The Brussels Post, 1924-4-23, Page 4Cbe igatosets 0 WEDNESDAY, A PRIEd 23 Mee sessair----- —ores _ea aeoesorazeorase- Ilete Mown/ Bruesels by a tidy limn aea A Celplftpi flower bed or throb berry. .° Cliuton ,Unfort bill comes up at the Dominion Howie next week Mile tile Antis have been very busy the LT sionista are also going to he on "deck" for the tilesle, If prejuditte. bigotry, miseries PsetaliOn mad suspielos) were en led out of put discussions there would not be much lee; to fight over. Iltosseei Bas /less Mens' •Associatiou is out to boost its inerobershIP eo that the scope of the organiz Won may be broadened aud its intlueirce be more manifest in the town and /Wanly 7$ members ie set as tbe studerd. • No- body wbo cares a cent for the future should hesitate to become a member. Fee is only so cents for a year, • Bz it ever so dirty there is no place like the Horne Bank, Is experience sbould be a warning to all and sundry for the years to come Odor from the stirsup may not be nectar of roses alto _other but carbolic acid is better than perfume for'elsinfecting purposes Tu - e. vestigation should not snip sbort of finality as that is possible wider the cir- cumstances, DON'T lay down on your jsb hot prove a regular booster. Faith in your• self is the source of many a rueeess Believe you are competeut to do A work nod never slap short of accom- plishing it. A botch job is no credit to the party turning it out and never as satisfactory, no matter what the price, as workmanlike service. Permanency should be one of the ideals with a smooth -up on the output that shows finish and completeness. 6.•••••••••••• Iv Premier Ferguson can extract any comfort out of the thousands of expreu. sions of the people of Ontario over the proposed referendum on tbe Prohibition question.he be welcome to it. lie saved his bacon when delay was suggested for a year. X924 is too far removed from the grog influence of the bygones to meet with the approval of tbe sober minded electors of tbis Province. Agitation and seed sowing on the part of the homes of the land must not be neglected if sobriety and good citizen- ship are to be fostered. The man or party who sows booze seed deserves to sleep on a bed of thorns. Tne old bontising system of lending a hand to manufacturers never was any good and bait been the loss of tbousands of dollars and no end of squabble and crookedness. Where a business de. pends entirely on the municipal aid sup- plied, often inadequate to much more than half :wooly the real need, in most cases "white elephant" can be written on the roof from the early struggles to get along. The tub that cannot stand on its own bottom had better be allowed to go to staves, for the usual bolstering up, doubtful boolc-keepino and legal en- tanglements are almost certain to he the exit, Assisting a good going concern, with the output of a product that is a •neeeseity, by a loan, exemption of taxes or a free site. is in another class alto- gether ana possibly a wise procedure would be to give help. particularly where proepeete were reeissuring. It's laughable though how many a town will permit a local industry to wane and maybe Me where a few dollars might save it but will be caught and ready to accord all kinds of help to some lack. and-the-bean•stalk moonstone that is a rope of sand in its after history. It's a nice line to sift out the chaff and retain the wheas. A citizen may run the chance of being the targer for brick tbrowing by some of the enthusiasm but often tbe folly is avoided by enough of sucb backing, Straw is not a good substitute for good firewood or coal, Awe "As crooked as a dog's hind leg" is sometimes the illustratiou pr, ered when shady transactions are sponsored by supposedly responsible men. Some of the recent transactions made public book as if both hind legs of tbe canine would be required to adequately express the crookedness. No matterif the public is often unsympatbetic ad void of leniency they are often nearer right in their appraisal that the fellows who are ever ready to gloss over the doubtful and false, Not a few crooks have dodged getting their deserts by a point of law or the putting of a witness out of tbe way, or a "teethed tip" settlement for "the Nate of the family." Funny how an- tioue the culprit gets over the good name of the bunny whets he has been trapped, One of the worst features of , all these sbndy doings is the aspersions cast upon honor end tquare cleat mg end the damege given to public conadence itt inialtutions nuI public men. There should be a thorough probing.