The Brussels Post, 1924-2-27, Page 6emphasized that a pig suitably bred menu grading of hogs. The same for the bacon manufacturer is usually Rrnt also states that recent consign - an excellent pork pig; but it does not menta of buttes from Western Canada follow that a pig which may be killed have earned' commendation from Bxi- for pork is of suitable structure for trate purchasers, first quality bacon. "Strang representations have been made to the Ministry by the bacon curers that they are unable to obtain sufficient pigs of the right quality to enable them to keep their businesses running at full power, and that in particular they receive en undue pro- portion of pigs which cannot be con- verted into first quality bacon. It is atated that, in other countries, notably. Dsnmarlc and Sweden, where pig rear- ing has herr organized for the pro- duction of bacon, as many as 75 per oer,t. of the pigs sent to market are ranvertibie into first-class bacon, largely as a result of aiming at a standard type, whereas. in England, Testing the Incubator. An. incubator should be run lit least live days, ora week, before Riling it with eggs, so that it may 00oreu01y Gaol zeaults were obtained arm� dor nut and so that an inspection can the poultry opt tat the Dominion Exp be made of the working parts, The perimental Station, Ste, Anne de la The Revival Under Samuel, Seim. C g,1 , Qol en Text mst writ in perfect harmony Poeasere,Qcobyihlo iith the torm grat, and nr st nat be e#cxat feed. lor -Dloect your peaatsunto the Lard, and serve him N. turned up too high nor down too low, pullets the sorateh feed was made 'ill) ' only, -1 Sam. 7; 3. Bunning the machine a week will of one part cracked eorn, Dna part 1 Of one thing I am very sure: if you Shaw Yee hew high the flame should wheat, one part oats,, This (;rain was Samnal's reat work was to create able. Then they 'elomed+-»a 'Very a- view your farm from an aeroplane - t.. e DANES AGAIN POINT WAY TO doubtless partly owing to the neater" and how much the wice must be clean-' morningend evening. Tile laying unity a£ action, based upon ce CANADIAN HOG PBODIJCEBS, I one breeds and crosses, the proportion ed or trimmed before relighting it, hens were given the Kane mixture but recagnitaon of Jehovah as Is Great Britain will probably for is no higher than 26 per cent. A lenge Before refilling the lamp the height were given less scratch rain in the GD d, I a wan prepared and edu 1928 outstrip its own ,ecoid in the proportion of the pigs in the remain- of the flame should be noted before; morning, The smaller quantitygiven in a zemai°kable way for this ing 75per cent., although of goad 1 atg task. Consecrated from his birt quantity of bacon and hams imported. g disturbingit, and also the temper-. this time induced greater exercise be a Nazirite (Num., eh. 6), he The trade is greater than ever, From finality, are too fat and heavy for- ature of the machine, so that the pro -i with beneficial results following. In for a pure worship at the -alta the Canadian point of view the oppor-first class bacon,"i per adjustment Can be made, addition to the scratch feed a dry Jehovah against the unclean pro tunny for expert business .is, there- In some xeajeets the responsibility► A• thermostat is able to handle only inash was given consisting of two of the „ons of 'Eli. Though an fare grrater• than ever for his undesirable state of things' a very little surplus beat,for tea me, parts whmt b ddl' d raimita he was trained to the pr Though the actual amount shipped son a the temperature oro .ins e e meal and •t £ a a jTF a Sunday shoot MARCH i esou YOUR FARM FROM AN AEROPLANE 13Y BITSSEI, ADAMS, sible rural ee res i of real sorrow for will leo appeal t:o you that you wi 1 muton sin; They could not eat, Sutlr pre- never be willing to sell it, It will be reel's paration of mind and body was then off the market for good, eated followed by public confeselon of ban, • Maybe you feel about aeroplanes as great fault and endure, I used to feel before laking my first h to 8, Tho Stang of -soo nmbremie. Such Bight—that rho top of the windmill. stood a gathering will -soon command the re of attention of the Philistines. Consecre "tower is plenty high enough to :von etiees tion is a first essential to that super- ture, If that