The Brussels Post, 1924-3-19, Page 3th The Ifs Celebrate Chief Scout's Birthday. Tile birthday of Sit Robert I3adon- Powell, the Chief Scoat, was Cele- brated by many Ontario Scout troops W1: th d chile s , ,.auquots, P ar e nt s . nights and demtmstrMiona of various hands. At Espanola the usual pro- gramme was changed for a big Skat- ing Carnival to which the whole town was invited. Lord Syne Entertained scouts. Lend Byng, Chief Scout for Oauada, was the host of the Boy Scouts and Wolf Cubs. of Ottawa at a skating and toboganuing party hold in the Rideau Hall grounds and Rink on Satiu•duy, February 28rd. Over six hundreu boys attended and voted the afternoon ono of the biggest events in local Spout• dem for years. 1n the ring Bleating races were staged for both Scouts and Cubs, and for backward skating as w ell as forward skating. Hamilton Troop Has Good Time. M a recent meeting of the 101 Ham- ilton Troop each patrol leader was given sealed orders to be carried out by his patrol, and here is what hap- pened: The Wolves built a trestle bridge aeross the patrol room; the Hawks designed and built a rack for the troop's sieves; the Ravens des- oribed how they would rescue three people over a cliff with the aid of a lariat, and the Owls built a gadget of staves to hold Scout equipment. Next the elepbant walk was Indulged in and won by the Owls. The whole meeting was cue of reale Scouting, and w as just a samplo of the kind of meet- ings this troop has every week: Scout- master Wright &aye that one big sec- ret of his success lies in the fact that the memberahlp'Is restricted to four patrols.' Some. Fine "Good Turns." The following "good turns," quoted from the annual report of the Boy Scouts Association In Ontario, were Melted at hansom from the annual re - porta made by provincial troops to Headquarters: "Ilarvci2ed a crop of corn for a oro - men who was ill."—latDelhi Troop. l Main Street "Kept the'sid�sty asks of o cleared of snow during the winter," Ist Matheson Troop, "Picked apples for charitable insti- lotions In the elty."--Gth Hamilton Troop. "As a special good turn Lo the jani- for of the church the troop hold a log- ging -bee and nit up Into stove :wood a large quantity of 1imbs blown downn in a sleet storm."—Stk London Troop.' "Scouts provided clothes for one of our members who was up against it bard. "-lst Border Cites (Windsor) Troop. "Helped an elderly lady to move her things to her ne.w home and during the winter months helped other old people when they were not able to get out for chores:"—lst Napanee Troop. "Helped firemen at all fires and searched for lest children."—lst Perth Troop. "Threw club -loam open to other boys of the town for an evening's fun." —1st Whitby Troop. "Assisted in city clean-up campaign." rest London Troop. "Distributed literature for Child- e'en's Aid Soclety."-9t1 Brantford Troop. 'Helped to keep back orowds at un- veiling of a war memorial,' ---2nd Pres- cott Troop. "Boys helped several elderly people by carrying wood, etc." -1st Bobcat'- eeon Troop. ----G The Boston Tea Party. Teacher—"What can you say of Samuel Adams?" Young America—"I think he was one of the guys who helped spill the beans in Boston Harbor." A Noisy Affair. A dear old lady from the country travelled to London to see her married daughter, and returned with stories of her wonderful .experlences, London• was enveloped In fog during the drat two or three days of her visit, and es her bedroom looped out upon the railway she was• troubled by the fog eignala. She came down to break- fast after her first restless night and Inquired the cause of the strange bang- ing she had heard so often during the hours of darkness. "Ohl that was due to the fog," ex- plained her tion-in-Iaw: Her vielt over, she returned to the country, full of tho wonderful: sights and sounds of London life, "])1d eau see a Lonnen fog, granny?" naked ono of her listeners, 'Aye, that I did," replied ie d gTann , "and I heard 'un, tool" "Beard 'lin, granny?"