HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-3-26, Page 4gte
stio pat
1tDi9J �l?AYm MAR•.ii 19 r9e4
BUY Ca,indian suede gay is and he p
build up our own industries,
fioortBY sticks sad skaters are yielding
to the Besebell an the borne plate,
Semen isComing-the skipping rope -
anti bags; of maifyles are in evidence,
"lifeoGM week" is a new metbod of
bootleg bousecieaniog goody a8d stir,
ring people up to the feet that Spring is
at the dem.
lamer meTlo flower of Goderich is the
paasy,, Tux Pose, thinks the Daisy
would be more appropriate or maybe
Black-eyed Susan,
ONca more the jury disagrees in the
murder trial of Rev. Adelaird Delorme
and were dismissed. About one round
more will be all that will be necessary,
likely, to give the accused man his free-
Tam new Ontario Prohibition 'Uniop,•
with the well known stalwart, R J.
Fieming. at the head, should exert a
powerful influence in keeping this Prov-
inee in the "dry" territory, Every
lover of Ontario should back this up.
Laceeesa of Mortgage Sales and
Bankruptcy announcements show that
there is still financial d ffzculties to meet
and clear up. Ooe of the ways to pro-
mote better times is to eeonom:ze,
keep up your spirits, dig in and pay
cash as far as possible.
Loss of memory is a bad defect to
befalea person. Sometimes it is the
cease of wandering from borne, other
times it means an extra trip to get
what was forgotteuand with others it
spells out tbe following "I owe fdr Tlia
Bayssats PosT.". Perhaps this will re-
fresh your memory.
Tiler high priced Gregory Hydro
Cornrnissioh tbourb a flat rate is a good
idea bur were in doubt of a workable
rule in arithmetic that would change the
system just now. Another Commission
might give the Q. Perhaps another
could be programmed for half of the
money squandered on tbe Gregory
Teees is perhaps a fair excuse for the
average young girt to follow the fashion
and have her hair bobbed because we
noticeda LosAageles, California, woman
who had celebrated her hnndreth birth-
day was caugbt by the fad and had her
gray locks shingle& There's something
to be said in favor of the bobbed style,
even if people poke fun at it.
$5ors 000 ts.
quite a
sum for the
ario Government to fritter away in tak-
ing a plebiscite on a question that a
large majority thought was settled. It
shows, ho.vever, that John Barleycorn
stilt has a mortgage on the brains of a
large number of.M P. P.'s. We won-
der if the sober thinking people will pot
resent this squandering of good coin
when it comes to polling day i
ICELANDERS are adoiiting the crawfish
style of progression -walking back-
ward. "Back to Nature," is said to be
their motto, manufacturing clothing;
food, &c., from home products only.
Imports are to be prohibited and they
are "going to live within themselves."
The enforcers of law will have a dizzy
time keeping many of the residents in
line we expect. It is a "back 5o" move -
meat that will cut its own throat,
Economy is all right and is to be com-
mended but in this loth century no land
cau retrograde to such an extent as Ice-
land's proposal and not grow barbaric.
J. A. PINARD, Ottawa. has introduced.
a bill into the Ontario Legislature ask-
ing for a beer twice as strong as that
now sold. We don't know Whetber
this M. P. P., bas a son he would like to
offer on the altar of booze or not but he
surely knows the influence of it in Hull.
11 the "kick." so anxiously desired by
hi -a, were put into the toe of the boot of
sotne father or toolbar with a family to
raise and applied to Mr. Pinard's panta-
loons be might wake up to tbe far reach-
ing trouble be is endeavoring to foist
upon this country and its homes, The
man who works for the restoration of
the open bar is an enemy to bis fellow
mats and tesponsibie for tbe troubles
wrought by its baneful influence.
