HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-4-2, Page 4c Igrusstis
7e 1
IT looks as if .old Piugrnes s ,d his
lantern should have a re';urreetion. His
detective walk could Lind a fit,ld lu
Co orgf.VEE with the Board of fica1111
in the Spring cleaning; , up of streets,
Yards end premises generally, Give the
Sanitary Inspector a good chance to
report most favorably on your share of
the job.
HURIAtf for Punlinctl Hoiticullural
Society. They have ars members enol
this in a comparatively rural eonstituen,
oy, Brussels Society would be tickled
to death for such a rally and it would be
time and moneywell Invested. NOW's
the time.
Hos Perrot Smite, late Provincial
Treasurer, must have been an easy mark
to let a couple et boys put as smooth a
deal across when he was supposed to be
guarding the treasury. We thought he
was green at his job and our guess was
not far out.
6 out of 'i was the record against 7'/0
beer in the Loc lit i.egislature. Wonder
if Premier Fergu-on will continue to
vote the same way or whether be is
trimming Itis slits to be ready for the
next task. lie's not fooling anybody
very badly.
Hots. PETER Sserra's bond story before
the Public Amounts Committee of the
Provinc•ai parlament at shdutd be interest-
ing and also instructive. Sometimes a
witness can be very deaf and dumb but
Hon. Peter is not that tt pa, we dont
A WELL known financier, Sir Edmund
Walker, President of the Canadian Bank
of Commerce, died of pneumonia,
Thursday morning, after a brief illness,
aged 76 years. Funeral took place Fri-
day afternoon. He took to his bed
Saturday previous to his demise. 4 sons sexy-Pre/termer, presented a fine up -
and ; daughters survive. 1 holstered Chair. At the same time
Mrs. R J. MeLauchlin hatlded. Mee.
Stewart a choice briquet of roses
1. ace
AA/liY bother' with the worry
of Home Baking, during
the liousealeanibg tune
when you oast get just what you
want at our Bakery for leas
thanthe east of making it at
Ask for One
Homemade Oatmeal Cookies
150 a dozen
One stock of
Easter Eggs, Chickens
and Rabbits
hag arrived and are oe dleplay
JO SOMA Wi{)(1 W.
W. E. Willis
Phone 82x Proprietor
voice of the sober thinking men and
women of Ontario will carry weight and
teach the hedger parliamentarian that
their place is at tome 11 they cannot
diagnose tke case any better.
Son, -President Alex. Stewart
HONone0 BY
East Huron Agricultural Society.
The annual Social Evening, or At
Home, arranged by East Huron Agri-
eultural Sneiety was held Wednesday
evening of last week at the com-
modious and hospitable residence of
the President, 1). C. and Mrs. Rose
and compared favorably with its pre-
After enjoying a program of chat,
order was called when Reeve A, Back-
er read the following address to Mr.
Stewart and "Malcolm Black, Secre-
THE Post is more than pleased at the
vim Seaforthites are putting into the
preparation for their Old Boys Re-
union, to be bald next August. By the
respouses already received from those
located elsewhere would indicate a "full
house" and an A. i time if good weather
smiles upon there -which we hope may
be the case.
Bea good neighbor and in this way
improve neighborhood conditions. By
joint action town and countryside, as it
refers to your geographical position,
may be much bettered. One ill -kept
plot cana s y
a give black eye to the whole
surroundings. A little' cleaning up on
the program every week will soon put a
shine on. Tastiness do n't cost much
but it is a good counter.
TRAVELLING to a circle dont get you
any place. Mark outa straight course,
with a well defined terminal. end' go to
it. Indecision, or travelling with a
"wobble," is a great loss of time and
money with few results. One thing at a
time and that well done is the secret of
many a man's success. Sometimes it is
a good thing to do a little retrospecting
as it often helps out the next day's job.
Slimpsy work is no good at any time
and is an imposition.
