The Brussels Post, 1924-1-16, Page 5tlsa�sISERS116.®rQ1��s
1 Men'
Dere is a woudel'ful Bargain,
Brown slatl other shades.
Regular $30.00
Atamvano aE51'fadl'tm
Nor rereroIraao dear tent' pperoon. whose rnI1 l
1 have olllolated at, Yltouo 78z yr 05
u DR. WAROI..'tW
Tionor graduate or the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calls, Office oppoiita
Niour 14111, cabal,
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology,
1hthalmo agy bio•
Uorrick Medical College, Ol>longo, I11, Three
menthe post graduate aoarse during yQor 1910,
Byeo ationtflionlly¢xnrnlned,
Latest Modern Methods clod.
1N• r a Byes Straightened throughproper-
ro er-
Satisfaction Assurod.'
. Odiee halm : 10 to 12 a, m.: 1.80 to 2 p, m.
Saturday evening, 7:80 to o'olook,
Phone 98x
T. T. M' RAE.
M. B. M. 0. P.. A S. 0. •
M. 0, 8., Village of Sussed,
Physiplan, Surgeon, Apoottoke:tr
Officeat reside oe b o a Melt ills Ohuroh,
n np str
William street.
Tr. N. Srarwi z
Barristers, Solioitors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square, 2nµ door from 13amilton
Private funds to loan at lowest rate9.
W. Paoonroo¢, E. 0, 3. L. Rumensn
DUDLEY Hot ME8, Jtnr.
ri & 0.40 g. k.'2'.WIM'?
Fire, Automobile, and Wind _Ins,
For Brussels and vicinity Phone 647
Agent Newick Mutual fire •Insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
/ Phone 43 Box 1 Tarnherry Street, Brussels
The Iridian Herbalist
May be found in the Strctton Block
Brussels, iVednesday and Saturday
of each week until further notice.
7 v
Start Row to Equip Yourself
for a Position of .Trust 6
Yongo & Charles tits., Toronto
r)i Sawed renown throughoutCanada for
positions ns Private Secretaries, Sten-
ographers, Typists, Accountants, Com-
mercial Teachers, eta. Gradnaten in
keen demand. Eater any time. Write
for Catalogue.
?A% lae-Vgaiaardzattirisiretk•
prepares young me0 and youngwomen
for Business which is now Canada's V
greatest profession We assist gradu-
ates to positions and t to
n tehey have a tato
0t. tiont trwith an which todout them to
mast whit eaaoess. o to are reg. > i
tutored each week. , Get oar free oat-
afogue and learn something about our '�
, different departments. ,�
Or, O, . Nr .McInnes
of W iogham, will be et the
American Hotel, Bl-usa019
Tuesday and Friday Afternoons
Adl ootatenta given for diseases of all
kinds, specialize in dealing with
Monthly blouse Pairs will be held in
Brussels this season as £ollowe-t
THURSDAY, JAN. $1, 1924
'e MAR. 0, 1924
1e APR, 8, 1924
Local and Outside Buyers will be Present
By Order of Ooutsell.
j.I e Market rice
male s
'ilhsk x
w paid,
See not or Picone No. 2x, Br'ue•
eels, and 1 will call and get
your Poultry,
M. Yollic
ree+4'•6•!N+++4.4.$•4.•h4'+eF•t••1"4-F' .14.•1
oxzI 11 dim Palo
RENEW for 1954.
LOCAL and District uewe always wet.
tier ready to secure your auto marker
by the first of February; No grace will
be allowed after that date.
FORD Motor Company announces a
program of expansion for 2924, entailing
an ax r u al
W. A,Crich
TrIE POST congratulatesW µ
apd E. Rozell, both former residnts, ou
their election to the Municipal Boards
of Seaforth and Clinton, respectively, as
Miss, Mabel Spafford, Blyth, whd
has teen employed in Totottto for
some time, has taken a position .as
stenographer with Ament Bros., Bros.
EASTERN Methodist ehurpb, Ottawa,
bas Observed its Golden Jubilee, The
pastor now in charge of the congrega-
tion le Rev. T. Wesley Cosens, a foruter
pastor of the Metbodtst church Brussels,
By advt. it will be see that. the Guild
of St, John's church will bold a sale of
Home-made baking and candy at the
store of Miss Mary Ross Saturday after-
n0000f this week, Tea will also,be
served from 3 to 7 o'clock.
PROMOTE iu every way the interest of
your community Eosin that way you can
best promote your own interests and do
not overlook the fact that the kind of a
town you live in is the kind of a town
you help make the town you live in.
