HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-3-19, Page 4Abe trusstis O x WEPNi+;.3IiAY, MA120- l4) 1974 ONE Wayto wig le not only tU h, )e 1 tor victory but 'Own" for K also, kith are good eoualrers, Aalt you acgneicted with the Seed .Act apd the trouble ahead if spurious seed is disposed of ns free from noxious weed seeds ? Now h n good titne to map out a pro- gram of Spring work so you will to ready for the too odd jobs that ttave to be claire. It pays to be methodical, Tueeoev of this week a Provipelal Temperance Convention was held in; Massey Hatt, Toronto, "Unity" wastbe watchword as the present sitnarion Is faced in Ontario, D1vowcas have become so common to some Sections of the United States it is suggested that marriage ceremonies will have to brisk up or the "raw material" for tbe divorce suite will not be ade- quate to keep up the gloom. Fr is quite interesting to note that the Dominion Senate has been sticking pins in the Commons seat -warmers and giv- ing them a "burry -up" call. The ail- meut must have reached a dangerous .form when the hint comes in the way it did, Maumee Legislature bas lead the way in passing the Church Colon bill. It went through without a division on its last reading. We imagine this will be a precedent for other Provitrces and that tbe Dominion House mil also sanction the legislation. TRav say the daily greeting in some sections o' Essex County has not been "Good Morning 1" but "How's your arm 7" Fortunately the smallpox epi- demicis well nigh cleared up and the campaign of vaccination will be called orf also. Better to be sure than sorry, WHAT practice! backing do yon give the prayer meeting and Sunday School of your church ? If all the members boosted as energetically as you, dear reader, would the whole institution thrive or would it freeze to death ? The Psalmist once said "I was glad when they said unto me let us go up to the house of the Lard. Evzomecse of an early Spring are al- ready app trent at Chatham locality where sprouts are plentiful on potatoes. blackbirds are going Nortb ward, lilacs are budding and hens are rustling the season. It is to be booed Mr. Merry - weather, the prognesticator is not in the lilac basiness like his weatherwise friend at Chatsworth. r . IN some of the centres it is said to be a question whether to build more churches or invest in more copper wire and let the Radio do it. We beard of one man who had his Sunday morning sermon while he lay in bed. This broadcasting business may be an encour- agement to !az' nese but it should not be allowed to interfere with the regular oburcb service. The closing of the chureb doors would be the goal arrived at and almost irreparable disaster to Christian service and effort, DON'T be a whiner with a word of complaint always on your lips. Cheer up onee in a while as there are like'y hundreds of people who have more to put up Wi than you ever had. Get from under the black cloud and into the sunshine, ;Old Sol. is a great renovator and emancipator from the blues. Most people don'T give a cent for your trials and don't care to be bothered with your enumeration. U you must recite them however have them printed on a card yon can pass out, This will save time anel be easier alt round, Arranged al- phabetically it will be easier to follow fee list, providing you have only 26 en- ftlenteor troubles. TBa passing of the Plebiscite legisla- tion io the Local Legislature last week was no credit to Premier Ferguson and his supporters, Surely there was no demand for it, excepting by those who bad been trounced on every emotion when the voice of the people was taken, Because a party has a large majority in the House ie no reason why they should play fast and loose, pattiaularly on mor.. al isaties, and they may be cutting a Switch that may warm their own backs before many years pass by. While Tux POST WAS always dubious about the Premier's temperance principles we oer- taiely expected better thinga of the 3 Huron County M. P. P's. If. we are not mistaken 2 of them, et ieast, gave the electors to ucderstadd that they would support Prabibition to the extentof the powers of tbe Province, Ontario votere are itt no mood to be trifled with on this question and the M, P. P.'s should be Very plainly told they are the servants of the people add chased to represe=nt them not purely and simply to jump When the party string is pulled, Pure Bred Uabj1 bicks 8. 