The Brussels Post, 1924-3-26, Page 7VERMIN --AND LIVE STOCK,
Thousands of dollars are lost each
year by stock owners neglecting to
take the necessary measures to de-
stroy the lice that infest the, stock.
Millions of these busy little.. insects
make life a misery to the animal and
they also make, the animals a source
of loss to the owner. The keeping of
live stock ae a medium of support for
lice never made any money for the
farmer, It is unprofitable, Many
people neglect, for masons best known
to themselves, to apply the simple
remedies that destroy vermin and
prevent Joshes on live stock operations,
Lice multiply most- rapidly in dry,
sold weather, and are found in great-
est Miamians, on long-haired, old and
poorly cared for. stock during March
and April, Spring rains tend to re-
duce the numbers of vermin on ani-
male that are exposed to the weather
and the lice become less numerous as
the season progresses. A few neem
to survive the summer and show their
presence in the late autumn or early
winter when their progeny have in-
creased to millions and bring torment
to tic unfortunate animals that sup-
port them. Rub and scratch, is the
practice, until all the hair is off and
the louse either crushed or pushed
further along, Bare patches are no-
ticed on side of neck, breast, head and
back, wherever the animal has been
able to reach—evidenceof vigorous
attempts at relief from the tiny for
mentors. Animals that are tide and
not free to rub themselves have a
harder lot than those running fx
All animals should be given a good
grooming with brush and curry comb
toremove scurf, loose hair, and any
vermin that may be off guard, then
apply the following:
Treatment for Cattle Lice—Soft
soap 1 quart hard soap M, pound, coal
oil. 1 pint, water 2 quarts,
Mix the quantities of soap and coal
oil together first, then add the 2
quarts of boiling water. This will
make an emulsion if thoroughly mix-
ed, to which 1 gallon of warm water
must bo added before applying to the
animals. 'An ordinary stable brush
is a good Instrument with which to
apply the emulsion, Care should be
taken to saturate the skin over the
entire body. Repeat the treatment in.
ten days; another brood will be up
and doing by that time, Sheep .dips
prepared by reliable manufacturing
ehemists are .available and voryuseful
in destroying cattle 'lice, There are
three speoiee of llee.attacicirig cattle,
viz., the long -nosed louse, the short-
nosed louse, and' the., biting louse.
Herds that are regularly ,groomed
during the winter suffer but little
from Bee.
Treatment for Horse Lice:
If the weather ;lis warm enough so
that it is safe to wash a horse, the
kerosene emulsion, given for cattle is
very effective. If the weather is cold,
the animal can be given a good groom-
ing and then either sodium flouride ori
pyrethrum powder well dusted on the
skin, and the horse blanketed. Raw
linseed oil can be brushed into the
hairquite easily and with good effect.
A good brush and oil are death to the
mites. Any treatment given should
bo repeated in ten days, since the
powers of multiplication are wonder-:
ful. There are two kinds of lice in -1
festing the horse, the biting and the
Treatment for Pig Lice:
Raw linseed oil applied with a
brush to all parts of the body is very
effective. The formulae for kerosene
emulsion can also be used to advan-
tage. An oil rub, always accessible
for the use of swine, will do much to
keep the vermin down. The practice:
of having a machine oil can handy,ati
feeding time and giving each pig a
squirt along the back once a week is
a good one. It will make conditions;
unhealthy for a pig louse. The pig,
louse "Haematopinus suis" is a big
one, almost as long as itsname, and
can easily be seen.
Do not let the louse rob you of your
season's profits and don't let him an-
noyyour anima
]s. A little soapy or
greasy material will stop his breaths
ing for all time. Why not get after
him to-day.—L. Stevenson, O.A.C.
