The Brussels Post, 1924-1-23, Page 5cie p 08 BUSINE88 JNR, SUTHERLAND &. SONS LIMITED IMSCINANVO 8`i�Pl#'JGk",�P �r P�arxr a^ q D' M. SCOTT �bJVirsI g'IaJJ .' l'PtE°!° OMAN I PRICES MODERATE Per ; 0 oyaencleinteedaati any person 70x whose los IhvoWa DR. WAROLAW Honor graduate Of the Ontario Votorinery College, Day and night oohs, Office oppolly,: Pleur Mill, Ethel, MAUDE O. BRYANS OPSTHALMQLOGI$T c roduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mo. Gimmick liiardour 0onogo,.Ohioago, Ill. 41uee months poet graduate course during year IOW. Eyes scientifically examined, Latest Modern Methods used. 1r'Uroso Ryes striiightened through proper- ly fitted Lenges, Satisfaction Assured, Office hours • 10 00 12 a, m., 1,00 to 0 p. m. Saturday evening, 7,00 to0ololook.. Phone 20x T. T. M' RAE M. 6., M. C. P., el S. 0, Ad, O. H„ 'village of Si week'. • Physician, Surgeon, Accouohosr Offioo of residence, opposite 1401111e Church. William -street. W.. X. S°zx r 14, illi' BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, NOTARY PUBLIC LECKIE BLOCK - BiUSSELS PSOOOFOUT, NILLONAN & HOLMES Barristers, Bo:icitors, Notaries Public, &a Office on the Square,hi door from Hamilton GODRRICH ONT. Private fonds to loan at lowest rates. W, PROUDrODUDLEY HoLne6, JUN.` KILLOBAN DUDLEY aitLAa1X R. bT:,E,T4't 6° AGENT FOR Fire, Automobile and Wind Ins. COMPANIES For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647 JAMES NI'FADZEAN Agent Hock Mutual fire Insurance Company Also Hartford Windstorm and Tornado insurance Phone 42 Beal Ternborry Street, Breasels 'l 'IDHS.JBT The I7tdiall Herbalist May be found in thi Stratton Block Brussels, 1 Pednesday and Saturday of each week until further notice. �J J a�\ Start Now to Equip Yourself for a Position of Trust` t ELLIOTT 0 CaMed Yongo & Charles Stay Toronto Is well known throughout Canada for positiene no Private 0eorotarleg. Sten. ogrnphera, Typists, Accountants. Coin. mongol Teachers, oto, Graduates in keendecnnd. Enter any time. Write for Catalogue. • W. J. ELL/OTT, PRINCIPAL i tM aeVereeaa'4afi%stWrAtaeYak 444.4.0.$4,4,4,444,444 &WOO pletely anuli Beptember c, *90, 4. l t sign h of t t r e t l t be s lhd n c he tEs t a beenn,liit until September a7 was given by Walter Perham, an enlpioyee of the company which greeted the sign. HEN WANTED 4. $ Highest market prices . paid, See me or Phone No, 2x, Brno, t' sols, and 1 will Han and get es your Poultry, 1 (Ei CENTRAL - BUSINESS COLLEGE STRATFORD, _ONT. t r,paresyonfgmenandyeudgwomon / greatest profession 1Wet� assistagr du- ales to positions and they have a pram• tionl training whioh onabios them to meet with success. &tideuts oro relr- istered each week. Get our free oat. alogne 8011learn something about our 77 - different departments. ` •,D. A. M'LAOHLAN, PRIN. •h Yollick M• •F4•�N✓,,•9!�t'�3��Nd,•N!hek'0'�F!N'i"t!3�'F•p,b•l' royal betas Items WHO ore your visitors ? TRE Elmsford auction gale attracted a large crowd last Saturday. HURON Co. Council is In session at Goderich, 'Reeve Baeker Is attending, Waxen out for the eclipse of the sun. Friday morning of this week. Get your smoked glass ready. WHAT about re -organizing a Brass Baud in town 1 There ate still a half dozen or more of the members of the last Band res.deota, A MASER of people measured their length 0n the street on account of the elippoty side being , uppermost. You had to be very sober to keep on your pies. &i' Naw RATES ECM MONEY ORDERS.-- Higher RDERS.-Higher rates for money orders were put, into effect on New Year's Day by ex, press companies in Canada, Phe new rates are as follows : Up to $2.5o, 5 cents ; over $2 5o to $5.00, 7 cents ; over $5 to $io, to cents ; over :$to to $30, 12 cents ; over 830 to $5o, 15 Beate; over 350 to 360,18 cents ; over $6o to $8o, 20 cents ; over $8o to $100, 24 cents ; $100 at same rates, Po= WILLIAM NONAGENARIAN SKATES ON HIS. BIRTHDAY -A news item from Fort William on January 14th refers to a well known former Brusseltte "Hale apd hearty at eo years of age, Ben Ger- ry, 224 North Archibald street, enjoyed bus usuat birthday recreation of skating. Sunday, Mr. Gerry celebrated his eolh birthday anniversary, and, although the thermometer hovered around 23 degrees below zero, he attended worship in Wes- ley Church. His usual