HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-2-27, Page 4i e1Gtl rots post
WEUNItliDAY 1114 114, ee tg24
T 13* initial; Won. in N,rtllerlf Cater IQ
for mea Is pretl,oted by tli0$e eoi*ipetelrt
to speak. It cannot Grime "1,00 soon.
WHAT is a cool isor 20 Million dol.
Tars drficit to a Province like Ontario
'when it hos a Price now holding the
purse strings as provincial Treasurer?
I. 3. MuaalaoN, the energetic Secre-
tory of the U. F. 0 , hes been oompel-
led. by his j, ,iciau's advice; to take
the rest cure. He trio et too High pres-
sure but It was not always gas that sup-
plied the propulsive power;
IT bas been suggested that the tact or
overseas royalty- bridegrooms claiming
brides in Ontario shou'd set bachelor
Premier Kong in the notion of choosing
a life partner among our fair Canadian
daughters Delays are dangerous.
too Awls= well bred cows acid
heifers and 3 bulls is the latest purchase
of Henry Ford, the buez wagon manu-
facturer, or Detroit. He may be a fad.
dist but he goes out on more seusible
lines than some of the millionaire class,
Tsoso who are supposed to know
affirm that the sheep industry on the
farm is mere likely lo prove remunera-
tive than has been the case, on 8000001
of better prospects for wool and iambs
0n the market. Breeders are urged to
sell the heavy lambs early retaining the
lighter ones for later marketing.
1'r was estimated the recent snow
storm blockade would cost the city of
Toron'o the sum of $7o,000 '1'h: snow
-had to be cleared from the streets. Any
man who had time to band•e a shovel
did not need to be out of a job and in
that way those who were out of regular
work could bop nu and get a share of
the expenditure.
MAvoe H1,jrz, Toronto. has asked
heads of departments and their respec-
tive steffe at the City Hall to "ginger
up" on the time of arrival for work in
the morning. The hour is set for 9 but
that comes too soon for the tardy mem-
bers, who would likely lag if it were
changed to to o'clock. Likely first
stroke of the clock at quitting time is all
that's necessary. Queer, isn't it, the
difference 7
PaovxNCIAL ISndget shows that the
Drury Government were A r spenders
while thEy held the key to the strong
Box. Handing out the cash appears to
bea job requiring very little previous
training. Hoo. Mr. Drury says Provin-
cial Treasurer Price's book-keeping is
nonsensical. alw 5 'herewas e-
1 civ} be-
wilderment in Ontario's style of keeping
accounts, on which political financial
Experts were about as wide apart as the
SOME folk go nearly batty over the
question of germs We beard of a wom-
213 who declined to shake bands for fear
of the "little bugs," but in the millinery
season would try on 211 the bats in the
various millinery stores that had been
on a. hundred beads before hers. Cau-
tion is a good quality to possess but
craokriom is not an essential to the for-
mer. Proper sanitary conditions, and a
bar of soap, as ae accompaniment, will
do mneb to exterminate the death deal-
ing germs.
Humtury IS a virtue worth „while pos-
sessing but, in a world where there are
so many folk out for what can be grab-
bed, there is a personal alertness neces-
sary tosee that a fair distribution is ar-
rived at. There are people who will
accept everything and look for more but
never appear to think that returning the
compliment would be a fair and square
thing. A good sized head may be all
right but "big head" is a dangerous
cranium to have placed on your should-
ers, It takes a great heart to go along
with a clear head to qualify men and
women for the walks of life. "Me too"
is not a Chinese expression but that of a
spoiled Anglo Saxon who was out when
Humility called,
LUCIONOW Council has been discussing
a 'central heating plant to serve the mun-
icipal buildings but no action was taken.
Unless the price of coal comes down and
a more permanent arrangement can be
made for supplying the dammed, it will
soon he necessary to work out aortae more
practical plan than moat municipalities
enjoy. Why the price should hold up to
theexerbttaft figure per ton demabded,
compared with the modest sum charged
to or r5 years agog is a Couttndtumpos.
slbly only answerable by mine owners;
Io many cases the quantity has been
sbort, its delivery delayed and top notch
prices demanded, often tor very inferior
quality even at that,,. A move is being
Made to have the Dominion Government
arrange to get Alberta coal to Ontario at
a figure that will Save money to the eon -
gutters and also show the tJ. 5., grebbere
that Canada is not dependent MI them
and their usurer's profits.
