HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-4-2, Page 5BUSiNE$S W BF S
£tieN nsM''Sla r'.lVP'o dr KKaei ose
!for references season any person 'whose dales
Ihsvo olllotnted at, Pllouo vu ai' ss
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
Donees, 'lay and night o1111M. 0filoo oppo913o
Plow, MI11, Bthel.
opH rHAf.Mo1,QGlsr
Graduate 1)eppartmentof O ibthalmoiagy Mo'
0oriniak Medical 0ollege, U1ioago, Ill. ''three.
months post graduate eoureo•darrog year 1013,
ifyes solontlilcolly examined.
Latent Modern Methods used.
t*-Oross Byes straightened, through proper.
ly fitted Lenses.
Satisfaction Assured.
01tice hours : 10 to 12a, m, i 1.30 to 0 p. m,
Saturday evening, 7.311 to o o clock.
Phone tax –
Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins,
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Howlok Mutual Fire insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 43 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Bruoaels
T. T. M' RAE
M. B., M. 0. P. A S. O.
M. 0. H.., Village of 111 immix
Physician, Surgeon, Aeeouoheit
Moo at residence, opposite Maly ale Church,
William street.
. . 1 moz, rn
Darristore, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Office an the Square, 2na door from Hamilton
Privets lamb. toloan at lowest rates, `.
W. Pn0UnrOOT, K. C. J. L. IiILLOue
DVDLmY 807, 118,eue.
Lars T'zsz de'r
The Radian Herbalist
May be found in. the Stratton Block
Braude, Wednesday and Saturday
of each week until further notice.
Nigh Grade Instruction Only O
GCl64 . '�// .,/
FJ Yong* & Charles Sta., Toronto
V, Bemoans open all year and serene fo-
ounta"t any ti ml. Strong demand ow
our ploodirad te cell the a ln,nime itigoan t ceuow
Is hnuploadidtugh preparation
1 coarse
here. Thorough orepyration abrol-
utelypay's necessary a nIr and i always
pays to entad i station one. 3 sohoolland not an imitation ono.
Write today for free Oatalogna.
I'M csAlkaarizall:WfaVAIrAilsii
prepares young men and young women J
for Business which le now Canada's e
greatest profosaion We assist gratin-- .d
Mee to positions had they have n erne -
31001 trainingwhich enables them to
mast with inmates, Students are reg-
istered cash week. Get our free oat-
aingne and learn something about our
different departments. ,L.l
t is a ,rV.e .2 - ani
No Need to be late Mornings
On Alar
of one A kms
will callp
ou ponce.
Wally at whatever
time you choose to
get up. Our es.
tlol'tlu0nt iuclutles
Ail the Best Makes
Plain and Lnnlin-
ous Dials, Priced
$.1.50 to 5.50
J. R. Wendt
-1 Seeder Wroxeter
TowN Caunell'next Monday evening. 1 Of assistant In religiaue instruction at
C1.1H'ron Spring Show Thursday of VEARS' Bigl ParkP1'eebyterlae ehuloh, Ter•
this weeFIVE onto, He will oondnot 1ervicefor the
el)'VIill POS3' to the absentees Of filo(, time on Aril 18411.
* your family, : •
A'aVnsca1Eatt remitting, for TOE Poach i
from vis A v
Highest.t. market prices
i paid.
+ See Nle Oe Phone No. 2s, Bine-
eels, and 1 will call arid get ee
Sour Poultry.
M. Yollick
a.caz ebrr gt.erts
READ the advt.
WALL paper is king,
THE Posr gives the news.
KEEP Brussels to the lead.
"Dees" are on the program•
THE POET'S adVertising grows,
Ger Winter's refuse cleared up.
HAVE you sampled 1924 Maple Syrup
yet 1
MoroR trucks and cars are moving
about iu town..
400 amps pasturage: See Philip
Ameut's advt.'
KINDLY chirp of the robin is once
more beard In the land.
WANTED -10 new subscribers to THE
Pos3 for April, Send it to tbe absen-
Naw stook of envelopes at Toe Posy.
Have your card prloted on a box of
them. It looks more'business like,
Tee Ewan wood working shop bas
been leased by Allan Lamont, town, and
is now being operated by him. We
wish him success.
A, 'ME harrow loosened up the banks
0f snow and ice in the business section
or Turnberry street Thursday afternoon
of last week and gave tbe surface water
a chance to get away.
[N:arly chicks. -
Au tomobiles,
8Early flowers,
Spring freshet.
New millinery.
Wheeled vehicles.
