HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-4-2, Page 1VOL. 52 NO, 41 40o per annum In advance BR USS LS. ONTARIO. WFDN, SDAY, APRIL 2. x024 W. H. KERR, Proprietor [AMRYT11THE BRUSSELS Friday and $aturday , April 4 &,5 JACK Ile COOGAN, THE ICED J M6E:LP, IN "Peck's Bad Boy" 5 ;Rocking Reels — a non-stop laugh -tine, gee, what a wonder- ful boy. Aon CosuotprmeKoa-dy Love Test t "MONTE CRISTO'• WllilAM FOX SPECIAL. PROo'.C'ION.. Monday & Tuesday next A Big Special "AIONTE CRIB- TO," presenting the 3 strongest passions known in a life'fime— Love, Bute, Revenge.. Tickets 26 and 16 Conte New Advertisements Millinery -Mrs, Hayden Special Sata—R Ferguson Farm far sale—Allan Sparc Oats for sale—John Grant Ooaloorning—a R, Weller Drake for rnla—W. 8peir Robe lost—R. B..Stevenson Bull for a tie—J. P. McIntosh Seed for sole—J P. McIntosh Dressmaking—Miss Kerney To the public—Allan Lemont Gorse for sale—Rue. Robertson Ball for sale—Geo. E. Spelran Seed oats for sols—Geo. Menzies Peas for sale—John 8. Dickson Frost fence Wire—Geo E 3IeOe11 Peak's Bad Boy—Family Theatre Timathsseed.for sale—Berry Sooiran Applications wanted—Walton Far, Olob a iztrr: :.ears Gorrie Mrs, John Arden has been ill with p ueutannin. Ira Hamilton, Toronto, Is visiting o his mother, Mrs. A. M. Hamilton. Ontario Railway- and Municipal Board will meat at Gorrie, April 11th, to deal with telephone extensions of lines in Howick township. Car A Cement Expected at Ethel about middle of April, Place your order early. J. H. FEAR Phone 22E3 ETHEL To the PvbIic TTTTTWT—PVT HAVING leased the Wood Work Shnp of D. Ewan I ata prepared to edited to till kinds of. Repair Work on Buggies, Wagons Cutters and Sleighs Buggy Wheels Re-ilubbered, Carriage Painting attended to, Lumber Ripped and Planed, Ail kinds of Saws Filed and put In melee, Everything done at Rea. sonable Prices. AIIanHLarnont tint/seats A1iss Beryl Ashton, Milliner, has re. awned her post ea Miilzner at Hensel', ll f Jas. and are. Doig and children of , rrprcAlberta, t �'ss A hav a returned home after spending the Winter WW1relatives and friends, aluevatle Weare sorry to state that Peter Ring is not having very good health. Last meeting of the Literary Society fur this season will be held in the Foresters' Hall, Friday evening, April 4th. Addresses will be given by Rev, T. 0, Wilkinson and Rev. 0, Tate, Good music, lnetrnmentel and vocal, will complete a litet•clase pro. gram. The Woman's Institute •will held their regular monthly meeting, Thursday April 10th, at the home of Mrs. R. Shaw. A talk on Country Life will be given .by Mrs, Aitken and one on "Women of the Bible," will be given by Mrs. Wilkinson, . Roll Call— Some striking remembrance ' of our childhood. • • Listowel Robert Cossey. aged 79, was esphyiated by coal gas fumes at hie home, 628 Layered street, London. The tragedy was not discovered until next night, when Mre. Day, a step- daughter of the deceased, made; a customary call to the aged mane home at about 8 o'clock. Seeing a bottle of milk on the front doorsteps she investigated and found the doors of the residence locked and no signs of life could be seen. Neighbors tele- phoned the police ,department. The constables forced an entrance to the building and found Mr, Cossey dead on the floor of the bedroom. He was abrother-in-law of W. E. Binding, Listowel. Molesworth . A pleasant time was spent Monday evening of last week when the young people of this community gave a shower to Bert. and Mrs. Heibein, on Che 2nd Con. of Grey. Gordon Camp- bell read an appropriate address, after which Bert. thanked them very kind- ly in a few words for all the useful gifts that were showered upon them. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following is the report of U. S. S. No. 4, Grey and Wallace for the month of March. Honors, 76 %; pass, 60 %, V—Muriel Elliott. 