The Brussels Post, 1924-1-16, Page 7"tis+eat►" • . a9 ANN M vs moms) eafi X11 -{DCW. • a WHERE PREVENTION COUNTS. ' mains that a farmer buying'aUch seed Plant diseases are controlledby pi's- weuld'auger a eons dei'able loss -••-and } vention rather than by cure., Once an it would seem only fair that there t )lir' apple fibs become scabby, a cheery be- should be some means by which g 8 un to rot, or a peaeh,leaf show signs ers who receive such seed could get recompensed for the loss sustained *•N; tLa. of the curl, it is then tea latq to apply p The damage done these „because of sowbig it; •The Lady—"l always `Icp the Cattle Shaw, dear. It's the only tinio any control. Th d g y A much more general condition; 4 1 other plant diseases Is avoided feel i'ea11y slim:'- loom Louden Opinidn. and ell h 1?ever !thee the one previously mentioned is beb ladag test the ed, s from , the oecnrrenc6 of off types in. any the Mast established, method ofg e- established variety. Justhow,serious the most generally used method pre sb ' Poffitnit, g-such a mixture is from the stand -e r• -n A spray o s n cess f sus Y 'on The 1 ve ti hnere isrill' Id fg P sent The 0 y hooJ JANUARY 20 -M(1'0110d toDeliver Israel mad chs l I to 114; 36 There are many palate to be conka .. Golden filet,-•-,• y' alt ossa; w eA'A.: a you nee intending 40 �uxchaso . ons years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's :laughter ossa , aidered when ur•ehasing ti faxen, If ld' '' B faith M h b e was cairn to p ' some time in the near future s. at Clioo0ing rather to suffer affliction with the People of wise to keep these points fresh in mind God, can)®y y i farm: After these ____,.,..,......,,ii,,i ,,,1 Lite cues.. TIM STORY CONTINUED --The ataxy of ly specialized iedile rY. , But just .... ri Moses Inc deliverance from death in truly does scientific farming yield not ly, yori will .be .able to decide if it 1s Gs d thantothepleasures of sin for a'season --- so that you may consider them when Heb. 11: 24, 25. you go to tache at t infancy, his education at the Egyptian only the secrets of high -revenue errops, the farm you went. court, his interference on behalf of his • but life on •a high scale of comfort, One can easily req this amount of oppressed' countryman, his Slight to and thrilling with vital contact points woodland on a farm; he can see if It Midian, and, his return to be the de- with the xystery, power and beauty is hilly or stony and one may also ex- liverer of *Israel from Egyptian bon- of the out-of-door world. To the train e and the louder ef their netional ed man, amine the condition of the fences and buildings, but there area other things life, is one of the most remarkable in Bartlea crammed with/ heaven, briefly put are: that the semehot bed history, and not less remarkable for And seer/ coninion bush afire with equally or more important which do o i ; inn re Y over -rutin And one, he who seals token ofi' his One should,°�of course, exam d upon the chances at point of yield o the resulting semi -trot bed is the best for the poo p , a na snow on ;t, tq lication depends e of the off b the national lifenco, his interest in But the man of trained vision y can- ,detzrmine the kind of soft, Tlttaugh p killing the dis- dependent -an the charact x duction of early seedlings; that y that articular time of 1 i g which When ltd eg the national life and his moral law, net be buried a the desert. Busy with the summer months, when the crops p revan in Plants f n s oo ii -h e' bed can beJai t k• s 1Vlosea vas ease organ;sins; and"sop are oft type in color only do not, pe a• • yp� :fowl can not fall off the perch. made and steamed. in the fall without cord, and the saving of Israel from memory, vision, imagination, and in- are growing, ;s • infection. a cti n •in had1 ss» pe P the sight all la their part in the reveal- s ct the rodueing power of the land. theteconomical and efficient is religious value than for its histmi- God not show up a plainly. tl is most typo of bad • that the glass -covered cal importance, God's g 1< providence, lila call his leading, his slaoea, soil when thole i type individuals pre al is bent the fowl can not t mg any t foot, fo which reason the using straw the sem o e stand put as shining fights in the ie- his eomman r Y as a the best tune to m - For control of peach leaf curl it is usually mean a r da o uentl The word "chicken" is -commonly losing its effeet eeness; that glass- Egypt came to be regarded in play but plants off shape very freq y ofall ages. Pro r» covered beds superior" to canvas latex centuries as the sign of God's ing of the splendid vision of God and See if the fields have the proper drain - while to spraywithtime sulphur'll serve to applied to fowls g P° f 1 d f his ea le and the aster -duty' So for Amos the farmer, David ago whore diainnsre;s needed. t stage before the budst Central m» 1:h trees are in a perfectly do.