page 4.r i she Irl sse1~s ase WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 3) 1024 S7' (E (1 's .i V tt ' • el it e i .a 1 � OE L D t, 4E1 1 £1 II smuttier of pieces Wet:Netiday of !eel Week. A•re sen ucrti order or, •"Dragoo slaying." Pita 013e of Hon, Pater Smith, former Provincial. Treasurer of Ontario, turrets up for hearing Weduesdey of this week, *artless it receives 111101 her shunI. You only have to get outside of Sur OD County to discover the (1 fference be- tweeu goad tied bad road., Some of the neighboring County roads are horrid Be ; Impactors are visiting various localities where gradiug is not being done• it will be Goodbye to the more an0fent hen fruit when the government system compels tbe enforcement of the. law. WHAT'e the matter with the ladies of Brussels and locality organizing a Lawn Bowling Clot) ? A umber of the towns nearby have dune i.o nud will enjoy the sport during the coming Summer. Coem.'r holds 4th place in silver out- put in tbe world. ro,6.to totes of pure silver is aggregate for Cobalt in past 20 Years There le abundance of int tai all that is rt (paired is cash to finance the developmeo t. NOTHING monotonous about Gr'.rmrn Elections. They have only 23 d lf,rent parties listed on the eom'ng new Reice. stag ;ballot. Such a cowl bon shows the variety of opin'oo; o r pub to ••tfurs and the d f&.tttiy of any one party gain- ing and holding the asceod.Incy. A Hc,r. rain -Friesian caw, heloneing to Dr. H. A Clark, M. P. P., hock vi1le, is a bossy worth while owning. The animal is giving from 96 to tot lbs. of real milk daily, with a six menthe' test of 75, rbc pouniis, "Queen Bnlah" is also a bovine worth feeding. ANOTHER ch',pter in lllennonite his- tory is the West is the purchase. of s,soo acres of land, with stock and machinery in Saskatchewan. They wilt no doubt do well on these broad acres if left to themselves. The visits of the "wind jabbers" sometimes play bob. 5 CHAnNCRY Derev, a well known American politician, of New York, is go years of age hut neither crabbed nor cranky. Re urges folk to Jaugb more. to look for the humorous side of things and believes '`agood laugh is better than a dose of castor oil for a stomach ache." Mr. Depew likely has the right end of the story too THERE may a be tear in the eye e of some old timer when he knows that the Highway nepartment of the Provincial Government is abolishing Statute Lab- or as it aced to be programmed in the years gone by. Under the new pro- vision a Township Road Superintend- ent will be in charge. White the old system had its faults and shortages it served its day and a new and better systematised order takes its place, look- ing toward permanency. How much do the weeds on Ontario tarms cost, we wonder 7 Sao 000,000 annuaily is the estimate of Premier Bracken in reference to the pest in Manitoba. Clean farming assuredly pays a big dividend and this sort of cultivation deserves more praise than often accorded. The Noxious Weed law and the "don't care -farmer" should receive more attention to aid those who are endeavoring to farm properly to do so, CHURCH Unice discussions have warmed up, well nigh to boiling point, Looks as if somebody will get scalded, "See how the Christians love one anoth- er" was a one time expression founded on fact. Pessibly the quality is becom- ing diluted and the quantity dimuted judging by the scrapping bees staged, that are no credit to anybody. Maybe the dear brethren are taking au insulin treatment and reducing the amount of sweetness, in their system. Vinegar and cayenne pepper is apparently the bill of fare being tested out in some quarters. Slit RICHARD SQUIRES is the next pub. tic man in the limelight. He is an ex. Premier of Newfoutsdlaud and is charg- ed with misappropriation of public funds, $22,000 funds of the Liquor Control department Bald to be stolen, Dr, Campbell, former Minister of Agri. culture, is mixed up in the case with 46400 of public money booked against Jabal The East cannot throw bricks at their more Westerly friends as the pot may be es dark complexioned as the kettle, "Every man has his price" is an old saying, :and not true on the "every" end of it but it would appear. that the fellows with their battle out are growing in uutnbcr if net Int honer, It is too bad that such is the Case- but the right thing to do is tothoroughiy inves. tigate, cut out all the whitewashing and punish the offenders adegnatety, HALF HOLIDAY -seep. ALL the Stores and Offices in the Village of Brussels will ahem at 12 o'clock noon every Tllutsday this Sutn• rues, beginning May latand eon - tinning till close of October, ifileittees placer will be open ',: every Wednesday and Saturday •rj evenioge and evenittge • befoto a i Public Holiday, -v444,44.4,44,44.