The Brussels Post, 1924-2-27, Page 5BUSINESS CAPS
%IN% SUTui..0 HpLAN O 14 SO
R,l*WrseV4' a ltr 'u'rz(aannmam
Fee yeterersoos conduit any person whose sales
I have officiated at, Phone 78x or 94
e the i Veterinary
Sonar graduate night Os. o ' flea y
College. Day and nlglit at1W. O1Hoo oppp,its
]front Drill, Ethel.
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Ole-
Voriniolr Aledloal,College, Chicago, I11. Three
monthe post graduate course during yea: 1910.
Eyes aoloatlfaally examined.
Latest Modern Methods used.
15d-0ross Ryes straightened through proper.
ly fitted'Lensea.
Satisfaction assured.
Ofilae hoard : 10 to 10 a, 0c, 1 1.00 to a p. tn.
Saturday evening, 7,00 to 9. o'clock,
Phone 26x
T. T. .11,1' RAE
M, es., M, O. P,, 4 S, O.
M. 0. H., `Village. or Btuasel7.
Physioinn, Surgeon, A000uohe'ar
Offloe at resldenoe, opposite Melville Church,
Wiliam street.
T$': eff. &MAI
Barristers, 8o'.icltora, Netarios Public,
Office on the Square, 2nudoar from Hamilton
Private fund; t0 loan at lowest rates. •
W. PNOnnroo!r; K. O, J.I.. Xi mous t,
DUDLEY 1101.It2a, JUN.
eeIzzaita g. 1'�czvairy
fire, Automobile and Wind ins.
For Brussela and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Huwick Mutual fire Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone -till Box 1 Turaberry Street, Bruedele
Zsrx TVI,sz1?
"The .Indiasc Herbalist
May be found in the Strettan Block
Brussels, 16'adnesday and Sattcrttay
of welt week until further notice.
Start Now to Equip Yourself
for a Position of Trust ,01
Yongo & Charles ata., Toronto
Is well known throughout Canada for
positions as Private Secretaries, Sten.
ogrephara, Typists, Accountants, Com.
mercial Teachers, eta, Grndnatee to
keen demand, Enter any time. Write
for Catalogue.
ektio r '74%'larezrit:Waitori; k r7,
prepares young en and young Women
or Business whish le now Canada's
greatest profession We midst grade; .S
ares to positions and they have a prat-
Mord training which enables thorn to y
meet with success. Students are reg. ,
laterad each week. Get our free cat-
alogue and learn something about our
different departments,
,Monthly Boras Fairs will be held in
Brussels this season as follows l '
THURSDAY, MAR, 0, 1024
APR, 3, 1024
Local and Outside Buyers will he Present
By Order of Council.
't"he Old 13oye of Perth Co. have re -
or auized In 'Toronto,
SSr. Murray, Dublin, bas gone to
Stratford hospital Rat' treatment,
Thos. Scott jr„ Oroinorty, is larking
a e0utee on the Hector at the Rum.
ley works, Iutlianna, U, 8.
58 mail bags, averaging about 100
'be., arrived at Mitchell P„elnfliae
with Departwental stole catalogues,
50,700 wore corrected in Ones at
Sleatfcid he the Pollee tii,rgi,,'rate,
last year, There were 101 a0c`.'ents
oowpared With 851n 1922.
I-iiglest market prices
Sea rue or Phone No, 2x, Deus-
sele, and 1. will call and get
your Poultry.
goad 11.eirts t.Cins
Wlto'LL report the first Spring chicks?
TowN Council next Monday evening.
SATURDAY will nailer ill the month of
A day's work by daylight is now a
PHrs mild" Winter is keeping up
it's rearutatiou very well.
5 SUNDAYS in March, This Isa good
chance to make a record.
Tsuxs»AT of next week will be the
Monthly .Horse Fair,
Teta PoeT at 4 ets, a week ie not ex-
peusive guying, almost cheaper than the
trouble of not rowing.
Dori'' forgot the Wingham District
Institute Thursday afternoon and even -
lug in the Methodist Church, Brussels.
Good program,
Mas. Banca Ds06ASED -There passed
away on Thursday morning, February
141h, one of Wingham's most highly es-
teemed residents in the parson of Mrs.
Elizabeth Ann Brock, in her eat year.
Deceased lady met with au accident a
few weeks ago in falling down a stair-
way and was recovering nicely from tbe
effects of the fall, but wag stricken with
paralysis which hastened her death.
Mrs. Brock had been a resident of Wing -
ham for a number of years and doting
this time had made a large circle '01
friends who will regret to bear of her
death, She was a member of the Meth-
odist church and was faithful in her at-
tendance at all church services. .A Earn•
ilyotzsons and 2 daughters survive.
viz t—C. C. Brock, Guelph ; Arnott
Brock. Loudon ; Miss M. Brock, Wing -
barn ; and Mrs, Geo, Thomson, Turn -
berry, Funeral was held Friday with
service iu Methodist church and luter-
ment in family plot, Wingbam cemetery.