- do. A atingle example will ly, chicken is a Young fowl si., covered for the production o eerie regard or p p , while q illustrate this point In a lot of half It ;s very important that you should ri g, seen o the old it becomes a fowl 1 that ie_ d s' of encs of Iiia saving grace and power in the shepherd, Paul the tentmaker, gas indicates that the spores of the and sizes. The half sugar they are knee deep in straw or chaff, p theplants; that his ancestors, he was a a p winter adhering tv of offshapes scratching for kernels of grain. This Sprees growth of p n , wealth of Jethro, the Arabian chief road to God, and all the common lace. Of course, your wife will need a g fungus pass the g types and the off' types were weighed t t 100 in the s sin these ha iness is what makes them profit• consisted his "Blessed are the pure in heart for cistern at the house, so don't forget the bud; scales andP ! se arately and' the decrease in yield Pp leaves P � that flocks. h led Jethro's they shall see God a to look into this spores germinate isto slid attack the a d t theoff types figured on lin acre ab.°, to°• as . the bud opening.basis, amounted to a little over five • f d std fife (2 21-22), had been adopted 2 Reverence. Scientific interest water supply. after seedlings; ' a a p res the Mack compost is'beneficial that s'eril- 'every subsequent time of oppression enter tandfito fisherman, tread he path Have a good wall. The health of your man sugar man qhs graven- a the b begun to unfold in the All g t the flock. Like of labor in like spirit, "the trivial family depends upon it. Goo water is he life histo fi „ also needed at the barn for the stock, Studies oft 3 weeds ha herd. The routed, the common task, becomes. the e ' cod spring, tt,. or suffering. -- y of the fun_ tiler occurred Farm this summer . Teens aro• never so happy as when nine with steam not only eradicates Ch. 8: lg. --- ke • there occurred about thirty per cent.,d and lent diseases but also steaming•, for thirty minutes a his father-in-law, eonsis a in s ess ,; is when examiningthe paunde pressure is sufficient; a' Moses, seine married in c u r against daughter As long as duo o P Olive oil is one of the bast midi- fall steaming. is a sa g a g g cal honomenon was the begin cod roads and a short distance fi a member of the tribe_ and shared a physr P G aril fertile as i �• .that a f i.• the young leaves are folded inside the ' a special adaptation; ernes ]mown for dtaa . It can late springs, ha y .tons. There is P , p : as, substitute for sail which is wall supplied with that wealth. Jethro is called Reuel in nine of the re-awa,cening of the sou from market, church and school are bud and protected by tta scales they of. type or root to soil and climatic. also be regardedach, 2: 18. Tho back of the wilderness Curiosity soon into reverence, all valuable assets. are safe from the attack of the fungus,1tle the Globs simple ointment, and can be rubbed humus a weak solution df nitrate of (Rev. Ver.) was the western part. The B o who comes deepens scoff may remain to;11 you have children of school age but tender aeon as the bud begins to open, conditions, as for example around the eyes instead of using en soda n plied when the leaves arebut not usually.It is he who' or Tankard types of inspects ea. around' t P home of theta Midianite Arabs ap- pray, ' leaves become exposedl that to ointment, about the size of the small Canadian Tire to have been on the eastern side comes seeking new truth who present- you will particularly wish to locate theshallow soils the Half Long or Long infection. Ito therefore essential. I Crossing breeds loads on, to molt- nidcle' is sufficient for forcing -re . of the Gulf of Akaba, the northeastern ly is overwhelmed with it. Eminent near a school house. If you do not . infspray .types for very deep open softs; etc., r s ores be thesp y retrain, and the oftener the cross is tarded plants .but the latter should- arm of the Red Sea, but there may scholarship; ripe experience, well in- happen to have children of school age, the fungus p y The presence of types, not suited to, borworthy it will increase the value of the farm bile the buds aro still dormant It _ made the lower the quality gets. Get be sprinkled with pure water' immedi- have been a section of the tribe whose formed authority, achieve - a the soil typety suited tedto they aro grown, pP if it is convenient to school. In arse llo that spraying can be done ata good breed and stick to it, is the ad- ately after using the solution; that pasture thegulfs peninsula It is the immaturity youth, the ea ors . in a variety lusted to the es in qug„you or our children may sometimes anytime during late fall,.winter or vice of those who have made a sue-, the rateof,should