The Brussels Post, 1924-1-30, Page 1J a4' hi 8RlJSSRLS, ONTARIO, WRDNRSDA,r, ,JANUARY 30, Z9 • Saving is an instinct with every well balanced man.Nothin8 helps to save like a savings account.The Bank of Nova Scotia will welcome: your account You can start. it with any small sum.Once st4rtectit- . will grow both by interest earnedand your added savin s. iiHE ank of Nova Scotia ESTABLISHED 1882 Paid-up Capital $ 10,000,000 Reser o - - 10,600,000 Total Assets - 210,000,000 G. A. MOWAT, . Manager, Brussels 23-0 New Adreirti•sements Coal coming -J. H, Near Nor salel--Dt, Gnklneoa Auction Sale -E, A. Dixon -' Box Soolal-Walton School Accounts due -David Attlee Store to runt -I. O. Richards Discount on Rnbhera-R. Pratt leua!tBt. Vontio'o sale-Agnes Mill. Buckeye Incubators -G. R. Weiler Notion to Creditors -R, T. Miller estate The colonel's Maid -Women's Institute Orp;-,,ate of the Storm -Family Theatre Piano !honing-Hotntzman Representative pxshic± .ci s Blyth FO'wLRR-PAYNIE.-At high noon on January 20th, the rectory, Blyth, was The scene of a Happy event, when Alfred Anthony Fowler, Winchelsea and Miss Pearl Payne, Jamestown, were united in boly matrimony by Rev, W. B, Hawkins. The young couple were attended by the bride's brother and sister, Mies Gertrude Payne and Cecil Payne, Jamestown, Bolgrave Thursday evening of last week a number of the Young People of the League of the Methodist church drove to the home of Stewart and Mrs, Procter, where a fine time was enjoyed at this hospitable home. Next Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Jones will prenoh his farewell ser- mon itt the Presbyterian church here before his removal to Oro, It will M- en be Communion, General regret is expressed over the retnoval of Rev, and Mrs. Jones, They have filled a large place and will DM greatly missed by both the church and community, Preparatory service will be held Fri- day afternoon at 280 p. 1n. Annual Coal 2a S C r t s cra non Fur- nace and Nut Coal. Place your order early. $16.50 per ton Delivered, Phone or see Geo. R. Welder 1311,1JSSELS h Methodist t ChurC h ETIH EL. CI ROU1 r Regular servic esvi be cand rt e• ed next Sunday s : as foil. -. w ROE'S 10.30 a. m UNION 2,3o p. m. ETHEL 7,00 p. nn, Sacrament Will bo administered In Roe's and ,Ethel Ohurohee next Sunday Official Board Will meet itt Ethel on Monday, Feb. 4th, at 280 p. m. Congregational meeting was held Monday afternoon when reports of a successful year were presented. Church union was one of the live topics discussed. . Ooderich CRajGIE-0AMPBRLL.-A wedding of much local interest was celebrated eatly Wednesday morning of last week at St. Lawrence, the home of Mrs. Christy Campbell, when Rev. R, 0. McDertnid,astor of Knox Church, united in.marriage m loge bliss Christy Mc- Auley Oampbell to John William Oraigie. The bride, who was unat- tended• was attired in a smart French travellingsitit,of sand shade, small brown bat and squirrel fur. Her cor- sage bon uet was of Sweetheart roses and lilies of the volley. Mrs. Fred. Oraigie, sister-in-law of the groom, played the wedding march for the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Craigia left 0n a honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Washington, D. 0. The groom, who is an insurance'and real estate dealer, is a prominent man about town, beiug a member of the public school board and a director of the Goderich De- velopment Company and Dominion Rand Machinery Company, elms RETux+:NDD.-Orown Attor- ney Charles Seager, K 0., is in close communication evitb the department of Deputy Attorney -General Bayley in connection with the nature of the charge to be brought against Benson J. pox, Colborne township farmer, employer of the late Mattes el3u1- pits, who hanged himself on Decem- ber 22nd. Mr. Seager indicates that itis his intention as an individual to secure several copies of the entire evidence taken during the 6 sittings of the recent inquest into the boy's death before Coroner Dr, Hunter and for- ward them, together with his views of the case as It affects itntnigration, to the proper authorities, and to mem- beta of Parliament as well: Me. Seeger returned ed to L anbeth Eng- land, gifts which have bean received v d for the boy from his family since the Coal Comin Car of Stove Coal expect- ed at Ethel -Station. $16.00p er ton off car Order Early Please. J. 1' -Ii. FEAR Coal Dealer ETHEL CAR OF Screenings eoming to Ethel A. car of Standard Seeeenin s it expected at Ethel Station in a few days, Special Pelce off Oar Place