Pallbearers were Richard Lloyd, F. R.
Howson, Wilbert Wellwood, W. A, Gal-
braith, Robert McGuire and H. 13. El-
liott. Services were conducted by Rev.
C. E. Cragg. Miss Maud Brock, who
sngilt le Rri6e1319 wheal severe] years,
o e e '
i d r h er f dtEc as d,
a at t
s g
Di» you return your net of HOrticnl-
terel eho10es .to We. W. W, Hartle,
Secretary of Brussels Seelety i' O ! yon
forgot, Well get a bustle up so list can
be compiled and the order forwarded,
LAST Thursdays bluetry weather plus
the drifted roads, shut offer good many
front this locality attending the Hawick
Mu'ua1 FireIosurance Annual Meeting
at Gerrie, The date of this gathering is
thought by same to he a hoodo,
'1`IIANKa.—E. R, Wigle, M. P. P., for
Centre Huron, sent Too Pose: Editor
cQnlpiimentry tickets to the Speaker's
gallery in the ]legislature end also the
floor plan of the Assembly, He has our
for his c
thanks I s c , urtes
ON SICK LIST. -1-1, E. B.ywater, a
former puhlle;ber of the Palmerston
Spectator, since a severe illness Inst
Fall, bas not regained sufficient strength
to resume bis regular dptiee ip his news-
paper office. His paper, the Athens
Reporter, has not been Issued for the
past few months.
Teares1!eaaall To LONDON —Khmer -
--K neer-dine Review of last week ear; 1—Dou-
ald McPherson, Mall Clerk, left last
week for London—Toronto rue. In the
course of a month or two he will be fol.
lowed by his sister and father. They
have sold their home on Victoria St.,
Kincardine and will take up bousekeep.
ing in London, Dan. McPherson has
beep on the Kincardine—Palmerston
run for many years and was entitled to
promotion although Kincardine people
would prefer to have him stay here.
He is a rnember of the Business Mens
Club apd the Country (golf) club and, an
active worker In Knox church. having
been for some years. Secretary of the
Board of Management. Tuesday noon
his fellow clerks, on the Kincardine—
Palmerston run—Fred. McPhail. Ed.
Johnston and Clarence McGaw—met at
the depot and presented him with a pipe
ant an address expressive of their ap-
preciation of his comradesbip, their con-
gratulations upon his promotion and
their wish that his course in the service
may continue onward and upward.
Pleasant indeed was tbe gathering at
tbe Children's Shelter Tuesday evening
or Last week when the iautern donated
to the Shelter at Christmastime by the
Goderich employees of the C. P. R. was
used to good advantage in depicting to
the re young inmates and to others as
sembled the progress of a number of the
wards of Huron County Children's Aid,
Society. Superintendent, G. M. Elliott,
showed 125 slides, which revealed with
graphic effect many interesting foci.
dents in the lives of the children in their
foster -homes. Among other features of
the program a short address was given
by Rev. J. W, Hedley. and Walter Ship.
man sang "Keep Smiling," much to the
delight of the kiddies. At the regular
meeting of the Society the form of
agreement by means of which .children
re pieced out in foster -homes was ex
Weed and { e
able a d scus.ed at some length.
c was
uhe sa 1sfactarX There are 10
ohndree at menet le Ibe Shelter for
whom the Society Is anxiously anti
eagerly looking for raster -bourse.
W. Grant has been bothered with
trouble in one knee.
Last weok'sstorm gave us a good
many short date residents,
Mrs. W, Doherty will moire her
with her daughter in Whitby.
/ .
ut ale fingers t f J. H
Ao temple 0f R
were broken by being meshed by a
block of lee,
J. E. Dohertyt earl
familyh ve mos'.
ed into the tato Wln, Doherty holm,
High street.
N. W. Trewartha, M, P, P„ has
been eieeted Chairman of rile Agri-
cultural Oou wlttee in the Legieialare, -
E. and Mts,'eVelsb were called to
Chatham owing to the illneee and elhb-
sequent demise of their son, David
Chas. Langlois. President of the
Gunn, Langlois & Co., died at Mon-
treltl on Feb, 10th, in his 77tH year.
There is a beetling branch of the buoi-
nese in Clinton.