As alt -round -She -world air flight is
now on the tapis But is largely a waste
of time, outside of the endurance test.
Soaring hundreds of feet above terra
firma may give the squadron plenty of
fresh ozone but they are too high up to
help a fellow who is busy on this mun-
dane sphere. "Hitch your wagon to a
star" is a lofty ambition but possibly no
more workable than hitching a star to
your wagon and thereby assist in pulling
the regular load. Dont fly too high is
good advice,
INTEGa1TY is a word that considerable
more attention should be paid to by
Canucks to -day so that the growing
youth would be seized with the genuine
manhood and probity of those who fill
official position -men whom the spoils of
office Cannot buy -sun crowned stal-
warts, Men whose word is as good as a
gold bond and who can be trusted.
implicitly, There are such people and
right here in Ontario but there is also a
gang of scallywags to whom too many
bow the knee. look tip the dictionary
for the word Integrity.
'Pus turn down J. A. Pivard's 7 per
cent beer measure received in the
Ontario Legislature was so pronounced
the introducer has declined to act as.
Whip any longer for the Liberals and A.
P. MoWbinney, M. P, P. for West
Bruce, was appointed to the office,
Premier Ferguson gave the very reason
why the Government should have
viz that there i5
tea he Plebiscite
scow C,
no insistent demand for a change of the
law. There are some M. P, P.'s who
will get their walking ticket over this
While the evenings are long and the
Spring rush of work not yet on the
program we, your associates in con-
nection with Emit Huron Agricultur-
al Society, thought it a seasonable
time to meet and enjoy a few hours
together in this hospitable home..
At the Fall Fair last, year we ne-
glected to make all the deserving
award% so decided, on the principle of
"Better late than never," we would
present you with your Red Ticket,
tonight, eO here we are.
We are not well enough acquainted
with ancient history to revert to the
many incidents having to do with
pioneer days of East Huron Agticul-
tural90ctety and the large part you
took in boosting the good work, but
we do remember that in the list of the
most faithful, year in and year out
you lived -up to one of the character-
istics of a genuine Scotchman-Per-
severance. You never appeared to
Doing, We
wearyin Well Do
heartily thank you for past services
and the splendid way you assisted,
always in a kindly spirit, that proved
you a true man.
There comes a time, however, when
e. fellow likes to take an occasional
rest, to get ready for the next job, so
ws have broughtan Easy Chair, whish
we now present to you, in the hope
you may be spared a good many years
to enjoy its comfort and at the same
time ruminate on the days gone by
and call to mind your past associates
in the good work.
A variety of chairs stand tonight in
Memory's hall. There is the old
rocker, in which we were lulled to
sleep by a sweet voice, probably silent
for many a year ; the highchair
where we demonstrated our ability at
our father's table to dispatch
oatuf@al and the arm chair, honored
by wotthiee of our home cirdter
on to accept o hi her seat in
who left usg
the "House not made with hands."
This evening we place you in the chair
of honor, which you jostle deserve
and wish to say in conclusion we hope
to have you with us on our Board to
counsel and lend assistance for
many a day.
Your name and praiseworthy deeds
will live as a happy memory, not only
in copnection with the Agricultural
Society, but in every other phase of
community life. Our beet wishes are
also extended to your royal partner,
Mrs. Stewart, and your estimable
daughter, Mise Grace, whose eagiet-
ance in the past has been so freely
given and duly appreciated, Signed
for the Society
M. ELAcw, D. 0. Ross,
Secretary. President,
Brussels, March 10th, 1924,
—AND-- -
Wood Work Repairing
Carried on as usual
at the old stand,
Wheels fle-flubbered and
Carriage Painting attended to
In first-class Style
Sr T, Plum & Son
though he has attained his 80th year
be holds the place of honor as Hon.-
President and takes a live interest in
the yearly exhibition. He well de-
served the recognition given hiiu
as it le really a case of "Honor where
honor is due."