your orders early, Jnow Pearson Phone 8012 ETHEL ay o his tragic death, the brother, Walter Bulpitt, sent hits a silk scar!' ; tnotber and grandmother, Mrs, Charlotte Smith, it poetof lee order for 5 ehiibttt4s ; hie slater, Miee Hilda Bul- pitt and bey fiance, Jaynes Mali to whom she wee to be married on February Sid next, sent hien a silver watch, Crown Bttorney Seagerilsj in receipt of lettere from all parte of the Dominion In regard to the case,' Biuevale r1 BI v e n ale Women's Institute t utv wiit give a concert in the Foteetev's' Hall on Feb. 4th. It will take the frim of a Contest, Mrs 0, H. Gambia and Mrs. W, Leggatt, being eeptains. The judges will be asked to decide as Ore which side gives the better pro - Braun. Much inteteet is being taken in the contest, Owing to the stormy weather, the Literary Society did not hold a meet- ing on Friday evening, The proposed program,, will icluding an interesting given on Friday even- ing Feb, 8th. There will be no ad- mission charged and everyone is in- vited to enjoy, the meeting, Moncriefr Did you see R. Peatt's proposition for February ? Me community has been under- going numeroue ohanges of late but we hope it will bring the good results hoped for, Some talk of ohanges in our church connection. We would be sorry to part with Rev, Mr. Chandler as pastor. Some say we might form a charge with Cranbrook and others say our dentin tion is Moukton-ward. We may know tore about it later. Atwood The Star Grocery, owned by B. T. Greensides & Son had a basket of small frozen fish and one large one stolen early Saturday evening. Late Saturday night or early Sun- day morning rho barber shop and poollroomowned by Walter Thomp- son was broken into. Cigars and bil- liard balls were taken by the intruder. Miss Ada Parker underwent au operation Monday of this week. She has been poorly for some time. We hope she will soon be able to be about. Mrs. Thos, ho , Corry, and daughter, formerly of Brussels, arehere from Sheffield assisting in waiting on Miss Parker, Walton If you want a real goad time Friday evening of this week the Box Social, in the A. 0. U. W. Hall will give you a chance. It will do you good to at- tend. See the advt. regarding it. We are more than pleased to Dote that our old townsman, John W. Morrison, has been made assistant Engineer in the Valuation Depart- ment of the Canadian National Rail- ways, with headquarters at Toronto.. The Grand Trunk lines in the United States and Laetern Canada are in their charge. J. W., is not looking after his numerous Walton friends very well as he has not been here since July 1922. What's the matter Jack 2 Wroxeter Selby and Mrs. Dobbs returned to their home in Becton last week. Mrs. Herbert Henning was called to Bolton last week, owing to the sudden death of a brother, A. J. Edgar has installed a 24 inch Robinson Grinder and is prepared to do first-class custom work. Wroxeter Dramatic Club presented the play 'The Colonel's Maid," in Biuevale Thursday night. Mrs. Alex. McDougal has gone to Sandusky, Mich., whets she will spend some titre with relatives., A good crowd witnessed the Hockey match between Fordwich and Wroxeter teams, played in the rink here Thursday evening. The y score g was 6-1 in favor of the visitors, AltOra. Jack k Rolstons wa Referee. The annual meeting of the share- holders, of the Wrmxater Rural Tele- phone Co. was held in the Town Hall Wednesday of last week and was well atten dad. The e 9 n tliC r9 of 1923we re e• 1 PCt d. They are 3-res' den D. 0. Sanderson , Seo. -Treasurer, Miss 1+. P. liniment) ; Directors, Jas. 1)ouglis, Albert Gallaher, Alex. Mc - Reveller and (Sevin Davidson, Ceti - teal office is In the capable bands of R. J. Hann and bis assistants, Misses a1. Sproal end S. Rasmussen. Ethel AM, persons indebted to me by neoeunt, or Past dna notes, moat settle them by malt or IOW notes at onoe or they will be placed in Court for oolitic tion, DAvto MtrNA, Ethel, Ont, How's your coal supply ? See J. .13, Feat's advt, in thio issue. Township' Council met here last Monday. Next regular meeting Mon- day, Feb.11th, 'We are sorry to state Mrs, Joe, Nicholson has been seriously ill with pleurisy but is improving at the tine of writing and will soon be Ae spry as evet' we hope. Novelo e U 210 Y t'`tv'1 h tl a Ant on in the Methodist chtuob, '1'itnrsday, Feb, 14th by the Trustee Board of the church, Keep tab on the date rind watch for particulars, 10 will moon be titne to decide about Foot Ball sport for 1024. We have lost come hoys and others seem