be the ease, please let Eph- for courage that is ;requisite for a me assure you that you will feel far 'iesi-' crusade, An old English bate!) onoe safer in a plane 3,000 feet up in the and said when he saw ills enemies' at air', than you feel when you are g1v- aped Prayer, "Up and et them. That' have ing the windmill wheel its periodic hood begun the battle," Any living church dose of. grease or oil. not 1nust needs provoke criticism and op- i ;It is a strange thing, but quite true, to enc position. BuGod's resources are still , he. for those untrue out Ills program, • that when 1 was up in a plane, he Ines It is fox ever untrue that God is on drede of feet from the ground, I felt than the side of the strongest battalions. that it -I should step out I would .not the The laws of nature are God's laws, fall but remain suspended in the air. flow- and it is not by accident or hap- 1 always supposed that I would hold xeved hazard chance that they operate to onto the seat with a death -like grip, ' Mere dohis sovereign will. "Hitherto hath "with my hair standing on end; while otion the Lord helped us." We do well to cold chills chased eaeh.other up and f the mark the time and place. In stately down ,my quaking spine, but It didn't the Abbey, by country church yard, with nes, living green of a tree of beauty, plant- pan out that way. of vi- ed significantly, in fadeless ink in the In walking up to the plane, it re- reat old family Bible, by simple, priceless l minded me of the time I walked down • pro- heirloom, treasure trove to children's the church aisle with that little e to children may we symbolize Hui; find- brown -eyed girl who is now my wife. abilityof their eggs the vitalitythe nation was ane with his service ing of od. The recurring festival I climbed in, seated myself; and gg to his God. High-minded, honorable the •harvest home, the anniversary, Clamped my "jaws together so the pilot of the chickens. and fearless, he stood with steadfast the glorious Easter dawn are high a t' courage against the grosser evils of raywherein we follow in the train would not mistake. the chattering of Does a Garden Pay? his time, and for absolute loyalty alt and of apoitles, prophets, mar- my tooth for a knock in the motor. Y Y Y " "saints, P rp P , I am not sure whether our garden obedience to Ids Lord, _tyre," who have tasted and seen that The propeller began to hum, the pays its way or not.It takes a lot of Ch. 7;6. Gather all Isrdzi, In the the Lord is good. machine quivered slightly and then hard work to plow it and get out the nature of things it could' only have — made a quick run across the pasture been representative men of the tribes How 1 Sold H stuff; and then it's plant and hoe, who responded to such a call. Samuel yaelnths. for a hundred feet or so when I sena- plant and hoed Gosh, but my back had already engaged in a campaign Hyacinth bulbs that I bought in thewe could get ed a feeling of smoothness, and, gets tired at it! Sometimes I think against the Canaanite gods and their fall I sold in blossom at Easier .time glanci the the side of the fuselage, unclean` forms of wor= at 100 per cent profit.The local tier- I saw tops of the tallest trees far y buying a little without a green riff off the P P Mt readily pard me 50 cents each fox below us; we were up in the Mr, still• be after iediiing the Tamm with oil, scattered in a deep litter' of straw unity of fee ing and to make pos p son r . , ran, ml mgr an. Corn- + f rests with some of the bacon curers that t t id the, one ai o beet sera This the, in the a nctuery t Shiloh from the Dominion between January, who have paid upon a basis of weight incubator must go higher• in order to mixture is ke t co st ntl before thethere, while yet a boy, he was C and the end 0! October"was greater alone without reference to the suit- make the thermostat' act raore freely,' birds in a hopper.n During the win- htbe a prophet, In mature man abilityofihe Carcass for paean xohe became a judge in Israel, and than in' the same period last year,e This may cause the temperature of; ter months when other green food is content to narrow his activities our percentage of total supply was duction, but the Ministry is aware' the egg ehomber to get too high and' not available, mangels are fed daily. place, as