0. White Leghorns 8. 0. Mottled Anoonas Barred Plymouth Rooks S. C. Rhode 1. Reds From Bred . to -lay Straus Pup full particulars Write E. L. MITTELI. CLINTON HATCHERY Phone 218 , Clinton, Qat, REPORT says the Chinese province of K angst, with a population of 25,000,000 is to be given official authority to grow the poppy and thereby to fasten the opium trade oa their home folk as well as exportingit to the 4 corners of the earth, Wonder if retribu'iot will follow Great Brttain,who is credited with opium jgitiation•in the Celestlai Kitrgdom. If ail that is said about the opium habit is teue tbe meaning of celestial will not be realized if this poison is allowed to spread. License fee for the right to evoke an opium pipe is to be $6,00 per month. Tbe old story, the Nation pro- fits by the curse of the people. Owen CONNOLLY is a broth of an Irishman, of Sligo County, in the Emer- a'd Isle. with the pugilistic fire still burning even if his age N the round too years. Tbe plaintiff says Own "jump- ed a fence and threatened him with a black thorn shiilalah," and proved kis vigor by walking 9 miles to appear be- fore the Magistrate. Latter dismissed the ease, possibly in the hope as Com trolly grows older he will be better able to curb bis temper and live peacably with all mea. We are interested in th e incident as Sligo County is tbe local- ity wbere our parents were born and lived prior to 1853 when they came to Canada. Real old fashioned "gin- ger" is supposed to belong to the more Southerly section of the green isle where 'Don's tread on the tail of my coat," appears to bea commonplace motto. ► Brussels Continuation School The following is report of Bruasele Continuation School for January and Februaty, Exams oilseed marked Foam III -Partial Matriculation. K McVettie...722 J Smith ...... ..571 S Ballantyne.084 G Stewart .... 53.5 1 Ferguson ..68 2 L Ulouse........ 5$ 13 +MeDonald...504 A B laud ne• t)1 y 39 4 E aemjngway57 6 Normal Entrance - M Alcock. 657 F Eekmiel'.. ,52.2 W Frain. 64 7 E Dane..........50.2 E Pollard 64 2 U Cameron.., `42.3 Those taking different number of subjeete trout either above classes. R Askin 88.8 G Best .......-•52.7 L Thuetl .,, ,.,OB 7 0 Cardiff..... 60 2 0 Bolger ..-50.6 ill Cook .......41.8 J Walker. 56.7 V Lowry .....86 8 Foam li-Taking all subjects. I Ritchie. 85.2 el Spat ling ...60.7 P Strachan61.4 I Olivet .... 57.2 1) Clarke .....,76.2 G Murray .... 40.8 L .Rose76 1 K Tyerman ...481 E Cann irhgham.75 I etch wad ton J F'erguson741 .1 McNabb.. 891. Not taking Latin and French. Q McCallum715 L Patterson .53.$ V McCutoheou.,.. E Thuelt .488 F Oliver .-., ,.46.8 R rMcAllister.464 O Jacklin .....46 2• E Chapman.. 60.1 A elc tsggart.57.8 J McKee 544 Foist: I- H Genies-. .....82 I telacDonald.795 J Turnbull 72 4 M aVet ie722 5 Hemingway...71 B Steveneon.708 J Shaw ..,68.6 I3 Douglas .... 67 2 J Stewart .. 666 13 Knight .62.8* R Pollard 61 I P Backer 60.6 L Ohatnpion,60,2 C Brown 60 I A!Uxorious car et a moderate price MI.STgR FOUR 24.37 LOW in Cost and Upkeep —yet elegant and comfortable = NEW in every particular, yet strictly McLaughlin -Buick in character, the 1924 McLaughlin -Buick Master Four five - passenger Sedan fully exemplifies McLaughlin-Buiok's popsy of building greater satisfaction into its cars with each succeed- ing year. Moderately priced, everything that could be asked for is present—fine appear- ance, comfort, power. Its new Fisher -built body, new frame, fenders and radiator, radi- ator filler -cap, aluminum