The Brussels Post, 1924-2-13, Page 51 -rw 8- • - •a 4Pi BUSINESS CARDS ,INry v SUTHERLAND W SONS LIMITED vronimmts Cr!>•Pzlpm 0,Iearomio 0, nor, scam Bol a (*renewal/ PRICES MODERATE 11'or reforonoes consult any person whose sate ): have ofaulnted at, Phone 72x or 08 DR. WARDLAW Honer graduate of hteOntario oepeaColege.Dy end nigcals,, ffiapl 11'lour 81I11, lItha, MAUDE G, BRYAINS OFH rHALM OLOQIST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, , Mo. Cormioh Medical College, Chicago, Ilh fared Months postgraduate course during Yam 1010, Ryon Scientifically examined, Latest Modern Methods used. I 'Oress Syen straightened through prapet• ly fitted Lause%, Satisfaction Assured. Office hours : 10 to 10 s. n,. • 1.80 to 0 p, M. Saturday evening, 7.80 to 0 otolock, - Phone 20x T. T. M'RAE M. B, M. O. P., d S, O. M. O. H., Village of Brussels, Phyelolan, Surgeon, Aoconeheur Office at residence, oppoelte Maly llle Ohuroh William street Ir. rfa rwagon/ BARRISTER. SOLICITOR CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BRUSSELS PRI MBFOOT, HILLMAN & HOLMES . . Barristers, Oo:,cItors, Notaries Public, &c. Office un the Square, 211,1 door from Hampton Street, GODERI08 ONT. Private funds to loan rt lowest rates. W. PROW/FOOT. 80. U. T, L, KXLLOnuN DtlDLnr HOLoutO, TQN. AGENT FOR fire, ,Automobile and Wind M. COMPANIES For Bruaself and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Howlck Mutual Fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado insurance Phone 42 Box 1 Tarnberiy Street, Brussels s r p ti Q It rn ]�� SiD P d 't;'y� JG, ti. hI by b �J GV X •- .:'lie Indian Herbalist • May be found in the Stratton Block Brussels, Wednesday and Saturday of each week until fltrther ,7totice. grhyli .4,. Start Now to Equip Yourself • for a Position of Trust-- ELLIOTT �.t�tzs�� Tonga & Charles Sts., Toronto Is well known throughout Canada for ographern, Typlt*1 , .accountants, Com• tneroinl Teachers, etc. Graduates In keen demand. Enter any -time. write for Catalogue. W. ‘1. ELLIOTT„ PRINCIPAL P i tS2V4ACtatita WDAdiT moi'] CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. Prepares young men and young women �J for Bushmsa which in now Canada's greatest profession. we sestet grndn• atop to positions and they have a prno- tim,l training which enables them to meet with success. Students Bre reg- Catered each week. Get our free cat- alogue and learn somothing about oar different departments. W 0, A. M'LAOHLAN, PRiN. •A s Or; 0, N� McInnes CHIROPRACTOR of Wingllnin, will bent the American Hotel, Brussels Tuesday and l'rlday Aftornoone Adjustments given for diseases of all kinds, spe o mise in dealing with children. BRUSS ELS - HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels this season as follows THURSDAY, MAR. 6, 1924 APR. 8, 1024 Local and Outside Buyers will Pe Present ByOrdee of Gosnell, A. II, MACDONALD, Clerk. ++4• l ++++ !HENS WANTED t Highest marketrices • paid. P files MMB or Phone No. 2x, Biers - 'eels, and 1 will axil and ,get ar your Poultry. t M. Yollck 0 Or, Wm, Gunn Honored at Clinton A handsome bronze tablet has been placed in the operating ropm of the new Clintonhospi.tal•in horror .of Dr, William Gunn, who has been practis- ing in Huron Onnety since 1882 and its Olinton slime 1887, Tablet bears the, following inscription ; "This Tablet is planed in tide room by the students and confreres of DR. WM. GUNN h ton it recognition of his man of moron, 1 o m G Y g achievements er the field of surgery, in Y , when eurgery was in its pioneer days in Western Ontario hampered by the inferior tquipment.of olden days. Re experienced phenomenal emcees in the saving and prolonging of many lives. Hie great achievements and modest` demeanour ; His pioneer work' in opening the first hospital in the community, in- spired u great faith in his colleagues. and disci pl es. May he live .long to receive their devotion. December 1923 A doctor has opportunities which few others possess of coming close to the hearts of their• fellow mortals but few men possess the personality which win its way into the hearts of Wheys as has been the case with Dr. Gunn. He's generally beloved, there are none' too high or exalted to do him honor. The citizens of Clinton and surround- ing..comrnuaity join with his more in- timate associates in congratulations on this occasion._ The tablet was erected by the fol- lowing, all students of Dr. Gunn with the exception of Dr. Shaw ; Dr. Mc- Callum, Kingston ; Dr, McRae, Brits - setts ; Dr, Campbll, Toronto'; Dt', Dr. Clarke, Peter to St.Thomas D 1 G, Way, Meer Dr,McLeod baro Dr. Kay,Lapeer I rr ()Insley De. Brooklyn : Dc, Ma G y Boss, Dr. Burrows and Dr. dicKav Settfnrth ; Dr. J. N. Gunn, Calgary ; Dr. Kruusman, Detroit; Dr, Gaudier and Dr. Shaw, Clinton, and Miss Cal - villa MacDonald, Nurse, Cleveland. Those present at the dedication were ; Doctors Ross, McKay and Burrows, Seaforth Dr. Gray, St. Thomas ; Doctors Munter and Taylor, Goderich ; Dr. Gandier, Major Mc- Taggart, D. L. Macpherson ; Dr. Shaw and the guest of honor, Dr. Gunn, all of Clinton. Dr. Gnnn's most intimate confrere, Dr. Shaw, at. whose home the dedica- tion ceremonies took place, gave e most interesting account of Dr, Gunn's' life and medical career, as follows "Gentlemen :—We are honored by having with us as a guest De. Wm. Gunn, better and more familiarly ,known as "the Dean." He is one of the oldest praotitienera of Medicine and Surgery in the County of Huron, cud, probably, the most favorably known throughout Western Cameo. for his work in Surgery. I have as- sumed that I am better qualified to render a brief account of ins life and actions since coming to this County to practise his chosen profession for the tollowing ,reasons :—For 38 years I have. been associated.with him in Clinton trying to make 8 meals and a smoke a day. During these years we have travelled together from coast to coast of this continent and through paeteof Europe. These excursions were always essootated with the study at practice of medicine in some way. For Dr. Gunn while in active +practice never took what we usually designate a holiday though often absent from practice he was either at a Medical tweeting or walking foreign hospitals. This was was where we often differed, id,policy with negative results as to my advice. We have been auiruated by the same spirit. We have pursued the same purposes, We I*.tve been united one to the other all with a loyalty and spirit of co-operation • which I do not think has been exceed- ed by any two physicians for so long a (period. You will not expect nue upon this occasion to enter upon any narrative of his illustrious career so laminae to you all, I have only attempted in a moat imperfeet manner to present a few of the leading traits of his great personality which we hope the Tablet will help to transmit to hie and other students, physicians and citizens who fu tbe$oomutg lyears will throng the portals of the hospital, , Do, Wm. Gunn was horn on April 1461s, 1855 le the township of Thorah, near Beaverton, in the County of On - toxin, Hie father, John Gunn, was born in Goldepie, Glenrobin, Scotland in 1707, coming to Canada in 1830, locating neat Seaver•tdu, township of There'll. where be hewed out for llitnseif a hotnesteiid of 100 acnes At the age of 49 ho married Ohrlstina Grant, a lady who was been in Dornach, Scotland its 1810 who was just half his age. ''est . Scotolt people had intheeited the char. aoteeist cs of the Highlanders ; and• the Wale and tribulations of a eettle18 life had no fears for those stout heart- ed people who by hard work and Scotch thrift ,tnanae"ed to give more than an ordinary education to their family of 7 boys and 2 gitle. John the eldest son, practise(' Medicine in Ailsa Craig for many years. Donald, Ilea - toe gad Alexander remained on the farm until grown op when they all took up Commercial parent us, Robert died while attending 'Porno to Univer tiny, William 1223(1 Andrew halo 1111'° youngest took up a professional bel ire, Tho guest of the evening received impossIBLE l . _ hie early edtroatlnn in the little country School at 'Ihorab, during hie spare time end holidays aesisted with the shores on the faint. Many of his boli. doge he spent with his Myra ���� and while there aequired that grand language more anotent (herr the Roman Eagle or; the Golden Fleece, for rte origin was the Garden of Eden, I wean the Gaelic, This acquieltlon has often assisted hitn to procure in- formation in making merry rt diagnos- is, `Aerie is no doubt be inherited those characteristice So prominent in after life from his paternal side, The Clan Ounn is a very anelent one, It is a proof of the antiquity of a'' clan whets its origin is lost in the gloom of remote ages. They were not sumer= cut but most martial and resolute des- ignated Guianeaob,' which eignlfies sharp, keen determined and fierce and were known to eddmuch territory to thou• possessions by their might. After getting all the education