seeding, and theebyn the of Sna betweeny• y y .tion will almost always result in an r �•thereof, . be governed by and: Suez, A well>knawn traveler tells lghtmindedness of shallow and Theowish to sell, it will sell more -readily early spring. a y dee;able loss due to deereasod .e j us that in the hot, dry summer wee -aloes living that misses the sunset, and and at a higher, itprice, if it bested All peach growers have noticed that PI When a fewleyes sneezes, waters slight germinative quer of the seed: then the Arab shepherds are accustom- defaces the coin, and degrades the P the disease is much more prevalent yield,however a lot of, ly at the eyes and nostrils, and the '' ed "to leave the lower country, where flag, and discards the Bible; and within easy walking distance from wmay have, o Butter and Cheese Scori p, after a cold, wet spring, In such a'' t earls name and type,, face puffs up, this ;ndicates a common the 'herbage dried u and'retire to -`wastes the Sabbath,and acorns the. school season on account re the slow rate of roots e ° cold. When accompanied by a rata Contests. the the higher parts, where the pas- church and calls' patient, toiling,1 New improved roads and new drains and still giving us a very inferior I tore preserves its freshness much breadwinning, self-sacrificing father are being constantly surveyed and laid . . growth the buds. are along time un of weak germination • In thing in the throat, the trouble 's 1 In the Dominion educational butter hon e e The s isntafr st God, which "the cid man." Our flapper age is out If you are not acquainted with folding; while dampness favors the yield because 1, eater it;s. Difficult breathing indiby , p the seed from which they grew. In scoring contest ea 1928,conducted is ,called Horeb, and in other laces short on reverences. Unless there aertheare country in vvh;eh yoixr prnspactive germination' of the fungus spores, and with animals a .cox start ca#es pneumon;a. Canker in the the Dairy and. Cold Storage Branch Sinai, was evidently regarded as a some ondays,revere tomo persons and farm is located, a talk vrith the supe?- low temperature does not cheek their common an normal. a de- mouth means diphtheria, :from May�ao October inclusive, Al.sacred place. There may have been an some institutions, and some names, visor of the towns up will• tell ,you if veryoften meansP growth. Thus the fungus is favored much below It is; Beef scrap. commonly appears in berta, Saskatchewan, iVlanitoba, On altar there An ancient tradition lo- held sacred, we drift quick- the farm lies within the assessed dis- velopment and has a considerable period of time essential therefore to have vigor two forms—granulated and ground. taxio, Quebec, and Nova Scotia each cates the mountain in the heart of the ly to the point where even life itself filet of any now roads or drains. If it in which it has every chance to infect very esa The round sera i•s preferred since m neither sacred nor safe. cf germination as well as purity uP. , g p ' entered six samples: British Columbia; Sinait;c peninsula • 3. H'amilite. Who am I? Moses may, is, an estimate of the taxes to be as - the leaves. If the weather is realm tiro crop if we are to obtain`m may be fed' either in hoppers or and New Brunswick each five, and V. 2. The angel of the Lord in the well raise the question. To begin with sessed should be added to the purchase the resulting Pmixed with a mash food. Fowls will =lemma yields. �.from the hopper Alberta three. All the samples from oldest stories, ' the manifestation of he is an axile. He is a shepherd eighty price of the farm. What we wish to emphasize is that eat a ground scrap PP Manitoba and Novi Scotia were ape God himself. God is representahled as ears old. e. has besh aherdt from farmers of readilyog enough andyare not so arses sial .redo. The other special grade Appearing in hu o t ri he midsterHama ld.ficHe has been absent ole theh a supervisoredvaluation sof theefarm you some root head ares to time ae to hog it as they would the coarser g in a flame of fire of of Canada. at the present is a die samples avers five from Saskatchewan a bush. Mosesainln sees h first the when 118 fled under fear of sentence of death sed trade,and serious scrap. and Quebec, four from Alberta and of the flaming bush, and he The task is stupendous. A whole pee- you have in view. If you are a new el grace to the sSour crop is occasionally found le is in slavery. They are held by the comer in the vicinity and do not know loss to the growers unfortunate; Ontario, three from New Brunswick, draws nearer becomes conscious that ppl greatest power in the ancient world. the usual prise of land in that locality, enough to buy it. We wish at the among fowls. When a fowl w;tli a two from British Columbia, and one hes e is in the presence of God and on Lincoln