Rush of Spriug work. '
The new qualifications for municipal
office are :—In a village, for freehold,
$zoo ; leasehold, ^$400. In a township,
for freehold, $400 ; for leasehold, $800.
iu a town, for freehold, $60o ; tor lease-
hold, $r,2oo. Ie a city, for freehold,
$t,0oo ; for leasehold fez,000.
he to your interest to place your name
and address ou the outside et your let-,
ters and parcels as well as ori the inside.
In case a parcel cannot be delivered and
your name and address are on the out-
side it will be promptly returued to you
otherwise it has to go to the Dead Letter
office and if no name is on the inside it
34Ias to be sold. That is why some par-
cels never reach destination,
GOING STRONG.—Mitchell - Advocate
'set week completed 64th year of publi-
cation. Since that journal's birth it has
been continuously owned and published
by the Davis family, of which H. D.
Davis is the present publisher. The
Advocatb enjoys a large advertising
patronage end bas a wide circulation,
We congratulate our Bro. Davis and
wish him the success,thatclose attention
to business merits. -
CExT1TICATEs.—Tbe. following letter
speaks for itself 1—Dear Sir:—Confirm..
ing our conversation of reoeut date, we
beg to advise that our examiner, W. J.
Scott, will be conducting examinations
for Stationary and Hoisting Engineers'
Certificates in the Library of tbe Cbl.
legiateInstitute, Goderich, Ontario, on
Thursdsy; April 17th, commencing at e
a m, sharp. Yours very truly,
J. M. BRowN, Chairman.
E. R. Wigle, M. P. P.,
Goderich. Out,
TARN ANO Now.—In the old days a
Christian was a man . who got up at.
3 o'clock in the morning, hitched dp the
horse and drove 10 or 12' miles through.
the snow or ram with his family to
church. To -day be remains coiled in
the quilts and demands that his wife put
on the loud speaker and tune . flim into
whatever church bas the .best musical
program. Ask what church they belong
to and, they can't tell you off• hand
whether it's the First Weaf, tbe reform-
ed KDKA or the Interdeooreinatiouai
WJZ. They don't know for certaio
whether they are by faith Weafudists,
W izopaliana or Kdkaolics.
There passed away in Wmgham General
Hospital on' Tuesday evening of last
week, a ,host highly esteemed lady
the person of Susan E. Button, relict of
the late Alexander Forsythe. Deceased
lady had not enjoyed the best of health
for some time and suffered a slight at
tack of paralysis some 3 weeks ago..
Her husband predeceased her about 2
years ago. 5 dsugkters and 2 sons
Survive vial—Mrs. Ed. Hollaway, Alex
and Ruby, Wmgham ; Mrs. Andrew
Casemoro, Morris and Roy, Buffalo, also
2 married daughters who live in the
West. Onesou Ross gave 'lis life in the
great war, 'The funeral was held from
Wiliam St. to.
'I residence,1
the farm
h v Cemetery Friday afternoon,
W e Y Y
Sympathy is exceeded .to the family
The Forsythe family lived in Brussels
for years before removing to Wingham:
oust sleeting of the Western Football
Association Will be held in Listowel
Good Friday, Instead of Kitchener. as
has been the ease during the past 2
years, This was the announcement of
Secretary -Treasurer D. Forsyth. The
change made owing to Liao -
being more the centre of
W. F. A, territory than Kit-
chener, The abnual meeting Will
tblsyear be advised of a novel method
to bolster up the Senior series, which
has not had many terift 7i0 700001 years,
while there have been plenty of Inter-
mediate squads. Mr, Forsyth has seg.
Bested that all 0017,05 be grouped le 4
team groupings, anti filet the winners in
each be classed as Senior clubs and play
off, and the second -place teams es Inter-
mediate clubs.
f o Michigan,sa "" til Yet 1831011
pleased to receive the paper each week."
THE : Poor is ' a cloudy a lverti830g
Mecham, Make use o'1 its columns 111
buying and selling And prove the currect-
pees of what we 537.
(, John Heppeberg, father of Mrs. Ciar•
ence White, Brussels, was chow" Reeve
of Wroxeter for the .balauce of 1024, by
acclamation, We MO him o good,voy.
age as pilot with as few storms as is the
uspal kit of such navigators.
ANOTHER Epidemic—fiouso cleaning,
A W lNNRa,--In a Benspell held . al
Saskatoon recently Jobe Perch, of Sew,
Lao, Bask , formerly 08 Brussels, Won an
electric reading lamp, ' We are glad to
noferthat the old boys continue to Sus-
tain the reputation of Brusselsin this
line of sports.
THE POST lions Fox—
Good fishing.
Green onions,
Early seeding.
C iklydre before long.
Horticultural boost.
