The Brussels Post, 1924-3-19, Page 8riee
With Pint
Bolt Ica --
For Vacuum
Bottler -
50e es,,
For. Chapped
Hands and
Will smooth
the skin --
25c Bots.
This Prepar-
repayation is giv-
ing good re
$1.25 bots.
It can't leak
because it's
made in one
piece — that's
why we guar-
antee satisfac-
tion or your
money back.
Complete line of
Kantleek Rubber
goods. Prices
from 40c to $4,75
The Ancient
(dente of
Clime that
has lately
been intro,
diced into
this country
and is having
snots a run,
We have it—
Price $4,50
For Stubborn
Coughs -
50e bots.
25c bots,
Cold Tablets
25c pkgs.
if*f l'HE PATTERN you want is sure to be found in the Pictorial Review
Catalogce or Spring Fashion Book. Look through them.
me 07 -%:?,>/;,4^-• e .t'o'e
Rio: 14, -aa`ssimmismear
Druggist and Stationer
rural ;I ehn ten
READ the advts
SPRING i5 corning.
MAPLE syrup comes next.
CONTINUATION School Report on page
THE POST is a fine advertisin
Goon FRIDAY will be the next pub!!
holiday, April rrth,
MEN sod boys should read advt, o
Amens Bros, & White.
A RADIO machine bas been installed at
the home of N. F. Gerry, King street
and is sad to work well.
ONE of the employees of the Amen
factory hada ,wrist broken last Tuesday
by a flying ho ,rd from a saw.
A Goon time was enjoyed at the St,
Patrick's evening last Mouday by the
young people of the Methodist church.
THURSDAY of this week is the day Jno.
Ferguson & Co. want specially to see
you. Read their Demonstratiau advt.
and visit the .store,
POST OFFICE Box RENT.—Will allwho
are in arrears for box rent at Brussels
postomce kindly remember that this
1S settling time, Tent P05TMACTER,
V. C. HUNTLEY'S grocery advt. this
week should not be overlooked. He
hocan ,
a eou some
Y money and
at the
Same time supply your needs with
first-class goods,
DID WELL.—The sale of Homemade
Baking and Candy and the serving of
dinner last Saturday by the W. C. T. U.,
at the store of the Misses Hunter, was
quite a success, Proceeds totalled over
$52 oo. They are grateful,
THE Western subscribers to THE Pose'
have been doing well in squaring up and
their action is much appreciated. There
are scores of others whom we would like
to bear front before the end of March.
Good many of them live ithe i
a Ontario.
Are you one 1
I. 0. 0 F, AT HOME —A social even-
ing will he held in Western Star Lodge
room, THE POST block, 'Thursday even-
ing of this week, opening at 8 o'clock.
Is addition to a short musical and
literary program, there will be a presen-
tation of Veteran Jewels,
NooT BALL —Monday evening next a
meeting of all interested in the re-
organization of Foot Ball for rg24 in
Brussels will be held at the Queen's
Hovel. A good attendance is hoped for
as much depends on the start that is
made. A real lively team will likely be
placed in the field. Dont forget the
date, Monday evening next,
FINE BEE —Last week a sand bee was
organized by the Property Committee
of the Methodist church and 4o loads of
scull were hauled from Chas, Pollard's
pit, looking toward the job of recon-
structing the wrecked church building.
The service rendered was so freely given
it was doubly appreciated.
Summate to CoMMI'rTEE —At a largely
attended rneetiug of the Board of Brus-
sels Methodist church, held Tuesday
eveuin«, a resolution to proceed at once
-ic th-the restoration of the church was.
carried unanimously, A Building Com•
mittee consisting of Rev, C. F, Clarke,
De, Hamilton, W. H. Maunders, Elston
Cardiff, Walter Rose, R, J. Hoover and
W. H. Kerr was chosen. Latter is
Secretary and Dr. Hamilton Treasurer,
There was a free dismission as to alter-
ations and improvements and as Arcbi•
tent will be brought on; to arrange plans
and estimates. Lecture room will be
renovated and repaired at once so as to
make it ready for occupation when St.