to think they are gaffing in the "Old man's class" but a lively 11. should be got together to wear Ethel colorer, :. ,J, M. Sletntuou was at Whtghtun last leridgy attending a eeaeion of W tnghant District .Executive of Young Peopler:' aet.ivitiesIn counter- lion onnection with the Methodist churches, He takes it deep interest hi this branch Of serviee. "The Colonel's Maid eotne!d',y in 3 sets By 0, Leona Dalrymple Will be given by the Young People of Wroxeter in the OPERA HOUSE BRUSSELS Thursday, February 7th Under auspices of the Brussels Women's Institute Concert Commences at 8 o'clock.' Adults 85e. Children 25c. Mrs. Harold $noir, Mrm A. Latnonl, President Secretary +++++++4'++++++++++++I++++++i' The proceeds of the "Home Ties" entertainment Tuesday evening totalled $30.0Q. It gave good sotiefac- tion and the performers did their re- spective parts in A 1 style, The 'Women's Institute had a good time at the home of Mrs R. Dilworth, Thursday of last week. A fine paper was given by Mrs. McKee on, "Home and Country Mrs. T. K. Halls read ing was enjoyed by all. Home tnanagement stirred up a spirited dis- cuasion. Pie crust demonstration was on the program. A Bazaar will be planned for this year. Mrs. Dilworth served lunch and an extra good cup of tea. It was en interesting meeting. Why weren't you there ? Grey Council met last Monday. Miss Alice Booth, London, was a visitor at the home of Robe and Mrs. Baker, 9th Con., last week. Miss Jean Turnbull, wha is a student at the Western University, London, is home for a brief holiday this week. We are pleased to have David and Mrs. Ritchie, of Zelandia, Sask,, with us once more. They are welcome visitors to old scenes, Thursday evening, Feb. 14th, a Novel Concert will be presented by the Trustees of Ethel Methodist church. Dont miss it. The snow storms gave some folk a real good excuse to extend their visits. They should be made earn their board by assisting in doing some of the chores instead of toasting their shins by the fire, At the special meeting of Grey Township Conned, held last Monday at Ethel, Silas Johnston, 15th Con., was chosen Assessor for 1924. He should fill the bill all right. There were 11 applicants. Welcome visitors to the homes of John and Baxter Stevenson, lith Con , were Jas. Stevenson, of •Mon- tana, and Miss Jeanette Roadhouse, Stratford. It is 32 years since the former visited these parte. He also visited with relatives at St. Marys where he lived orginally and from whence he moved to Miunesota, going to Montana 0 years ago, where he farms a large tract of land and has prospered. This was Miss Roadhouse's fleet visit to these parts and she will be welcome back. r. PRESENTATION, --Wednesday even- ing of last week some old score neighbors are and friends of latneet and Mrs Carditf invaded their home, Queen Street, Bensaele, for an old time house warming and they were not disappointed. Shortly after ar- rival the host and hostess were sum- monedu a d bliss Mar1 try read re d the following address and Was, Stephenson, D Brewer, J. Bowman and J. Yuill presented a half dozen fine oak dining room chairs :- 51e. syn MRS ERNEST 0ARnirlr, D1t,R FRItrDs-We, a number of old friends and neighbors, have called on you this exerting to enjoy a social hour in your new home and to express our congratulations and good wishes. It is our pleasure to make the ae- quaintaucs of Mrs. Cardiff and bid her it hearty welcome. We hope noany happy, prosperous years may boours y as Your travel life's pathway together. By way of proving that we have been to see you, instead of leav- ing a Society palling Card, we wish to present you with a set of dining !'00111 chairs, One wish is that the table mend which they ate placed may never know a leak year and that your guests may always value you for your realErtl w answe do Other et Chh IPA may be added ed to your household hold 1 ni ent in m the yearsto q p y some but none that will have behind them heartier gond wishes for your emcees. We subscribe ourselves now and al- ways, TOUR mum:tnons AND, FRIENns. Bruasele, Jana 10th, 1024 Mr. Cardiff made a neat little speech in reply for Mrs. ,Oardiff' and himself thanking the folk for their good wishes and splendid -gift kind hoped fol' years of old time friendehip, The. evening was well Riled itt with games, music, encial chat, tasty hunch and tripping the 'light fautnstie. When the hour for departure arrived thanks Were returned for the goad time en- cr. t'M•i-h4'+++44+'h+++++4.4-1-1-H'•H4 MQNCMIEFM gTOIF 15 p.c. off for cash ON ALL KINDS Off RUBBERS During February R. PRATT - Mundell 104.444-1.