The Brussels Post, 1924-1-2, Page 7•
+f�ri�p'V',��rre Ind and
lgia. day School
Only recently Grimm'if,�+,► y,,�
� a� � a��. �a��I�,, of the Oris
I 4r +� ,, JAli AY
r • r �", �y tar o AgtiGnitural College, received nt .,,
. Ark' S •
('+ !error train! a leading American seed /"if ��.T
wX ..w ! "•* �►.
house from which'. the' following • is Chosen Leader and a Cht¢cti Land' CMOs 12 1-7; 18; ITS
„Pneumonia or infianimation Of the
sinot ft g the era in can'eJ ay can• A Di li ht•$avin Game. x9 Golden Text -le then shall all families of the earth un�� �auaGa nearly ane•tenta aR s
alidip productivity of rGr minhandmCit- X3" MXLDBED WASSOII, be blessed„ --Gera, I2, the donths ih Cn t4a, 1t ranks Aec-
xP P
a.:.• � � U� '�..,, `` tario Variegated alfalfa, May. Z' ask At night, when 1 am a�1fo +,5 ',^� �ssON lrottr•;wokn-.Xt is the gu 4so interest }vouYd have leo b ,Abraaxi v:1d on tkao list pf s:uusea gf death,
.of the !Desna antics u on which we are hero
,,.-•'" .,.,, ,,_,�,.�_,, ' �•-+,,,,!-, you whether or nob trip Ontario Var.' And after all my pr?iyex>} are said P tr t+' • leo wins, Jr of the ChaldGGs Pneumonia, Hies- tubsrculosis, is 4
SALT r'' WITH ZaWFS ra . o It that she attempted to legated ie a Grimm alfalfa?" r L SYiit4u.i vide now entering .to give a .e nneeied was a land little larger thaai Scot- house diaoase. During the .o on: *d
J, .Q FAY'S ITI c 7y f r ea b camera g And mother p ops lne view of the Bible ,story from begin- land, but the richest of Alla" It was so 01 f hes t p r 0
-^°^ ` ' that it a s eat 'the salty loather of the am The fallowing were the anawern And puts the light out by my tido a ms i o L un�lnGr mon ha I n u
Our e1 perlenC6 atf rn1s, a p Y c a X was carrying, given to these questions: Tho. Ontario d night a ai•n Hing to end. 1 rapid review of the a glariaus lkz o probably the cradle aR wants is at its lowest ebb, PVkien tile'
..� rovl•dt an abuiidanee of atilt to ass that,t e � , �# And kiasts mo goo g B' Old Testament history, covering the mankind
No man would lessee it for -
P rota Tho groups receiving respec iv ly Variegated is nota Grimm alfalfa, And I lam all alone, why then next six months, will be RoUOWGd by leek of business o ottani '. It h winter carnes the sltiititt salisgn-«
the ewe flack, ane ewes thatA The seed of the fermeI was obtained u m e es and laP ad
• c o larpbs one-quarter, one-half and qne ounce a I always sh t y y P Y a More detailed stai'y of she life of,'txopiCai fruits undp'dot:so harvests, pneumonia suns and deaths begin in"
bless us Wath a fine bench f • ail of common salt did not from I grraino in 1871 and has been back myhappyday. our Lard and the beginnings of the throbbing commerce rid all the varied creasing steadily MAO by month.
do the springtime aro quite seriously
head daily At bringing
in • . 1. show any of these cravings and peau grown in Welland County for the last a start a sin ion sours ago; Christian Church. In the 0111 Testa- Craf t of the great river, Their art,' until the open air seasan'cgmes aguiit,
liandieaPPed fulfilling their noxina g
g incur studies, therefore, :our method music, buildtn , science and luxury"Bad indoor air ops an in handwit
reproductivet ti ns when salt is liar manifestations such as were ex-; half century,
The Grimm variety was }dray beak to breakfast 1 eau go• g 8 hand With
tfrfat c o bibited bythe unsalted ewes, The best brought from Baden, Germany, by tirebin lad will be first, to present the as ly re- is still the wonder gk our town.
