The Brussels Post, 1924-1-23, Page 8Store Purest Epsom Rohs The hind it] the Rattnd Tin pkg, IP stud 250, You can he assured the Quality is the :hippest. Oche co ugh Syrup Is a Safe, pleasant and Reliable Remedy for Coughs and 4'olds. 35Cand TQC. Purest Glycerine and Noss Water For Chapped Hands enc bots. Rexall God liver 011 Emulsion Builds Flesh and Is a good Tonic—see & $1,00 Rose Glycerine $Qa.p .* 2 large Cakes, 25a Lunch Kits Complete with Plot Vacuum Bottle $2.25 _jaded Cold Cream or Jnnteal Camhinatine Cream 50c Jars Horehound Candy 35C lb, Formolid Throat Ease roc and 25c Paraforrnic Throat Loze26 gars Good Remedies Rexall Cold Tablets ' - 25e Wampole's Cod Liver 0i1 - $1.00 Dreeo Bots, 3.25 Scott's Emulsion 65e & L30 Milk of Magnesia Large bottle - 50e Laxative Bromo Quinine 80e Toilet Needs Cream of Violets, bots. 85c Lemon Cocoa Butter Lotion - bats. 35c Almond Bloom Cream 60e Three wRice Powder 900 Lorie Liquid Shampoo 50e Peroxide Face Cream 25c Rexall Cold Cream 20e & 35c F. SMTH '77e✓�wa Store Druggist and Stationer Taal. DID you read the new advt. of W. D. els Items p g 5 WHAT ahout early chicks? G- R, Wel- ler's Advt, should be of interest to you. "Orphans of the Storm," Saturday and Monday evening's at the Family Theatre. LOCAL and District news on pages 4 and 5."THx POST gives the news" is no fable. How is your coal supply ' Couple of cars expected at a nearby date by G. R. Weller. See his.advt. SOME. neighborhoods are bragging about "clutches" of early chicks. Are there any record breakers around here ? Dor'T neglect to read the advertise.. meets. A dollar or so saved every week by keeping tab on bargains offered is. surely worth while. Tex sale of home made Baking last Saturday afternoon, under the direction of St, 'John's church Guild, was quite a success. It was held at Miss Mary Ross' store, ALEX STRACHAN recently invested in a Yorkshire terrier—the 3rd to carry the name of Dewey, the predecessors going out by.. the accident route, The new canine attracts the attention of mbre than the kiddies, who are greatly taken with "the dear little dog." D. O. Ross was re-elected Cbairman of Brassets School Board for 1924 He has been associated with school affairs here for the past 28 years and has ma0i- fested deep interest in the cause of education that is commendable, Miss Florence. Buchanan was re.appoi0ted by School Board to a seat at the Public Library Board. ROBERT T WINSTON DECRASED—Satnr- day of last week Robert Johnston pass- ed away, at bis home in Toronto, in his wet year. Funeral took place Monday in that city. Deceased was a former resident of Brussels for some years; when. he was inlpartnersbip with "Tot" Cocb rane in the Monument business, He is survived by bis wife, a son, Ivan, and daughter,; Mrs, Bell. Mr. Johnston was a member of Brussels 1, 0 0 F. Lodge and were remembered. He had been in poor health for some years. Old friends here sympathise with the bereaved. by announcement in another column it will be seen that Joseph Edmund Seott passed away at Aylmer, Ontario, on January 5th, in his 'sand year and was buried from his late home, Talbot. street, on the 8th fust„ interment taking place in Aylmer cemetery. Local in - from tercet is felt to Mr, Scott'sdecease the fact that his wife Was a Former resi- dent of tbis locality, is the person of Miss Lihble Ball and old friends here will sympathise With her in her widow- hood, There are no children in the family. Mr, Scott was a fine spirited man, enjoying the ,esteem of a wide oirele, ExrasasE5 THANKS,—The following note from Fort William, written in the handwriting of our former