HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-3-19, Page 5W . M seseeseese BUSINESS CARDS JNO! SUTHERLAND & SONS INSVRWYCII Civ ar OdFtTSlaO D; M. SCOTT , t' 11 w�a°s'.11�'art°rdd alAe8f'Iemosi' e PRICES MODERATE For reforenom consult any person Whose sales 1 have efilotated at. Phone lax or 00 DR. WARDI,AW��'� Honor grad�uate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Du ma night pails, Moe oppo.ite MAUDE G. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Opplithalmologye Mo• monthosipoost�graduate course ling yon, 1010 E700 scientifically examined. Latest Modern Methods used. sat'orosa Eyes straightenedthrough proper., ly fitted 4entee. Satisfaction Assured. Office hours ' 10 to 12 8, In. • 1.00 to 0 p. m. Saturday evening, 7.90 to 0 o'olook, Phone 26x T. T. M' RAE M. B. M. O. P.. S. O. M. 0. H., Village of.Btuesela. Phyei0tan, Surgeon, A00ouelteur Office at residence, opposite; Mo1V»I8 Church, William street, Tr. x. s''ipeositia BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK Br0USSELS PHOUBEDOT, KILLOHAN & HOLMES Barristers, 8o;icitore, Notaries Public, &c; Office on the Square, Gm:door from Hamilton Street, ... G0DERICH ONT. Prlyate fonds to loan at lowest rates. W. PIi0IIDroOT, E. 0, d, L, Etere1tse 88 a. IIDLgY HaLn ,do. n cIsz: fie 62. bf ..1,!'®,e't"r AGENT FOR. fire, dutomohile and Wind las. • COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 E N S • WANTE'D • Highest market prices K paid, .. 4. • See me .or None N0, 2x, Brun- es sets, and 1 Will call and get .1. y0nt' Poultry. 4. 1M. Yollick t• 'a• .4.:..1 a 4.44'+i'•1'+'i +++'I'+++++'F JAMES M' PADZEAN igent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Jarnado Insurance Phone 42 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Brussels • The Indian Herbalist May be found in the Stratton, Bock B1'1238018, 1 Pednesday and Saturday of each week until further notice. ,..,./.4.....1/4_,...?„...... High Grade Instruction Only ELLIOTT d l/ / and ebu:3Itemo DAYLIGHT bas stretchedout so as to enable a tall day's work, THE POST subscription list continues to grow. We give tbe news. EARLY arrivals of new farm macbinery are putting in au appearance already. LMT Monday was St. Patrick's Day. The dear little Shamrock were in evidence. SNOWBHOR tramps have been popular this Winter. There was plenty of snow for the exercise. OUR Telephones aro Nos, 3c and 32. Got the habit of saying Hello to us each week. glue a newsy note. ANENT Bees. sawmill yard has been receiving a large quote of logs, heading bolts, &c., during the past few months; THE POST °out lines to club as usual With all the Deily and Weekly papers as of old. Call .ill when you want our help. A coon photogravure of our old res - dent. George Crooks, appeared in the London Daily Advertiser Wednesday of last week. i3AVR you secured your motor license for 1924? Some busy cops are out after the fellows who are driving cars with 2923 tinware. ' Goon time to plant your Spring advt, You know what is said: about "'lbe early bird." Help boost the town ttrade k also, don't leave nor all to your this t ueigbbor, ,, DON'T leave your horses untied on the street. It's too big a risk with the slip- pery and SCOW clad highway. Risky to human and equine life, plate glass- win- dows, &C. CHIMNEY fires are liable to ocmlr at tide time of year, and a handful of sulphur thrown into tbe stove or fur. ince at the outset is sure to check the fire and prevent damage. A ramose of Brusselttes are having their residences wired preparatory to the installation of Hydro next Summer. Nothing like being teady in good time for turning the switch. Did you read Robe Tbuell'slocal notice OD page 8? IN renewing his subscription to THE Pos•r Robert Burns, Regina, formerly of Brussels locality says "I do so enjoy the old home paper." By the way bis Pos•r is now paid to March 1925. The editor says Hurrah for folk built after this type. THE Wood knitting factory building has been leased to Ament Bros. & White as storehouse and show room for the output of their new children's wagons, sleighs, &c. It is a good location, We would be glad to see part of their plant installed tbere. CHICKS BY PARCEL POST.