The Brussels Post, 1924-4-23, Page 3Msdfd for Toronto Scout.
The Gilt CAM of the Boy Scouts An.
satiation• htta been awarded to icing's
Scout Ernest ledger King, aged 17, of
the 50th Toronto Troop far saving Nor-
ris McDonnough, aged 10, from drowns
ing 1n the Don River near Leaside fast 'r
sununer. Tell awerd was made 6Y Hie
xcellonoy Baron AYng of Vlmy, Chief
Scout for Canada, upon the reoom-
nrontlation of the Provincial and Do-
minion Boards of Honor,
steccrding to the information before
the Boards which investigated the
cage, Norris, who could not swine, was
holding an to it vine at it cg where
there was a slippery bankeend a deep.
hole, although he had been ,previously
warned oflib danger. Finally he slip•
ped off the hank, and letting go of the
vine plunged' into the hole. king's
Scout King at once went to his rescue
and after a struggle auoceeded In get-
ting the boy ashore.
As is oftetethe case, no ane went to
Scout King's assistance, and if it had
not been for hie courage, promptnes
and akin there is no doubt that the bo
would have been drowned.
Besides the Scout medal, Scout Kin
will receive a special letter of •eontnten
dation from Dr. James W. Robertson,
Chief Commjseioner of the Boy Scouts
Association for Canada, '
Italian Troop'in Ottawa,
A troop of Italian Boy Scouts, has
been for'meti in connection with St,
Anthony's Italian Roman Catholic
Church, Ottawa, It Is being registered
as the 17th Ottawa Troop,
Rover Scouts at Brockville
A patrol of Rorer Scouts has bee
farmed in connection with the
Brockville Troop and the boys col
posing it are looking forward. to a mos
interesting programme of activities
Meet of them were former member
of the let Brockville Troop and none
of them are under 17 years of age.
8aekatchewan Secretary in Ontario.
• On his way from Toronto to. West-
ern Canada after attending -the apecfal
All -Canada Gitlwell Training Course
held in Ottawa, Mr. W. J. P. Selby, of
Regina, Sask., Field Secretary of the
Canadian Council for Saskatchewan
and Alberta, stopped off at Sudbury,
Fort. William, Pert Arthur, and Kenora,
Keewatin, meeting local Scouts and
Scout Leaders and discussing matters
pertaining to their work with them.
Hie visite are reported to have been a
real inspiration' to our local workers.
They'll Hear limps stay "Play Bail!"
What patrol wouldn't want to win an
later -patrol competition when the prize
for the whole patrol is a trip to Detroit.
and grand stand tickets to see two
nraior Ieague baseball teams play a
same? No l n't a dream. It is tho
prize offered the patrols of the 2nd
Chatham TPeep for tale spring inter.
patrol competition,. and believe us,
theee boys are ail on the jump.
34th Hamilton Wine Cup,
The 34th Hamilton Troop, Godfrey
S. 'White, Scoutmaster, attached to
Emerald Street Methodist Church, won
the A. T. Enlow Cup for general pro-
ficiency in Scout work, atendanee, ate.,
1n a recent. competition fn which all
Hamilton district troops participated.
The cup wase handed ever to the auc-
twain! troop at the Hamilton Seout-
craft Exhibition on March 29. The fel..
lowing Sunday morning the troop par-
aded to Emerald Street Church and
took charge ot the service. There were
Scout ushers. Scouts read the lessons.
A Patrol Leader read the Scout Pro-
mise and Scout Law. Troop Chaplain
Rev- 0, S. Applegate gave a short ad-
dress to the Scouts on. "Roble"', and
rant Provincial v notal Commissigner P.
C. Irwin
Toronto, o n
ro to, addressed the
adult congregation on "The Seven
Lamps of Scouting," in which ho out-
lined the part Scouting plays in the
training ot boyo es Christian Citizens.
Forgot His Mariners.