Brusselite, B, Gerry, speaks for itself :—We Wish to express our most hearty thanks to the members of Brussels Methodist church congregation for their kindly greeting and expresssion of goodwill to me on my Both birthday. Mrs, Gerry joins me in r.his. In thinking over the members of No. 2 class, Mr. Gilpin writes that Mrs. Gilpin: and himself, are among the few left. I remember W. H. Maunders and S. Carter and Wife ss in the number, We used to walk In company together hat now we go single handed, The Gerry Camillo here are well as usual. Wishing one and ail Of the old friends Goodspeed. I am, oure Very Truly, B. GERM Fort Wiitialu, rannaryr8ah, 1924. Hamel on a e this week ? He has a surprise for yon. 120 below zero on Monday, It telt like twice that wben you were facing tbe b'izzarddy bluster. De PARKER. Wingbam, left on Moo - day for Daytona, Florida, where he will visit for 4 or 5 weeks. He hopes to re. some his visits to Brussels on his return. UP we RDS of moo loaves of baker's bread are conveyed some days on certain mail routes from Brussels. It is a good recommend as to the staff of life turned cot from our bakeries, FOR SAL'S-2 young cows to freshen about Feb. 1st, Lets 9 & 10, Con. 4, Morris. Phone 9218. A. PtmoTER. Goon Young Cow for sale, will freshen at nearby date. R. A, BTRADSHAW, Phone 1712 Lot 20, Coo, 0, Mortis, 4 Connor Paps for sale, a month old. Apply at TRE Pon. Goon milk cow for male. Will freshen in about 2 weeks, Phone 845. Roy BALL, FOR SALE.—Masaey-Barris tractor 1222 h. p. n 8 -farrowed Verity plow, 1 Maple Leaf 20 inch grinder and 118Inch oat roller. All in good working order. JAMES Mronr$, Brussels, R. R. 0. Fon SALs.-1 baggy, 1 cotter and one set light harness, all In good condition, 3100 w111 boy the lot. The outfit may be seen at Wroxeter. Write to Box 100, Clinton. COMBONTAELE house and e, acre lot for sale on Flora street, Brassets. Good stable small fruits, &c. Good neighborhood. Early pos- session. For further particulars apply on the promisee. Phone 78. MARY A, BOLT. CARD OP THANKS,—We wish t0 ex- press our thanks to the many neighbors and friends, not forgetting the Odcl Fel- lows Lodge, for kind deeds, beautiful flowers, &a, in connection with the ill- ness and demise of Mrs. Walter Smith. It was appreciated beyond expression, Yours Thankfully, W, C. SMITH ANP MEMBERS OF FAMILY. AN UNusUAL FIND.—A bee's nest was. discovered in ao unused chimney at tbe residence of Ed. and Mrs. Brewer, Turuberry street South. On closer examination about halt a boiler full of prime Honey was secured. The hive offered considerable objection at being routed out of their Winter quarters and put up a fight but January temperature,, plus an aggressive onslaught by the honey -seekers soon overcame the opposi- tion, Pbat section of the town has bad so much to do with bee-ology it seems to be a congenial locality for the honey makers. KITCHEN RANOS WENT SKYWARD, Monday morning this week the kitchen range at the Queen's Hotel blew up with considerable force, forcing out o n e of the windows and scattering tbings generally. The cold of the night pre. vices had frozen up the pipe to the range and consequently shut off the stip, MS/ to tb'e water front so that when the fire was started the explosion took place. Fortuaately, no person was in the kitchen at the time. Other folk with Water fronts En their stoves should ;take the hint. Tars Porn' baci .its experience some years ago. Tits comfortable residence of E, A. Dixon, Princess street. has been pur- chased by the Bank of Nova Scotia to be. held ee the home of Whoever may be the Manager for the years to come„ Is this