—A conces. sion awarded poultry dealers by the postal department was announced, when it was stated that from April 1st until June 25th, live day old chives may this year, as an experimental setvice, be ac- cepted at the risk of the sender for transmission at parcel post rates to places within Canada and United States. The package containing the chickens roust be properly parcelled and the postal rates adhered to. For the present, bowever. parcels containing day-old chickens menu be iusured, Thiiiiir Box DEAR Ma. 1KURR--Mrs. McKinnon. and 1 are spending the: Winter lit tide, ae the datives 0a111t, "Tire Sunshine Oily." Aa we have been t'eadet0 of ',trite P08T as far ',back MI we can remember we mioe it very much here and we would therefore esteem it a favor If you will kindly ,nail our Dopy to St, Petersburg until the 1s12 week in 12Iay, when we expect to leave for home, After that date Bend ie to opt' Winnipeg eddre80, We have met eevoral old friends of yours here, among whom are:—Jno. and Mrs. Hargraves, W. J, and Mrs, Fawcett and John M00anhe1l and son, all at one time residents of Brussels but now of Toronto, Thiele really a. charm- ing pity and the climate is all that one could desire. Wo attended a meeting of'ttle Canadian Society last evening and had a moot delightful entertain- ment, all Canadian talent, The Society has 800 rnetnbere enrolled. I en0108e cheque on account. With kind regards to self and Aire, Kerr. Sincerely Yours, P. D. MoKneNON, St. Petersburg, Florida, Vonore & Charles Ste., Toronto ''rd stn - Remains anyoti ne ll ylar and Strong. diamond for 449 our. gradn8E001 all the time Right now ru isa splendid time to commences course ;" here. Thorough preparation ie aheol. utoly necessary today andit always Ni pays to attend a etrletly drot•oless ISS 'S eohoolland not an imitation ono. Tit Write to day for free Catalogue. .� W. J. ELL/OTT. PRINOIPAL optsFVies eeeesseNti `ese,V xteresze ' aPaa»A4r fia7 eetefteecreva-'4• ` CENTRAL- BUSINESS ENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 4 STRATPORD. ONT. qqq�11 0 ferpnree young men nod peons women ,6 For tet. profession 08100 fs now Cagman a I. .greatest profosston leo assist groom. .4 a atoll to positions nod they have a prow• q� tionl training which enables then to �® meet with sitcoms, Students are reg. filtered (moll week. Got our free cat - A Moque and learn something about our ter ent depnrtmnnEe, Pl todifferentor D. A. 11/1,1..A01 -11. -AN. PRIN. ..ww k^9'.,bei.l'4ww.:.,.a..4w .w.u%d0'. , BRUSS ELS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse F,Eh's will be held in Brussels this Beeson as follows 1 TTOIURSDAY, APR. 8, 1924 DEAR W. H. ;—I did nob send recent letter for publication or could have written more convincing eviden• ca of growth of Vancouver. Let ore ootrectnay statement regarding the plane of the B. 0. Electric Railway. They are spending not $32,000 but $5,500,000. Here are a few items in yesterday's Province that are convinc- ing proof that we are going to or have the big head, The B, 0, Electric have started work on the tunnel connect- ing Lake Alouette with Stave lake, It will add 16,500 horse power to their plant and will cost $2,000,000. Polnt Grey building permits since the opening of 1924 total $631.300 (Point Gray is our Municipality- West of the city.) 3 shipments of grain Hula far fiom Point Vancouver gives promise of. 60,000,000 bushels for the year 1021;. 