HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-4-2, Page 8NOTi O r Maude C. Aryans • Your Sled Grain ✓.�"'►c TooIainGrain.ameluKcoune to sow Test- * a.p g d geed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation' for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. C.,ui Ii .sr f(leaf Mower THE STANDARD BANK K or osimkcas„ Lis Anuotuleea her Beueeele Otlice will be open following days of every weekl— Moure--a. lelnnday , 10 to 12 1.S0 ro d Friday 1.81) to 0 Saturdayt... ,10 to 12 1,90 to 0 Saturday Evening 7 to 9 Our Display of-tt4aft.-1 New Wail apers IS NOW READY COME AND SEE THEM Dior Wall Pap ers are the Semi -Trimmed DaSt- THEY SAVE TIME These Papers can be hung quite easily and successfully by people who di their own Papering and Paperhangers find that with these Papers they can do the work much more qu•ekly and with less rlso, der, and they always give complete satisfaction. You wilt erily choosing Wail Paper from our new stock The Patterns to Menne from are many and the Color Combinations are even better than usual. And then the Price—Wall Paper is one thing that bas come down in price and this is a good year to have Papering done, Easter Cards and Booklets Fx R. SEVHTH The ."/. •�i Rare try ?^ Druggist and Stationer of l etas Items SPRING caught cold. LOCAL and District news on pages 4 and 5 GET the snow off your share of tbe sidewalk. PLENTY of coal coming now. Read G R, Weller's advt. LARGE quentirtes of Maple syrup are being offered for sale. SEVERAL telephones were put out of business by the ligh n ng APRIL Fool jo xers were abroad in the land on Tuesday. We met them sever- al times, THE touring wagons on Main street sidewalk should be prohibited before somebody gets injured. Miss F. M, KERNEY bas opened a Dressmaking shop in rooms over R. W. Ferguson's Gent's outfitting store. Brussels. See the advt. in another column, Sr FERAL feet of the North brick wall constituting th' choir alcove of the Methodist Church, fell last Saturday from the action of the strong wind on a fire damaged, ror,fles, part of the build - hag. Some of the brick banged part of the metal roof on the Parsonage garage adjoining and Mso knocked some of the board protective wall put up to close out stores and cold action on interior of auditorium. Wow BY Mas E. CRICs.—The birth- day cake offered by Misses Hunter in connection with the celebration of their rat anniversary sale. last Friday and Saturday, was won by Mrs.' E. Crich, ' Brussels. It was offered -to ttee custom- er guessing the time aecivait candle in one of tbeir show windmes would burn. Candle was lighted ate p. in Saturday and let its light shine until tl.c7 o'clock. Guess of the winner was 5 hours and xi:, minutes so it looks as if Mrs. Crich bad attended guessing school There were other close competitors. Miss s Hunter report good business under unfavorable weather and road condl'ions, Doris Mc- Donald and Howard Taylor were so near the mark they were also rewarded for their good guessing. WILL PROMOTE To KINCARDINE.— THE Poaa'voices the general sentiments of Brusselites and the surrounding country when we say sincere regret is expressed over the news that 0. M. Chowen, who has filled the post of Station Agent of the now Canadian National for past 4 years with so much ecceptanee, is about to remove to Kin- cardineto assume a similar position with the same road, This is a well deserved promotion and we have no hesitation in saying Kincardluites bave good reason to congratulate themselves over the appointment. Without fuss or flurry, or the blowing of a trumpet, M. Cho e w% p r w a has done his work and filled the post. honorably and competently with civility. and agreeability that has net bean ex. eeededbya long line of well remember- ed agents Mr. Chowen is an old Clin. ton bay, although born at Mitchell, and will do well wherever he goes. Many good wishes will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Chowen and family to 'their new home where we hope they will fled a wide circle of friends just As true as those they are leaving behirfil in Brun.' sell. laic" -.obi .