Elmo Council $ to the Ag1,
Society and (626 tot" Pubile80 Library,
Rev. Mr, Gilmore is President of
Elmo township Temperance Associa-
A former reeident, in the person of
Dr. Chas, S'ronah, died at Brantford
to his OStd year.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at high moan Wednesday, Feb -
teary 20th.,
eb-teary20th., at the borne of Andrew
luljl Mrs. Robb, when their only
daughter, Harriet Motion, became the
bride of Arthur Herbert Love, eon of
Wtn, and Mrs, Love, 12th, Con, Oere-
enony was performed by Rev. Byron
Snell, Methodist minister, in the pres-
ence of the immediate relatives. Wad-
ding March was played by Miss Jane
Love, sister of the proem, and doting
the signing of the register Mrs. Snell
sang "Until" Happy couple left, mid
showers of confetti, on the 4 o'clock
tt'ain, for Woodrow, Sask., where•
they will reside, the bride travelling in
a navy blue snit with hat to match.
An old and well known resident of
E1 01, who had resided in Milverton
during past 3 years, passed away at
his home in .Milverton on Wednesday
in the person of Samuel MoCourt.
Mr. McOourt was born in Elma about
74 years and resided there until his
retirement to Milverton. He was mar-
ried over 48 years ago to Mies Lydia
Barton, who with toliowing family
survives him • Offs. H, Seeihoff, (Mrs.
W. J, Cleland, deceased), Hugh, at
home ; Dorcas, Toronto ; Howard
and Dalton, Elma; Mrs, James Gray,,
viaanna•adaT4-,.. llama
"Fruit -844s" Believed Both
Dropsy and Sick Kidneys
d e
Wondere1 Fruit The u t Me I in
Those who know they have Kidney
Trouble.--wiio suffer with painath
back—who are uPfrequently at night
willwelcomethenewathat srti-g-
tires", the wonderful medicine made
Stern fruit juices and tellies,• will
positively rclievoKidneyandBladder'
Troubles—as proven by this letter,
"Our little girl had Kidney Trouble
andl)ropsy-Mier limbs and bodywere
all serene», . We decided to .try
"Fruit -natives". Ina short time, the
swelling went dawn. Now, she is the
healthiest one of the family",
('ort Robinson, Ont.
500: a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size 25e.
At dealers or from Fruit•a-tives
Limited, Ottawa, Ont,
Marine City. All the family, except
Aire. Me0ourt, were snowbound be.
tweet) Milverton and Hamilton, where
they went to attend the funeral or
their sister, Mee. Cleland, 00 Tuesday,
Wen. Neabel has rented Lot 35, Con.
12, Gray, from Jack Hamilton, Elma.
Mrs. Jack Kuso and children, Jack
and Mat aerie, ate spending a few days
with the fortuer'e mother, Mrs. James
George Richmond has returned
home after spending a few days with
his sister, :Miss Alice Richmond, at
Mrs. V Geo. Cleland, jr;, and Miss
Eunice Richmond have returned after
spending a week with friends in Mil-
ton, Toronto and Newmarket,
OMIT —Last week TILE 'POST made
brief reference to the decease of Mrs.
Jolin McLeod, of Silver Corners, who
passed away Saturday, 10th 1n t s . Her
maiden name was Mary Glassier, and
she was born in ' Wilmot township,
Wurer'loo County, in the year 1848.
She came to Grey township and set.
tied on Lot 2, Con, 11 with her par-
ents at the age of 12 years. In 1872
she married Henry E$kmier, who pre-
deceased her 52 years ago, She after-
wards married John McLeod, who
with S daughters survive. They are
Mkggle (Mrs, Wylee. I6esex;Oo.)
Re evva a4to e, They' have
1(001.3 i
t t Silver Cotner; fot the petit
e „
a e Dsc i v r
h , e teed wag in h 7 t . r
?' t 77th ea
mud wits an thaw/Hamm 'kindly holy
who enjoyed the repeat of the 0003,
Harry Taman has been seriously 10.
A Preston Co, will eupply the Hyde°
poles for Blyth,
Oontinualfou School Concert Friday
evening, Marsh 7111.
•klydo, debentures were sold at per
to a broker. They totalled $(18,000,!
Blyth Choral Club reproduced the
Gnntata of Bel az er lout r
evening in Community Hall,
Me, Lydian $l'. is away to Lap'arte,
Iudiauua,'posting himself on tractor
work, Ile is the local agent here,
1?ertuanent road building will be 0n
the program at Blyth next summer
Estimated coat will be 525,000 of which
the County will pay a good pereent1go.
A. series of Eratigelietie services will
be field In 111e Methodist church here,
New lighting system:and 2 tapeless
furrtaeas have been installed In 81.
Pouf's church.
Wingbain beep' tel received timely
gift of 14 jars of fruit and a bag of
potatoes from St. Helene Women's
A. H. Wilford, a forme:' resident of
Wingbain, is now . with the U. F. 0,
and will organize eggpools through
out Ontario, and wilmove to Wing.
ham where he will spend Ilia week-
ends. Mr, Wilford will be working
for the Torono ofHoe,
At meeting of the managers of St.