13,000,000 feet of logs came into Vancouver on Monday last. The average so far for the year has go- ing is The output 000 feet. hg been 8 OUO p ing all over the civilized world, Re- preoentatives of the city and the -out- lying municipalities met yesterday to consider an enormous water supply scheme. The proposed mergiug of the various municipalities with the city would give a 'Greater 'Vancouver" with a present population of 260,000. I guess that will do rot thio time but if you want evidence that we are planning to move the centre of Canada's population out to the foot hills of the Rookies at least just give me warning and 1 will fill THE Pos'r one of these weeks. I will send you a Local and Outside Buyers will be Present By Order of Commit, A. 11, It1AODONALD, • Olel'k, A very cej0yeble time was spent in Molesworth 0118171010 when the congre- gation presented i11ts; Ed. Mitchell with a purse of money and a life meta. berehip of the Women's Missionary Society, Mrs, D. Il. Campbell read the address, winch expressed the help. fulness and good set vice Mrs, Mitchell rendered while acting as organist for some time in the Presbyterian oht10e},. Mrs, harry .0r'ainger presented the gifts and the Nat, of the evening wee spent in a sooittl way, entunamity singing, etc., and lunch wart served. l0lr. and Wire, Alitchen and the fetal. pr's mother have gone to Oalifernia, GSTTiNO TO W0iu( —The Kidcardine Review says of a former Brusselite :— i; L. Lamont, who succeeded the late P. A. Malcolmson, has accepted a post• tion as assltant Mentor to Mr, Trovell in the Tuxis Boys' organization. Mr, Lamont bas had some experience in Y work and is tberefore not an absolute stranger to 0, S. E T. We are pleased to announce that Mr. Lamont will be on band at the meeting this week and will be.ol5cially inaugurated into his posi- tion, CotrNcILLoR W, A. 'Crich, Seaforth, is making extensive improvements to ' error of his bakery and confec-' t them Y tiouery store. He has moved the parti• tion back a number of feet which will almost double the size of his ice cream parlor and is having a beamed ceiling put in over the whole store, When all the improvements are completed he will have one of the prettiest and most up•to.date stores in the County. Mr, Crich was a former Brusselite. LAIR MRS, ALLAN MACDONALD.—The, Stratford Beacon•Herald of Match 4411, speaks as follows Iif a daughter of a former Brusselite, then Mrs. A. Webster, now MIS. foo. Herron, Win nipeg :—The sad death of Mrs. Aline Maadouaid, oue of Stiatfotd's popular and best loved young matrons, occurred at the General Hospital, at an early hour Sunday morning, Mrs, Nthedonald was enjoylug good health uutil 2 weeks ago, when sbe uuderwent au operation from wbich she was recovering satisfactorily tintil a week ago wllou' her illness. be 054110 serious and every effort to save her young lite, proved fettle, Mrs. Macdou x140 was a daughter of Joe, and Mrs, Herron, Winnipeg, formerly of Strat- ford. She was bora here but removed, to Winnipeg with her parents when 4 years of age. She lived i11 Winnipeg until5 years ago, whet the married Allan Maedouald, son of T. R. and Mrs. Macdonald, Cherub street. She is sur- vived by her husband, Allan Macdonald, her parents, John nod Mrs. Herron, 4 sisters, Mrs. George Thompson and Mrs, B. Cooper, Winnipeg ; -Mrs, R. Thomas Orr, Stratford, and Mrs, Ross Mckenzie, Regina. Her sister, Mrs. Thompson, was at her'bedelde for a few days before her death, but her mother WAS unable to arrive until Sunday, The father, Mr. Herron 10 conflued to bed with Illness and was utlabta to Dame. Mos. Macdonald was beloved by all who !thew her, and WAS over m8070500 in social and philanthropic activities and regret for Ilex early death will be felt by her large number of friends, Custom Sawing We are prepared to do Custom Sawing at our Saw Mill as usual. Ament Bros. BRUSSELS Maitland Presbytery svini YEARS OF ' Presbytery oM Itland met on Tuesday, 'Meech 4th, In St. Andrew's Qbflt'eh, Winghatn, In nnideeiug the rotitis Bent down from the Cenral Assembly the Presbytery ap' proved. the repot Il of the Special corn• minae an the status of deaconeeeea, diaapptoved the avertnt'e of the TORTURE Headaches and indigestion Ended By "Fruit -a -tines" The