in like case was driven to his sour crop is picked up, the crop feelsthis will help you, as property is usu same time to call attention to the factfrom Prince Edward Island. All the holy ground. Theictur sego doubt re- knees because as he said there was ally assessed at somewhere near three» that there is reasonably good t soft and the fowl will vomit a quan- other samples were first grade ex -;presents, in this icxture uo form, a nowhere else to ga So Britain's pre fourths of its selling value. d Forthis there profound religious ous a rience and th f d with his a all;n seed available and being sold by some • tea- cep o climax of a long series of eonunumn ' linea remarked: '7 need If you aro a stranger n and dry while the buds are opening we have the reverse conditions; the loaves shoot out quickly and are. soon past the danger period, while at the same time, lack of moisture may pre- vent germination of the fungus spo1es. A BRIEF COMPARISON OF SOME SILAGES. At the Central Experimental Farm, comparisons of the feeding value of the three'silages—oats, peas - and vetch, sunflower, and corn, showed the cost of production of these stored in the silo to be $5.60, $1.80 and $2.95 per ton, respectively. In the first part of the experiment, corn silage produced 4 per cent. more milk at 18.5 per cent less cost and 8.7 per cent. more fat 8142 per cent. gence report issued from Ottawa con- at the Dominion tobacco station at grade, 17 first grade and one secondir V 6. 'The God of the fathier. In When it is necessary to store an different nationality than he. Their less cost than did the O.P.V. silage. tains some suggestive information as Harrow, Ont., is little known and less grade. Of 21 samples from Quebec 'those days when people recognized and opened pail of paint indefinitely, and customs, religion and social activities In the second part d the experiment, to conditions at the leading live stock realized. A good idea, however, can nine were special grade, nine first worshipped many gods, a new revels- the cover has been cut away, the: were entirely different than those of corn silage produced 6 per cent. more marketing' centres, from which the be gathered from the report for last grade and three second' grade. Of tion, or a new divine name, might have pa}nt naturally becomes hardened and Mr.Newcomer and his family. They milk and 8.8 per cent. more fat than following are radtntiona: year of the Superintendent, Mr. D. D. p that it is Israel's true God the God useless Po at a were g the sunflower, but the latter produced Toronto: Trading on the cattle Digger. Besides producing enough 1 fi t d Of 1 and d ,Iia both milk and fat. a little cheaper. market was dull. There was excessive plants of all varieties to meet the re - Taking the corn silage as a standard, supply of thin unfinished cattle and quirements of the station and the oa roe tit of fluid. Y t ne from Quebec and Ponce Ed- e mien when ace ; theneigh- of is no better remedy than two gs our seedsmen. Some way of regu-ward Island, which were second. The,th God and his own conscience. It responsibi latin our 'root seed trade so that all spoonfuls of sugar and baking -soda special grades were 28.40 per cent.' is now ma 1 to hi that hi d t your prayers rather than your con- boyhood, try and get acquainted with g ( 1 ts) im teacupful of warm h theI i liUa of once a day, and at the same time makers in Canada are improving in' them. of divine dynamic. supply plenty of grit their methods, I V. 5. Put off thy shoes. The putting In the educational cheese scoring' off of the shoes, or sandals, is still the Cultivation of Tobacco. I contest, On contributed 22 The extent of the work carried on samples of whieh four were special usual mark of reverence in the East, Care of Paint and Paint upon entering a mosque or other holy Brushes. lace de c ear m s u Y grata moons." Such Humility s a some of the neighbors before you buy.After he moved an his farm and be- came acquainted with them, he foundthat although they were a thrifty,hard-worldng people, they were of a seed our s-- ---en would sell only good epos par a more than in 1922, showing, says lies with his suffering kinsmen in first character essential for the human Not long ago a friend of mine bought water. Gave two teaspoonfuls of this report, that the creamery butter Egypt, and that he must go back to agency that is to become a conductor q would seem to• Le in order. a farm He was not nc uainted with What the Live Stock Market neighborhood. Suggests. A recent Dominion Market Intelli'- and valuing it, at the cost of pro- buyers showed marked dislike for it. duction, the relative values of 0.P.V. Docked and castrated lambs invariab- silage find sunflower silage were ly topped the niar)Cet, $2.88 end fi2,76 per' ton, respectively. Montreal; Packers, under the run The high