- exclaimed an- other llstene'. "Ilod didst !tear a fog?" "Why," Was the reply, "Lumen fog habil like, 01115, Every now and then. it goes off v1' a caro bang." Miefortunee tell us What lortune:is, EAS'IrTIIICKS No, 890 Selectivity This is an easy and very effect^ Ivo trick and requires no shall and very little Practice. ' Ask half a dozen e'eetators to loan you half a dozen colas: Put thein 1n a hat, Ask that one of the Scans be selected and that each Spectator olamine it •carefully and that it then be placed In the bat, Note may be taken of the date or It may be merited— When the cola has been placed In the hat, you will put your band In the hat and take out,. the coin aelected, The secret Is this: When you borrowed the coins you placed thein on a mantlopiece, a stone topped table or somewhere where they" will get a chance to be very sllghtly chilled. The coin ex- amined by the spectators becomes warm from so much,handling and you will have little difficulty In Pleating it out of the others in the hat. (Olip this mit and paste it, with other e/ the aeries, in a scrapeook.) RHEUMATIC PEOPLE CAN FIND RELIEF HERE'S WHAT PEOPLE SAY ABOUT TANLAC "If it had not been for Tanta c I would still be a sigh, dila• couraged woman, for nothing else seemed to do ire any good," says Mrs. Edward Gibbs. prove from the very first, galne4 29 lbs., and to -day am feeling fine, 0.17. Moore, Kansas City, Ma: "My stomach seemed to pain me constant- ly, food seemed t0 do me no geed, I evould bloat up with gate, lost MY etreugtb, and could not sleep or rent. was .on the down -grade nil tato time, Teniae corrected my troubles and put nae in excellent shape," Thomas Lucas, Teterboro, Ontario: "Well, sir, buying TANLAC was the Peet Investment I ever made, Lor it built up my health and strength to where, I haven't a complaint In the world`." Mr, and Mrs, Joseph E. Koala), Dee thole, Mich.: "For more than a year our three children, age 2, 4 and 0, had been so peaked and lifeless that we were worried about them. Their stomachs were upset, appetites poor, the color had lett their cheeks, their nights were restless and during the day they would just mope around, tak- ing no interest in play or anything else. They began to improve with the first close 00 TANLAC, and to=day there are no more healthy children in Detroit." Tanlac is for sale by all good drug- gists. Over 40 million bottles' sold. Accept no substitute.• All the advertising in the world and ell Me wales eirorts eombiued Count not lbavo made the greet 8000ose for TANLAC that has been attained, un- less tale toconstrnetive tonic possess- ed merit of the .greatest degree, Over 40 Nallpen Bottles al TaIltae leave beau sold and the demand to -day is greater than ever before, That TANLAC possesses merit and has brought relief to hundreds of thousands of persons le attested by the great lumber of testimonials that have been received by the company from People in every state of the Uuion end every province of,Canada. There are. over 100,000 suck statements on -file with the company, all ringing with sin - care praise for TANLAC and wliat it has accomplished. Dere are excerpts from a few of the 100,000 statements on file: airs. Edward Gibbs, Lancaster, Pe.— "For 2 years indigestion deprived hie et nearly all the pleasureof living. If :11 had not been for TANLAC I would still be a sick and discouraged woman, for nothing else seemed to do me any good,' By Enriching Their Blood With Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. • Rheumatism attacks people when the blood is clogged with impurities, I thus rotting up en inflammation of the; muscles and joints. Cold er wet'. weather may start the tortures of t rheumatism, but it is not the cause, as I was once supposed.: The cause is thin or impure blood. Rubbing with linta ments or applying hot applications' may give relief, but that Is all; theai pains are soon back again. You must• treat the trouble through the blood to get rid of 3t. The value of Dr. W11- limns' Pink Pills in cases of this kind , is proved by the following statement.! Miss Margaret 1Y1. Cullen, writing on behalf of her grandmother, Mrs. A.: i r h o Qua., sa s: 'M . it ch'w•en, stn wO n , Q y y , grandirother, now 86 years of age was, i some years ago, a great sufferer from rheumatism. She tried many reme. dies, but found none that did her any I good until she began using Dr. Wile, Barts' Pink Pills. These site used tor' some meadia until every trace of rheumatism disappeared. Since then] she has taken the pills at intervals, and they have kept her in the boat of health. It is marvellous how well and active my grandmother is. She cooked the dinner for the threshers last tall, and she gives tae credit for her good health to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She Is anxious that bier experience with this eplendid medicine be given for the benent at others." If you are suffering from any trou- 1.1e due to -poor or watery blood, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will help you. Sold by medicine dealers everywhere, or sent by mall at 50 cents a box by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mrs. Mary A. Benson, Seattle, Wash.; "Following au operation my stomach and nerves seemed to give way and I became almost