+ongratulates Mr. Chowen on his upward climb and hopes lie will reach the top rung, . Who bis successor will be at fermate is not yet made public but we hope for a good Ivan. Mr, Chowen bee been with the railway for nearly 12 -years, Sheldon Henry has succeeded .K, Hutton aa as- sistant at the uepot. The latter has gone to St, Marys. Mrs Chowen and fatally may net t move to Kincardine for a few months, at least until better Weather arriees. Bo.AoE Gnat robe In -t between Brnsaels and Shine's School, Grey. last Monday night. Pinder please notify R. B. STEVENSON, Phone 4220 BEEP FOR SALE — White Biossom Sweet Clover Seed. Clean from noxious weeds. Both hulled and scarified. J. P. bfOlolTosn, Phone 556 Lot 21, Con.. 12, Grey. saQOAnlso a of of Pot toed. No, 72, for JOHN GRANT, Phone 260 Grey Twp. SEED Peas for sale. Apply to JNO. R. Dtog- SON , Grey Twp. Phone 2528 Wong Horse for sale, 9 years old and will weigh about 15 cwt. RUs. ROBERTSON. Phone 428 Grey Twp. GRADE Durham Bull for Sale. Phone 5$11 GEO, E. SPETRAN, Grey Twp. Goon Seed Oats for sale, "20th Century." Also a frown Gang Plow. GEO, Mamas. Phone 6514 - Grey Twp. TIMOTHY Seed, containing n percentage of Alsike, for sale. HARRY BPEteAN, Phone 2814 Grey Twp. Fon SALE —Grade Polled•Angne Bull, about I4 yearn old. Good quality. Apply 16 J. P. Mailman. Phone 656 Lot 2I, Con. 12, Grey. Do. PARKER of Win ghn n' well rename his weakly visits to the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Monday atternoon. Marsh glut. CLTDROPALE Horse for sale rising 4 years. C. B. wtnxrxsore Phone 187 Lot 9, Con. 4, Morrie. WANTED.—A lady to asofst in house work. Apply to Mae. DopcAN MODoNALB, Phone 526 Jamestown 11 Chunks for lisle. F. Dux0AN, Phone 125 Morrie Twp. Pins Fon SALE —8 will weigh about 40 the , 0 about 160 cwt„ 7 from 80 to 100 lbs. and Strom 160 to 126 lbs. Also 2 sows, one bred. Phone 428 RUM. ROBERTSON, Grey Twp, HATOAINO E000.—Improved White Leg. horns, 10 cents per dozen over market price. Seed onto for Salo, 0. A. (1.72 also 4nantity of good clean timothy Beed, JAS. PE.RRI'S. Phone 2510. Grey Twp. Goon Durham cow, 0 yrs. old, due to freshen. 80 Borrel Rook pallets, and cedar posts and anchors. J. A. NTONOL, Phone 2918 Grey Twp. QuANTrry of good clean Seed Barley, 0. A. 0, NNo. 81 for sale. Dem WaseLen, Phone 1818. Morris Twp. QUANTITY Of uronnppe Ser sale. Lis P BIRD, Phe 259 o. Boutin -LOST -Bin ori sadhits w to oolorw ith light tan head. Iafo rma ��n will be thankful- ly received. W. C. SmEvaxaox, Phone 608 Grey Twp. GANDER for sale. Call phone 5114. GANDER for sale or would exchange for a goose. Also tonumber of °honks. Phone 2815. A. SAMMIE, Grey Twp. On lawman car in lot ohms shape, for sale, at a bargain Apply at Tan .Poem. SEED Bess for sale. GEO. WnITFTELn, Grey Twp. Phone 4015. BARBER chair and a complete set of tools for sale, For further articalars apply to J. H. MOLAasa, Blnevale, BARRED Rock eggs for hatching for sale. Price 4 tante per egg. Also baby chicks. Phone 128, *IA RYES, RttYANs, Morris Twp, Stine Barley for male, also seed Oats "Cana. dian Pride," "Banner," Phone 409. A. W. W nrma'Tnoo. Honors and lot for sale in. the Village of Brus- sels, formerly occupied by the tate Alex. Ellis, Queen. street. Ettgibfe protierty. Per further particulars apply to W. M, SINCLAIR, 15 BresseIo. COMFORTABLE -hones and t sore lot for sale an Plora street, Brueselo. Good stable small Pratte, &.1. Good neighborhood. Early pos. session. Forforthsrpartteularsa ply on the premises. Phone78. 11tAtIr A, BOLT. THE Palm Creamery Company Limit- ed, Palmerston. has .disposed of its plant and business to R A. Treleaven and C. A. Barber, who took possession April est. NEWSPAPER CHANGES.—In tbe past 6 months numerous changes .in pewspap• erdotn its it relates to places along 0111 railway line, have taken place. Guelph dailies amalgamated ; Palmerston Spec tot changed proprietors ;' Listowel Bad-. tier sold to Editor Iludson ; Atwood Bee was absorbed by Listowel Banner and Wingham.Advance bought out .the 'Pines, Whose next on the list we can- not say but there are 6 towns and vi.l !ages with newspapers between Guelph and Kincer di e O the n n program grant not in - chided in the mentioned quintette tbat are possibly ready to "dicker," THE thunderand lightning of last week.presages gold weather, the weath- er-wise say. R W FEReusoN bas a special men• sage to Men this weak, If you have not read it turn to it now. BeeusE files are already getting ready for a long Summer's work, Swat is tbe way to spell their early demise. PROFITABLE PouLTRY.