Fuze !, No chicory��`0*' anyadulterant, tt
o f
this 1iCC cotfee
Prcvinglal Noard of Health, Ontario
.Pr. Middleton .will be *lad to answer questions on Public. Health at11'
tepee through tbts column, Address Jaen at epadiee House, 8pa414
Crescent, Toronto.
In making inquiries into the cause
of the high rate of child mortality or
deaths of young children, there meet
be several fedora taken into account.
Ono of these iS carelessness on the part
of tho parent, or guardian.' Many
deaths of children occur from such a
simple reason es the mother careless-
ly leaving a pail of water en the floors
y while she answers the telephone. The
child may fall in and be suffocated
g before the mother's return. Others
give children easy access to tubs of
hot water on wash day and death
from scalding results. Mortality of
children who take poisons by mistake,
or medicipe at the wrong time, is also
traceable to neglectful parents. It is
only a short While ago that a child in
Toronto died through eating five or
six tablets of A,I3,SetC., the common
laxative, which has a small amount of
strychnine in every tablet, but when
several tablets are swallowed at once,
become a dangerous poison.
n Children are ever on the alert for
Is some new toy, some strange object to
get hold of. Everyone knows how
n- young children tire of their toys and
t playthings and wher not watched will
grab anything that is novel or new to
s. them. in this connection the "loose
gun around the place," always follow-
ed up by the "didn't know it wee
An Irish fireman, rescuing a woman
at.a blaze, lost his, hold near the bot-
tom of a ladder and landed heavily
with the woman on top -of him, A doc-
tor, hastily eunimonetl, pronounced Pat
round, though badly bruisited,
"You are a brave man," said the doe -
"Brave, maybe, but no gintleman,"
replied Pat, rubbing his injuries, "os`
I'd have let the lady go first.",
Wasn't lila Wagon.
Ile had been employed in a coal-
mine only a tew'weeks.. One day lie
accidentally allowed a wagon' of which
he was fu charge to run down a steep
Moline, It capsized at the bottom.
On reaching the spat, the new hand
was shown went had happened.
"That's no' my wagon!" he exclaim-
ed, emphatically. "My wagon had
wheels an the bottom; that one has
wheels on the top!"
There aro some bad (realities which
make good talents.
To be confident of pleasing is often
an infallible means of displeasing,
Husbands that can of berestrained
by duty will not long be kept by dross.
Men often proceed from love tc ans.
bition, but they seldom return from
anabitien to Cava. ., . t ;
Longfellow it od, Rom ,Pedro, J S,ecrt t* of Sleep,
Like Kltig"� AJiilprAt llritaln, naw
roe the Wet eitiPPr r of Preen, wee
'le 'Melte king" Longfellow, reeling'
once at Santee T, Il'lpid's house, Mid of
Dom Pedro's Call upon aim 'et the
Prattle Street beµse in Ca0b44ge.
Longfellow, says Mr's. Flelde 1n Per
41ary, was in due talking wood. De
Snake of PM emporoFs sold
though temple bearing, anti of his tom.
Ing to call upon him sitar leo dinner,
"Your Majesty, 1 thank you for the
honor you have done me," Longfellow
Paid lis the emperor rose to go.
"Ah, uo, Longfellow, none of your
noneeuae," was the reply; "let us be
frleads together. I hope you will write
to me, I will write yen first, and you
must promise to answer.".