a hint to Manager Mowatt or Teller Hayden, of the present staff, who are bachelors ? There is often a diffieuity to secure a comfortable borne tor the Manager but this action of the Bank will obviate the trouble, Mr. Dixon will go to Detroit and Mrs. Dixon and George expect to follow in the course of a week or so. They will be missed is many Ways and their removal is regret- ted by a wide circle whowill be a unit in wishing them Godspeed wherever they may be. They hold an Auction Sale of ref:Shure, dtc., cn Saturday, Feb,. and, NOTICE Maude C. eryans Annouuces her Brussels Oftice will be open following days of evst'y week :— Hours—a. Monday.,,, 10 tats 1,30 too I+riduy ., 1.80 to 1) Saturday ,.......10 to 12 1,80 to 8 Saturday Everting ..... 7 to 9 MONDAY was a most inclement day and a disrupter to business generally. Tuesday was pot much, better. THE Box Social of Brussels Farmers Clob of Friday evepiDg of Ibis week is OOP of the events of tbe season. Read tba advt, on page 2 of this issue. BRtrisasI COrrrat8UT10N5, -- The Treasurer of the Musko.co Hospital for Cousumptives desire gratefully to. ackoowiedge the following contributions in Brussels by the Field Secretary of the' National Sonitorium Association ;— Ameut Bros $ 5 00 Dr. T. T. McRae .............. 3 00 Rev. J. P, McLeod 3 00 Rev, J. A. McNaughton , 2 00 (ernes Fox . - ..... , 2 00 L. Downing 2 on Miss P. Taylor 2 00. G. F. Coates..,,....,.,...,, 2 00 Miss N. M. Robb 2 00 Miss Flo. Buchanan 2 00 Miss $- Nephew -.,.. 2 00, Miss M. Maunders.— ....... I o0 Miss M. Yeandle, z o0 Miss K. Wilton 1'00 Rev. C. F, Clarke, ..... „.„,.., r 00 American Hotel 1 00 W, M. Sinclair z o0 G. H. Semis ................. r 00 R. W. Ferguson. 1 00 1F.reee Backeru' 1 00 d. Heter z o0 J R Smith r 00 J. F. Ferguson t o0 J. r. Ross............ 1 00 G. C. Manners 1 00 M. Black 1 00 C. Pope - r o0 T. Ritchie r o0 G. Weller.:..., t o0 E C. Cunningham-- r oo N. Chapman z o0 P. Scott ,.... 50 A, R. Stewart...... 5o V. C. Huntley 50 Mrs L Lowry 5o W. E W illts ....................... 25 $ 48 75 A WELL KNowN REsiDRNT DIES.— Early IES—Early Monday morning the spirit of James Ballantyne, a highly esteemd townsman, took its flight. It was not au unexpected event as he had taken a tura for the worse during the past week and in bis weakened condition was not able to fight it off, as he had repeatedly done, 'Jiro." as be was familiarly designated by the community. was the only son of the late Wm. and Mrs. Bal- lantyne, and was born at St. Marys 53 years ago last October. His father died many years in the past and mother and family moved to the vicinity of Brussels until Mr. Ballantyne Was"a youog man, Coming to town deceased con- ducted a grocery business and continued in business up to his demise. For years deceased bad not been what could be called rugged and at times was laid aside for weeks or months, bis heart be- ing the seat of trouble. In the year 1896 Mr, Ballautyne married Miss Margaret Roberton, who loyally and faithfully cared for her busband, bar home and the business, 2 sons, "Jack," wbo ren- dered prominent service to tbe Empire in the world war, now holds a good position with the Ontario Reformer at Oshawa; and Archie, who is a student at Brussels Continuation school survive and share with their motber,in the sym- pathy of tbe community, Funeral takes place Wednesday afternoon of this week, service being conducted in Melville church by Rev. J. P. McLeod, de, ceased's pastor. Interment in Brussels cemetery. The subject of this notice took an aet(ve interest in athletic sports, particularly Foot Beli.and for years was Manager of the successful teams here. He occupied a seat at the Council Boatd at one time, was associated with St, Toho's Masonic Lodge and was a mem- ber of the Presbyter,ao cburcb° To his early years "jim" excelled as an expon- ent of Highland dancing and when be donned the kilts be was a brew Scottie, The business will be continued by Mrs. Ballantyne who is a proficient storekeep- er, assisted by her son Archie. The late Mr. 