HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-4-30, Page 1VOL, 52 NO, 45 5$2,00fier ann'urn in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WR+DNRS1)4 Y, APRIL 30 924 rt-zftreAmlt-oao-4tvi-vip..'rl Are You r •, Moving from Town) • We do Long Distatice Trucking. - 4Get our a prices before shipping. Mundys' - Win ghain Phone 82 New Adoertisetrtents Purse found—VIE Poem Seed potatooe—Wer Robb Emotion sale—R. Ironstone Beed onto—Rohl. Cochrane Aouee for sale—T11a Poam Car of Oats—A. C, Seeker Wanted—Box 178 Waterloo Seed potatoes -Tilos. Pieroe One day onlyr, W.D. Gomel Pigs for sale—Rue. Robertson License plate found—Tri a Possm Cocoanut Jumbles—W. g, Willis Potatoes wnated—P, D. McKinnon Tires end Tubes—George EI Evans A re yon'ruoVing—bfundyo', WiugSbam Notice to Creditors --J. D. McNair estate The Woman Conquers—Fondly Theatre Auction Sale—Don Roy MacDonald estate Adventures of indenmlh&Co. Notice to Creditors—Annlo Turnbull estate i tris k1t1 Walton Wtn. Woods has invested in a Obev- rnlet car and will no doubt take com- fort out of it. Mrs, Wm, Jackson and Mies Helen, Blyth, were vieltore with relatives and friends last week. We are glad to report favorable progress of Mrs. Hood, who Wider - went an operation at Fergus hospital, A large number from this locality attended the funetal of hire. David Crawford at Brussels last Sunday afternoon, Quarterly Communion was held last Sunday afternoon at Bethel, Walton Circuit, Rev. Mr. Irwin, Seaforth, otlieiated. Next Sunday afternoon Rev. Me. Lowen, the new clergyman of St. George's Church, is expected to con- duct the initial service here. Rev. 111x'. Brown, Seafoitb, who has sup- plied here for the past 0 or' 8 months, conducted his closing service Met Sun - Potatoes Wanted The best market price will be paid for any quan- tity of good Potatoes. Delivery made any time. Will take a few year-old Steers fur pasturage.' P. D. McKinnon Phone 39x r 8 Brussels IST. REV. MONSIGNOR BLAIR, Vicar General of Manitoba, who be- onrnes President of Oathol}e (Antral Extension Society ofCanada, with headquarters at Toronto. Rev. Blair wee 111 charge of St. Ambrose church, Brussels, a few years ago, Wingham being associated with Bruesele, then as at present. day. His work was much appreciat- ed aud his visits will be very pleasant- ly remembered. Ethel: School resumed work Last Monday. Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson, is visiting in Toronto this week. Do yon want a pasture farm ? If so see D. Milne'* advt, for particulars. At the Box Social held by the Foot Ball teatn a jolly time was spent and proceeds totalled about S80 00. Township Council will meet on Mon- day, May 12th. .It will also be Court of Revision on a Drain By-law. Next Sunday morning the Quarter- Iy;Communion will be observed in the Methodist ahueeb, the pastor in charge. It is said Dr, Ferguson has purchas- ed a residence on the Kingston Road, Torontoand will remove to the Queen City in the course of the next few months. We }vitt be sorry to see them remove. Have not heard who the doctor"a successor willbe here. CAR OF No. 3 @. w. OATS Unloading at Brussels Station Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Alf. Baeker _Phone 5 ONE - DAY - ON[Y Saturday, May 3rd $32.'$ Will buy you a Genuine Salts Grey English Worsted, tailored to your measure. There is nothing finer made in Grey Worsted. This quality sold at anywhere from $70.00 to $80,00 during: the War. • Even just a year ago $5o.00 was a common price to pay for a Tailored Suit of this material, THIS IS THE REAL ARTICLE: NOT AN IMITATION, GET YOURS ON SATURDAY as this particular offer is good for one day's r day's selling only. Quantity Limited. W. D. HAMEL MEN'S WEAR At the Official ,Board of the Methe- 0. dist church J. K. Baker was elected delegate to the Dletrtet Meeting to be held in Wingham on May 20th. Friday evening of this week a hunt- orous play, In 8 mote, will be lint on in the Township h all,under the auepicee Of the Winnen'a Institute, entitled "Adventures of Grand Pa." Musical numbers interspersed. If you want a real enjoyable evening don't tense next Friday evening's program: Cast of characters engages 9 people who will seriatim you the way they pet'fortn. ,Oranbrook Stuart Noble, Mencrief, spent Sun- day under the parental roof. • Mien Kathleen Gerdon visited Wing - ham friends over Easter