—Wm, Craw ford, Brueseis South, is a successful poultryman, who is not only a good caretaker but keeps close tab op outlay sad- income, Last season hi`s White begborns brought him the tidy sum of frgno for eggs besides all they used for family consumption. Mr. Crawford has those pullets of last year mated with stock from thte Clark pens that won 1st place In layiug competition for 2 years, heuce should have some great layers in the days to come, G000 SWING —Ament Bros & White are gatberiug quite a staff about them is the manufacture of the Huron Child- ren's wagon. Iu addition to the gaup at the Ament factory another contingent is busy inthe premises formerly occupied by T.'1'. Wood Goods beingturned out look like A x trade pullers, -Tag POST hopes.to see from coo upward ou the pay roll now that the manufacture in Brussels is swinging into line. Ex- pert comment on the output says "Noth tugbetter, on the market in either quality or price." There is room on the part of Brusselites to-do a little friendly boosting of the local enterprise. Away she goes 1 HAVE You YOUR PREMMIuES WIRED Fox HYDRO ?-During the past week the work of preparing for the coming of Hydro to Brussels has gone on apace as it related to the wiring of homes and business places, In addition to the loc• al representative and assistants men have been here from Wingham and Kit. chener also. More than the wires were hot at times over controversies having to do with ways, means and rights. past, present and future but nobody got kill- ed. Room is said to exist for . unifioa. tion as 10 rates. We hope no delay will be experienced, when weather is favor able to get tbe line built from Seaforth so that the system may be in operation before many months. Get ready for it eomi OuTng, Tb WIN —Brussels Foot Ball teams are well officered with competent men who know the game, by actual ex- perience, and x-perience,and under their leadership the records of past years, which were most praiseworthy, should be equalled if pot surpassed, Alex Anderson and J. W. Armstrong with F. M. Wilmot consti- tute the Finance Committee, Howard Bolger will attend the annual meeting to be held at Listowel on Good Friday. Schedule will be announced shortly and the personnel of both Junior and Inter- mediate teams stated. Txe POST need not make a special plea for gener- ous support as this will be forthcoming in due course, There are 2 champion- sbips to take and it would be just like Brussels to win one or both. It would, only be a case of history repeating it- self. A RE5ONDER,—This week a number of subscribers to THE PosT are being reminded that the Clear-up campaign of subscriptions is being carried on dur- ing April, Individually many of the amounts are not large but collective• ly they mean hundreds of dollars to the proprietor, hence the obligement it will be to have tbe outlying dollars gathered in to assist us in meeting our liabilities. Last week a mootbly draft came along for $75.00 to the bank, as an example of paper accounts, wbicb with wages, freight. fuel,' insurances, household up- keep, &c.. shows how the money goes after it reaches na. A number of good fellows gave a good boost last week and we hope for prompt responses from many others, whether you have recent ed notification or not. Query—Flow long would you say credit should be ask ed from the newspaper if you were running it? Has the period been res cit• ed by v our subscription.? A look the address will give the date. HORTICLTURIsT PASSES AT ELSTOW. Saskatoon Daily Star of March 24th says 1—One of the oldest of the pioneers of Elstow district passed the Great Divide on Wednesday morning wiles. William R Little went peacefully away on the last long trail. Mr. Little came to Western Canada from Ontario in 1915, and after spending a couple of years in