HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-3-5, Page 8The
[Try the Druij Stare first
For First Aid
For Colds
Reran Cold Tablets 25c
Cherry Bark Cough Syrup
35e dz 60e
Rexall Bronchial Syrup 60e
Maltese Cough Drops too
r o i Throat Ease
0 kgs
1 c&26cg
Emulsion o 0
ScottsEmu s
Liver Oil 65e St $1.30
Tasteless Prep• Cod
Liver Oil $1.00 bots
Meloids 2 ci pkga
Camphorated Oil
Compound Mustard Ointm't
Antephlogesture, &c.
Bring in your Films and have
them Developed and Printed
Eastman 'Films, Kodaks
Brownie Cameras and Supplies
For Most Popular
Toilet Preparations
Jonteel Talcum ...,,,,., 25e & Sao
Jouteal Cold. Cream Face
Powder....,,...,. 500
Solidified Briihaetinein new
andore convenient
m vem t
acka a ,. ....... sec
Lemon Coca Butteris
a Lotion 35c
Pompeian Day Cream... 65c
Sea Water Violet Bath Salts 750
Woodbury's Facial Soap.. 2sc
Hinds' Honey and Almond'
Cream ,.. ...... 6oc
Three Flowers Cleansing
Cream ......... .. hoc
Infants' Supplies
Matto -Dextrose
Sugar of Milk
Milk of Magnesia
Boracic Acid
Baby Talcum
Condensed Milk
Horlick's Malted Milk
»Nipples, Soothers
Absorbent Cotton
TheThe ,P.4447.ta Store'
Druggist and Stationer
goad beim Pans
MONTHLY Horse Fair Thursday of this
TUESDAY'S thaw and rainreducedthe
snow banks considerably.
WEDNESDAY is Ash Wednesday and
the commencement of Lent.
EVERETT HOOVER has a hint that may
put money in your pocket, Read his
MEN were employed for a couple of
days filling in some bad pitch holes in
Southerly part of town.
Dm you read Earl Cunningham's
advt. in this issue? He can prove to
you that what he says in the advt, is
lin wants to know if he is entitled to the
est Spring chick medal, He has 3 baby
canaries on the program.
DID you return your Horticultural list
of choices ? The time is up ane order
will now be compiled and forwarded by
Mrs, W, W. Harris, the Secretary.
MORTGAGR sale of Igo acres in Grey
township will be held Saturday after-
noon, istb inst., at the American Hotel,
Brussels, See the advt for further par-
CAR of Flour and Feed also a car of
Western Oats expected by Brussels Far-
mers' Club. See advt. Yon are asked
to place orders early with D. M. Mac-
Tavish, Manager.
ANOTHER car of potatoes was shipped
from Brussels this week, eo cents a
bag was paid. A stove was placed in
the car to give the Irish pills a chance
against Jack Frost.
SSE the report of the Standard Bank
on page 4 of this issue. It is a well
managed institution. The braucb in
Brussels was, established in the year
4891, and has proven its right to thrive.
coWHOSE next xt oath. list
A number of bachelors should be nab-
bed, girls. This is Leap year and de-
lays are dangerous. Already more than
2 mouths have slipped away.
A Poen car rigged up with sleigh
runners was here last Monday and
and travelled first class even through
the pitch holes with neatness and dis-
pttch, It came from Listowel, we un.
Wednesday afternoon of next week, at
the American Hotel. Brussels, is the
date and place of a Mortgage Sale of
Lots 27 and 28, Con. 7, Grey, town-
ship. D. M. Scott will be the Auction-
middle of October a cocoon was secured
at Joseph Querin's, Thomas street,
and was carefully placed in a box, The
other day a beautiful golden colored
butterfly with blue and purple spots
shook off its "overcoat" and is as lively
as you please,
CALLAHAN — Wmeon, —'A quiet but
pretty wedding was solemnized at 5t,
Ambrose Church, Brussels, on Monday,
March 3rd, by Rev. Father McHugb,
when Miss Kathleen, second daughter
of Samuel and the late, Mrs, Wilton,
Brussels: became the bride of J. L. Cal-
al•lain nt, Belleville, Bride, Who was given
away by her father, wore her travelling
stilt of saud.polret twill, with hat and
biotite to match, and stone martin chock.