custom is to don a pair of skates on his birthday, but fall- ing as it did this year on Sunday, be wafted until Monday to enjoy his skate." Mr, Gerry used to celebrate on skates when he lived here and was always ready for fun. Few at his age would seek a sheet of ice. If able to get about - at all they would walk round a block if necessary to miss it DIED AT Loeuoa rhe death occur red "Thursday afternoon of last week of Mrs. Louisa Gilpin, aged 76 years, at her home, 4o Pipe Lineroa3, London. She was the widow of the -late Rev. J, W. Gilpin, and bad been a resident of that city for many years. She is survived by 3 0005, 'William G., Dunnville, Ont. ; Herbert T., Bidwell, Michigan, .. and John, London , sed 3 daughters, Mrs. Albert Wilkins, Harriston - Mrs. J. C. Blair, Preston, and Miss Bttieat home. Funeral services were held at her resi- dence s13 o'clock on Saturday after- noon, after which the body was shipped to Harriston; via the C. N. R, where in- terment was made in the Harriston Cemetery Sunday afternoon, Service was held in Harriston at her daughter's residence, Deceased was a sister-in-law of J (. Gilpin, of Brussels, 01` Or, D. N. Mclliccs CHIROPRACTOR of WInghsm, will bo at the American. Natoli, Bruesele Tuoeday and. Friday Afternoons Adjustmaute given for di.onees or all kinds, apSe11111ae in dealing with children. BRUSS ELS I1u#11ott DISTRICT Mi0N311Y0 -Annual meet - lug r of Mellott Dietiiot Loyal Creep dsa on wet at Winthropon Tues- ay, January 8th, There was a large attendance, delegates being presene i s from every lodge in the district. IgG. Each lodge allowed a large increase in membere during the poet year, Die - Wet Master D. Is Stevenson, 011nton, was in the chair, Peet District Master Hanley, Clinton, and Pae1 County Master W. J. Falconer, South Huron, gave suitable and excellent ad- dresses on the welfare of the Orde0, Following officers were elected and in- etalled by Oonnty Master W. 3, Fal- coner for 1921 ; District. Maetsi•, 19c1, Ririe, $eaforth ; Deputy Mastee, Jae, 11, Campbell, of Winthrop ; Chaplain, John Bullard, Winthrop •, Recording Secretary, George Evans, Olinten ; ,Financial Secretary, ,urian Hogg,d ' Winthrop' Treasurer, Thos. Runde, $eaforth ; Lecturers, W. Cook, John Pethiok. An excellent hunch was served by the Winthrop Lodge, after which the meeting broke up with the eing.ing of God Save the King. HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Pairs will be held in Brtiseels this seaeoo es follows ; THURSDAY,. IAN, 81, 1924 MAR, 0, 1924 " 192 APRs, 4 Local and Outside Rulers Will be Present By Order' of Counoll. A, li, MACDONALD, Oletk. DOING WILL -A YeTrktou newspaper sayy_ot a former Brusseltte :-Baptist church at Yorkton, Seek , bad been without a pastor for 8 months, wheu Rev. W. H. Bilis, of Medicine Hat, ac.. cepted`the call and came on Nov. 11. The people had become, greatly .dis- heartened, many being of the opiniou that it would be altogether impossible for any pastor to rally again the mem- bars of the congregation. However, the coming of Pastor Ellis has introduc- ed a uew Helen) every department of the church work. In less than 2 months church has been full of people 8 times and upon 2 or 3 occasioos adds. tional seats had to be secured from an adjoining hall. Daring December Mr. Ellis has been taking one country ap- pointment and there the congregations have tucreased from 3o to 6o people. The communion service in December was, perhaps,. the most largely atteuded in the history of the church. Rev, Mr. Orchilyd, Winnipeg, and Rev, Mr. Sbarpe,. Regina, assist Pastor Ellis le a special evangelistic effort early in the New Year, HARRIS HAMILTON - NOT GUILTY, THE JURY SAYS Weduesduy's Toroutu Duey Globe of last Week gives the fol. lowing report of a case iu which tht people of this locality were greatly in. wrested, as Mr. Hamilton Was lormety teller in the Standard Bonk here; --"It's a most deplorable verdict, geutlemeu ; alter this I think I shall not travel on a street car," said Justice Rtddell, In the Winter Assizes yesterday, upou receipt of the ju,y's-verdict of u01 guilty in the trial of Harris A. Hamilton, ohatged with manslaughter In connection with the death of Wilfrid Snow, who was struck and killed by Hatniltou's automo- bile on August