-4•44,4 Rerta'r says Garmany has s sharp :stick plodding India in an attempt to get them on Fidgety street against their bast fiend -Great Britain. The In diens shou'd put the boots to the strife maker with emphasis. We .like Premier Ramsay MacDon- a'i's friendly way of addressing the United States. lie says 1 --"The moral and nia•erial future 01 the world Iles with Great l3ritaiu and the United States " The Icon and the eagle, with their native elemmt %talking the earth and circling the heavens, presents a force when combined that wields a mighty influence and represent possabil ittes unlimited and invincible. Defence not 5)8 tone should be the united meet). PRExtEg Feaousee promised the E meati nal Council meeting at Toronto Ia;t weer a new order of School affairs that will be a "long way in advance" of the present jumble. Higher education and frigoent"changes in political heads is no guarautee of improvement over the •'raadin, titin' and 'rithmetic" that was in the little old red school house. Duce -to lead -may be the root meaning of Education but sometimes ;the routes lead a long way from the aractical and essential. Among some of tbe best cranks they could select have done duty to the Education Department. Free discussion should do good even if many of the theories are very kindergarten or else soistilted a stepladder is required to get up to the realm they occupy. We sympathise with the trustees, the teach. ers and the pupils tvho require a survey or to locate the fads that have been lin- ed up educationally We are not pes- samistic but have our doubts as to amendments, Brussels Public School Report ROOM IV The following is the result of Easter Test n Room examinations • t o a IV. m Senior class results are to be used for recommendation purposes. Pupils examined in all eubjects. An average of 00 per cent is required. Sc.IIV- Y/ Prentice..,71.8 S Scott..-. 60 D McDonald...877 21 Tho mpson,59.3 J Smith ..., ...816 if Lagan 67,9 J. Yolleek...... ...67 F Dennison 54 6 A Logan 64.9 D Warwich...54:3 S Clarke ..... -64.4 F Lowry......,60.4 Al Ritchie 63.8 0 Thuell 48,3 D Ennis .......62.5 A Grewar. 48.8 H. Kerr 80,3 C Champion,..,40 3R. IV - Strachan 76 E Edwards ,58 J Brown..... ..... 72 E Wilson ........54 ✓ Wilson 70 F Samis . 68 8 A '1'hompson133 C Kernaghan.. 53 C Riley 80 AI Somerville.. .44 M. MAtNDxRs, Teacher. ROOM III Sit. II -Examined in Liter.. Speii., Geog.,; Hygiene, Aritb., Oomp. D lilcVettie,,, 93 0 Ennis .....,..,..B9 H Backer..... 89 R Smith - .,, .,.. 85 R Strachan 84 L Rutledge 84 G Yolleck.... .....77 L Thuell.......,84 K Thuell.........77 G Kellington60 W Riley.,,.. --..72 J Parish60 3R. III -Examined in Geog., Spell., Arida., Hygiene, Comp„ Liter M Downing 89 V Fox..'... .87 J White.........,. 81 G Burgess 61 J Caldwell ,.....78 M Thompson .59 L Walker . ,,,, 78 E Harkness .,,58 D Rutledge 71 A MoCracken...57 M Ennis 71 3 Kernaghan..,,48 T Walkey,...... ,70 H 'Whittard ...,.42 D flemiugway69 HAZEL ST2WAiaT, Teacher. ROOM lI SR, II -Total 8(10. 13 iii olleck. 545 J Kerr....,.,, ,.474 0 Winker 587 R Fax 489 If Riley,. ,.,..62,4 M Schwadron,466 G Jeater ,...509 W Ohampion,446 16 Prentice 506 H Whittard .-442 D Wheeler 504 S Burchell..... 433 J Douglas , 489 N '1'hompson...429 R Parrow .484 F ltd weeds .....428 G Paweon.,,. S .482 'Yolleck .872 3 McDowell.,.,477 V Pope .... ,..,350 In. II -Total 600, (4 Thuell 488 3 Rutledge ...412. 6l Rne475 T McIntosh..,.340 M Bryans 465 W J Rutledge.388 It Dennison,...423 'P. Bryans .358 Al Mc(;Inarrie,..42i 1u Hoist. ......:198 M. It, YEANDLE, Teacher, ROOM I' Iia, If -Examined in Aritb., Read., Spell., Geog,, Dep. and daily work; M Logan 0111 L Kerr 78 Il Jeater 87 S Lowe 70 A Pope.........:85 W Ed wards 6h (G Wheeler 82 3 Ritchie ....80' M AICDowetl..:BU H Bolt. ,.. 50 OLAss V- E Ennis 95 It Bryang ..75 J Caldwell 90 F I3urchell.......70 1! Pollard,,,.,,,$r 16 flendeseon ..61 3I.Iittle • .., ,••83 li Farrow ... ,.,02 M Taylor. $1 8 Wilson .,,,...,.58 It W Geon ..