+ WoltorrMepowe.n, putiot for fltrtln,.
$7,00, 1'p of Motile, tnwnehlpeshare,
on life lel;
lib ,Iiia}u, $Q8 iQ ; It. liar -
Oon, tt 1 t diofCL �t , u 1 Q 4Y.g� Sawiug. sn t .ala alit s G
q r.
Bl 09 t P. 11 Seat balance sats y a9
veer r•r.r-i^r-h•. •i�•1^F•FtFeh'fr•FdM,tfi 'C °oilcan'', .$36 00 ; eXeiee stalnpe,
$702; F. Anderson, eatery se Treas-
urer, $120 ; postage, ate., $76 00.
()outwit then adotuvted on [notion of
11e meet again In ,1 and Gilts lie to was tg on
( t fes r1 t
Tuesday, Mareh lbth at I o'clock.
W., Poteeleieas•LD, Clerk.
We are prepared to
t awing
do Custom Sawing g at
our Saw Miil as usual.
Ament Bros.
FOR f9z3 the L'quor Commission of
Soskatohewan collected $ao,386 There
were 83,000 p••eseriptioes issued by the
doctors god 1,078 convictions for iia
frectlonsofthe law, with as aggregate
of floes of $tlt3,o00, '1'he nefarious
booze business is a law breaker from Brat
to teat and a heart breaker as well
UMAgatl.e. carrying, -00 the part of
MOD, is giving place to the later use of
the waterproof coat. A mao rtgnired a
good Memory and aptitude for selection
to take bis umbrella, or something bet-
ter, home with him. unless it was rain•
Mg at that hour. While many a mac
would swear that "Honesty was the best
policy" it is said umbrellas were not
taken into the cone*, constquently it
took snore than one a year to last out
some householders. The umbrella rack
was sometimes common property as ,far
as its contents were concerned,
Iv ever the sobriety and good morals
lovers of O.ltario had au opportunity of
speaking out the time has arrived,
judging by past experiences if a vote on
the l'quer business is taken it will be 9
chaoees to tote the q'restioo is not pre-
sented on the ballot in the usual mystiry-
ing manner t0 the electo"rate. Wbo
owns this country auybow ? Is it the
maj idly or the minority ? Has the beer
keg and the brandy bottle got us by the
throat or are our boys, men and homes.
the rst consideration ? It Is too late to
cry oyer the case when perhaps by our
carelessness and apathy we permit
booze. to clom'uate situation. The duty
of every church and every other orgaui-
z4tion working for the uplift of human•
ity right now is to assert itself and show
an unbroken front to those who wish to
debauch and retrograde.
Hoer Lluoh Do You Ole ?
THE POST accounts are •small, but
we have a large number of them
scattered all over the country for sub.
sciptions. We presume that most
of our readers intend to, pay up at some
time, but good intentions go a short
way towards paying oar drafts and
settling out- hills. Most of those who
are in arrears on subsceiptions o1' owe
for job work, know without being told
how much more agreeable it would be
on both sides if payment were made
without putting us to the necessityessit of
writing each one
personally. Now we
respectfully ask each reader in arrears
to square op these accounts. We
purpose making March a Clear-up
Campaign. All subscriptions of 6
years or over will be placed in other
hands for collection after March. Bus-
iness cannot be run with hundreds of
donate on our books, as our creditors
will not take our book debts in lieu of
cash. Will you kindly attend to this.
We have nurnerous promises but
these connot be banked.
East Wawanosh Council
Minutes of Council meeting held pn
Feb. 19th. All the members present.
Minutes of previous meeting were
read and confirmed. Communication
from Clerk of Morris with an account
of $68 10, being this township's share
on the Kelly Drain received and
ordered to be paid.
Messrs Campbell and Elliott pre-
aented their report as Auditors of
Township accounts for 1928, the
abstract statement showing total
receipts of $35,276.00 against which
there was an expenditure of $34,813.98
leaving a balance on hand on Dec,
31st last of $962.11, Moved by Mr.
Scott, seconded by Mr. Ooultea that
the report be adopted and that the
Auditors be -paid as usual $12 00 each
for their services. Carried,
The Collector was present and
stated that all the taxes had been ac-
counted for with the exception of Si
of Lot 40, Con. 5.