$32.000 is the estimated cost of the
smallpox epidetnio to Windsor. This is
a very practical hint of the necessity of
observing the Board of Health rules and
regulations, Soinetimes we think a
striek regard for them is only applicable
to the cities but this not so. The doe"
tors in some towns Are being hauled
over the coals for neglect of duty or the
supposed showing of partiality iti the
matter of piacard)ng homes that sbould
have been quarantined. The latter
word is evidently supposed to possess a
broad and narrow interpretation. Bet-
ter to be sure than sorry, as a withdraw-
al from customery activities is better
Pure Bred
aby ChicKa
S. 0, White Iteghorns
S. C. Mottled Anconas
Barred Plymouth Rooks
B. 0, Rhode 1. Reda
From Bred - to -lay Strains
For full particulars
Phone 218 Clintoo, Out,
Chap having to purchase a casket, 1924,
although still in its babyhood, has bad a
most unusual record for campaigns of In-
fectious diseases and the toll takeu In
many municipalities bas indellibly im-
pressed itself upon hundreds of homes.
Keep the law is our advice,
"Dueler break the eha'u" is the hint
given by the "wets" in asking their
friends to urge Premier Ferguson and
followers in the Legislature to grant
their request. A chain is a most ap-
propriate word to use as the grog busi-
ness has made many a victim a prisoner
or placed shackles upon him he had
bard work to get off -if he ever escaped.
It's a chain alt right .mid once revitted
upon tbe poor dupe spells doom. Now
is the time to assert our freedom and
urge others to refuse to become a link
in the booze chain.
E. R. Wigle, M. P. P.
Asks Some ,Questions.
E. R. Wigle, M. P. P., Centre Hur-
on, has given notice of enquiry in the
Legislature regarding certain high.
way work which was subject to com-
ment during last election campaign
and subsequently he asks :
"1 Is the highway from Stratford
to Godet ich completed 7 If not, what
work is there to be done 7
"2 Hav contracts Nos. 816, 875,
911 anecompleted b0 b en 1 If so,
when' 9
"3 What extension of time, if any,
have been given to the contractors ?
What is meant by "on account 7"
"4 Webster' Couatruction Com•
parry, item 846, 950, 845, 911. Has the
Government decided as to the road
being an 88 foot roadway or a 66
foot 7"
How Many Voters Are There
in Ontario?
According to Allen M. Dymond,
Chief Prov. Election Officer, the lists
for 1923 Legislative Assembly Elec-
tion, coletained one Million Six Hun-
dred and Seventy Thousand names ;
and this number did not include the
electoral districts of Muskoka, Peel
and. Peterboro East, in which 22,304
citizens voted. Undoubtedly there
would be over 30,000 men and women
in these three constituencies.
Therefore, Ontario has a voting pop-
ulation of One Million Seven Hundred
How Many of Those Are Women 7
The lowest 'estimate is one half.
Think of it 1 At least 850,000 women
who have the right to use the ballot.
Yet, the total number of electors
was actually voted in last year's elec-
tinn was only 957,000.
How many of the 743,000 delinquents
are women 7
Every woman who is a British
citizen and 21 years of age has a right
to be on the Prov. Poll Book,
A Woman's Federation.
The women of this Country and the
United States, are beginning to realize
the power they possess in the bailor,
and since Prohibition is a burning
issue across the line, as it is here, the
U.S. women are uniting to protect it,
Nine Wornen's organizations, contain-
ing over Eleven Million members,
have formed "The Woman's National
Federation for Law Enforcement."
They say -"Women want Prohibi-
tion. The 18th Amendment to our
Constitution has given it to ua. We
demand its retention And enforce-
These 1J, S. federating bodies are :
The General Federation of Women's
Olubs; Young Women's Ohriatian Aa-
aociation ; Federation of Women's
Boards of Foteign 'Missions; Council
of Women for Home bliselons i Inter-
national Order of King's Daughters
National Council of Women 1 Wo-
man's Christian Temperance Union.
Keep Vour. Eyes Open.
Now watch this columnand you
will see what Ontario women are do-
ing. Just as a starter there are now
four women's 9ooieties whose aggre-
gate membership is about 200,000, and
who have sald "You cant`ount on 00.
