HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1924-2-6, Page 5Ford of Cana t, h represent. •d by Sake and beret. Slorkm In thefollominponer. etas territories. S. W.Ahiean Protectorate Zanzibar Rhodesia Union of South Afrin Xenya Colony Uganda Tanganyika Cold Coast Nigeria ,yy. Sierra Leone Cambia India Ceylon Burma Straits Settlements Federated Malay Snap British Borneo Btltiwh Samoa Mauritius and Rennins Newfoundland Ftli New CaIoleela British New Guinea AustraliaNew Zealand Aden Nyawland rva ,00atra Dutch Borneo way Ford Predominates The Einpire ire rs From time immemorial,Britons have gone forth and pioneered the remote corners: of the earth. In the face of seemingly insuperable difficulties they have built up a world-wide trade -trade that grew and flourished in spite of the limitations of those primitive burden -bearers, the native carriers, the mule train the and camel caravan. n Ford carries the burdens of of bu d ns Empire trade on the hill -trails India, on theAfricanveldt,on the sheep -stations of Australia and New Zealand, on the plantations of Ceylon and Burma, on the rubber estates of Malaya and on the jungle -paths of Borneo. Universal usage under all these conditions has stamped the Ford as dependable transportation. !Made in Canada far the Empire The Ford canis completely made in Canada with the exception of parts to the value of 815.02. See Any Authorized Ford Dealer CARS TRUCKS TRACTORS Nee BUSINESS CARDS JND, SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED I SWRVI I mxt' t,IWri,rfo D. M. SCOTT" LICIIJi's'I D a ow$`d'8l.'R'R$ PRICES MODERATE 1'for references oanegit nay person whose sales 1 have oflictnted ata Phone 78x or 95 PR. WARPLAW Bonor gradn400 0f she Ontario Veterinary College. Da and night calla, Ouoo MaMasai)lo Flour Mnl, to Day MAUDE 0. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduato Department of Ophthalmology, hto• Cormick Medical College, Chicago, I11, three mouths poet graduate course during year 1019, Eyes apientiaceliy examined, Latest Modern Methods used, fmr'Oroea Eyes straightened through proper- ly fitted Lenses. Satisfaction Assurod.. Omce hours : 10 to 12 a. m. ' 1.00 to. 6 p, px, Saturday evening, 7,00 to 0 o'clock. Phone 26a T. T. M'RAE M. B., M.-0. P.. a S, O, M, 0. H., Village of Brussels, Phyeiotan, Burgeon, Accoucheur Oldoe at residence, opposite Melt Slle Ohnroh, William 'treat. Tr. X. Slieczaza BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - B2USSELS PBOUOEOOT, KILMOHAN & NOLMES Barristers, 9o`.«citoro, Notaries Public, &c. OlUoe lin the Square, 2n,: door from Hamilton Street, GODERICE ONT. Private funds to loan et lowest rates. W. PROUDeooT, K. 0. 3. T, Simone a DUDLaT 13°LMES, JUN, AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind. Ins. COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance Phone 41 Boa 1 Tnrnberry Street, Brueeela ziGa i+'I TrttsJL. dt° B' The Indian Herbalist May be found in the Stratton Block Brussels, Wednesday and 'Saturday of eaclo week until farther notice. Sy` oil 64v.A�.b � ,i W Start Now to Equip Yourself for a Position of Trust ' ELLIOTT Zed. J 4 Yongo & Charles ate., Toronto • Is well known throughout Canada for positions as Private Secretaries, Sten- ographers, Typlata, Accountants. com- mercial Teachers, eta, Graduates in keen demand. Enter any time. .Write for Catalogue, ,W. J. ELLIOTT. PRINOIPAL a'IM X,A7Atag ristiis^Wetti7A'.a'YlA�4 ni;`..u. Q r CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, ONT. prepares young mon and. yona women for Business which to now Canudn'a greatest profession we ussiet gradtt• ate, to positions and they have a prow Elea' training whtoh enables them to meet with eueoes,. Students are reR- lotored each week, Get oar free oat. SgMoque and learn something about our S11 different departments. D. A. M'LAOHLAN, PRIN. ea Or: O. H. McInnes CHIROPRACTOR of Winghn,n, will be at the American Hotoi, Brussels TUnedaY and FridayAfternoons Adivatmonts given for diaeseos of all • kinds, specialize in dealing with . ehlldren. BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels this aeae0n as foiiowa t THURSDAY, JAN. 31, 1924 MAR. 6, 1921:'. APR, 3, 1924. Local nod Outside Buyers will. be Present By Order of OounefL