The Brussels Post, 1924-1-16, Page 6lasoo is the purest and rarest scientifically p`r'ep alp ctrl tea, molds" ttada r. Try it. Tangled Trails —BY WILLIAJi MACLEOD J¢AINS (Copyright, Thomas Allen.) CHAPTER XXVL right to Uncle James's estate, We CUTTIliM TRAM. - R'ail's have it" 1 A satiric smile touched the face of Kirby's efforts to find James- Cull- Cunningham without warming it. Ingham after dinner were not sue- "That active imagination of yours cessful. He was not at his rooms, at again. You do let it run away with the Country Club, or at his office. you." Nor was he at a dinner dance where "You were seen getting into n car be was among the invited guests, a with Miss McLean." bit of .information Rose had gathered •Did she stepin of her own free from the society columns of the pre -,will?" vious Sundays News. His cousin `�,¢ don't claim an abduction." reached him at last next morning by. "Onyour own statment of the ease means of his business telephone. An , appointment was arranged in five then, You have no ground of tom - sentences. plaint whatever!' • If James felt any surprise at the I "Do' you refuse to tell us where she is. Kirby asked. delegation of three which filed in to "I refuse to admit that I know see him he gave no sign of it. He where the young lady is." bowed, sent for more chairs from the +•We'll find her. Don't make any outer office, and seated his visitors, mistake about that." all with a dry, close smile hoveringKirby rose, The interview was at i on the edge of irony. an end. Kirby cut short preliminaries: Cole Sanborn strode forward. He "You know why we're here and what leaned over the desk toward the oil we want," he said abruptly. broker, his blue eyes drilling into "I confess I don't, unless to report those of the broker. on your trip to Golden," James coun-"We sure will, an' if you've hurt tered suavely, "Was it successful, our li'P friend—if she's got any may I ask?? grievance againstway "If it wasn't, you know why it ou you her—X'lyoucertainly the wasn't." The eyes of the two men met. ' yoJau mes flushroper, ed angr. rily. k. "Getout of Neither of them dodged in the least here—all of you! Or Ill send for the or gave to the rigor of the other's police and have you swept out. I'm gaze. fed up on your interference." "Referring to Jack's expedition, I "Is it interference for Miss Mc - presume," Lean here to want to know where her You don't deny it, then." sister is?" asked Kirby quietly, "My dear Kirby, I never waste "Why should you all assume I breath in .useless 'denials, You saw know?" Jack. there." Therefore he must have been "Because the evidence points to been, "He was. He brought away with "Absurd. You come down here him a page cut from the marriage- from Wyoming and do nothing but license registry." • make trouble for me and Jack even James lifted a hand of protest. though we try to stand your friend, "Ah! Thera we come 'to the parting I've had about enough of you." of the ways. I can't concede that"! "Sorry you look at it that way." "No, but you know it's true," said Kirby's smile was friendly. It was Kirby bluntly.j even wistful. "I appreciate what you Not at all. He surely would not did for me, but I've got to go through mutilate a public record." 'with what I've started. I can't quit "We needn't go into that. He did, on the job because I'm under an obli- But that didn't keep us from getting gation to you. By the way, I've ar- the information we wanted." 'ranged the matter of the bond. We're "No? James murmured the mono- to take it up at the district attorney's syllable with pelite indifference. But office at eleven this morning." he watched, lynx -eyed, the strong, "Glad to hear it. I want to be quit brown face of his cousin. 