John's Church has to be vacated, It
will take several months to get the
edifice reconstructed, The Ladies' Aid
proffered their assistance which
readily accepted by the Bowas
Board kbowing
their ability in the, past to "do things,"
Maude C. Bryan .
Ant -tentless her Bruseele Office
will be open following dive of
every week ;—,-
K01.1020 —1.), rn, p. m,
Monday , 10 to 12 1.30 to 6
....10 to L2 130 to 6
Saturday Evening ..,, 7 to fl
"Hop -'-'-Cattle ---Sheep
THIS Bank is prepared to make advances to
responsible farmers who .desire to enlarge their
flocks and herds.
If you seek assistance in this direction, the Manager
of our nearest branch will be glad to discuss the
natter with you.
STA,ND.tRt) StiR'JCft—fIneverag.s f'rgrrfs.
111500 LS2ets BnyANS has opened a Drees
making Mop In rooms over Fred. Bunter's
store. Cleaning, pressing and repairing will
he given special attention. LISEre BBrANe.
Fos BALs.—A mower, lumber wagon, sleigh,
set of lines, hay rope, brooder and 45 bent.
Phone l 5115e ALrce FaAtioit,
Morris Township,
CLEAN Flax Seed for Bale. 32 50 per bas.
Joists MoDoNsam, Walton.
S)sareTnoRNs AND 5000 Eon. BALE,—One of
g the best Bulls of the year, also Betters and
1 Sweet Clover Seed for sale.
C Joanen ENOLEa,
Phone 800 2 miles East of EtbeL
BAMtait chair and a complete set of tools for
f sale. For further earth:alarm apply to ,
J. H. MoLAaec, Bleevale.
Fon SALE —A cow dna to calve in March.
F. RADDATZ, Cranbrook,
a' 0 CAnna ie ngent for the well known De
Laval Cream Separator. A few 2nd hand
maehlnes In good condition at bargain prices.
Call at Richard., block.
0 pigs, 0 weeks old, for sale
Phone 2012, Morrie Twp•
Wines, watch found. Owner, by proving
property. and paying for this notice may have
it at TOE Posy.
BAnnan Rock eggs for batching for sale.
rPrion ren per egg. Also baby chicks.
,„ cent'. HARvcy [MEANS, Morris Twp.
SEED Barley Inc sale, also Beed Oats "Cana -
than Pride," "Banner,"
Phone 400, A. W. WinmrssLn.
Fns AAL -,.—S fresh sows with calves at foot,
also 2 cow., Minot to freshen. Lot 11, Con. 2,
Gray township. Phone 207.
MEttvrN GEo. Hones.
FOR BALn.—Boring machine and augers,
two stt.4hi.
a stn and set of pulleys and
forth, raising. H, R. ELLIO
South, g TT. Brussels
Bones and lot for sale in the Village of Brue-
neis, formerly occupied by the late Alex. Ellis,
Queenstrant. Eligible property. For further
particulars apply to W. M. Burman,
COMCORTABLO house and y4 acre lot for sale
on Flora street, Brussels. Good stable small
fruits, 4`0. Good neighborhood. Early pos-
session. For further partiealaraa pply on the
premises. Phone 713, MART A, .BOLT.
NEXT Monday will be the last day of
March. a c Watch
out On Tuesday for the
April Fall joker.
SUDDEN DEATH.—Last Thursday
James W, Beattie, who made his home
at Queen's Hotel, was not feeling well
and a Dr, was called in. Heart
trouble was apparent and neuritis was
associated with it. Friday night, S. T.