Saskatoon, came and settled Noithof Elstow, where be has termed ever since, He had been ailing for some time, and. his son Ellis has practically had sole charge of the farm for several years, Mr, Little's partner iu life passed away in 1914, leaving behind her the deepest respect, a woman wbo was looked upon as the "mother" of the district. Mr, Little has long been [moue in the district as au expert Horticulturist, bis' farm being one of the beauty spots with Its beautiful trees of every descrlp tion, plums. apples, sherries, ete , while his garden was always sure of'produciug many prize products in the vegetable and flower lines. The body of the de- ceased was taken for burial to the Elstow cemetery on Friday afternoon, after a short service, conducted by Rev Mr. McDonald, had been bele a h d at the house, and iu spite of the deplorable state of the roads, the high esteem and respect in which the late pioneer was held, WAS denoted by tbe very large, gathering of the eommuaity assembled to see his remsios laid to rest: The service at the cemetery was conducted by Rev, S. A. Harry, of the Elatow Methodist obMeh, Mr. Little leaves One 500 only, Ellis B Little, to mofirn lifeless He wee in his 74th year when death h overlo t 1 m. Mr. Whiting. of Mindere, nephew t durndecease and Rev, W. E1, Ellis, of' d is, brotber-In-lawwere the only outof town mourners. . Brussels Branca, Dublin•Branch, • - - G. H. Semis, Manager' F. McConnell, Manager Goon Friday April title, Bituelfele .n will put a Foot Bali team in the Intermediate series this season. They will no doubt have a strong 11, 'errs Evan woodwork Carriage shop, wee eu fit of machinery, has been leas - .o Alan Lamont, Bruseols, a well kuown m,cbanic, who will be on hand to serve lee public, Read hie advt. in this issue. . Wno has not heard of Peck's Bad Boy? He's to beat tbe Family Theatre Friday. and Saturday evenings. A big special Monday and Tuesday evenings entitled "Monte Cristo." Read the advt, ' BeAROAD; —Last week some of the roods were so had the rural mail couriers were not able to make the round trips but th's condition will soon be a thing of the past and the fine service rendered "under usual conditions will be sustained as good as ever. It is no small. chore to make those regular daily rounds in all, kinds of weather and over all kinds of roads. THE POST believes the public appreciates the good work done even if a few folk will occasionally get fussy if their daily paper dont arrive. Any day you think it too rough to come to town the same conditions you shrink from have to be faced by the Couriers. ADVERTISEMENTS ARE 'READ ALL RIGHT.—The readers of THE POST are on the alert to read the weekly advts. as well as the other columns of /news. Last week there were 9 responses to one advt. we know of before Saturday at 6 p m. These elmfrom 4 points of the compass indicating the widespread character of our circulation. A trial will convince the most skeptical. Such a plan by every business place would soon reduce the fat orders going out of town to city departmental stores who send their price lists right to the fireside of the people. Read every advt. is our advice and tell the people you trade with you do so. REV. WILLIADt GANE DIES AT JEWETT CITY —Newton White, of Raleigh town- ship. bas received word of the death of his uncle, Rev. William H. Gane, L. L. D., pastor of the Jewett City Congrega- tional church, who died in that city recently. Rev. Mr. Gene's first pastor- ate was in Canada Mrs. Gane was Miss Emiline White, daughter of the late Wm. White. Charing Cross. Born in Ingersoll, Ontario, Ira, on July to, zap. Dr. Gane was t son of W. H. and Elizabeth Gnesford Gana. He was a Congregational minister for over 4o years, He has been retired from the ministry for past q years. His first pastorates were in Canada and he was, later pastor in Petersborough, N. H , for 7 years, and at Greenfield Hill for a similar period. At the time of his death Dr. Gane was the senior member of the firm of Gane & Sop, Church street, Wit - 'fanatic, printers. but he retired from active duties about a year ago, He started at the printing business in' September 