1 Sell Eggs Direct.
My first step was to secure a copy
of the Montreal City directory. Se-
lecting a list of names from the resi-
dential sections, I mailed to each a
neatly printed circular stating that I
was prepared to ship guaranteed
strictly fresh eggs in lots of Ave dozen
each, and solicited a trial order. In
a few days' trial orders began to
I selected only first -quality eggs
and shipped in small wooden, five -
dozen size cases, by express. The ex-
press company gave me what they
call the produce rate, by which the
crates are returned free of charge,
Since that first venture the capacity
of my egg factory has been increased
many times.
I find shipping in wooden oases by
express far superior to shipping by
parcel post, as the danger of breakage
is much less. Rarely do I have a com-
plaint of a single egg being broken;
by parcel post this was one of my
greatest problems.
Neighbors have offered to sell me
their eggs to ship with mine, but so
far I ship only my own eggs, which I
can guarantee. I received $310.60
more last year than I would have by
marketing my, eggs at home.—R. W.
Brook Trout
for Salo
Brook trout tri (ealmu tonlloal)s) crowed from
wild. trout, tnlamoteed healthy and rigorous, For
April dellre,7. SO par thousand, moms seelburee.
00, Orders accepted for less than 5,000, wolyustoe,
Brook Trout natcherr, Irorine's Dillls, Duserth
County. Ontario. Shelburne stades . r.., 0. d
throttler. proprietor.
$15.00 Buns this
Griffith Team Outfit
1315 went el Fort William)
ComIlrheingp (tient Repo Traces, slant
y Piow opneiis,H 0011y 500011$11,10
5111ets, Completd for 2 Ceraea,
Grtrf you bent 1tt The whole hurt.
neer end or a tesla harness at &
p,1oe that makes 11 n real teen -
amyl Aentel ranee, testflare primed
beyond question flint rope where every
bit 03 &n11 a, leather. Vermeils ercq•-
ivhere are ending the arl8lth Tenet
Outfit a great been, In the face of the
eteadll7 Increasing price of teethe&
order an outfit ta.daayy mice 518 tar
110 Walt of Pert waliew).
0,10217,'1 slant Rope Tracer Only.per
see of four, with heel 01001011, } lar
00.50 trett Of part wnnam),.
leatflith'e1110 p0 aenetrppotke 0d Ito 0Wilud)0ea
t1el(h era00 0 11 170>,,, 51...11 007 lair
C1100 51.75 0007 of Port \ 1111am),
direct.' dWrite forer booklet. oder
nn.i{ , g0 water, t..
"�,�!?`„e(tt atrWste, bet.
Fresh Foods in Early Spring.
During the latter part of the win-
ter our health is especially liable to
suffer from the lack in 'our diet of
vitally important qualities that . are
provided by the fresh vegetables and
fruits which are abundant in the sum-
mertime. For this reason we should
give some thought to our diet at this
time of year, for the purpose of pro-
tecting ourselves against this defi-
If this is done, our vitality will be
kept up, and we shall be better able
to resist sicknesses that are common
in late winter. Some authorities be-
lieve that many people have a scurvy
in late winter owing to deficiencies in
the diet.
Because they last throughout the
winter and can be eaten, raw or in sal-
ads, cabbage, celery, apples, grape-
fruit, oranges, nuts, lemons in lemon-
ade, are of special value and should
be partaken of freely during the
Canned tomatoes are unique in that
they provide the vitamine that is con,
tained in other foods only when they
are raw, and they may be used freely
in the wintertime with benefit to the
health. Canned pineapple that has
not been canned too long is also said
to be a good provider of vitamines.
When lettuce can be bought during
•the winter, it is well to use it. £his
should not be considered an expensive
Malley. It is better to spend money
for some of `those medicinal and pro-
tective foods than for drugs and doc-
tor's bills, avoiding, besides, the dis-
comfort of i11 health and the loss of
earning power duo to sickness.
It is especially necessary to make
use at this time of the foods mention-
ed, as milk and butter, which are
`'protective" Foods in the summertime,
are likely to be lacking. or at least
scarce in the winter.