They walked down the garden path
together, and then Longfellow raised
his hat and stepped to one side as the!
emperor wee about to get into his car-
"No, - no," protested Dom Pedro
laughingly; "there you are at it
again!" •
• le tbe a iteetet of life there a7ec rsld
be it pidgeon-hole from which we elle
' produce Vetere! sleep when wo need it,
A farfetched image, yen May, NO'
peter% thought Sttliorwiso, "'pbfereni
matters," he said, "are Arra-ago in mY
head as in drawerst I open one and
close (Mother, as 1 wish, I have never
wake ey an 1ova! nta
preoccupation of the mind. 1t 1 desire
repose I shut up all the drawers and
sleep,'-. ,
This will -power to command the
honeydew of slumber is not elven to
everyone, n a,
Figures., fa taste worries*
'crowd too often upon the weary Prate,
' frightening away Nature's sweet ro-
t starer,
�Tho man who lives hephaeard, doing
thluga as the spirit stoves, retiring to
'rent only when "feeling sleepy,"paves
the way to aleeploss nights. We
should always go to rest and rise at
the same hours every day,
This matter of regularity is import-
ant ter the expectation al sleep le one
of the most powerful means of induc-
ing Its reality, And it this expeetie
loaded" plea, is so common an occur-1SPRING IMPURITIESail the
ecombined with the withdrawal
-.encs as. to Papel warrant mention. mind from all other clams Upon
f 1ta attention, slumber should become
d easy. -
Then thereis the careless habit o
parents leaving the door open an
Allowing little toddlers to find t)tei
way out on to the tercet t'r road. 110
often we read about a';rtdents to chi
drop oeeurring on the streets wi;on
'the thoughtless mother, busy with her
duties in the house, did not even know
the child had left the room, thinking
it was busy with its toys or .book.
These instances may seem common-
place, and the reader may think that
any parent at all careful would neve:
let such an accident occur, yet the
annual death rate of children, result-
ing from accidents due to tho care.
lemmas or thoughtlessness of parents
fs 1 •
N Apart from the pernicious method of
1- "drugging" to produce sleep, many ln-
an a armione
We read the oth, er day of a 10-
months' old child becoming suffocated
from stearate of zinc. Stearate of
zinc makes excellent powder for toilet
use and also for dusting furniture,
but while no more harmful than other
powders it becomes a real menace if
it gets within the reach of a young-
ster'a prying fingers.
`Phe simplicity of the cause .if "acei-
tients is what disarms many people.
Minium Carelessness" is a poor ex-
ci e.for a child's death, but if parents
would only be more on their gusird for
possible aeeldents, less of these dread-
ed occurrences would take place
No. i1 e $
How To Make A Coin
Tele stunt is used by many pro-
fessional 'magicians when they
what to cause a coin to vanish. It
requires a little skill but the ama-
teur will be able to do it well aft-
er half an hour's practice. A halt
dollar Is heli! between the finger
tips and thumb of the left hand.
The thumb of the right hand is
placed under the coin and the'
fingers closed over it, and the coin
apparently earrted away in the
right hand. When the right hand
Is opened, tbe coin has vanisbed.
If you will try tbo trick, you
will observe that when the fingers
close over the coin, the cont can
be dropped into the palm of the
left -hand. • Tho right hand goes
through the motion of 'taking the
coin, every effort being mnde to
duplicate the appearance of actu-
ally taking the coin. The left
hand, in which the coin is
"palmed" drops naturally to the
side, the trickster having prac-
ticed holding it just ae if it con-
tained nothing.
The amateur will find some
dlftoulty In palming the coin. In
this perticnlar trick It is better to
bold the coin between the roots
of the fingers and the first joint.
The hand will be slightly curved
and a natural position of the hand
will be obtained very easily,
Mucb of the success of the trick
depends upon the manner In
which it le acted. Until the mo-
ment when the coin Is supposed to
vanish, the trickster should act
just as if the coin were really in
the right hand,
(Clip tete out awl paste it, with
other 01 the series, in a scrapbook,)
His Hearing Restored.
'rho invisible ear drum invented by
A. 0. Leonard, which is a nenlntttre
megaphone, lifting inside the ear en.
tlrely out 01 sight, is restoring the
bearing of hundreds of people in New
York oily, Mr. Leonard Invented this
drum to relieve himself of deafness
and head noises, and it does this so
eucceesfully that no one could* tell he
Is a deaf man. It le effective when
deafness 10 caused by catarrh or by
perforated or wholly destroyed natural
drums. A request for information
to A, 0. Leonard, Suite 497, 70 Fifth
avenue, New York city, will be given
a prompt reply. advt
Holding fish and frogs' heads in
the menthe of children eaftering from
whooping-cottgh is en old "cure" still
practiced among the peasantry of
Western Ireland.