++++++++++44.1.++ +++++ joyed and many a wish for the success of elti, and Mrs, Cardiff, It is said during the party plane were discussed about other folk setting up 'house- keeping before long but as Duna., Dave, Jack and some of the restdon't want anything said about it get we will comply with their wishes. This is Leap year, you know girls, some of those tardy bachelors should be stirred up and the people given a chance to present some more chairs. before the `Vintefeis past, Jamestown Last Monday afternoon the auction sale of farm stock, irnplemente,&o,, took place belonging to the estate of late R. F. Miller, The beat wishes of the community are extended to A, A. Fowler•, of Winchelsea, Huron Co., and his bride, Miss Pearl, eldest daughter of Bernice and Mrs. Payne, of this locality, Marriage took place last Saturday at the rectory, Blyth. Morris Measles are on the program in a number of homes, Morris news items are 'always wel- come at Tan POST. Council minutes may be read on page 5 of this issue. The rough weather rather played havoc on some of the Auction Sales that were on the program last week. Selly. Bros, auction sale postponed frem Friday on account of the stormy weather was held Monday afternoon of this week. A fine young' Hereford bull was sold by Aethur McCall, 8th litre, to Frank Little, Londesboro. Mr. McCall is re- taining the old herd bull for use of his own herd. James Ireland, an old and well known resident of the 8rd line, has gone to Stratford for a visit at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, H. W. and Mrs. Glazier, Mrs. Joseph Clegg and Master Jack, 501 line, Morris, visited the former' e mother, Mrs. G. M, Farquhar of the Base line, Hullett, for a few days Mre, Farquhar hae come to spend the Winter with Mrs. Clegg. Dut» IN BNGLaxu.-Tuesday of last week Miss Florence Cook, 4tee line, received the sad news of the death of her youngest brother, Albert Edward Cook, who passed away on January 8th, in Newport hoepital, England, where he had undergone an operation for cancer. Deceased was in his 42nd' year. There are left to mourn his demise aetvife and 8 children, besides his parents, 6 sisters and a brother, W. H,, who was a former resident of this locality, WAR VETERAN DIES, -Thomas G. Wilkinson died at Byron Sanitorinm at the age of 24 years, He was a son of the late Dr. J. N. Wilkinson, for many years Reeve of the township of Huron. He was born in Ripley, and educated in the Public and High schools there. During the war, he enlisted as soon as he was of age, And setved with Ottodna ' C than fences ' CC In France and Belgium. After Af a thesigu- ing ai u- ins o£ the armistice, Mn Wilkinson returned to Canada, and was in the employ of the F. E.' Coombe Com parry, Kincardine, for a considetable time. m His health having impair- ed in been ai - P ed b war service, he became me 60r;Ona• i ill y some months ago, and about 6 weeks ago was admitted to Byron for treatment. Mr, Wilkinson is surviv- ed by bis wife, mother, one sister Kathleen, and a brother' Morris. De- ceased was a relative of C. B Wilkin - Son, a well known resident of Morris township. OnrrttARY.-The angel of death visited the home of Win, H. Watson, Redclie. Alta„ on Tuesday, Jan, 22nd, and called his devoted and. beloved wife, at the age of 71 years. Mrs. Watson had contracted a severe cold and t i this developed into pneumonia, 1)eceased,.wbo had not been it good health for some tltne,was not sufifl Iently strong to stand title ad- ditional strait and gradually weaken- ed. Besides her busband deceased leaves to mourn Iter loss a family of 4 daughters and 8 sons. They are :- Mrs, Jont+e and Mrs, Penrose, Min- neapolis 'Mra, Jackson, Seven Per - sonsAlta, and Mrs, BI oke. London, Ont. The 80118 are J 11., Gladstone, Man. i Wm. HoumLo 1 r, Texas, and Hugh at home, The funeral took place on Jan. 24th to the beautiful HilieIde cemetery of Medicine Rat, conducted by her pastor, Rev, T. S. Paton, The family were all present excepting Mrs, Blake and Win. Kincardine hasorganized a new braes Band. ' F. J: Bill is Chairman of Wingham Public School Board for .1924.'e The Matthewsrn proposed By -Law 00 guarantee $25,000 has been with- drawn. There were some things too Much like a.yarn, le is valid Box Social WILL BE HELD 1N FIE A. 0, U, W, HALL WAI TQNV —ON— friday Ev g Feb. 1st Under auspices of Public School Good Musical and literary Program will be presented. Adults 25e Children 15c Ladies with