he could at the country school he attend- ed the Model'School in 'Toronto, the Jarvis St. Collegiate Institute from whence he matriculated ; attended Varsity one year and began the study of Medicine at 'Toronto University.. While a student at the University he was an outstanding athlete, the pews ppapers of the day' paying tribute to. his activities in the athletic world as a sprinter, wrestler, high jumper and football player: Even in after years us a practising physician he was. known farand .w de as "theyoung o neDoctor at Brimfield who jumped own: . a horse. Hetookthe following de- grees i tees it borse,', M,B., 1881—Toronto Maven sity, 7881 -Victoria University. L.R.C.P„ 1881—Edinburgh University L.R.C.S., 1881—Edinburgh University Lia G.M.U,U.K., 1882—Edinburgh Universi ty. He began the practice of Medicine at Brucefleld, ,County of Huron, in 1882. In 1883 he took Dr. H. R. El- liott then of Lindsay as a partner, they continued until 1887 when "the Dean" removed to Clinton where he has since practised and resided. In 1889 he was President of Huron Medical Society. From 1901 to 1904 Examiner for the Ontario Medical Council in Surgical Anatomy,' and many students today testify to his fairness and practical treatment to 1110111. If it be true that "the good mein do live after them," then it is a sad evi- dence of man's, inhumanity to than that too often allows the names and deeds of those who by their efforts have lightened human pain and suf- fering and held even death itself at bay to be forgotten and go unwept and unsung. " We have therefore con- ceived and executed this idea of plac- ing this Tablet in the operating room of the ]e?Olinton Public Hospital in honor and memory of our goest to- day,. rather than Dr, Win Gunn, her t n wait until theLord has removed him from his active participation in the grand- est profeeeion •of them all, whose members devote their lives and energy ++++++++++4,44+++++++++++++ +++++4'++++ larm ClOcks No Need to,, be late Mornings One of our Alarms will call you punc- tuallyat whatever time you choose to get up. Our as- sortment includes All the Best Makes Plain and Lumin- nus Dials. Priced from $1.50 to 5.50 J. R. Wendt Jeweler- Wroxeter 44+++++ +++++++++++++++44++ +++'144+'F Custom. Sawin +.1e4.++++8+++++++++++1•+++++++* We are prepared to do Custom Sawing at our Saw Mill a& usual. Ament Bros. BRUSSELS .. oal 2 Cars—Scranton Fur- nace and Nut Coal, Place your order early, $16.50 per ton Delivered.... Phone or see Geo. R. Weller BRUSSELS Until She Started To Take 'Bruit-a-tIYesii The Medicine Made From Fruit H.R. No. 1, Everett, Ont, "I had beea troubled for years with Dyspepsia, LlverandKidneyTrouble, and could not get relief until I started taking Fruit-a-tivee , ''hanks to their beneficial ection,I aur in norelel health again", THOMAS EVANS " Fruit -a -titres" alone can give such happy and. successful rosette because "Fruit-a.tives" is the famous meth. clue made from fruit j uiees and tonics, "Fruit-a-tives" is pleasant to take and will always restore the health when taken regularly as directed. 500. a box, 6 for $2;50, trial size 25c, At dealers or from Fruit•a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. an that noblest calling and walk in the footsteps of that great Physician who healed mind and body before he sought to save the soul.. It should be an easy matter to ay s p tribute to Dr, Gunn and accurately un ceurate y estim ter the admirable traits and qualities of this unusual man, prob- ably born ahead of his time, When I fleet knew hlm he bad a great capacity for work, showing eageroees and en- joyment for his work. I have had adequate opportunity to observe and appreciate these splendid qualities which endeared him to his friends and contemporaries, which gave him se pronounced a place in Canadian Surgery. When we were plunged into war Dr. Gum] was" at 80 age that could have secured hint exemption from ser- vice, ,There; was no reason for him to pat on the uniform and sacrifice his personal feelings and interests. No reason except true patriotism. It was a real duty to be discharged. Be was Surgeon in Bella Huston Hospital, Scotland, where there were 1700 beds and the speaker was present when the Chief of Staff, Gen. Green Wood, re- quested Dr Gunn to do his operation for hernia that had proved so success- ful, He also served in Springburn Hospital, having charge of the most beautiful ward of 98 beds, many being occupied by, Canadians. Also at Col - Chester