For Horne and Country
A Piece of Rea! Neighboring.
We wonder if any organization ever
had a more neighborly piece of work
to its credit than this; The Institute
u: South Simeoo have been mining a
series of inter -Institute debates this
winter. When Bond .Plead came to
Tottenl-ram they had a debate, a musi-
cal program, a short play by the Tot-
tenham. Institute, and refreshments.
The proceeds amounted to $46, with
limited expenses to either organiza-
tion. Three days preview, a woman
living in the country near Tottenham
had lost twin babies and her own lite
was hanging in the balance, The Tot-
tenham Institute women hearing of it,
immediately put in a trained nurse.
The Bond Head women, learning that
Tottenham was using the share of the
proceeds from' the evening for this
pttrlone, 'phoned them the next day
asking to have their share turner: over
to the same cause. The Socretery
says; "We lied a nice letter froth the
doctor 1n charge, saying it was the
means el saving a life."
ISSUE plc,
‘4. *Ix aise azrr-
During the spring period white rho A certain farm woman made a sw-
im', is being shod and a. naw coat cess of raising a few extra good dairy
produced, horses are very susceptible calves every ,year for the pact dozen
to sudden changes of temperature and years- oe ,0, A tow of her hand -Ped
inclement weather. Many fall victim halter ealvas holm grade . Flolatelns
to inflammation of the throat, The and a pure -brad sire have broken
disease arises from injury to the mu-
neighborhood records of performance
cone mimbrano Inflicted by foreign at the pail,
substances swallowed in the feed, by The foliowirlg is her method of
chemical irritants in medicines, inhale geosv3 ig little calves into big, high-
ing oe smoke, dust, fungi, heated air, producing cows;
the drinking of ice water, •and as a When the calf is born she allows It
complication of strangles, to remain with its mother about two
The symptoms in the early stage days, giving it u shouse to sill up at
are not very -marked and since the leisure on that new ud1k not fit for
hereo cannot' talk and tell us what human consumption, but most excel -
the trouble. is, the case is usually well lent. food and mestiicine tor, the infant•
on before treatment is started. As She •says that Calf will learn to
the throat become very sore it causes drink• out of hand as easily at three
the horse to stand, with the nose tor -
old as earlier.
ward and any movement of the head After the calf is separatedfrom its
will be very stiff. Attempts et swat- mother sho feeds it new rnillc from
lowing will result in the food being re, its owls mother three times daily, This
turned to the manger by way of the': new -milk feeding is continued for
nostrils,• There is but little external from ten days to two weeks, when
swelling and the act of feeling the
gradually some skimmed mills is mix.
throat will cause the horse pain., ed with the whole. Also at this time,
There it a nasal discharge and a when the calf is about twe weeks old,
cough which comes in spells. The she begins to add a Iittie cooked oat -
lymphatic glands of the region will meal'to the milk, which the young calf
soon begins to eat readily and on
be swollen. which it thrives wonderfully,When
The treatment for simple sore
throat consists of providing a clean, the calf is older a pint or more of the
comfortable stall with abundabt light oatmeal mush is mixed with the milk.'
and fresh air, where the temperature This mush is the calf's first solid food,
can be maintained at about tk deg,1 and soon after learning to eat the
Blanket the patient and give only soft, i mesh it will begin to nibble at and
set tile
laxative foods. Flava a water bucket ne hay, a big help in boosting a
within reach of the patient in which hand -fed calf in thrift and growth.
he may wash out his mouth. ehangeI This farm -woman expert with dairy
the water four or five times each day calves believes that all of the 'fat
and put a spoonful of saltsor a pinch should never be removed from the
of salt peter hi it each time. Steamed milk which is to be fed young calves.
hay and bran mashes are acceptable She believes, and is scientifically right,
feeds. Oats with husk or oat chop that no calf. in Sts latex growing per
should not be given; Oatmeal and a iod will do its best without some
little linseed meal or linseed tea are actual cow butterfat in its daily re.