holidays. Earl Baker left Monday for Detroit to take a position. We wish him sue- cess. Mrs, Loulea Bunter is visiting her daughter, Mrs. dames McCallum, in Owen Sound, Jacob and Mrs. Fischerand family have moved beckon their farm .trona Bruesele. We welcome them back again to the community, 'Mos. Camerae was down to George- town to see his brother, Rev, R, F, Cameron, who has been 111 for some months. Glad to hear he is improv- ing.; e mprov-ingle Gordon has once more resumed his work on the road with the truck. He has made an extra addition to his truck and will be able to oarty a larg- er stook and meet the demands of hie patrons, Rev. Mr. Moore occupied the pulpit in Knox church last Sabbath and gave a floe sermon. The people are sorry to learn that. last Sabbath was to be his farewell sermon ae next Sabbath wilt be taken by the first candidate to preach for call, We hope for a good attendance. Oranbrook locality has long been en- titled to be known as the Land of Promise. Some of the latest tokens of its right to the name are that a colony of bees have established a home In the side wall of Knox church and may supply the honey while the roving bovines might contribute the lacteal fluid supply—and thereby furnish the milk and honey. Morris Miss Mildred Passmore bas returned to Stratford after spending an enjoy- able holiday at her home, 5th line. The Walton Drain By-law and the Smith Depth By-law Court of Revi- sion will be held in the Township Hall, Monday afternoon, May 26th. By advt. in another column it will be seen that a Mortgage Sale of S4 of Lots 56 and 57, let Con., will be held at the American Hotel, Brussels, on Monday, May 19th, at 2 p. m. We are sorry to hear Mrs, Wm. Michie has been quite ill for the past week tut wieb het a speedy recovery, Her daughter, Mee, George Martin, Georgetown, was here over Easter. At the funeral of the late Mrs. Wes- ley Searle last week Rev. A 0. Tiffin, Blyth, conducted the services at the home and cemetery. Pallbearers were Jno, McArthur, H. Kirkby, Jno, Watson, Jno, Taylor, Albert Brigham and Ernest Sanderson. Wednesday of last week Norman Speir and Mise Edna Tbuell, both of this towhship, were united in mar miage, the nuptial knot being tied at Wingham. We wish them many prosperous years. They will live on the 5th line, Allan and Mrs, Speir moved to Brunets. CARD • OF THANKS —I wish to express my thanks to neighbor's and friends for the eympathetic words and kindly deeds extended to me in the sudden demise of my wife, They were much appreciated. Venn Gratefully, WESLE'>c SEARLE, Morris Twp. Mee. Little fair, an old and respected resident of the community, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs, Jas. Owning on Tuesday of last week. The funeral took place from Trinity church, Blyth, Thursday at 2 p. m. I1ltermen t'in Trinity Church mote - tory, Wroxeter Donald Munro has returned from Toronto. - Donald and Sam. Pope left for New Liskeard, Tuesday. Mrs. F. V. Dickson is spending a few days in Toronto. Mise Ethel Ferguson is borne fora KingstonUniversity. Ernest and Mee. Dobbs spent the week end near Arthur, W. E. Vanveleor is able to attend to business again after his recent illdese, Miss Grant, Clinton, was a guest at the home of Whs. J. Morrison last week, Potnolpal and lifts. Garrat spent the Beater holidays in Clinton and . Au- burn, Perry and Mrs, Patterson, St, Oath - 'seines, ate holidaying with relatives' here. Meg. D. M, Walker, Niagara. Faits, is the guest of her mother, Mee. John Gibson sr,' • Mies Mabel Ferguson, Sarnia, spent the Easter vacation with her parents at the manse, Mrs. Alex, McDougal has returned from Sandusky, Mich„ where she spent the Winter. Rev, A. A. and Mrs. Holmes and daughters, Olintan, malted on Maude In the village Friday, A former resident of the village, in the person n' e t tV e, u Plant, paned away at the home of hie son Nele n in Itowlck. Death was°due to the Milts mines of old age. A number from here attended eel, vice in the Salem Methodist Church Sunday afternoon, which Was in charge of the Ladies' Aid Society. alaoe Bakery If you have not tried our COCOANUT JUMBLES we would advise you to do so—the Cookie every- bndy is talking about. Remember the three J umbles— Cocoanut Vanilla lemon Prion 15a per dozen Insist on Willie' Whole Wheat Bread, We ,specialize on this Bread. Order your Loaf today —only 8c, + W. E. WILLIS Phone 82x Gavin Muir and Wm. Hayes left for Southern Ontario this week, where they will be engaged erecting steel barna, Mrs. Ferguson, Toronto. who was a recent visitor at the manse, gave a lantern Lecture on the Isle of For- mosa, in the Presbyterian Church, Friday evening. Pictures were ex- ceptionally good. . Mrs. Ferguson, with her husband, Dr, Ferguson, a medical missionary, *pent several years in Formosa. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs: -J. R. Wendt, Thursday afternoon, with a good attendance, Roll Call was answered, by a sugges- tion for next year's pentane. At the conclusion of the business. a splendid talk on ''What Easter- has meant to the world," was given by Mrs. A. I. Brown. Several poems on Spring were read by different members after which a short address was given by the District President, Mre. Peter King, Binevale. The meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem. Moncrieff Chopping mill wet be run on Tuesday end FOAM" each week, 0017, until further notice. F. Hammon. Bluevale Biuevale School report may be read on page'6. The annual meeting of this branch of the Women's Institute will be held Thursday afternoon, May 15th, at the home of Mrs. 0.' H Garnise. The change of date from the 8th should be noted by members. The annual elec- tion,of officers will take place. Grey John Savage has token the milk route on thedth Con. for Ethel Cheese factory. He will fill the bill o. k. Good strides are being made in seed- ing this week in most parte of the township. ' Growth has been slow. The usual preaching services" at Roe'e and Union churches will be com- mitted next Sabbath an account of the Quarterly services at Ethel Sunday morning. Mrs. Thos. Alcock bad an enjoyable taint over Easter with Milverton and Stratford relatives and fr en t ds She wasn f etunatei in heaving q a loof good Easter music in Cantata and other form. Saturday of this week the 100 acre farm belonging to the estate of Don Roy MacDonald will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, at 2 p. m. D. It., Scott, Auctioneer, Farther partial. lare may be ascertained from posters and advt. mthis i esus. SoaooLR —, EPORT, I'ollawsng is the report of S. S. No. 6, Grey :—Cecil Raynard 71 ; Viola Jacklin 65, Jr, IV—Evelyn Stephenson 79 ; Orwell Elliott 67 ; Margaret Rowland 64 Alex, Pearson 64. Sr, III—Mildred Hoy 88 ; Margaret Cooke 74 ; Charlie Keifer 70, Jr. IIL—Vincent Rowland 71 ; Boy Pearson 69 ; Hazel Raynard 67. Sr. II—Ralph Keifer 88 ; Berra. Parr 78 ; John Conley 03. I-Geong'e Elliott, Norman .Stephenson, Viola Turnbull, Eva Parr, Ralph Pearson. Primer -Margo to Gordon, Laura Raynard, • Arthur Lamont, Helen Rowland, Margaret Pearson, Runs. MI CLELLANi1, Teacher, Soaoot, REPORT.—The' following is the report of S. S, No. 4, Grey, for the menthe of March and April. Honors, 75%. Paas, 60"/,. Thnee marked * mimed one or more exams, Sr. IV— Clifford McAllister, 77 ; Willie Pat kes, 64. Jr. I V—*Ever Sevage, 05 ; jack. son Meoutolienn, 60. Jr. 111—*How- ard Savage, 52 ; 8Laurpne McKay, 48, Jr. II—Helen McAllister, 83 ; Margaret Sellers, 74 ; Stella Sellers, 72 ; Laura ,Timken, 70 ; Wilfrid Sas' nge, 69 ; "Nora McInnis, fi7 ; Roy Mc- Kay', 45. Sr. I--Genrge McKay, fair, Sr, Pt,—Lois Johnston, vety good, J'MimLiam, Teach rr, Cliae,'Butnber, Goderieh, was lined S10 and oasts for not affixing a stamp to receipt for runt. It was a can of get•even. Mrs.,;,Toutih Stine, Exeter, while at tenditrg to her duties at het' home had the lniefortune to fall oil a stool and There WO a large attendance, broke her left arm at the wrist. FAi DEATH I3RUSSEL,S Friday and Saturday . May 2nd and Ord KATHERINE MACDON A L D as the giti who was dealt a strange band by Fate when she was lifted from luxury to the Arctic, and wine a girl's strong- est fight in The Woman Conquers A. Drama, if there ever was one 1 Monday & Tuesday Next A FOX SUPER -SPECIAL IsNERQ" is a.Revelation. ; the world's most ape°• teenier and most sensational Photo Drama The thrills and joys of Ancient Rome in all its Glory. Take the wile and children to see °N'ero." 25 and 15 Conte Heath of Joseph Meighen Drothor-in-law to Mrs. F, Snarling and Mrs, Dunn, Brussels. Joseph Meighen, father of Right Ron. Arthur Meighen, former Prernipr of Canada, and at present Leader of the Opposition in the Federal Parliament, died at Ottawa at a tate hoar Saturday night. Mi'. Meighen, who was in his 78th year, had been ill in the Oapital for the past 2 mouths. He was born in St,' Marys, Ont., the eon of the late' Gordon Meighen. The deceasedformany years farmed in the vicinity of his birth and there raised bis family, 4 years ago he moved to Ottawa with his wife, Mrs. Mary Meighen, and since then he has resided there. Besides hie widow, Mr. Meighen is survived by 3 daughters: Mrs. G. W. White, Toronto ; Mrs, Sarah Robert- son, Edmonton, Alta.. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Welland, Ont. ; 8 sons, Right Hon. Arthur, Ottawa ; Wil• liam, Weirden of Stoney Mountain Penitentiary, Manitoba, and Edward, Ashmont, Alta, Interment was held at St. Marys on Wednesday, but previous to the de - pasture of the remains for burial a funeral service was held in Ottawa Tuesday morning. Whilepresent at the Club Oanadien, Montreal, on Saturday night during the address by Hon. Andre Fauteux, former Solicitor -General, on 'Public Opinion," Right Hon. Arthur Meighen was called to the telephone and in- formed from Ottawa that his father was dead, The Leader of the Opposi- tion at once left for Ottawa. Before going the Conservative Chief returned to the Club hall for a few minutes and said, "I come not only to say a word of farewell, but also to express to you the very deep regret I feel that my visit has been a source rather of disturbance than of good cheer. :Naturally, I am impressed with the sense of 'a very, very deep sorrow at the passing of one who to me has been more than"—Mr, Meigh. en's voice became inaudible at this point, The deceased gentleman mar- ried a sister of Mrs. Fletcher Sperling and Mrs.Dani 1 Brussels. , Or. Chas. McLellan, Formerly of Brussels, Dies in Australia. The following refer* to afar - g storyform- at! resado n t of this locality ovist Dr. "Charlie" McLellan, whose boyhood home was with the Sitters family then on 15th Con. Grey township. Decamp. ed taught in the old school house et) the 16th Con. and afterward in Btue- sela. He often visited old friends in Brussels and locality and never forgot his early experiences here, Trenton, (Ont.,) Courier -Advocate of April 24th gives the following par- ticulars :— Word came to Trentonbn Wednes- day by cable to James Shurie, of the death et Townevillo, Australia, on Satnrdaylam of Dr, Charles McLellan, who was for many years a prominent and highly esteemed resident. of Tren- ton and very well known here, Dr. MacLellitn wee over 80 years of age and lie and his beloved wife, who spent so many years of married life together, were not long separated by death, Mts. MacLellan having pre. deceased him leasthan a year ago. Icer death occurred euddenty it, July last while the family were Snmthering at' Fite Grove" here, Their daughter, Mlrs, Brown with bier little daughter, wee spending the Summer with her aged parents and Met Fall Dr. Mac- Lellanretuened with her to Australia, 1`ite late Di. MacLellan was born in Scotland, conning out to Canada when a Ya u[ g lad. Working hie way thr n h college o g 1 ge b y teaching at Guelph and other centres in Ontario,' he graduated from Toronto Univreity ih the late sixties. Coming to Trenton De. McLellan first began hie practice in en office over what fS note J. $, Dickey' a drug attire and lived with Robert and Mfrs, Clete on Front Street, Xn 1873 the tete doctor Married W. I. KERR, ,stridor Adventu res of Grandpa A HumMrons flay in Three 'lots Will be presented by Ethel Local. Talent In the Township Hall, Ethel Friday EV'g, May 2nd Under auspices of Woman's Institute Oast of Charaotopi Grandpa. Welland Kreuter Grandson Geo. Hutchinson Tod Hunter (Who keeps Diming School Will. Campbell Lucy (Ale Wile) ...8185. Geo, Dunbar Marie Moan (Chief Inatruotrees) Irene Emitter Dorothy Slay (Just out of College) Gertrude Purvis Pavey Hops°otob (Fat and Forty) Dunbar Policeman McCormick .., George Dunbar Elumpy (Twelve daysfrom Copenhagen Over) Mrs. R. Bremner There will also be Musical Num. bees between the Acte. Program at 8 Sharp Play is a good one. Come and see it and enjoy a good laugh. Adults 05c. Children 200. +++++++++++++++++444.444-4. 