cost of :production of the of mostly inferior cattle, were not O.P.V. silage is due to the low yield inclined to buy. Like begets like; use par acre. In the case of the sun quality sires. were seeded. Two cold beds, two semi - flower silage, the cost is low, due to Winnipeg: There was a fairly hot --beds, all glass covered, and one the high yield, but a large percentage broad enquiry for good feeding. steers. each semi -hot bed and cold bed, can of this extra yield is water. Calculate Inferior kinds were dull and weak. vas covered, were used. Both of the eel on the. basis of the dry matter, Common horned, off-color stockers last mentioned were spring steamed corn and sunflower allege would cost and feeders were'a drag on the mar -but one each of the others was spring about the same. Sunflower silage, ket. Percentage of select bacon hogs steamed and one each fall steamed. with its excess water, freezes badly in very small; a heavy run of unfinished All beds had a top dressing of about winter, a very undesirable thing,logs 'were mostly returned to the three inches of well rotted compost. while O.P.V. silage freezes little, if country' for feeding purposes. The treatment practiced under these any, making it easy. to handle., Edmonton: All good cattle, espe- conditions are fully set out in the Neither 0.P.V. silage nor. sunflower orally good feeders and good butch 'r report and the conclusions arrived at silage are as. palatable as corn silage,' steers, sold readily at fair prices. but the cattle ate both, once they; Prom Markets Intelligence office: became used to them. Corn silage Dehorn your cattle. Live stock bruit - still holds premier place, having the ere are money losers. The markets most advantages and the fewest dis-are short- on good quality steers, advantages, but sunflower silage and Winter feed for spring markets. The O.P.V. silage are economical feeds winter feeding of lambs is profitable. where corn silage can not be grown. Docked- and castrated lambs top the —Geo. W. Muir, Animal Husband- market. Winter feeding is the man, Central Experimental Farm. strength of the live stock industry. Spring markets are generally bullish. CONCERNING FIELD ROOT Finish is an essential to profitable VARIETIES, sale. Now that the` season is past for the harvesting of our field root crops a' Cost of Maintenance of Swine. consideration of what the harvest has In investigational work with swine, brought us should be profitable. At conducted by the Department of Ani - the Central Experimental Farm at mal Husbandry at the Ontario Agri - Ottawa, we have for the past few cultural College, it waa found that hi years been considering not only the wintering brood sows on a narrow, total yield of green weight obtained nutritive ration produced largely from concentrated feeds, the cost was 15 cents per day for mature sows, whereas with groups using more to the, cost "Ntts reduced uhae roughage eight and nine cents par day. An extensive experiment with com- mereial hog feeds versus home-grown feeds showed that under average farm conditions none of the commercial hog feeds used was: as team: micas as a well-balanced Pilixturo produced on' the farm, Let it be said again that boys .and girls seek joy, satisfaction and res. ponsibility. The parent who is wise enough to see that his children get these things, either, through his own initiative or through the ,boys' and girls' club, will have little trouble in maintaining --their interest in the farm, various outside experimental plots, 165,600 plants were sold, sufficient approximately to plant 86.8 acres. Threw thousand square feet of glass covered beds and 1,200 square feet of canvas covered different types that (but the, amount of dry matter and the genuineness of the variety as we11. The consideration of genuine - peas is whet we wish to consider time. �;ai brieflyat the present i if field In our attempts to classify root varieties we have met with some very peculiar mixtures that were sold under special, sometimes fancy, var- iety names. A year ago we received a package of seed supposed to be of a Yellow Intermediate variety but which produeed et least one-half areal round garden beets. This year we had a variety which gave us one- half Swiss Chard« In both of these pages the mixtures were obviously due to the mechanical nixing of van- etles in some Wheelhouse, duo very kely to carelessness on the part of, those handling the seed. Whatever the cause, of the mixing the feet re - four sem les from Prince Edward meant a new god. Moses is assure from exposure to the air. This Island all Brunswick to grade. six of his fathers, who is thus' speaking may be preventedeasily from New two swlek four were firs to him, Neither he, nor the people he trifling expense by pouring melted grade and two second, and of three . from Alberta one was first grade and is sent to deliver, must have any mit- paraffin over the surface of the paint: understanding regarding that. The can will be hermetically sealed as two second grade.Only the provinces V. 7. 