HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-3-5, Page 3the
The "big brothers" of the Ohathain
Boy Scouts ane the members of the
Chatham LOMB and Rotary. Clubs. Tic•,
meetly the boys challenged the Club'
members to a game of indoor base-
ball. The challenge was aecepted, the
game was staged, in the Mee/ armories
tend the final score was 22 10 --In
favor of the Scouts.
The Scouts of the 1st Tilisonliurg
Troop were recently the hosts of the
Sunday school teachers of the Avon-
dale Presbyterian Church and their
wives, at a sumptuous banquet served
by the b9ya themselves. The boys
took hold o1 all arrangements Hite
veterans and caviled through the
whole affair la aplendid style, I%layor
Rennie, one of the speakers, express-
ed keen interest in the Sant move-
ment and stated that be was ready to
give the boys his support any time In
nay way they could mako µse of it.
and the choicest: of Red Rase Teas is the
Provincial Board er mealt), Ontario
Or. Middleton will bo {Glad to anawor questions on Public Health mato
tere through this column. Address him at Stiadioe house, Beadles
Crescent. Toronto.
The Hera,
Mile earth had sinned, and aha bad
Nor tower children fair,
And levied tribute on the trees
Aud stripped the gardens bare.
eDeeortee by the fickle sun
And shivering dismayed
Beneath the aorther's atini;ing lash,
]]lacousolate, ebo prAYed.
"Lord of tba seaaone, unto (Noels
OP evil 1 eoafe6a—
Amt I am poor, take pity now
Upon my nakedness.
Hide with thy mantle'a apatleae hem
My withered breast,"' and lei
The earth was (severed with the white
Cempassion of the snow,
—Minna Irving.
Within the past quarter or perhaps and has already been done in the mat -
half century man has taken a lively ter bf Child Welfare, in the matter
interest in health matters in the sense of
in choentrwoolrlkuacohnas beeeanbldondeisen siens-
that attention to these matters duatrial hygiene and in the fields of
can and does improve the health sanitary engineering, and laboratory
Scoutmaster Rev. E, A. Shemin of condition under which he Iives. True, facilities.
the 1st Stayner Troop was recently there have been instances of ancient In the Province of Ontario, as in
the recipient of a fine arm Chair, a races carrying out great schemes for every other part of the country, a
present from the Scouts and Cubs of the convenience of the people that to- pure water supply is one of the essen-
Stayner in recognition of his work day come under the head of public tittle in maintaining a high standard
health work. For example, the Ito-: of pubiie health, and the results of a
wdth than, i mans spent much time and Iabor, as firm and progressive policy by the Di-
weil as large sums of money in build- vision of Sanitary Engineering, in
Renfrew is another Scout town ren ing aqueducts in order to bring alma- improving water supplies and sewer-
ceiving One 'help from the Rotarians, dance of water into their capital city. age facilities, can be observed in the
There are three troops there and one However,.it was not with the idea of love death rate from typhoid in this
member of the Rotary Club attends bringing a pure water supply that province. In the cities of Ontario
each weekly troop meeting prepared these great aqueducts were built. It the death rate is 4.3 per. 100,000 and
to give the boys a ten•nflnute talk on was more to satisfy their .aesthetic in rural districts 4-5 per 100,000, fig -
some subject of interest, often about senses They enjoyed their baths and ures far below the`ecords of any of
their own businesses or professions. delighted in the play of their foun- the other provinces, or of the United
;tains, but they knew nothing about States.
'the transmission of typhoid fever, In Child Welfare, through the work
The Wolf Cubs of Prescott have a
dysentery, or Asiatic cholera by drink-. of the Public Health nurses, infant
skating rink of their own, The Scouts ing water, iciinics and demonstrations, the infant
of the 2nd Prescott Troop helped them When the Romans introduced win- death rate has been reduced -in some
to put it into shape, {dew glass they did it only for plea- cities from over 100 per 1,000 births
suee and comfort—they never had to as low as 65 per 1,000 births. Cor -
Ottawa now has a Rover Scout any thought in their minds about the respondingly good results have also
Troop. A letter from Dominion Camp value of sunlight in killing the germs been obtained in some rural districts.