Keep idlnat'.ti's Liniment In tele house,
The "Two -Way" Plane.
A new aeroplane has been invented
which kali two tails and two bodies,
end is able to reverse its direction
when In flight without turning round.
This machine is known ae the "two -
Way"" aeroplane. It has only one set
of wings and struts, like the ordinary
craft, but it can be started with either
end forward.
The new machine can take -off and
be brought to rest 1n a very short dis-
tance, and, in toot, requires only a very
small landing ground. In this respect
it approaches the helicopter,
There is one engine and two pro -
peelers, only the forward one of which
is used when the machine is in Hight.
The pilot sits in a swivel seat, which
he can awing round to face the direr•
tion in which he is travelling. •
The time saved by reversing instead
of flying round in a wide circuit should
give teletype of 'plane a great advant-
age in war -time.
The Canadian Spring weather—one II
day mlid and bright; the next raw and
blustery, Is extremely hard on the t
A Tonic Medicine a Necessity
This Season.
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills are an all
year-round tonic for the blood a
nerves, But they are especially vol
able In the swing: when the system
loaded with Impurities as a result
the indoor lite of the winter month
There 15 no other season
blood is so much in need of purifyf
and enriching, and every dose of thee
pills helps to enrich the blood. In th
spring one feels weak and tired—D
Williams'' Pink PU1s give strength. In
the spring the appetite be often poor—
Dr, Williams' Pink Pills develop the
appetite, tone the stomach end aid
weak digestion. 11 is in the spring that
poisons in the blood And an autiet in
disfiguring pimples, eruptions and
boils ---Dr. Williams' Pink Pills clear
the .skin because, they go to the root
of the. trouble in the bleed. In the
spring amentia, rheumatism, Indiges-
tion, neuralgia and many other trou-
bles. are most: peraistent because of
poor, weak blood, and it is at this time
when all nature takes an new life that
the blood most eerloutily needs atten-
•tion. Some people dose themselves
with purgatives, but titese only further
weaken themselves. A purgative
merely gallops through the system,
emptying the bowels, but does not help
the blood. On the other hand, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pine enrich the blood
which reaches every organ in the body,
bringing new strength and vigor to
week, easily tired men, women and
children. Try Dr, Williams' Pink
Pills this spring—they will not Om.
point you.
"Sold by all medicine dealers or sent
by mall at 50e a box by The Dr. Wit -
lianas' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
ngle (7) methods are advocated.
at "Repeating verges of'poetry, counting
up to a thousand, and saying the al-
phabet backwards are among them.
All such expedlents, however, re-
nd quire mental effort, and thus hinder
u- rather than help. It 1s infinitely het.
is teratail, not to allow the mind to wander
s. There are, however, timers when
e slumber eludes ue. On Such occasions
Joy -Killers.
Are you a "killjoy?" Your negative
Is indignant and emphatic. Good!
But wait a minute.
The activities al the ordinary kill-
joy we knew. The fraternity are out
to spoil in the mass all innocent fun
and gaiety. But there are other kill-
joys. These are not organized; they
don't seek to spoil the fun of crowds.
Their lino is to take the joy out of in-
dividuals, one at a time. And yet they
do it witlicut malice or deliberate in -
eat. But the effect is exactly the
Some parents are killjoys, They are
too particular with tLedr children, too
careful, too much concerned A child-
ish game in which angels might join is
rought to a sudden halt "Bobby, you
mustn't do that!" "Elsie, little girls
should not tear about as thougi; they
were boys. Sit dawn quietly at.once.i"
The Joy is killed
Tom quarter,and
Uncle gives my a
Tommy, with great joy, pictures what
he Will buy. But a killjoy parent in-
sists that the money .: dtould be put in
the savings box.