er, The bridesmaid was Miss Marguer-
ite, sister of the, bride, while the groom
was supported icy his brother, D J. Cal.
tahau, Groomsgift tothe bride was a
silver mesh bag; to tbe,brid,ernaid a
pearl, and' amythest pin ; and to the
groomsman gold cuff links. . After the
happy ots
to eddiug dinner the ppy temple left fou
the 3,20 train, They will reside in Belle-
ville, Many gopd wishes accompany
thorn to their new home;,
W. D. HAMSL wants to save voilsome
solo and quotes figures in his advt, to
prove it,
MARCH arrived like a lamb last Satur'
day. Let us hope 3t days later its
capers will be as worthy of commenda-
Erma help was employed by Section
Boss Archie Thompson shovelling back
the snow banks along the railway to give
the snow plow a chance to clear the
track if it becomes necessary.
•'AsseuR" Seed Peas for sale. Baron: dad
ander ideal conditions. No wild eats,
117.2 W. R. BROADFOOT,
Phone 2710 Lot 2, Con. 15, Grey
20 PIGS for sale, about 8 months ofd. Lot 8,
Con. 1, Grey township. CHAR. SIMPsoN,
Phone 4418 Biaevale R. It, 2
P05 SALE. -4 yearling steers and a yearling
heifer, also a $oletein cow, to treehen In
April. Lot 28, Con. 11 Grey Twp,
W. j. Sneers,
Phone 555. R. R. No. 8, Brussels,
Dm:Ms for sale, EMIT, MRNAnEY.
Phone 2417 Con. 5, Grey.
FARM wanted to rent for a term of Aare.
J. A. NIOeor.,
Phone 2818. R. R. 8, Brussels.
STOCK Fon SAL,. -1 heifer of extra geed
milking strain. due to calve in about a mouth..
Also 4 young Yorkebire sown ready to breed.
Apply to J. P. MoINToea,
Phone 556 Lot 21, Con. 12, Grey.
FOURood Durham sows In salt for Bale,
Price right. W. H. Braman, Lot 80, Con. 10.
Grey Phone 503, .
Holum and lot for Bale in the Village of Bras -
Fels, formerly occuppied by the late Alex. Ellis,
Queen etreet. Eligible property. For further
particulars apply to W. M. SINCLAIR,
tf Brussels.
COMFORTABLE hoose and X acre lot for sale
on Flora street, Enamels. Good stable .mall
fruits, &e. Good neighborhood. Early pos.
session. For further particulars apply on the
premises. Phone78. Maar A, BOLT.
deep regret THE Pon records the de-
mise of Wm. James Cardiff, au old and
highly esteemed resident of this com-
munity for more than 6o years. He
died Monday morning at his home,
Brussels,after a short but severe illness
of 2 weeks. aged 67 years, 7 months and
t6 days. Mr. Cardiff was the youngest
son of the late Mark and Margaret Car-
diff, pioneer residents of the 7th Con. of
Grey township, He was born near
Smith's Falls and was only 3 'years of
age when the family came to the bush
farm, which was transformed into an
A e bomestead, still in possession of the
Cardiff folk, The subjectof this notice
was happily married to Miss Sarah Mc-
Farlane, of North FastHope, Pettb Co.,
over 44 years ago and they lived on the
farm until 5 years ago when they gave
place to their only son and located in
town. Io addition to Mrs. Cardiff the
family consists of Wm. J. D., in Grey
township, and Mrs. R- F. Downing,
Mrs. Waiter Williamson and Miss
Addle, all of Brussels. Mark Cardiff,
Calgary, formerly of Morris township,
and Mrs, Thomas'Htngston, Everett,
Wash , U. S., are the surviving brother
and sister of deceased, but are unable to
attend the funeral. 5 brothers are dead
(George, John, Thos., Richard. and
Henry) and 2 sisters (Mrs. HenryHamil-
ton and Mrs, James Williamson.) There.
are 2 grand Children. Mr, Cardiff was
One of the most active men of the
countryside, a hnstler to work, never
knew hardly a day's sickness and .en-
joyed the respect and esteem of the
neighborhood for his geniality and
agreeability. This was the first break in
the borne circle. Deceased was an
official member of Brussels Methodist
church, The family share is wide.
spread sympathy in their unexpected.
sorrow, Funeral service will be held
Wednesday afternoon by Rev. C. F.