other judges had done smatter, Again Denmark, a country that certain Arms of bacon curers have the only practical thing then to do A slight difference was made in the held circuit court going from p of only three and a half million poo- now become selective in ,buying and is to regulate by the flame of the: feeding of the yearling hens; only in central Palestine; On more ple and of an area that could be drop- are adopting an improved method'of lamp. After that information has one part of cracked corn was used in one occasion he called together ped into one of the Great Lakes, sent payment. been secured much of. the mystery of the scratch feed while in the dry mash chiefs or elders of Israel for fe The Ministry considers that the, artificial incubation will be secured. the proportion of cornmeal was con- ship and worship, and thus ache four and a half times as much bacon results—an to England as went from Canada. ; developmeproduction t of of `theof aeon Indusnt trWhen the heat le started in the siderably reduced. At the end of the senstwoe of unity and commonldev In the first nine months of 1923 the aed of the en o will df and upon typee machine, the thermometer must be season it was found that the pullets to their God, and an uprising o British imports were distributed as pig p p watched, and when the temperature in this flock gave a net profit of $2.19 national spirit in "resistance to follows: financial inducement offered to the reaches 108 deg. F. the thermostat per bird, while the yearling hers gave insolent aggression of the Philist by the bacon curer for the must be adjusted so the clapper above $1.04 profit per bird.,The reason for Above all, Samuel was a man supply of graded pigs at recognized' the lamp raises clear about one- holding aver the birds the second year sion and faith—a man with a g graded prices. The farmer, too, should sixteenth or. one -twelfth of an inch. was to secure the advantages of the task and a great message; a true realize that by helping forward the Shoeid the temperature continue to better results the phet of God, His patriotic servic Others 6.7'p y gave in the hatch bacon industry he {s stabilizing prices rise, the name of the lamp must be 100,0% for himself. The producer, the Curer lowered until the thermometer regia- and the retailer' are all equally res- terra 102 deg. F., and stays there. Care As might have been expected, this ponsible for increasing and improv- must be taken that this clapper covers state of things has called for .Corn- ing the supply of English bacon. They the hole perfectly, and if it does not, anent. In the December issue of the are, in fact, partners, and the interest slightly bend and adjust it so. the "Journal"of the Ministry of Agricul- of each is bound up with that of the clapper fits tightly over the hole until time of Great Britain there are two others, and close co-operation between the temperature goes up'to 103 deg. editorial articles from which extracts them Is essential, F. when adjustment must be made as aro given below, because of their sig-; "The size calculated to produce the already stated. Inspect the working nificance to our own two -fold indus-' best price is the medium bac in pig about a half-hour after making the Canadian 10.$% Danish 44,9 " American 88.1" try of Iivestock producing and Meat producing sides when cured of 1i6-65 adjustment, and if everything is promising return an hour later, or as market occasionally. from the Philistine oppressors to many times as necessary until it is I have been keeping tab on this gar-` opeople, e, if put awn would but eurodto s running correctly. Benin business. Lasts Jin I pet in ' p r g g I have had very little' trouble with g spring P Predate thin only, unto the two whole days with the team hauling and serve Him only, vs. 3, 4, thermometers. I have found that most manure, plowing, harrowing, and list- sought to confirm them in their n of them differ very slightly, if any. ing.kThat was ten dollars! I put in found faith, by a great gathering When I want to test one I place it in two more days helpingo Wife . me Prayer, fasting, and waiting two or three different machines with. things. That was six dollars' Seeds God. efizpak (Rev. Ver.) of h parisoi erieI place it just as high, same rmometers, and