A, H. MAC DONAL Ulettik, til 4++4++'1.4'41' M44, WANTED 44 Registry offee, ${loo; County 'Council, SAYED mors, $g eawh per day and Io genie mCOpls, ons way,. travelled. L4OTQWEL Standard of last week says of the late Jollies Baiaotyne 1--'1'he Motu Listowel friends of James Bat• lautyne, Ifrttssels, learned with sincere regret of ills death on Monday of last week, atter a lingering illness, The de- + '"^-'°"" ceased was a well known football official * Highest market prices and made Inauy friepds wherever he. paid. See Me oe Phone No, 2x, Brno- ' sate, and 1 will call and get your Poultry. M. YoIlick Taal Il etTxh e r FEBRUARY, ARE your bens laying ? ST. VALENTINE'S Day Thursday of next week, Tag Pon' wauts to add 25 subscribers to its list in February. Will you supply one of the number ? THE'reesweter News bas installed a new type setting machine, a model '8 linotype and Bro. Brown will now be in tat class shape to turn out work better than ever, DOING WELL, -Mrs. Robert Hender- son, who underwent a very Critical operation, a few weeks ago. is making favorable progress to the delight of her many friends, She was able to get home from Kitchener mad we hopewill soon be convalescent, New Co. CLERK AND TREASURER IN BRucs.-David Forrester, Reeve of Paisley and a Barrister, was chosen out of 5 applicants as County Clerk of Bruce, to succeed the late Barrister Mal- Courson, There were 42 applications for Co. Treasurership and the lucky man was Allan Nelson, Tiverton. He hag been in the Furniture business of late years. .Salaries are now $toxo and $1800. PALMERsrosi Spectator has a new band at the helm this week, in the per- son of A, D. Anderson, who succeeds G. R. Sbibley, who bas presided for several years. The latter's health is not good but we hope the change will help it, We wish the Spectator suc- cess and welcome Bro. Anderson into the fraternity of this newspaper locality. ATHOL M0QUARRIE, a former member of THE Posr staff. who has been managing Editor of the Huron Signal, Goderich, for past 2 years, has resigned his position and is succeeded by the former Editor, W. H. Robertson, whose health has been greatly improved by his holiday. The Signal is one of the old timers being hi its 74th year, We• wish it continued success. Mr. McQuarrie is a brother to Mrs. R. Oliver and Mrs. '1'. Brown, Brussels, and Chas, McQuarriss, Grey township. . 3 MONTHS IN "Jho." -Stephen Thibi- deau, Blyth, was sentenced by Police Magistrate Reid, Goderich, under sec- tion 15 of tho.Children's Protection Act to 3 months in jail; for neglecting to provide for bis wife and children. lahi• bideau admitted that at times there was no bread and butter 1n the house but claimed he could not get work. 3 months board at the County's expense is not a very severe punishment in the Winter months a good many folk think nor does it do mach for triose in need. OUR SENTIMENT Too. -The Clinton News -Record says :-A man was sen- tenced to three months in jail by Magis- trate Reid, of Goderich, the other day for neglectingto provide for his family. During those 3 months, while the hus- band and father is in jail, being housed. and fed, who will provide for this same family? A wiser plan, In our humble opinion, would have been to have found the man employment put him at it and then see that he stuck to it, handing his pay envelope doer to his wife Nibs .SCHOOL IN90EOTOR.-Many friends in this district will be pleased at the appointmeut of J. Canuon Slathers, M, A„ as School Iuspector of the Dios• koka district, in succession to the late Inspector Scovoli. Mr, Stotbers is a brother of S, B, Stothers, District Agri- cultural representative for Huron County. He was bora itt Ashfield, a son of the late Wm. Stotbers, a former Reeve of Ashfield, He graduated from the Goderich Collegiate Institute in 1904, taught for 5 years in Ashfield and Colborne (at No. g Ashfield and Nos, 7 and 4 Colborne), was an M. A. of Queen's U.Iiversity with specialist stand- ing In Baldish, and had taught in Tor- onto tor s number of years, Lately at the Ryerson school. He was a veteran of the war, having served in the Scottish Highlanders, r5th_ Battalion. His new appointment is from the Dominion Government. SALARIES. -Huron Co, Council agreed