—even if it hurts --that's the way to get tbe bd. ness out aud to secure good health, 'To factory Hoods Wonted We want a mutther of Men and Hers to work in our Wagon Triolike, Brussels. Apply at once. Ament White 'BRUSSELS beard fence nor wire entanglements bs erected around the fellow who wenton'y end williugly s'eps into teem urns em to be a trap. Repentance that only slur vs after reit are forma out 15 Of very shoddy character. Honesty is the only poi.ey and restitutions aud men Who new tiredgait and do despite to integrity should be made drink the bitter draft, its ihe oiny way to a cleaner Bad better order and warning at the same time to the youth of the laud Moire today as if too many men were ready to he bought—the gold standard had them. IMINItOr>000. SEVISELAI, legal seraps bave hems before ihe Courts over the value of sheep killed by does and by stock said to be injured or killed by lightning. Tee Councils ot- Iesurance Companies complain that the prices asked in settlement are often Betio:us and unfair and market values of tol •y simnel be the standard reTher than auy price tooted in by.laws or official regulations of years ago. Some of the decisions rather favored the herd more than the dog or tbe lightning This will tend to a revision of the laws sod a more careful guarding of what they say, ar as to put guesswore- p� the books. Easter Openings The Spriog Term of the TISIngbarn 8n-5mem College begins Tuesday, April 22ird, and a new class will also be formed Monday, Apail 28th. Our Graduate Stenographers are beginne ing at salaries larger than those of public school teachers, and many of out' experienced stenographers are drawing twice as much. Thou who cannot enter college will have the col- lege brought to them by Houle Study Course. You may begin any day and instruction is individual. Our latest male testimonial conies from a young man who was eat ning $2 75 per (ley before and is now earir- ing $3,000 pee year and travelling ex- penses with a Tornnto Wholesale. What we have done foe others we can do for you, if you will only begin now by correspondence awl enter college later if yon en &Sire, Affiliated with the Canada Bneineas College (College Spadina), Tormito. Write today for particulate. Gm). SPOTTON, Wingham. IS THE ll T, it SUCCESS ? Sayeit eertain Saltiest Service work - q', whose white hairs haven't bleach- ed her settee of hotline, "I'll say the 0. T. A. is a sueceee, In fact I'll say it with curtains 1" Naturally, we didn't get that. So sbe took us down to let tie see the saying in process of demonstrating itself. But fleet she deecritied Mary 11,1,0, 014 it need to he. "Thorp Immo% any time to label it a drunktit•Me home," she said, No paint, Hardly a whole pane of glass ; rags stuffed in ; and not a curtain you could call a curtain on the whole place. Inside, it. was worse. There waen't piece of furniture that was all there, The family rif seven slept in two beds ; and what they spoke of as bedding, would be despised by a well-bred dog. "One day, worn out with life in general, she said to John, "Oh John, when wilt you give op this drinking ?" "I'll never forget the sombre hope- lessness of her face as she told me his unscrew. "Whets I can't get it any more, and not a minute sooner." "Well, I moved away from that community, and during my absence the 0 1'. A. was pasited. Last month went bark, and it occurred to tne to loot up Mary," At this point the story of the past changed into a demonstration of the present, for the Social worker took me to the street where Mary lived— a poor street—but you should have seen the hottee. It couldn't ever -be pretty, any more than grandmothers