make tom- cost eight dollars, and counting the sift ated about`six mil steno ttowhroes` slant, same time I helped hoe and work it through Jerusalem. The modern name of position as the ,thermo- the summer would amount to twenty place is Neby Samwil, that is, meter Z am testing by side by side necking, (ib, in weight, i,e., a pig approximate - "There is a great need for an in- ly 220 lbs. live weight or 160.165 lb. 1 'ease in the number of pigs kept in dead weight, Such. pigs should be is country, and particularly of high- ready at about seven months old. ode bacon pigs. It is not a question, "The ideal bacon pig can be raised e. breeding an improved variety of in many ways from the various Eng- •: the Danes, so often held up as lash breeds. It is generally agreed. 811, dole, use British pedigree boars for that the bacon type of pig can best l'; educing their bacon pigs. Nor is it be obtained as a first cross, using one a .lunation of nature of food, for the of the large breeds to attain length A. nish pig is fed on standard lines—' of side. It is rarely wise to go be- largeiy with foreign barley. Yet the yond the first cross, as with a second di 'mance in the results is striking." cross, the progeny often fail in uni- The view is held that, whereas at fortuity of type. As an example of least three-quarters of the Danish pigs a suitable cross, many rearers of bacon give first quality bacon, less than one -pigs use Large White (Yorkshire) quarter of the English pigs reach that boars for their length of side, with a standard, "The Danes secure their Middle White sow to secure more rapid results by concentration on the single; growth and a better ham and streak. aim of producing aside of bacon pig A cross the other way about also for the English market. Beginning makes a very good bacon pig. The with the boars, they do what is in bacon pig can, however, be obtained accord with modern views on genetics. from other breeds and crosses pro - Boars whose progeny do not come up, vided that the breeder keeps in mind to a certain standard are slaughtered.' the type. Owing, however, to the In other words, the test applied is presence of black pigment in the main progeny, not pedigree. The standard mary glands of certain races of black is not a fancy one based on external pigs, producing the so-called `seedy points. It depends mainly upon pre- cut' in the streaky, wholly black pigs else measurements of the carcass, and should be avoided, unless, as seems consideration is given also to such possible, strains can be selected which matters as early maturity, capacity do not show 'seedy cut' of flesh to take up salt readily, distri- "In the feeding of pigs for bacon bution of fat and lean. it will be sufficient to emphasize the "It is clear that the Danes have fact that bacon pigs should not be too succeeded because they have organ- fat but should show a good proportion ized the whole business of bacon pro- of lean, and that foods tending to pro- duction, from breeding to curing and duce soft fat should be avoided. An marketing. In this country there is excess of swill or too much maize or a lack of unity of aim or effort. As linseed tends to produce an undesir- Professor Wood pointed out in the able quality of fat." rourse of a discussion at Cambridge,' the farmer is insufficiently in touch! Live Stock and Products with the consumers' market. The con -1 Exports. elusion of the whole matter seems to J Market reports be that there is one procedure which: Branch show the thatin Dominion ,Live Stock Branch in 192.,,. may go a long way to remedy the 57,672 cattle were shipped to Great existing state of affairs. We need Britain compared with 18,475 in 1922, more standardization of our produc-and that 96,873 went to the United tion. What the English market re-: States compared with 189,760 in the quires and appreciates is a regular' year previous. Great Britain took supply of a standard product. It is 24,074 calves last year compared with the finest market in the world. The 27,720 in 1922, 6,232,400 lbs. of beef irony of the position is that the best compered with 6,231,900" lbs., 99,230, - English produce is still superior to 100 lbs, of bacon compared with 98, - anything coming from abroad. The 384 lbs., 2,072,000 lbs. of pork com- eest Wiltshire