.Moved by Mr. Gillespie, seconded
by Mr, Coultee, that regarding ap-
pointment of Collector for the present
year, that this official's salary be plac-
ed at $75 00 and that applications for
this office, be received up till next
meeting of Council, Maroh 25th. Car-
The following accoante were paid
—Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works,
dog tags, $10 86 ; W. H, Campbell and
C. Elliott, Auditors, $12.00 each ; A.
Porterfield, fees as Divisional Regis-
trar, $9.50 ; express charges. 56 cents ;
freedonn rom1 n
Templeton`s Rhrumct)eCipradn
For Safe by Jarnea Fox
Orem] Splendid say
Salvation arm 11
Leader and ilia Wife
Mr. ane Mrs. John W. Wood, of
180 Duro Street, Stratford, Ont., are
well known throughout their conn-
munityas public a irlted citizens, Mo.
Wood has achieved diet)nctioo as lead-
er of the Salvation Army String Band,
while Mrs. Wood is prominent in the
same splendid organization. Icor some
time Mr, and Mare. Wood had been
victims of digestive disorders, Read
how they correeted these ailments by
the timely use of Drecp.
"I recommend l,lreco," says Mr,
Wood, "because my wife and I have
received really ,wonderful benefits
from it in a very short time. My
stomach Is better and my appetite 19
as good a6 it ever was. lily bowels,
too, are regular and -when 'I get up in
the mornings I feel greatly refreshed,
because of having enjoyed a night of
sound, unbroken slumber:
"My wife, too, was troubled with
constipation and lose of sleep, Since
'taking Dlece, however, her bowels
have become regular as a clock and
she too sleeps soundly at night. We
are both delighted with the benefits'
Drew has given us in. so short a time,"
Dreco wins the approbation of re-
liable people by its own absolute re-
liability. It Willa every claim that
Is made for it. Drees is purely herbal
and eoni eine no mercury, potash' or.
habit forming drugs.
Oreoo is being *genially Introdue.
ed In Brussels by F. it. SmIth, and Is
sold by a good druggist everywhere..
Buffalo meat was on sale in town.
The Canada Flax mills here are pre-
paring to resume work.
Dr. Aubrey Orioh, Caledonia, was a
visitor at the parental home.
Rev. G. A. McLean, St. Oatheeinee,
was visiting with Wm, Knechtel and
We are sorry to bear that Mies
Beatrice Larkin had to under go an
operation for appendicitis at Toronto.
W. Black, M. P„ accompanied by
bMrs. Black and daughter, Mies Mar-
garet, are at Ottawa for the opening
of Parliament,
Goderich race meet Wednesday,
July 23.
Alexandra Hospital graduates have
Sept, 8, 4 and 5 are Goderich Fall
Pair dates.
450 telephones are in use in Gode-
rich, 81 were installed in 1928.
Misses Alix Saunders and Olive
Allan are away on a trip to South
Rev. J. W. Hedley is invited to con-
tinue as pastor of Victoria Methodist
church ftir another year.
*111 Was granted by town Council to
the Orangemen to assistwith next
12th of Jly celebration. ,
Ii'orn% III of the Qoliegiate presents
ed Miss abei•Powell, their tenebeo
with a bognet of noses on Valentina
13. Mabb receives *500 as janitor of
Mitchell High School.
Sealy at the Slue Out. South of St,
Marys was 12 feet deep.
W. and Mrs. Wpollacott, Logan,
have retired to Mitchell.
Hydro rates'bave been boosted on
the patt'ons'outeide of Listowel,
W, Hoyt, 'oat etaker•' of et, Marys
pnetrfilre for past 16 yeat'h, la deaa,
Boys' (Nub, Milverton,. will hear W.
E. Saunders, Naturalist, March 10tb..
Mitchell thermometers registered
from 12 to 220 last week. They feel
Annual Oratorical Contest in Mit'
obi ll fligll School Friday evening of
Rev, Dr, Knowles, Methodist 'Lies -
tor, 80Marys, has been invited hack
for 8rd year.
Rev J. W. Gordon, Presbyterian
pastor at Mitchell, has received a mall
from Peterhoro.
Isaac and Mee. Hord, Mitchell, are
visiting Dr, and Mrs, MoNaugdlton at
Penn Yan, N. Y.
$5,000 insurance was received for
the damage done to by fire the I.