helpless. As a last re- sort I tried TANLAC. I began to im- Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. Insect Perils. The famous scientist, Professor A. R, Wallace, -who once asked"what was the most dangerous beast he bad en- countered in the course of hls tropical travels. Though ho had roamed through the haunts' of the jaguar, tho peccary, and the giant anaconda, he declared that he was most afraid of the wild bee. Kipling has -a story about the terror of the wild bee, when It Is numbered by countless millions, which gives a graphic picture of what that danger can mean. There are certain species oY ante, both in Africa and South America, be- fore the march of which nothing can live. The fiercest and strongest and most agile beasts must give way to them. Thought many thinamide of deaths aro attributed to snake bites in India every year, this mortality is slight compared with the ;toil taken of human life by malarial inosquitaoe in various parts Of the world. Iiad the neighbor- hood of the Panama Canal been Wrest- ed nfssted with. lions tttd tigers, the work would have gone on merrily, but. the awful mortality caused by these tiny insects defeated lis lirnt' builders. South Attica has suffered from locusts a thousand tines more than it ever suffered by reason of ail the wild ileasts within its eorde:x•. CZEM .. L"'1t p of the skin and tato Is UK stale- �+$ den that Yte hers hemp ,uoe,.,tM1 t,e,Ues by man sad la our allow hen for ow Se pa», 10 afaloted, mate (21 1*' 1,100,4,0 Your ease tun,, We Sirs treat at home Pimples, 1'Itotah.t, nieckheeds end other heft• aentarieae Mtn troubles, eup.rauoas Hair. kteilk, Warta eta, p.ntleneutlY tredkaud br lbs eelr s,004--5W,trotrll, Write for Booklet '•F"" Iliscott Institute Litnited Hlsoott t'Jid9, 310 Collage et. . Toranta HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON Provincial Board'of Health, Ontario Or. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat - tent through this column. Address him at Spadina hoose, Spadhsa Crescent, Toronto Smallpox is raising its ugly head in Windsor at the present time and threatening the lives and hearth of the people of the Border Cities. The disease is in a virulent form, several deaths already having been reported, and many cases being of a particular- ly severe type. Every;effort is being put forth by the municipal and provincial author- ities to check the spread of the out- break. The Provincial Board of Health has sent down officials, nurse: and vaccines and are giving ever; assistance possible to the local heattf. authorities. A conference has jus: been held at Spadina nitre house Toront . where the Health Officers of the Bor- der Cities conferred with the Chief Officer of Health as to the best means of combating this dreadful scourge. Vaccination of every person in the community is the only hope of stamp- ing out the epidemic completely. As long as there are people unvaccinated so longwill cases continue to develop. Vaccination has already proved its worth. Every person who has died of smallpox in Windsor so far, has not been vaccinated. Every case of Prayer. D'erewoll, tear day and teeing BOO The claybor'n here, with westward eight, Marks the huge ecu now downward Soar, Farewell. We twain obeli meet no More. smallpox that has developed has not been vaccinated within the past twelve years. In Windsor the original case of smallpox proved fatal. The wife of the unfortunate man has developed confluent smallpox and is still very ill. The wife's' sister has died of haemorrhagic smallpox. Neither one of these had been vaccinated. On the other hand,;' this woman's little girl, ten yearsold, was vaccinated five years ago and has not contracted the lisease although equally exposed to the infection. What could be plainer? Surely every unbiased person has to admit that there must be some virtue in the process vaccination. ace t ion. The evidence is all in its f avor. Three cases have broken out in Amherstburg. One is an old man 85 years ox age who was vaccinated over 60 years ago. His case is very mild and though he shows a few pocks is able to be up and about. The other cases were his son and his son's wife, neither one vaccinated. The wife is particularly ill with confluent small- pox and may die. The evidence is all the same, vaccination is the only sure preventative of smallpox. Well Qualified. Pat Potato—"So you succeeded in getting a job?" Oliver Onion ---"Yes, they wanted a strong young mans" ' GU THE BABY AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It Is a re- cognised fact that where the stomach and bowels' are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of