Plum, nae of the proprietors, went to
Mr. Beattie's room near midnight to
ascertain if anything was wanted but the
patient sa d he required nothing. Sat-
urday morning about y Mr. Plum called
again and was shocked to find the man
dead in bed. He had apparently passed
away without a struggle, Burial was
made in Brussels cemetery Monday,
Rev. I. P. McLeod conducting a short
service, Pallbearers were Geo. Beattie,
C. P. Bishop, Geo, Wolfe, C. Lewis, E,
G. Williams, and R. Phibbs, all of Tor-
onto. There was a beautiful display of
flowers, Deceased was a son of the late
Joseph and Mrs. Beattie, formerly of
Woodstock, his birthplace being Peel
County, • He was 76 years of age, The
subject was a stalwart and showed by
his carriage evidence of military train -
fug, As fnr back as 1866 he did duty
against tbo Fenian invasion at Ridge-
way, receiving a medal ib recognition,
Later be entered the service of the
North West Mounted Police at Fort Mc-
Leod and put in 10 years with those
courageous fellows who did so much to
preserve, order to the Wesc. Oue son,
Wm., was born to the family and he
died in action in the great wood war.
Mr, Beattie had lived in Brussels and
locaiity for the past 0 years making
headquarters at the American hotel and
after at the Queen's hotel, The subject
of this notice is survived by 2 sisters,
Mrs Timothy Eaton end Mrs, C. P.
l3ishop, Toronto, and a brother. Geo
Beal tie, of the same city. Mrs. Bishop
is spending the Winter in Florida. Mr.
Beattie was a Conservative in politics
incl at one time had been an aetiye
member of the Orange Order.
TBE POST gives the news,
thee• dayLAaGxss..bippieutsof eggs by exprees
GOOD Morning ! Have you got your
Radio to yet 1
A cARof horses was shipped last Sat•
urday by J, H Galbraith,
Dm you take a glance at R, W. Fer
guson's advt this week 1 Don't forget.
METHODIST cb`oir enjoyed a social tine
at the home Qe W. J "and Mrs Proctor,
lurubetry street North, last Friday
Rem BAL'KRA will have a radio in-
stalled. This makes 3 sales by Earl
Cunningham, the others going to N. F.
Gerry and P, A. McArthur.
A sum of money was picked up on the
street last Saturday by a lady She
brought it to TBE Pose' and it was re-
stored to its owner Monday morning.
Wedding next Saturday,
Clinton Spring Fair April 3rd
Odd Fellows' At Home Thursday.
Lest Montbly Horse Fair April 3rd,
Foot BRIT meeting Monday evening.
Brussels Branch,
Dublin Branch, -
G, H, Smits, Manager
F, McConnell, Manager
ONcs a year the Officers and Directors
of East Hurou Agricultural Society, and
their ladies, hold a social evening. Wed-
nesday of this week is the date chosen
and the commodious borne of D C. and
Mrs Ross will be the meeting place
Mr. Ross is the President this year.
Din you read Anderson Bros, auto-
mobile advertisement on page 4 this
week ? They represent the McLaugb•
lin Buick ear and are ready to talk busi-
ness to you and sbow you the new
models. The McLaughlin Is a well
known car as the many in use testify.
—The dates for the midsummer High
School Entrance have been announced'
and are 2 weeks later than formerly.
The High School examinations begin on
June 23rd and end on July 7th. The
High School Entrance examinations be-
gin on July 2nd and end on July 41b.
BRUSSELS Women's Institute will meet
Friday afternoon in reception room of
Public Library at 3 o'clock. The topic,
"Opening our eyes to the Wonders of
Nature," will be in charge of Mrs, Jas.
S. Armstrong. Current Events, Mrs.
Geo. Weller. Cordial invitation extend
ed to everyone.