a3rd last as Ile was a- lighting from a street car at Dundas street West and Rushoime road. After dismissing the jury his Lordship re. marked : 'See that they are not called for another jury, for it Is quite unsafe to have them on one.' Auer assurance from the Crown that there was no other charge against the Acquitted man, he dis- charged Hamihou, woe left the Court- room with his couusel,'T. N. Phelan, 1t C. The jury's deliberation lasted 3 hours, TRIS was the second trial ea the same cbarge for Hamilton, a jury le the Fall Assizes having failed to agree upon a verdict after hearing much the same evidence, Swift upon the close of the defeuoe, which had been to the effect teats brilliantly lighted billboard had Momentarily distracted Hamilton's At- tention from the road, Assistant Crown Attorney J. C, Molluer launched an at reek open such evidence by introducing 2 new witnesses, who flatly contradicted defendant's corroborated testimony Walter Sellars, an etnployeeot the Tor- onto Hydro•etentric System, in the wit- ness box, swore that the wiring fu the billboard had not beau installed Zoom• Goderich Tenders are called for the new in- take pipe. There were 81 births, 85 marriages and 72 deaths in Goderich in 1023. Evangelist Torrie, Toronto, is con- ducting a series of special services here, Jno.'Lanninis Chairman of Separ- ate School Board and D. M. O'Brien, Sec. -Trees. Bedford Hotel has been sold to E.. G. Sutcliffe and H. P, Warrener, who are in possession. Dominion Road Machina), Co. have asked the town;to advance $2,200 to meet their Co's, annual bond, to be repayed with interese next July. Clinton Reeve Middleton is attending the Go. Council. Huron Presbyterial met here Tues- day of last week. A. Christmas cactus belonging to Mrs, 3, Diehl has 113 blooms, The editor of the Record had a fall in which the left arm received a frac- ture. A' oC 1, i stalled the officers of the'h O. O. F: �- Clinton. Choir of Presbyterian church held a skating party on the rink, with the Band in attendance" R. Ohowen is President of the Sports Association of the Sherlock Re ManningPiano factory at London. $15,000 will be borrowed from the bank to meet current expenditure until collections from taxes can be made next June, D. D. G. M. Harburn, Se f tl n - LIPE BURDENED BY DYSPEPSIA Health andHappiness Game e With. 1Fult-a-t ►esi Made From Fruit Juices and Tonics "Fruit -a -tines", the wonderful medicine made from the juices of apples, oranges, figs and prunes, is one of the greatest means of doing good that this country of ours has ever known. "fruit-a•tives" is bringing health to hundreds and hundreds of people who suffer with chronic Constipation, Biliousness and Dyspepsia. kir, l?renk Hall of Wyevale, Ont., Mei "I purchased a box of" Pruit•a- tives"and began the treatment. My l • condition improved tmmsr Piatey. The dyspepsia ceased to be thehurden pf my life as it had been, and I was freed 01 ConstiConstipation" . 60e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25e, At dealers or sett by Irut t o-tivc 1 Limited, Ottawa, Ont, Grey township. We will look for- ward to having you return occasional- ly to visit us and trust that health, prosperity and much joy shall be with you in your new horse. Wishing you a happy, New Year and many of tttetn we subscribe ourselves, YOUR FRIENDS, The recipient made brief but suitable replies reciprocating the good feelings expressed and thanking the friends for many kindnesses shown, Listowel Listowel has's, Girls' Hockey, Club. H. Goddard judged poultry at Chits - ley Sho.v. League services will be bald Sunday evenings after church. Legal action is threatened by Jno, Watson against town for illegal seizure of flax fibre, he claims. Hough Oup Foot Ball winners held ao At Horne when cup wee presented. R. A. 0limie is President of Horti- cultural Society and Rev. Copt. Edivttrds and Mies Schafer Vice PFesidents. A. membership campaign Corrie Mies L. White is taking a Business College course. Jno. Sperling has taken possession of his new farm residence.The dairy business of N. Wade has been buught by 300. Stewart. Annual meetingof.Howiek Ageicul- bural Society was held here last Mon- day. Mesdames xno, Koller and Nelson Steurnol, Orange Hill locality, are im- proving in health. Au