1913. Dr. Gane is survived by his widow, Mrs. Emetine Gene ; a son, William S. Gane, a daughter, Mrs. Norman Pultz, of Williamtic, and two granddaughters, Sylvia Gane, William. tic. and Doris Brown, Melrose, Mass. Dr, Gane was ' a member of Peter- borough Lodge. I. 0 O. F. Deceased was a junior pastor of Kirkton circuit Methodist churches, the late Rev. J. L. Kerr. being the Superintendent. LI:TOWEL BANNER SOLD:—C. V. Blatchford, Editor of the Listowel Ban- ner and the Atwood Bee, and doing business under the trade name of The Banner Publishing .Company, disposed of his interests on Monday of last week to E 5 Hudson, a former Walkerton boy, and recent.y of Hespeler, who took pnseesstmr April tat, The new proprie- tor has had long business experience, and before starting newspaper work was a teacher. and Business College Princi- pe. 7 years been editor of the Benrosville Express, A brother, G. E. Hudson, is Editor of the Hespeler Herald Mr Blatchford was city Editor of the Daily Record, Windsor, before going to Listowel. and has been publish.. er of the Bauner for ti years. October 1st, last, he also tookover the Atwood Bee, amalgamating the circulations. He bas been in newspaper work for t7 years and has met with no small success. The Haulier bas the reputation of being among the brightest country weeklies of the Province and the plant equipment is superior' to the majority, new Installa- tions under the Blatchford management, iucluding a linotype, newspaper press. additional job press, folding machine, 48 -case Hamilton type-cabindt, S. and H. saw trimmer, casting machine and g electric motors, Though the subscrip- tion rate is of necessity twice what it was 1 t years ago, the circulation is al- . most double, and this is due largely to a policy of strongly featuring the local news, Until their plans for the future are more defieite, Mr, and Mrs. Blatcb. ford will continue to make their home in Listowel The former is contemplating a visit to the Pacific Coast, He will be much missed in Ll§towel where be has taken en active interest in various features of town life. He has been Superiutetdeutof the Methodist Sab- bath School. Treas Missionary Society, Secretary of Cheese Board, &c. Mr, and Mrs Bletobford will carry with them tete good wishes of a wide circie of old friends. 'PIE Posi' extends cordial greetings to Editor Hudson and hopes he will find himself much at home in the good town of Listowel HIS pre• d ev t eC R O las built upa nod busts rCSS g and placed the Banner in the front reek, rAsuPntyresi, ent O[ erth-H ro d P u ou (.aunties Press Association the Editor of THk Pos'r welcomes Mr. Hudsou into the ter. factory Panda Wanted We want a number of Men and Boys to work in our Wagon Works, Brussels, Apply at once.. Ament Bros. & White DRUISELS THE snowfall this week freshened up the sleighing sufficient to permit of coo- siderable teaming being done not ex - pected to be possible this season.. A SUBSCRIBER remitting for 1924 writes of "Au Editor's cat that could not be found and when discovered was In cash drawer of safe with 5 kittens. $s is en- closed to help fill up your cash drawer" writes the subscriber. God bless her for helping take away that "empty feel- ing" in the absence of tbe felines. NEwsv ITEMS ALWAYS WELCOME.—It takes a large share of gleaning each week to secure the newsy items from the various localities for THE Pos'r, If every household would lend a hand and by written note, call on the telephone or by dropping into our office would see that local facts are placed at our dispoa, al it would add to our happiness in our desire to hold true to our statement, "THE POST gives tbe news." Dont worry about the writing (so long as it is plain) the spelliug or tbe grammar, we'll attend to that if necessary so long as we secure the newsy note. Some folk are real first-class with their appreciated help. Are you in the number ? Goon TistE.