1 have surely seen. Moses is, soon as the wax has cooled and the named competed in cheese. made to see that the affliction of the paint will be preserved. Paraffin is 'usu t. usually After a period of service the aver -'Moses cannot remain indifferent. God age vise wears to the extent of - re-' has chosen him as his instrument of , and a single bar of the wax, costing quiring the movable jaw to be pulled deliverance, and :sets before him' the; about three cents, will be sufficient to hand when a vise s openedmise of t•estorat;on to the land for I seal the paint in two one -gallon cans. out bfathers had come --the an If nothing is at an which strangers in a strange land. Iii less than two years he was ready sell and seek a new home. One more word: When you go to look at a farm be sure and take your wife with you. She may discover con - people is a matter of concern to God- fl kept on hand in tate kitchen con- veniences or inconveniences about the For the Languid Vise.. , and so must be to Gods seivan shin 'ens and waxing sad -irons, house and outbuildings which a man for se g ] would be quite apt. to overlook. y r0 land g hand with hi h h th i w]tich his fa EY of Canaa to cleanse the insertion of any piece of work. n. 1 apse a 'brush when a job of A simple remedy to correct this, as. V. 8. Milk and honey; in Arabia to lea has rush completed,hjthe adopted by a local shop, consists in would be marks of a good and rich pprison may be kept in good he the insertion of a valve spring be- land. The word which is translated' b wiping them as dry as possible tween the fixed and movable jaws. nhone fxomttgra. esjuiee and called bo for a sweet y and dipping the brush into melted Watch the bone and it will be less nutis Arabs "dibs." This Canaonites; paraffin to the depth of the ferrule difficult to make the calf into a worth- were the lowianders of the sea -coast To insure ease in the removal of the a few days later would not start until while dairy cow. and the Jordan valley, but the name wax when the brush is to be used another new coil was installed. This oftenlied to all the people of Why the Coil Failed. The coil of an electric farm lighten ing plant had burned out while the engine" was running and a new coil was installed. Within a short time thereafter the engine had been stop• pad, apparently in good condition, but again, the bristles should be pressed happened' again, after which an in+: was applied firmly together so as to prevent the vestigation revealed that the col quest The Hittites; represented a ` a� from flowing between The par though apparently correct in size an Short Courses at Ontario Agricultural College �i' FARM POWER COURSE. ment of the Ontario Agricultural Col - outdoor work,lege The work covered will include Farm tractors forlecture and gasoline engines. and electric mo- tors for inside are very rapidly find- ing favor on the farms of Ontario. For the large number of tractors in- troduced during the `past few years it has been very difficult to find skilled Operators and especially operators with a thorough grasp of the funda- mental principles underlying the con- ttruction tend operation of gasoline engines. Many inquiries are received at the Ontario Agricultural College day by day from those wishing in- formation about motors of various types used far inside work. To afford an opportunity for in- struction along these, verities lines there is offered a short course in Farm Power at the Ontario Agricultural Paw z College, beginning January 22nd and extending over a pitied of two weeks. Amateurs, being either operators, farmers or farmers' sons are partial- by t p the food supply was both regular and early invited. Any man or boy may A It 1 C 1] Interest. Again we study the case of safe, the paper was cut with a sharp enter the course providing he arrives 21st to I" b y 2 d t whit a man called of God. And like Abra-p at the Mechanic's Building, O.A.C., et ham, Moses is past the age of youth- knife in the form of a cross with the 9 alit. on the 22nd of January. d i tabl fel adventure His apprenticeship for intersecting outs in the centre. This his real life work involved forty years time the food was glued to the paper. will also P ... of youth amid the advantages of the The next morning nine rats were DAIRY COURSE. Court of Egypt, plus an added forty found in the barrel. Subsequent I'timp slat of b g> grating, pruning, earning an Honest livelihood, as a mornings netted Iron one to .three rn e. o The importance and value of a 1 d th keeper of flecks in the wilds es S , or four for about a week. . knowledge of modern dairy farm prac- too, many