baron still commands pared with 395,700 lbs., and 29,500 the highest price, but no one can lbs. of mutton compared with 34,100 undertake a future delivery of regular' lbs. The United States took, 28,748 supplies of uniform quality. Yet the sheep in 1923 compared with 90,266 Danes can contract to supply sides by in 1922, 13,087,300 lbs. of beef com- the thousand, all of one quality." ' pared with 18,583,600 lbs., 282,400 lbs. Co-operative societies, after all, of bacon compared with 154,600 lbs., are only methods; it is organization,' 709,000 lbs. of pork compared with and the common purpose inspiring 609,000 lbs., and 1,553,000 lbs. of mut- and actuating the whole mechanism ton compared with 4,497,800 lbs. of production and supply that count" The following are extracts from a Canadian Bacon Shows second article in the same issue of the Improved Quality. "Journal" of the British Ministry of ` A cablegram received in Canada Agriculture:-- I g duce bacon who sets out to pro-� g tatockarge fists fin importersf land as on pigs should breed and feed sa in that Canadian baconEnrecentlywith the object of turning out a uni-: y . g form product of the type that can be received has been of greatly improved quality. converted into first quality bacon with q Y• This firm attributer the im- the least amount of waste. It may he provemerit to the system of govern- the EATt..NS Complete Radio Map of Canada and the.. 'United States, showing all Broad- casting Stations, giving Cart Numbers and Locations. The New Eaton Edition P4r�igcee 15c .<41". P'1i I .Fer/ITa A.s�uuRtt TonoNTo CANADA b in along o garden shi , He had rorhised deliverance alive, and beat of all I had no sense of fear. We did not seem to be moving fast, but below us was Seward—three miles the the potted plants. ' the Grocers, bakers, confectioners, and end, other merchants are usually glad to Novw he handle these plants at Baster time, ex- often without any commission if the from the farm we daft but a minute for owner agrees to take back unsold ago—and the train standing at the open plants. The flowers make good trade station looked as if we could pick 3t which attractors. up, put it in our pockets and take it was; The right. kind of an advertisement home for baby to play with. Tho ethe local paper will bring customers trucks and automobiles in the street Areven when the flowers cannot be dis- looked like well-behaved fleas, e played where the crowd passes. The The Oriole banks (turns) around a r f a Supply,of"moderate-priced blossoms at cloud and again we passed over the 0; 1; Easter time is seldom equal to the' for; demand, especially in the smaller t d f t l a tion' towns. ver -i '1 purchased the bulbs from a large of seed house in the city, choosing the so as to allow us a better view of s":choice, imported, "exhibition size" re- our possessioes. Jeri- ng a 0 cents each. I planted The alfalfa fields were Feces of + dollars! 1 Prophet Samuel," On two other with the glass tubes having the: same Of course, we had all the fresh casions it was the meeting place o slope, a vegetables we wanted on the table, national assembly, (See Judges 2 If find any difference it• will be and sold about forty dollars' worth. and 1 Sam, 10: 17.) I will pray most -likely a trifle high, for glass We put up 450 quarts of corn, beans, you Prayer is the best prepay shrinks with age, and after the dff-,peas, tomatoes, and all kind of junk: for labor.' The great task of .o feerrenceeter sis ddetermined dilot n for thermos We made 30 gallons of kraut, had 160 wdcf iinn the ne ation,ne andof invaders, difference. again, g the, pounds of soup teens. Had plenty of ing upon a firm foundation the village on our way back to the farm. Over the farm we swept, 3,000 feet up,' at a spec o seventy miles an jiour—the pilot had reduced the speed kale, cabbage, and turnips to feed our'gion of Jehovah, could only be acc If the two thermometers, when chickens through the winter; but it plislied through and by pra placed side by side, do not compare coat pretty heavy: Our garden may Samuel was a man of prayer. in length, I I theb p t'nno g pace albs side by a —I donne I du 1- side on a perfect level with each. o M, R. also ch. 8:6; 12:17-19, 23; 15:11; compare Ps. 99:6and Jer. 15:1. ' other; for if one thermometer