Grey Council
Council meeting at Ethel, March
17th. Members all present Reeve pre-
siding. P, J. Bishop's time aa Tax
Collector was extended until April
14th. Drain wee read and provielon-
ally adopted.
Following accounts were paid
Bert Vodden, bringing books from
Brussels, SI 00 ; Dr. Ferguson, sup.
plies, 4. 0. 13. $920; McPherson &
Makine, account, $1000 ; Municipal
World, eupplies, $4642; J. K. Hans,
stamps, $8.00 ; 0, Hansnld, _account
$1.78; Wm. 1larrison, drawing Blank
8260; Treasurer's Bond, $2000 ;
Gideon B.•own, $1000. '
Pathmasters were appointed as fol-
lows :--North Boundary -George` Mc-
Donald, Wm, Grainger, James Sang-
ster, James A. Elliott and Robert
Cons. 1 and 2 -Bernice Payn, Gideon
Parks, A. McLennan, Robert MCAT
lister, Alex. McDonald. Thos. Cum-
ming, Thos, Elliott and Robert Smith.
Cons. 3 and 4 -Crawford Strachan,
William Turnbull, Joe Jackliu, Wm.
J. Jacklin, John M. Pearson, Chas,
Eveleigh, George Thomson and Wal-
ter Bline°,
Cone. 6 and O -Duncan Brewer,
Duncan A. McDonald, Wm. J. Hoy,
John S. Purvis, 0. Oleaver, Joseph
Savege, Thos. Mille and A. McDonald,
Cons. 7 and 8-A. G, Bishop, Allan
D. Lamont, Peter Lamont, Harvey
Dobson, James Bremner, M. Gilkin-
son and Edward Collis.
Oons. 9 and 10 -Jas. H. Fulton,
Donald McKinnon, John Steins, Wtn.
W. A. Michel Garfield
J. Smalldan, ,
Baker and William H. Baker.
Cons. 11 and 12 -Harold Speir, Rob-
ert Tyerman, John Cameron, Otto
Schnook, J, Carnochan and Dan. Nee-
Oons. 13 and 14 -Wm. Blake, Thos.
Alcock, Donald Stewart, Martin Mc-
Donald, Jas. A.McNeal., W. Pat-
terson and Martin Ferg
Cone. 15 and 18 -John A. Hislop,
John 0. McDonald, Jas. Houston,
Wm. J. Duncanson, Neil McTaggart,
Harold Livingston and Joseph 0. Mc-
ns. 17 and 18 -James A. Rea,
Thin. M. Williamson, Alex. Buchan-
an, James Duncanson, Jas. H. Wil-
liamson, Angus Carmichael, W. G,
Bell, George Hoegy and David E.
Blind Line Division Oons. 10 and 11,
Harvey Hunter.
Walton Village W. J. Humphries.
Oouncil will meet Monday, April
J. H. FEAR, Clerk.
Mr, Stewart made a most appro.
priate reply, referring to the rise and
progreee of East Huron Society, thank-
ed the Board for their kind words and
splendid present and wished the
Society best success.
This was followed by short compli-
mentary speeches by Past President,
G, R. Muldoon, A. 0. Dames, M.
Black, D. 0. Ross and W. H. Kerr,
The ladies were asked to select their
partners and all were seated at nicely
arranged tables at which an A 1 lunch
was served and much enjoyed.
Musical numbers were played on the
Mr, and Mrs. Roes were thanked for'
their hospitality and the good . time
Mr. Stewart has had a large share
in the l++air in almost all its depart-
rnents and was nob only a diligent and
highly prized member of' the officiary'
question, Electors are not as but as judge, caretaker, Arranging
plebiscite qexhibits &c was almost untiring in
Cargill Swept by Disastrous fire
i pays Q use
for furniture- Frloo & Woofdw'ork
Write to ]toad office. Moot for Pee POD let
The oocepants of the living apart-
ments above the'"destroyed business
placee were unable to (cave any cloth-
ing, save what they were wearing.