a inodern college man finds sin the cotta e picking out eco a for all his training in the varied fler will !ber demonstrated during potting ,transpl g , P g , P arm The ,sun -blessed dairy cow brings Farm Dairy Course January 21st to potting, transplanting, rnacicot#ug and big spells of Husbandry. Slipshod f • February 2nd—at the Dairy Depart- market packages, ing spells poverty anus to -day s high- forth vitamines a hundred fats Palestine before the Is raelite con- great.nation of those days i i t- v g v lose ti affin when cool,can be picked from dements extended_. from 1'nlestino P shape, was of the wrong capacity; north to Syria and Asia Minor. The the bristles very easily, or it may be Thispaxiicular B2 -volt plant utilizes Amorites;: lived east of the river Jor- dipped for a few moments into boil a 32 -volt tail to supply ignition for dan, and also in the extreme north of ing water, and the brush will be as the engine, and as the firm also wakes e Palestine. This name also was some- serviceable as ever. a on the care and handling of times applied to thr people of -western Brushes that have been neglected dairy cattle, the production and care Palestine in general. The other names until the paint is hard and dry can of milk, veterinary science, crops iepregent Palestine tribes of which be softened again by soaking them in the dairy farm, systems of ventilation little is enetvn, strong' vinegar. in dairy barns_ and the care' and use V. 12. Certainly I will be with thee. of milking machines, along with prac The task to which Moses is called is a tical work in hand separators, butter- great and difficult one. He feels his An Automatic Rat Trap. akin soft and fancy cheese making incompetence Who aan 1," he said, making,"That I should go unto Pharaoh?' The After the corn crop was sold rats and milk testing. No youngout dairy answeref God gives him the great as- from the -granary began' to infest the farmer can afford to be surnnce of God's presence with him, basement. They were so thick that course of this kind. If students are In all Moses' subsequent work this some wholesale method to extermin- unable to remain the full period of premise and this assurance remained ate thein was the only solution. There two weeks, they. may stay one week with him. God was present with hint and in that assurance he could do all meet.The top of this was removed things. Upon this mountain. There was this further token and guarantee and covered with heavy brown paper. of the reality and truth of the divine' Several small pieces of cheese and a call, that he would lead the people to, few kernels of corn were scattered this very mountain where now he had` on the top' and the barrel set about the vision of God. This may account,' six inches from a table so that the In rt at least, for the fact that cold have .to to get to 1 into the heart` rats w Nth Moses did lead Tsrae was an old vinegar barrel in the base - or less. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE. GROWING. fruits tree and small The culture of both amateur and commercial for growers in all parts of the Province will be covered in the slibrt course on Fruit and Vegetable Growing given he Department artment of„Horticulture, Ontario Agrieu .ora College, ege, January February n The sou •so be as practical as possible. The best teethells ase in vegetable growing be given in detail. The roe- tical work of fruit growing will cot - slat . aftin , an marketingo planting, Panting fruit and market packages; in vege- of that mountainous peninsula rather than by the straight road to Palestine. APPLICATION. the bait. Each morning the bait was gone. When the rats began to suspect that a 6 -volt automobile lighting system, a 6 -volt coil was supplied by mistake. Then when the 32 -volt current was impressed on the windings of the 0. volt coil, the pressure was greater than it was designed for or could withstand; consequently it heated and burned out within a short period, Therefore, in installing new coils or other parts on any farm -lighting plant it is well, in addition to making sure they are genuine, also to maks sure they are of the correct rating or capacity. This is doubly important; when the replacement part is fuxnisiy, ed by any other than the plant"s manufacturer. Cost of Maintenance of Sheep, Investigational work, with alleep, conducted by the Department of Ant. mal husbandry at the Ontario Agri• cultural College, gave for emit bis. maintenance of the farm flock the fol- lowing figures: To winter ewe lambs, $4.49 each; to winter breeding ewes, $5.50 each. Investigational work in fa.tfethitt t nued and the roam laTriba'was coni ebowed last year that it W001d have paid bettertt,e market the lambs ift diem i the autumn ,,than to finish �4 the pens, the lambs ell showing a to '1 when ratriet aeeount of :geed was kept