running -boards, bumper — its powerful McLaughlin -Buick valve -in -head motor- its sturdy, proved. Four -Wheel Brakes, all contribute to that greater measure of utility that the world has come to expect in "Canada's Standard Car". Ask us about the G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan. 0,115 Anders DEALERS , N OS■ BRUSSELS No. 10 --Appointing 3. J. Abram,I- A.. Gement, E. A. Palmer, J. M, 'Gement,Cameron, Jahn Mc$agne, R. J. Dick- son, Jae. Stapleton er'„ Fred. Mow- bray, John Tervitt, Oliver Stokes, R. Stokes, 5, Marshall, Thos. Wallace, 7. R. Linklater, R, Johnston, Belt Holmes, Thos. McGlynn, Alex.'Forgie, A, Hastings, Tilos. Gilmour, F. Car- ruthere, W. Deane, Jas. Stapleton, J. M. Willitts, L Benning, Frank Pow- ell, Jas. Powell, 3.'Morrison, ;tit, Sher Pin, S. King, R. Elliott, Awl. Hooper, S. iSfeNaughton, A. Douglas, R. Hop. fer, R. McMichael, A. MacEwen, R. Sanderson, Wm, Nicholwsn, Wm. Falconer, E. A. Barnard, M. Proctor, 3. M. McLean, W, R. Gallagher, Jets. Greenway, D. McNaughton, P. Hogg, Geo. Walker, H. Merkley, Ira Neil, W. Scthiestel W. H. anodes, H. l � S uut„ A. Miller, W, T. P A. Mc- Dougall, Gen. O: vis, John Mo1rtveu, T Futuna, D. Welsh, Thos. Dickson, Robt, Musgrove, Bluevale, Pathmas- tsr., The following accounts were paid : Mmile' pal World $1,35 account, Moved by U. Fortune and W, H. Matchall that we adjourn to Meet April 8.6, at 1 p, 01. at Bluevale. W. R. ORUIits12Axx, J. L. MAOISWEN Clerk. Reeve. Gorrie Wm. Spotten, Orange Hill, is visit- ing in Toronto. Matthew Sharpin, a former resident, -died at Owen Sound. he i 'ohder":_:Kidney er zl ' Stomach Tonic �Ltionally Advertised Sold by.: F. SMITH, Brussels and by a gond Druggist everywhere R Armstt'ong.31.5 J Messer....... 58.8 J McCracken.58 5 W Galbraith,55.8 i R McMurray.55,8: IC McNabb . 53 8• M Waiker.....53.6 G Martin..... 62 2 H Stretton....50 5 1 Thompson -50• G Davideon,.,45,7 F Hunter. .45.1 13 Proctor .....39.7 S McNair. 37". Turnberry Council Minutes of Council meeting held in Bluevale, March 6th, 1924. All tnembere present. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted, Moved by 3, Breckenridge and R. Grain that tenders be asked for a roan and 3 borses for each of two light graders to commence work at the call of the Reeve, lowest or any tender not neceesarily accepted. Tenders to be in hands of Clerk not later than April 1st, 1924. Moved by R Grain and D. Fortune that the following By -Laws be passed No. 7 appointing ,Win. Mundell, R, 8, Muir, W. S, Xing, ,dos. Lovell, Thos. Haugh, S. Venatone, 3. E. Nichol,. Jae, MoDougali, E. Orvie and W. 11. Gallagher, Fence Viewers. Carried. No. 8 -Appointing Robt,'MeKague, A, Findlater•. 'Tae. Appleby, Hugh (Gilmour, A. Genmmill, Jae. Kirton, P S, McEwen, Jae. Douglas, 13. Orvis, T. Finnan, John Mundell and W. D. Elliott, Pound Keepers, No, 9-Apppointing Sanitary Ins1picpt• 01's, Sub, Div. No. I, Win. Wilton, No, 2, Robert Musgrove, No, 8, P, Mc• Dougall, No, 4, nos, Weir. Annotincin Cash system BRUSSELS, MARCH 1st, 1924 To OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTo1nmS, We wish to announce that after much eousideration that on and after Marsh 1st our business will be on a strict- ly cash basis to all individuals. In carrying on our busi- ness antler a cash system we will be able to give our cus- tomers much better service in the way of prices, as you will readily understand that it costs less to run a Cash Business than it does to carry accounts for months and probably into years. By getting the cash for the goods we sell we will be able to pay cash for the goods we purchase, thus getting a better price because we can take advantage of all discounts, and eliminate such charges as interest and exchange. We will maintain accounts for Corporations and Insti- tutions on regular terms, as the accounts for the above have to be passed by shareholders before being paid, it would be bnnoisiblefor themto pay cash. Your patronage is