is a Milk Adulteration, V. 6. Drew water. The' offering little higher or a little lower than the h water may have symbolized the po other one, they will not register alike, The Chemistry Department of the ing out of the soul in prayer bei In many instances I have known an Ontario Agricultural College during God. See Lam. 2:19. The fas inch either up or down to make a the past year made a study of the was a symbol of penitence, of humi difference of one or two degrees, the freezing point of milk by means of tion and contrition of heart. A amount of difference varying accord the Hortvet Cryoscope, proving the Samuel fudged, Because the pee 0/11 - them ne s xee ii yes.•hem in five -inch pots, one.bulb in rich green velvet, the corn -field a See each, in 'rich, dark soil, with which a beautiful piece of brown silk, the trees and small amount of sand and leaf mold m the orchard rows of tiny green - 1 had been carefully mixed, The pots capped soldiers guarding the minia- of cost me five cents each, tare house in which we live. ur-1 As I wanted the hyacinths to bloom Distance lent enchantment to the ore at .';aster time, I had to keep them view by taking her magic iron and ting back, so I buried thein, pot and all smoothing out all the rough spots on Iia - 'deep in sand in a corner of the cellar. the land. When viewed from the air ' About six weeks before Easter I took a hill becomes flat, while hollows and e' them from the sand. When the buds ravines are leveled up: A. creek, which ing to the inside of the machine,' apparatus to be absolutely reliable believed an, to be a prophet of G in detecting adulteration of m11k b od„ re a e began to swell I' led them to open at we know is full of dandy swimming - and therefore divinely guided, they g p •t'' °'y were willing to accept his authority. the time I desired by giving them -t adding water. The Hortvet Cryo -1 V. 7, IJ/ul Philistines heard. These plenty of sunshine to urge them for - Milk in Bread M$ scope, having a scientifically accurate warlike neighbors of Israel at this ;' Making. g ae his l ward if slow, or placing them m a in subdued light when they came on too Utes fast. As near a uniform temperature Fling growth of ugly sunflower's? Can g as ossible was maintained. The fiery_ that tiny golden square he it? Well, , CON. p When the heard of this gatheringof Israel they supposed it to be for the purpose of rebellion, and so "t$ey went up against Israel." The Chemistry Department of the construction, now fills that much time held a large part of the land Ontario Agricultural College studied needed requirement of an official test subjection, exacting heavy trip experimentally the effect of whole for detecting added water in milk re- and for that purpose niaintaimn milk, skimmed milk, tiiindensed milk gardless of the breed of cows from strong garrisons in fortified pia which the milk may be obtained, y and milk powder in making bread._ The whole milk naturally had some of A, Guide in. Purchasing the effects of fat, and the sweetened, condensed some of the effects of sugar, Fertilizers. Vs. 8, 9. Such WAS the fear of but, otherwise, nnilk will not replace Farmers purchasing fertilizers 'Philistinesthat the Hien of Israel sugar, malt or shortening in making would do well to see that they get not believe that they could'overco bread. It has an influence all its own' what they pay, for. A pamphlet re- them in battle. The only way which none of these other constituents cently issued by the Dominion Seed escapSamuel to pray for them. The s e was by prayer. They appea will produce. In conjunction with: Commissioner, shows that • in many to rifice offered was an embodied pra. these ether ingredientsts it it Boas, how -instances the fertilizers offered for and represented snore than a cry ever, influence the flavor of the bread, sale neither' come up to the guarantee help. It represented a new dap and improve the color of the crust. In nor meet the requirements of the Fer- dance upon and trust in Jehovah, a holes and lined with giant oaks, is merely a trickle of water bordered by a band of dark green moss. Where is that unsightly hog lot with its strag- the: did me of led 00- yer, for en- nd fact it makes a richer loaf of bread, tilizers Act passed in 1922. Tite pain-' a new or renewed