Marvellous Fruit Medicine Like thousands and thousands of other sufferers, Mr. AIbert Varner of Buckingham, P.Q., tried many remedies and went to doctors and Specialists ; but nothing did faint any good. "Fruth Finally —DOWsed is Well Q As ho says in' a letter: "For seven yeara,I suffered terribly from Headaches and Indigestion. I had belching teas, bitter stun' would come ;spin my mouth, often vomiting, and was terribly constipated. I took bruit -a -tines and this grand fruit Medicine made me well". • 50e. a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 26o. At dealers or sent by Fruit-a-tiver Limited, Ottawa, Ont. letter at any rate one of these days. In the meantime take this as proof that we are still alive and growing, Yours, W. E. KERR Westminster, B. C., March 8th, 1924, Se Waste Not Want Nott s-- 0 not waste your titne, money and energy o0, _ Poultry of Ilou-descript ,',{',, breeding when for a couple of $ "' extra 7011 can fill you, Incubator ei with Eggs from a fine laying ' strain. Our S. 0. White Leg- horns can't be beat, Eggs 10c a dozen above mar- ket price down. to BSc. Order early and haye eggs to sell next Winter. , Everett Hoover Phone 2614 Brussels t*. p, - s,q..jak "`. but Presbytery of iSaekat0on on theor- tlinittion of women to the miniett'y. Convener of the Home Mteslont ocfnmitteereported that no prev1022e, ly augmented charge was asking for a grant this year from the Home el is - filen fund. Following ruinieter8 and elders were Appointed to represent the Proebytery at the meeting of the General Assetn• Illy to be held in Owen Sound in June ; —Dr. R. Has ktlsse, Ripley ; 0. Tate, Biuevale ; R. McCallum, Luakneye, and (g. Gotnrn, Pine River, ministers, and 0, H. Smith, Hlnevale • J. H. Stott, Wroxeter; D, S. McDonald, Ripley, and 3. S. Scott, Beigrrtee, alders. 0, Cumming. St. Helene, and pointed tin serD. ve on the were Com- tratee on bills and overtures. Dv. Robert Harkness, Ripley, was nomin- ated to serve on the Assembly's Corn- mattes on bills and overtures. Rev,O, Gumming, in absence of J. S. Hardie, Convener, read the report of the General Interests Oorrrmittee, o the 'C nhichevene' ofethetSynod's Com - mi ttee. Rev, A., H. Scott, D. D., Perth, was nominated for Moderator of the Gen- eral Assembly and Rev. Robert 111007 - tin. D, D., Stratford, for Moderator of Synod. Rev, C. L. Ferguson, Wroxeter, re- signed chatge of Knox church, Wrox- eter, on account of the complete loss of his voice, Resignation was regret- fully accepted to take effect on the last Sabbath of May when Mr, Fer- guson will havecompleted 24 years in. the ministry, Application will ,be made by Peesbyterseto the Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund for a retiring allowance for Mr, Ferguson. Rev. McLeod reported that so far he hadbeen unable to make re -arrange• ment with the vacant charges of Molesworth, Oranbrnok and Ethel, and permwae 1 the two g ven latter to Fall a minister ata salary of 41,500 1n the expectation that an ad- vance would be made to $1,800 in the near future, Presbytery passed following resolu- tion re the Ontario Temperance Act t Olinton Old hospital has been • sold to Mrs. McCallum, of town. Rev. Me. Telford, Blytb, and. Rev. Mr, Hogg exchanged pulpits last Sun- day, Upper hate of Normandie are being fitted up for living apartments by S. S. Cooper. Scilly to bear of the death of Miss Hattie Murch, at Stratford, Sbe had been 111 for 5 weeks, Mrs.Ohant.went to St. Catharines to help celebrate her mother's (Mrs, Holmes) 90th birthday. An elm log, brought to town by W. Middleton, scaled 1296 feet. 2 oth, er logs frosame tt eo gave 1180 ft each. Wesley Church anniversary services were conducted by Rev. A. E, M. Thodson, London. $1050 was placed 00 the collection' plates. Fine time was enjoyed. Rev. A, A. Holmes is the paetor. Officers for thie year on Hospital Board are Nl Hon. -Pres,, re, W. Man- ning ; Pres., Mrs. N. W. Trewartha ; 1st Vice, Mrs. W. Brydone; 2nd Vice, Ml's.. J. E. Hovey ; Sec., Mrs. J. F. Shanahan ; Tress„ Mrs. T, Mason. larm Clocks No Need to be late Mornings One of our Alarms will call you punc- tually at tvhetevet time you choose to get up. Our ae< sortment lueludes MI the Best Makes Plain and Lumiti- tors Dille. Priced from $1.50 tO 5.50 Jr R. Wendt Jeweler Wroxeter Blyth Mrs..