that the salaries be as follows: -War- des. $loo ; Treasurer, $7,650 ; Clerk, $r,600 ; Couuty Crown Attorney. $r,aoo ; County Engineer for designat- ed roads and upkeep 0f car, $2.800 County Eegiueer, for County roads, $200 ; Jailer, with fuel, light, etc , $8>0 ; Matron of jail, 1225 1 Jail Phy sician, $..e • TurnkeY+ without extras of fuel, light, etc., 8500 ; Manager County Home, $600; Matron,gounly Horne $400 • Assistant Maton, `8400 Inspector, $300 ; Physician, $400 ; Cbapiafu, $iso; School Iuspe(tOrs, for expenses, each $525 ; Auditors, of Criminal Justice accounts, $5 each per day and to cents a mile, obe way travel- led ; Auditors of County accounts, each $5o; Caretaker of Court house. and FreCCIOI 1 f itmailn • - • �1► •v • Templeton`s itheumatic capsules for RHEUMATISM SCIATICA NEURITIS LUMBAGO TEMPLEr(IIJS TORONTO *,,., For Salo by Jame& Fox was known, and was at the time of his death an official of the W. F. A. x'be many frieuds of the deceased extend sincere sympathy to hie bereaved widow and family to their hour et sorrow, Seatrorth O011egiate re -opened last Monday after the anomie episode, James Arebibald has sold hie resi- dense to J. M. MaMillan. The thaw upset the curlers plans last week for their Bonspeil. Officers of the Rebekah Lodge were Metalled by P. D. D. Sister 00c avis and suite, Seaforth Public Library' received a good puff from the Education Depart- Witt, Toenuto, 9 out of 14 °lasses of Presbyterian Sunday school had a perfect attend- ance credit in 1923, Fordwioh Carnival on the rink was a success, Miss Hamel, Hanover, has been vis- iting in Fordwich. Irlhedust of the earth" is on the Women's Institute. Mies Jean McDonald, Grey town- ship, was visiting Mrs. Lorne Camp- bell. A. 0. Hutchison is home from a visit at Toronto, Grafton aud other poi tate. School at Kurtzville is closed as the teacher, Miss Hawthorn, is quarantin- ed for smallpox. A chest of silver was presented to Mies Mona I. Wood, organist at New- bridge Methodist church, Moncrieft JAMES SPYEa NAMED HEAD TURN- KEY AT LONDON JAIL. -James Spyer, 43 Beaconsfield avenge, London, who has been a turnkey at the Middlesex County jail Chloe February 9, 1922, bas been appointed head turnkey by Sheriff Graham, He succeeds Arthur Wharton, who was appointed High Ooustable for Middlesex by the Coun- ty Council. Mr. Spyer, who is 80 years of age, served 411 years in the war during which time he advanced from a private to a Lieutenant. Dur- ing his term as turnkay.he has proved himself reliable and efficient, and the promotion which he received is merit- ed. John Stewart McLarty, 83 Bech- er street, was appointed by the Sheriff to fill the vacancy on the turnkey staff, due to the promotion. Mr. Mc - !Arty Is 33 years old and served in the army from 1915 to 1917. Later he served in London under the soldiers' settlement board for 13 months. Appointments took effect frotnFriday, when High Constable Whaton took over hie new duties. The appoint. menta were made 'after a conference with Governor Dawson, who accord- ing to Sheriff Graham, favors men who have had military experience, and, if possible, former jail experien- ce. The old friends of Mr. Spyer in Mone ieff locality will be pleased to know he is working his way to the top and hope he may be long spared to do his duty. Mrs. Spyers was Miss Queenie Lewis, 14th Con. of Elmo, township. Atwood The annual meeting of Presbyterian Church was held when -a latge number turned out. Following are some of the receipts during the past years-- Under ear.;-Under the Board of Management, $4,167 32 Missions $1529 08 ; Sab. bath School, $28824 Young Men's Bible Class $20 8? W. M 9 , $618 39; Calder Mission Band, $138 87 ; Youug People's Society, $100.96, On account of many improvements made during 1923, the congregation commences 1924 with a slight deficit. Township of Elmo desiring to avoid Litigation authorized Clerk to com- municate with 0. P. Railway Oo. as to validity of proposed Partridge Drain No. 2 13y -how, and Clerk Lochhead has received Notice from the Company that they withdraw their Notice of Motion to quash the Partridge Drain No. 2 By-law as they tiid not desire to prevent any local imp bvemeutt.? By- law may now be finally passed and work