'The Little Stars Mission Baud of Mel-
ville church will bep nder the guidance
of Mrs, (Rev,) Mc1Srod, Mrs: R. Thom-
son and Mos. J no. E, Smith as Presi-
dents for the coming year. Vice ' Presi-
dents are Misses Kate Deedmen and
Verne McCall.
SATURDAY, of this week. egIb cast.,
the Household Furniture and effects of
the late E, C. Danford Turnberry street
Brussels will be offered for sale, also
the fine residence of Mr. Danford will
be offered at sameetme subject to a re-
serve bid. Read the advt.
BRUCE Municipal Telephone system
has enlarged its territory by buying out
the Ball Telephone Company iu Kincar-
dine, Port Elgin and Paisley, J. J.
Hunter, Editor of Kincardine Reporter,
is President of the Bruce system and
should make a dandy.
Mts. Jae. A. Thompson and daughter,
Detroit, are spending the Winter in
Florida, and says :-The climate is
wonderful and we go swimming every
day. Mrs. Thompson writes ,"It looks se
though this will De a very big season
here." They ars at West Palm Beach.,
THE Sox's Ectrnsm .-Parties of
scientists from all over the world will
gather in Western Ontario .to witness
the total eclipse of the sun on January
25. The sun will begin to be obscured
by the moon about 8 ib the morning. ,If
the day is clear all Western Ontario Will
have an excellent opportunity of wit-
nessing this interesting pheuomenou.
THE cow does not stand alone in the -
the comingcome-b ck f agriculture.
The new of -
will Abe brought about
underki triumvirate the cow, the bog
aud.tbe ben , and the farmer wbo pins.
faithon these three in conjunction with
the production of the cereals and forage
essential to them is the farmer who will
win out and find small cause to voice
lament over rewards of his industry.
HOLIDAYS 1924: -The holidays in 1924
fallen the following dates Good Fri-
day, April 18 ; Empire Day, Saturday,
May, 24_ ; King's Birthday, Tuesday,
June, 3, Dominion Day. Tuesday, jury
x I Labor Day, Monday, September i ;
Thanksgiving Day, Monday, November
re, and Cbristmas Day, Thursday, De
cember x5. Locally our merchants will
likely take a half holiday every Thurs-
day afternoon in addition to the above.
Saturday mornitig, just after Rev. Dr
Moore, Toronto had left his residence o0
Geoffrey Street, to take a car for his of.
fice in Wesley Buildings, be had the
misfortune to slip on the icy pavement
which had a thin'coating of suow, and
fall heavily on the street, A bone io his
righeaokle was fractured and the tibia,
the large bone between the ankle and
Ole knee was split. Dr. Moore was
taken to the General Hospital, where e0
xray revealed the extent of the lujury
He is doing well and resting comfort-
Ma Week of Prayer was observed
here by union services.
lieury Wright suet with a painful
accident when he uhfortunateiy let a
can 00 whey fall, on hid foot ,,ort the
farm of Gordon Sanderson Where he
le employed,
Oberst leAOTORY.-Sllitlrnary of bus•
Juan' done during past year ab Elwri
Cheese and Butter Manufacturing
On.,second )argest cheerio factory in
'Ortuada: 'Total number. pounds 1132221
le0eived-0,085,000, Total number
pounds cheese manufactured -020,448.
Average pounds of milk to pound
cheese -11 07. Aver'ag'e price per lb,
cheese- 19 450. Average price pee lb,
inilk--1757, Total number of pounds
butter frit -870,735 93, Average price
per lb, frit -8288, Average reel fbr
the senenn-8 815. Tons of cheeses-
818 tons, 448 lbs. Number' of cheese
shipped -7,080. Total number of .be.
e310awen1 bolter -e-2,184. Average
price per lb, -41 2. Total number of
lbs. whey huller -16040, Average
price per lb. -85,69, Total r'eeeipte in
cheese aeeonits-$122,415,12. 'Dotal
t,eceipl8 in memos butter -•-$87982.
Total receipts in whey butter -$5,077.-
02,. Petrone received by cheques -
$104,018,41, Officers are ;1.'reeident-
J. B. hail Ilton ; `4'ire•Preaident-e'W,
A~ •Dickson ; Plt•eotors-,john Oegh-
Jin, Wm, Turnbull, Andrew Seven.
son'sus,.--•J, IL Hammond
,?leo. A4
.maker -W, 't', Olivet' ; ldaleeniail--
Jas. Newblgging,
r en i I has o. a'
S Al s, Joen r IJ s ap s to i t ha n en-
n 'n g v 1robes h al f1> but we hope
r ee Ft a It
J y i y t p
> b > s eves..
she will mon be a e.
h w1
e r A'.