CGood Spring trade.
g iSpeedy drying up of made.
Big sale of "Huron" wagons.
310000031 Chamber renovation.
Fox COLLEOT10N —Accounts aggre•
gatiug oyer Soot" for long past due sub-
scriptions to THE POST went into the
Collector's hands on April 1st, as a 1st
instalment of a large number of others
to follow, We are grateful indeed to
those who have been helping in this
"Clean•up Campaign"hut we must fol-
low it up as we are expected to pay our
debts and hence have to get.in. before
we can pay out.
D. B. CALEmit DEA".—The follow-
ing refers to a man well kuown in
Brussels years ago :-Daniel B. Calbick,
a former resident of Goderich,. died
Saturday night, 15th inst,,, at his home
at Winona, near Hamilton. He was 62
years of age, was a Justice of the Peace
to Wentworth County, a member of
Maple Camp Woodmen of the World, of
Woodstock, and a Methodist, He is
survived by his wife, who was Miss Mary
Acheson, Goderich, and one sou,
Harold. Mr,Calbick went to Goderich
from Clinton and was employed as au
action maker by the Godeticb Organ
Co. Later be conducted a book and
stationery store in Goderich for a time.
Flis'wile is a daughter of the late Robert
Acheson, Goderich township.'
puppy caused the death Wednesday,
of last week of 6 year old. Marion Sig-
nook, who was drowned in the Mait-
land river when she hied to induce
her 4footed playmate to keep 013 the
ice. ' Report said that the puppy
is rushing up and down the bank tf
the stream and out on the ice, while
searchers are endeavoring, by the
light of lanterns, to locate the body
with drags and pike poles, Marion
bad been making her home with her
grandmother, Mrs. Cyrus Gerling, as
the father is dead as the result of his
war service and her mother is now in
Kitchener. With her churn,' Marie
Reid, she was playing near the bank
df the river when the puppy insisted.
On going out On the broken ice of
the swollen river. Fearing for its
safety sake went after it, the ice gave
way. she sank -and 'did not reappear.
Male raised au elartn, and 8ear0here
lab once began dragging for the body.
Heavy ice ;flowing 113 the strong cur-
rent is making the work difficult. An
appeal was made by relatives to -Mise
Margaret Politick, a Spiritualist, near
Blyth, and she adviles that the betty
will be found near an 51111 tree about
60 feet dowg stream from wherethe
little tot tlisappeated. The body of
Marina Signock was recovered from
the Maitland river Thursday morning
wi,3,hiu a few feet of the point where
the clairvoyantdeolared it would be
found. During the late hours of the
night the river subsided about a foot,
and George Oruicitshauka, one of the
most diligent of the seatchets, ()beery-
ett strands of hair on top of the water.
The body wag in an upright position,
the back of the dress being caught
a submerged willow, tree. • Close at
ANYON1a desirous of having'
tlheit buildings wired for
Hydro would do well to
consult me fie to prices, etc., a9 I
have engaged the servicesof an
A 1 Electrician.
Robt. ThueII
Pure Bred
S. 0. White I,eghorns
B. C. Mottled Ancones
I3a,rred Plyinouth 1.looks
S. C. Rhoclo I. Reds
From Bred to, -lay Strains.
For full particulars
E. L. narrrELL
Phone 213 Clinton, Dat
y re, died
kt n, Manitoba. [lis wire pre-
deceased bile, 3 daughters survive,
There are also 2 brothers r f Mr, Faille
The home of Peter F, Doig, Ford -
mob, leas the scene oi' a pretty wed.
ding 9e Saturday, Mural 15118, wine)
Itis only daughter. Lillie Ilene, be-
' cams the bride of George A.. Ashton,
Oot'rie, Rev. Andrew Laing otflclat-
ing, The beide, :who wee given in
mar'r'iage by ber father, wore a clever-
ly draped gown of whirlpool blue
crepe rotneine, and (serried a shower
baguet. of Opbelia roses and lilies of
the valley, Mies Marjorie Ashton,
sister of the groom, played the wed-
ding marine After a buffet Jtulchoon,
Mr, end Mrs, ;Ashton left for Toronto
and other points, the bride travelling
In a 81"131 taupe Bulk with small hat
to neat033.
G ONt! ENDS �orq felt
When He TookuFruit-a-tiri ell
For Rheumatism .
The Mediolne Made From fruit
There can be Ito doubt that
"b'ruit-a-tives" re the long sought
remedy for Rheumatism and Lurie.
Ingo. From all over °amide- come
Jotters testifying to this feet.