—On Thursday evening last. March 27th, the Literary Society of Brussels Continuation School held an open meeting in the Opera House, This meeting was in charge of Second Form pupils and was one of a series given by the individual Fo'rms. An in- teresting program of musical and liter- ary numbers was given which was much appreciated- Second Form talent was well displayed in solos, dialogues, in- strumentals and readings. The. Kitch- en Orchestra gave severe; popular selec- tions in a very harmonious manner and the School Journal was read by the Edi- tor. Gordon Best, For the small admission of 15 cents the audience was well entertained for over 2 hours. Kenneth MoVettie, President of .the Society, occupied the chair in an able manner, Third Form's turn comes next and we are expecting they will toe the mark set by the Second Form.. I People We Talk About I# tt it Miss Vivian Harris is home from Tor- onto for a holiday. - Inspector Field was making his official visit to Brussels Public School this week. Mrs, Elmer Ewan, and son, Toronto, are visitors with D. and Mrs. Ewan, town. ' Miss Ella Fraser was borne for the week end from the Stratford Normal School. W, A. Lowry spent a couple of weeks in Chicago and met a number of former Brusselites: George Manning bas gone to. Flint, Mich., where he expects to spend the Corning season. Robt. and-Mts. Thomson are combin- ing business and pleasure in a trip to Toronto this week. Mrs. Ed. Wallace, Toronto, Is visiting her mother. Mrs. R. D. Kerr, who was not feeling any too well. Mrs. Pierce, Hamilton. has accepted a position as book keeper and stenogra- pher with Ament Bros. & White, Miss Laura Atnent was home from Palmerston as the school was closed on account of the scarlet fever epidemic, Mrs. s. John Manning has gone to Flesherton, Ont., to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Leaver . for a few months, Miss Mina McKelvey bas returned home from Montreal, after over 3 months' vacation, owing to the ill health of her mother but may go back later. James Jackson, Clinton. was visiting at the home of his nephew. 5, Rae, Brussels He came to attend the fuser,. al of the late Lorenzo Frain, Grey town- ship. - It will take more than saltpetre t.t save Hon. Peter Smith, former Provin- cial Treasurer, from the wagging tongues of tbe public over his methods of handling finances, Miss Hazel Lowry who is on the staff of the School for the Blind; Brantford, was home for a very brief visit return- ing on Saturday afternoon's train, She is enjoying her work. The musical world will be sorry" lb bear of the demise of Harold Jarvis. the widely known Detroit baritone soloist. He was 59 years of age and bad been ill for ro weeks Mr, Jarvis was born i0 Toronto. His wife anti 2 children stir - widely vivo - Ben, and Mrs Dark, Galt, were here for the week end visiting relatives and old friends, Mr, Dark sticks to Galt like giue and thinks it is a flue spot, He has not been as hearty as usual, indigestion being the cause, but we hope he will soon ;feel o, k, once more. Lion, Geo, 9, Graham, Minister of Railways and Canals. celebrated his 65th birthday Y last Monday . Hie d ee k in the House of Commons, O:tawa, was loaded with roses, Many c ugr'uatioas were extended, Tug POST lakes pleasure lir tossing an Editorial bcquet at our brother chip of 011054 dela. Fox's Drug Store The Store VVE'EKLY STORE- NEWS l Farmaldeh SEEDISEEDING TIME again and of ecilrse.Fr mala delude time 60 well. Our product- in the NG has always given splendid eeeelte arid we 01111 assure our customers that the supply that 'we have received for this seaeon'e use is of full ' Government strength, •put .up in lb. and 1 lb, bottles. gull directions for use on earth bottle,. Wall Paper THESE bright days cannot but remind us that Spring time is with us again, bringing with it the necessity as well as the pleasure of brightening up our homes. New Wall Paper tee a rule entero largely into this preparation. We would like you to come in and see our new Samples. The line compriees many attractive designs and colorings for Kitchen, Bed Roping, Bath $ipoxn, Halls, Living Room and Parlor, 1 PENSLAR Beefs Iron and Wine Also Compound- Syrup of ilypoph Both are splendid Tonics $l.00 per Bottle FOUNTAIN PENS Fully Guaranteed 50c - 76c - $1.50 Waterman's $2.60 to $6,00 Complete stock to choose from FOX'S DRUGS TORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TICKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER Architect Binning, Listo:vel, and Messrs. Brown and Eizerrnan, builders, Mitchell, were in town during the past week. Goderich will continue to improve its beach.' It wont hurt it. Mens' Day was observed in Bengali Methodist church, with men's choir, &c. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, APRIL 4711.—A nation Pale of Farm, Farm Stock, Imp Mineola, &t , at Lot 18, Con. 4 Grey Twp Sale unreeervedat1 p. m. Geo, W, Bnll, Proprietor, D. SL Scott Anotloneer. WRDNEaDAy AP tar. 16th.— Weil bred Farre SPtockowisa,,AndncGrai . n. N3i Lot 18; Con. 6, Morrlrt, Sale at 1 p in, Sharp, Thos. Ellis, Prop, 1 J. [BRUSSELS MARKET Fall Wheat. .......« Paas Barley BORN Oats - Collmxe.—In McKillop township, on literati Buckwheat 241h, 1024, to Mr. and Mrs. John Coutts,. a Batter eon—Allan Rosa. - Boge ,..„,, DOBBs,—In Beaton, on March 22nd,1524, to Mr. •••.."-' and Mrs. Selby Dobbs (nee Margaret San. PotntO" ...... .. deraon, Wroxeter), a eon—George Sander. Bon, PLUM, In Brussels, on March 24th, 1024, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Plum, a daughter— Lois Marion. W trads.tMerril r,s4, o MnbrArhur Wringnon. MARRIED - Montane-GAMBLE.—At tbe home of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. Laing, on Alar. 2002,1924, Vern Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1, W. Gamble, to Mr. Albert L. Helbein, 911 Con., Howlok. MOFFATT—CATHERe.—At the Borne of the bride's parents. by Rev. W A. Finlay, on March 28th, 1029, Catharine Margaret, daughter of Mr. and hire. Robert Lathers, 4th Con. Hawick, to lir. Alvin J. Moffatt, Harriston, DIED BOLomt. In Bangeon township, Bruce County, on March 28th, 1924, Joeoph Bolger, In his 88rd year. Dowxey. Ie London, on Maroh. 250 1924, Mary Stewart, relict of the late Thomas Downey, Fordwroh, aged 05 years HALLMAN.—In Toronto, on March 25th, 1024, Mrs. Cyrus Hallman, of Ford wich. HOFMANN.—In Fordwioh, on Maroh 2011*, 1821, George Hofmann, In his 6411 year. Molitia.—Io Gerrie,on March 24th,1924, Wll- liam Ma$ee, in tis 70th year. 10 00 1 0 t1 66 mW 46 28 8g 7 56 211 7 75 Applications Wanted Applicationswill be received by the under- signed, up to April 1401, for the management of the Farmers Club Store et Walton. Ap• plfeants to state .nlary or 0ommitedon expect- ed. Duties to commence May 1st, 1924, W. J.SHORTRERD, W. R.MCA DFOOT, Socretary, President. Tenders Wanted For Carpenter Work of Walton School Building. Tenders will be received by the andereigned up to Friday, April 11511, at 8 p. m, Separate tenders for contract or day work. Meeting to award tender at 2 p. m. Saturday, 12th tact, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accept. ed. Pions turd specifications may be seen at Ses.Treaa, home. JOHN SHORTREED, Walton, April2nd ec1024 retary.Treasurer Board l Prices of Staple Groceries AT The West End Gr®c4.1 er Sugar, Granulated cwt,...$10 76 91bs, for ., ... 1 00 Oatmeal, per bag -8 50 Tea—Salada, Minto, Ludelltt 70 Beet toffee lb ..... ........... FLOUR—Pure Manitoba . Shredded Wheat...., 2 for Corn Flakes; per ghee Puffed Rice .. 2 for Puffed Wheat Tilson'a Health Bran ... ,, Post Toaseies, pkge .,.- .; Ginger Seap 2lbs. for Lamp Glaae'Ss, Large and Medium. Matches, Eddy's ...... 8 for Grape Nitta, pkge . No, 1- Red Salmon, Targe 826 10 85 16 20 ' 10 26 15 85 18 20 Raisins, Sunkist, pkge 16 Corn acid Peas, per can15 Davies' ¶tomatoe Soup 8 cane for . 26 Tonuttnet, per east ....... ,.. 18 Jelly Powders, all flavors per pkge .................. 10 Campbell's Pork and Beans 2 lb, tits 20 Rice, No, 1, per lb..,,...,, . 10 Quirk. Puddings per pkge 16 Foveae/ley Baking Powder Jere .... , ..450 and 80 Snider's Oateup per bottle 26 Lemon u and 1 Or' auge Peel ]b 85 Stine, all kinds, ler take 7 BREAD -24 oz. loaf .... 8 ' TOBACCOS Stag, King George's Navy, Grown, Blank Watch, Big Bim, Shamrock... 10 Big Plug Briar 00 All kinds Out ',toucan 2 Pkge for 25 Pipes and:OI ars - a=: Our Otinfectionery Ta as use tl (flood Quality and Low Priced, It will pay -you to trade here Highest prices always .paid for PI O&M, o Wsr Phone . 2225 T.S EdM�/ C� i )✓TH1,L �N i1