Andiew'e Presbyterian Ohurrh it was
decided to spend about 58500 In repairs
to the church, building.. It appeals
the foundation has settled thus loosen-
ing, the front wall and allowing it to
spread slightly,
Local hospital commemorated their
4111 anniversary.'
J. W. Sangoter was elected President
of Ontario Seed Growers' Aseo.
Rev. F. Bunter, Pleasant Hill, Ill.,
and H. Hunter, Essex, Ont., were
spending a few days in town, as guests
of their sister, Mrs. (Di'.) Jae, Moore.
They were called to Listowel owing,
to the serious illness of their mother,
who is making her home with Dr. and
Mrs. Moore.
A. note worthy of recording is the
fact that the veteran J. W. Scott, a
web known Listowel man who is in
his 89th year, was re-elected President
of the British Mortgage Loan Co, with
headquarters in Stratford. He has
been a member of the Board for 46
Elizabeth (Mrs. Jno. Stevens, Newry) ; years.
We are in tate minket to purehltle
Saw logs stud Heading bolts t for
which the highret 1)11108 will be
timid, Out Soft 101m and Soft
Maple Logs, 10 ft, 0 In.-; 13 ft. 2 in.
and 16 ft. ; cot BBnaswood, Il ft.
2 in. ; 12 ft, 10 in, and 10 ft. Out
all other timber customary even
lengths. Cut Iit.sswood and Elm
Heading butts 2U in.
Soft Elmand
For bard Maple, r
Basswood we MT paying 580,001
men Bros.
Council is advertising for town
Constable at salary of 51000 per
4++3.g,41 -1..1411.4.4'44-1'd.14+4..1•1•
No Need to he late Mornings
0130 of mis' Alarms
will call ynn punc-
tually at whatever
time p,nl choose to
get up, Our as
l0I'lnlelit 1{IClndes
Ail the hest Makes
Plain and Lunliu-
0110Diuis, Priced
J. R. Wendt
These Suits are Medium
sizes, part wool and pea t
cotton. They are usually
sold at 18 00 or $20 00 and
will prove a Big Bargain
to loan wanting sort of a
second Suit,
$20 00 MEN'S
22 50 MEN'S
27 50 . MEN'S
30 00 MEN'S
Beginning Thursday, February 28th
This is the most Outstanding Sale of Clothing we have
Just a few of these
ever put on. Clothing has come down Greatly during the warm, burly Coats.
Three way belts.
past year. It had to. How else could the Farmer buy with the present low prices pre- Reg. $35.00
Nice Brown Checks, gond
material and well made.
Surat t Blister Brown
model, Button . down
Pockets, with Belts.
wailing in Farm Produce. The purpose of this Great
Sale is to show you the new standards of Values.
These new Values are fully One -Third Less and in
many cases just Half what they were for the same
quality of Suits three years ago. Never since be-
fore the.War days have values been so favorable.
This will be one of the
Leading, Bargain Suits
which a few years ago
would have cost more �alr
than DOUBLE this
amount, Think of it—Less than a
Dollar Bill will buy of these suits --
Men's Overcoats
$13 95
(Mostly all wool materials,
Ulster Models, Velvet
Collars. Worth regular
525 00.
This is a Giire-awag
Be sure and
buy your
Spring Suit
now at these
Great Sav-
$29 85
These are of wonderful
English Ser'ges and \Vur-
steds, well tailored ; gond
sound fronts. Regularly
sold from 540.00 to 550 00,
Youth's Suits
Good value in the
huger sizes. Smart mod-
els. Regular from -
514 00
rom—$1400 to 51000
No, we did not steal them
eithee. Omne and get
one at this low price.
We also have on hand
a nice range of those
good English Worsteds
and Serges in guaran-
teed Indigo Blues and
Greys, also Checks and
Stripes, We will take
your measure and have
one of these Cloths Tailored for you at prices
ranging from $29.5o to $45.00. These Suits us-
ually cost from $4o.0o to $6 .00. Here is a good
opportunity to get one of these good Cloths at a
Big Reduction.
Other Bargains in „ More
• Mean's Suits
Sale Price
$12 95
16 75
ip 75
Although this Sale is for Clothing in par-
ticular, we shall have some Real Bargains
in our Men's Furnishing Department A
number of Specials at Great Reductions
will feature these Bargains in Men's Fur-
Bargains in
Boys' and Youths' Suits
$12 00 BOYS' SUITS -
16 00 BOYS' SUITS '
20 00 ,YOUTHS' SUITS (Wear Better)
Sale Price
$ 745
9 95
Mens Wear
Garfield Block