Boxes admitted Free Fine Time Expected. R. HOOD,: Principal Walton School .11101011. Canadian News Profit made by the Manitoba liguot commjesion In the last 'three mouths will amount to $400.000, Miss Gertie Whitely, while riding horseback over a trap line through the woods near Menock was mistaken for a moose and fatally shot by a Menock farmer named Baker. Mise Whitely was visiting a sister at Men- ock, A United States cow and a Canadian cow are now equal holders of the world's heifer record for butter out- put. Princess A.gge Polk Dot Dekol has reached the pinnacle of production in the United States with 1,800 pounds of butter, with a higher recoro as a cow, Lady Roberts Oa{enthe owned by J. B. Hanmer, of Norwich,' who recently sold her to be ehipped to Japan set a similar record and wade over 1,400 pounds of butter in her, second butter producing year. An action for $6,000 damages has been instituted by Miles McDougall, an Indian residing on the Caradoe Reserve, against Dr. W. Woods, Mount Brydgee, and Principal S. 10 McVittie, of the Mount Elgin Indian Institute, for damages for death of the plaintiffs daughter, which, are claims, was caused by neglect. At the time of the death of Mies Mc- Dougall various charges were made and an investigation took place, but the defendants were finally exonerat- ed. Don. Gow, a 19•year-old youth whose home is on Pelee Island, in Lake Erie, 18 miles out from the main- land, left Kingsville Thursday fore - neon to walk home across the ice, and has not since been seen. Itis now con- sidered certain that he perished in the terrific gale and blizzard that swept over the lake on Friday. Searchers have been unable to venture out be- cause the ice has turned to slush, and the going is fraught with too much peril. Gore carried neither extra clothing, fuel nor food, and, sol far as known, he possessed no compass. The stork travelled with No. 2 train of the C. N. R. Continental Limited from Vancouver to Montreal which arrived in Ottawa Sunday afternoon of last week at 420, blanketed with frost and delayed ten hours by extreme polar weather. While the engine was fighting against the elements between Smith's Falls and the Capital, Mrs. E. Skehao, who wastravelling from the West with her husband ba d to viait her father at 184 Isabella street Ottawa,gave i g v birth to a bouncing baby girl She was at- tended by a French woman passenger, as there was no doctor on board the train,r M s Skehan and her baby a were taken Luke's p to St. Hospital on arrival at Ottawa and both are doing well. Oliver Robertson, keeper of Castle Ilubeetson, Norfolk county's jail,got the aback of his life when a respect- able appearing citizen presented him- self at the jail, Simeoe, and, armed with letters of commitment from the Police Magistrate at Dunnville, de- manded admission to serve a 7 days' sentence. The man explained that he had been convicted for running an automobile when under the influence of liquor, but that, being sick at the time, the Magistrate had allowed him to stay at horse until cared, on condi- tion that he went to the jail wben he fait lit to stand imprisonment. Tile roan carried out bis part of the bar- gain, This is the first time in the memory of the keeper of the county jail that he had been called on to re- ceive a guest unaccompanied by any .Meer of the law. Huron County Mrs. P. Gardiner is Seorotaryp- Treusurer nfthe Bivtli School Board. Sheds a member of tate Boat d. Nick 01'diay,, employed at R. 7. Bultnh's meat shop, Lnrknow, had the misfortune to fall on slippery ice and sustain a ftaeture of the knee cap, Mies (';,tri, daughter of John land Airs. Cit, ,. Whiternttrrh, W mar- ritd rera • Iv,at50 Marys to Fred. G. Ilat'r7-', + , tit rt 1 .1911, She luta the best tvislhes of many Whitechurch frititds, 'Phe young couple will reside in St, Marys. W, ,1. RRRR, Profrieleor Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing attended to promptly, Pitbne orders at once to Sex Brussels, Heintzman Representative Fled. Glu'trsll, well-known frtlit4 grower killed by own gun on huntiug+i trip near Hamilton, Judge W. B, Chandler of the Now Brunswick Supreme Court, died sud- denly here early this morning. Postmaster James Matthews of Acton has received a. complimentary letter from the Postoi'llee Department at Ottawa, He Ma been Postmaster et Acton for over 68 years, and is still hale and hearty and always on the job, Robert Paulin, a former resident of Whtgham, died at the home of his daughter, Mts. B. T. Jenkins in Re- gina, on