HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-3-19, Page 1usset VOL, 52 NO. 39 $z.00 per annum In advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDA Y, , MARC 19' X.924 palace Bakery The Home of Qualitk Bread Buns, Rolls and Pastrg 24 oz, Loaf Sc. We use the best materials in the making of our Bread, and all work ie done under sanitary conditions. Special Baking of Pastry every week -end. W. E. Willis Phone 82x Proprietor f* New Advertisements Local -S. Carter For sale -F. Raddntz For sale -Mise Franck Specials -R. Ferguson Mort wanted -S. S. Cole For sale -Joseph Engler Coal-Wittou & aineapta - Watch found -Tun Pon. Auction Sale -Thos Burke House tor sale -Alex, Dark Hydro wiring-Robt Thuell Special prices -V. 0. Brantley Pigs for sale -B. Holienbeok, Auto Lloenses-A. G, Smith. Car of oats -Gordon knight Auction Sale -D B. Ballingnll Douce-Brnesele Young -People Beed for Sale -A. W. Whitfield. Spring MI11Isery-M re. Hayden Eggs for hatching -Alex. Perris Dressmaking-tilse Lizzie Bryonee.. Flax seed for sale—John McDonald a Eggs forbatebing-Barvey Bryans. Barber outfit for sale -J. H. McLaren Factory beech-Amont Bros. & White Face on the Bar Room Floor -Theatre Notice to Creditors -W, J, Cardiff estate MoLaaghiln-BulokCars-Anderson Brae. tiaxstrx. .clans a fife member by the society, Miss Grieve wee a member of First Presby= trivial) Church, and of tire Woweree Miesionary Society and Ladies' Aid, She is eurvived by one sister, Mies Bache) Grieve, and two brothers, Thomas, Seaforth, and William in the West. The funeral, which wee Bev.rr,H Laiki», DedDbylter pastor, Atwood Part of the Zola Memorial of Scotch granite, on which is inscribed the names of eoldlere who died in the world war, arrived here this week and has been put in place by the eon - tractors, When the etatue from Italy arrives the monument will be com- plete. Duloie Coghlin, daughter of E. H. and Mrs. °oggblbi, was sueeeeeful in passing her Conservatory of Toronto piano examinations with honors. She is a pupil of Miss E. Turnbull. Other suoceesful students are ;-Ruth Robin- son, Evelyn Love and Mary Hodge, Seaforth LATE MISS CH bT8TENA GRIEVE,— The funeral of the late Niles Chrietena Grieve took place Friday afternoon from her late residence to Harpurhey ;cemetery. Mies Grieve, who was in her 71st year, wig the 2tid daughter of the late Thome Grieve. one of the pioneers of McKillop. She was born on the old Grieve homestead on the 2nd Con. on July 201h, 1853. There she resided until l5 years ago when in company with her sister, Wee Rachel Grieve, she came to Seaforth where the remainder of her life was spent. "f Ddring the war she was one of . the moat active workers in the Red °rose in recognition of which she was made Coal Expect a car of Nut Coal and also a car of Egg. Place your order early. Wilton & Giile pie Phone 68 Brussels Belgrave CONGREGATIONS VOTED. — Some time ago committees were appointed by the Presbyterian and 'Methodist churches here to consider the question of co-operation. the same to include Calvin and Brick church congrega- tions in East Wewanoeh. The mat- ter was fully gone into and a unani- mous decision arrived at. This report was printed and drstributed, Thurs- day of last week the above mentioned congregations met in the Methodist and Preebyter'ian churches in Bel- grave when the report was submitted. The former voted almost unanimously to carry out the plan but the latter split, vote standingg:. 40 foe and 89 against; This was net satisfactory so negotiations were off. Revdo, M&sere, McLeod, Brussels, and Scobie, White- church, were inattendance as repre- senting Maitland Presbytery, former presiding at Knox and at the Metho- dist church Rev. Mr. Millenn, Presi- dent of the Conference ; Rev. Mr. Clarke, Chairman of Wingghatn Dis- trict ; , Rev. Mr. Cragg, Winghaw, Superintendent of Belgrave circuit and Rev. J. H. Hibbert, Kingsville and W. 11. Kerr, Brussels, members of the Conference Co-operative and re- adjusting Committee, were also here. *0041•0eieieeAeeeOeeAeeee0ea HYDRO WIRING ANYONE desirous of having their buildings wired for Hydro . would do well to consult me as to prices, eta, as I have engaged the services of an A 1 