AT the Family Theatre Friday and
Saturday' evenings a special melo-
dramac production will be presented in
"The Face on the bar room floor "
Monday and Tuesday the fine film •'The
Wild Irish Rose," that was to have been
presented this week will be put on, lt'e
a good one without any doubt,
BROKE HER HIP.—A serious accident
occurred at the home of Mrs Alex. For-
syth, Leopold street, Wingbnm, in a
mysterious fashion, Mrs. Forsyth is
not just certain bow it happened. but ap
parently she was asleep and fell out of
bed, breaking ber hip. A Dr. was call
ed in and took her to the Wineham
hospital. Mrs. Forsyth was a former
resident of Brussels. We wish her a
speedy recovery.
CAN'T KEEP AWAY —A former resi-
dent of Brussels, writing from Simcoe.
Ont., in remitting for THE POST says :—
I suppose you have lots of snow up
there. We have had a lot of it here this
Winter too. I bave again changed my
job. The City Dairy Co., Toronto, has
a Condenser and Powder plant here ane.
I a
m the assistant
ger. I g z
could not have been properly weaned as
fI cannot stay away from the milk busi-
ness. Mrs. Green and I were very sorry
to know you had lost your church.
Wishing you and all the Brussels folk all
the good things. Yours truly,
WART.—Last Friday Elizabeth McKay,
widow of the late Alex. Hunter, former -
Iv of Brussels, passed away to the Great -
Beyond, in her 77th year. She had
been making ng her
home for the past year
with Dr, Jas. A. and Mrs, Moore. at
Listowel, Mrs. Moore being daughter.
Deceased had been in failing health for
some time so that her demise was not an
unexpected event. Sunday evening a
short service was conducted by Rev
Capt, Edwards at the home of Dr and
Mrs. Moore. The casket was taken to
Brussels where Rev, C. F. Clarke and
Rev, Capt. Edwards held a service at
the home of David and Mrs. Walker,
Monday afternoon. Miss Hingston sang
au appropriate solo. Burial teas made in
the family plot in Brussels cemetery.
Pallbearers were ; A C, Backer, R F,
Downing, N, F. Gerry, T. Ritchie, las
Foxand W, J. McCracken, Mrs. Hun-
ter bad many old friends in this com-
munity who tender sympathy to the
bereaved in their sorrow, Mrs. Hunter
was born at Inverness, Scotland, but
was only a child when she came to
Canada The greater part of her life
was spent at Cranbrook and Brussels
Mr. Hunter, who was Clerk of the 4• lr
Division Court at Brussels, was widely
known. He departed this life 22 years
ago, Surviving children are Rev.
Fred .• Pleasant Hill, III„ U. S; ; Hilton,
Essex, Ont.. Mrs (Dr.) Moore and Miss
Myrtle, Listowel. Rev. A. Mr McKay,
Hatton, Saab., is a brother of deceased
and Mrs, Alex Sutherland, London, n
sister. The latter attended the funeral,
as did her daughter, Mrs. Norman
Graham, London, Among Listowel
folk who attended the last sad rites were
Inspector M. EI, Moore. C, Sangster,
Mrs, Shtnbein and Rev, Capt Edwards
The subject of this notice lived an un-
ostentatious life, doing her duty in a
quiet way. She was a faithful member
of the Methodist church enol her seat
was rarefy vacant in the church when
health permitted her being there. Mrs.
Hunter pissed away at 9 a. m, Friday,
quietly ani( peacefully, Miss Myrtle is
making her (tomo in the meantime with
her sister, Mrs, Moore, Listowel.
"The face on the
Bar Boom floor"
Friday and Saturday
Murch 21 and 22
Special Fox Production—a Melo
Drama. Vibrant, Dynamic, Pow-•
erfui in its tense emotional ap-
peal. A pulsating story of thrills
and romance portrayed by a
notable cast.
Through inability to secure the
Film last week
"The Wild Irish Rose"
will be shown Monday and Tues-
day evenings next, 24th and 25th
Twn Specials Well Worth Seeing
Admission 25 and 15 Cts.
How are you off for coal l Se
ton & Gillespie's advt,
MEMBERS of Brussels C. 0. F. will at-
tend the funeral 'of their late brother,
Lorenzo D. Frain, Friday afternoon.