where there were000 beds and also Pei flat, 1000 beds. He made 1lledicine not only an4rt philosophy. but a He never said too much and thio little was said guarded- lyand cautious] Reused to saygo y, slow and carefully in the presence of Nature, as the Merciful Creator blinds most people as they pass down through the dark valley, that without good reasons temporal or epiritual we should not interfere with His:kind ar- rangements. I feel sure that if every admiring patient to whom he has administered comfort would to -night bring one blossom he would be buried in a wilderness of flowers. It seems to me particularly fittingon this oc- casion of opening the ew Hospital that we should do some honour to him and in doing so do honour to our- selves. A man so faithful, kind and true, What tribute can we pay to you, to • To let you know that all our hearts go out -• • To you, in love, and veneration true. We pray that many years may still he yours. In health, in joy, in peace. Which onlythose can feel who like yourself Have loved their fellow men. And faithfully have served them and their God. Dr. Gunn was a 'born teacher and attracted to him many students due. ing.his active career. These students are today practicing all over the North American contineut and when. visiting Clinton always paya visit to. him to recall many reminiscences, and after visiting foreign.. hospitals and schools always looked back upon the teachings of the old master." Ur. Gunn made•a characterisio reply, and each of those present also spoke in appreciation of the work of the guest of the evening and of his person- al qualities. His 'former students were especially eloquent in their praises of his teaching during their years under his iustrnetion. Ail present seemed to be of the same opinion, that any good we have to say of a man might better be said when he is Alive and can appreciate the kind words of hie friends and any testi. monial in the form of a tablet be placed so that he may see it and realize that hie life and work has been appreciated. Dr. Gunn said in response to the address f "This is all -a very pleasant surprise to rhe. Night before last, Dr. Shaw invited me to meet a few doctors at hie hoose this evening, doetot,s who were intimate friends of as both, and that was all, When I look at this beautiful tablet which Is now unveiled and read lite inscription I don't know Whether I stn in the spirit world or in the flesh. If I am in the spirit world I have 'improved ireatly during my residence. ICI still nhabit the old anatomy it will be necessary for me to live a long and meritorious life in order to measure up to the words of that tablet." He wished to thank Dr. Shaw for the kind and gracious words contained In the 'address ; ;words altogether too generous. Dr, Shaw had been' his most trusted and loyal friend in all hie tvor'k, as an anaestheelot he could always be relied on. Isis reared in this regard 'is not surpassed. Ile thanked Mrs. Shaw and Miss Madelon. Shaw for providiegesuch a sumptuous banquet. Flo was pleased to have this opportunity of meeting doctors,- who were his loyal friends and who sup• ported and encnura ed him in his work. He could not !save carried on wlthoul them; he was especially. grad - fled by the presence of his good friend, P1 Taylor, of tioderlob, the father of the profession In the county of Hntnn, The Huron Medical Association is 'greatly honored by the fact .that Dr, A'aytor was :elected honorary President of tbe Ontario Association, Dr, quirt said that whatever suceees he bad was largely due to bright and capable es• sistante and nurses, Dr, G.andier wee one' of those assistants that Ise greatly v tied -d i latter years ni a t 1 the of s tiering t at rs ! work, 8 y It was with a pardonable pride that he follows the successful career of Its students and nurses and he feels snore than repaid by their gratitude and kindly remembrance, He regretted It death . 