We believe in Prohibition, We will
stand back of 0. T. A,
Never in the history of Canadian
Temperance work, hasthere been any
smell intereet and enthusiasm among
115 women supportera as we find to-
Ansae YN Bea
And, the world around, this quotes
Waste Not
Want Not
^o not waste ynlir time,
11.0 Money and energy on
Poultry of non.dessript
breeding when for a couple of 11
?etre Yon can till your Iucuhator
with Bags frorn a fine laying
strain, Our 5. 0, White Leg -
horns Can't be beat. .•
Eggs 10c a dozen above mar-
ket prioe dawn to 35c,
Order early andhave eggs to
sell next Winter,
Everett Hoover
Phone 2514 Srueeebs
tion of the au pression -not of drunk.
entrees but of the 'legallzed sale 'd.
beverage intoxibbnts-is seizing ups n
the hearts and consciences of legisin-
tors and educators and business teen,
Why, over in Bulgaria the Nalional
Minister of Education has ordered the
schools to observe, with appropriate
exetcisee, the dqy on which the Unit-
ed States went under 'prohibition 1
Bulgarian legislators realize two
things -that Prohibition is a financial
asset to any country ; atmd that the
plebe to begin a propaganda in behalf
of a "dry" law, is amongst the child
tine Lie maned.
Despite an enormous increase in the
sale of liquor in the two wet Provin-
ces -British Columbia and Quebec-
the consumption of spirits in Canada
has dropped, since 1913, from an
average of�9 pints for every mart, ss
man and child in the country, to ' res.
8 pints. The fermented ururk el: 1
tics have fallen almost as math.
These figures, are taken from "Tbe
Dominion Bureau of Statistics."
And yet irresponsible Or ill•infor.•m-
ed peeple, go about deciarinr-"We
drink as much as we ever did."
lr • Ramsay MacDonald
England's drink bill, notwithstand-
ing her unemployment, is'£7, 9s. per
headaof the population 1 No wonder'
Ramsay MacDonald said, when ap-
pealed to to oppose a Local Option
Bill, on the ground that the rich man
can have his wine cellar :-
"If the rich want to keep the road.
open to their own loss, that is their
affair. No, democracy ought not to
say "Because one class has such and
such a right, all classes might to claim
the same right." It is not worth it
Let us see to it that the rights the
Democracy claim, that the rights the
working classes claim, are rights
worth having, and not rights that
come with disease and canker and vice
in their train. The right to go wrong,
to go down, to go astray -well we will
make a present of these rights to any
.mne who wants them.
Miss Dorothy Gray has taken a
position in Rogers' store here.
Blood poisoning in one of her fingers
caused Mrs. John Sangster a very
painful and anxious time last week.
She pricked it with a needle and the
afore -mentioned serious trouble de-
1 Announcing Cash System
BRUSSELS, M1tROII 1st, 1924
To 01111 111414NDS AND CUBTOWIEti,^
We wish to announce that after much consideration
that on and after March lst our business will be on a strict-
ly cash basis to all .individuals, In carrying on our busi-
tie.s un ler a cash system we will be able to give our cus-
tomers much better service in the way of prices, as you will
readily understand that it wets less to run a Clash Business
than it does to carry accounts for months and probably into
years, By getting the wash for the goods we sell we will be
able to pay each for the goods we purchase, thus getting a�
better price because we can take advantage of all.disoounts,•
and eliminate such obargee as interest and exchange,.
We will maintain accounts for Corporations and Insti-
tutii no on regular terms, as the accounts for the above have
to be passed by shareholdere before being paid, it would be
imuoss hle for them to pay cash.
Your patronage is esteemed, for which we express
thanks, and its continuance is solicited... We're here to do
business and invite you to callwhen anything is wanted in
our line. A 1 service promised. Our Telephone is No. 9x
Earl Cunningham
Quick r
For Thistletown Man
Dreco Puts Well Known Printer on
High -Road to Recovery.