Interment in Brussels cemetery,
A DANCE will be given in the Town
Hall, Brussels, Friday night of this
,week. Town's 5 piece orchestra will
provide the music, See the advt. in
this issue,
CAR LICENSES.—By advt. in another
column you are reminded of the neces-
sity of a car license for 1824. A. G.
Smith, of Wingham, is the local issuer
and 's ready to give you prompt service.
DORCAS CLUB,—Pleased at the success
of,ffurts made last Christmas 'he ro
girls, who had assisted Mrs A. L Mc-
Donald who promoted the project,
have nrganiged a Dorcas Club with the
bolt. wing officers ;--Patroness. Mrs. A.
L McDonald ; President, Doris Mc.
Donold ; rot Vice. Anna Thompson ;
Sec., Mildred Logan ; Trees , Mrs, Mc-
Do"old ; Pian,st, Margaret Strachan.
:Slab will hold meetiugs, .possibly month-
ly, and the motto of Club is "Others."
We wish the Club success and like the
idea of quiet helpfulness.
3t People We Talk About
Mrs, Jae. Fox is back to town from
Toronto for a visit.
Leslie L :vY took4 b
LOwry a to home for
week end from '
n m ItirO l
n O.
Mrs. A C. Bseker sad sou are
visiting relatives in Toronto.
Mrs James Denman was visiting Miss
Lizzie Denman during tate past week,
Miss Fero Eckmier, Ethel, was call-
ing on old friends in Brussels for a few
Miss Betty Walker, New Hamburg, is
visiting et the home of her grandparents
D and Mrs. Walker.
Fred Ennis arrived home from Elsar,
Now Outano where he has
spent the
past few
months He
may return.
Mrs. Alvin Oakley, Turnberry street,
North, has been seriously ill but we bope
she will soon be able to get about as
Miss Luella Fulton has gone to Monk -
ton where she has accepted a Millinery
p"stioo She will fill the bill to a
M,ss Emmo Buttrey, Monkton, and
Iter sister. Mrs Gtvins, of Delisie, Man.,
were calling on old friends in this
D A. Lowry, Toronto, was renewing
old fneudsbips in Brussels for a few
days, He was a well known resident
for many years.
Mbi A E. Kennedy, Wallace towns
ship, died at Listowel hospital, February
z9th, aged 49 years, She was a cousin
of Mrs, George lad wards, Brussels.
Edward Lowry has been laid up with
something like blood poisoning on one
hand, engendered by a scratch. We
hope he will soon be clear from the
trouble and as hearty as ever,
James Knox, a former old boy, is
reeking a tour of the world, He wrote
his old schoolmate, H. L, Jackson, Brus-
sels, a short time ago and sent post-
cards of interesting places en route.
Mies Elsie Sperling, daughter of Mrs,
George Sparliug, Brussels, and Miss
Bean, both graduate nurses, have taken
positions in the Lakeside Hospital,
Cleveland, Ohio, We wish them suc-
Tun POST is pleased to state that Mrs.
Walter Rose is. making noticeable im.
provemeut and is once more able to be
about the home and regaining strength.
We hope she will continue to conval-
esce until fully restored.
Mr,,, Eldridge was called in a hurry on
Mates th her
I tY to
,Mrs, H.' V.
Kearney, Acton. who is lying very low
with b ab 1 attack :rt a a'k OfQuinsy. Aa there
bad been little improvement the doctors
were to perform an operation. We
hope she will soon be as hearty ne ever,
factory Hands Wanted
We want a number of Men and
Soya to ,work isa • our Wagon
Works, Brussels. Apply at once.
Ament Bros. & White
M e n Wanted
to work in Saw Mill at
White River, Ontario.