'i the. us week u 2 ns; Jno.
n t J
Sm life Inas been on the poorly list but
her many friende Melt her speedy
con v03080010%
Following letter from Robb. Blair,
Dinsmore, Seek, speaks for itself .-
Find enclose subscription for payment
of your valuable paper the old BRoe.
8E1,6 POST. It re a welcome letter
each week. There have been many,
rnany changes in 18 yeare, youngsters
havegrown to manhood and woman.
g m
I>ood and many of the dear onee have
been laid away. If we were there we
would see nonny vacant seats In the
At the annual school meeting of 8.
S. No. 9, John Evans was Chairman
and $'rank Kelly, Secretary, the fol-
lowing botqinees was transacted :-
Edward Bi'gans Was re-elected True -
tee, Joseph Bewley will continue 10
look after the fire lighting 0
g g at $ cont s
as morning,' the pupils doing the
sweeping. Leslie Beirnes will supply
10 cords of 20 limb wood at $4 95 and
cord of cedar at $8 00. Simpson Mc-
Call and Duncan Laidlaw are ,the
other Trustees, „ Mies Keith, Tees -
water, is doing good work as teacher.
There are 12 pupils on the roll. 80
years ago the attendance was 40,
MARRIED. -Following was taken
from the Hnmboldt'paper :-The [nar-
riage of Oscar John Gorsalitz, only
eon of John and Mrs. Gorsalitz, Grey
township, Ont., to Mise Marie Schell -
horn, daugl)tee of T. 8, and Mre,.
Schallhorn, of Iiumbnldt, Sask., took
place Tuesday, Dec, 18th at high noon
at the Presbyterian manse. Rev. A.
C. Tullman officiated, Theywere at-
tended by Mies Minnie Gorsalitz,
cousin of the groom and Alfred Hof-
rnan, After the ceremony they re-
turned to the bride's home where a
tasty wedding dinner awaited them.
Only the immediate relatives and
friends were present. We extend
hearty congratulatious and good
wishes to Oscar and bride for their
future happiness.
A good record has been maintained
by Neil McTaggart relating to the
Sunday School here. He only missed
one Sunday in the year 1928. He is
the Hon. President of the Adult. Bible
Glass. Possibly in past 10 years Mac
has not been absent 5 times, and those
instances owing maybe to illness The
school lost 2 lately good workers in
the t'ersioval 02' the veteran Jas Mann,
deceased, and Gordon McQuartie, who
has gone :to Listowel. The above
mentioned gentlemen were Superin-
tendents. Here's an opportunity. for
younger men to be qualifying for such
positions. Mr. and Mrs. McQuarrie
were presented with a pair of oak
chairs before their removal.
A Metter from Jno. -Brown,
NeepawaMan., formerly of this
locality,is to hand at Tan POST. It
says .-MR. KERR-I .guess you will
be thinking I have forgotten you but
I have not as I aro sending -you a
cheque for THE POST once mere. I
can't do without it. I see by, it there
is quite a change since 1 left and a lot
of the old people dropping off. I was
htid up all last Bummer and olid no
work as I had sciatica in the nerve of
my leg. Mrs. Brown is well. We
are having very cold weather
now brit no snow around here. Cold
was as low as 88° below zero. We
had. a splendid ball. My .grand-
daughter, Minnie groves), is•here from
Saskatchewan, front a place called
Ontario. She is here for the Winter.
Mee. Brown sends her beet respects to
you all, 1 hope ynil had a Merry
Christmas and a happy New Year.
Yours Truly,
Ncepawa. Jan. 6, 1924.
- Trowbridge
RE,vdRD.-The many friends of Mar-
garet Reid, relict of the late Henn
Moore, learned with deepest regret of
het; death at the family residence, 2nd
Con., Mina on Thursday morning of
last week, in her 81st year, The late
Mrs, Moore was born in Ireland and
was a daughter Of the late ,Matthew
and Sarah Reid. WW1 here parents
She came to Canada widen 2 years of
age, the family settling in Morning.
ton township, tiled known as the
Queen's Bush. In 1801 she was married
to the late Henry Moore and took up
their residence on the 0th Con, of
aline, near Atwood, Following year
they went to Carberry, Man., but as
the climate dill not Agree with biee.
Moore they returned to Blunt, and
took up their residence on the 2nd
Con. of Blinn, where they had resided
ever Bine. Me, Moore passed away
about 4 years ego, r The late Airs.
Moore was it friend in the highest
souse of the word and was a kited and
obliging neighbor. She enjoyed a
very large circle of friends aid wher-
ever else Was known she was beloved
and held in highest eeteem, and hor
lose 18 deeply mourned thrughoue the
entire community. 5 daughter's and
7 sone were born to Mr, and Mrs.