purpose to se with greater moisture retaining and phlet referred to, entitled "Fertilizer, Him faithfully, higher food value properties. Samples," can be had free on applica-� TheVs men` 11. of Israel foughtrew near o and tion to the Publications Branch, Ot storm fought for them. Always t Sunlight—that's the big item in tawa, and conveys 'a deal of valuable , had heard Jehovah's voice in farrowing houses. Germs turn up information relative to different thunder, and now they were hearten their rtes when Old Sol enters. brands et fertilizers. by the sense of his presence 'me them. They fought. and the vieto was theirs. Never afterward co they believe their Philistine foes to invincible. Vs, 12, 13, Eben-ezer; means "The er bunches were extra large in size, and some of the bulbs produced four clusters. 0 Cows on rye pasture should be ire. moved for several hours before milk- ing, so the'iralk will not be tainted. Seeds for Sale Pee County Is noted for Its hlgh•quauty sail,, Pert Send noise, nralontnn, Ont., 11 located In the' eon centro of MIN dIstolol, it hag largo cumulate/1 'of Grimm, Variegated an4 auroral Alfalfae, Rod eve Ciororg, 01,111,, elecet Glover& T1mo1hY, eta., which ere gold direct to fanners, nog. para In any giro lora. write at onto for Dolce . ltac, tlei,PEEL SEED 005az. the eramaton, 00)0,1, hey the ed th old' bei Collies for St. Patrick's Day Chicken Fritters—Cut meat from a one-half cupful of compressed yeast, Stone of Help." It marked the place' dressedchicken, t the ° 1' , two cupfuls o fl Leth God to thehelp f Hi BABY CHICKS Queen City Hatchery, Breeder and .distributer of husky, healthy Chicks and Ducks, ten varieties. Write for catalogue and price !tet. 2 Clnamore Crescent, Toronto, Ont. well, we never knew before that it was beautifull And those little red ants must be the Shorthorns in the big pasture. Their, as gently as a bird, we settled down in the pasture by the house and laughed as we watched chickens, guin- eas, ducks and turkeys breaking speed records as they scooted for the friend- ly shelter. of the hen -house. If you are discouraged with the old place, maybe you'd better take n look at it from the Mends. The vision will do you good, and will be worth ten times what it will tong. Her Gospel of Beauty. I once knew a fine old : Quaker grandma who would ask, "Now, would thee not like a root of this?" if she saw you admiring a flower she had, provided it was one she could divide with you. She loved to give her flowers to others, and they were bound to take care" of the flowers she gave them, rase into rn meat s ices cu 'u s f our. rise over where o came 1 e p o s t They well knew `Grandma would ba flour these well, or if preferred, draw night. In the morning add flour, sorely oppressed people. For the time, MORTGAGE 'y' �1. i looking after the wanderer to see if them through egg and cover them enou h to make, a stiff don h. Let the Philistines were subdued, but in, LIFT ERL7 a g g 3t hada good home, How much she with bread crumbs, which have been rise again, then add one-half cupful later years they cadmic back agape, f ► be na ly conquers y t e arniies o �` 130 Egg Hot Water ' did for that community in building mixed with a little butter in a small of sugar, a piece of butter, a little Saul and David. Incubators�+ up a beauty -loving spirit no ono could frying pan, when hot put in the slices nutmeg, two eggs. Beat butter, sugar, I I `Woo" 75 calculate Wo all liked to visit her of meat, cook them gently,turningand aAPPLICATION. pully Ounranioed eggs to a cream, then'add to, 1. Silent Y"ears. What was Samuel{ Prelate aald to your omen garden, too, for she had so many flow - them onto or twice during the process. dough: Knead, roll with rolling pin, doing during the twenty long Imre-' ad). station, grade In Canada ars, and so fine.—Agnes Mien. When brown pile them on a dish and cut with a large cake cutter, then cut corded years that preceded the oat! of char a,c, sal loin,. brain!. 00,11 DdlvaHd luny std ,1'. ,oy ltnl),d.. with 1 send brown to the ruble. in halves, dip in rnelteu butter and revival? Two badboysfrom. a g ad doubt. clop door, double waltd wth ale moan, lot G Potato Puffs --'Boil six potatoes and lay against one another, with rounded home had ruined themselves, their (00000 110)1, 0uroerd Oce ua rea40. mr tea. 00 l: - a t to I c ba put through ricer. Beat one egg, infix part u Let rise again tion bake, father and his family, and their na 1 l i a wo r n n Ino pQmvlu. 