For particulars write
S. S. Cole
63 Douglas St. Stratford
*Wm, Ellis, Brussels South, called on
THE POST last week. He is 80 years of
age and his life partner 83 and both are
glad the Winter is well nigh done as
neither are very rugged. Gentle Spring
will help them we hope.
C. P. Bishop, Toronto, was visiting
relatives and old acquaintances in Brus-
sels and locality for a few days. He is a
son of the late Wm, and 'Mrs. Bishop,
formerly well known residents of Grey
township. Mr. Bishop holds a responsi-
ble position in the Eaton establishment
in the Queen city.
This week Miss Kate Deadman, nurse,
leaves on a holiday outing with a touring
party, chaperoned by Mrs, Lowthian,
Toronto. They will be away 3 months
and will visit the British Isles, France,
Belgium, Italy and other places of in•
terest. THE Pose' wishes. Miss Dead.
man a good time and hopes to be favor-
ed with "Notes'by the way" from her
Church Chimes
Sabbath morning last Rev. Mr. Clarke
took as his text "Love is the fu'fiiling of
the law," Romans 13 lo, and in the
evening the theme was "Slackers,"
Rev. James E Hunter has been in
vited to continue as pastor of Granton
Methodist church for the coming Con-
ference year and has accepted, subject
to the powers that be. The rev. gentle-
man is a brother of the Misses Hunter of
His Lordship The Bishop of Huron
bas appointed Rev. Mr. Lowin, of
Bervie, as rector of St. John's church,
Brussels. and St. George's church,
Walton. It is expected he will commen-
ce his duties after Easter and will move
bis family to the rectory here.
Friday evening of this week Miss Mit-
chell, Field Secretary. will address a
public meeting, under the auspices of
the W. M. S., in the auditorium of Mel-
ville church, at 3 o'clock. She is web
worth hearing. Anglican and Metbo.
dist W, M. S. also invited. Men will be
welcome as well.
In continuing theseries of sermons on
'Paul's Epistles to the Corinthians last
Sabbath morning in Melville church the
pastor dealt with "Paul's Congratulation
and Rebuke," He congratulated the
Corinthian Christians on (r) Their utter-
ance—they were willing to stand up and
tell the world what Christ has done for
them. (2) Their knowledge—they
sought to know. (3) Their expectant
waitiug for the day when Christ will live
iu the hearts of all men. He rebuked
the Coriuthians for being divided into
factions. At the1
oven n nervi b
service the
subject was "The Reward of Duty," the
thought being taken from the Book of
Huron County
0,'P. R. officials visited Goderich.
A case of smallpox at Dashwood,
Elimville folk favor church union.
Hansell has a Horticultural Society
Whooping cough ie on the program
at Bengali.
Sunday School Convention at
Auburn last Monday.
9A motor has been installed by T,
Welsh in his sawmill Hensel!,
Rue. Preeter, Zurich, won $200 in
the London Advertiser Contest,
Crediton Evangelical church ladles
have an attack of autograph mintage,
Contracts are being let to complete
the Good Roads plan of the Limon
T. L. Wurtn, who tvae recently
burned out at Zurich, will resume
White cranking his car David
Schwartzentruber, Bronson line,
broke an arm.
A number of Benson Cox'e neighbors
Made a bee and stored 300 blocks of
lee in hie ice house, Colborne.
The 100 acre farrn of EL Truemner,
Con, I1, Hay township, has been gold
at $8,000 to Joseph Schwartzentruber,
Don't forget the last man's name,
0006.—ln Burnie, on March 8th 1924, to Mr.
and hire, W. H, Cook, formerly o! Bru5sele,
a daughter.
besuw.--In Toronto, on March 15th, 1924, to
Mr, and Mrs, Berman Depose (rite Gracie
Stonkos, rill-
a 1. daughter.
Nl 1924, to
0,'. d Mrs. on Marelt i, a
t —A and Mrs, Janos Nl.hol, n
dnnghtbr—Aline TCathlebm
BHAitrlN.—In Wroxeter, on March 14th, 1924,
IC Mr, had Mrs. Ward Sharpin, a son.