Little Mona, with great joy, lays the
table for tea. Mother wIll'be so sur-
prised. But mother has a rebuke;
"Never do that again, Mona) If you
had broken a cup I should have been
very upset!"
To -day, without knowing or meaning
it, you niay have acted as such a kill-
joy. Have you anubbed anyone? Have
you turned against the enthusiasm of
one of the young and joyous your old-
er, perhaps cynical wisdom? Have
you laughed in superior Cashion at
some eager idea?
Then yon are a killjoy. Anything
which darkens the ,sun of youth, or
causes shining, eager eyes to cloud, or
ends innocent happiness, kills joy, and
those who do the darkening, the cloud-
ing, or the like, are killjoys,
baby. Conditions are such that the
mother cannot take the little one out
for the fresh air so much to be desir-
ed. He is confined to the house which
le often over -heated and badly venti-
lated. lie catches .cold; Iris little .b
stomach end bowels become disorder-
ed and the mother soon has n sick
baby' to look atter. To prevent this
an occasional dose of Baby's Own
Tablets should be given. They regu-
late the stomach and bowels, thus pre-
venting or relieving colds, simple
fevers, colic or any other of the many
minor Ills of childhood. The Tablets
are sold by medicine dealers or' by mail
at 25c a box from The Dr. Wtdliams'
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
The Gospel of Labor.
This is the gospel of labor,
Ring it, ye bells ofthekirk.
The Lord of love came down from
To dwell with the men who work.
This is the rose he planted,
Here in the thorn -cursed still,
Heaven Is blessed with perfect rest,
But the Pleasing of earths ie toll,
—Henry Van Kyke.
First to Flnith.
The childron of the Pittman family
were, according to then' respective ac.
Counts, all first in something at ae!tool. D
Tommy was first in reading, Alice was
first in arithmetic, Sammy in sports,
and 'so on, Janet, alone remained alt. w
"Wolf, Janet, how about you?" her f
unele asked. "Aren't you first in any,
ting'?" •
"I air,:' sale *Tahoe "I am first out
of the' building when the bell rings,"
Teacher --"John, what, is velocity?"
,Zahn—eVelocity is what a fellow
leis go of a bee with."
Opposition may become sweet to a
man whrn he has chu'istened it gorse -
Pay ydltt' out-of-town accounts by
°minion 'Express Money Orders.
Our: pride is often increased by
hat we retrench front our other
Ask for M!nard'e and take no other,'
We easily pardon in our friend
those faults which do• not concern
How Many Pounds Would
You Like to Gain in a Week?
t yes aro stn and nota to sant we1' 1
t n a sit m
and unit to ba strong, 1 will peal. pori a somata
of 140,00, Alotander {'handers: ,Pani•, err tire. No
mom. not nava MA assns, for sample. 5l.lrx.
ANprs0 t ti1o0AT00IFa, ;Idt mann nailing,
Toronto, Canals,
Y 1 t i, alt
sit rn and Their Origin
vsrious ii-esu111^ran.
BONI Grigltt—trl.lth,
Source, --A elven name.
O'Sullivan is 000 01 the melt an-
cient tawny name& in Ireland. Where•
as, in all the ranee of northern Fier.
ope which orbQtnally had some tetra of
clan or tribal organization, some con-
nection can be traced between it large
percentage of the modern surnames
and the ancient nomenclature, the con.
rection often is, more or less vague,.
and likely to stretch across a gap is
history between the abandonment of
the clan system and the development
et the modern esirnalne. This le not
true of Ireland. Among the Irish there
bee been no gap.