81. Sr. IV—Gertrude Mac- Intosh, 78; Isabel Stewart, 77; Mar- garet Sangster, 76 ; 'lean Martin. Jr. IV—Josie Cumming, 87; *George Brown, 85 Archie McDonald, 67 ; Jessie Edgar, 42 ; *Eva Sangster, 85, Jr. III—Archie- Cumming, 75; *Mur- ray Brown. 65. Sr. II—Tom Cum- ming, 78 ; Pearl Felker, 77 ; Campbell. MagofUo, 75 ; Agnes Elliott, 75 ; "Dorothy Mitchell, 70 ; Stella (keens, 67 ; `Glenn Martin, 05. Jr. II—Davie Stewart, 65. Pr. (in order of merit) Italph Wilt, Archie Douglas, eBeverly hlitcheil. , Names marked with a missed one or more exams. Number on the roll, 23. Average attendance, 18, V, V. MOLEOD, Teacher, Wroxeter Jno. Brown, Toronto, spent last week in the village. Mrs, Hugh Rae, Toronto, was a visitor in the village. • Mrs. R. J. Ran has returned from a 2 weeks' visit with friends in Toron- to. Miss Ethel Stutt attended the fun- eral of au aunt in Bowrnanville last week. Hugh Edgar and family.) ave mov- ed to the farm theyreeently purchas- ed from Jno, Hupfer. In spite of the inclemency of the weather, there was a large •attendan= ce at W 11. Sanderson's-sale Saturday afternoon., Me. at.d Mrs, Sanderson purpose making their hone with their sot in Toronto. A GREAT QUINTETTE —Wroxeter and locality have 5 residents whose combined ages total 441 years. All are able to get about and most of Ghent are quite lively for their ages. Mrs. J, Gibson is the senior of the quiutette being 94 years of age; Thoe. Sage comes next at 92 ; Mre. Sage 89 ; Thos. Henderson, 86 and Jno. David- son, 80, You would need to consult FRFence ST Wjre Carof Wire expected to arrive at Brussels this week, Special prices off car for cash, Leave your order early. Geo. E. McCall Phone 80x Brussels 11 eosin L Cars of Egg, Chestnut and Stove Coal on the way. Order early, , y G. R. We ll�e_r Phone 17 rn1 sSELB Millinery Opening at Utile' was a Success Choice stock. of Fashionable Goode won favor, It will pay the Ladies to see the New Goods and buy here. Thursday of Each Week will visit Atwood when sample goods will be displayed and orders taken. Our aim is to please the Customers, Call and seethe new styles. MEP/// / Mrs. Haydeo ETHEL the family register to be sure some of the number were minted curiectly by their sprightliness. We congratulate. The !regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of the Misses Hazlewood Thurs- day afternoon with an attendance of 16, Mrs. le, Stocks presiding. Roll Call was answered by naming a desir- ed labor saving device. Reports were received from committees of the Birthday party, Millinery course and Bale shipped to Nuethern Ontario After business badbeendisposed of a• moat interesting and instructive paper on the Building and Decorating of a home was given by Miss Ellen Me Ewen. This was followed by a Travel Talk by Mre, T. G. Hemphill, in which she gave splendid descriptions of many places of note she visited during a recent trip to California. The meet- ing was dismissed by singing the National Anthem. Bell;rave Miss Mitchell, Field Secretary of the W. M. S., addressed the ladies of Knox church Tuesday afternoon of last week. She has a most interesting story of the Western work, of sacri- fices and successes and is most eanguine of ultiinate victory. Mrs. Ernest Geddes favored with a solo and an offering was taken. Cron brook There was no service in Knox church last Sabbath. Glad to report improvement ip health conditions at home of John A. and Airs. McNair.. James Dickson was a welcome visi- tor at the old home last week,. He came from Kelfield, Sask., with a car of cattle to Toronto market. Latest word from Rev. R. F. Cam- eron, Georgetown, who has been t11 for some time, indicates somewhat better, conditions. Hope coming of Spring will help his case. Walton Sonne great specimen of pitch holes. Applications are asked for the management of he Farmers' Club nat u stove . here. See the advt. John and Thos. Bolger were at Port Elgin this week attending the funeral of their uncle, Joseph Bolger, who was buried Monday afternoon, The former brought home with,him a real blackthorn walking stick hie father got on the old and years ago and which the uucle had borrowed when stere on a visit. Tenders will be awarded for carpen- ter work of the school building on Saturday, April 12th, meeting being called for 2p. m. Building will be 24x36 feet. with 8 ft. teacher's room, front pot chee, &c. Trustees are ask- ing for figures on carpentering job byor the day, en to ac tinge for board. 