January 6th. He was 81. years of . age, Since leaving Wing- ham he had resided in Wroxeter be- fore going to the West. At last annual meeting of Wing - bum Horticultural Society rho follow- ing officers were elected : Hon, Prts., Jno, Joynt, 11. P. sP. ; Icon, Vices Pres„ . W. A. Galbraith! ; Pres., R. Vanetone ; 1st., Vire-Pres„ Miss E. Gilchrist ; 2nd Vice -Pres„ Dr. Be 0. Redmond ; the following directors were elected for a term of 2 years : Dr, M. 0. Calder, J. A. Wallace, Mrs. E. Isatd, Mrs. Geo. Spotton, and Miss M. E, Fishier. The other morning when sidewalks were very slippery and the boys were skating on the streets everywhere, 13. Miller, an old euetemer of eL D. Mc Kenzies's store, Lncknow, walked hu and stood by the stove to warm himself and chat with Mr. Mcreenzie. This veteran is 114 years of age and still going string. Soon another veteran of 88 year%, Jimmy Hunter, briskly stepped in and joined the com- pany around the stove. In a few minutes Robert Carrick, aged 82 years came in and these 3 pioneers, whose ages combined was 249 years, stood around the stove chatting then walked over the slippery sidewalks. Not many towns could boast throe man as active as these at their age. Church Chimes Annual congregational meeting of Melville church will be held Wednesday evening of next week at 8 o'clock sharp. Qarteed :a the rlMethodistnchurCommuion chh observ- ed at rI a. m. Official Board will meet the following Tuesday evening. There are now 0 charges vacant in Maitland Presbytery, viz, Molesworth, Cranbrook and Ethel, and Beigrave and Calvin with a probability of more. Sunday morning :Paul's letter to the Epbesiau church gave the pastor of the Methodist church a good theme to drive home plain truths. Evening topic was "Lot's choice. The new Cameronian, of the Cunard line, will sail from E.ew York, on June eth next to carry the World's Sunday School delegates direct to Glasgow. where the big Convention will be held. Delegates will occupy the available pas. Sanger space. Last Friday afternoon the District Committee on Circuit Boundaries in connection with Methodistcburohes on Wingham District, met in the Parson age, Wingham, and discussed' and rec- ommended certain changes and areal. ganations regarding g circuits. These proposals will be before the Quarterly Boards of these charges for their ex- pression of opinion and will be advanced another step at the. District meeting next May. IE approved recommondas. tions will be dealt with finally at the London Conference, to be held in Windsor early in Juno, In MelvilleSa Burch last Sabbath batt! morn » ingpastor,continuing the co nt nu ug the study 00 the Prophecy of Isaiah, spoke from chapter to, verse 15 on the subject of the "Art and the Artifice," showing the futility of boasting of possessions or accomplishments and emphasizing tbe fact that the possessions which we have, the opportunities that come to us should be regarded as coming from God who makes us his instrument in the use of these and that life's ultimate purpose should be to do everything considering ourselves instruments in the hand of God for thelaccomplishment of Elis puts, pose. At the evening service pastor took as his subtest "The enthusiasm of infirmity," basing his remarks on Luke m 6: 19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him, for . there went virtue:out of Bine and healed them all." In spite of the inciemency of the weather, a fair number attended the an,. dual day of Prayer service in connec- tion with the W. 0. T, U„ which wee held in the Pre,byterlan church, Friday afternoon, Mrs, McGuire, the President, presiding. Au especially happy spirit seemed to prevail, and like the apostles of old, those present could say 'It is good for us tobe here," for the promise seams verified d er eci that wham two or three 080ereatl d g t together in M g name, My m there am I iu the midst of thein." Pert of this atmosphere was brought about by the foot that practically everyone took part in prayer. that for which they had conte together, or itt the service of song. In conneotiot with the latter, Mies Carrie Hingstou.sang a 8010 and Mrs. McLeod and Mrs, Clouse a duet, both of which were beautifully rendered, Mrs, Archin McDonald very effectively read the Lord's own prayer for Himself and His disciples in the eeth Chapter of John.. Reports were` also given on T the work of the W, C. T. U, and the gnostion of a Content was discussed, Altogether those present felt that a blessing had come to them hu braving the storm to be present.