'of you, snapped Cunningham tartly. We know now the secret your Outside, Kirby gave directions to wanted to keep hidden in the court- his lieutenants. house at Golden." "It's up to on two to dig up some 1 grant you energy in ferreting facts. Pin gonna be busy all mornin' out other people's business, dear; with this bond business so's I can cousin. If you're always so—so al-; keep auto jail. Rose, you go up to truistic, Iet us say—I wonder how'. the Secretary of State's office and you have time to devote to your own find the number of the license of my affairs." !cousin's car and the kind of machine "We intend to see justice done Miss it is. Then you'd better come back Esther McLean—Mrs, James Gun- +an' take a Iook at all the cars parked ningham, I should say. You can't within three or four blocks of here: move us from that intention or---," 1 He may have driven it down when he The expression on the oil broker's came to work this mornin'. Look at face was either astonishment or the! the speedometer an' see what the best counterfeit of it. Kirby bad ever mileage record is of the last trip seen. !taken. Cole,. you go to this address, I beg pardon. What did you say?" That's where my cousin lives. Find I told you, what you already know, out at what garage he keeps his car, that Esther McLean was married to Ie they don't know, ro to all the gar - Uncle James at Olden on the twenty- ages within severe blocks of the first of last month." „ p1 acs, See if it's a closed car. Get Miss McLean and Uncle James the make an' the,number an' the last married—at Golden—.on the twenty- trip mileage. Meet me here at twelve first of last month? Are you sure?" o'clock, say. Beth of you." "Aren't you? What did you think "Suits me" said Cole. "But wise we found out?" . me up. Whet's the idea in the mile- Cunningham's eyes narrowed. A age?' "Just this, James was outa town last night probably. We couldn't find him anywhere, My notion is that he's taken Esther somewhere into the mountains. If we can get the mile- age of the last trip, all we have to. do is to divide it by two to know how far away Esther is. Then we'll draw' a circle round Denver at that distance 8hn of caution spread over them. "Oh, T don't know. 'You're so enterprising you might discover almost. anything. It's really a pity with your Imagina- tion that you don't go into fiction." "Or oil promotin'," suggested Cole with a grin. "Or is that the same thing?" "Let's table our cards, James," his tousle said, "You know now why, we're here." "On the contrary, I'm more in the! dark than ever." Kirby was never given to useless; movements of his limbs or body.Ire had the gift of repose, of wonderful poise, Now not even his eyelashes flickered. "We want to know what you've done with Esther McLean." l "But, my dear fellow, why should' I de anything with her? "You know why as well as 1 do. Somehow you've persuaded her to go somewhere and hide herself. You want her in your power, to force or cajole her into a compromise of her MININGI STOOKS wa speolnlfzo in Ise ,horn, of all Northom 08- tarlo Alining Companies. having locals! faoUltlee he the eco utcOn ot orders, wblob reoelre tho prend4 adWootton careful of a mainbor of the nets. Iatortnatbu rewMrning -any Company atbdU tdra{abert. Iiertrat summary free OU r,ua,e't 8etabll,hed 1006, HERON & CO.- Membere 'Toronto Stock Exohange 4 COLBORNE 8'r. - 'ronowr ISSUE No, 2-14. Cole slapped his thigh with Ills hat. "Bully! You're sure the white-haired lad in this deteckative game," "Maybe he didn't act the speedo -f meter for the trip," suggested Rose. "Passible. Then again more likely he did. James is a methodical chap.. Another thing, while you're at the' private hotel. 'where he lives, Cole.' Find out if you can where James goes, when he fishes or drives lath the' mountains. Perhaps he's got a intte tape of his own or some favorite' spot" "I'm on my way, old-timer i" COTe announced with enthusiasm. I At luncheon the committee report- , ed progress. Cole had seen James' Cunningham's car. It was a sedan.! Ile had had it out of the garage all afternoon and evening and had brought it back just before midnight! The trip record on the speedometer, registered ninety-two miles. From his pocket Kirby drew an automobile map and a pencil. He !notched on the pencil a mark to re- !present e- s nt forty-sixmiles f e pr sc 1 from the point, based on the scale of miles shown at ,the foot of the map. With the pen - d1 as a radius he drew a semicircle 