Moore, namely ;--Mrs. Ward, de,
ceased. ; Mrs, Hewitt, deceased ; and
one daughter died in infancy ; Mrs,
A. Pelton, Listowel and blies L.
Moore, at borne in glom ; Robert.
deceased ; Ambrose, killed overseas ;
Dt'. M. II, Moore and Dr. Jas. Moore,
Listowel ; Eli, Wetaskiwin, Alta, ;
and De. 7>110, Moore, Duchess, Alta.,
and Reid at home in Elam, Mrs.
Moore also had 22 grandchildren and 8
audc ill used was a ren. Dec
great gt t i e
life long and ism:Meteta member of the
Presbyterian 0hutc11, and the Niteroi
earvieeee were oouducted by Rev, J,
M, Nicol, pastor of Knox chueeli ntt
Saturday. Interment at Fairview
Cemetery; Listowel, Sincere twin -
10 p.c.onCost
For the Next 30 Day
Some Real
Men's Made -to -Measure
In lllues, Greys
and all oolo's
32 00
at only
W Ferguson
pathy Is extended to the bereaved
family in their Itour of sorrow.
Listowel -
Nelson & Fletcher have 'opened a
new garage in town.
F. W. and Mrs. Hay have gone on a
trip to the Mediterranean,
Agricultural Society will hold:
Annual meeting next Monday.
Mrs. 0. A. Hardie has gone to Galt
to superintend the Y. W. 0. A.
By a fall at the rink Mr, Linke
broke hie spectacles and cut hie face.
S. Snell, St. Catherines, has bought
the stook of J. A. Bailey and moved to
James Smith, Con. Ili, ETina' town-
ship, wee tined $000 and onete .for eon -
log boorIle plead iitY before 14
M. l#nmil ton,
Rates were raised, frost $10 to $20
per year to eutsld0 pilpils attending
i O 0
is ooCharge 0h 1. Oi a �+o ie based on
Chs aetnal expense to e0llcete Listowel.
u 1ills,
Fellows Odd lel
dln sn' l
I w la i; tlug Crn put Ns a
Minstrel Show,
New OJtaiunau of the 801001 Botta
le' 0, A, McLeunen,
'rnesdity, 22nd roar., is the date set
for' opening the new Hospital,
D. Beeriest la some .goer. He east
his 82nd ballot at the retteut Mitosicipnl
Last week Gee. Staubery passed his
2200 bie'lhday' and ie quite smart for
his years.
The soother itf'Mrs. Jae. Flynn, died
last week et Kitchener, Her name
owasfClint21t'eo„nJoseph, - B,ieuhardt, formerly
Mrs, Lydia Grant, widow of the late
Wm, Grant, died at the borne of her
dfinerurfihter, AL•s. W, ,L Gook. 2 of bet
none fell itt the world war. She wee a
GOLDEN WEDDING. -W. T. and d Mr's
Box celebrated the golden anniver-
sary of their marriage at a family din-
ner held in their honor on Jan 5, at
the residence of their eldest son, H. C.
Box. Mr. Box carne to Canada from
London, England, in 1852, and settled
in Woodstock. where he lived till 1854,
afterwards;reeiding near Exeter. In
I808 he event to California, where he
remained 2 years, and, returning lo-
cated in Stratford, where, in company
wit1P B,-Maclvoy, he carried on a
furniture factory for 8 years. In 1874
he was married in Ailsa Graig by Rev.
11. SSL. Williams to Mise Mary Hart-
leib of South lfasthope, coming with
his wife to Seaforlh in 1876, where
they have since resided. He entered
into partnership with the late J. H.
Broadfootin the Broadfoot & Box
Furniture Company, which later . be-
came merged with the Canada Furn-
iture Manufacturers•. Mr. and Mrs..
Box were made. -the `recipients of a
gold locket, suitably engraved, from
their fluidly and 8 bendeerne b*oegh.
Mrs, ox weir s aleo presented witha
heroes of American Beauty roeee by
het little gtirndsou, Bill Box. The
address wag read L Box ant
the pseeent[ttlell Mode' by Ii. 0. Box.
Mt told Mr's. Box lave a family or 4
sonesN. f7. ROE, A. 1t, Box, 21.
Box asi Box l o Seto'1
dlJ. J? l f rF lot
,a ,
oleo 2 du
htore Ii. lI, r,
9ruoand Miee Etta Box, locos
r '.
tl ,and 8 gran lee °.
ly .