0. U. F. block Mitchell.
St. Mary's business penple extended
a proposed Dollar Day Sale for a week
and found it gave. good results.
Evangelist and Mrs. Dixon are eon-
ducting a series of Evangelistic ter -
vices in SO. Marys Methodist church.
"Jerry" White, a veteran in choir
and ehurch work, St, Marys, was
presented with a framed picture of
the choir, 40 members in the group.
Mortgage Sale
In the Township of Grey
in the County of Huron
Pursuant to the Power of Sale containedin
n certain Mortgage made by Wilford Long and
Isabella J. Long. dated the Ninth day of
November, A. D 1020, which will be produced
et the Mond` sale, there wit* offered for Bale
by Pnblte A action at the American Betel in
the Village of Brussels on Saturday, the 15th
day of 8ardh. A. 1) 1024, at 2 o'crook p, en., by
D. M. Soott, Esq., Auctioneer, all and
singular that certain parcel or traot of land
and premises, eltuate. lying and being in .the
Township of Grey, in the County of Baron
and Province of Ontario, containing one
hundred "ores. be the same mom or less, and
being composed of Lot camber Sixteen in the
Ninth Concession of the aforesaid Township of
Grey with the exception of the portion of the
said Lot heretofore convey cd to the W. G. 8t
B Railway Company. Upon the property is
erected a One•and-a•half Story Brick Veneered
House, with Woodshed attached, a Bank Barn
with Cement Stabling, 40:00 feet, and a Driv-
ing Shed 22x80 feet which ere in a good state of
repair. There- are also two Wells epos the
premises, and fences are also in good condi-
tion. There are about eight acres, more or
Ise,, of Bardwood Bush. This property is well
situated, being ebontAve tnileafrom the Vit.
loges of Ethel and Brussels, and readily no-
aessable - to Oherehea and Schools. The
property will be offered foreale aubjeot to a
reserved bid. Terms of Sale -Ten per cent of
the purchase money to be paid down at the
time of sale and the balance within thirty
daya thereafter, without Interest, when p08'
0004*018 wilt be given. Suitable arrangements
may, however, be made to allow a portion of
the purchase money to remain on Mortgage et
a. reasonable reteof interest. Further infer•
:nation, partionlars and conditions of rale may
be had on application to the undersigned.
D M. SCOTS, or W. 51. l
Auctioneer, • 70112008801151208,Broseals. Brussels
Dated this Twenty-sixth day of February,
A. D. 1934. -'
While lifting it, hale of hay J'tbo,
Jloeking, Mitchell, broke hie' Collar
IJ. gipfer, Satre Hill, has sold his
50 acres to Wt Henry. Stratforsj,t, fpr
Mts. Jahn Linwood, fell,
fracturing one of her hips from which
she died In St. Joseph's hospital,'
1+. 013111*itz, Mitchell, is dead. at the
good 014 Age o
f years, Fl Med at
the home of his daughter, Airs, P'red,
Born, Stratford,
Auction Sale
AUCTION k80,18 OP imam STOCK, f51•
gramme,ho,.-D, M Booby, bee received
Metro:Mena from the nnberalpne2 proprietor
to sell by Ppblla Auction at Lot 24,. Con 16,
Township of Grey,the tollowltie rateable
trpperty on Thursday, March Otb, at 1 o'olook
he following valuable property: -1 heavy
mere 4 viers old, 1 heavy mere 8 yeara ofd, 1
heavy mare 12 years old, 1 general purpose
leehlln , t Shorthorn Bull 10 months old, (ell.
glide for ,registration), 1 cow duo to calve
aroh5th, 1 coW. due to oplve March 76b, 1
mow due to calve April 17th, 2 fresh oowe, 1
farrow mow (40,8 ateere rising 9 yearn. old, 2
heifer° rining.*1 years, 2 eteere rising 2 years. 8
heitere rising 2 yore, sneers rleing 1 year, 2
heifers rleing 1 year, 2 calves 2 menthe old, 1
Yorkshire Flow, 7 chunks of pigs about 80 lbs.,
der�7 l6 andnMcCormick mowerfo0 20 ou6 Liar
rake, McCormick hay loader, Van .Brunt �tertt-
liter drill with 82 discos new. 1 MaaseyHarrle
14 dleo barrow, 1 Frost & Wood atlif
tooth onitfester. 1 Masse - Herne corn
cultivator,. 1 muffler. 1 eat iron (harrows 4
section, hand roller, Crown 2 farrow plow.