Electrician. Robt. Thuell ••00•0••0•40i0•N10••••1•i +++++++++ ++++++++++:14+44++ EGGS 1111TCNIN6 Single Comb White leghoros • 10 Cents above market price will be charged but not lees than 85e per dozen. Alex. Perrie Phone 2515 Brussels R. R. 8 "Tempest. and Sunshine" A Play In 4 Acts interspersed with Southern Melodies to be presented ill the P. 0. U.W. Hall, Walton friday Evening, March 21 By the Young People of Welton Community Oast of Characters Jufa Middleton (Tempost)....,.Miss Louise Mills Faany Middleton (Sunshine) Mies Battle Bolger Mammy Sue (An Old Darky Slave) 'Thelma Middleton aheoMf rJulwmnKFnneyy) George B. Hoo Bosh Stanton (A Neighbor of the Mlddleton's) Roy Bennett Joseph Dunn (A Barren Derelict) Donald Buchanan Dobaway (A Young Darky Nephew of Memory Sue)) Lawson Kearns Riohard Wilmot (A Young Man from the Haat) Barry Bolger +++&+dell•-k'F' 4-14+,F++++++ +++ Below Special Prices Staple we have listed some Special Prices on Groceries : Sugar $10.75 cwt, Poast Toasties iOc, pkg. Pure km 4 lbs, $LBB Compound Jem 4 lbs. 65c Mclaren's Jelly Powder 3 pks. 25c Harvest Queen Manito- ba Flour $3.25 owl OUR BAKERY BE OPEN FORMERLY MARCH WITH BREAD SAME QUALITY N THE SAME PRICE Redhead Matches 3 Bores SBC WILL WEDNESDAY, OF THE AT AS 19TH Oatmeal 25 lbs. for $t.o0 Valencia Raisins 2lbs 2511 Seedless 15c ib, Wheatlne 4 lbs, 25c .: Lamp Glasses G s Large 15c Medium 15c Ginger Snaps 2 lbs, 25c Aylmer : Tomatoes Ilic can SOAP 4 Bars 25C Lard . 200. lb,; 3 lb, Pails 55c V0 . (: Grocer andI vi. • I l���i, ! Baker Synopsis Aot 1 -Scene in Leonet Grove, the hone of the Middleton's, near Frankfort, Kentucky. Beginning of the rivalry. Alt 2 -Six weeks. later, An Interior in the Middleton home, The plot. Aot 8 -Three days later. Scene in, Mammy Sue's cabin. The culmination of the plot.' Aot 4 -Four Months later. Scene in Middle.. ton home, The interrupted wedding. Admission 35 Cents Proceeds to go towards School Fair Fund Presbyterian churches • are vacant since removal of Rev. Mr. Jones and possibly the next step will be to call a new pastor. Mr. Pentland ie the young man on the Methodist work whose year will be up next June, Oise reason for the proposed union was the removal of members and consequent reduction of finances in the support of the ordinances, by Mrs. Kerney and Mies Tomlinson. Allocation foto Miesionary purposes for the year in the society Is $448. OM- cere decided to adopt the trite, box system to help raise funds, Mrs. Arthur MWWal1, Supply See., has re- ceived a letter from the Indian school, naming artieles of clothing, etc, re- quired for a boy in the raetitution, Ladies of the congregation are invited to help in this good, work, Miee Mitchell, Field See., of Eastern Div!, flea, will address the W. M. S. at the Manse on Thursday, 20th Met, Ladies Of congregation will be welcomed. Roll call was answered by 11 ladies giving the name of eoms Missionary in Formosa April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Neal, Wal, ton. Meeting closed by repeating, in unison, the Lord's Prayer. Walton Dressmaking and Plhin Sewing done at my home. tuts. 0, Daeaee, Walton., Harvey and Mrs, Hoover and soh. left for London last writer, where we hope they will meet with A 1 success. Day of prayer, by the W. M. S„ was observed in the Presbyterian church, Anglican and Methodist Societies uniting. The weather was stormy. and the attendance was not as large as it might have been. Of course you are going to the play in the A. 0. II. W. Hall Friday evert- ing of this week to enjoy "Tempest and Sunshine," under the direction of the young people. Proceeds will go to the School Fair treasury. See the adv1�t, for cast and synopsis. MISSIONARY. — Regular monthly meeting of the W. M. 8, was held at the home of Mrs. John. Hislop, Walton, Wednesday last, Mrs. Oster presiding. Meeting opened by sing- ing hymn 374, Mrs. Ramsay read Pealm 92. "The study of Formosa," the people, • their ruler and religion, was read , by Mrs, Shaw and D7rs. Hood. Mrs. Woods had Japan as her subject. Devotional service was led Craobrook Farmers' Club is expecting.a cat of Oranbrook Farmers' Club ie expecting a car of oats at Ethel°. N. R. this tvsek.. See the