esteemed, for which we express thanks, and its continuance is solicited. We're here to do business and invite you to call when anything is wanted in our line, il. 1 service promised. Erni Telepholle is No. 9x Earl Cunningham GARAGE - BRUSSELS For Immediate Sala r P loessRI h fl t Aft As good as Now. 14'3tlrner Coal oil Bongo complete 1 Coai 00 heater I Toronto Cowell 1 Quarter Cut Oak Dining Rooni Table (Queen Ann style.) For particulars phone- Mitchell 017 R 22 Mies Pearl Stinson le improving In health, as is Mre. ,Tno, Sparing. Dlise Austin, Alliston, • is visiting Mrs, J, B. Austin, her eater -in-law, Miss K. Stropg, of Orange Hill, iius accepted a position in the Qom) city. Wiliie, son of Dave Anger, bad the misfortune to get oriiehed behind a door in the stable, badly brui,ing one eye. Buford Property for Sale House and lot of abont X acre, situated on the corner of Turnberry and Thoma, streets 1n the Village of Breese/a, known as the Dan- ford home, On the property le a very sub. ,tantisl brink bone ; nicely isolated, steel roof, cement cellar Boors, new furnace, clothes closets, bath room, cistern, drilled well, fruit trees, a aloe raspberry plantation, lovely or. namentel and evergreen trees, and a benuttful lawn. Will be mild for half of what it would oo,t .to build it to wind up the estate or the late R. 0. Duntord. Immediate poeeeaton. B'Ofurther D; D troit ktor 1 JAS apply ®AN,D(Mot door), Box 1 Brussels P. O Auction Sate UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE OF FARM Smoog &o. -D. M, Scott, Auctioneer, hoe received lnetruotione from the undersigned Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot 6, Com 0, Grey Twp„ on Friday, March 21st, at 1 p, m., the fallow- ing property :-7 chunks, weight about 120 pounds, 5 chunks, weight about 70 pounds, 1 aow with litter, 1 sow due time of sale, 2 sows due 1n Apr11.6 breeding ewes, 75 bene, 4 ducks and drakes, 2 pair Mn,covy dunks, 1 cream eepnrator,about 5Q beak. buckwheat, about 200 bush, oats Bt for seed, O. A. 0. 72, About 400 both. feed oats, quantity of timothy hay, about 400 bush. feed oats, 1 Chevrolet touring air 1920, I agricultural team, I Peroheron snare rising 4, 1 Peroheron gelding rising, 2. 1 Peroheron filly. rising 1, 1 oow freshened 2 menthe, I fresh cow with calf at foot, 1 cow due at time of sale, I Aberdeen -Angus cow regintered, due in April, 1 Aberdeen -Angus better regiatored, 0 oowe eupposed to calve In April and May, 0 steers, about 80D pounds, 6 heifers rlaing 1 year, 7 steer, rising 1 yrar, Terme-610 and ander oath 10 months' credit on approved joint notes. 53 oftfor eaeh on credit emanate. M. LOWE, D 61. SCOTT, Proprietor. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF FARM 8TOOK.-JNO. Purvis, Auctioneer, nee received instrne. Mona from the undersigned prop,rietor to all by Public Acation et Lot 11, Con. 1, Grey toThursday, met,* miles e 6 o clock,, Jamestown) the following valuable property ;-1 Peroheron horse rlaing 8, 1 heavy draft mare rising 7, 1 brown mare rising 9, 1: oow due in .April. 8 heifers to calve in Apr1), 1 Holstein oow with calf at foot, 1 Durham cow with calf, 01 foot, 1 dry cow, 1 oow Rappelled to calve In May, 9 ateere tieing 2 years, 5 Polled Angus heifers rising 2yeare, 6 steer cakes, I sow with 10 pigs, 1 sow dna to litter April 2. 12 Piga about 200 pounds, 0 pigs about 175 lbs , 8 pica about 125 lbs., 9 Silver Spangled Hamburghens and rooster, Scottie pope, Sale without reserve no proprietor la giving up farming. Terme.