Clark, deceased's pastor and neighbor,
B b
Burial will b e made i Btu , e . ceme-
u n ss is
tery, A fine man passed out when
called d"dCardiff, as he was usually
Maude Co Oryaus
Announces.' heti Bruaseis Office
will be open following days of
every week t-.-
Hours—a, m, p, m.
Monday ... ..10 to 12 1.30 to 6
Friday .., ,.,,, 1,30 to 0
Saturday 10 10 12 1.30 to 0
Saturday Evening ...,. 7 to 9
ft.if Waste Not
Want Not
waste your time
�O not w ya ,
money and energy on
oultrf rit
breeding wh n for a couple of cofP$
extra you can fill your Incubator
with Eggs from a fine laying
strain. Our S.O. White Lag-
horns can't be beat,
Eggs 10e a dozen above mar -
1 ket price down to 35c.
Order early and have eggs to
Bell next Winter,
Everett Hoover
Phone 2514 Bruesole
DON'T snowball on the Male street or
the Cop'll get ya' if ye' don't watch out.
ARE you in the chick business? E.
Mittelle, Clinton, wants to speak to you
His advt, has the message.
Miss Hazel Stewart commenced her
duties as a member of the teaching staff
of Brussels Public school last Monday.
THE PosT wishes her success.
Doer MIss Tins —Brussels VV, C. T.
U, will hold a sale of Home Made Bak-
ing and also serve Tea at the store of
Misses Hunter, Brussels, Saturday of
next week, 15th inst. You are cordially
invited to attend. Lend a band to a
good cause.
'lhursday, March 6—Geo. McTag
gait's, Grey Twp.
Friday, March 7—j. M. Miller's, Mor-
ris Twp,
Wednesday, March is—H. Mathers,
Morris Top.
Wednesday, March I2—Lots 27 and
28, Grey townabip at Brussels.
Friday, March 14—John Conites, Mor-
ris Twp.
Saturday, March 15—Long farm,
Grey Twp. at Brussels.
YEAR.—Last Thursday an old and well
known resident of Brussels and locality
crossed the "Great Divide" in the per-
son of Mrs Jno. Carter, She died
at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. E. Parker, Owen Sound, where
she had been making her home for past
year, going from town, The event was
not unexpected as she was in her 92nd
yearend had been quite ill for some
time. Deceased's maiden name was
Margaret Storey, who was bora in the
Emerald isle and came to Canada with
her parents, Wm. and Fannie Storey,
wben a child. They located in
McKillop towosbip and during
her long life most of the time was
spent within a few miles of the same
Ideality. At an early age the subject of
this notice was married to John Carter,
who predeceased her 13 yea -s ago
Tbere was a family of r3 children born
to the home, 7 of whom survive viz :—
John, Seaforth ; Joseph, Auburn ;
David, Westfield ; Samuel, Brussels ;
Mrs. Jno. Hart and Mrs. E. Parker,
Owen Sound, and Mrs. G. Henderson,
Seaforth. Arthur died at Blyth ;.Mrs
Wm. Riley, Brussels locality and Mrs,
Jno. Taman in New Ontario, Mrs,
Carter was industrious, generous and
full of Irish bunion, and with an
answer ready like a flash. The funeral
service was held at the home of her son,
Brussels, Saturday afternoon, corner
Turnberry and Queen streets, and was
conducted by deceased's pastor Rev. C.