The Ioseee, which are heavy, are fair.
ly well covered by insurance. °
At present the owners of the burn
ed buildings have made fete plane for
rebuilding. In the meantime the
Royal Bank has secured office space,
And opened for business as usual Mon-
Howick council
Council met in she Township Hall,
Gerrie, on Marsh 19th, 1924, pursuant
to adjeurnwent, all members present,
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of Ian
regular meeting and meeting to' con -
eider the Cathere Municipal Drain
report'were read and on trwt.ion of
Taylor and Gamble were adopted.
Moved by Leonard and Hubbard thee
Engineer Edgar be given an extension
of 6 menthe to complete Bolton Muni-
cipal Drains Carried. Moved by.
Gamble and Taylor that Engineer
Edgar be paid $16 00 per day fur his
pervicee ire Engineer. Carried.
Moved by. Hubbard and Bonnard
that the following accounts be paid :-
Mpnicipal World, drainage
supplies. ••-•• .. $ 8 66
Wm. J. Spotion, expenses to
Toronto re grant .......... 12 00
E B. Nash, part pay as
Assessor .80 90
Thos. Want, opening Winter
road , .-. ................... '
B D. Hyslop, opening Winter
roads ......... ........ .
Edward Galbraith, damages
The most disastlous fire that ever
visited Cargill broke out shortly after
6 o'clock Sunday morning, March 23rd
with result that a portion of the busi-
ness section of the village has been
burned, with a loss which will prob-
ably exceed $60,000. s
Followingbuildings were destroyed
or damaged :-Joseph I), Sehuett's
furniture store and stock destroyed,
loss estimated at $40,000 ; Anthony
Kunkle &Sone'shoe store and stock
destroyed, lose $10,000 ; A.. Gregg's
reetauraht and confectionery, dam-
aged to the extent of about $2,000 ;
Power's Hotel, slightly damaged,
Fire is believed to have originated
in Kunkels' shoe store, which spread
rapidly to the adjoining buildings. It
was fleet discovered by Ralph Kunkel,
a member of the firm, who climbed
out of a window from apartment over
the shop and succeeded in arousing
a number of others also sleeping
above the burning build-
ings. Trapped by flames and smoke,
they were forced to escape the strme
way. By this time the flames had
gained such headway it Was impos-
sible to save anything from the block,
About 0 o'clock, deapite the efforts
of the firemen. the flame continued
to spread, and it was feared that the
entire village wee, doomed to destrue-
tien. A call was sent to Walkerton
for help, bub before the arrival of a
contingent from that town of 28 men
an hour later the loam firemen had the
blaze well under control.
Other buildings In the immediate
vicinity and in danger of destruction
by flee were ;-Waher's hardware
store, poetol'fice, Bell Telephone office,
1•iunstein & Grey's etore, W. M. Oan1-
eron's store, Louie Schneitzler's meat
lidebonnd as they used to be and the hie zeal t0 promote the Faits, Al- market and A. Ilanmoro's Beery barn.
Milton Hastie lamb killed by
J. Armstrong, opening Winter
Earls] Denny,uncollected
Earld Denny, excise starnpe
and expenses as Collector
Barad 'Denny, Collector, bal
on. salary.
R Wallace, opening Winter
0. Simmons, opening Winter
roads ,.... ...........gigs............
T. Montgomery, opening
Winter roads .
Sturton Ashton, opening
Winter roads ....
A. E Gallaher,, opening Win-
ter roads
0. Maxtvell, opening* Winter
Wm. J, Babette, hal. on print-
ing contract 1923............. .
10 00
50 86
16 00
6 50
-8 00
32 00
10 00
13 00
15 00
Single Comh Whlte leghorns
10 Cents above market price will
be charged but not lees than 35c
per dozen.