tie little one ~vial bo good and that he will thrive and bo happy. The new sake tax will not increase the price of 73aby'a Own Tablets, as' the company pays the tax. You cat still obtain the Tablets through any medicine dealer at 25 coats It box, or by mail, post paid, from Tho Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mosquito Plant Useful. The virtues of basil (Ocymum virido), known as the mosquito plant, are' attracting the attention of scient- ists In England. An army officer has given a growing plant to the botanical gardens at Idew. He obtained it in Nigeria, where, the says, it is known to drive mosquitoes from its neighbor - bond, and the natives use au infuslot of its leaves as a cure for malarial fevers, Its virtues are known in In- dia round the Victoria Garden in Boan• bay, because .the workmen wore pes- tered by mosquitoes and suffered from malaria, As soon as the hedge cone' o a ito left the rn s t es and 1 cies q completed there was no more malacia among the Workmen. Where might ie master juatice is servant. la mole Can undermine the atroltg- nsst rampart. His Magnanimity. "My h..ed man is n queer feller," said Farmer Fumblegate. 'Ile credits the cows with having more sense than he's got himself." "That so?" replied a friend, "Yes. At milking time he sets on a stool and waits a while for the cows to back up to'him one at a -time. They haven't done so yet, but he says just give 'em opportunity to think -1t over and they wilt." Payment for articles advertised in this column should be made with Do- minion Express Money Orders—a safe way of sending money by nett. Farewell, I watch with bursting sigh My late contemned occttslou die, I huger useless in my tent; Farewell, fair day, so Emily 111E011 Farewell, fair day, If any God At all consider this poor clod, He who rho fair occasion sent Prepared sad placed the impediment. Let 1aim diviner vengeance take— Give me to sleep, give me to wake Girded and shod and bid ms play The hero in the eomiug day. The City of London covers 675 acres; the administrative County of London contains 74,816 acres, and Greater London has 448,424 acres. Keep Minard's Liniment in the house, Metal railway sleepers have to be used in many parts of India; wooden ones would be eaten away by Insects. My Bird. I heard a bird sing, et, so sweet, The sweetest Song I ever heard; I could not rest, I could not sleep, Until I had that singing bird. I caught 1t, and I brought It 10010, I put it to a cage to tame; But when I bad it for my own The song of It was not the same. What was there that I missed ih it? I could not tell—I set it free, For now the little song of it Could not delight the heart of me. But once its tiny wings were free It flew out gladly from the door; And oh, the throbbing notes it sang Were those that It had sung before. Abigail Cresson. A cheese weighing 1 ton 10cwt. 1. qr. 8 ib. has been made in Australia for the British Empire Exhibition. The meteor fallen to the earth is but a stone. GIRLS! HAIR GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 -Cent "Danderine" Does Wonders for Lifeless, Neglected Hair, A gleamy Maes of luxuriant hair full of gloss, lute aro aid life short. R 1y follows a genu fns toning up of neglected scalps with dependable "Dandordiue," Falling hair, Itching scalp end fi ruff - it r the da d corrected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly Invig- orated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. Danderine" is delightful on :the heir; .a refreshing, etlmulatteg tonic --• hot stinky or grease( Any dregatoro. Mother! Give Sick Baby "California Fig Syrup" Harmless Laxative to Clean Liver and Bowels of Baby or Chad. Even constipat- ed, bilious, fever- ish, or sick, colic Babies and 'Child- ren love to take '; ,�e,ie genuine "Cantor- �`rC nia Fig Syrup." t No other laxative i� regulates the ten- z e / der little bowels r . � . so nicely. It ;4,4 sweetens the stomach and starts the liver and bowels eaten without grip- ing. Contains 00 narcotics or sooth- ing drugs. Say "California" to your druggist and avoid counterfeits.t In- sist upon genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains directions. Pat's Wlsh. Said Pat—"I wish I was half Jew and half Irish, instead of being all Irish." "Why is that?" asked a bystander. "Because,"e" explainedlained Pat, an Irish - mea is alwaysu1ntn half a dollar an' a Jew always has one." The orange rots originally a pear- shaped fruit ebout the size of a com- mon cherry. Its evolution is due to twelve hundred years of cultivation. Elderly People Need More Iro in the 1 1 , To Give Added Strength, Vitality, and