advt. Play, presented by the Browntown Dramatic Olub, entitled ."The Young Village Lawyer," given in the Long Hall, under the auspices of the Far- mer' Club last Friday evening, was a fine success. The young people per- formed their several parts in a moat commendable manner and deserved the close attention and. applause re- ceived, George Evans, the local fav- orite vocalist, gave several numbers between the acts. $88.60 were the re- ceipts. No. 2 C. W. Oats At Ethel Stationthis week. Special price off car. Gordon Knight Phone 5516 Sec, -Trees. POR Saturday Cashmere Hose, regular 00e pair. 2 pal re for 19C Mon's Cotton Hoer), reg1 •OO 25c pair. 0 pairs for.. Men's Wool and Cotton Hose, regular 60c pair 8 pairs for I .1.011J 'Bob's Hole Proof Rock Rib Hose, regular 650. SOC 2 pairs for Men's Caps for Saturday oily at a price from$1.00 to $1.75 Big reduction in Men's Overalls and Work Shirts, Children's Hoge Sizes 4i, 5 and 6, Little Daisy, regular 600=0ream 2 MSC pairs for .... ........ ... Smaller Profit and larger Turn. over is my motto. R. Ferguson Monorieff What is so rare as a day in Spring at Moncrieff 5 Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael entertain- ed their neighbors and friends at a party Friday evening. Mies Artkine, our teacher, who bas been ill with an ulcerated threat, is able to resume her duties again. Weare sorry to report that Mrs. Wm Harvey is not enjoying good health but hope for early improve- ment. The W. M. S. of Knox church here wae addressed by Miss Mitchell, Trav- elling Secretary, Wednesday of this week, Mrs, George Edwards and grand- daughter, Norene Churchill, Brussels, were visitors with Wm. and Mrs. Baillie over the week end. Ethel Wedding bells will ring. W. E. 0, Richards, Banff, has been visiting in Ethel and vicinity. We are sorry to say Mrs. Robert Laing is not enjoying good health but hope she will soon be better. Mrs. M. J. Slemrnon underwent an operation, at her home, and is making favorable progress. We wish her speedy convalescence A note of interest to the ladies will be Mrs. Hayden's announcement of Millinery opening. March 29th is the date, so don't forget to see the tasty display. Miss Verna McCall, Brussels, will be in charge this season. 1Voman's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. McKee, at 230 on Thurs- day afternoon of this week. Roll °all "A cure for the bluer." Papers on "Preparing Garden Plants," Mrs, J. A. Cole. "Flowers and Herbs on our farms, Useful and otherwise," by Mrs. O. Cleaver. Music, Good at- tendance asked for as there will alar be a quilting on the program, Wroxeter Stanley Henning returned last week to Meese, H g Sask. Robt. and Mrs. Black have returned from an extended visit at Harrieton, Rev. Dr. Brown and Rev. G, Bar. nard, Fordwich, exchanged pulpits on Sunday. Peter Fraser, Pilot Mound, Man„ wasthe gueet of hie sister, bice. Jos, Lovell, and other old friends in this vicinity recently; While employed in the bush last week Harry Hupfer, Turnberry, met with a very painful accident. He was struck by the limb of a tree, suffering a broken nose. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of the Misses Hazlewood, Thurs- day afternoon, Mar. 27th, A paper on "Furnishing and Decorating a Farm Home," will be given by Miss E. McEwen, also a "Travel Talk" by Mrs. T. G. Iemphill. Every member come prepared to answer the roll call All the women of the community are Inv' ted. Great enthusiasm.was shown in the the Masquerade Carnival last Wed- nesday evening, being the most suc- cessful ever held here. There was a large attendance of spectators and many splendid costumes shown in every class and the various races keen- ly contested. The prizes, which were of exceptionally good value, were donated by business people of the vit. lege. The Wroxeter Orchestra was in attendance and proceeds for the evening amounted to $05.00. OBiv.