6 is betbright- est r ht - t a dee 1 of of 712 s end big eststudents who were called away in the tpldtile,of a successful and honor- able professional career, He wished to thank every otto who had a p set in oontributiug to the memorial tablet, lie said any doctor should feel honor- ed to have such u memorial tablet and to have it placed in the beautiful operating room of the new hospital. He wished to thank the local press for always being kind to 1118 failures and mittakee, The unveiling took place at the can. elusion of a dinner, served to the guests present ; at the (tome of Dr, Shaw. Dr. MacRae—Di. Gunn's service as a medical practitioner Was unique, both as to time and method, for in bath be was a pioneer. For want' years he was the leading surgeon of Huron County and one of the out- standing figures of Western Ontario of the He is generally re aided one 191 C g Y first am aons i n Ontario to pet form removal of the the operation of there o tx t prostate gland. His practice of ob- stetrics has seldom been equalled and never excelled. Practically in every department he was a leader. But why should I dwell at length upon a matter which needs no eulogy of urine to set it in its true light ?. Thou- sands of grateful hearts throughout this county bear testimony to the quality of the Doctor's work. But there is, a matter about which I fuel bound at this time to give expression. I refer to my 2 years' probation under the tutelage of Dr. Gunn. These are among the most cherished possessions of inetnory's storehouse. He, more than any other man, has been the source of inspiration to me in my chosen profession, He instilled into me those principles which must ever be the motives of those to whom has been committed the healing of the body. Whatever measure of success I have attained I. directly to our honored guest," Brussels, .Ont, Dr. Gunn is one of the most grati- fied over the opening of Clinton's up- to-date hospital. Hee the father of hospital work here and well he knows the difficulties under which surgeons worked in the early days. "Many of mymost operations." remark- ed Dr.Gunrecently, wereperform- ed in the farm houses around here, with the aid of a coal -oil lamp and" he added, "more than once I have had to stop in the middle of it to catch the lamp from the falling hand of one who fainted while holding it. It was often too, the one who was sure he could dt� it, who "keeled over." Blyth Councillor Fingland was off duty for 2 weeks through illness. D. D. Cuttenden was here from St. Thomas for a few days. The School Trustees had a Confer- ence with the Council in considering County School grants. Matter will be further enquired into. DQN'T Fflfl[ YOURSELF i CU MUST batmen Iuoubat, or If you are to harsh Oiekene successfully. Of course you want an Incubator that will Install the largest nuns - bee of eggs into the healthiest chicks, T1•U: B1J0KEVA Incubator le better guaranteed, better baeked, better endorsed, better designed, of better mater. felt and better built, and hence hatches more and better chicks thou any other, Buckeye Incubators Built in 7 Sizes 65 to 600 Eggs Sell from $19 to $124 Take the risk out of your Chicken Breeding by buying the one best Incubator—THE BUCKEYE. See Samples at our Store Geo. R. 'Yeller BRUSSELS Dr. Hearn bas been appointed Medical Health Officer at a salary of $25 per year. Station Agent Lyon has purchased the residence of G. E. McTaggart, who is now agent at Watford. "The Feast of Belshazzer" will be presented O'liday evening by the Choral Society in the Memorial Hall. CoaI Coming Car of Stove Coal expect- ed at Ethel Station. $16.00 per ton off car Order Early Please. J. H. FEAR Coal Dealer ETHEL Robt, Wightnian and Wm. Craig ' attended the annual Faire' Aeso, at Toronto, last week as representatives of Blyth Agricultural Society. Geo. E. Wightman, Regina, who bee been renewing old friendships in this 'locality, accompanied by his brother Robert, are enjoying a holiday with relatives at Kingston. E U !nen Ground Bone Will aid in ithe' pro- duction. We can supply you Baeker Bros. PHONE 6 BRUSSELS agemommasica 709r Ford Fredorminnateao Ford .Resources The Ford is the product of a sell -made institution which, over a period of years, has provided dependable transportation for all peoples. Recognizing the value of Ford transportation, these peoples have purchased Ford products in such volume that the sale of Ford cars and trucks equals the sales of all other makes combined. As a result, the resources of Ford of Canada are now over $20,- 000,000. These resources mean ability to buy the best material at a minimum price. They mean the ablhty to organ- ize each process of production, from the purchase of materials to the completion of the finished car, on such a basis that every non- essential operation is eliminated. The economies thus accomplished are reflected in Ford prices which, always consistently low, are now the lowest in history. This is what Ford resources mean to you. See Any Authorized Ford De ler CARS , TRUCKS TR