Chief Rodney Cs Wood, read at the of tuberculosis, diphtheria and other In everybranch of Public Health
diseases. The early draining of work at present, the maintenance of
opening meeting of the new troop, ex- swamps in this country was done for health is ever the goal in view, as
pressed his regret at being unable to economic and not for sanitary rea-,well as to increase the span of human
attend, but expressed his gratitude sore, !life and promote the comfort and hap -
that the troop' was being started. Now look at What is being done piness of all classes of the community.
"Revering," lie wrote, "Is sweeping
through Britain and continental coun-and is providing a. programme of real- The As Ito Were.
tries and other parts of the Empire supply : CHILDHOOD
sergeant had just issued
meat of shoes to the
ly splendid activities for young men," the last assort
colored outfit. There were plenty of
tiEF3003 1 LD1 sTww;d
Same of Its Causes and Bow R.
lief May be Obtained.
Graduate Nurse Finds
"The Perfect Remedy"
Graduate of National Temper-
e- patient who could not peep a thing i*
fnarlcable Cases Where Tan- a t 1 tilt i t t
up the aystem in general, tt hall net
Tells of Case,
thrice Hospital tells of r 'bout a year ago I had a lady
ler a omaa t nen m nti es, 00 Quer►
lac Has Proved !affective, water. 1 prevailed on her to try TA1V
LAC sad .after the sixth bottle She
could eat absolutely anything itbe
wanted without the slightest bed after
"I had another patient who etxnply
could not eat, I got him started an
TANLAC and by the time he finished
tbreo bottles he was eating ravenous-
ly and had regained sumiloiont strength
to return to work,
"These two instances are typical of
My experience with T,ANLA°, XI
confidence in TANLAC le unitinited."
TANLAC Is for sale by all goad drug.
gists, .Over 40 million bottles sold,
Accept no substitute,
Take Tanine Vegetable PiIIs.
- --,e
"From my long experience as a pro•
fessional nurse, I do not hesitate to
say I consider TANLAC the .most ef-
Oeient and natural stomach medicine
and tonic to be had, It le undoubtedly
Nature's_ most perfect romedy," is the
,far reaching etaterneet given put for
publication recently by Mrs. I. A. Ber-
leThe appointment of Mr. 1t. ee ` don' Seattle, Wash., a graduate ot the
National Temperance Hospital of
"I have used TANLACeoften in treat-
ment of my, patients and my expert -
mice hal been that for keeping the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels
functioning. properly, and for toeing
Many people suffer from nervnus 1u -
digestion, The eotnmonest causes are
worry, overwork, lack of exercise, oe
a general run down condition of the
system. It 1s a disease of the nerves
rather than of the digestive organs,
and is coreoted by giving needed nour
tshment to the nervous system and
building up the blood,
The treatment consists largely in
rest, recreation and the use of a true
tonic such as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
In addition, the patient should follow
a careful diet, and avoid coffee and
stimulants, these being unsuitable for
nervous people. As one's nerves rely
for nourishment upon the blood, the
latter most be built up and trade rich
and pure, which is just what Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills do. If- there 3s loss
of weight and pallor, Dr, Williams'
Pink Pilis are especially helpful. Mrs.
Adolphus Villeneuve, R.R. No.. 2,
Apple Hill, tells as follows how she
obtained relief: --"I was so bad with
nervous indigestion that.I could not
digest. anything I took, and as a con-
sequence w•as a great sufferer. I doc-;
tored for four months, but seemed to
be getting worse instead of better, I;
lost strength to sucli an extent that I
could hardly go about. Then my
mother came to see me, and urged me '
to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I i
followed her advice and gat a supply
at once. After taking a' few boxes I
felt my strength returning, and I con-
tinued their use, until at the end of a
few months I could eat anything I de -
Nothing la more common in child. sired, had regained my old time health
iticIts but the loudest and most pro hood than indigestion. Nothing is and strength, and was in every way a
Owen Sound now has a "Women's
Auxiliary to the Boy Scouts Assooia-