Fox '% Drug Store
The A 4 11' 'Store
Every Day is
So.mebodY'.s Disinfection
We have a nice
new line of Garda
end Booklets to
,choose from,.
Kemp your
these fine days,
Let no Develop
and Print your
Inks for
Fountain Pens
Leads for Auto-
matic Pencils
Very badly needed
when you want
them. Better keep
stocked up,
For that Acid Trou-
ble in your Stomach
have you ever tried
One bottle will con-
vince you of its mer-
its. • Those who have
need it speak loudest
in its praise.
No Infection
Cleanline0s and health
are guarded by Disin-
fection. We hitveust
received a now Brock of
Simple fu action.
Perfect ill results,
750e and $1 00
To Build Up
after colds or other
illneee. After coughs
and colds every eye -
tem neede a goad
renslar Cod Liver
--ie an
Builder and
Takes you back to Nor-
mal health very
6 Bottles for $5.00
If you have
or Private Recipe for
any kind of a Prep-
aretiorl you 0 0 .n
safely depend on
Quality and Amur,
a0y in 0111• Preeos'ip'
tion Department,
p"splrn Quinine
laxative Cold Breaker
Everything 10 break
up a Cold—we have
We have a very well
assorted stock both
as to Quality and
Ther -
No home is quite
safe without* one.
We are offering
one at $1,00 which
10 fully guaranteed
and in a, metal
case, Remember
the price — $i.0o
"Careful Pressrgptlon Dispensers"
Better Live Stock train will be at Tnunener, MAnon 27TH.—Well bred Farm
Exeter, March 25th. stook, Lot 11, coo. 1, Greyy Twp. silo an,
Exeter doctogs bad a busy time vac- Pru tv eA uo.1 p. m. Thos. Hn ice, Prop, Jno.
cinating youngetere.
War, Davie, Exeter, is taking a
course at London Military College.
BxATTtn.—In Brussels, on March 15th, 1024,
James Beattie, aged 70 years,
BnowN.—In Wroxeter, on March 14th, 1024,
Mrs'. Leonard Brown, aged 55 years and
Fnasrs InhGrey township, on March 15th,
1924, Lorenzo D, Frain, aged 62 years, 8
months and 12 days. •
HDNmert,—In Listowel, on March 14th, 1924,
Elizabeth McKay, relict of tho late Alex.
Hunter, Brussels, in her 77111 year.
FRIDAY, MAnon 21,—Farm Stook, Lot 8,
Con. 9, Grey, Sale at 1 p. m, Milton Lowe,
Prop, D. M, Scott, Apo.
TutESOAy, 51Aao0 25TH—Ferre Stoelt, Imple•
menta, &o., Lot 8, Con. 1, Grey township (54
utile East of Jamestown. Sale unreserved at
1 p. m. D. B. )3atilegall, Prop. T. R. Bennett,
Nouse and lot for Bale
Bonne and lot for sale on John street, Brns-
aels. On the property la a very comfortable 7'
roomed howie, herd and eoft water,rden,
nioe lawn, fruit trees and a small atable•with
steel roof. For further par tion fare apply to
ALEX. DAA$, Brocade.
40 se
Fall Wheatt. . 70 DS
..............-...."..._.." 1 1
Barley 5.5
Buckwheat,- 50 80 80
Butter — 85 8.5
Eggs ... 24 24
Bogs. ... .........— 7 75 7 70
Potatoes 78 76
Wool 7201 821
J. F. &
HAVING arranged with one
of the largest Makers
of Coats, Suits and Dresses
to give a Special Demonstra-
tion on
Thursday, Mar. 20
we specially extend to all
Ladies an Invitation to came
and inspect the Styles.
Now is your chance to get
exclusive Coats, Suits and
Dresses for Spring at reason.
able Prices.
J. Ferguson &Coi