'I.'he new building will be on North side of 'prpannt school lot. See the advt, in another column. DIED NEAR PORT P EL IN. Last Fri- day day there passed away at the home of his son-in-law, J, W, Anderson, of Saugeen, Joseph Bolger, a former pioneer of Huron Comity, in his 83rd. year. He was born.on Lot 20, Con. 2, McKillop township, near Seaforth, In 1841, and lived on the same farm for 00 years. Selling out 22 years ago Mr. Bolger moved to Port Elgin. He t was the yougeat eon of he late John Bolger, and brother of a well remem- bered resident of this locality, the late James Bolger, Auothetr brother was Ilion, of Ninga, Manitoba, who pro - deceased him by a few years, each living to a ripe old age. The subject of this notice was married to Miss Martha Bulger on July 26 11t, 1877 and she passed to her rewtod 83 ears ago, 7 ch ldeen were born to the union, viz —Jno., Prince Rupert, B. 0. ; Albert, Vancouver, 13. 0. ; Wesley, at home 1 Martha, (Mrs. J. W. Ander- son) Saugeen ; Thos., who made the supreme sacrifice in the world war, and. Mary end Harry, who died in in- fancy, Mr. Bolger was somewhat frail during the past 0 months but was qyifew days of nits active o within u Hist onlybeing bedfast 2 days his demise f y end passing aay b quite suddenly. He wee laid to rest last Monday afternoon in Port Elgin cemetery, eot vices at the hone tad graveside being, conducted. by Rev.:Mr, Hamilton, of Anglican church, to which deceased was a life , long member. Pallbearers were 2 nephews (Jun, and Thos. Bolger, Walton son.i ! w J. VV. Anderson.) n , lWm, Baird. Guelph xAar, Mao r o arid Angus Mcpill Bray, Port .Elgin, The subject of this notice was esteem- ed by a wide elecle and was an honest, honorable man, Moncriei Arnold Mainy, of Flint, Mich., Is spending this week with his parents, Joseph and Mrs. McKay, Misses Annie and Eva Cumming, Molesworth, spent last week at the home of Thoe, and Mrs, Inglis, George McTaggart has leased the residence of Mies Crosby, Seafortb, and will be removingto it before long., Many good wishes accompany the family, Mrs. Wm, V. McKay was badly hurt one night last week while milk- ing a cow when the animal kicked her severely and also trampled on her. She has been under rho doctor's pare. Atwood SUCCESSFUL. PLAsr.—The light com- edy entitled "Next Door" was success, fully put on In the Mucic hall under the auspicee of the Atwood Literary Society. This was the last night of the season. •Rev, Gilmour, President of the Society, acted as Chairman, and an orchestra furnished music be- tween acts. The following took part : George E. Cox, Lloyd Vallance, Lorne Vallance, Donald Love, Mrs. J. A. Mc - Bain, Mts. A. M. Robinson and the Misses M. Ratcliffe, Alexis Beason and Isobel Vallance. Proceeds amounted to t95, which will bedevoted to the street lighting system. prey Council Monday 14th inst. Sugar bush was a lively spot this week. Most roads have been in poor condi- tion. Spring freshet put the water over the highways in several places for a few days. Roy Hastings, Silver Corners, is putting a new boiler in the cheese factory, ready for Spring work. Leslie McKay, 14th Oon., Grey, a student of Listowel High School, has been- on the sick list with la grippe. James Denman will bold an Auction Sale of farm stock and implements on Wednesday, April 9th. Watch for bills. John Speiran, 12th line East, has been under the Dr.'s care for the past week with a severe cold. Hope he will soon be 0, k. Mrs. Grief. Baker, 10th Oon. Grey, is on the sick list. Her many friends hope to soon see a change for the better. Mts. George Mann, (nee Miss Grace Schrock) of Lander. Man., who bac been seriously ill with goitre for the past 3 months in the hospital at Win- nipeg, is a little improved, we are pleased to state. Auction Sale of Farm, Farm Stock. implements, &o., at Geo. W. Hall's, Lot 13; Oon. 4, will be held Friday afternoon of this week.at-1 p. m. D. M. Scott, Brussels, will be Auctioneer. List of sale on page 4 of this issue. 