(feev.) Hawkins has been visit- ing at 'Dutton. install two Women's Institute will metal wash basins at the school building. $,obi. Wallace was a delegate to Orange Grand Lodge at Brantford. J. G. and Mrs. Mosher, formerly of BI yth, recently celebrated their Golden Wedding at Waterloo, Last week Miss Duff, Provincial Organizer for the W. 0, T. U., was here. She is a fine inspiring worker. Editor Bradwin, Ainp1or, fo roe1. . ly of Blyth, -was a visitor bete last week.. He is a son-in-law of J. G. Elnigh. .61iss Richmond, daughter of Russell and Mrs. lticbmond, has accepted a position 128 milliner at Dashwood. We wish her A 1 success. The sudden demise of Isaac Cowan was a cause of deep regret. He was a pioneer resident and Dame from Scot- land, where he was born 72 years ago, living here since 1861. Mrs. Cowan died in 1916. 4sous and a daughter survive. Whereas the time :has not been sufficient for the Ontario Temperance Act to have fully proved its efficiency in preventing the sale of intoxicating liquor and Whereas the conditions in other provinces, where Government sale of liquor has been introduced, are infin- itely worse than those in Ontario and Whereas a stricter enforcement of the Act would do much to remedy its apparent weakness, and Whereas the benefit of the Act to t1 the horns, to industry and t0 Social life has been so apparent, Therefore the Presbytery of /daft - land, representing a constituency of 10,000 people, does emphatically „ee- cord its protest against the submis- sion of the suggested plebiscite, and does respectively ask the members of the local Iegielatm•e to give the On- tario Temperance Act sufficient time for it to justify its usefulness. The following resolution was passed re Church union Whereas the Presbyterian Church Association has declared its intention to bring pressure to bear upon the Federal Parliament, as well as the Provincial Legislatures, if possible, to Fordwich LATE EDWARD PYRE,—One of the oldest pioneers of the township of Howlett passed to his reward on Wed- nesday, Feb. 20t11, in the person of Edward Pyke, We was born in Oo. of Norfolk, Englund, January 1837 and cane to this country with his parents when 17 years of age and set- tled in Albion township, County of Peel, where he lived 4 years before corning to Howick. When a young man, on one occasion he walked from Howick to Albion, a distance of 05 wiles in 2 days. December 1858 he married Julia Hayden and they lived foe a short time on 2nd Con, of How - ick, moving later to the 9811 Con., where they lived until they retired to Gorrie. Mrs. Pyke predeceased him 8 years ago,. 3 children had gone be. fore, Elizabeth, Edward James and Sat all (Mrs. Flank Grobb.) There are left to mouth the1t,es of a kind and loving father 4daughters, Mrs. It S. Olegg, Gorrie ; Mr's. R. J. Patrick, Brussels ; Mrs. F, R. Lynn, Ford - whet ; etre, D. Flocklta'd, Sault Ste, Marie and \Villiam, Gorrie. With exception of Mrs. Flockhart bindle was all present at funeral. Mr. Pyke was 11 devout ChI'istian and his con- sistent life commanded for 111m the respect and esteem of all who knew hint. Funeral service WAS held in the Gorrie Methodist church Monday, Feb. 25th and wag conducted by Rev, J. W. Hibbert, Kingsville, a formet beloved pastor, who took for his text, "Let tee die the death of the rigllt- eode, and let my last end be like his," Nutria 28:10, as requested by the de- ceased: One of his favorite hymns, "Shall we Gather at the Rivet" 8v11.8 also sung. Palibenters' were 1 R, E. Jaynes, R. H. Oarsol, 'Win, Stinson, R. H. Stephens, John Montgomery and