can be fieppers. But it didn't have a cruised pane, or a rag, or a dirty window—and the whale place had finely broken nut into curtains. They weren't. merely white, They flaunted themselves, They didn't merely hang straight. They frilled all over their starched edges, If the morning stare sang together once upon ts time, Mary's curtains undoubtedly shouted with joy, as far as any one could see them. What did f liey say ? Well I the worker said they said "Praise God for blessings day by. slay ; but ,most, of COUre6, for the 0. T. A." * Tuggle, Mary toldVAR proudly that she only wont oni onnitSionally, note, 811e have tat work hard, Her man did Dust. "And twinge hoe-m.11hr money ?" the Social worker asked, "All but two iloilare," Mary said, "Aml vitt know, Mise, in the nit days, if he brought home anything, it would have been the two dollars. He'd have spent the rest hIrreselt" 'filie slow of the old years eeens. ed to fall aMorre hes' as ehe smoke. She lemma Novena, and whiepered. "Whets I think what I've lived through ..., I thought they'd eye), tiring that awful liquor treffie book, I'd lay down and die." ' serialtive-looking, delicate child, her youngeet boy, cume over to her, emoting the need of him. "My daddy won't get drunk any more, will he mother ?" Them motet much to says bub elle said it, oPlenee (Iota Sonny, he never When we went •our, the eimteine looked whiter and loyetier sari more worth keeping than ever—htiht will they be kept If yon have a vote its up to you, Turhberry 'Doom!' • Minutes of Council meeting held 10 Bluevale, 10th of Aptib All members present. ' Moved by D. Fortune and Jos. Breckenridge that we aak Inc tenders for the tile part of the Fortune Drain, —01trried, Moved by R. Grain and J. 'Brecken- ridge that we engage Fred. Edgar as Township Engineer at t4115 00 per day in compliance with the Code t Ethics of the Association of Profess Biotin] Engineers of the Province ot Ontario.—Carried. Moved by D. Fortune and W. B. Marshall that we write the Drainage Dept, of the Coterie Agelcilittleal College, Guelph, Molting one of their men to be at next Council meeting and explain their system of drainage. —Cartied. Moved by R. Grain and D, Fortune that By -Law 11, 1024 be passed allow- ing the Women's Inetitute 13luevales the privilege toputup street lights; in Bluevale.—Carreed. Moved by Jos, Breckenridge and W. R. Mareball that it is unlawful• to throw dead animals and rubtfish ip tbe Maitland river and other 'Streams also on side lines or streets, any per- son found cluing so will be prosecuted according to By-law,—Carried. Moved by Jos. Breckenridge and W. H. Marshall that we engage R. Ei- liott and Wm. Breckenridge to run the two small graders at 86.50 per day.—Carried. Following accounts were pall ro- Whigham Advance $23.75 acct. ;11 B. Elliott $8 90 acct. ; B. Crulkshanki $15,00; Thos. McGlynn $2.00, rebate taxes ; R. Othickehanks, $15, road supt, ; Jas. Lovell $10.15, gravel mid grading ; W. R Crolkshanks, $5.00 (lathers Drain, Moved by R. Grain one D. Fort one that Council adjourn to meet at Bine. vale at 1 p, 05, on May 1st. J. L MacEvezn, W. R. Cotokanarne, Reeve, Clerk, A OREAT DEBATE QN PROHOWTION In the debate on Use United .States Rum lamming Treoty, in ,the British lienee of Coinumne, ex-Preuller Buhl. wit) said, °There is no doubt that rat- Ifieetion, while it will do away with whet way peen) to be a smell matter, will rutty tlo more good between our two peppier; than almoet anything you ran think of " laorti George said, is not D question of whether ore belleve in Prohibition or not, The United Stet - fie bits definitely deckled to make the experiment. I Was told on MI hand, there, try men oppoeed to Prohibition, that if you put it to it vote tomorrow you would get a vote of at ot learn 60 per cent, in favor of renewjesg the experimea, "W hat is rather important fpr Ile Is that even those who are in favor of varying the experiment, only wish to vary it by bared ueing light wines and beers. If it were proposed to sell 'spiel Le, you would get 05 per cenht. against it, I arn assured." Lord Curzon aid, . agree that