0A:RD OF TBANIi8,—For -kindnesses shown toward our father, the late Lorenzo Frain, and for the comfort and good cheer brought to him by those who visited hire during his long illness, we extend sincere thanks, We also gratefully appreciate the kind deeds and sympathy of all in our bereavement. SONS AND DAUGHTERS. Morris Milton Lake has sold the barn tim- ber advertised some months ago. John Lake, formes father, .purchas- ed moat of it. An Auction Sale of Perm Stock, arc, is announced by Thos. Ellis Ni Lot 18, Oon. 5, for Wednesday 16th inst. Full particulars next week. George Kelly, of Kenora, fo ueeely a well known resident of the Sth line, has been spending the Winter in Mexico and Califonia returning by the Pacific Coast, No it was not a wedding tour, That may come yet. BnorrE HER HIP.—We'are sotry to state that Mrs. George Davie, 5th line, blown o a letferm at her home was v off e P. last Saturday in the fall hada hip fractured Hope she will make a speedy recovery. A fine time was enjoyed at home of Joseph and Mrs. Bewley Monday lft week when about 60or eveningof et 70 folk spent the fleeting hours in music, song, dancing and social chat. Good music was supplied by Messrs. Speir, Smith, Wells Bros„ M. Jack- son and others. Tasty lunch was served and the guests voted Mr. and Mrs. Bewley 1st class hostand hostess. Ethel Mrs, R, Laing peeps quite poorly. Township Councii Monday, 14th inst. Mre.'Robt. Barr has been under the doctor's care but we wish her speedy convalescence. Mrs. Wesley Beacom, Mullett town- ship, was visiting Mrs Robertrt Pear- son, Former is a daughter, T H. Savage, remitting for Tax POST from Oanfleld, 'Ont., safe :— Snow ahold; all gone, having Trice: weather here and everything going along nieely. Leonard Kreuter spent the week end at his parental home, 10th Con., Grey. He hits been transferred from Stratford to the Bank of Montreal, V wish trim success. Welland, Ont. Wawa dell rd, A aliment ^i 1 me t e in of the L. O. L. was held Thursday evening of last week. Rev, Mr. dans, who was dole - gate to Grand Lodge at Brantford, prasrnted his report. and gave it large amount of information relative to the Order. Dressmaking Haws opened a shop above lir. W. Ferguson's store (with hallway entrance between Mr, ii'erguson'e and Miss Hingston s Millinery) where I will be pleased to attend to the wants of ladies in Brus- sels and locality. Charges moderate, Miss F. M. Kerney BRUSSELS Mrs, M. Kreuter attended the funer- al of her reticle, John House, Atwood, Tuesday. Ire response to the wish of sows Atwood folk Mrs. Hayden will visit that village, once a week in the in.- tereets of her Millinery trade. Despite unfavorable weather the Millinery opening at Mrs. Hayden's was a success. The new goods were duly admired by the ladies, tried on, and orders booked. Mre. Hayden In- tends visiting Atwood each Thursday where she will attend to the wants of the ladies of that locality. Wingham At a meeting called to organize a golf club, the following officers were elected :—Hon. -Presidents, Rev. C. E. Cragg and Dr: R. C. Redmond ; Presi- dent, J. W. MCKibbon ; 1st Vice - President, T. C. King ; 2nd Vice-Presi- Dr• A.•J, Irwin ; 3rd Vice -President, Mrs. J. A. Wallace ; Secretary -Treas- urer, Dr, G. H, Rose ; Captain, J. A. Wallace ; Greens and Ground Com- mittee, H. Sherboudy ; Rules Com- mittee, R. Vanstone. The club has secured suitable property and expect to have a large number of players Chia year. Huron County Seaford' Spring Show April llth. q Fordwich Tennis Club is re -organiz- ing. Mumps have had Carlow by the throat. Better train service wanted at Goderich. Grand Bend will have new street lighting. Bad colds are on Leeburn'e program. Kerchoo' 1 Flax will be grown in Zurich local- ity in 1924, Teeswater will borrow $15,000 for street paving. Goderich Signal is offering $10 for pansy prizes. . 