proceeded with during coming Summer. Blyth • Mrs, A. McKellar, Steathroy, is visiting her another, Mirs. J. 13. Taylor, Blyth. Miss McNair, teacher, was called home last week owing to illness of her brother. SO. Andrew's' congregation raised $0741.60 for all parpnses in 1928. $278.81 went to Missions, Telephone rates to subscribers coin butte to be 15 annually as form rl . f e $ Y y OOSnpauy is giving good service The successor to G L McTaggart, 0. N. R ageut here, is Wm Lyon, 1.oitiloaboro', He'll is the bill to a ni°sty. At'Triuity church vestry meeting 0. McClelland and W. T. Stinson were chosen Wardens ; Sidestnen, R. 11. Robinson, Earl Spafford, G. Powell, jr, ; Ross Robinson and J. Tierney. Reresentative to Synod and Vestry Clerk, F, Metcalf.. Inspector Frank Elliott, of the On. toric Provincial Police, with head- quarters atStratfntd, has taken over the otllee at Provincial Pollee Head. quartets 26 Queen's Park, Toronto, vacated by Stuff inspector A. T. Pax• inn, who resigned following the in. gutty into O. T. A. enforcement begun' by Iion, W. F. Ntokle, K. 0 , Attor- ney -General, and whith will be con- tinued next week, Inspector Elliott is Aeting Staff Inspector pending other changes in the Provincial Police which are expected to follow tate con. elusion of the At0orneyGetieral'a in. gniry, Inspector Elliott is a travel- ling officer, with juriodictlon over the O. T. A. staff stationed at various points In ',Vestertt 'Ontario. It is his duty to make a regular inspection of books and receive reports from the AN OPERATION Restored to Health By Takipg "Frnit-a-tives" Made at Fruit Juices and Tonics The most convincing proof of the true worth of "F.ruit-a.tives"e as a medicine for Woman Is found 10 the letters written by them to "Fruit -a. fives", For instances "I suffered with all the symptoms of female trouble, pains low down in the back and sides, constipation and constant headache, A doctor advised an operation. I started taking "Fruit-a-tives" and this fruit medicine completely relieved me of all Day misery" Mrs. U. J. GORSE, '13.0, 60e. a box, 6 for 92.50, trial size 250. At dealers or from Fruit -a -lines Limited, Ottawa, Out, various officers under flim. He is a brother of Editor Elliott, Blyth. Qoderioh Curling is a popular game. There are 37 member's. Lieut.•000. John A. Varcoe bas lived in Colborne townehip for 65 years. A. D, McLean was re -appointed Chairman of the Board of Health. T. H, Mitchell is now in charge of Lhe Dominion Road Machinery Co. Diuggist Wigle M. P. P„ is off this week to opening of Provincial Parlia- ment. Mrs. Thos. McDonald died 'at Port Huron, Jan. 10th. She was a former resident, Burial took place here. Mise Retta Clark', formerly of town, has passed the Medical State Board exam, as nurse with 88i%. She is on Toledo, Ohio, city nursing staff. SENTENCED TO 2 MONTHS. -J. Ben - Cox, a prosperous Colborne town- ship farmer, was before Police Magis- trate Reid here last Friday, for a hearing as to bis assaulting Chas. Bulpitt. a 16 year old English Home boy in hie employ. After hearing the evidence sentence was pronounced of 2 months in Co. Jail, Cox is appeal- ing the case to High Court, Toronto. .and in Lite meantime is out on bail of 31,000. , A big crowd attended the trial. Clinton 42 telephones installed here last year making a total of 247. Miss Ettns, MoBrien has taken a position in the Free Press office Lon- don. Miss Marion Gunn is visiting at the old home bere. She has been over- seas. Asewing machine was presented to the new hospital by E. and Mrs. Mat - tette. The apple stock bought by D. Can- felon, in cold storage, Toronto, has been sold to go to Belgium. Market nothing to brag about. Officers of the Horticultural Society are G. H. David and Reeve Middleton, Hon. -Presidents; F. Jenkins, Presi- dent ; Mrs. W. D. Fair and Miss W. O`Neil, Vice -Presidents ; H. R. Sharp, Secretary -Treasurer. re 35° L U U U a Dozen Ground Bone Will aid in the pro- duction. We can supply you • Baeker Bros. PHONE 6 BRUSSELS 4444444++++++44++ +++4+++++ MONCRIEFf STORE 15 p.c. off for cash ON ALL KINDS OF RUBBERS During February Ra PRATT - - Moncrieff +d'+•t++'t++t'++i'+i•++4•++++'f+++•i•+3•+ Coal 9 Cars -Scranton 'Fur- nace and Nut Coal. Place