Alex. Perrie
Phone 2515 Brussels R, R. 3 .
Waste Not
Want Not
DO not waste your time,
money and energy 011
Poultry of nondescript
breeding when for a cduple of $
extra you can fill your Incubator
with Elge from a flue laying
strain. Our S. 0. White Leg -
horns can't be beat.
Egge 10c a dozen above mar-
ket paice down to 35o.
Order early and have egga to
sell next Winter.
Everett Hoover
Phone 2514 Brussels
David Gi•een. Hnwiok'(c share
work on W. & H. bdy ...... 16 31
Moved by Taylor and Gamble, that
ttltie Council adjourn to meet in Ford-
wich on the third Wednesday in
April. Carried.
0. E, WAL1cER, Clerk,
Huron County
Bowling Club re -organized at
Sweet clover hulling is on program
at Orewe.
Crewe Checker Club claim sham-
Grass cattle are being bought about
Oases of scarlet fever in Goderich
Farmers in Auburn locality are
sugar malting.
Con. Eckert, McKillop, is still" in
poor condition of health.
• Chickenpox have been a household.
worry in Kippen locality.
Exeter poultry are doing Spring
Statute labor in tulip beds.
Installation of new Sunday School
officers at Benmiller Methodist church
April 27. •
Pickle salting station at Exeter will
be eotabliehed. Oucumbees will be
the chief product. •
Della, 4 year old daughter of M, and
Mrs, Snaith, Bronson line, was operat-
ed on for appendicitis at London.
"Pill Bottle" was the title of a Mis-
sionary drama presented rase by
Street Methodist church, Goderich.
J. McQuoid came from the West,
where he has spent 24 years CO attends
funeral of his meter at Dungannon.
She died in Saskatchewan.
Pasture to Rent
Min ACRES with abund-
kilance of Grass and
Water, to be rented by
the month for the season.,
Will furnish the Salt.
For further particulars apply to
P. Ament, BRUSSEls
Announcing Cash System
We wish to announce that after much consideration
that on and after March let our business will be on a strict-
ly cash basis to all individuals. r In carrying on our busi-
ness under a cash system we will be able to give our cus-
tomers =eh better service in the' way of ppfoes, as you will
readily understand that it costs less to run a Cash Business
than it does to carry accounts for months and probably into
years. By getting the cash for the goods we sell we will be
able to pay cash for the goods we purchase, thus getting a
better price because we can take advantage of all discounts,
and eliminate such charges as interest and exchange.
We will maintain accounts for Corporations and Insti-
tutions on regular terms, as the accounts for the above have
to be passed by shareholders before being paid, it would be
imuossible for them to pay cash.
Your patronage is esteemed, for which we express
thanks, and its continuance is solicited. We're here to do
business and invite you to call when anything is wanted in
ottr line, A ] service promised. Our Telephone is No. 9x
Earl Cunningham
Auction Gala.
wwTOTION 8A1.1%a c1i`Aflit?, FARM ST0011,.
g"a ANnittp'b t1eses ,n, M, doolt how 1a•
tf r gne 10'
osived irtubil otluns 1II a Lha Linda k4 d
Ball hpp uy, Ao Au411;, l 1 e'e sp, , , t, Uow.
on r roper yApril4 heavy i o'otoak, the folow•
Ing property ye keavv 1drry 0 marc old. ell 1
old, fonts7yenr6old, ►eu»podriving mora0geera
Hol 1,Do o ret supposed in cow 1
Bot,lheif(loweuppoveMar.20,1 grade now in
calf, r4tearaup eife in coming yeag sold,Years,
1 farrow oars 1 i,, ser sear 2 y2ulhok1, 5
ataors 2 sora ]d, l a ear 1 sear old,'2 halters
nibs d to
q f Oma 1 1
1ts0 > ea old, 1 ear sivi�, l f t w, p
g Ring,l binder,ltivato Frost R woods 7 1l.