-All eume of 610 and under Dash ; over that amount 10 months credit on furnishing Approved Joint Note,, 5 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Land owners se Polarity, THOS. BURRS, Proprietor, AUOTION SALE- OF FARM STOOK, 151- PLEMENTe, /JAY, GRAIN AND SUINITUar., T. R Bennett, Auctioneer.. bas received in strnotona from the nndereigned Proprietor to sell by Public Auction at Lot Leon. 1, Grey, (3fimile East of Jamestown), T.neadxy, March 26th, et 12.80 obltok, oborp, the following property ;-1 horse 6 years old, 1 horse 9 years oId, 2 horse 12 yearn old,1 mare 0 yenta old, 1 mate IO years old,1 driving mare 0 years old, 1 pacing mere 9 yearn old, t Pereheron horse colt riling 2,1 Clyde horse sett rising 2, 4 fresh cows, 6 owe due in Amril, 1 pare bred Polled - Angie; bull 2 yeere old, 2' heifers Doming 2 years, 2 steers coming 2 years, 4 yearling heifers, 5 yearling. steers, 4 stunting calves, 7 pigs about 180 lb,, 12 pima about IODlbs., 5 pigs 8 mouths old, I sow with 1D pigs, 1 sow suppos- ed in pig, 2 dopks and drake, 2 geese and gend- er, 90 hens, 1 collie dog. Manoy.Borris binder 7 ft out. Massey -Barris hay 1r n ler almost new, 2 Bain wagons, 1 nlmwt nt w, track wagon, Monsey -Harris aced drill, 2 Oookmhutt cult- votot o, Cookehntt corn cultivator almost new,. 2 Finery gang plows, 2 Finery walking plows No. 2l, 2 sets of harrow,, l hay rake, disc, steel roller, horse seedier, 2 root yelpers, Chatham fanning mril eimoat new, Cockahett manure opreader, 2 set stoop sleighs one a most new, 2 breeching haraness,t sue plow hkrbox, e s, 2 seta buggy harness, 2care, forks, slingsropes and. pulleys, 7 cords of dry wood, quantity of inch lumber and plenk, gravel box, 2 bay make, wagon box, 2 tanks 25 gol.,8 rale fence wire, act of Nantes, 100 Hapbuakete and spites, 2 mail boxes, 4 square beams, ender poets and poles. Lister engine 9 h, p.,sawing outfit with 6 same, Lister grinder 0 moll plates, quantity of belting,20 tone ha 11110 bus geed oats, qtan. tity of stw, Renfrew geometer needy naw, 2 washing machines, knitting machine gramo- phone and raoorde, milk eau, 2 iron beds, 2 seta epilogs, 8 wooden beds, 2 bedroom suites, ex• tension table, 5 tables, 8 stoves and number of algae, couch, aeWing machine 2 organs, ear - pets, oupbesrd, chairs, dining room suite, seolore, lamps, lanterns. pots and pans, grnln baggg, horse blankets, cow chains, boo, Peak - yokes, whl0ietrees, legatee citable, cant honirs, crowbars, forks, ehovole and numerous other articles, Everything must be sold n propriet- or hos disposedofboth fermis and is movie to the atty. Terme '-Al) mutts of 61000 and under malt over ;het amount 8 months cred- it given on famishing Approved Joint Notes, 6 per cunt off for °ash on credit amounts, D. B. SALLINGALL, Proprietor. Mortgage Sale Ili 100 Acre Farm In the Township' of Morris In the County of Huron Under and by virtue: of sale contained In a certain Indenture of mortgage, which will be produced at the time of Pale, there will be offered for ante by Public Anotlon et the American Hotel, in the Village of Bruseele on Tuesday, Merah 25th, 1024, at 2 o'clock in the. aftorn000, by D. D, Iteott, Auctioneer, the following lands. namely :-Tho North halt,of Let Number Thirteen COin the Sixth (6th) Concession, In the said Township of Morris, containing by admensnremeht one hundred (1 setas of lend, be the game more or lope. This term °eaglets of good tillable toad end ie conveniently eltuated between the Villages of Brueeele and Belgrnvo end le readily .wees- Rable to Ohnrtihe,- and Schools and off era n splendid opportunity to anyone desiring good )and, without improvements, The farm is ' well wateredand would mnk° n good grazing farm, Terms of Sale -Ton (10) per Dant of the par. these money to be paid in Mesh, on the day of Ode and the balance within twenty (201 days thereafter, the purckner to High eh agree - meat for the eompletlon of the purchase, The property will be offered. for ante mildest to pp resarve bid, Pother particulars end condi• tions of solo will be made known on the day of the 0niunders(, nod mted, er bo bad in the meontima DOMR Doted at ileaforth, Ontario, Oils 7th der °t Mereh, 1924, D. el. SCOTT, R. S, HAYS. Artettonoer, Vtnclor's Sollottor, Btnssole, Soaforth, Prior to thamarriago oi' Wee Lillie, dttugbter of Peter F. Po1g, o Company of neighbors and friend° ttettted the coming bride to a n,ieeollaneotw