•..,8U "L (Gaynor ... N Ohtlrohili 78 ()LASS III -Excellent -3 Ohowen, fa Hicks,Jhitoe,SHencereo ,) Fe roa- eon, D MuaaI Riley, W lea, Gd -W Heist, H Douglas. C s - xc 1 r t LAB e A l . 1 11 E � 111--0 lel los t , r, hli~.a alar W McNair, 1 uw n t , k Nat la t !a ( J . 13 Palmer, V Pox, (lo0d-E Aictlnar- rle, B Rieke, N Rutledge, al Edwards, J 3cVettie, R Jertnyn, 8". I, B0CHANAN, Teacher. Clinton The cottage of Jno, Ford has been bought by S B, Sta1111810, Mise Dell, O'Neil is hack. from Florida, where she spent the Winter, Wednesday afternoon will be observed as the weekly holiday by Clinton business men. W. 0. Muir takes the, General Manager's post in the 0. N. Express 00, Be was a former Olintonian. Fordwich Wm. Gibsou'a health is improving Albert Johnston has bought a Hack trey pony, Mrs. Gordon .Brown has beef seriously i11. Jno. and Airs. Saugetel' visited Joh, and Mrs. Milligan at Clifford. John Barnard was here from U versify for a visit at the Parsonage Saturday next wale of baking end, the direction of Women's Institut. and Rutnam girls. Seaforth Wednesday, May 14th, is the date voting on the town industry by-law• Mrs. P. R. Habkiric underwent a operation for appendicitis at Olint01 hospital. Rev. '1'. H. Brown attended the Trustees' Association Convention 01 Toronto. Mrs. S. Dickeou, Mrs. S. 0. Jone and Miss Elizabeth Jones, who have been spending some weeks with Mr. A. D. Sutherland, left last `week fu their home in Fort Saskatchewan, Ooderich Fishing boats are busy. Rebate will come to Goderioh fron. Hydro, Work has started on the new addi tion to the Collegiate, Keep your dog tied up, or get s license if you value his safety, A freight service by boat Is a pos- sabilityfor Goderich this season, Ladies' Aid of Knox Church pre- sented Mrs. (Rev,) MoDermid with a fine box of linen, Murray Kernaghan stood 1st in a class of 27 at the: Central Technical School at Toronto. Judge Swanson, a -farmer Godericb. ite, was elected a member of the Senate of British Columbia 'Univer- sity. Perth County St. Marys has organized their Base Bali team. S. James' church, St. Marys, has organized a Soft ball club. Stratford Fire Brigade will answer calls outside city limits when Chief 9ayS SO. Chicken 13y -law of St. Marys is being emphasized in defence of early gardening. Mrs,W. R Davie is back to Mitchell after visit of 8 months with her children at varioua points. 1. J. Halpenny, Principal of St. Marys public school, died of pneu- monia after a few days' ilinees. A cheque For 525 was donated to Mitchell Park Aseociation by Dr. Mulligan, Grand Forks, Dak., a form- er old boy. R. H, Detling, employed about the Zurbrigg saw mill at Harrington, was instantly killed when be fell upon the circular saw, A Fit, Mary's trapper caught 0 MOO, veto one night recently, By ft horse getting frightened T. and Mrs, 'Turner, Ayonten, were upset into the ditch. ' Heine Farm Kor sd ke1 sr ta 2• year -0111 Holstein heifer, owned and byJ. Ince r es o bredJ, s South th e is a reent test ab 'noes, predrq. Pd, 809,8 pounds of milk, or '24.928 pauuppe of butter. in 7 days. Tho world's record le around 80 pounds of butter, David Orfewford, Bltudsliard 'totvri- I ba 1 paha it n e 1 , d 2Q0 as a (S a this .Spring 10 the ,motile syrup manufas' toting, Community holidays have been of e n i)st, Marysr Y s folk, dates es be . Ing Sunday. June r�t1and and Tuse ay following, Stratford'e alarm boxes will have to find other resting places than Bell Telephone poles they now reel, on 0e company is putting overhead wires 1111(ler 81158ets. One Flies -to the North "(vented!" "Contact!" The last audible words between pilot and mechanic LV+ are spoken, and with stentorian roar of engine and propellor the giant, human and baggage freighted plane, glides swiftly over the surface of the Quinze. One feels the churning waters tumping at the bottom of the boat until momentum has increased to such extent that a touch ,of the "stick" causes the Vickers Viking to slowly rise. Twoturnsin as many minutes and the passenger, havingadjusted his goggles and seated himself more comfortably, peers, at firt cautiously, over the side of the pit, and far below him lies the little town of Angliers the funs head of the Canadian Pacific steel which twists. and in and out of the forest to the south like a living thing. The earth is as a map below, lakes and rivers shining in the distance and beneath, and