10 Ib. rabbit was caught by Ernest Adams, Constance. Lucknow Chamber of Commerce is after 200 members. Measles are the newest thing on Brucefield program. Geo. Green formerly of Goderich is dead, in his 94th year. Purity Flour Base Ba119 will be in evidence at Goderich. $27,000 of floating debts will be con- solidated by Goderich. Roy Gadke, Fordwich, had one foot badly crushed by a sawlog in the mill - yard. Angus More was presented with a club bag before leaving McKillop for Chicago. 5 black squirrels were found by A. Nicholson, Constance, frozen to death in a tree. Farm of Harry Grainger, near Molesworth, has been bought by Al- lan Mitchell. Kenneth Weaver, Whitechurch, lost 2 cattle by bleeding to death after dehorning. Garden seeds are being distributed to pupils looking to the School Gar- dena of 1924. Burlesque Hockey match between the "fate and leans," Lucknow, was. won by former. Mrs. (Dr.) D. H. McInnes, Wing - ham, is deceased. Her husband and 3 children survive. District W. M. S. Convention will meet at Bengali Mal 14th, in the Methodist church. KingBros.,Win - R. H. King, of g, g take a position in a Toronto ham, will departmental store Mock trial presented by young people of Chtaelhuret Methodist church was well done. Aspen of matched gray Percheron mares were sold to Murray, Clif- ford, by J. Holt, Fordwich. Bagshaw & Easton, liverymen, Ex- eter, have disolved partnership. Former continues business. T. Kopass, .Carrick township, has good dine keeping elogk 43 years old that never required repairs, not even oil. Before her marriage Miss Wilma Shaw, Bluevale, was presented with a fine mantel clock and a cut glass wat- er set. Rev. Mr. Molntoeh, Peeebyterian pastor at Brimfield, has removed to Milton. A well filled puree and kind whitest, wee presented. The boys turned out and cut a nice lot of fire wood or George 1 f A dtioh Howick, and next day caro with their teams and hauled the wood to Iris yard. Sneak thief stole the lines off Ed- mund lrwin's horse in Wingham Methodist church shed, If he finds out who did the scurvey trick the thief will not likely', say "the lines have fallen unto *nein pleasant places, BLsEts Ro b H OF PFHOTEL —.Cheg r let , of wind on Satutda Morning about o'clock lifted the metal roof off he Cen tial Hotel, Exeter, and carried it in one masa to 'the roof of a shed in the yard. The stripped roof retrain• ed uncovered during the thin of Satur. day and Sunday, MO ONLY Special Sale —CDF— $40 Suits For just, $3 SAW Beautiful stock in Stripes, Browns, Greys and Blues— all new goods, Also Special Prices on Overalls and Work Shirts Smaller Profito and a Larger Turn -Over R. Ferguson Also take orders for some of the best Clothing Houses in the business such as Hobberlin's, Cornell's and Leishrnaa & Son's. Unbroken Nome Circle Unique Family History of Geo. and Mrs. Kirkby and Family, Of very few families can the record of well known residents of Brussels and locality, in the persons of George and. Mre. Kirkby and family, be writ- ten, as the family circle, consisting of father and mother, S brothers and 7 sisters, is unbroken and all are enjoy- ing comparative good health and pros- perity. Mr. Kirkby. was born in York Coun- ty, Ontario, in 1837. was married by Rev. Mr. Logie: of Thames Road, Os- borne Township, Huron Co., to Mies Margaret McAtter, 64 years ago on March let. This stout hearted young couple came to Moiris township in the Fall of 1872 and sojourned in that municipality until retiring from farm- ing and moving to Brussels in Novem- ber, 1922. Glasgow, Scotland, was the birthplace of the queen of the house- hold, in 1889, coming to Canada when lj years of age. It was fashionable to have large families in those earlier