show- ' 1 1 a) it t i to bad f1t0L o. h3bs Woo 1 e owl a n a mar, ito Gen. A. Ashton• Donee, t ed rife, Hatur- duy of Ist week, k, NOTiOE TO OREDITORS,—In the matter of tho eetate of William Jetmes Oardif, late of the Vllitr5o of mussels, in the County of lint• oh, Deceased. Notloo Whereby elven 410rsuent to The Re• men Statutes Of Ontario, 19)4, Mester 121, that allOroditore end others having oleilns ngnin,t the eatnte of the mild Million Jamoe Oerdiff, who diad on oe about the 8rd of the Fifth di y or2April A. required a before by field t prepaid or l3ruesele,.P, 0 , then&xeo atom of the eetate of the said deceased their Christian and Surnames, addressee 005 desoriptioc+, the full pnrtlonlere of their olaime, the statement of their accounts and the nature df the tumuli ties (if '07) held by, them, mentionedidate the saideEzeolitor will proceed to distribute the inmate of the deeeseed unwept the parties entitled thereto lowing relief,' only to the olaime of ',which be Anil then have notice and the said, Exeontor Will not be liable for the sold *mete, or any pert thereof to any pere0n or per05110, of Whose claim notice eheli not have been received bv� him at the time of such distribution. i8D{ted this Fourteenth day of Maralt, A, D. W, Dr, SINCLAIR, • Solicitor for the llxzeootor, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. --In the matter of the .estate of Ellen eryane, late Of the Village of Prue. role, In the County of Huron, Mar. riod Woman, deceseed, Notice to hereby given nuraug01 to the Re. vised Statutes of Oatarlo, O1mpter 12),11,01 all estate glen the ao d Ellen 8 yane,I who died on or about the First day of May, A, D 1929, are required on or before the Twenty.ninth day of Dlnreb, A. D.1924, to °end by post, prepaid, or deliver to Clara Maud Brynns, Brussels P. O., one of the Rseoutors of the estate of the said deceased, their Obrlotlan and Surnames, Ad• dresses and descriptions, the full particulate of their olaime, the Statement of their amounts end the nature of the seoarittes (11 any) held by diem, And further take notice 15,1 after snob last mentioned dato the geld Egecutor, will pro- ceod to distribute the aoeetc or the deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard Daly to the olaime or which they ,)telt then have notice, and the Raid Executors will not be liable for the said it.aete or any part thereof to,any pperson or persons of whose claim notice ahnll not bats) been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated this 10th dos 0f Moroi, A, D 1024, W, M. r the Executors, Solicitor for the Executors, IN THE MATTER OF THE TRUS- TEE ACT, and in tho matter of the estate of Lavinia and Ezra Piston; of the township of Croy, Farmers. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act, R. S C. (Man 121, section 60 that all Creditors who on the 211rd, day of Febrpnryy, A. D. 1920 lied Malmo against the Reid. Lavinia liverEto the undersigneed required tee ondor before the Fifth day of April, 1924, full partlenlera of their claims verified by a Statutory Denture - Mon under the Canada Evidence Act, And notioe is further given teat after the said Fifth der of April, A. D..1024, the seder. signed Trustee will proceed to distribute the proceeds of the Trust Estate mamma the per. eons entitled thereto having regardto the claims of which he has then notice, and the Trustee shall not be Diable for the proceeds of the Trust Estate or spy part thereof so: dig. tributed to any person of whose Gleba he Lod not notice at the time of the distribution. Dated atLietowel, the 7th day of March, A. D. 1924. RICHARD JOHNSTON, Trustee for Lavinia and Sara Peters. Shorthorns and Yorkshires Tn shertitorue we have AIM rano uh 04 AA aired bold p It la harry M10 a Termite, sliest h Imp Flalanlrn 1 addle nn0 from x h ) @n etfar. te 1 Ard 1 dor Mande (MM. a 1 Slott D'•ea e l a mer'n 11H old, AMA her room a goo° 0514) berg, 0 few mere eref m es. wonder, ewal°rare n taw mere