'from Denver as the centre, The curv- ed line passed through Loveland, fiong's Ptak, and across the Snow WrgDOM AFTER THE WEDDING. Did you ever think how different Wild be the questions that te man and woman would propound to each other Lifter marriage from the ones they submitted to each other before marriage? Before marriage each asks the ether: Are Yee sure that you love me eternally and unalterably?" Will you swear that you never loved be- fore? Will you lave ,me when I am old? Are you certain I am your ideal and your realization of love's young dream? Is it really true that you. could not live without me? Wi11 you swear never to marry again if I die?" Every man and woman with ordi- nary intelligence knows that no hu- man being can prophesy as to the vagaries of his or her heart, or fore- tell how long any love is going to last, That depends on circumstances, and whether the other party cantinues.td exercise the same fascination, and keeps himself or herself lovable. We have all seen too many couples who were mad about each other one year and mad with each other the next, Therefore, in spite of their lovers' vows,- most people marry with their fingers crossed, trusting to luck that their affection for each other will hold out - Looking back from the pinnacle of wisdom which a woman reaches after a few months of matrimony, she wish- es that she had concerned' herself more about the health of the man she was going to marry instead of in- quiring so much into the state of his heart. If she had it to do over again she would not ask him so much about Whether he really loved her, as she would about what sort of a digestion he had. A woman, if she had it to do over again, would not waste her time ask- ing a man if he had ever loved before and if he was certain he would never love again. She would find out whe- ther he considered a wife a partner, entitled to receive a fair and just com- pensation for her labor as wife, and mother, and housekeeper,, or whether he held that a wife should work ten hours a day for her board and clothes, and come like a beggar to him for every penny required for household expenses. Nor would she worry herself try- ing to find out whether her husband would marry again if she should die. She would be more interested in at- tempting to ascertain how he was go- ing to treat her while she was alive. If she had it to do over again she would not make the man she was go- ing to marry perjure himself about loving her for ever and. ever. She would ask him if he was going to be -tender to her. If he was going to be kind. If he was going to be sympa- thetic. If he was going to do some- thing to make her happy, or if be was going to be one of the men who seem to think that just .being married to him is picnic enough for any woman, and that she should, never expect a compliment or want togo to any place l of amusement, or look fora busy man be show her any attention. Men, likewise, after marriage, would not bother so much with •the' state of a girl's heart as they world, with her head, and health, and dispo-1 sition. They wouldn't be so anxious 1 to know whether a woman would promise to love them for ever as they Range to Tabernash• It ineluded Georgetown, Gray's Peak, Mount Evans, and Cassell's. Fromthele it swept on to Palmer Lake. "I'm not includin' the plains coun- try to the east" Kirby explained. "You'll have enough territory to cover as it is, Cole. By the way, did you find anything about where James gots into the hills?" No. "We'll make some more inquiries; Perhaps the best thing for you to do would be to go out to the small towns Each 11 -seat package of "Diamond around Denver an' lied out if any of Dyes" mutates directions so simple the garage people noticed a car of that any woman can dye or tint any that description passin' through. That old, worn, faded thing new, even if she would help a lot. It would give us a has never dyed befoe,. Choose any line on whether he went up Bear icofor at drug store, Canon, Platte Canon, into Northern Colorado, or south toward the Palmer Lake countyyd' "You've allowed foray -six miles by ■ an air -line," Rose pointed out. "He couldn't have gone as far as Long's! Peak or Evans—nowhere nearly as far, because the ramie are so winding 1° when you get in the hills. He could 50 hardly have reached Estes Park," 1 as "Right, You'll have to check up; w the road distances from Denver, Cole.' nit Your job's like Iooltin' for a needle in a haystack. I'll put a detective - agency on James. He might take a notion to run out to thecache any W find evenin'. Ile likely will, to make ■` would be to know whether she would learn to keep house and live within their income. It is a pity that young {people don't ask the really vital queatlons of each f other before marriage instead of pro• pomidi sg a Jet of silly, sentimental conundrums that nobody can answer for sure. It would save a lot of un- happiness if they did, a F,IETY IVIILLIGN' INCREASE IN DEPOSITS RPP TPD. BY ROYAL BANK OF CANADABank Make*Remat',kehle ProprAss '!n ease Fiscal year. Poeltion Further Strengthened by Holdings? of "Short Term Securities, Earninge Weil Maintained. A gain of fifty tn'fllioue 1n deposits ago, Call leans total $40,372,574, coin. litlutd assets of approximately 50%d flared with $48,0104Q10 last year. h 28%d of ]!abilities to the public are in the many fields et !wintery and anti easel amounting to ne leas t as Larger. Business Handled. erelong the ontftanding features et a remarkably ,strong statement which The 1teYal Bank of Canada Is'torward• ng to its shareholders ter the. fiscal Year ending November 80th. A $50,- 000;000 gain in deposits Is rosily prom omesal under conditions that prevail, ed during the past year aid must be aocepted as unmistakable toetltnony of the confidence that le everywhere placed in this strong Canadian bank- ing institution. What will make emit a large gain still more satisfaotore from the shareholders' standpoint is that owlig to the general cbaractor of the business done by the Banks there are no es nature, pecially large deposits of any General Position Further Strengthened The general business of the Bank continues to show an ezpandleg ten- dency. Total ascots are now $538,058,- 564, as compared with $479,363,306 for the previous yearor a gain of about $59,000,000. Liquid assets are $233,- 125474, 233,125,474, as compared with 11216,048,381, while cash on.. hand amounts to $81,- 604,539, against $71,935,920 a year ago. In the liquid assets a number of other large increases are shown, the princi' pal being a gain in short term govern- ment securities. Dominion and Provin- cial Government securities now stand at 528,783,050, up from 522,950,224, and Canadian, Municipal and British, For- eign and Colonial Government securi- ties, other than Canadian, amount to 516,000,863, against 57,601,927 a year A POPULAR SEASONABLE STYLE. 4267. This is good for flannel, flan- nelette, beacon cloth and also for cam- bric, crepe and silk, The Pattern is cut in 6 Sizes: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 years. A 6 -year size requires 2% yards of 36 -inch material, Pattern mailed to any address on receipt of 16c in silver or stamps, by the Wilson Publishing Co, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Allow two weeks for receipt of pattern. WHEN BASHFULNESS FLEES. "You may can it bashfulness" or self-consciousness or any ° other name," wailed Rhoda Greene. "It's a dreadful thing to have." "Selfishness is the latest name for it, I believe," said Amy Ferguson mis- chievously. "That's the `most unkindest cut of all,'" objected Rhoda. "Bashful peo- ple are never selfish. They are quiet and retiring and bashful!" "If you're bashful, you are think- ing about yourself—what to do with your feet, and what to say to that dreadful young man in the corner. If you are constantly thinking about yourself, you are selfish. So there you are!" "How can Ihelp thinking about rey feet when they always come down in the wrong place?' I'm so bashful it makes me fairly sick to go anywhere, but I'm not selfish. Were you ever bashful?" Rhoda continued, question- ingly. "I was—and am. P11 tell you when 1 had my first glimmer