good. If there is fever, Potassium ni- tion, until it is old enough to eat a
trate can be given. Mustardtplaster wide variety of solid #Dods:
or ammonical liniment can be applied
.lienee, the milk she gives her hand -
to the outside region of the throat. fed calves is not from the separator,
An electuary containing belladonna,,but skimmed milk with a little ofthe
chlorate of potash and molasses can. cream.
be made and a small quantity deposit-! No -food is too good in the begin -
ed at the base of the tongue every ring," she says, "if you expect to de -
two 'hours during the very painful velop a large, fine, heavy -producing
stage.—L. Stevenson, O.A.C. ' heifer. The early start in life is what
counts. Plenty of milk at each feed,
God bless him who pays visits and Frequent feeding and always some fat
short visits.—Arabian Proverb. Sn the. milk is my method."
a ' But after the calf is eight or ten
Ordinary shelled :corn is the best weeks old this woman gives it close.
supplement to skim -milk for calves. skimmed milk, from the separator, for,
then the young animal is old enough!
In a boundless universe is boundless to eat a variety of other things to
better, boundless worse. satisfy fully all its growing needs:
"But remember," she advises, "the
best dairy heifers are grown only
when you furnish them through the
first weeks of their growing life with
ing certain of their seed corn supply. some butterfat -in their liquid feed.
Some are being disappointed, and It's a practice that pays."
more are likely to be when tests are —I.--
ocompleted. Chapped Hands or Face
• These are the signs that indicate
poor diet: Low vitality and suscepti-
bility to disease; wrinkles and crows'
feet; early signs of age; hair loses its
luster, falls out, is uneven and easily sent postpaid on receipt of IDs.
broken; digestive system out of order j. A. MacDonald, Phm.B., 34 Hogarth
and inefficient. , Ave., Toronto.
particular people.
Roasted and packed same
day in airtight carts
Beating Ont
Cater i
• By Chester Morgan
To judge by the abundance of tent mined reason. In the absence of these
catorpiller egg masses reported singe' checks the eeterpillarg run riot unti
the leaves fell last aninnm, this spring; the controls gain a fresh hold. This
will see a serious ousl)r(•a1c of this past) may require one, tsvo or three years.
in many parts of the country I . A simple way to avoid trouble from
The egg masses, which are about, these caterpillars is to gather the egg
an inch long, encircle the smaller, masses in winter, but not destroy
twigs, They are of a golden brown them. This would also kill the para-
color and resemble dried frothy glue,: sites that are often inside the eggs,
Once seen they are easily recognized, Place the, egg masses where the pare»
and found while the trees are bare sites may escape freely butwhore th
of leaves, The little worms which caterpillar, will find no food, fie in All that may be u3
were fully developed last fall before.: an ontbuild3ng, y q
' I small bo who wants
Reams of copy have been written.
bewailing the .fact that the young
people .leave the farms for city life,
and as many more reams have been
covered with directions for checking
the movement. But still the exodus
goes on, :and it will continue until the
attitude of country folk toward the
eity folk undergoes a decided change.
Meanwhile it is melees for anxs
fathers and mothers to buy pianos,
automobiles, home comforts, fine
houses and flue furniture in the hope
of stemming the tide cityward.
For the fault is largely the parents',
1 Most country boys and girls have been
brought up to think that the city is a
haven of rest. Country mothers seem
to take pride in telling how much
work they do and how helpless town
ladies are, and they are forever point-
ing out that the country is the place
to bring up children, because it
furnishes plenty of chores And health-
ful work. for them to do,
cold weather set
to true, but the
in areready to am-! Another way is to destroy the little. Yto go fishing in.