—The death took place at 4,80 Friday afternoon of Margaret Miller, wife of Leonard Brown,,Deceased was in her 56th year and ws the sec- ond daughter of the late John R, and Mrs. Miller. She was born in Morrie and spent all her life in this vicinity. After her marriage she spent several years in 'Turnberry, later moving to this village. Mrs. Miller never hada robust constitution and suffered many a severe illness, but was always ex- eeptionally bright and cheerful and, when health permitted, an active worker, She failed to rally from a sickness last Fall and since then had been conlined to bed almost centime. ously, Creaming weakening until the end eases, She is survived by her husband, a dailghtor (Mee, Cheerer Turnberry), a brother (David, lorintp), and two &store (hies, S. Snell, Jarnest.otvn, and Mre, T. A, Gib. env, Fordwioh ) After it service at the home Monday afternoon, in which Choice Stock, Latest Models) and Styles Opening date will be Saturday, Mar. 29th Ladies of the community are invited. Mies Verna McCall will cater to the wants of the folk In Millinery, Prises reasonable. Mrs. Hayden ETHEL Rev. L. Perrin and Dr. Brown took part, interment was made in Wrox- eter cemetery. The Concert given in the Town Hall Friday evening under the auspices of the Public Library' Board, was most successful, There was a lengthy pro- gram consisting of recitatioue, solos, plantation melodies, Irish lilts and in- strumental music, all given by local talent and every number well render-. ed. One of the main features of the evening was a debate, "Resolved that the pulpit exerts more influence than the press," between pupils of Ford• wicb and Wroxeter Continuation Schools. Misses Bean, Beswitheriok and Gibson, Fordwicb, upheld the af- flemativel and Misses Wright, Thomp. son and Cook, of Wroxeter, maintain- ed the negative. The judges gave their decision in favor of the affirma- tive. The chair was occupied by W. S. McKercher and proceeds amounted to $85 00. Bluevate "Young Village Lawyer" will be presented in the 0. O. F. Hall, Blue - vale by Browntown community young folk 'next Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Tickets 35 and 20 cents. Bluevale Literary Society continues to draw large crowds. Last week the hall was packed and the program throughout was appreciated by all. Judges for the debate decided that "Women spend more time and money on pleasure than men," Friday even- ing, March 2lst, the Liquor question will be debated by Jas. McTavish, Robes t Shaw, Addison Fraser and Milvert Sellars and along with this there will be a good musical program. Jamestown Mrs. P. S. McEwen, Turnberry, hag returned from visiting her cousin, Mrs. 3. O. Wilson,c deri h. Some of the ferGoere of this locality intend following a the manufaotur ing of maple syrup this Spring. We are sorry to hear of the death of Mrs, Leonard Brown, Wrox- eter, who was blies Miller, of this locality, in her maiden days. DoN'T forget that Thos. Burke's Auction Sale of Farm Stock will be held Thursday afternoon of this week. List may be found on page 4. Mrs. Duncan MacDonald is home from London somewhat improved in health. We hope that the coming' of Spring will, greatly aid in her re- juvenation. Jamestown bas been the centre of attraction during the past week or so over business transactions coupled with regrets over reverses that have made taugles for various people. A gray elm saw log was cut on the farm of Cameron Adams, Turnberry boundary, that scaled 580 feet. Log was 12 feet in length and was deliver- ed at Wroxeter. It was some log. OARD OP THA.\'gs.—We wish to. thank our friends and neighbors for all their kindnesses and help shown to us in the loss of our dear baby—Bruce. It will never be forgotten by us. J, J. AND MRS. M0°LITCHIrON AND FAMILY. Next Tuesday afternoon, 25th inst. D. B. Ballingnll, 1 mile East of.James- tnwn, will bold a clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, implements, household furniture, .etc. He has die. posed , f his farms and is removing to Galt. The Het of the Sale may be read on page 4 of this issue of TBE POST, A,SHOWER,—Last Friday evening a large and happy company assembled in Victoria Hall to do honor to a former resident, Miss Fern Eckmier, only daughter of George and Mrs. Eckinier, now of Ethel. Antedating her marriage to Mr. Richards, of Banff, next Saturday afternoon, the folk here desired to give an expression of their cordiality and one of the fea- tures wae the presentation of a generous miscellaneous shower to the