4.4. Agnate Clete, Mr. Clute's daughter, De. MacLellan took an activepart in the town's advancement and was for many years in' public office, hav- ing been on the Council and School Board. in 1892 he transferred his practice to Chicago but at no time severed his connections with Trenton as he al- ways spent the Summer months at his cottage at "The Grove."Two years previous to the death of his wife they returned to Trenton and made their home on Dominion street, The late. Dr. MacLellan made a host of friends in Trenton and was much respected for his sterling character, his integtity and honesty. He leaves to mourn hie loss 3 sons : Harry" and Kenneth, of Chicago, . and Charles, of Wilmington. Del., also one daughter, Mrs. Lee Brown (Katherine) of Townsville, Australia. Huron Co. Temperance Workers At an Executive meeting of the Huron County Social Service Council held in Clinton, on Monday, April 21st, the following resolution was un- animously passed Moved by Dr. A. J. Irwin, Wingham, and seconded by A. M. Robertson, M, A., Goderieh. Whereas. the County of Huron, in January, 1914, voted on the introduc- tion of the Canada Temperance Act, and which was carried by a majority of 2608, and was in successful opera- tion until December 1920, when it wits temporarily suspended, and whereas, the County of Huron. in October 19I9, with the rest of the Province, voted on retaining the Ontario Temperance Aot and gave a majority of 16.188, in favor of the Act, and whereas, the vote in 1921, against the importation of Itemise, was carried in County by a majority of 10,795, and whereas, the experience of this County has proved the absolate and assured succeee of these Acts, as they effect the best in- terests of the peole and have remitted d iutter be homes. and' ' home .fife have va increased opportunities of education with improved .moral and cultural possibilities for dhildren and youth, have largely removed the drunkard from our Community life with the burden of charitable support of his family have taken away from the young, the weak and habit bound, the temptation of the organized liquor traffic with it'sclat ra ' a t ve surround- ings, o nd- ings. it's social iifl nen es hand.ttre con- venient supplies have improved our Community life by redeeming our best business corners from bar.roome to useful trade and industry, and at the same time given better hotel accomo- dation ; have enabled tie to derelnp our industrial resources, our indite - tries and commerce, thus providing increased employment for those need- ing it ; and have brought innumer- able benefits and comforts. And whereas, the Legislature of Ontario has recently enacted a law giving the Government authority to submit to the electors of the Province any queetious as to the enactment oi' Leg - {elation repealing or amending the O. T. A. or as to prohibiting, i'egulae- ing controlling or otieerwise dealing with the sale, keeping for sale. They may also fix the terms in whish any such question or que:Alone shall be,snbmittsd and the time and manner in which the votes. of •,the electors shall be taken,' and may, in and by the same proclamation provide for voting oh different questions at different times. Therefore, resolved that this Ex- ecutive Committee reptesenting the various Municipalities of the County, inform the Premier of Ontario, that it is out. opinion, that at preeont,' there is noor. ula t t demand f •o m our op that a Plebiscite shall be taken on the question, with the Attendant expense confusion to businesi3 and outer inter- fal'ence with the conduct of affairs, That the immediate need, of the community ia for the Goy'ei'llment and its nieinbers to give every possible as- siatanoe to the officers charged with the enfor0engent of the Temperance Acts, and to u*e every available ;meatus of preventiu_K the brewers and dietil- lets of the Province from supplying the illicit trail:, and also discontinue the licensee to Ontavip wineries to snake intoxicating -wines for bnveregn purposes. That this organization *hall con.. tinue to use Rai 11186(enee to have the citizene of our County give all possible help in carrying an the campaign of education a5 to the evils of the liquor traffic and the benetlte of Prohibition, and also give personal bolo to the local officers charged with the reopon- eibility of enforcing the Telnperanee laws. That copies of t}lis resolution be sent to the Premier of the Province, the local members and the press, People We Talk About t3 Miss Hazel Stewart enjoyed a visit with Goderieh friends. Walter Lowry is away on a business