erge as soon as spring opens. Usually nests as soon as they are formed. Be -
before the buds burst they have be -',fore the Ieaves develop they are easily'
'and to drive the cows to pasture con -
gun to spin their webs in crotches of seen in the erotches of the smaller eludes that the city must be a pretty
the smaller branches. They do seri- branches. They may be burned' with pleasant place if the city boys have
our but often unnoted damage to the' a torch, though eare must be exer-' nothing to do. And the little girl who
young green parts before their press i cased to avoid injuring the branches is bidden to carrywater, to the chick-
peence is detected or even suspected, themselves. They may be wiped out ens or to pick peas for dinner resolves
During storms, cold and drizzly, with a bunch of burlap or other rough bti g e ou h nbecause there just as scion sn bod
deather and during the heat of the. material, or even with the gloved kee
she is
day they take shelter in the nests, hand, though this Is unpleasant. chickens and vegetables ar
bought instead of being picked from
but in the evening and the early Worthless apple, wild cherry and'
morning they go out to feed. Toward other trees upon which the insects. vines
of prevention, feed should be destroyed as a matter) Whenever work is held up, consci-
ously or unconsciously, as a thing to
1 1
the beginning of Tune they cease to
return to the nests and often travel
considerable distances across even
1 bare ground, less in search of food
than of . places in which to change
The old age of. an eagle is as good
as the youth of a sparrow.
Our farmers should not delay mak-
Cured by one application of MEDORA
CREAM. Leaves skin smooth and vel-;
vety. Used exclusively in. Toronto+
General Hospital for ten years. Ask'
your druggist for 50e bottle and pre-
ve your gouthfu1 complexion or
Prevention of Losses Among Chicks
• By S. W
Recent figures show that there are
only about 15 chicks raised out of
every 100 hatched, and this to on
farms' where there' exists a better aver -I
age of poultry conditions. Many
poultry raiser's try to reduce their loss
by"dootoring" sick and weakly ohieks.
They lose sight of the fact that tor
the previous 9 or 1.0 months the stook
these chicks were raised from had not
the care and attention necessary to
produce sturdy chickens, and so care
of breediug stock results in chielcs
hatched with weals constitutions, un -1
able to live under ordinary Yarm eon -I
ditions. al strong, vigorous chicken,
with good brooding system,clean and
Proper feeding, should be easily raised
to maturity. The greatest loss 1s ow-'
ing to lack of vitality, which may be
caused by poor patent stock, poor
care of eggs before they are set, or
poor incubation. On farms, where the
fowl are allowed` to forage for them-
selves most of the year, there are
many mistakes made In breeding, the
Paull often being due to both male and
Female. The males, often lata hatched,
lack vigor and are small In size. Be-
cause such birds give a high percent-
age of fertility in eggs does by no
means warrant the assumption that
the chicks hatched wilI be sturdy.
Good hens are alutost as important as
good mules. For best results It is not
wise to mate the entire flock, better
pick out only the hest tamales and
mate them to the best males procur-
able. Never mate cockerels and pule
lets. Never use hens which have been
sick and out of condition. Bowel trou-
ble and diarrhoea are sometimes
onus -ed by infeetlon of the eggs, there-
fore the neceselty of not breeding from
any birds thus lufeoted. The best of
eggs may be ruined by faulty ineuba-
tioe, not only artfflcial, but when
broody hen is nsad, If the hen is.
flighty she should,not be used, Nests
should' be in a place easly accessible,
where water and tood are conveniently
obtained, Incubator ohieks are suet
as etrong as hen hatched if they aro
properly hatched. Too high or too.
low a temperature, not enough fresh
air, and svrotg moisture conditions,
are the Most commuh faults 01 weak
eltielta from artilicial incubation. Do
away with these etusos and you hatch
good, vigorous, healthy chicks.. (food
incubative are usually obtained by
, Knipe
poultry raisers, yet a great number of
these people make the "penny wise" and
pound foolish" mistake of thinking
they can make a brooder at home quite
good enough to brood the small num-
ber of chicks they raise. Too often
these home-made brooders do not keep
the proper temperature nor supply the
ventilation necessary, Again, if the
brooding system is too small for num-
ber of chickens hatched there is apt
to be "crowding," causing loss through
suffocation. Coops without floors for
hen -hatched chicks often result in
chilling the little birds. Chills usually
bring along bowel trouble.