aunt of Rev. Mr. Finlay's was buried at Kincardine, Mr. Finlay at- tending the funeral Wilfrid Gamble and Miss Vera Johnston were united in marriage. They will reside no the groom's farm near Waldemar. -• Word was received of the demise of Robb, Douglas, of Redeem, Sask. He taught school here years ago and is a brother-in-law to Ed. James. Grey Mrs. Martha McCallum and family have removed from the 3rd Con. to Stratford, where they. purpose mak- ing their home in the weanttine. Members of the family have been in the Classic city for .several years, They carry with them the hearty good wishes of a wide circle of friends. fur future success. The Stratford . people will find the M0001111m family well worthy of their confidence. PRESENTATION. --Neighbors gather- ed at the home of 'Mrs. M. McCallum and family to spend a fete hours be- fore the latter removed to Stratford. Evening was spent in music and social chat. A tasty lunch wag served. Following address was read and a purse of Money presented as one of the specially •interesting features of. she evening :- DnArt )! tnoNns -"Upon learning of your intended removal froth our midst, we have come once more to en- joy the hoepitatity of your home and spend a few social hours with you. As life rooves on it is inevitable that changes must occur, However it is with feelings of regret that the find you are going to leave Dur community for other spheres ,of action. Within your fatpily circle we have seen hatmotly, induetey and integrity. It has been a pleaanre to visit you all and we will not soon forget the happy hours spent at Mrs, McCallts n's, The hear by weloome and the kind atwos- of eniulatioto, Itocommtn ate of the hoe. ialty tlife, orthach and all of you, have been /nest' willing to ebre the responsibility in guy undertaking 1" and as neighbors we lheve found .you nourteou9 and ever ready to be of aeststanoe, In the various activities of the church we have, deeply appregiated your co opperation and faithful service. Mrs. McCallum hair been always willing to give use of home and.lawn for several church socials and as Secretary of the W. M. S. she has proved an efficient worker. To the girls, Misses Florence and Clara, we are indebted for regular, attenditnce and capable aeeistance, in the choir and as for Delhi, he Is a general. favorite with us all and we can recommend him wherever he goes, As a slight torten of our kindly regard for you, we teak you to accept this purse, With it we Wish you to purchase some gift that will serve to remind you in future days of happy associations with your friends In will le put ab, lay. /r, 11. t3o6r 41ttt Ie Hso,• teas, At important addition iras been 1e Listowel ode i 11, ul of t i u L I POO Banner in tine shape .of 0 fine baby boy. 0 i grata at1 ne n, I o . Munioipet officers fee 1921 are 1- Clock Bararoed, at $000,• Treasurer Savage, at $400 ; Aee.eesor Peening, at _ Collector e suer $110 � TaxGo leets r fills ebb t at 3200 I M. H. 0„ De. Liv ngeton aG $100 0; • each. iore, Oaveiland McCauley, , Fordwloh Peter Zubrigg'a health le improving," l,'Y, Spottou has gone to a 13110410811 College, Robt. McLaughlin, Neepawe, Man., has been visiting here. Local curlers have been enjoying solue fun with the serrate and besotns, Newbridge church choir was enter- tained at the hospitable home of F. A. Wood. Sorry to report Mrs, R. McLan h- lin's illness but hope for eierly Om- provement. Soaforth 13y a fall ;Kra. Archie Scott broke an 5010, Ales. Robt, Jones is somewhat im- proved in health. Alr. McDiartnid underwent an operation for appendicitie. Lust Friday Annual meeting of Sea - forth Agriculturnl Society gas held, Miss Kate 'Laidlaw, Atwood, was visiting Robb, and Mrs, Doig, Tuckter. smith. her uncle and aunt, As Stewart Bros. are closing their tailoring business here E. 0. Alexan- der, tailor, has gone to Galt, W. Henry is President of Horti- cultural Society ; Rev, Mr. Ferguson and Mrs. Alex. Scott Vice Presidents, and Di. Grieve, Seo-Treas, COUNCIL MATTERS. -Bylaw No. 254 was given its several readings and passed, appointing officers for 1924 :- J. A, Wilenn, Clerk and Treasurer, salary, $900 ; M. Broderick, Assessor, 3150; Wan. Gillespie, Constable, Sani- tary Inspector, Collector of dug tax, street oiling and watering, taxes and unpaid taxes ; John Knight, Scaveng- er and pound keeper at 305 per month ; T. Roy Patterson, Engineer ; D. F. Buck and 11. 