of what the real trouble was. I'd been invited to a dinner. I should have felt slighted if I hadn't got the invitation yet I dreaded to go. ProbablyI should have sat through it looking about as intel- ligent as an oyster but for a channe • WOMEN! DYE FADED THINGS NEW AGAIN Dye or Tint Any Worn, Shab- by Garment or Drapery. �a��ae�e��eQeps ■ 5* t39 fif Ar DI 1135* ON liAta ZVErtYWISIME 10 CANADA sure Esther is contented." , f;l DTIC FOR TIiMM By NAME' J "Or he'll send Jack," Rose added, gig i g m i s s eia i u® "We'll try to keep an eye on him, too." "This ie my job, is it?" Cole asked, risi�n�g. "Yon an' Rose can work together on it. My job's here in town on the murder mystery." "If we work both of them out— finding Esther and proving who killed your unele-I think we'll learn that it's all tho same mystery, anyhow," Rose said, drawing on her gioves. Cole nodded sagely. "You've said aomethin', Rose." 1 "Say w'"Il. not if, wo work em' out. f We'll Ile t 1 tin' hot frail pose tempo," Kirby pr, kesierl, smiling1 at them. (To he contirtued., • Mtnar4 LIo,Iment 145514 Cula. IfS" MATCHES. Tfiemoreyouuse than -the better pail hire the m/ SAVE TIME AND WORK Q3SB MORE— Concentrated beef goodness, easily imparted to dozens of dishes making' thein more testy and nutritious. in ene et 4,10.50 and 100 commerce served by the Bank there has evidently been a demand for in. flcrcleed ingeeaomgmaondattnto. ac, urTrhts iseRA+ Gie oeoeds, nods tRt omwaas isIn, tlliee days osft'vthfle which now stand . at 5204,722,207 Mete beautiful conatellatlon In the against 5242,957,776. During 1923 the evening sky, balance due to the Dominion Govern• All old-time legends, coniliotielf inept of $17,461,750, reported a year though they are in their details, agree ago, !.las been entirely paid off. In the fact that Orlon was a Mighty GrowTn the largesh In galu atoeltse 160,000,00e in giant or warrior pursuing Taurus, the doposlts It is to Ile noted that tlioae Bu11, across the heavens with uplifted In the Savings Dapartment now club Ina n his rigift hand aid a Iron's elan thrown over his lett shoulder: The. fiery red star, Aldebaran, in the,V of the Hyades, represented the baleful, red eye of the bulla In the huge quadrilateral that nut• Y%NM' + ORION IR, From the timewhen Orlon first an. Peers above the eastern horizon in late fall evenings until it disappears below the we®lern' ltorizen. In May it amount to 5311,769,127, as ensnared less titan 553946,1882,245anor theeyear. no Earnings Wel! Maintained. The earnings for the year were well maintained, profits ]raving amounted lines the body of Orlon appear red to 53,909,336, Teta compares with 53; Betelgeuze in the northeastern car. 958,460 In the Previous year, Tale ner; brilliant, bluo•whlte Rigel, like a profits added to the balance carried forward from the preceding year diamond, diagonally opposite to Betel., brought the total amount available for geuze; Saiph in the south-eastern eor- distribution- up ' to 54,916,830. This ner, and diagonally opposite to Satph, was distributed as follows; Beliatrix, A small group et taint stars Dividends and bonuses to above the quadrilateral 1epresents the shareholders 52,856,000 bead of Orion. In its center, midway Transferred to Withers' bete.een Betelgeuze and Rigel, is the Pension Fund 100,000 line of three evenly spaced stare that . Appropriation for Bank 400,000 .form the Belt of Orion and trona the Ps eve fpr southern end of the belt hangs the, Reserve it Taxes, incl Gov- ernment Taxes, inetuding • Sword of Orion. : The central, fuzzy, war tax on Bank Note appearing' star In the sword represents circulation 475,000 the Great, Woe Nebula, the finest ob- leaving an amount to be carried 'for Jed of its kind In the heavens. It Is "' ward of 51,086,830, as against 51,007,- condensed about the sextuple star, 614 at the end of the previous year.. Theta, e star that is made up of six physisaily connected stars, tour of which are visible In small telescopes. This group lies at the end of a dark The principal accounts in the statement of assets and liabilities, as com- pared with 