By far the greater npmber of Irian
names to be found in Canada today
trace back le an unbroltea line to the
Men and sept snores. (The sept is it
subdivision et the clan).. In feet, there
are many' Persons In Ireland to -day
who, among their' countrymen, are still
known to the hereditary chieftains of
these ancient lines. Such persons are
colloquially known by their surnames
with elle : article "The" ae a prefix,
Thus "The O'Sullivan is the man who
would be the head of the O'Sullivan
clan did modern conditions permit of
the actual maintenance of the ancient
The given name trout .which Ise
name O'Sulljvan is derived is Suilleab.
lain, that is, as nearly as it can be re-
presented by English lettere, for the
Irish alphabet and pronunciation dif-
fers considerably from - the Engifeh,
an cel eica tfoa of cold water to the tap But the spelling 1s probably a closer
of the head will produce .sleep when representation of the sound, The pre -
other means may fail.
The medical profession very general-
ly advocate that all. food products
should be sold ea sealed packages. All
cities rigorously Inspect butcher shops
to prevent meat from being infected,
many prohibit milk from being sold In
bulk and gradually this will come with
everything. "SALADA" was the first
to introduce the package Idea as re -
garde tea, over thirty-two years ago,
and "SALADA" is still a little purer
and a little better than other teas. It
has by far the largest sale.
The Land of Story Book.
At evening when the lamp is lit,
Around the fire my parents sit;
They. sit at home end talk and sing,
And do not play at anything.
Now, with my little gni, I crawl
All In the dark along the wall,
And follow round the forest track
Away behind the sofa back.
There, in the night, where none can
All fn my hunter's camp I lie,
And play at books that I have read
Till it is time to go to bed -
These are the hills, these are the
These are my starry solitudes;
And there the river by whose brink
The roaring lions conic to drink.
I see the others far away
As if in flrelit camp they Icy,
And 1, like to au Indian scout,
Around their party prowled about.
Se, when my nurse comes in for me,
Home I return across, the sea,
And go to bed with backward looks
At me' dear land of story -books,
—R. L. Stevenson,
The first monument raised to dogs
of war was unveiled at the canine
cemetery just north of New York'
Beware of Imitations]
Uniese yeti see the "'Bayer Cross" on
package or on tablets you are not get,
ting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved
safe by millions and prescribed by
physicians over twenty-three years for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Neuritis Rheumatism
Nonralgla Pain, Pain
Acecpt "`Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only, Each unbroken package con-
tains proven directions. handy boxes
of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug-
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100,
Aspirin Is the trade -nark (registered
In Canada)' of Bayer Manufacture. of
Monoaceticacadester of Salicylieacid.
Witllo tt is wolf known that Asplrin
Winans Buyer Manufaetiiro, to 'assist
i against imitations,
the 1 ublte g t rho Tab.
lets of !layer Company will be stamped
WW1 their general trade mark, the
"Buyer Crass,"
A; "C" is gintply tt OQnittltlliQ4 *R'`
"Rua," meaning' "tire dessendegte or;
'MACK 1.
Variations — Theckery, 'mockers))
Thechmatt, Thacker, Thatcher.
Racial Oriin-
0 ITMn11h
Source—An 000upation, r�
In the governmental and retigiouo
records, tax lista and the like 01 mediAti'
ram Vineland such names ae "Roger 1M.
Thacoer" and "Sonne to Thechere" are
to be found,
At that time, of course, the append-
ages to the given names for the most
part were purely descriptive, signify.
!ng the trade with which their hearer
followed. The trade was that of root-
ing, for with. mase exceptions the or-
dinary house of the Middle Ages had
a thatched root.
Later the same names are stet, but
here and there minus the "le," showing,
that in some cases at ]east they were
being used ae real end not merely des.'
criptiye names, Still later such come
binattons'as "Walter Thaccer, le Cord-
wainer,' proved that the name bind be,'
come a family one, and that the said
Walter was not a thatcher at ale
though his name might indicate it,
The hareem* pronunciation generally
developed in the northern parts of
England and the softer in the south, .
fust as the same word became,
"church" in the ,south and "kirk" 1zl
the north, or "fleet" in the north and
"fish" in the south, or again 'dike" in 1
the north and"ditch" in the south,
The flourishing Ending '"ay,". later i
developing in acre cases to a plain
"y," were siurply w•hfmsicat or vain
endings added In much the sameepfrit
that some names were Latinized to
show the learning of their bearers. '
Walkers, Beware!