the spectacle of this ,um -running, this row and ettife outside the limit, is a squalid and sordid spectacle, and the fact that it is strictly legat does not in the least make it more attractive, because these mattets have to be re- garded from the point of their, effect on national sentiment," And think., women electerer we have the right to help settle this question, that be demanding attention in every civilized country in the world, We will tell you something further along that Noe, later. The Ballot, Ss the right, alone, of the citizen—and it le a great responsi- bility. Hensel' will observe Thursday as the weekly half holiday from May 15 to Sept, 15. Perth °Quo,/ Stratford has been agog over the IlonPistils' Srnith eentOstion, Wrn, Riad, St MOrYs, wlio hag handled the Braying business goo the past few years boa Sold his hotness and equipment to Ed, Duneelth, Lake Victovin, Stretford, la Olnaost dry now following the Pork board's action in opening tbe dant gates to Mean out the system of waterways, Owners of private duke aro taking advantage of tOse sithation, to make repoire. 'Tice High School football team Listowel, hoe organized for the season with the ,following officers s--Bonoto ory President, A, 111. Meleobn ; Preei- dent, William McDowell ; •Seeietary, Lloyd Hall ; Executive Committee, Stuart IsicQuatirie, Grenville Vogan, Russell Grant, Graham Walter and Griffith McDonald, The team is to °booms its own captain and defend the Rough cop, which they won last year. EGGS FOR HATCHING Slagle Comb Rite leghorns . 10 Center above market price will - be charged but not leo than 35e per dozen. Alex. Perrie Phone 2515 Brussels R, R. 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ lt pays to use MARTIN -SENOUR 100X PURE PAINT & VARNISHES For EvewPwriose -Far Evetylurthce Write to Head OrAca Montreal Por Free Booklet HOME. PAINTING MADE £A$Y' • SOLO 111•1•111141.61.1111.11.11•01=1/11•11011101.M. GEO. R., WELLER, BRUSSELS, ONT. • Stolen Eggs and the Silk Trade Above--Reetitig stik in the Flowery /Clugdorn. Below—An timorous liner loaidlny BUR at Yokohnlna and n Canadian Pacific sl/k epteIrtl nursing through the Hackies. production of silk dates far into attiquity, and for ages the manner of its production was kept secret tip to the sixth century •all raw silk Was imported into Europe from China, nut the Byzantine Emperor Justinian induced two monks to travel into China to procure silk worm eggs and though tbe export of them was punishable by death, these monks soecuded isa bringing back a quantity concealed in the hollows of their pilgrims staves. From Byzantium, silk cultivation epread into G-teece and Syria, thence into Spats', and thence successively into Sitily, /staples, Northern Italy and France, being ietablished ln Italy in the sixteenth century, Various determined attempts have been made, prin- cipally between tbe years 1622 and 1839 to establisb the silk industry in America, resulting at, one time in is not inconsiderable production, but the excessive east of the Mime Involved in the rearing of the worms and in the reeling of the raw silk from the cocoons as come pared with the trifling Cost of Snell labor In Europe and stela, bee rendered it impossible to produce raw sill, at commercial prices on this continua to of the silk imported to Ameriee comes drore 3i, -u1, Italy and china wave, atm, the humidity of the atmoettin re contributes no little to the euceess of the Mame. y in those imentrlee, The greatest importation is front the Plow' -.y Teingdom, and this mostly itt tbe rewesilk form att .t Is reeled from the cocoene, a ik le valuate!s la 081,1 re -attainment of a few hon- oree fame. armee sea. t hotoonds of donors are tied um aro; for this remora that no time may be loot isa rir oaine et- ,Tie raw material and placing the filtiebed goods upon toe market, the product of tbe little sink worm Is given transportation facilities which fees other commodities enjoy. The bales of skeins are stowed carefully in the vessel's which transport them across the Paciflp, and in such a manner that they can be speedily and safely dieeharged upost