'Balluutyoe was the only sou of a family of three. One sister survives, Mrs. D Ritchie, Zealandia, Sask„ the. other sister, Mrs. John Baine, Rona- thwaite, Sask ,having died last October.._ Now and Then THERE will be an added zest to your enjoyment to -day if at the same time you are establishing financial backing for to -morrow by gradually acc cumulating savings, Youth can spare what aid aqa Will need. Open a savings account with this Bank now; THE STANDAR/4.BANK Brussels Branch, Dublin Branch, - G. a. Samis, Manager P; McConue11l,Manager Ronne Division Court was slated for Weduesday of this week. Judge Lewis was on hand, People Wo Talk About 1 ti Et Miss Marion Forrest is back to town from an extended vislt witb relatives in Seafortb.. Mrs. Chas. Sheriff is making a visit with relatives and old friends in Hamil- ton and Toronto. Miss Ltzzte Holmes, John street, was not very well last week but we hope she will soon be reel hearty,. Mrs, Albert Hays, of Bradwardine, Man., was a visitor with her cousins, the Misses Hunter, ot town. W. and Mrs. Palmer and family have removed to Detroit, Miss Mazie pom- merviile accompauied them. Mrs. James Armstrong spent the week end with relativeslat Londesboro, She brought ber sister, Miss Clark, back with her. The veteran "Sandy" Stewart was re- elected Hon -President of East Huron Agricultural Society. It's a well de- served honor. Mrs S Bell and children. Teeswater, have been visiting here with Allan and Mrs Lamont. ' Mr Bell is in charge of a skating rink at Preston, He's a good hand at the business. Tuesday Earl and Mrs. Cunningham left for a trip to New York State where the former is attending the General Electric Convention, He takes a great interest in this department and picks up many a pointer of value. 'ernes Ireland„ a well known Saska- toon resident, has been enjoying a holi. day in and about Brussels. He is a son of James Ireland, an old time Morrisite and has been in Saskatoon for a good many years. . Last week, at Kitchener hospital, Mrs. Robert Henderson, Brussels, underwent a very critical operation and her many friends will be pleased to hear that site is now maelug favorable progress and bope that speedy restoration will ensue so as to enable ber to return to her home. George Rooerton, Clinton, was hero during the past week on account of the serous illness of James Baitautyue, followed by his demise last Monday morniug. The former is a brotbcr of Mrs. Ballantyne and known to a number of readers ot TRS POST. ex President George Muldoon and Mrs. Muldoon will represent East Huron Agricultural Society at the Fairs' Asso elation Convention at Toronto, to be held February 5th and 6.11. They take more than a passing interest In this de- partment of work and will no doubt en- jov the Convention. James Dunford. Toronto, spent a few days in town during the past week in connection with the disposal of tbe property onus brother, the late 15 C. Dunford. The former is an old boy, Brussels being bis birthplace, He lived here for years. las Gilmour, Winghem, was looking up old friendsln Brussels last Saturday. He and his family have recently return- ed from the West where he farmed for many years, He bas leased his fine