Mr. John E. Gunderson of Parrs-
bolo, N,S. writes; "I suffered badly
WW1 Rheumatism for five years—
tri od difeerentmedielnes--wtts treated
by doctors in Amherst—and here at
home—but the Rheumatism Game
In 1916 I saw au advertisonen • for.
"Fruit -fives" and took a beeand
got relief, so I took them for about
six months and the Rheumatism was
all gone andI have neeerfei Cit since?".
60c. a Box, 6 for$2.60, trial size 25e.
At dealers or from Fruit-a•tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont.
the heels of Mr, Oruickehanks when
he made the discovery was the pup,
for the love of which Marion gave
her life, and which bad hardly left tbe
bank of the river from the time.
Frantically did the little animal en-
deavor to awaken hie mistress, until
it was necessary to put him under
restrain t.
Glinted -
Spring Fair Thursday of this week.
Ladies Bowling Oleb haeme organiz-
Old hospital is being fitted up for a
boarding house.
Tuesday evening Rev. A. A. Holmes
gave an illustrated lecture on "A trip
to Palestine."
Mrs. couch, a former well known
resident was burled here last week.
She died in a Toronto hospital and
was 71 yearn of age. 111r. Couch died
18 years ago.
Scaoor. REPORT, -The following is
the report of S. S. No. 1, Grey, for
the months of January, February and
March, Those marked with a
missed one or more examinations.
Honors 75 iso. Pass 80%. Sr. IY—
Carl Hemingway, 78; Lloyd David-
son ; Sr. III—Ohnrlie Davidson, 08;
Elmer. Ellacott, 68; Willie Cardiff,
05 ; Jt. III—Agnes Davidson, 85 ;
Fred. Glassier, 83 ; Clarence E'llacott,
58 Sr. II—Clare Davidson, 70. Jr.
II—slims Engel, 77 ; Jack Cardiff,
68 ; ` Olnea I—Stuart, Glassier, 92 ;
Jean Davidson, 90 ; Anna Davidson,
81 ; "`Archie Moses, 82 Sr. Primer—
Violet lf,llacot, excellent. Jr. Primer
—George Cardiff. very good.
E. M. KEw, Teacher.
Fanle aged 84 ea
ut3jtOo 0
Ben. and Mrs. Taylor and Miss Lily
are bark from California.
. H. Tainan continues poorly but
shows Rome impl'ooement.
Women's Institute ie putting on a
play entitled "The Colonel's i8laid."
Ward Lanndy has taken the
Junior's poet in the Bank of Com-
Mies Tiffin has returned to Goderich.
after spending the Winter at the
Meth0dlet Parsonage.
haat week John G. Emigh celebrat-
ed -his 81st birthday in the enjoyment
of good health. We extend congratu-
• • Listowel
Several new cases of scarlet fever in
Stafford Pelton is improving in
W. A. McDonald is ill in the hospi-
tal here.
W. F. A. Annual meeting here
Good Friday.
A book and stationery store will be
opened here by H. B. Elliott, Wing -
Henry Mergeshas been appointed
Financial Secretary of the A. 0. U.
W. as successor; to W. Bradley, de-
Listowel Banner has been sold to
E. S. Hudson, formerly of the Barnes-
ville Express, who is now in posses-
sion. Editor and Mra. Blatchford will
continue in town for a while.
E. G. Matthews, former principal of
the Listowel Business College, and for
several years manager with the Ster
ling Bank, moved recently .from Tor-
onto to Ingersoll, where he will be a
representative for the Sun Life In-
surance Company.
•ing notes are gleaned front Dungan-
non locality regarding Rev. A. G.
Rint0ul, well known in this locality :—
T G Allen was elected to fill the
vacancy occasioned' by the resignation
of Rev, A. G. Rhtt0nl,, B. A., of Dun-
gannon Library . Board, from the
office of vice -President. Regret, wart
expressed ab his retnoval as board
feels it has etrlfered a distinct loss
th ve —Ira (Rev. Rin
e b triol and
little daug
left to
aelneives at 13:resels
anti Wingham,
before proceeding to her new home at
Thor'ntnn,-Rev. G. Rintoul preached
his farewell sermon at. Port Albert
last Sunday. Although he has been
here less than a year', be has endeared
himself to the Congregation by his
cheerful manner and sincere Christian,
life. We expect to have Rev. Air,
Grey for the 501810er months, We
wish Me. Mutton every/81100058 hl his
now field' at Thornton. --':Cite Session
and. Board of . itlanagers of Erskine
Presbyterian chnreh, Dungannon,
arepleased to announce that the see -
vices of Bruce Grey, Knox College,
Toronto, have been secured to fill the
vacancy 011,31014 by removal of Rev, A.