females. Moo Irk Svwa of dit- ferent ages, 7,URN(310Ci $SONS, fiat 10, Con, 16 (iter Twp, Rhone 2414 R. it. 2 1lrussols. Grass Farms for Hent Wenders will be rooe iived by the undero1gtted up to March 26t4, 1924, fpr Mere,tla of South Belt 06 Lot 10 lied West Ralf Lot 2 , 1n the 7.11 Nov let.otThe highest or any ender nniotl11 DoH snrily accepted. JO RN EVANS,OR. 11.2, Blyth, Pt' DOUGALD MODONALD, Hruseele, farms for Sale' or to sent One containing 100 nares, being 2674 Lot 22, Oon,7, Dorris, Good fauna house Waft sellar and woadehed • good well, bank ham, hog or °beep pen, orchard, goad apring star nutter of ferns ; about 40 twee plowed for spring Drop, balance in ppasture sed timber, 874 mhos from Brussels; MOM 10 I (Meel. IM'arnl is In the beat condition as it boa been 1n peeturo for n 11001- , bet of 'Imre, One, 200 °are farm being Si Lots 28 and 24, Con, 7, Morrie, Good frame hones with °eller; good well two orchards, barn da,. end barn 2002, with draw shed 10978, hen and hog pea, Above buildings ore In good ;Weir. Considerable plowing done for boring crop. ufIiliagspring running tato trough ogee 10 both to ,,t :ti ge. About 125 nerew under enitiva- tion; about 50 seeded down, balance in :mature and wood lands, d toilet) froze ante. Bele and 4 from Walton. This faint is In the bald condition, Iain d)apoeing of all my ferule and if not sold the above will be ranted, For further part:or:Mrs a, to prloenod tenni+ apply to P. Aid ENT, Brussels: Farm For Sale Ferns for Sale, Wonted in the County of Buren, Township of Morrie, Lots 58, 69, 60, 1.156let Com„ Morris, Farm contoing 160 here5, about 12 acres timber bind. hay dn•ood, about 10 acres of pasture land, mostly beaver meadow, balance underanitvaton, Celtivet- 0 norm, Fallplowed, l, lanae in oFal15 wheat'. Pan» well tonood and drained with aprlttg °reek on back end. Drilled well at house,. water piped to the barn.. Bank barn 40x60 Met, ben hope, 12x49 feet; 8 roomed frame Immo with good cellar. Farm to be sold to wind up estate of Into It. T. Miller. Terms andrice made known by applying to AG14H'4 R. Mt1+LER, Adminletrlx, R. R. No. 2, illiterate, or 01.8. MOKERCHER, Wroxeter. Farm for Sale Contents 100 soros, being 13:6 Lot 28, Con, 0, Morrie township. Good brick aortae with cel- lar; bank bars, with cement atebling ; driving shed, drilled well and a nrger rafting miring at back. About 60 Beres under 2nll,vatlom, bal- ance pasture and wood lend. Felt plowing will be done end poeaesslen giver thus Fall, For further portion hire Apply_to A. H, MACDONALD, Erusaels, Representative Wanted REpltERENTATr911 WANxcD tDr Brussels and Huron County to represent"The Old Rohnblo Fonttill Nurseries,' Rig sales are to be made in selling Nareery stock during the *won. struotion period, A splendid opportunity for a live salesman, Highest eommlasion, paid, handsome, free equipment, largo line of fruit and oruemo:Ant stock to otter, tlxohg & weenie GTos, Toronto, Ont. 0+•+•+e P141d'!+`+14104.44 4'4+FW1'+hPa!••Fi-'Y14i'f'•44+40.,i'•443'Mi-oq. r • The Seaforth Creamery • Cheam Wante.d. e Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. ' We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough satisfaction. • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test • • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream' sans- 4. • pies and pay you the highest market prices every two : weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia. • • • • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. • •McCALL, Phone 23 to, Brussels, or write to 4.I Sea The f r � o th Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. 44.6.4441164.494-044thltilttottAl. 0..4.44. 444.4.44,4444 Brussels , Creamery Cream Wanted 11111111.nrrwIS We will pay Patrons 1 cent per pound butter fat, extra, if Cream is Delivered at our Fac. tory. Call and get a Can and make other En, quires if. interested. Prompt Service Satisfact.ry,Returns 1100. BrusselsCrmery �.14Arop. Stewart ,