your order early. $16.50 per ton Delivered. Phone or see Geo. R. Weller BRUSSELS Postmaster slid Afro. Scott will apend, the next month in Florida, We wish them an enjoyable ogle, Our local M. P. P. Trewartha will ' take in the Local Legislature at Tor- onto for the next few weeks or .maybe months, Mrs, (Drf#andler went to Toronto. to attend Otto futlerel of her deice, a daughter of the late Rev. Or, Mae. Donald, of the Toronto Globe, A. former Oltntonian in the portion Of Mieo Lillian Fairfull, whose father was the Baptist pastor here, won the Gold Medal at the General hospital Kingston and Is now asslotant Super- intendent, We congratulate her. Gorrie Mies Beryl Ashton has gone to Lon. don, W. Elliott, Gorrie South, has been eerionsl�yy ill. WS. ()nos has returned to Brighton after a visit at the rectory, Will. and Marie Spotter), Orange Hill, are attending Business College at Toronto. Mrs. Alma Darling Shier. Gorrie, ryas married to J. F Pratt, '1'eewator, on Jan. 241.1). Rev. • T. H. 'Todd per. formed the ceremony at Harriston. Annual meeting of Ilowiok Mutual Fire Insut once Co, will be hel8 in the Town Hall here Thursday, 21st inst. Huron County Teeswater Minstrels will soon be let loose. Cost of Clinton hospital is estimaedt at $40,000. Witagharn will hold an Old Home week in 1921. Saturday of this week Culross Fire Insurance meeting will be ,held' at Teeswater. Freight train crashes into snowplow neat Sudbury and sectionman caught in wreck is burned to death. Ira Mclntnaah, Oljfford, won the capital prize in Farmer's Sun subscrip- tion competition -a Ford sedan.' He secured 700 subscriptions. Andrew Schmidt has been President of Carrick Township Agricultural Society for 16 years. Perth County 691 Bell telephones in Mitchell and vicinity. Jas. Jones, Mitchell, fractured 3 ribs by a fall. There are 44 rural schools in South Perth and 45 teacher's. Perth 0o; prndueed hogs to the value of 32,000,000 in 1923. $862;360 will be spent in 1924 on. Provincial roads in Perth Co. Several cases of mild type of small- pox in Mornington township. Nearly 5000 hogs were shipped from Milverton in 1923 by I. D. Atkin. 6,}x81 inches was size of Ancona hen's egg owned by R. Gibson, Mitchell Mrs, Jennie Smith, 18th Con.FFut.larton had the misfortune to fail and fracture her hip. Marion, the young daughter of Mlrs, Win, Gilpin, St. Marys, was badly bruised about the face when she was struck by a cutter. Miss Sarah Gilpin will take over her store now occupied by R. hi. North - grave, Sr. Marys, where site will put in a stock of shoes. Jas. Hodgson has put hydro lights into his house on the edge of the vil- lage of Granton. Mr. Hodgson and 2 sons put in the poles and did the wiring themselves. prearaoweasieweeseeersesonaseeso !?! B qac keys Colony Brooder Grows Three Chicks 0 Where harm Before Greatest Coal Burning Brooder Ever Invented Self -Feeding Self -Regulating Everlasting MADE IN TWO SIZES No. 18 With No. 42 Hover capacity - any number of newly hatched chicks up to 500. No. 19 With No. 52 Hover capacity - any number of newly hatched chicks up to 1000. Buckeye Incubators made in Seven Sizes SEE US ABOUT THEM Geo. R. Weller, BRUSSELS 8 cases of smallpox are reported at Milbank, Mrs. M. Dunbar, Miss Myrtle McLennan and Miss Vera Fowtngs. Dr. Shaw is busy vaccinating people. Poole school was closed as Miss. Jack, the teacher, was quarantined for smallpox. A very sad affair occurred at the home of D. and Mrs, .Lebold, Welles- ley, when their 8 year-old son fell backwards into a pail of hot water, which was standing on .the floor, scalding itself so severely that within a few hours the child passed away. Theta is a by-law on the books of St, Marys prohibiting the use of fire- arms within the corporation but ap- parently 60nte young bloodsare not aware of this fact. Clerk Jameson, Blanchard, who has completed 86 years of Municipal Clerk- shipp, after reading the minutes of the 1923 Council informed the Board, that with reading of said minutes, bis duties as Municipal Clerk ceased. It was therefore necessary as their first duty to appoint a Clerk for the year 1924. He was reappointed. onder Kidney, Stomach Tonic xia1ly Advertised F. R. SMITH, Brussels and by a good Druggist everywhere