314,11 p• 6 Y1 130 aleck Brooder with lnaubntor S2W with it one-fourth cupful of milk, add Very delicioue. !titre town. The crash of their ruin )aa eo4 ow.* (rain Sommer ... flats24 i the potatoes, piece of butter and salt. Pea Timbales -Cook one table- shook the nation, and was fatal to the, 111ratwth . manna In llouiioG0baI' ml Mum ttee that . ° Farmpotatoes into fano Shapes, s oonful of flour, 'n oneandcause of religion. It. took the patient "ooh. 1024 10et11010, and aoultni 0atybiguo boatt1( y p , p a a half perseverance of a saint, throughout Ally lllulttal.ad with nolour plata nu. ' k brush with egg rind bake in hot oven, tablespoonfuls of butter whop bubbl- t f tl b t # 1 L s a"" nr 4 t o t n k ) St. Patrich'a Calm—One cupful of butter, two cupfuls of flour, two cup - tills of sugar, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, one cupful of milk, four whites of eggs, one cupful of eggs, and one cupful of soaked peas, later, to the'preparini0 armies of the corn starch, one-half teaspoonful of pressed through a sieve, turn into Lord, the day of march will come, To almond extract, Cream buttery add greased timbale molds, Stand them some leader God gives the spirit of sugar,' and almond, sift together•, flour, in a pan of hot water and bake in a discernment to note the hour and corn starch, baking•powder. ' Add' moderately hot oven.. Turn out on bound the elan call, Then is the time alternately -with milk to first mixture, heated plates, and serve with white to drop all else and hasten to fallow. haat eggs (whites) until stiff, add to balite, the fiery crass of the day of the Lord, 1It is a tide in the affairs of men. Wise cake and. beat vigorously. Make into.Curled Cetera ---Select the fine white is the spiritual engineer who caul eat - loaves. *stalks, wash well, and cut in two-inch culate and utilize the lift of the tide,!. Frosting ---Whites of three eggs and lengths, then with a small knife anti At such a time we may Wall follow, pulverized sugar to make a good stiff- the ends into fringe, about one -half -'the program of Samuel. The firsts end ening, aaddcOla little vanilla flavoring inch long. }'Keep in a bowl of ice thing they did at the t gathering' gr g water to which a little lemon juice has was t pr d Then in sacramental twenty years o the - es �+years o us. . eu o or 0a .. op wte , enc Be Kind. " ing, stir 02 gradually, one -11011 cupful life, to rekindle and restore the roil to ,.- n3Iitals: of milk, cook until smooth, arid sea-' glens life of the acetate, following the son with a little salt and onion juice.' moral shipwreck of Eli's tions. Remove from fire, add three beaten', 2, Revival Meetings.- Sootier or St, Patrick', Eella--One cupful of been added to keep it white. Serve in vow ,. . I1�fa bt the commitment boi1 i wattgtt Take No Chances Twtat and NU MI he matt. 70111' hone Janet get oway from tilt Sprott Sloth on the Safely trai- tor Shank. , Now bank to pre•lveir Moat. Shank complete, for 21 eerlN1 yA eaata x111 of Port Wildon,, anat1e only toil et 0 coots ager. 500 glair *roteotlon, Ilia 04fest mita, Shank in now ouppllodwith bldg thread running through lt. in4tet on top genuine. Pliny, coot no tart?. Sane 4 host Jnr 310)1, far. book of 0ta411 hale., ehosrind Ilia noweet wannar•faring horst epretaitlen q•, t;}fyl}1 i Water et" �+—IIsa•' etratatd, Oat, milk scalded and tooled, one table.- dainty piles in individual dishes wihsignified n spoonful of sugar, a inch of salt,French or ma onrraise dressin The vow out. This considered no recall, g r P r g. � The was to be considered iirevoc-+ lsBUa No, 11---'24,. BY STOKES A. IBENNETT. l:e kindle animals, my' friends, And they'lI be kind lo you; For God has made them same as us, And they're his eveaturea, too. Be kind to animals, my friende, And they'll be kind and true; For what you give will titivate be Reflected back to you. l T e kind to animals, my friends, And they'll be kind to you; For kindness is a winning trait 1 In everything we do. 0 happy day when men shall be Of Due benignant mind; When they shall all be governed by The thought of being kindi