Wm. Strong. Reeds. Finlay, Gorrie, and llarnartl,Ford wicb, assist- ed at the service, Floral tributes were beautiful, Rennins vete laid to rest in the family plot in Gorrie 'ceme tery, Graves Three Chicks - uc'k VC Colony Brooder Where he Grew Before lens. .,rva Greatest Coal Burning Broader Ener invented Self -Feeding Self-Ilegulatiug Everlasting MADE IN TWO SIZES No. 18 No. 19 With No. 42 Hover capacity-- With No, 52 Hover eapaoity— any number of newly hatched - any ntunber of newly hatched chicks up to 500. chicksup to 1000. Buckeye incubators made in Seven Sizes SEE US ABOUT THEM Geo. R. Weiler; BRUSSELS z CAR OF Cr W Oats to arrive shortly. These Oats :should be suitable for Seed. Percy Mitchell Phone 646 Brussels hinder the passing of the united church of Canada Act, agreed In by R ltbl and the GeneralAser y, a Whet pas such a preceding. • unpin I s the spiritual independence of all Pro- testant deuornivations. but particular- ly Presbyterians, and Whereas such a precedm'e is con- trary to the teaching and blessed ex- ample of the Lord Jesus, the only King and Head of the Church, and Whereas each a procedure is mak. ing the Presbyterian church an object of ridicule to the unbeliever and has jeopardized the message of the Chris- tian minister. Therefore be it resolved that this Presbytery of Maitland, with no de- sire to condemn or to commend the Union movement, expresses its disap- prn vol of the declared intention and policy of the PreebyteriRn Church Association, and we further declare it at non -resist. O CnnWL(IOtI t} 1 be u1 to cne will ultimatelyi be For ,las greater glory of God. Committee of ie.arrangement was given Presbyteual powers to deal with the sitluttian in the Belgrave and Calvin charge, where negotiations are now being carried on for a 01101 with the blethpdiet (gametes of these places. Next wee! ing of the court will be held in Walton on the third Tuesday of May. .10111111111111116 We are in the market to purchase Saw Inge and Heading bolts ; for which the highest prices will be paid. Cut Solt Mtn and Soft Maple Logs, 10 ft. 6 in. ; 13 ft, 2 in. and 16 ftout Basswood, 11 ft. 2 in. 4 12 01. Til in. and 16 ft. Out all other timber customary even lengths. OutBesstvood and Elm - Heading belts 20 lit, For Hard Maple, Soft Elm and Basswood the tore paying 480.00 a 7020110111:d Ament Bros. Bye election at Wroxeter to elect a Reeve Gitunoillar and School Trustee. Glendon Yeo, Bleevale vicinity, met with a very misty accident one day recently w1111e 'cutting wood in hie 'father' brash. When felling a tree a Inoue limb felt nml tertl7k h.tn on the: feet. and shoulder. lie was uncoil- scions for couple of insure and it took 8 stitches to.close the wound in 4•d:4.. 4.+.4444+44'173:+ ' 1110 face, 40, "Indispensable In Our Business" Another wholehearted endorsement comes from Mr. A. We Williams, General Manager of the Belle Ewart Ice Company Limited, Toronto, who says: "We have been us Mg Ford trucks for the past eight years and find diem indispensable in our bush ass." CP -24C 7Sl79, Forel Presiornftiates Endorsed 'i' y Fleet Owners in almost every business where fast and economical delivery service is a factor, Ford trucks have established an enviable reputation. - The experience of Robert Simpson CompanyLimited,isa typicalexample. The Robert Simpson Company operates one of the largest truck fleets in Toronto, 55 Fords. This fleet has proved so satisfactory that it is being constantly enlarged: so practical and economical in oper- ationthat during the pastfaveyears not a single car of truck has been traded in. The prompt and efficient delivery system which is an inseparable part of this store's service to the p ubhc is large- ly due to the flexibility and staunch endurance of this Ford delivery fleet. The Ford has the confidence Of its users. That's why there are so many Ford users. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer 441547"41""ftissigoo CARS • TRUCKS " 1RACT° s