The close confinement of baby chicks
is often claimed to cause leg -weakness,
something which rarely is seen in
chicks which are allowed on outside
run, ever for a few minutes, after they
are about a week old. Of course, in
stormy or wet weather this is impos-
sible, therefore for such occasions
keep sand, or fine Iitter or, the floor.
Feed grain in dry litter to induce ex-
xercise. Keep brooder house well ven-
tilated. Supply green Peed such as
Sprouted oats, lettuce, green alfalfa or
clover cuttings.
No matter hose brooded the chickens
must be kept free from vermin, must
be kept dry, roust have plenty of exer-
cise, and small birde shouldnot be
allowed to run with half-grown ones,
as the little chaps don't have a chance
to get the proper amount of food It
compelled to 'light with much larger
birds for it. Keep your baby chicks
growing every `minute till they :na-
me, which can be done by proper
ceding. Improper feeding is feeding
too soon and without making chicks
want for their meals, Positively, do
not feed chicks before they are 43
hours old, The yolk of the egg pro -
ides food for et least that length of
ttnle. Additional food is over loading
small stomach and causes digestive
To, sum up the matter, the remedy
for the great loss ofohieks le "pre.
vention," "Eternal vigilauoe" le the
price lvillrh must be paid to rodeo
the loss to a minimum. Carafui feed
and attention from the day the
ohicks are hatched, for remember,
hese chicks luny eventually be the
metiers you are going to depend on,
ud must Bove every chance to mature
nto well-developed, vigorous pullets
and cockerels,
When these methods are not follow -I{ be avoided, children long for a place
ed spraying or dusting the.foliage' whore there are no chores to do. If
near the nests will kill most of the fathers and mothers, instead of de•
from their caterpillar form to the .worms. The most effective poison Ss ploring the supposed idleness of city
adult moth state. In Tuly the moths arsenate of lead, whether applied as life, would make a point of impress-
sprtear, lay their eggs and die. a spray or in dust form. The same ing on their boys and girls the cies
This insect becomes a serious pest dusting or spraying to control leaf -1 lights of farm life and would give
about once in ten or fifteen years, The chewing insects will also exterminate) them opportunities to make money
last devastating infestation 'in the the tent caterpillar, Lead arsenate from the chores, young people would
Fast was in 1915. The reason is that may be applied with. fungicides such' be more content with the country.
'its natural controls, especially para- as lime -sulphur dust thus co b' A little country girl of seven coax-
sites, fail for some usually undeter- two functions in one.
m rnang
Every spring brooder stoves are
discarded because they will not draw
propeily when the trouble really lies
in the location of the house. In some
cases the stove seems to draw all right
except when the wind is in certain di-
rections. I know of one brooder stove
that did not draw properly until the
house was moved out away from the
other building. I know of two other
eases where the stoves did not draw
and a draft was effected simply by
putting on another length of brooder
A Cap on the brooder stovepipe will
guard against the fire being put out
by wind or rain. The pitch of the
roof on some brooder houses seems to
be just so the air sweeping up over
the roof forms a wave that falls over
backward and goes down the chimney.
In other cases the air will strike a
building close by and make an air
current that puts the fire out. A pro -
ed her mother not long ago to puff out
her hair a little at the sides, because
longed spring rain often increases the it looked so pretty, but the mother
thatshe had no time
This troubles the nrbe alleviated
operator, m primp and fix up like city women
This can be alleviated by par- who had nothing else to do. The child
ting a metal cove
r on the brooder- was disappointed and inwardly deter»
stovepipe. This cap is merely a scan mined that she would live in town
archularan faste oof metal, bent into with
when she got big, so that she might
arch and fastened tm the pipegwith look pretty and have time to wear -
to s
to keep it from burning. stylish dresses, The mother paid no
Put thefcap on with its roo parallelhattention to the child, but ten years
to tkeeep
front end af the roof. This hence she will be trying to keep the
back air currents teem doubling over girl from carrying out her childish
backwards and putting out the fire. resolve.
and it keep ram out.