years, hence to the Kirkby home was born 8 sons (Jonathan, Brussels ; Harry, the well known Veterinary,Belgrave • and Herbert, who sustains the familyrep- utation on the old horueetead,9th line Morris),- and 7 daughters (Mrs. Oaistor, Mich. ; Mrs. P. McArthur, Morris ; Mrs. T. O. McCall, Brussels ; Mrs. Robt, Watt, Blyth; Mrs. John Short - reed, B. 0. ; Miss Ellen, at home ; and Mies Jennie, of Kitchener. Municipal honors were bestowed on the head of: the house by Morris elec- tors and f.,r 8 years he sat at the Council Board as Councillor and pro- moted to the Deputy Reeveship, which post he filled for 4 years. For a long period he served the countryside as Auctioneer in addition to carrying on farming operations. Although 87 years of age Mr. Kick - by is still a lively old gentleman and has just completed the splitting of 7 cords of maple blocks and is looking round for new worlds to conquer with the coming of Spring. Mrs. Kirkby has no idle hours on her program and during the past 6 mouths has knit 6 underskirts, socks, mitts, &c, The Kirkbys are all musical and the family concert is well worth hearing. THE Pose' congratulates the family on the unbroken circle and their abil- ity, for so large a number, to see one another, frequently and we indulge in the hope that the genial Mr. and Mrs. Kirkby may be spared to the home for a good many years to come. East Wawanosh Council Council met on March 25th with all members present. Minutes of Met meeting read and approved. Follow - then made for ' !menta were then appointments present year •—Pathmasters—J, 13. Tierney, Wee. Kecbnie, J. Doerr, R. J. McGee, W. Anderson, J. John- ston, N. Patterson, J. Vincent, R. 0. McGowan, W. S. McGowan, W. Fear, J. Dingwall, R. Wilson, W. Walden, W. J. Roger, A, Campbell, J. N. Campbell, N. Mason, Thos. Noble, J. le. Ellie, J. T. Coultas, W. Blair, A. McDowell, M. McDowell, Fred, Oook, Wm, Rath, P. McLean, S. Cook, T. H, Taylor, S. Jordan, W. J. Cole, Jas. Scott, 13, Stapleton, G. Cunningham, J. McBurney, R. Henry, J, McBurney, P. Gibbons, 0 G. Anderson, W. Shoe - bottom, J. T. Irwin, Sam. MoBurney, IV, Reid. J. H. Currie, A. Pattison, t II. Perdue, J. G.Johnston, Elliott. , Geo, Item 0. Currie A Coulter, , Fred. Davidson, J. Falconer, W. J. Pindon, 1). Kennedy, H. McGee, J. J. McGee, S. McBurney, A. Bruce, 0. Campbell, D. Chamney, Geo. Wallace, Poundkeepers—J. Hoare, F. Marshall, J, O. Stoltz, E. Taylor, G, Cunning- ham„ A. Pattison, H. McGee, T, Rob- ineon, H. Campbell, J. Cochrane, A. Currie, Fenceviewere—W. J. Parke, R, J. McGee, R. C. McGowan, Sam, MCBurney, R. Shie11, A Robertson, Sheep Vriluatore—J. Caldwell, J. 0. Stoltz, W. G,Reid, J.-3, Kerr. Four applications were received for the office of Tart Collector, Jas. F. Young, Oon, 11, wail the choice of the Oounoil for this Mee.. paved by lids, Qoultes, seconded byMr, Stalker that the Reeve and Clerbe authoriz- ed to sign and eubnatt to the Mitrieter 10 i a of of Public Warks and IJ hw s g. Y Ontario the petition of the Carpara^ tion of the Tp, of Rest, Wawanosh, showing that during the year 1928 there had been expended on the town- ship roads the enc of $8,798,52 aud re- questing the statutory grant on that amount as provided by .tbe Ontario Highways Act and amendments thereto. Carried. Council adjourn- ed to meet on Tuesday. May 27th as it Court of Revision on the Assessment roll and ordinary tnwushtp business, A. PORTERFIELD, Clerk, Church Chimoe Rev, Dr. Petrie, Wingham, wee one of the speakers at ac anti -Church Union meeting in Toronto last week. Sabbath next will be Monthly Mis- sionary Day in the Methodist Sabbath School and the closing Spoday of the School year financially. Interesting program at 3 p, m. Romans Mr was Rev. Mr. Clarke's text lat Sunday morin the thought carriedS hrough being "The Con- secration of Life." In the evening the pastor gave evidence of old time vigor in a fine sermon on "The Attractive Power of Jesus," as instanced in the call of Levi, Luke re, 27-28. W. M. S. WILL CstasaATE.