Greater Pow- er of Resistance Against Disease. IRON is constantly leaving the body, especially toward the period of middle ago and you must makeup for this iron deficiency if you want to escape disease and be strong and well. When the iron in your blood runs low, signs of old age creep into your system. If there 15 not enough iron circulating the blood -stream becomes thin pale and watery, the body weak and run- down. In such cases ordinary iron- ca:tnlning foods ac dom supply n aualolont quantity of this important clement to make up for the waste no that many physicians cow p�resodbe e, eenoentrated form of. organic iron— Nuxated Iron—which contains iron like the Iron In your blood. Actual blood testa Elbow that a tremendously large number of people who aro weak and ill look iron I n their blood. If you nro not aura at yeur own condition, go to your doctor end have hint take your blooiwount and See where you stand or also retake the following teat yourself: Rue stow long you ran work or how tar you can walk without beemning tired; next take two five -grain tablets of Narsat,d iron three times per clay after meals for two weeks. Theo teat your strength again and nee how much you have gained. ByenrithinB_ tho blood and creating new red blood cells. Nuxated Iron at smelliest hOa nerves, rebuilds the weakened tissues rind elps to Instill renewed energy and power into the whole system, Unlike the oltior inorganic) iron products, Nuxated Iron is cosily assimilated, does not Inhere the teeth, make them black oor upset the stomach. The mnoutnotarcrs guarantee 'suc- cessful and entirely satisfactory result. to every purchaser or they will refund your money. '11 Is dleluaood by all eooiltlrugglats. Surnames and Their Origin BAYARD. Varlations-•-lealyd, Beard, Bird, Reeled Orlyln—English, Source --A nickname, Isere is a tamely name derived from an adjective which teelay is ,applied almost exclusively to horses, but whteh in the Middle Ages was in rath- er wide usage, denoting a oiler. To -day yon'd Hardly rater to a "bay" dress or a "bay" complexion, thought' you would speak of a "bay" horse. Fitt), years from now the ward may die completely, unless the horse finds a new excuse for existence and avoids the doom with welch the automobile is threatening him. The medieval English for "bay" was "bayard," A man might have been called "Roger le Bayard" or "Udo le Bayard" 011110r from .the color of bis hair, the general impression. of his complexion, or perhalps from the color of the elate- , Log which 11 useaily wore. r I Baird is a fairily usual oontraetion of Bayard; though the family name of Baird does not in all instances trace back to the other. Likewise Beard and Bird are often logical develop -1 meats, though, particularly in the case of Bird, It does not follow that Bayard is always the originat form of the 11511510. SKINNER IRselal Origin--•-Snglish. Souree•e,eAn occupation, There 1s a wealth of Icuowltrdge to he gained through a study of uonaexe olaturo o2 the Indnstrlal as well :RI at the social couditlons In England dor'. Ing the Middle Ages, Virtually every occupation of any inapt:etance in that period has boon preserved to ue in one or more fancily names, and 1f you lied an occupation or profession which has not so been commem/rated, it is only because the occupation did not exist at the period of family name formation, or becatlge it is known to -day by a comparatively modern term, Thu we have no fam- ily names "Doctor" 00 "Pliysloian," though we d0 have "Leculi, We have no family name "Autaluanuta'cturer," though we have "Cartwright" Tanning and loathermalsine, have - ever, were among tb.e most important industries of Medieval Beatend, like the various branches of the textile tn- dustry, particularly those handling woollen it rete. "Le Skynuere" ("tae skinner") wail quite naturally the surnamo most 02 - ton conferred by his nelglibors on the ' man who made bis living by stripping I skins from the carcasseo of animals, Nearly Educated. It was Kenneth's first day at school and when all the pupils were seated he raised his hand and said: "1 can shell cat and count up to seven and write' my own name, so you won't have to bother to teach me much." Aak for Mlnard'e and take no other. Tactful. The genius of a certain Arkansas editor showed itself recently when he printed the following news item in the local columns of his paper: "Mies Beulah Blank, a Batesville belle of twenty summers, is visiting { her twin brother, age thirty-two." Small minds are captivated by trifles. Lawless Proceeding. The teacher was giving the class a lecture on "gravity." "Now, children," she