F. Clarke, of the, Methodist church of
whicb'Mrs. Carter had been a member
for long years. Pallbearers were Allan
Lamont. Jas. Henderson, Jno.
son,Wm, Storey, S. Plum and Jno.
W. C. T. U.—The regular meeting of
the W. C. T. U. was held at the home of
Mrs. Robt. Dark, Friday of last week, a
considerable number being present.
Members looked forward to this meeting
with special interest in that Miss Duff,
Provincial Organizer of the Women's
Christian Temperance Union, was to be
present, and they were not disappointed.
After the opening exercises were con-
ducted and matters of business attended
to, Mrs. McLeod and Mrs. Clouse sang
the duet, "I know my Heavenly Father
knows" very sweetly, Mrs. McGuire
President, called upon Miss Duff to
!peek. She did so in a .particularly
winning manner, giving both facts and
incidents from her personal experience
and those quoted in tbe press, While her
address sounded forth Optimism forthe
future, it was also a clear clarion call
for renewed effort on the part of all
Christian women in order that existing
evils might be trampled underfoot and
that the cause of Temperance might not
suffer through those who term them-
selves the Moderation League." All
thoroughly enjoyed Miss Deff's address
and 5 new members were added to the
Union. Meeting was closed by singing
"Blest be the tie that Binds," and' re-
peating the Mizpah: beuedietion. At
this meeting it was decided to send fel.
lowing resolution to Hon, Howard Fer-
guson, Attorney General N•ekel and
Mr. Wigle, our member of Parliament
fat Centre Huron, "We, the women of
the primate Christian Temperance
Unison, assembled here to -day, urian
imousl declare our whole hearted Atm -
portyti a Prohibition la of o r' Prov.
port. of iw a
ince, and would express our desire
that the present Government support.
the Coterie Temperance Act 125111 it bas
been given a thorough trial"
Banking by Mail
MAheY ltd varied +we the type. of men vrhq conduct
j,ll their panking with The Standard through the poet,
Busy men wile live far away from any bank And that
our plan of banking by mail saves them making special
trip, to town, and is satisfactory In avow way and quite
simple. We pay interest at current rates on such account,
Write or call for full particulars.
or catwalk,
Brussels Branch, » G. i1, Semis, Manager
Dublin Branch, - - F. McConnell, Manager
Pure Bred
S. C. White Leghorns
S. 0. Mottled Anoonas
Barred. Plymouth Rocks
S. C. Rhode T. Rede
From Bred - to -lay Strains
Par full particulars
Phone 218 Clinton, Ont.
THE POST feels sort of lonesome at
saying Goodbye to its old neighbor—
'rhe Wingham Times but hopes the
twins, Advance -Times, will prosper
and grow.
AT least so new subscribers wanted in
THE Pose, Have 3 of them. "THE
POST giver the news" is nota fablebut
is an historic tact. hence 4 cents a week
is a mere trill; if we h11 the bill What
about the absentee' from your home
whom you dont write to very regularly,
perhaps ?
1 oyse. LEGION.—As. a result of the
visit of .itis; Doff. Provincial Organizer
of the W. C T. U . to Melville church
Sabbath School Last Sunday afternoon a
Loyal Legion was formed with the fol-
lowing , fficers President, Mildred
Logan ; Vice Presidents, Doris McDon-
ald and Fraser Strachan ; Secretary.
Barton Macdonald ; Treasurer, Margaret
Strachan ; Chorister, Dorothy McVet-
tie ; Lbrarian, Winnifred McMillan ;
Pianist, Stella Scott. Miss Duff was to
have spoken to the Methodist S. S also
on Sunday but the fire precluded the
carrying out of the plan,
Mr Kerr :—I have been hearing of the
fierce blizzards Ontario bas been having
and at this distance it is bard to realize.
Here the oranges are hanging ripe on
the trees, also grapefruit. Strawberries
have been in season since I arrived here
5 weeks ago, Oranges sell as low as 5oc.
per zoo and grape fruit 25c. adoz.