G. hint" n to Thornton,- 31r. Grey is
ih young elan of mirth ability, who
pronrives to make food 110 a minister,
He Bus Been in charge of it 5tetinn in
Sooltatoheivan fun 4 etlrraeentive Sine -
mere and has also served in capacity
Stratford to Goderich highway will
be 06 feet wide,
Mee. J, R. Wheeler and daughter
are visiting ab 'Toronto.
Assessor Campbell's photo appeared
in the London Advertiser last week.
Thera is still a "chew" going on
over the paying of the town Council,
$50,000 ie the Government estimate
fol' improvements tp Goderich harbor
for 1924.
Purity Flour Base Ball Club want
to build' a grandstand on the Agri-
cultural park.
A puree of gold wee presented to
Mies Hazel Belcher before she left for
Detroit, by Knox church choir.
Memorial Tablet containing blames
of 22 former members of Knox con-
gregatioe, was unveiled with ap-
propriate service.
A new oven was installed by Geo.
A car of wood was unloaded by R.
A. Thompson.
Inape.ctor Lewin has been visiting
the public schools of Elma.
Arthur Peachey and Mise Esther
Stone were married at Stratford.
Miss Annie Inglis, Moncrieff, has
been assisting in her brother's store
Rev. Mr. Gilmour, Presbyterian
pastor attended the big Temperance
Obnveution at Toronto.
15 cents a pound was the price
obtained' for 292 boxes of cheese
shipped to the Ingersoll Packing Co,
Public schools are being visited by
Atwood Fall Fait' Director's endeavor-
ing to get them interested in next
A public holiday will be observed
in Elma township when the Soldiers'
Monument is unveiled here next
Robert Ballantynee son of F. and
Mrs. Ballantyne,'8th Con., met with a
painful accident; when he got his
fingers• into a sausage grinder. 2
fingers were badly lacerated.
At a meeting of the Mission Band
of. the Presbyterlan church, on Sun-
day afternoon in the basement,. Mrs.
J. B. Hamilton, retiring Secretary of
the W. M. S., was presented with a
Life Membership. Presentation was
made by Mrs. Gilmour, on behalf of 2
members of the W, M. S., and was
followed by a fitting response from
Mrs. Hamilton. Members quilted 6
quilts for the Summer mission box
Bpd $7.25 was realized from a 10 cent
tea served by the children. Musical
Colony 'Brooder
One Grew
Greatest Coal Burning Brooder Ever Invented
Self -Feeding _' Self -Regulating Everlastin
No. 18
With No. 42 Hover capacity—
ahy number of newly hatched
chicks up to 500.
No. 19
With No, 52 Hover Capacity—
any number of newly hatched
chicks up to 1000.
Buckeye Incubators made in Seven Sizes
Geo. R
numbers were a duet by Mardie Roe
and Ileen Blackwell, accompanied on
the piauo by Mary Hodge and an in
etrumental solo by Margaret Terry,
Regular meeting of Elma Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Company was
held in Secretary's office Tuesday,
March 19. Directors were present.
President presided. Minutes of last
meeting read, confirmed and signed.
Account from the Atwood Print Shop
of 321.00 was paid. Claim for dam-
age to hie house by fire from chimney
on February 18, 1924, from J. Philip
Cook, Mornington, was adjusted at
$5.00 and paid. Claim for damage to
house by smoke from Jas. Cowan.
Elms, was laid over. 75 +"pplioati00s
for insurance were accepted, amount-
ing to $403,100. Meeting adjourned
till Tuesday, April 15th.
Harold Thomson, Woodham. has
leased Kirkton garage.
Schools and churches are puce more
open after the Dashwood .mallpox
"Life's Luggage" is the title of a
Lecture by Rev. 141r. McTavit,h, Credi-
pays o use
/br Berns and Outbuildings
it has no equal
Write to Head Office. Montreal For Free Booklet
`7Myrordlhedetnix' tate*
Many Reasons From Many Users
If you were to ask'the next fifty'
Ford owners you meet why they
prefer Fords, you -would get a
wide variety of answers.
Some would say, "Because they
seem never to wear out;" others.
would answer, ``Because they
cost so litde." Many would reply
"Because I can get service any-
where•f and. us
"Because it is the onlyI
car can
afford to own ."
All would tell you,`Because they
master abad road in any weather,"
t woman driver would respond,
"Because I can drive it so easily."
From the fleet -owners you would
hear, "Because I can buy two or
three or four Ford Trucks for the
price of one big truck.
Wherever you might inquire you
would hear expressed these basic
reasons why Ford predominates
--why,ear, Ford year after y S a
equal the total sales of all other
cars combined.
See Any Authorized Ford Dealer