Pleat, No. 21. plow, 3f wagon, wagon box,,
gravel box, flat hey raok'new pig rank; top
buggy, set eleigha, cutter, eat 2000- lbs .eenlee,
Clinton fanning mill, root pnlper, eat heavy
harness with breeching, get heavy •.bernese,
set simile harness, Delaval oream.•aeperator,
Daley obura, 8 steel coal oil drums 40 gala
oapsoity, steel coal p11 drum 26 gal opacity,
100 bus. Beed oats, 100 bushels barley, quantity
of clover hay,set Wings, hay fork, dos grain
bags, wheelarrow now, whif8.streea, neck-
yokee, chains, forks and other artlolec too
numerona to mention. Terme,—All Flume o1
2.1090 O and ander, clash ; over that amount 12
months' oredit.- on approved joint notes or
6 per bent per annum off for eseh on credit
amounts. Everything to be sold without re•
serve es the proprietor has disposed. of his
GEO. bloTAGGART, Proprietor,
owN8 Boca ANDDIMPLUMSNTe —T. Bennett,t,'
Auctioneer. has been iastruoted by the under.
signed to 001 119 Public Auction at lot 68, Con.
1. Morris, (t/ mile West of Jamestown), on
Friday, March 7th, at 1 o'alook, the following
property:—.1 heavy, Ieare 7 years old, 1 general
purpose horse 8 yenra old, 1 Durham mow due
to calve time of sale, 1 Durham cow anppoeed.
to calve middle of May, 1 grade cow anpposed
to calve drat week in April, 1 Holstein cow
supposed to calve in May. 2 steers riaing 2 yrs
1 heifer rising 2 years, 2 eteera rising 1 year, 2
heifers rising 1 year, 2 Yorkabire sown doe to
farrow middle of March, 1 Yorkshire sow due
to farrow drat of May, 1 Tamworth hog, 6 pigs
weighing about 190 lbs., u.pigs weighing _a_bout
125 lbs., 8 pigs weighing about 1001ba. , 2 andnka,
2 geese and a gander, 85 Rock pullets, 28 year.
old White Leghorne, Bain wagon nearlynew,
share in MoOormiek corn binder, set aeighe,
gteel•tired boggy, Portland Dotter nearly new,
Massey -Barrie mower 6 ft. out Massey-Bar-
rle manure spreader,. Massey -Harris• airing
tooth enitivntor-nearly new, Massey -Harris
11 -disc fertilizer drill nearly new, .2 Fleury
walking plows, set diamond harrows Clinton
fanning mill and screens, sot 2,000 lb. scales,
grindstone, buggy pole box end stook rack,
wagon gear, sleigh bunk and 2 elei4h'boleters,
gravel box 1 yards, .hay fork, oar, pulley'
and slings with 180 feet new rope, Primrose
cream eeperetor 450 lbs , heating stove, map
kan and about 200 cap buokete and Bailee. auger
ettle, 40 -gal. coal all tank, 1 h p, International
gas engine in good working order, pomp jack,
wheelbarrow. set heavy team harness nearly
new. set plow borne'', set Bingle harness near-
ly new. 8 extra horse collars, new long -straw
collar size 21, 2 8-horee eveners, 2 chop boxes
end feed barrel, Mt, Deering mo0Jer knife.
Ford touring oar with eelf.atarter in good run-
ning order, quantity of plank end inch lum-
ber, quantity of hay, quantity 0 -rowed seed
barley quantity ensilage in silo, 2 bundles of
shingles, 8 logging eheine, numberofgrain.
bags, 2 corn hoes, whifLe*reea, neokyokes,
forks, chalet; and other articles too nnmerone
to mention. Everything. to be geld without re,
nerve as the proprietor is giving up farming,
bsving rented his farm. Terme—$10 and un-
der cash' over that amount
ount O m
enthe credit
given ffurnishing joint notes. 0
per cent per annum off for melt on credit
- - JCBN M, 3[1Lf.ER,
T. BROWN, Clerk, - - Propeletor.
?Ay Ford Predominates
From 1904 until 1923 the Ford Motor
Company of Canada, Limited, manu-
factured 450,000 Ford cars and trucks
of which 91% are still in use. More
convincing proof of their inbuiltworth
could hardly be given..