Flowers are in bloom, Nothing bas
been touched by frost and this is an un-
usually cold Winter here, Kind re-
gards from DR, F. A. PARKER.
Daytona, Florida, Feb.. 28, 1924 •
CON'iGNMENT SALE,—The Huron. Co.
Breeders' Association held a ; fairly
successful Consignment Sale in Wing•
ham on Tbursday, February 28'h, 49
bead of cattle were disposed of at an
average. of Slit 25, which was fairly sat -
!electors, when you consider the state of
the live stock market to -day. The high-
est priced female was Miss Ramsden of
Springbank, consigned by Albert Ether-
iogton, Hensall, She sold to Fred.
t-aedle, Wiugham, for 5165, Highest
priced bull was Scarlet Velvet, consign-
ed by Harry Smith, Hay, and sold to
Walter Renwic.t, Clifford, for $r32.5o.
The offering was consigned mainly by
the breeders of Huron County, with
about 15 cattle coming from Perth,
Wellington and Bruce. The Auction-
eers handling tbe sale were R. T. Amos,
Guelph, and Oscar Klopp, Zurich.
2 t
# People We Talk About
t2 tt.
Mrs Israel, of West Montrose, was
visiting her sister, Mrs, Jos Querin.
Mrs. W. F. Stewart is visiting her
daughter, Mrs. N, F. Gerry.
Miss Nephew spent the week -end with
Kincardine relatives.
Mayor Willis, Wingham, was a visitor
in town on Tuesday.
"Tom" Ritchie was taking undesir
ed holidays on account of a very sore
throat but is on the "pull up" now.
Councillor Weller was on the sick list
this week with the prevailing grippe
cold but will soon be k. we hope,
Douglas Walker is holidaying at Sett -
eaforth. and recruiting his health after his
operatl On.
W. and Mrs, Mitcheli made a brief
visit to town from Preston the other
Miss Vivian Harris bas accepted a
position in Toronto. We wish her sun-
Samuel Carter was at Owen Sound
last week owing to the low condition of
his mother, who passed away on Thurs.
day at the home of her daughter.
Editor Mooney. Ripley,. was 111 town
last Sreurday receiving applications for
farm help expected from the Old Land
this Spring. He's right on to his job
Mrs. Wm. Crawford,'l'uroberry street
South, hes been serio'tsly 111 during the
past week but is somewhat improved at
the present. We hope she will continue
to gain,
W A Greven has been missed from
his accustomed place of businesswhich
is '11 chargo of Miss Millie Grower.'
The forrnet's son wag itt quatantine,by
septet fever Rud the Dad regarded it as
the proper thing to vcluutarily become a
recluse for asitort period until Archer Is
granted his liberty from the ban,
for Immediate Sale'
Daps Right
All as good as New.
14 -Burner Coal On Range complete
1 Coal 011 Beater
I Toronto Couch
1 Quarter Cut Oak Dining Rootn
Table (Queen Ann style.)
For particulars phone-
' Mitchell 017 R 22
Mrs. Edward Pollard was In Toronto
last week consulting a specialist regard-
ing a facial trouble. Encouraging
words were spoken and treatment pre.
scribed which her many friends hope
will prove efficacious.
Last week V. C, Huntley, Grocer,
Brussels, underwent a successful opera-
tion for appendicitis at Wingham .hospi-
tal and is doing well. We bope he will
soon be able to return borne. In the
meantime Mrs. "Huntley and assistants
are looking after affsits in a competent
Church Ohltrtes
Matthew 19521 "Come and follow Me,"
was the text from which Rev. J. P. Mc-
Leod preached last Sabbath morning in
Melville church on tbe subject of "Giv.
lug," emphasizing the unfairness of
present methods ; the need of a better
spirit in church and community life, and
giving as a solution of the difficulty of
the church the practise of Tithing. In
the evening subject was "Love's Lam-
ent," the text being St. John 28;13, 'Be.
cause they have taken away my Lord."