1, Box, Auditors, 826 each ; R. S. Hays, Solicitor, 3100 ; R. G. Parke, Chief, Fire Brigade, $75 ; Vern. Wilson, Wm. Morrison, De. Rayburn, Fenceviewers ; A F. (lutf, Collegiate Board ; F. G. Neeliu, A E iOpc on Cost For the Next 3o Days Some Real Bargains Special - Suit Sale Men's. Made -to -Measure .Suits In Blues, Greys 32 00 and all colors at only H1W1 ?eiuson Library Board ; Jas. Hinchley, Board of Health ; F. J. Burrows, M. D., Medical Officer. Motion, Orich- Hntchinenn, that Council is in favor of Public Utilities proposition of sink- ing another well and consider it necessary in the public interest, and will take the necessary steps to fur- nish the phoney for same, Motion, that the Firemen be given their usual giant of $800 and the assessed mem- bers be granted $55 each was passed. Blyth Miss Hood is visiting at Guelph. Reeve Milne is attending Co. Coun- cil The Orange Lodge room bas been improved. Aire, Peter MoDonald had her tonsils removed, Waiter McGill, who underwent an operation for appendieitis, is getting along well. l4tts� Fife, d lrttetich, is ;Olaitibi# ail t e Methodist patsenage, The Bainton residence has been par' chased by O1u gtil t Oh mbs s, Annual meeting of 7relapitoue co. Thnt'sday afternoon of this week, P. Gardiner and 0, McClelland taro Auditors for the village,- D. Oowan:if) ,Assessor at 300. Rlt7,tiitNl#D to Ian WztaT,-»Bpborb Cote, Minden, Saelt„ who has bern visiting his mother, MI's..., Cole, left to is home. It is 17 year? r, Cole visitedilyth and old neigh, hors and friends in Morris township. Ile is quite an exteneive farmer end .. reports pu'ospetity although in scmo parte of his Proviooe agpioulture has had some setback/3 during the past few years that have made farming not so profitable as it othevwviee would Wore been, Huron Bounty ' Alexandra Hospital,o erioh .re - 1, G d ceived $25 Prete Mrs, W. H. Miner, Ohazy, N, Y, Thos. Wiggins, Dungannon, damag ed some ribs by falling on the edge of the sleigh box. Mieees Olive Tet'riff and Nettie Cottle, Whitechurch, are back from a trip to the West. Owen Geiger was re-elected Reeve of Hensall by a majority of 2 votes over R. Higgins, Langside ladies debated the ques- tion of the serviceability of the cow versus the horse. The men defended poor old Dobbin, Honk 1 Honk 1 Slimes held in the Ruggles 7.'rucic Co., London, that is financially em• hatrassed are said to amount to $80, 000 in Zurich and Crediton locality. Murray Keriraglsan, Colborne town- ehip, stood let in a class of 28 at the Central Technical school, Toronto, at the Ohristtnue exams. A good record. A Holstein Durham eow 6 years old, that came in on Oct, 25, gave 1587lbs. of milk in. November and 1400 in De- cember, She betongsto G. Andrews, Goderieh. She is the bossy that "should be fed on the best of hay even if not milked 40 times a day,"` Evening classes are now on the pro- gram at Goderich ie the Public Library basement. Basketry, fancy knitting, Koine nursing, cooking, dressmaking, millinery and automo- bile mechanics is theiwide range of the program. This affords a great op- portunity to people. THE FINAL WEEK OF OUR - January Clearance WiLL BE Clothing Week Times have been hard. People have been saving. They have had to. Prices have been too high. Doing without that Suit or Overcoat has become quite necessary because you felt you could not afford to lay out so much Money. This Final Week of our January Clearance has changed all this, We have shattered previous prices. Set up a new standard of value. Soy ou CANNOT AFFORD to put off buying that suit when you get prices like the following Men's Suits Regular $18 oo for 27: so for 3o. 0o for 35 0o for 40 0o for 45 0o for 50, oo for Now $ 9 98 14 85 17 45 19 75 24 85 29 85 31 85 I 'Nearly all above lines are Artcraft Tailored inimusimosmommormswomesimmos Boy& Suits Regular Now $S00oo $ 46 6 95 95 1250 795 1600 998 Ig od 12 79 sismossiselimatimminseis 2I o0 13 98 1 Overcoats January • Clearance 7 95 11 95 14 95 • 16 95 21 65 25 50 . warsormnisi This is the Final Week of our January Clearance. Dome and let us fill your needs at these Wonderfully Low Prices Men's Wear W. D. HAMEL Brussels