brids.to-be.. She , made a brief hub very appropriate reply for the gifts. Robb. Strachan wae Chairman and the program consisted of recitations, readlugs, vocal and instrumental music 3tc. The community songs went with a tine swing, with Mrs. N. li, Cardiff at the organ. Mr, and Mrs. Eckrnier accompanied their daughter as did the coming bridegroom and all enjoyed the evening to the fullest Grand Dance wir-qr"V-vr-V-"gr,le-IP-IP^V OPERA HOUSE BRUSSELS Friday Ev'g, Mar. 21 Under auspices of Young People -(q MUSIO BY Town's 5 -Piece Orchestra TICKETS , . $100 Including Lunch extent. An appetizing lunch was served and the • company separated with many goodwishes for the prin cipals in the happy event to be con. summated next Saturday. Among those who attended the fun- eral of Bruce, the bright little laddie, son of Reeve and Mrs, McOutcheon Wednesday of last week, were Dr, J. M. Mc0utcheon, Toronto ; Mrs. Wil- lison, Hamilton ; Lou Mc0utcheon, J. M. Jackson and Mrs. J. Colwell, London. Service was conducted by, Rev. 3. P. McLeod, Bruseele, and burial vias made at Molesworth ceme- tery. Bruce was a nephew of the viral - toys. Morris Pasture farms to rent. See advt. Township Council met last Monday. A big thaw will put some roads in bad shape. Next meeting of Morris Council will be Monday, April 7th. Browntown Dramatic Club present "The young village lawyer" at Blue - vale next Tuesday evening, They do it well. The Townehip Hall Telephone, available whenever Council is in ses- sion, is No. 3814. It may add to your convenience if you mark the No, down. some place where you can get at it hril:dily for future reference. A wedding was solemnized at the Manse, Blyth, on Saturday, Mar. 1st, when Cora M., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fear, East Wawanosh, was united in marriage to W. Brown, Mor- ris. Rev. G. Telford officiated. They will live on groom's farm in Morris, SCHOOL REPORT. -Following is the report of S. S. No. 6, Mortis, for the months of January and February. Sr. IV—Leslie Campbell, 80 ; Willie Bowman, 78. Jr. IV—Ruby Bone, 85 ; John Barr, 614 Sadie Pierce, 61, Sr II—Roy Pierce, 68 t Stewart Pierce, 62. Sr. I—Velma Duncan, 57, Prim t Excellent. Primer—Annie ie P[ec — er Anr ERNESTINE M. SELLERS. Teacher. REV. Ma. RINToUL OA.LLED,—Rev, G. Rintoul, 8, A Dungannon, has received a call from Thornton Presby- terian church, in Barrie Presbytery, at a eatery of 51,800 and free manse. This is the second call Mr. Rintoul has received in a month, He bas accept- ed the latter and will in all likehood move to hie new charge early io April. It is with great regret that the people of Dungannon and Port Albert are called upon to part with Mr. and Mrs. Rintoul, who have endeared them- selves to there congregations during their labors here, Rev. Mr, Rintoul's parental home is on the 5th line near Brussels. Grey P. A. and Mts. McArthur were Tor- onto visitors during the past week. Mrs, Geo. E. Spetran has returned home after spending a couple of weeks at Walkerton with her mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Watts. Mrs. Harry Speiran, of Union, .has been eick for the past week with is grippe, but we hope she will soon be as'heal'ty as ever. We regret to lose James and Mrs. Denman and family from Union, as they have been life long residents on the 12th Con. near Silver Corners. They move to Atwood, Milton Lowe's Auction Sale of Farm Stock, &c., will be on the program Friday of Chia week. Hie Lot is 0, Con, 9, If you wish to see what the list includes turn to page 4. Grey township will not lag behind the van of progress and accordingly a radio set has been installed at the home of P. A. McArthur, Oth Oou, 'tie Bald others intend following the same course inthe near future. We must be up-to.date. L. D. FauN DECRASED.