The words of the text were shown to
be t—t1) An expression of . a sense of
saving power ; (2) An expression of a
sense of carelessness ; (3) An expression
of a sense of need,
CHuxett.—Through the kindness of the
Wardens of St, John's Anglican, church,
Brussels, and the Bishop of Huron, the
Methodist folk, (who were so unexpect-
edly and unceremoniously turned out of
their place of worship by last Saturday
night's fire -in their edifice) will find
comfortable quarters in St. John's
church for a while. As a rector has not
been appointed yet since Rev, Mr.
Connor's removal, the church is not at
present in use. hence will supply the re-
quirements of the Methodist people and
afford a fine arrangement that will prob.
ably suit both congregations under the
circumstances. Witb this as the new
order of affairs Prayer service will be
held Wednesday of this week, at 8
o'clock in St. John's Lecture room when
Rev: Mr. Cibrke will speak ou "Our
Lord's Temptation." This date being
Ash Wednesday it will -be a suitable
tbeme. Choir practice will follow the
service. Next Sabbath public services
will be conducted at 12 a. m. and 7 p
m. and Sunday School at g o'clock and
the usual week evening services.
Folk who have Methodist hymn books
had better bring them on Sunday and
probably selections to be found in
,Anglican hymn book as well will be in
vogue. Missionary program and offer-
ing at Sunday School, which should
have beep given last Sunday.
last week a Wingbam District Institute
was held in the Methodist cburcb, Brus•
sets, comprising Ethel, Brussels. Bel-
grave and Bluevale circuits. There
was a representative attendance and a
good program, Afternoon's session
was presided over by M. J. Slemmon,
and ooutisted of Round Table Confer-
ence, conducted :by Rev, H, Willans,
Ripley ; Sunday School Management..
a ;
F. R.Howson,Win b mDiscussion
on League work,x Rev. S W, Hann,
Ethel ; Address, Miss Duff, W. C. T. U.
organizer. Duet was rendered by Miss
Maud Bell and Rev, Mr. Pentland,
Supper was served in the Lecture room
by the ladies, At evening session Rev,
Mr, Haon was Chairman in the absence
of Rev. Mr. Clarke who was called to
Toronto. Wilfred Bisbee, Ethel, gave
an address. on "A League's contribution
to community life'+ ; Miss Margaret
Maunders discussed "'A live wire teach-
er," and F. R. Howson took charge of
Question drawer, This was followed by
a Missionary pageant, "A call of the
Nations,e" well placed by Brussels young
people. Rev,' Mr. Willlans gave the
closing address on "The life that
counts." The financial proceeds of the
supper were $46 0o which will be devot-
ed to Missions by Brussels League. A
resolution urging the Provincial Gov-
ernment to amend, improve and enforce
the 0.'1'. A. and urging the abandon-
ment of a referendum or plebiscite at the
present time was passed at the evening
session abd copy ordered sent to
Premier,; Provincial ' Secretary and
sitting members of Huron County,
FItllAY MAI5OI1 7T11.—Farm stook, ample.
meats &c., 8l4 Lot 08, Cot, 1, Morris (West of
Jamestown.) Oslo oneneerved nt I p. m, 5.
M. Miller, Prop. T. R. Bennett, Aa9,
THURSDAY, Mallon 50rt —Clearing Sete of
Farm Stook, implomente, &c., Lot 24, Con. 15,
Grey Twp, Sale at l p. m sharp. One.Me-
Tfteeart, Prop, D. M. aoott, Asa,
W anNF0nAY, MA non 12TH,—Farm Stook and
Bey, at 5514b10i Con. 2, Morrie Township,
(3j mile South of 13 titivate Station,. Salo et I
p. m. B', blathers, Proprietor ; John Parole,
Fhred a MAae0 s ehoenVnlanble Htrree, lie..
g�(nterod and Grade Shortltorri and Yorkshire
Lot 4,on 5,orris � at 1 o nlook.
.05 a etarLUM
As at proprietor sol giJoh ns fsee,Pr all
Joh mock meet be Sold. John (,Dalton, Prop, ;
John Purvis, Ayes
Fox's Drug Store
The�.IA%?"' Store
Every Day le
We have a nice
new line of Garde
and Booklets to
choose faun.