trip to Northern Ontario, Miss Carrie Hingston was in Toronto this week on a business trip. A Battecburg, of the Standard Bank, was a visitor with Clifford relatives. Archer Grewar spent part of Easter vacation with j, A. and Mrs, Shinbein, Listowel.. Mrs. Harold Kerney' and son, Ross, Acton, are here for a Holiday, visit with relatives and friends, C. S. Vannorrean will go to Quebec Province to push business in the light- ning rod salesmanship, Miss Luella -Fulton, Monlrtoo, was Isere last Sunday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. David Crawford. Mrs. Stacey and daughter, St. Marys, were visitors with Mrs, Fletcher Sper- ling and lvlrs, Duan in Brussels, last week. Miss Carrie McCracken, who is teach- ing in Toronto, will take in the great British Exhibition at London this Sum- mer. Rev. J E. and Mrs. Hunter, Granton, were welcome visitors last week with Misses Mina and Clara Hunter, the former's sisters. Roy Ryckman, of Hamilton, druggist• and son of Grant Ryekman, :of Heiman, former;y of Brussels, was operated o0 recently and is doing nicely. John and Mrs. Henderson and baby, Toronto spent a portion of the Easter vacation with Mr, Henderson's parenta and other relatives and friends. Milton Oliver, who recently under. went* mastoid operation, and is home recuperating, is making favorable pro- gress and will soon be o. k. we trust. Mrs. Robert Hays, Lucknow. was visiting with Mrs. Ernest and Miss .Ruby Plum, last week. She is a emu- derEully active lady for a person of her age, being 83 years old. Mrs. Chowen and family removed to Kincardine last week, followed by the good wishes of many old friends for prosperity. Kincardine people will find the Chowens well worthy of their confi- dence. Will. Lowry, London, was renewing old friendships in Brussels. He is a Brussels old boy who has a warm spot in his heart for the old town. Mr. Lowry is a brother of Geo„ Ed, and Walter Lowry, of Brussels. Douglas Walker has gone to Buffalo, N. Y., to take a position in a hardware store, He has been in Councillor Wel- ler's store here for tbe past few years and will no doubt do well in tbe city. We wish him success. Kincardine Reporter of last week said :—Rev. F. Le;viu, Bervie. has been transferred to the Anglican church at Brussels, He, Mrs, Lewin and their dangbter will be greatly missed. They added enucb to the community life ou account of their geniality and musical ability. They leave in another week. Lloyd Jackson arrived Home last Sat- urday, evening, having completed hie exams. at Toronto. He will now be entitled torit weB A.c S . atter his name, During the coming months he will be with the Bell Telephone Co,. with headquarters at London. Tss POST extends congratulations and wish- es Mr. Jackson a prosperous futere. The many friends of Dr. J A. Mc- Naughton, an old and well known physician of Brussels, will be, sorry to bear that be had a light stroke of paralysis last Friday that affected his left side.s He has considerably us derabiy improved during the past week, we ate glad to state and is able to be about town. Mrs, (Dr.) Darling, of Edinburgh, Scotland, daughter Margaret, and son, Wm. leo, E„ were welcome visi- tors with Mrs. lohn L. Smith for a short time. Former is the eldest daughter of the late Jno, E. Smith, of Brussels and Brandon. 'rhe visitors have been in Canada and the 13 S, for the past 8 months visiting relatives and old friends and sail for the Old Land oa May 8th. They are enjoying their outing. Huron county Exeter will enlaege iiCemetery, Chris, Raumit, Credible, broke an ankle, while loading -beans, John Reoszlet', Of the,•'Tnwnehipp of Stephen, has a ewe that'gave birth to alamb that weighed 19 pounds. The lighting system of Trivitt Ohuroh; Exeter, has been improved by a number of electric Lights being pro• vlded on side svelte of the church. C. F. Hooper, Exeter, took a large number of children to Mr. Kernick'a sugar bush on Good Friday %ellen the Matter treated them to a taify-pull. Gotticib Matter, elm of the late Jacob and Susanna Merner, died at Zurich, aged 93 years, lie Was bore inBer ne, Swft7otland, immigrated with his parents to New Hamburg, at age of 7 yeare, where be made bin home until 1856, Moving to Huron Count' he founded the village of 13erue in 1856, now naffed Blake. Here he carried on a me,'oantile bueineae. Do you want oats 1 See A. C, Seeker's advt,