1922, are as follows: -- Liquid Assets Total Assets Call and short loans Deposits not bearing interest Deposits bearing interest Total Deposits 421,334,266 Dominion and Provincial Govt. Securities ., 28,783,050" Canadian Municipal Securities and British, For- • sign and Colonial Public Securities other - than Canadian ..... .....:....... ........:, 15,900,303 Current Loans and Discounts 204,722,107 Deposit in Central Gold Reserves 11,500,000 Notes of Bank in Circulation 81,226,541 Balance due to Dominion Government 1928 1922 5233,125,47.4- 5216,048,331 638,358,664 479,882,366 46,372,674 48,510,120 109,575,137 94,408,078 311,759,127 277,695,882 372,003,981• 22,950,224 7,901,927 242,937,476 8,000,000 28,646,902 17,461,750 word that I overheard from my hostess. "1 do hope that this dinner will be successful," she said anxiously. "I'veI'm so sorry for my hostess! That stars not as they are to -day, but as tried so hard to have everything just made him laugh, and it wasn't a bit they were six centuries ^.go. right. Do you think I could' improve hard after that. The Orlon stars are all bluish -white gap in the midst of the Great Nebula known as the fish's mouth, which is probably in reality a darg nebula shut- ting oft the light from stars bt,;;ond, All of the brighter ;'are in the con- stellation, with the exception of Betel- geuze, form an enormous group of stars of inconceivably great extent and at an enormous distance frons the earth. It has been estimated that the Great Nebula and brighter stars of Orion are about 600 light years from the earth. That is, the light from this having a delightful time,' I begged group 05 stars that is entering our t my partner. `I paver know what to eyes o -day bat been traveling toward say, but I'm willing to listen --and 1us 86 for sixcenturies wit4a velocity of , mil es a second, We see these upon the arrangement of toe guests; I thought that little Ferguson girl might be rather diffident, so I've given her the best dinner partner at the table. Perhaps—' "That was all I heard, but it was enough. It was the first time I had ever thought of how my hostess might feel. I' could see how uncomfortable best of people at heart; yet isn't there it would make her if I sat there some truth in the idea that bashful- speechless—a , regular joy -killer at nese is a kind of selfishness.' her table So L mid to myself, 'I can at least look happy and interested.' 'Please talk and act as if you were iometunes when the doorbell tinge in color and are the most Massive and and I am the only one at home I have hottest of all the stars. Their surface that wretched feeling that seems to temperatures are believed to be at freeze my tou,gue and intellect; but I least as high as 20,000 degrees as eom. say to myself; `Now go down and act pared with a surface temperature of as you like to have other people act 11,000 degrees for our own sun. when you call on them-' The red star Betelgueze that marks "Bashful people are often the very the right shoulder of Orion is very di( ferent in type from the typical Orion star, and is not a true memter of the Orion group. It is only about a third as far array as the Orion stars, or about 200 light years. This Is the star whose diameter was measured a short time ago by the interferometer meth - Wood's Liniment tor Dandruff. BRAND NEW U. S. ARMY Horse Cover or Stable Blanket Tho outside or the horse poser or stable blan5•et 1s made of waterproof Grown cotton dna*, lined with a anon. hoary blanket material, manias from under the hem to the edges. also 70 1nelrla at bottom, 04 lnehei. at lop, depth of neck 05 1.2 inches, depth or back cod 33 Mehra Two am- cfnetes. each throe inches wide, etronaly stitched and reinforced, It Is Um .00000 araole-silent. durable, warm and wit lit any fate steed borne. Buy the real thing and order A' fen Mankato while the 611p511 lasts. You 3,111 never duplicate them again at the price we are offering them to yoa weight li pounds, 551501ng wetaht, 10 Denude Horse Brushes Strand now. oral • shaped Slxe. O 1.2o4 r-1. 