Keep your
Cam era
these fine days,
Let ue Develop
and Print your
Inks for
Fountain Pens
Leads for Auto-
matic, Penoils
Very badly needed
when you want
them. Better keep
stocked up.
For that Acid Trou-
ble in your Stomach
have you ever tried
One bottle will eon-
vince you of its mer-
its, Those who have
used it speak loudest
in its praise.
No Infection
Cleanliness and health
are guarded, by Disin-
fection, We have just
received a new stock of
Simple in action.
Perfect 1n results,
78c and $1.00
Tu Build Up
after colds or other
illness. After coughs
and colds every sys-
tem needs a good
Penslar Cod ' Liver
—ia an ----
Builder and
Fakes you bank to Nor-
mal health very
9 Bottles for $6.00
If you have a
or Private Recipe for
any kind of a /Prep-
aration you o a n
safely depend on.
Quality and Ancor,
any in our Prosorip
Mon Departrpent.
Aspirin -, Quinine
Laxative Cold Breaker
Everything to break
up a Cold -we have
We have a very well
actarted stock both
as to Quality and
'No home is quite
safe without one.
We are offering
one at 51.00 which
is fully guaranteed
and in a metal
case. Remember
the price - $1.00
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
CARn1FF.—In Brussels, on Marah 8rd, 1024,
William James Cardiff, aged 67 years, 7
months and 16 days.
GARTER.—In Owen Sound, on February 28th,
1924, Margaret Storey, widow of the late
John Garter, Brnaeela, in her 92nd year,
McKey.—In Grey township, on February 29111,
1924, Martha Ann McMann beloved wife
of George MoKay, Monsrieti, aged 84 years,
5 monthe and 12 days.
Pall Wheat „.
Butter ...
Sags............_.....« ...................
11 6600 11 55
•0 4565
.Y5 85
? 2 ? 220
Wool .. 706 80
BRYAN,.—At Private Patients' Pavilion, Tor.
onto, on starelt 2nd, 1924, to Dr, and Mrs,
F. T. Bryans, a eon,
Dunford Property for Sale
Hoose end lot of about Nacre, attoated on
the corner of Turnberry and Thome etreots
in the Village of Brussels, known as the Dun.
ford home. On the property la e, very eub- •
stantial brick house ; nicely isolated, atesi
roof, cement cellar fleore, new furnace, clothes
closets, bath.room, °intern, drilled wellTrait
trees, a nine raspberry plantation, lovely or-
namental and evergreen treed, end a beautiful
lawn. Will be sold for half of whet ltWould
coat to build it to wind up the estate of the
Isle B. C. Dunford. Immediate poctesoton.
For further partlonlars apply to L. B. DUN -
FORD, Detroit, or JAS. MoFADZEAN, (next
doer), Box 1 Brevets P. 0
The Wonder Kidney
Liver v Stomach Tonic
as Nationally Advertised
Sold by
F. R. SMITH, Brussels
and by n good Druggist everywhere
Announcing Cash System
We wish to announce that after much consideration
that on and after March lot our business will be on' a'strict-
ly cash basis to all individuals. In carrying on our busi-
ness under a cashsystem we will be able to give otlr etas-
tomers much better service in the way of prices, as you will
readily understand that it costs less to run a Cash Business
than it does to carry accounts for months and probably into
years. By getting the cash for the goodswe sell we will be
able to pay cash for the goods we purchase, thus getting a
better price because we can take advantage of all discounts,
and eliminate such chargee as interest and exchange.
We will maintain accounts for Corporations and Insti-
tutions on regular terms, as the aeeounts for the above have
to be passed by shareholders before being paid, it would be
impossible for them to pay'eaoh.
Your patronage is esteemed, for which we express
thanks, and its continuance is solicited. We're here to do
business and invite you to call when anything is wanted in
our line. A 1 isC service ro
promised. d, Uttr Telephone is No. 9x
EarlCunningham -
- '