Selected materials, simple design, and
accurate workmanship are factorsin
this long life. They explain the high'
utility and operating economy of the
Ford when new. And they also give
it the ruggedness to withstand the.
wear and tear of daily driving year
after year,
This long life means slow deprecia-
tion, sustained value, satisfactory
performance from your Ford while
youcontinue to drive it, and a meas-
urable resale value when you wish
to dispose of it.
It means that the Ford gives you un-
usual value per dollar invested, not
only this year but for a long ,term of
years to follow—means that when
you select the Ford you obtain
approved security for the dollars you
See Any Authorized Ford Dealer
Dealer Wanted
Wow tedealer▪ toltanalethealbino%IItem
uc o 1 Hroaael8 territory.
(0 0t 1.00000
5oat tin nNeu
will1rreasonably apply t M001000 M ng reek*
50505to$spplynth. Men
ally pre.
forma, to $e a mantic. Mpn wilt meant pro,
our til MFG,
dgINN lilCi, CO. 08 CANADA ',rural)
Judicial Notice to the Creditors
of Canadian Flax Mills, ltd.
In the Supreme Court Pt Ontario
matter • Th
in the ma r f 4Ye Canadian
FIA* Mitts, unman, and in the mat'
ter of The WinfNng-up Ant, being
Chapter 144 of the Rovlsed Statutes
of Canada and Amending Acta.
Pursuant to tite Windirig'up Order, mode by
the Supreme Court of Ontario in themotter of
Canadian Flax Mills, Limited, and dated the,
third day of January. 1824, and pursuant to
the order of°harloe Darrow, Eoqulre, K. C.;'
011loinl Referee, dated the almond day of Feb,
reary, 1924, the oreditora of the above mimed
Cpmpsny. end all others having oloime against
the said Company having its able[ place of
business at Toronto and having milia et Sew
forth, Drayton, Arthur, Barrlaton,. Went
Monkton and Waliaoebarg,are, on or before
the first da of /Drab, 1024, to send gbuy post
prepaidtoo yJ John at his ffcepNol'42 Vietoria
ts1 0 P ya
Street, Tes andld, lhap Chrion. ttianhef sad snrn Mars
verified and description. 00 their
claim. full the particulars
vnd.s,n by oath of items, »aai the nature
the mnandt of the marines, v any, held bv
them. and the spdefau there of they
will ee, or in default thereof, they
the ne peremptorily said nding'od rram
the undersigned
the said the Math
The , 18,81 w))lin on the s» tts day of
March, hie at t tubers.y hear the
re the after-
noon, at hie Cbambere, hear the report of the
liquidator upon the said claims and lot all
parties then attend.
Dated this sixth day of February, 1024,
0f*ciel Referee.
Mortgage Sale
Valuable Farm
Mortgage Bale of valuable farm to be he'd at
the American Hotel. Brussels, Ontario, on•
Wednesday, Marsh 12th, 1924, at 1.80 o'clock p.
m. by D. M, Soott, Auctioneer, Brussels, On.'
tote 27 and 28 in the seventh Conceinion
of the Township of Grey and that part of Lot
20 in the Seventh Concession more pparticular•
le demi-Mei os follows--Oomutehoing on the
North-eaotern angle of the said lot numbered
twenty-six. then Westwardlyalong the North
limit of the said lot forty rode then South.
wardl♦ parallel with the Eastern boundary of
the mid lot to the road allowance North of the
Msitland River, then Enetwardly along the
said road allowanceto the Eastern boundary
of the said lot number twenty91x, then
Northwardiy along the Enetern boundary of
the said lot to the place of beginning, to be
sold by Public) Auction
A aptendid farm of 287 acres, seven acres in
second growth hardwood, balance cleared,
about 00 acres toll plowing done. Clay and
gravelly Main Boil, A. -me and one•ball storey
hr.'s* dwelling. Frame bank barn. Frame
drivfngehod. Watered by well and Maltlord
River flows through South portion, Small
apple orchard, W irennd rail fences..
Nor parilcnlara see Mortgage noatera, Ana.
etoneeror F. P. Betts, Vendor's Solicitor, Lon-
don, Ontario.