—The en• niversary of the W. M. S, of the Metho. dist Church, Brussels, will be observed next Sabbath morning at ex o'clock, when the pastor will preach the annual sermon. Freewill offering will be take» at this service in the special envelopes for the occasion. The Society has a fine record, and is well officered and heart- ily backed up by alive memberships Bretz Seexerr—Next Sabbath Rev,' W. E. Hansard, 13. A , Toronto, one of the '!'ravelling Secretaries, will visit Brussels in the iuterests of the good work carried on by this well known Society. He will address Melville church congregation fu the morning and will speak in St. John's church in the evening at 7 o'clock. Brussels and locality take a live interest in this Society, it being a Banner Branch, and the people will be pleased to hear the representative on Sunday. Last Sabbath morning Rev. J, P. Mc- Leod continued the series of sermons on Paul's epistles to the Corinthians taking as bis subject "The Factors of Effective Preaching" and basing his thought on r Cor. 2 r.5. The speaker consider- ed the subject appropriate because every one is a preacher. Factors that make for effectiveness in preaching are : (x) Simplicity supported by conviction that Jesus Christ is the supreme factor in life; (2) Whole heartedness or singleness of purpose : (3) A good motive. At the evening service pastor dealt with"The Consequences of Disobedience," i11us. tested by the story of 'Jonah (s) His obedience to the call' of God causes the billows to pass over a man's lite ; (s) Disobedience to the call of God shuts a man out from the presence of God ; (3) Jonah repenting of his disobedience be- comes a new man, willing to give his life to save life. Perth County Scarlet fever at Mankton. • T, Crozier bought the Davey block, St. Marys, at $3,000. Exchange in Methodist pulpits next a Sun y in Stratford District. Methodist choir, Kirkton, was ban- quetted by Use congregation. 47 years ago Mitchell population was 2526 but it ie`less than 1800 now. Jno. Whaley, a Mornington pioneer, died atMilverta, n -a d 89 years, rs, g y Schools andchurches are open at p Millbank after the smallpox soars. Mitchell I 0. 0. F. hall damaged by fire, has been repaired and opened, ' Richard Balwell, Hibbert, lute sold a 50 acre farm to George Tuffin, for $5,000. G. Yundt, Ellice township, shipped 40 cars of baled hay in 2 weeks from Milverton. Mrs. Neil M. Leckie, Motherwell, has gone on an extended visit to the Old Country. "An old fashioned mother" is name of piny put on by Fullerton Methodist church Mission Cliele. Avonton Ladies' Aid tendered At Home to members Rnd husbands, at home of Walter Murray. Wm. Yule, Fullerton, who watt severely injured by a falling tree ;Mine time ago, is recovering. Moroington Township Telephone Co. held annual meeting at Milverton. Old Commissioners re-elected, 20 Kirkton Methodists at bee in Wilbur Kirkby's bush, cub next Winter's supply of church wood. Ed. Nichols has purchased - the 50 acre farm of Robt. Hicks, ab Gould's Corners, Fnllartotr, Price, $5,600. Old fashioned wood bee was 'held at E. J. Ferguson's, Maplehuret, with a large attendance of men and women. Mrs. Samuel J. Roe, 5t. Marys, had collar bone broken by being thrown front a critter in front of Cory's creamery. Farmers' Ohtbs, for the purposes of breeding select bacon hogs, ate ex- acted to pspring into existence in si County g P th 0 ant soon. Baptist church at Fullerton village after being, closed since last Fall, will be opened for service immediately. Rev. Mr. Greening, clergyman from Toronto, arrived and will assume -charge of the church, ' A HINT FROM FORnwxCR RECORD.-- ` e ` 1 W would kindly .ask our suU cr{ s Ucrs not to lend their papers to talose who re too meanand i a tight to t becrlba n st and who make it a, practice to sponge on their neighbors" . Sometimes we say folks eau't take a hint without the kick. Bra, Roberts appears (e,have combined then,; inthe above,