arrival at the Canadian or American port, No time is lost. Speeial troths made up of passenger baggage equipment await the arrival 'of the vessel if it clocks at Vancouver as do the Empress liners of the Canadian Pacific, and once the valuable eargo has been. sealed into the ears the train proceeds towards 'its destination, Oftefl making better time than the regular passenger traios. For the reason that the route le more direct, ansulY silk dealers in NOW York, Where much of the silk is destined, oonsign their shipments via Canada and dur- ing the Mist few months many interesting time records have been made over Canadian Pacifie lines. On Morels 22nd, the "Empress- ot Asia" sailed from YOkohansa carrying the largest consignment Of allt to he forwarded from the Orient fOr some time. The silk was specially stowed for prompt discharge on arrival at Vancouver, aril from the Abbe the steamer docked, until the sPeelal train to New York left, there was a longed time of obi' thirteen and one -.half rofnutessnerr car, The eilk Wag dellYered in New York abut midnight April 4th, the through time from Yokohama to Neve Yerk being 13 done, 3 house, and 1.2 taintnes, 'calendar thros. coatstlittted I. record MI as l'ar en freight traffic) is etmeerned, but passenger traffic is handled as readily by title oimsPanT, a 21 day Europe to Orient service -fit st, John, MD., Or the St, tievwrolece route being regularly Maisitained Here and Theiv It la forth:sated thot over oo,000 Erato were sown with cora in 4' hart* in 1923, ise emnpared wit* only 2,000 aeras in 1910, This Is a gqpd indide.tien Of how respitSisy eorn, culture is irlereitSine itt Western Canada lis conneetion With mixed Wining Operetions, A,11 Previelle recent' of Canadian xeinght transportation were broken When a :mild train -load of :MOM. hilee reached the Pacific Coast trent Windeor, Opt., over Canedian Pa. stifle lines recently, The distance of, 8,982 miles was covered in wen days, or exactly 169 hour» and 20 Ininutee. The traits, which consisted of 40 care, each containing 6 Ford Automobiles, was more than a third of it mile long and was handled on PraatkailY passenger schedule. The splendidly teeund position of the Canadian Pacific Railway is well shown in the mutual report for the !Weal year ended December 81st, 1023, which has just been issoed. The gross earnings of the Company for the year were $195,837,089.61, the working expenses 158,358,- 079.54, and the net earnings, $37,- 479,010.07. A large party of Scottish farm - ere, ploughmen, farm workers and their families, is expected to arrive at Montreal in June. The party, which will sail on the Canadian Pacific steamer "Methuen," will be conducted by the Scottish repre- sentative of the Canadian Pacific Department of Colonization and De- nelopment. Alberta has maintained an aver- age yield of spring wheat of 19% bullets per acre over a period of twenty-six years, according to a chart prepared by the Deportment of Agriculture. In addition, winter wheat has averaged over the same period 20.19 bushels; oats, 35.79 bushels; barley, 26.10 bushels; rye, 18.84 bushels and flax, 8.71 bushels. • A feature of the annual banquet and convention of the officials of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which were held at Quebec on March 22nd, Was the representation, in the ban- qoetting hall, of a full-sized loco- motive of the latest type emerging from a _tunnel. Built of wood at Public Notice Take Notice that the fallowing lands owned by the Congregation of Duff's Presbyterian Church. Walton, Ontario. viz :--the Northerly sixty feet of the Easterly sixty feet of Lot twenty-nine. Govenlook's Survey of part of Lot thirty, ConoessiOn ten in the Township of Idorris, end County of Efuron, are to be offer- ed for sale by Ole Truateee of the said Ohuroh by Public Auction on the said described premises at Walton, Ontario, on slay 2nd, 1024, at 12 o'clock noon. Terms cash, WM. J, SHORTREED, Chairman Board of Trustees. singue ItreMneea , ft Was 14' ell respects perfect, At 51. pre- arranged Meinseilt, it emitted steam, end smoke, the beB rang azd the whistle blew, while the headlight be. tame a moving picture PrOJCetero I I shorthorns and Yorkshires In idlOrthorns We have one roan hall 11 menthe old bred by nem Itieeee, Toronto, mewl by nue tettemeit Lome, and ooze a elan, Al Pule dam A TOO herd header, nt far. tuer's price Another roan It epee useful bull, 5 Months old, by White Wonder, Could maitre few store feglitler. 