"Dreco brought me immediate re-
lief" says Mo. P. A. Payne, of Thistle-
town, Ont. iTwo years ago I came
from England to Toronto, Ont, and
since that time my system has been in
is badly ren -down condition. I felt
tired out all the time and seemed to
have no energy or vitality, 0oastipa•
tion has beer, a gr eat source of -an-
noyance compelling me to oontipually
take laxatives. -I also had severe
penis over my kidneys.
"Strange to say my appetite was
good but I 'seemingly received no
nourishment from my food, feeling
hungry all the time, I became very
nervous, the least tiling making me
jumpy and irritable.
"1 rend considerable .about Dreco
and decided to give it a trial. I really
feel better now than I have for a long
time. 1 am improving daily in every
way. I think Dreco is a wonderful
medicine and am continuing to take it
for itr, tonic value,"
If you are feeling run-down and out
of sorts the chances are that indiges-
tion has a hold on you. In some way
or another the stomach, liver, bowels
and kidneys are not doing the work
they should. They need help to cor-
rect and tone them and Nature's own
help is Dreco ruade from her own
het'•he, route, bark and leaves, This
fine remedy thoroughly cleanses the
system, stimulates e
t ate and teen hens
y „strengthens
the organs and purifies the blood. It
contains no mercury, potrsh or, habit
forming drugs.
Dreco is being specially introduc-
ed in Brussels by F. R. Smith, and is
sold by a good druggist everywhere.
Notice to Creditors
in the Estate of Thomas Smith, of the
Township of Morris, In the County
of Huron, farmer, Authorized Aa•
Notice is hereby given that Thome Smith.
of the Township of Morris, in the County of
Huron, did on the fourteenth day of March,
1824, make an authorized assignment of all hie
troperty for the benefit of hie Creditors and
hat Edmond Weld, Offiolal Receiver has ap-
pointed me to be custodian of the Estate of the
Debtor until the creditors at their first meet-
ing shall elect a trustee to administer the
estate of the debtor.
Notice fs further given that the first meeting
of oredttors in the above estate will be bald at
theater) of the Official Receiver in the Court
Howie, at London, on the emend day of April,
1824, at 280 o'clock in the afternoon,
To entitle yon to vote thereat proof of your
claim most be lodged with me before the
meeting le held.
Proxies to he used at the meeting must be
lodged with me prior thereto.
And further take notice that tf you have
any claim against the debtor for whfoh yon
are entitled to rank. proof of such claim must
be filed withme within thirty days from the
data of this notice for, from and after the ex-
piration of the time fixed by sub section 8, of
smitten 87, of the said Act. I shall distribute
the proceed of the debtor's e,tate among the
Ehe,,lwime 01whioh 1 have then notice.on)y Eo
Dated at London, this eighteenth day of
ffiaroh, 192E
Box 171, Loudon, Ont.
'WIy Ford Predominates
Simplicity of Operation'
The Ford is remarkably easy to operate.
Gear shifting is done automatically by
the feet. The driver's hands are always
onthewheeL His eyes gee always on the
road. He can watch traffic constantly.
There is no possibility of failure to
accomplish a gear shift. Ford gears being
of the planetary type are always in mesh
and every shif tis positive and unfailing.
The Ford is very easy to steer and re-
sponds to the slightest movement of the
wheel. It will turn in a circle with a
radius of nineteen feet three inches.
The short Ford wheelbase is a boon in
(congested traffic. It gives easy manipu-
lation everywhere, and enables you to
park in crowded sections where a big '.
car is handicapped
See Any Authorized Ford Dealer
l4.illbenk is clear of smallpox, ,
ltvangelteal Sunday School, iSlilver'
ton, sent $87i88 to the poor children
ie Greene,
Exeter lock up nut in codcolid
tie Proposettv t nnew ,
n, !t I es 1 sit
Better .mend your -ways down,
there rand keep out of tis cells. I
Nouse and lot for Sale
Rouse and lot for sale on John street, Brous.
sale, On the property 1s a very oumforteble 7-
roomedbouse, herd and soft water, ggarden,
nice lawn, fruit trees and a esSall atabla with
steel roof, :For further irtioulers apply to
ALA. DAR$, Brune*,
Shorthorns and Yorkshires
In shorthorns -we have One roan bull 11
menthe old, bred by Hurry McGee, Toronto,
sired by Imp. Baloslrn Laddie, and from a
Marr Alllsete saes. A real herd header, at ter
taws price, Another roan, a good useful bulb
9 months old, by White Wonder. Could spore'
e taw more females, Akio York sows, of dif,
terent ogee.