fa'm at Archydale. Mrs. Gilmour was a former Brusselite and will be better re- membered as Mrs. Dora McFadzean. The fall of to or r2 feet sustained by Jno. Oliver, in bis implement show room gave him a very severe shakeup, so much so that bis disabled back still ties him to bed. It is no joke for a 200 pounder to take such a tumble on the hard door. The wonder is tbat he was not fatally injured. We hope he wilt soon be as hearty as ever. After an absecce of 20 years Ernest Plum. Vancouver. B C., is here renew- ing old friendships. He is a brother to 00 T -Plum, of town. and, has found a Roodly.number of old friends still in the community. Mr. Plum bolds his own very well and it looks as if bard work agrees web with him. He lived in Win- nipeg before going to the --Coast and thinksVancouverthe spot. Mrs° Plum was not able to come East witb ber husband, as both could not getaway at the same time. The Model S. C. White Leghorn Baby 0 those who are wanting Baby Chicks in April or May right now is the time to order them. We have orders booked for thousands of Chicks now and you cannon get them from: better laying stook anywhere in Canada than from us. By the last report received—J'an. 21st—our pen at the Canadian Egg Laying Contest conducted at Ottawa, was in. first place out of 76 Pens entered from Canada. There are 22 Pens from _Agricultural Colleges, Experimental Farina and Universities entered by nearly every Province in the Dominion. VIIA LT ER /ROSE. Huron Specialty Farms BRUSSELS Reeve Erwin Elected Warden At the session of Huron Co. councii, Tuesday afternoon in Goderich, Reeve Alfred E. Erwin, of Bayfield, was chosen Warden for Hut on for 1024. You will remember Tan POST nornin- abed him last week for this honor, His better half is a former Brusselite, when Miss Mary Beattie, We wish Warden lltrwin.a pleasant occupancy Of office in Ibis grand old County of. Huron. Mrs. D. C. Ross went to Toronto to attend the funeral of the late Robert Johnston, formerly of Brussels, Former and Mrs. Johnston were oeighbprs for years here. - Mrs. Sellers and children and Maurice Dunford, brother of Mrs. Sellers, left for Toronto Tuesday of this week, Tbe former bad been here since the death of the late Mrs. E C. Dunford, mother of Mrs.MSeilers. Ohuroh Chimes The aunual W. C. T. U worldwide Prayer service will be helm in Melville church Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Cordial invitatiou extended. At ;the Preparatory service last Fri• day afternoon, in Melville church, the pastor gave a very suitable discourse on Psalm 63 8 ••I will follow the Lord hard." Last Sunday morning in the Metho• diet cburcb. Rev. Mr. Clarke -commenc- ed a series 01 discourses on The Lord' Prayer. The evening service was held in the Lecture room to economize fuel. Atmospheric conditions last Sunday reduced the congregations. A stormy Sunday gives a good excuse for non-at- tendance at church. Most folk appear to be able to buckle into it on. Monday even if the weather is more tempes- teous than on previous day. Annual meeting of St—Andrew's Pres- byterian congregation was held in the church, . Ripley, Thursday. Congrega- tion, which was formed by the Iusion of Knox and Huron °burcbes in 1g22, has found the experiment of union a suc- cess. It was decided to use Huron Church as a permanent place of worship Meeting was addressed by Rev. Dr. Harkness, pastor, and Rev. Robert Mc- Kay, Cornwall, Ont. Pragi. Store The.',r. 4'': Store WEEKLY S'T'ORE NEW S A Cold Ni b� t Need A or Vacut[yna Thermo Bottle To keep baby's milk warm all night, a 'Thermo Bottle find's a prominent use In every home. They ars useful for ntauy other purposes as well. co You Enjoy -. Rheunft:atisn ? Piot Likely. Then try Templeton's Rheumatism . Capsules We can, with con iideuce, reams In e n d these as Our yei'y beet Itheuruatism Rernedy. WILL /31/Y fountain Pen That we fully guar- antee in every way. Self filler with Clip tittaeied.. Splendid Value- 500. Shaving Snaps Every man shaves— The razor isn't mach good if there lain a good Shaving Soap used with it— STICK POWDER or CREAM We have all the kinds. 