Farms for Sala or to Rent
1 .tt'
res ban � I
twee, 111n l90 X
ono coals j
as With
frame u � manor
204 w od shed, «ood ho
and. woodshed t mad well, hank herr, bestir Of
farmabeep; ab, ut AlDes ptt lowed ,leer g er 08'Qp
berm ; about 1 Waren timbal tar spring 10ap,
Bresse101 pasture and Fe, misne;isiotsfbest
oculiels; es It to rb581* Farm is to tlto Les-
an,ldlttain iia It Inca boon in pasture fora nom -
her of pears, 2' and 24
One .W l L
sora farm being eots 2 ,
Con.!, Morrie. food tratbebouse with emitter;
and well two orchards, barn 40x00 end barn
25472, Withatrew shed 1002, 11010ou20 and
hes pen. Aber? Lundingsaro 10paareinor,
Considerable plinth); ); dorso tar orrice50,05.crap.
pbulldings. spring
1225 teeressg ender 9ultiviu
pasture a22 woodlands, Mon; about 50 wee
4 miles oniilBrns-
sole and 4 from WetIon. Tido Farm 1e la the
Iam disposingef all my far,ne and it not
sold the above w111be ranted. For farther
particulars aetpprice and AtMBNr,pBrusosels.
Farm For Sale
Nnrnt for Bale. situated in the County et
Enron, Township of Morris, Lots 58 a9, 00,
$34 let Con„ Morris. Farm confides 100 Worcs,
about 12oores timber land. ha d;l'ood, about
10 sores of pesters land, mostly beaver
meadow, balance nectar cultivation,-Cultivat-
ad land 011.000118d down. I ut about Ib nares,
10 acres Nall plowed, baleeee in Nall wheat.
.Farm well !cooed and drained with .spring
°reek on baok end. Drilled well at house,
water piped to the barn. Baulk barn 40x00
Leet, bee house 12x48 feet, 8 roomed. frame
house with good ostler. Perm to he aold to
wind up estate of late R. T. Dikter, Terme
and price made known by applying to
AG 10 X. faILGER, AdminIstria, 10. R, No. 2,
8luevale, or \V, 2,, Mal(1810CH10B, Wroxeter.
• Farm for
Containing 100aeros, being NU Lot 17, Con,
0, Morris 10wnship, known as the Cannon
farm, On premises to n comfortable frame
house. bank har,, good ,trilled well, orchard
Ito, Well watered by .Spring and unitised
river touches corner, 45 miles to Brussels and
soetool handy, 10 acres of timber, Posaoeeion
after harvest to do Felt work. For further
particulars as to primo, terms. 810, Apply to
IROBT. NICHOL, Executor,
Phone 1010. Brtt,0ohr, li. R, 4,
Farm for Sale
Contains Macrae, being Bj„Lot 2a, 000, 0,
Morris township. Good brink bootie With oel-
lhr; Bonk born with cement stabling ;driving
shed, drilled well and. a never failing spring at
bock, About 00 a ores under cultivation, bal-
ance) pasture and wood laud. Fall plowing
will be done end possesatoa gtvan [tis Nall.
For further partiuuinrs ripply to
A. H. MACDOZ'NALD, Brussel.,
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on 854
Lot 80, Con, 2, Morris township, thethoro'-bred
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem, No.
80410=, Sired by Gainford Marquis (100800) ;
Darn Mildred. VII by Royal Sailor 080501. Pad-
tgree may be seen on application Terms -
510.00 for thoro'•brods payable nt application, of ser-
vice with privilege to return. Grade °awe not
allowed. THOS. PIERCE,•
Representative Wanted
REraesrsTATrva WANTan for Broaeele and
Huron Comity to refrresent "The old Reliable -
Nonthiil Nurnerioal Big sales are to be made
In selling Narsery stock daring the recon,
etrootton period. A splendid opportunity for
n live saleomen, Highest commisslono paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of resift
and ornamental stook to offer, Bronx &
WLLu000ros, Toronto, Ont, ..
•4444+. 8.4•+•3'•+•+444+4,-4$ 4H••+40,14H•H••+•+•+•+•+•+•H••H'
The Seaforth Creamery tg
• •
ream Wanted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and,
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit,your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two.
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, M R. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
• The Seaforth Creamery Co.
444 La.tA,FA•F6+41&•b•4-0 414.4040441*
Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
i 1..... I
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter fat, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Fac -
Cali y. and get a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested.
Prompt Service ; Satisfactory Returns
AEirs Stewart
Brussels Crmery