0. TURN amt. $ SONS,
Phone 2014 Lot 10, Con. ,li, arByr wo.
matter of the estate of Ellen
Bryant,, Tate of tho. Village Of Drum.
eels, in the County of Huron, Mar.
.lod Woman, deceased.
Nottoe is hereby given pursue st to the Re.
vleed Statutes of Ontario Chapter 121, that all
Creditors and othere having claims sgslnet the
estate of the said Otto Bryans, who died on
or about the First day of May, A, D 1928, ere
regnlred on qr before the Twenty-ninth day of
March, A. D. 1920, to send by post, prepaid, or
deliver to Clara Maud Bryans, Brussels P. O.
one of the Executors of the estate of the said
deceased, their Ohrlotten and Surnames. Ad-
dresses and descriptions, the Lull particulare of
their claims, the Statement of their amounts
and the nature of the seouritlee (if any) held
by them.
And further take notice that after snob lset
mentioned date the said Executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the deceased
amongst the parties entitled thereto, .having
regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice, end the mid E e nttore will
not he liable for the Bald assets or any pert
thereof to any person or parson of whose.
claim notlee shall not have been received by
them at the time of such distribution,
Dated this 1011, day of March. A, D 1024.
Sol/alter for( the Exeoutors,
TEE AOT and in the matter of the
estate of Lavinia and Ezra Peters
of the township of Grey, Farmers.
Notice is hereby givenurenaht to the
Trustee Aot, R. 8 C, Cling. 121, smitten 58 that
all Creditors who on the 28rd, day of Februaryy
A, D. 1023 had claims against the Raid Levinio
and Ezra zr Patera are neqerequired to nand in or dn•
liver if they 01 April,
24, bite ,i ore before
the ril el day of Apr b, 102i, tall toryioal cls of
their neer verified Canada a Htatntool Doclnra•
tion do ett thetthe Evidence a tat. `
And notice is further given that atter the'
said Fifth day of April, e t di the a ender -
Welled a of the will proceed to distribute the
proper -
tl the Trost Estate g regard
the 10 per•
amts entitled thereto having oegard Ed the
ee all n heb has lethen Holten, and the
Trustee shalt not or fable for the proceeds of
the Trust o'mte6eerany part thereof so had
not notaed to any person of heWhose is alnl ti s, had
not notice at the time of the distribution.
Dated at Listowel, the 7th day or March, A.
D. 1924.
Trustee for Lavinia and Ezra Patera,
100110E TQ' O11EDITORBr-Tin *he
motto, of the ostnto of William
dames Cordite tato of the Vi1latre
of eruesolt,,, In the QONnty of Her.
on, Rcoors aeA
leottoe is bonnie glen penitent to The Re•
vtsed ritatetee of Coterie 1013 Chapter 121,
thntall,sroditurs and others b4vtng chime
neeinet the eat/neer the eaid W llleso derma
Cardiff who died on or abou the Ord of
March, Al D, 1024, are required en er before
the Fifth day of April, A. D 1024, to send by
post preludeor deliver to William John Dpf-
eld 1ardlff, presenia P. o , the •Executor of
the estate of the said SeeeeNod their Obrlouau
end Sernumee, addresses and rleiorlptloas, the
full particulars of their chime, the statement
Of their mounts nue the nature of the souurl
ties Of ane) held ){y there,.