109 This ,i9 Dur Telephone Number and we invite you to make liberal use of it, Orders for the Rural Mail will receive Prompt and Careful Attention Croup Remedy For Lids very trim. biome aud'danger- oua ailment we have a very reliable and quick acting remedy PE NSLAR CROUP CURE 25c per Bottle BEGIN THE NEW YEAR WITH A REAL GOOD BUILDER Penslar - Palatable - Cod - liver Extract is Our Very Best $1,00 the Bottle FOX' SSTORE ORE "Careful Prescription Dispensers" DOWN TOWN C. N. R. TiCKET AGENT DRUGGIST and STATIONER -ted DIED BALLANTYNE. In Brussels on :Tenants,21et, 1924, James Ballantyne, in hta 84th year. Givers —In London, on Jan l7rh 1024, Loei a Gilpin, widow of the late Hey. J. W. Gil- pin, inter Rothyear. JonnsTON,—In Tnrouto, on Jnnnery 10th, 10:4, Robert Johnston, formerly of russets is his 71st year. 0RLLy,—In Goderlob on January 141h, 1024. John Selly, in his 82rd year. 80022,—I0 Ay Imo., Ont., on January Ot•1a 1029, Joseph Edmund Scott, 142 his 72nd year. BRUSSEL$ MARKET EO 90 r0 63 55 9Q 4555 00 00 35 85 76 760 7 1)0 8 pl BORN Pail.Wheat BLAToaroaD.—At the Memorial Hospital, Barley Listowel, on January 18th,1924, to1Mr.:and Outs Mee. 0. V. Blatchford, is son. 1 Buckwheat NoR2oN.—In Loudon. on December 21st, 1028, Butter; - to Mr. and hire. Austin Norton, nee Mise Eggs. Taonle McKenzie, a daughter Everine, Hogs Christine, Alexandria. POLRtoes OOLR$AN: In Brussels, on January 1Btb, 1924. ' Hai to Mr, and Mre. Alex. Coleman, a eon, l Wool AUCTION SALC FarpAY A NTh —Frm B, hapten antsJANn, &s., NHY25Lot Is, Carm,onFn, 8, Mortaekrim Township, Sale unreserved at 12 o'clock. Kelly eros. Props. Jas. Taylor, Aim. Watch oat for the list next week. Everything meat be sold as proprietors are going Out of Madness. 'MONDAY, JAN. 26Th. — 5erm, Farm Stock, lin laments, co., Lot 27, Con, 1, Morris town - 005 revervelet 2lt o 'Imam.Agne 00. Oil' er- Exccntrix. John Parris, Aa ' Atm 000 9052, JAN. 29mt.—Fenn Stook, imple- ments, thO, , . moWnwano*h, halo unreserLotved41, atOon12607, p.pin,l Bradburn Bros., Props., Jas. Taylor, Anotloocer, Wrn9BanAY, JAN. Sera.—Fnrm Stock. !m- Felomania, &e. Sale unreserved at 11,60 p, m. red, 'rook, Prop. Jns,Taylor, ATM. W apaso»AY JAN. 80r1L—Farm Stock, int. pleb/ants, &c.. Lois 04 and 85,- Cron. 1, Morris township. Salorrnreservrd, at I p. m. sharp. Earl Mailers, Prop:, John Purvis, Arlo. NA'rUHDAY, 1rriouARY 25D, — Boasoltold Furniture.. Will be offered at 2win. In the %%Mott Moro In McKelvey Stook, next door South of the American Hotel. E. A. Dixon, Proprietor; D. M. Scott, Auctioneer. Why Ford. Pio Proof that Ford predominates is to be found in the fact•that 50 per cent of all cars in Canada are Fords. Ford predominates because it supplies the essen- tials of adequate, economical transportation. Ford has been the pioneer in the automotive in- dustry; has blazed the trial in every fundamentally sound transportation principle, Ford service is an outstanding example of Ford predominance. Authorized Ford service is to be found wherever motor. cars are used—always capable, business -like and prompt. More than 4,000 service stations in Canada are assurance of this.