ragged patches of bush and arable land smudged, here and there like a child's attempt to depict relief. Turning east th'e plane heads down Lake. Quinze, following the. water ' course to Lake Expanse, - one sees from the air how appropriate is its name, - thence north for some fifteen miles up the Ottawa River and further north over one of its tributaries to Lake Fortune and Rouyn upon nearing which the plane leaves the glorious ronin clouds and gradually sinks until Cline np ne more the water tuts the bottom of the hull, checking it with sudden Jerks which tend to slow the boat until it stops within a few feet of tie-ups One wonders how the pilot could, at such a speed, have fudged his distance so well. But then he does. the same thing more than once eaeh ,day bringing to the new Gold Fields of Quebec, in fifty minutes, passengers and supplies which, before the air service was started took two days at the least to arrive. i Commencing May 1$th the Air Service to the GoldFields will be regular on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, large flying boats capable of carrying five people being scheduled to meet all Canadian Pacific' trains at Anglllers. This service, which will eliminate the hardships of the past and enable prospectors and tourists to travel to the Rouyn Mining District in less than. an hour will include regular stops where they are required and accommoda; tion ie available. Ztpays to use MARTIN -SENOUR WOOD -LAC StiTAIN for Furniture -Floor & Woodwork Write to Head Office, MoOtml Per Free Booklet HOME PAINTING "MADE EASY SOLD BY ,GEO. R. WELLER, BRUSSELS, ONT.; W E have been appointed Exclusive Distributors in this district for the 1924• Season for the famous Ames Holden Tires & Tubes_ and will carry a complete stock Let us book your order now for 'delivery in April or May. . We will guarantee our present prices for Spring delivery if you place your order at once. Ames Holden Tires need no recommendation from us,' All you need do is to , "COMPARE THE WEAR." GEORGE H. EVANS BRUSSELS LEADING - TIRE - SHOP Gas Accessories - Oil Andrew ItSe)11fllan, Of Lekepide, Wee therlow sehas, yanth5550» sprd SI)us thof e hi's famiowlyn. and he an Interesting event took; place at tide hoeof r, a!d MRs, Io p p snra h r Logan, when ttdm1 le Golden wed. a ding anniversary ' was celebrated, .Parties to who event w"ere Ml', and Mrs, Hopppenrath and win. end Mrs. Bauer, 00 years ago above principals were married nn sante day et Brod• hagen by Rev. Mr, Shoals, A few of those who wore present on that 00000100 were also present 1lb the Golden wedding anniversary. b'1rs. Roppenrath,is a slater• of hied, and Oira1'1oe Heckman, Mitchell rNd facto.. an s Wanted y We want a number of Men and Buys "to work in our Wagon Works, Brussels, Apply at once. Ament Bros. & White BRUSSELS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -In the matter of the estate of James D, McNair, late of tho Township of Grog, In the County of Huron, Farmer, Deceased, Notice is hereby given pursuant to - The Re• vlsod Statutes of Ontario, 1014, Chapter 121, that an Oreditora and others having oleims against the estate of .the said lames D MoNefr, who died on or about the 4011 day of February, A, D. 1029, are required on or before the Seventeenth day of May, A.D 1824 to gond bypost prepaid or deliver to Mary ,lane Me - Nair, Brussels, P. O, the Executrix of the estate of the said deceased, their Ohrlst'an and Surnames, addresses and deserlpt(on•, the full particulars of their olefins, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the smart. ties (if any) field, by them. And further take notice that after each last mentioned datesaid Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shalt then have notioe and the said Executrix will not be rabic for the said assets, or any part thereof to any person or parsonsof whose claim notice shall nothave been reoelved by her at the time of such distribution, Dated this Twenty-fifth day of April, A. D. 1024, W.M.-SINOLAIR, Solion or for the Executrix. Farm to Rent One of the best peewee tame in Grey, being Lot 22, Ooo. e, 100 acres with sria water and shade. It not rented sten 1 will tare cattle in to psuture bythe month for the season, For sole -A No, 0 AtcOormiek wide Spread Manure Spreader, only been used 2 Clays. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. Court of Revision Township of Morris The Court of Revlelon on the Assessment Rol of the Townohlp of Morrie, will beheld at the Township Hall. Monday, the Nth day of Mar, next, at 10.60 o'clock a, m, All parties interested will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly, A. MAOEWEN, Clerk. Blnevale, April 22nd, 1024 • Fl bilc `once 'fake liottee tl, the renewtnt i1nude awned by the angregntien of mon P oatuterlan (iflnreh, Walton, Outerlo vis cath Northerly cte ei t taet of Lot 5 n r elate e 05t1) It x ai f5a xy 1s1$hi-ulue,ope.won IS Hervey of Part of e i)o as ns Lon lit h wn it t f ofc t i the thirty O 1 0 feat rt ! I.o y Alnrors, le Co1(5'0g1 510nran, 5 55( tae arch by for e y the er oli s Lilo aped Chured, aid described, t on h0 a t another t. byPeelle ,A id t r tt a d e Lary aJa o N An s Wal 0 . Terme Y premises a 1029, at 12 a'alo0k noon. J�8o0R1ItJED, tihntrinen hoard of 'Trustees. Guernsey Ruii far Service . In order to impt'ove the eater wooer cattle in this leeelity I have decided to offer toy Bon- ier herd sire. Vanity Pillow of Nordlnnd. for eorylee to n lhaltad number, o)tlq of 7onng healthy animate. 'Terms (2,00, 05011 ((11151(25 of service, with privilege 01 returning It emote "'Viso ty 8 51 th make this a pd g511 5e l d8l r• stool, to both tubo money and gat rad miry from host try to huh one of ,his heifer calves from those in to now hove thorn. As tar as I can IIk-b111 thou atprice2518 46e 00. Trac -Milk ie milk -but Oh what a 23' Proprietor, D, Ai, SCOTT, Proprietor, Olen Bold guernsey Form Shorthorns and Yorkshires In Shorthorns we have one roan bull. 11 months old. bred by Barry 10 ogee, Toronto,: sired by Imp I:Wealrn PIAA1o, and from a Marr phesle dam. A real herd header, at far. mer's price Another roan, a good useful bull, O,nonlhs old, by white wonder, (Rudd spare n few more females. Also York Sows ofdif. ferent ages, 0. TURNBUI.I, h'- BONS, Lot 10, Con. 16, Grey Twp. Phone 2814 R. R. 2 Brueseis. Danford Property for Sale Roane And lot of about Macre, situated on the corner of Turnberry gad Thomas etreelx. in the Vllisge of Brussels, known as the Dun. lea home. Da the property lea very sub- stantial brink house 1 nicely isolated, steel roof, cement cellar Room, new furnace, clothes closets, bath room, astern. drilled well, fruit trees, n nice raepharry plantation, lovely or. r a ie: ail and evergreen trees, and a beautiful lawn. W111 be soldfor half of what it would cost to build it to wind np the estate of the lata°E. O. Danford. Immediate .possession. For further particulars apply to L, 24. DWI.. FORD; Detroit, or JAS. M0FADZEAN, (next door), Box a Brussels P. 0 Farm for Sale. Contains 100 acres, being SM Lot 28, Con. 0, Morris township, geed brickhouse with col• lsrt bank ban, with content stabling r driving shed, drilled well and a never falling spring at buck, About 00 mares a oder oalti ration, bal.. anoe pasture and wood land, Filllowing will be done and possession given this Nall. FOr furtherpartleulsrs apply lO A. EL MAODONALD, Brussels, Representative Wanted ftEP(E8ENTATfva WANTED for Brnesele and Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries.' Big sales aro to be rdhde In selling Nursery stook during the recon- struction period. A splendid opportunity for a live salesman,- Highest commleolon9 paid, handsome, tree equipment, large line of trait and ornamental stock to offer. STAAB & WELLtNOTON, Toronto, Ont, 44.•+6+e, b +•.1'•+•+•+hi'•'i'O4'W•••••••••••••••••••••••••• "►•I'•4• •• The Seaforth Creamery,t. +• • • eream Wanted 1 • 1 • • Y + • + • The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 11111111111111111•11111111t>o Send your Cream to the Creamery -thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage give you thorough satisfaction. knowing that we can We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream same pies and pay you the highest market prices every two weeks: Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia:. For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. McCALL, Phone 2350, Brussels, or write to 4ed•4,444..+•+•+.K•1i•+fte*** i.k Brussels Creamery Cream Wanted tslnl qtr We will pay Patrons 1 cent per Pound butter fat, extra, if :Cream is Delivered at our Fac- 'tory. ac-'tory. ` Call' and get a Can and make other En- quiries if interested. Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns Drussels Crmery.ProA5 L, Stewart p. t