And further take notloo that after such last
mentioned date the said ltxeeetor will proceed.
to distribute the tweets or the deemed
utnonget the puttee entitled thereto, having
regard only t0 the. ptaime 0f which )le shall
then peva notice and the said Executor will
not be Pnble for the eaid assets, er env part
thereof to any person pr persons, of whose
otpim notlee ohnll not have been repeived. by
Itim at the time of spot distribution.
Dated tbis Fourteenth day of March,
W, b1. S]NOLAII;,
Sollotl or for the Exeentnr,
Munford Property for Sale
House and lot of about Macre, attuned 00
the corner of Turnberry and Theme etrects
in the Village of Brussels, known as the Dun -
fetal horse. On the property lea very sub.
stential brick house ; nicely Isolated, steel
roof, cement caller floors, new furnace, clothes
closets, bath room, oistern,,drltled well, fruit
trees, anise raspberry plantation, lovely or.
00tnents1 end evergreen trees, and a beautiful
lawn. Will be sold for halt of whet it would
ooet to bulid it to wind up theestate of the
Iate E 0: Danford. Immediate poseesslon.
For further pertlottlare apply to L. S. DUN -
FORD, Detroit, or JAS. MOFADZEAN,, (next
door), Box i Brussels P, 0
Farms for Sale or to Rent
One containing 100 Roma, being N3it,� Lot 22,
Con. 7. Morris. Mod frame house with cellar
and woodshed 1 goad well, bank barn, bog or
sheep pen, orchard, goad epring near oenter of
farm • about 40 acres 'plowed for spring orop,
balance in pasture and timber. Oy miles from
Brueeela j olive t0 , ohoot. Farm is 1n the beat
eohditim,,es It hue been in pasture fora num-
ber of years.
One 209 serf, 141101 being 5 Lenin and 24,
Con. 7, alorrfe. Good frame house with cellar,
good well, two orchards, barn 40x00 and barn
2$x72, with et; aw shed 10x72, henhouse and
Rog pen. Above build ngs are in good repair.
Considerable plowing done for spring grip.
Never -failing opting running into tro5gb close
to buildings. About 120 acres under caltive-
tion; about 50 coria seeded down, balance In
pasture andwood lands, 4 miles from Bras -
stile and 41,103 Walton. '2l,14 farm is in the
best condition.
I am disposing of all my farms and it not
sold the above will be rented. For farther
particniars us to prleennd terns apply to
P. AAIENT, Brussels,
Farm For Sale
Farm ter Sale eitunted In the /County of
Huron, Township of Alorris, Lots E8, 60 00,
044 1st Con,, Morrie, Feral contains IW noree,
about 12 scree thnber land, ba dwood, about
10 acres of pasture land, mostly beaver
meadow, balance under cultivation, Cultivat-
ed land ell.eeeded down but about 15 acres.
10 acres Fail plowed, balanoe in Fall wheat.
learnt well fenced and drained with spring
creek on back end,. Drilled well at house,
water piped to the barn. clank barn 40240.
feet, hen house 12x48 feet, 8 roomed frame
home with good teller. Farm to be sold to
wind up estate of late R. T. Miller. Terms
and price meds known by applying to
AGNES R. MILLER, Admintatrix, RB R. No. 2,
Biuovale,or W. 8. AioK$RGBER, Wroxoler.
4440+44 , 1.4+G4.•+O•)•••]'O' 0+eio•'i• der6"i•9e•••rete•40*••k9.1•40•i:•411•r•4101-0.1.4 •f• Y
The Seaforth Creamery
......,__.., ....................
• Send . your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
• i
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• it honestly, using.the scale test to weigh Cream sum-
• pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
.: weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
• • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
• MXCALL, Phone 23rD, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
4•4•to'+44.11..t13414416"Ise,4ta+N me,Fes. e.r.,t,.r..a.®r.e 9.49+49,:44'44•494,g
Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter fat, extra, If
Cream is Delivered at our Fac-
Callandget a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested,
Prompt Service Satisfacti;;ry Returns
Brussels C ! i ry A Stewart