In another home when the children
(proposed small excursions and picnics
—little clay trips in the family car
When a man has a farm that is a
credit to him, it is easy to get credit I, to places of interest—the mother was
The sum total of our Habits tell i wont to say, "City people have time .
closelythebeing to go gading, but country folks have
type of we are.
s to work," thinking that she was show-
ing her boys and girls how much more
Two slogans for the live stock man: ; virtuous country people were that.
"Feed or get fooled, and "Keep the; their town neighbors. But she suc-
best; sell the rest" +seeded only in convincing them that
Price statistics indicate that it the city must be a delightful place to
takes about as much money to equip a live in, if people there had all the time
form to -day as it did to buy the farm they wanted for rest and recreation.
twenty years ago. It is not fair to teach the children
that town people have nothing to do,
because it is not true. And until pars
ents learn to magnify the delights of
country living, instead of those of
crowded cities, the exodus from the
farms will go on, for only years of
hard experience can efface the power
of early teaching,
Brings Motoring Enjoyment
to Every Canadian
HOW great the service done for the Cana-
dian People -by Chevrolet cannot be
estimated. How great the benefits it has
brought to them is beyond human ability to
It has provided them, at a cost unequalled in
motordom, with a means to speed up business,
to increase wealth, to better health, tobring
friends closer and to open up every part of
the whole country to every Canadian.
The fine quality, strength, endurance and full
equipment provided by Chevrolet cannot be
purchased fpr so little money anywhere else.
Moreover, the owner .of a Chevrolet finds a
further satisfaction in the savings effected
day by day as he drives his car. No other car
built can be run or maintained as cheaply as
Chevrolet cars are built in Canada by Cana-
dian workmen. Every dollar you pay not only
buys a good-looking, comfortable car, but
helps build up a strong Canadian industry.
Aske About The G.112.A•C. Deferred Payment Plan
'i1•attbpot'tation., Chevrolet Motor Company
of Canada, Limited
Oshawa, Ontario
Dealers and Service Stations
- r
Repairing Silo Walls.
Usually when the inside of a con-
crete or other masonry silo is plaster-
ed the wall are not rigid, s yet gid, Sull-
sequent checking and cracking often
follow and the owner wonders why,
yet fails to take the time to repair
Surface checks usually do no harm
and are often the result of excessive
strain on the surface when the water
evaporates. But if the cheeks are
cracks and extend through the wall
they should be repaired. Pure cement
wash is perhaps as good as anything.
But to make the wash bond perfectly
with the old concrete the surface
should be soaked with water for sev-
eral minutes before the wash is ap-
plied, The wash should be oe the
consistency of thick cream first, then
thickened until it will just pour,
Largo cracks which may require a
flexible joint are repaired by heating
with a blowtorch until the surround-
ing surface is warm. Asphalt -soaked
rags are then tamped in with a ham-
mer and a hardwood shell and then
covered with pure asphalt or heavy
tar, These hints will apply also to
cisterns or water tanks.
Locating Electrical Trouble.
A simple method of discovering
evhother electrical trouble is in the
generator is to procure an ammeter—
one from any car will answer very
well. Run a separate wire from the
generator' through tide ammeter and
then connect it to the battery of the
ear, first disconnecting the regular
wire. Now if on running the engine
this'anunieter shows tie normal charg-
ing rate it indicates that the ttoublo
is elsewhere in the electric system and
not in the generator. Often a gen-
erator is suspected, and this Dimple
test clears it without disturbing any
other part of the wiring system, which
Is an obvious advantage.