1200, l' Deering w I'e,',( 1 tuIln Noxell tinct,
121 Finery plow, 1' Perrin riding plow, 1 set
harrows, 0 eentloua ,e lumher wager, I Be beY
reek, 1 set bob,teigltop
a, 1 wood ruck, 1
baggy,1 Dotter, 1 reed curt, 1 hay fork, oar
an pu�, 1lltl set l%1,double2harnees, 1 net 01000
1 ornosa, etoeebon0, k grindatonee, 2 purr g,.
1 ohiokon fattening °rine, 1 Dream separator
l Diamond range, 1 box stove; 1 bedsted aria
sinew, 1 cupboard, 1 sideboard, 1 lounge, 1
sowing maehtne,1 large mail box. 1 Pig box
end louder, hay, grain and other ur2oles.
Farm, oontaining 100 Sores will also be offered
for dude eubjeot to it reserve bid. Terms -919
end under cash ; over that nmoan% 10 months
credit on approved joint notes. Land owners
for aonurity. 55 offtfor oath en eredlt
amounts. Sale will be unreserved.
Proprietor, Auctioneer.
House and lot Tor Sale
House and lot for eels on John etreet, Bru.-
sela. On the property 34 a very oomfortnble 7•
roomed house, hard and soft water,arden,
Mae lawn, fruit traria and a email stable with
steel roof. For further iter Moulins apply to
ALEX. DARE, Brussels,
Shorthorns and Yorkshires
In Shorthorns we have one roan ball 11
menthe old. bred by Barry McGee, Toronto.
erred by Imp. Baleair,, 'Addle, and from n
Marc allssle dam. A. real herd header. et far-
mer's arloe. Another roan, a good useful hull,,
9 months old, by White Wonder, Could spare
it fete more fe,aales. Also York Sows or dir-
lerent ogee.
Lot 10, Con, 15Grey Twp.
Phone 2814 R. ii. 2 Brussels,
matter of the estate, of William
• James Cardif ,, tato of tho Village
of Brussels, In the County of Hur-
on, Deceased..
Notice is hereby given pursuant to The Ile.
vleed Statutes of Ontario. 1914, Chapter 121,
that all Creditors and others having aia9ne
against the estate of the mid W I hien .cares
Oardilf, who dlod on or about the Srd of
March. A. D. 1924, ore required on or before
the Fifth day of April, A. D 1024, to Bond by
poet propald or deliver to William John Def.
Bold Cardiff, Brussels, P. 0 , the Executor of
the manta of the said deceneed. their Christian
and Surnames, addreaees sed description •, the
fall particulars of their olnims, the statement
of their accounts and the nature of the some
ties Of any) heldby them.
And further take notice that after 'snob Inst
mentioned datethe said Executor will proceed
to distribute .the seems of the deceased
amenI,•et the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to the claims of which he shal
then have notice and the said Executor will
not be liable for the said assets, or any part
thereof to any person or persons, of whose
Maim m shall have been race
trim at the Lime of each dlytribntfon.
Dated this Fourteenth day of March, A. D.
Solicitor for the Exoantor,
Duoford Property for Sale
Beusapnd lot of about N 4411, 03044ad on
M91,01110 of xureberrY end Thonms elreeti
1 h DMI.
known nit 0 4 _ utl
Ne N kn w
4 Btho
1 e
Mega nthgPfil g
find home. On cos property laevo, nen atenha1
rpor,,,' brick 114r4i i newly anneal,
closes, baih04001iel;teroers, new ill d we letralb
trews0 Mee raspb sly 'el, tat drilled well -eruct
riniceaaiap raspberry 'elicitation, lbeau beautiful
Iowa.al and oveeldfe trans, and a 11 Would
Iowa. Will w111 ba go d for hole 01 5sto t lG would
Into t4 band It ,l wind o* the estate of the
tate uB.r O.OS Danford. 1mn,ediaRa poses n,
For 0 paroit,onl .1 apply to l IO 5, (next
or),lfaxt1 frueeei 3P pAlc•1rADZEAN, fnaxt
Tee 'AOT,'and In rho matter Of the
estate of Lavinia and Exra Penne
of the township of Grey, Farmers.