Walk 1
Walking is good exercise(
Walk in the roads if you want to—
but walk on the left-hand side of any
highway or road where automobiles
When you see a car coming toward
you step off the side of the road, not
over to the right-hand side.
Reverse the baba of centuries!
This sound advice le based onthe
ezperlenoe of hundreds of thousands
of motorists who know how hard It is
to see a pedestrian walking on the
right-hand side of the road, at night.
Thousands of serious accidents have
been caused by this habit. Change it
for your own safety:
Love is not love which alters when
it alteration fords.
Lift Off—No Pain!
Doesn't Burt one bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, in-
stantly that corn stops hurting, then
shortly, you lift it right off with fingers,
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for it few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft cora,
or corn between the toes, and the foot
calluses, without soreness or irritation,
S !il
Minard's penetrates to the root
of the trouble and eases pain.
The universal remedy.
Improve Yerur
More Phosphate if you want your
complexion to clear, eyes to brighten,
and shin 10 become soft an,l smooth.
Thin, 'nerve -exhausted people grow
strong nu Bitro-Phosphate and drug-
gists guarantee it. Price $1. per pkge,
Arrow Chemical Co., 25 Front St. East,
Toronto, Ont,
For the Kidneys
Kidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtaxee those organs to
eliminate the Irritant acids
formed, Help your stomach to
properly digest the food by take
Ing 15 to 30 drops of Extraot,of
Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your kidney
disorder will promptly disappear.
Get the genuine et your druggist,
Trees on Burned Land,
The U. S. Forest Service harstarted
an Investigation to find where new 1
tree growth on burned -over land cameo
It will be remembered that the Cane
adian Red Cross donated a sum of
$2,500 for the relief of the Chilean
1 earthgtke sufferers.
Classified Advertisements
1 carded wool; sample, enough light
comforter; one dollar, Woollen Mills,
Georgetown, Ont.
holasome Cleansing Refreshing
Young Girls Clear Away
Pimples With Cllticura
Gently smear the pimples with Cuti.
cure Ointment on the end of the Anger,
wash off the Cuticura Ointment in five
minutes with Cudcura Soap and hot
water and continue bathing for some
minutes. This treatment Is best on rising
aamp1e Sae& Tree by Mall. Address Canndlan
Depot eatlonra, 1'. 0. Hex 1011. Montreal."
Yr,ec. Soap2be. Dint:mooted and60e. Tnicum26c.
Ear Try our new Shaving otitic.
Women Tell Each Other How They
Were Helped by Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound
Woodbridge, Ont.—"I took Lydia H.'
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for fe-
male troubles. I would have headaches,
backaches, pains between my shoul-
ders and under my shoulder -blades and
dragging down feelings on each side.
I was sometimes unable to do my
work and felt very badly. Mymother-
in•law told one about the Vegetable
Compound and I got some right away.
It has done me more good than any
other medicine I ever took and I rec-
ommend it to myneighbors. You are
quite welcome to use this letter as a
testimonial if fyou think it will Help some
poor sufferer. '—Mrs. HboAR SIMMONS,
R. R. 2, Woodbridge, Ont.
In nearly every neighborhood in every
town and city in this country there are
women who have been helped by Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in
the treatment of ailments peculiar to
their sex, and they take pleasure in
passing the good word along to other
women. Therefore, if you are troubled
in this way, why not give Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
This famous remedy, the medicinal
ingredients of which are derived from
roots and herbsi has for forty years
proved its value in such cases. Women
everywhere bear willin g testimony to
the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vegetable Compound. 0
ISSUE No. 10---'24.