---Saturday evening Lorenzo D. Frain, a well known resident of the 8rd Con., pas. sed over to the great majority, in his 63rd year. Funeral will be held from his late home, Lot 10, to Brussels cemetery on Friday of this week. A fuller notice will be given next. week in THE Posm, W, I ERR, Pro rietar 1924 ' UTO ■ LICENSES Send your application form properly filled out with required money order , This Morning and Have Your License This Afternoon. This i i the third year is- siring s- sirin -licenses and we are giving the public service, posta a toe, extra, A., G. SMITH ioouer of Liccnoau W!NOWLM - ONTARIO Perth '(county William Vivian, 62 years old, a well known Mitchell citizen, died Sunday atthe home of his son, John Vivian, Logan. He was born :in Hibbert township, and for many years farmed on Con. 3, Logan. ..Survivors are 2 sons, John and Morley ; 1 brother, George, Mitchell 'i 2 sisters, Mrs. Alex, McLaren, Detroit, and Mrs. Crane, Cleveland. Mrs, W. Treleaven, formerly of Lueknow, died at her •home, Toronto.' Old time spelling match between Crewe and Cherry Grove grown ups. It was some eport, Letter Won after a hard tussle, Huron County - Londesboto has a barber ehop. Broom ball is on the program at Ripley. John Gihbinge, Clinton, celebrted hie 85th bit thday. O. P. Stll ha.s beat appointed Poet- master at t', uforth. Goderich Women's Institute donat- ed 5100 to the hospital. Mariners attended Knox church last Sunday evening in a body. A snake 32 inches long was killed by Leonard Wenzel, Howick township. Clinton fuitinre were defeated by Stratford for League Hockey honors. Mrs. Wm. Acheson, an old and estimable resident of Goderich is de- ceased. Rev. J. R. Peters, Dungannon, was a delegate to the Grand Lodge of the Orange Order. Large quantities of bailed bay being shipped from Luoknnw. Most of it goes Io the ISaster» States, F. C. Elford, formerly of Holmes- ville, goes on a trip to Sweden and England to attend a Poultry Confer- ence. Joseph McKague, Teeswater, receiv- ed from the Dept of National Defence' the Dominion Salver for taking high- est score at the Teestvatet• Rifle ranges during 1023. Carload of honey was shipped out of Whitechurch by some of the local bee- keepers. This is the first car to be shipped fu'.ru that immediate vicinity. Community Association of Ford- wich village have leased room over Steur'noll't butcher shop and will con- vert it into a Ommffinuity Hall, to be treed the different organizations of the village. TERFWATER EASE BALL.—A very enthusiastic Baseball meeting was held at Teeswater Friday to re -organ- ize for the season, It was decided to enter the Bruce League again, as good satisfaction wae received from it last season, and this year a number of new teams are desirous of joining. H. C. Thompson and J. Hendry were ap- pointed Auditors. Other officers are : Secretary -Treasurer, N. E. Patterson President, G. H. Linklater ; Hon. President., S. R. Brill ;'Vice Presi- dent, Bev. J. J. Flavahen ; grounds committee, S. Blair and M. Donahue ; ropetty committee, H. King and J. proper ; transportation committee, L. A Brink 'and A. Kitchen Manager, M. A. Donahue. A motion was pass- ed that the President and Secretary attend the League meeting to be held in Paisley shortly. Position of Mr. Joynt, M. P. P. London Advertiser of last Tuesday says ;--John Joynt, M. P. 1'. for North Ruron, was the speaker at a London church on Sunday evening. He stated his position in no uncertain way on the matter of Temperance, and there is ne reason to doubt at all hie feelings on the issue. Mr. Joynt explained why he octet his vote for the Enabling bill brought in by the goy- erntnent. Itis ono reason for support- ing a measure that be was not pre- viously in favor of was became the Attorney -general was in favor of it. Mr. Joynt by his vote placed in the hands of the government the right to. bring on a vote to ehalisuge the furth- er existence of the 0. 1'. A., to name the questions that will be asked, to say to what extent polling places in rural districts than be open, and to name the date when such a vote shall be called, In his address he did not state where the pressure was, coming from for a new vote, He was 'peeper. ed to take the tvntd of the Attorney- general for the whole thing, There nen be no discounting the worth or standing of John Joynt in. Huron or anyplace else ; when the vote Cotner. there 1;+ un tolestioil as to ,;where he will stand, lot hr had a good oppor. tunny to aeeert his independence and feeedortl of aeiimi right at the outset, He would bays steengtheued his posi- tion 'ins voting against the governs meut,