Notteo 11 hereby given pursuant to the
'Trustee Act, R. S. 0. Chat. 121, Sootier) 50 that
ell 0redit0rs wire on the' Ord, day of FebruarFy,
A, D. 1021 had plalme ngnlnst rho eeid Lavinia
and gent Petemm are required to gond to or de•
liver o the undersigned 'fruateo on or heftier!
the Fifth day of April, 1024, felt partlonlars of
their oleime verified by 11 Statutory Decilitre.
tion under the Cantata Evld cape Aot.
A1id notice+ la further given that after the
said fifth tiny of April, A. 0,1024, the under.
signed Trusteewill Inward to distribute the
proceeds of the Trust Berate amonget the per.
sons entitled thereto 11571(19 regard to the
claims not bel3ebie for the he WM then reroceedstiof
the Trost ENtate or any part thereof so die.
trlbutt+d to any psrsonof whose 'claim he bad
not notice et the time of the distt•ibatlon.
Doted at Lletowel, the 7111 day of Marsh..1.
D. 10;4.
Trustee for Lavinia and Earn. peters.
farms for Sale or to Rent
One. contalnlog 100 earns, being 14 Let 22,
Con, 7, Otorrle, Hood frame house with sellar
and woodshed • good well, bank bare, hog or
sheep pen, orchard, good spring near center of
farm ; about 40 mores plowed- for spring prop,
balanaa In pasture end timber, 8f miler from
E ssela; close to tahooh Farm Is in the best
condition us it has been in pasture fora nuat•
ber of peers. •
One 200 more form being. g1 Lots28 end 24,
Can 7, Morris. Geed frame Noone with cellar;
good well, two orohorde, barn 40x00 and barn
29x72, with straw shed 10x72, hen holm and
hog pen.. Above buildings are in. good repair,
Considerable plowing done for npring orop.
Nevor•felling spring running Into trough alone
to buildings. About 126 acres under unitive -
tion; about Oil mares seeded down, balance in
pasture and wood !nude, 4 miles from Bras -
eels and 4 froth Walton, Thle. faun le in the
best condition,
I nm dlspoeing of all my farms and if not
sold the above will be ranted. For further
partloularoas topriotand terms apply to
P. ANENT, Brussels,
Farm for Sale
Contains 100 norm, being Sl4 Lot 29, Con. 0,
Morris township, Good brick house with eel.
lar; bank barn with cement stabling ; driving
shed, drilled well and n never falling spring at
book. About 00aereeander eultivatlon, hal.
1,000 pasture nod wood land. Fall Vlawloap
will be done end possee0l0n given this Fall.
For further partleutnrs a plyq to
A. lig MACI)ONALD, Brussels.
Representative Wanted
Huron County to represent "The Old Rellnble
Fonthlll Nurseries. Big melee aro to he made
I [ noticeh 11 not 1 b ivedbe in selling Nursery stook during the recoa-
etrnctlon period. Aaplend d opportunity for
a live salesman, Highest co,nmtsatone aid,
handsome, free equipment, large lino of Pratt
and ornamental stook to offer. $coax &
W ELooNOTON, Toronto, Ont.
4+•+8+% t'`i+♦+l+o+o-to+o•N.+o+ •÷•+•••••••••••••44+040+4114,
The Seaforth
ream Wanted.
Send your Cream to the Creamery thbroughly
establighed and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory' Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction,
IWe will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
t, pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C.
McCALL, Phone 23 to, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery CO.
Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter 'fat, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Fac-
Call and get a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested.
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
BrusselsCremeryAt LtPYOISteart