4 toe "reel. Beim or dm :trent ago. O. TIlltlentlat, it Sons, Lot 10, Oen. IfsOrey Twn. Phone eele E. ,Orusliele, Mulford Property for Sale Hanes and lot of about Nemo, situated on the corm* of Tarn -berry end internee Streets in the Village et Brussels, known as eh,, Dun. fordiunne. CN1 tho property Isa vary sub- stantial brisk how •, nicely isolated, steel roof, cement seller floors, n eW furnace, clothes closets, bath room, meteor, drilled well, fruit trees, a Wee raspberry plantetion, lovely or. 11R1UDUZlil an evergreen treee. and a b011UtifTa bawa Wtll bo told for half of what it would 0055 10 build it to wind np the eetnbe of the late B. 0, Donford Iinmediete pessesaion, For further pertioulars ,silly to L B. MX. 1/01213. Detroit, or JAS. M oPAD' MAN, (next door), Bea 1 Brussels 5,0 farms for Sale or to Rent One eoutaining 100 acres, being NA Lot 22, 005. 7, Norris. Good frame house with cellar and woodshed ; good well, bank barn, hog or sheep pen, orchard, gord spring near °enter of farm ; about 40 sores plowed for spring crop, balance in pasture and timber. 814 milei from Brussels; 01055 to fohool. Farm is In the best condition as It his been in pasture for a nom. bar of yenta. One 200 110E0 farm being ei Lots 2S and 24, Con, 7, Morris, Good trains hones with cellar; good well, two orchards. barn 4000 and barn 22x72, with (drew shed ifts72, hen house and bog pen. Above buildings are in good repair. Considerable plowing done for Spring mop. Never -Wittig spring running into trough close to buildings: About 126 acre, under mitten - tion ; about 60 acres seeded down, balance in pasture sod wood lands, 4 miles from Brus- sels and 4 from Walton. This farm be in the best condition. Ism disposing of all my farm, and. if not sold the above will be rented. For further particulate ap to price mid terms apply to P. ANENT, Bruseele, Farm for Sale Contains 100 acres. being 014 Let 22. Com 8, Morris township, coma brIolrhonas with eel.. ler; bank barb with cement stabling ; driving shod, drilled well and it never failing spring at back, About BO item under cultivation, bal. 15505 ;mature and Wood land. Fall Mowing will be done and pos,session given this Fall; For further particulate apply to A. a. MACDONALD, Brussela, Representative Wanted nAPEEEENTATZTE WANTED for Brussels end Huron County to represent "The Old Itoliable Fonthill Nurseries," Big sales are to be made 111 selling Nursery stock during the recon- struction period, A splendid opportunity for a live salesman. 13igheat COMME19101111 paid, handsOrne, free equipment, large line of fruit and ornamental stook to offer. STONE eh W utig NOTON, TOTOMO. 005. 4411441.1. 1.414•44+11.14+410+410+10401.1.•400+44411.•+•+•+.3.0+10+41.44+411T • • • • • • The Seaforth Creamery ream Wanted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test Satisfactory and h aisctory Resutltagives ou Prompt Service and s.t yi give We eu stohloicriotuygohu sr aptaistfraoentia.ogne. knowing that we can • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam ipies and pay ,you the highest market prices every two : weeks. Cheques' payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. 1, For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. + , McCALL Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to • 4,,+ • : The Seaforth Creamery Co. t • SEAFORTH, ONT. • +4411,44444104.41**440.1144.410,1*i01 es.".4.4.• 4111011111011•MIMIIMOMMINNEIMMONOM • Brussels Creamery Cream Wanted isimunimmosinnommi uramommonsmo We will pay Patrons 1 cent per pound butter fat, extra., if Cream is Delivered at our Fac- tory. Call and get a Can and make other En. quirks if interested, Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns Brussels Crnmerytewart Prop. L S • 4