00 30.00 dozed. Curry. Combs raw V, e. drm1� p o stub ^� st.ao" Boren mob Unwed' Double Selo of elmm and Double 010 cD L biddies seen .50 each Get together {Tilt sour neighbor, apdely2 25 `FF ,o,66 U.S. Army McClellan Saddles nran4 new, steel. ata 51 rr,p,lplalna welbht 113 pounds, Order a Rale, Containing 10 515010le at the wholesale hie. et c • eradd Naw 5.pound, Alt.goads gnararyl004 as 005(0.. ells arab, wool �,• 25seated or mortar refunded. sed 01ana,t1, etreeach 72X04, J. SiLVERMAN &. BROS., INC., 694 Broadway, New Send 0500100 er money onion to Capt CCM Note -We Par 50 torwardlno Charge, or Duty. Wheinols and Mall Clhrlbutort $6.00 0016 All Leather Saddles Strand nen, .,plea stirrups. ablpping. seises 25 uoanda $8.00 York, N.Y., U.B.e. Order Your Farm Help Now IN VIEW of the great demand for farm help existing lit Canada the Canadian Pacific Railway will continuo its arm Help SIF" Service during 1024 and will enlarge its scope to: in- clude women domestics and boys. TRE COMPANY Is in touch with large numbers of good farm laborers In Great Britain, Norway, Sweden, 'Denmark France, Holland, Switzerland and other European countries and through its widespread organi2'ation can promptly' fill 11ppll0atfons for Jteip received Zoom Canadian farmers. In order' to have the help reach Canada in time for the Spring operations farmers needing help should =mange to get their! applications in early, the earlier the better, as naturally theta applications which etre received early will receive first attention. Blank application forms and full information regarding the service may be obtained from any C.P.R.' agent or from any of the officials listed below. THE SERVICE IS ENTIRELY I" FREE OF CHARGE. • y W1 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Department of Colonization and Development {VINNIPEG.--m. E. Thornton BNvorintendoat of Colonisation' T. 8. AChoaou, genera] Aaridalturel A5.at. AA91fAf00 %—w, 5. Goren,. Land Arm 11, P. 1Comor, trio Ant CALGAh'rr-�D. 0. P, Iloecr, M00, to: ScsI. of CDlontyatlon 0DM0fT0Df.--r.boast Agent ht0N1'3{l'%ttL-.47 DougycMuter, ll, General Aartcutntra] Agont 4• I.0 aft* 14oi190ld, i.and Agoat re G. tettilllr Ile S. Pr/410$ Aaltalant Cemm{bafenbl', Odd&'omn,leolonor, od'llevlsed by Prof. Albert A.‘ and found to be approxima`.e1y 275,000,000 miles 1u dlameter, or 320 times that of the sun, Betelgeuse is. one of the superglants of the universe, but its density is estimated to be less than one -thousandth of the density of air at the seashore. Germ That Causes Colds: Fresh proof that common colds ars infectious, and probably due to a germ so small that it cannot be seenthrough the -most powerful mlcroscope, was presented by Dr. Peter 10. 011teky, of the Rockefeller Institute of New York, to the American Pubitc Health Associ- ation. human beluga were used In the lab- oratory experiments. Dr. Olitaky stated that the experimental work in which be and Dr: J, E. McCartnoy were associated was done ova` a period of four years. The` many experiments were made on bewail volunteers becalise animal; were unsuitable for the purpose. The. slight symptosis of a 00010300 cold aro., difficult to detect in rabbits. Subjects were infected with the fil- tered washings from the nasal mem• brans of a sufferer from a cold, They promptly developed colds themselves, which were transmissible in like 'maw tier to other volunteers, Dr, Olitalty said that this indicated that a germ was the causative agent, and that it was eo small that It passed through the pores of an earthenware filter. -.,. The germ remained Invisible al-.,' though cultures were prepared front the nasal secretions ot forty patients with colds. This Indicates either that the germ is too small to be seen through'U110 most powerful micro- scopes or that the methods used were • unsuitable for its food requirements. Ettparimsnts on rabbits had deter - Mined that the common coldis wholly distinct from epidemic influenza, Suggestive at Least. "What makes you think that tellow Who took you riding y0550000 la A street car conductor?" "Why, every show and then he'd muemnr, as it uneonttoiously, 'Bit climes', please,' "