sold, "It is the law of gravity that keeps ns on this earth." "But, please, teacher," inquired one small :lad, "hew did wo stick an be- fore the law was passed?" The weight of the earth is cstimat. ed to amount to 0,000,000,000,000,000,- 000 (six trillion) tons. Classified Advertisements 7 • OOLGROWERS—COTTS AND Rejects accepted for limited time only. Apply Georgetown Woollen 'Mills, Georgetown, Ontario, t' O NDERF U L DISCOVERY. Charges batteries in 10 minutes, Gallon iree to Agents. Radiolite Co., St. Paul, Minn. The longest ski slide in the world was opened recently in Sweden. It is sixty miles from end to end. The natives of Turkey have some ingenious methods of telling the time. One is by observing the eyes of a cat. Early in the morning and evening the pupils are round. At certain hours they are oval; at noon they are but a narrow slit. IN Beware of Imitations! f Jpa pf1 j6 IOU Ir alar ek incite I tuv f ,_.---....e.....,, ieJvt'1 F v7'`� biS a r,.. P011010ie d yea 't is no i Fo �,��'+ Clean, 6. -•+iib, Co 'orae 141urtn Eyre IRtmeda ra �b�ll?� nrshsnitan.drrrnm:' Keep year Eyes Clean, Clear and 1"dt.:.ieeep. Write for Free Fye Care Book. 4lsrtoe Ceratcmateeee9 r esitlbieferett.ii'it:Ca GRIPPE! • Apply Mfnard's to threat and chest. Also inhale, Mlnard's gives quick relief. "KING � � .I p �" 3t; tom. mrw-xcamra fr, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS Many hive had eurprlatng relief from Catarrhal Denf"eso Head Noises. Ringing 1a the Stara and Head Colds by using Leonard Ear Oil Aaeothleg ponetrnt:ng on that is very efective, lust rub 1t back of the ears and Innen to nostrils Nor tale evcrywhore 56x5 Intorostfnd d'enariptiva reader bent upon roqueat +a,. A.O,LeoNARB,lne r• „.. 70 614 ire„H,Y,. Unless you see the name "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer As- pirin proved safe by millions and pre- scribed by physicians over twenty- three years for Colds Headache Toothache Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken package con- tains proven directions. Randy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug- gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of j Mouoaceticaeidester of Sailcylieacid.I While It is well known that Aspirin means Bayer Manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tab-' lets of Bayer Company will be stamp.; ed with their general trade mark, the i "Bayer Cross." For Lasting Fragrance Use Cuticura Talcum There is nothing better than aW 1e. cr- Cuticura Talcum for powder- ing ing and perfuming the skin. -It appeals to the most fastidious because of its fine, smooth tex- ture and delicate fragrance. somszse. einlment25nod Bic, Totems 2Se..Sold . throughout.theTtnninion. Canndianlrrpntt trmo., Limited, 344 St. Peal St.,,W.N•Wits!. Iiiefg-Cuticuret Reap shaves witl,outmrrg. ng ist as: "Fnearly thirty druyears f have recommend- gt, the Extract of Roots, known as flo Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, a for arresting and permanently relieving constipation and hill ee - Igest] on, it Is an old reliable 9 remedy that never falls to do the work. 30 drops thrice daily. t Get the genuine at your drugilist. • HELP FOR ,. YOUNGW. Mrs. Holmberg Tells How Lydia E.Pinkham'sVeget able Compound Helped Her 1 Viking, Aita.—"From the time I wadi' 15 years old I would get such side feel. ings in the lower part of my abdomen, followed by cramps and vomiting. This kept me from my work (I help my pare ante an tho farm) as I usually had to. go to bed for the rest of the day. Or as times I would have to walk the floor, suffered in this way until a friend in• dueed Ina to try Lydia E. Pinkhatn'el Vegetable Compound. I have had very satisfactory results so far and am thee ommending tho Vegetable Compound t my friends. I surelyy am glad I tried, it for 1 feel like a diferentporson naw.. that I don't have these troubles." -+o OALLtL IIOLhinI;BG.Box 03,Viking, Altai, Letters like this establish the naeritte of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Veggeetable Corn* pound. They flea of the relief' frornsuch pains and ailments after taking it. '1 Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Come pound, made fromnativerootsand,herbsd'; contains no narcotic or harmful drugs and today holds the record of being th� mostsunceseful remedy for female MEI in this country, and thoust ads of vole' untrae testimonials pr 'o this fact. - i If you idc'ubt that Lydia 10,rinkhnni'(1� Vegetable Compound will ltolp yout. write to the Lydia E. Pin:them Modld eine ge„ 'obnur r Ontairie am Mrtla I'inkh :m u private toxteboog find lac y more about de, leellE No 17•--x'24,