Ed, Taman is improving in health,
Albert Cole bite retttrrted to New
York and ChM. to Straibroy. They
were here attending Omit. 'fether e
false' al.
Mr e. (Judge) .1ackson returned last
we o
alt t her home in LeCltbr ldge after
spending 8 p>ouths with her father,
J. G. Eitigll.
There have been very fine tueetioge
during Week of Prayer. Tneeday
evening Rev. Mr, Alp, Auburn, gave a
masterly addreee not °Pr'ayer'." . taking
for his text
Matt. 20.39.
G. E. McTaggart, local O. N. R.
agent, eeceived word that he ties been
transferred to Watford. Ile came to
Blyth 18 years ago and le Pr•eeident.. of
the Memorial
HllI Committee,
tteL 1
urer of the Bawlin• Club Treasurer
of Blyth Lodge. 1. 0 0 .
Blyth Lodge, 8128, A. F, and AM
Treasurer of l'rit,ity Ohut•eh, and far' 13
years Secretary -Treasurer of Blyth
School Board.
OfiTDARY,-Word wire received in
Blyth on Tuesday of last weelr that
Mrs. Jonathan Bentley had passed
away et the Ontario Hospital, Lon-
don. She had been in poor health
much of the time during the past 4
years and her death was not unex-
pected. Deneased, whose maiden
name was Jane Blackbrough, was
born in East Wawannsli 55 years ago
,and was a daughter of the late John
and Mrs, Blackhrough, - 2nd Oona
When 10 years old she became the
wife of Jonathan 13entley and her life
was spent in East Wawanosb until
the family moved to Blyth in March,
1919, since when much of her time
bad been spent in London hospital,
Late Mrs, Bentley was a woman of
agreeable dleposltlon :and Retch es.
teemed in the uelghborhoed 1n whlob
sheehe lived practicelly all her life,
Frtruily consisted of b sons and 1
daughter, 4 of whom survive, namely r
- uY and
Southern Alberta;
Earl, Martis, and Hassel on the hotne-
stenrl, Last Wawartoeh, Nelson, who
served ovarse a duringthe war.
not been heard front
and is prrsume
deed, Q aCcdied in Jantutey 1919,
Theremains/ti ewere ro>gLt from
(UD Friday nigght, funeral. .taking
place Situnidny T8'ont lite home of hoe
bt', Thos. Kerr -dolt, Ser•
vice held by Rev. Geo,'T'el£otcl, follow-
ed by interment in .Union Cemetery.
Ptilbearere were bei' trona, Earl 00d
Rugged and 4 nephews -John, Alb'arq,
'Rebind and Percy Vincent.
la Ts sees orthe n
Village ut f g
tech Dennyaare :nd F-Jhostlaayph DaLynlvidI,son, Vernon
Evangelistic services are in .progress
in the Methodist church, Neighbor-
ing -pastors are Gestating.
Thtts, IJutchineon, a hrotllor of the
late Ilugh Hutchiusol, died at 15(2-
mentors. He wee a fo1'tner resident
of klowick.
The floor mill here has been bought
by Thos. Wilson, Dundalk, who le
nolo its poesession. Means Sehwandt
,ttEckel tvere the for etowners.
Thursday evening, JAIL8rd afterer
having sateredTor a week from
paralytic stroke there peeled away
Solomon Strome. one of
the beet
r Owinnd wrshighlyrespected real.
dents of this village, in his 08rd year.
Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon
to lr'ordwich cernetery, services being
conducted in the Methodist church by
hie pastor, Rev. G. A, Barnard, as.
slated by Revde. A, Laing and John
Reichard. Besides his widow, be is
survived by 2 daughters, Misses
Beauleh and Kathleen, at home, and
one eon, led. A., of Saskatoon, Saek.
Ferdinand Hess, Zurich, who tinder -
went an operation at London 'Rioepi•
tal, on Friday, .s improving nice-
Mns. Thos. Shapton, Exeter, cele- le
brated her 80th birthday on New
Year's Day and a family reunion was
held at her home.
- Wear
Offers You a Real Opportunity
to Save Money on Winter Goods
Prevailing Prices have
been Shattered
in this Clearance of Winter Merchandise, Regard-
less of Previous Values
2 9c
Lined Shirts
1 Penman's
Joist a limited quantity
of these left
1 Overcoats
Regular .$35.00
Newest Models. Three-way belt.
Large collar. Those nice Soft
I Mufflers 1_
All our Brushed Wool
Mufflers go at a Dis-
count of
35 per cent
HESE are only a few of our many Wonderful Offerings. Every article in the
store at a Big Saving. Come and share in these Price Shattering Values.
Sale ends January 26th, 1924.
• Men's