It The colds, Bronchitis and noilia,`, A
I never of being g coimep�lon in a brief and easily rt- city was a greet walled town: its highperson who lives worksstiff
absent from their ration. Ewes, like 1 bmembered form and second, to studycivilization, s need salt badly, and if it is not showing was made by the ewes reeery-+ Ifulsheim Grimm and was sawn in For all the marmalade I had hza n had
literature, . seltppls, and xn t Y,
cows, c man's
Ing a quarter' to a half ounce daily Carver County, Minnesota, In 1868; Or fol' my hominyand toast.'
the lGseon of rile day as illustratin teachers libxaxiea antd advaicpd ma- over heated tonins, nGgiects outdoor
theyg• avetnthe. ice bu k make ane ounce seeming to be too much where . this type of alfalfa has bean I don't know which I like the most g exercise and goes short of Sleep, such
hands they have no choice but to the period of history to which it be- tsriahsulG culture. But it was no .lace
from The ewes receiving salt gained more grown Once that tiros. Beth vex- And then 1 follow me to school, longs and the great movements affect to bring up a family; The landpwas ;a Person is, to use a slang phrase
a it poor showing, The privation ra id1 and showed a little better nu- reties have variegated flowers and are Like Mary's lamb that broke the rule, ing Israel slid the world. We shall wholly given over to polytheism, Te "asking •for it," Over -heated air le
salt is most noticeable during the t Y toe than did those awes not similar in some, characteristics. y P Y
. failing toall the things I learned also inquire how the way was prepar- the revels of the idolaters • there was more clangorous -than cold air because
suckling period, the
ewes a g receiving
n Thebirth weight of en an experiment et the O.A.,C. And thkrllc of o star 1 earned. ed, in the long course of history, for no restraint. Bunyan'e pilgrim was it dries up the delicate linin Mem-
milk properly, and as. a coneequeuce receiving salt, g P And sometimes fastd g
of the lambs from the salted groups was which extended for a period of nine Then, dinner time I think about the paining of the Lord Jesus and far bidden lies from the Abram,
he bxanes of the nosemsand throat and
the lambs following are deprived somewhat higher on the average than years, previous to 191G, the Ontario Because I'm anxious to get out, big teaching. Could not fired me, Abram, in like
makes infection much inure probable.
the requisite milk necessary for their gechapters
s f Bronx --Tho first ease, save his sed his worldly prospects P ,,
f Where nosalt Was given, Water drink- Variegated still had 68 and the Grimm And Doming home is such a lark! eleven aha tern of Geneaie tell of his soul alive, Aretfc ox laxsrs don't catch cold.
greatest development.
ing was found to be stimulated by salt 67 per cent, of living plants. Three 1 listen frrat for Buster's bark, p"IleIIOW r0 AVOID 00008 Agin Ptir ulv50I 0t.
It i so easy to provide salt foe the oars later,however,after comityof Hat
beginnings of the world, c men, and 8. Fathers and Sons. will coin-�
one often wonders feeding. Y f3 Then watch for mother at the door. of nations. It will bt noticed that the Mand his children. T ailkn in this, A person who .has a cold should
breeding flock that After the ewes had suckled their through one of the most severe win .I make that picture come once more, "song of Japheth," and the "sons of Abraham had failed in all. Iia great- avoid passing it. on to others. The
• why the salting is neglected at tient*. lambs far approximately sixty days rets for the last thirty years, the per For standing there she looks ao sweet, Ilam;' and the "sons of Sheen;" in ah. eat contribution to the race was the mouth and nose should be covered
If this neglect is prolonged the con- salt was allowed to the ones not pre cent, of living plants of the Ontario And then I let us o and eat 10,are nations. For example, Medal becoming the father of a ood bo .
sequences surd to be cumulative. i n And the sure! Variegated was reduced t0 16 and of len comes the time I love the best' , g ?' with a handkerchief during a cough.
he period viously xecoiv ng a y, , Y Y Tl g stnds tor, the Mede�JeY n Cyprus, iegai fat#h,shosece dgtgstryothaappeln or, sneeze. As habits and young chi!
In other words, the greater. t Pe appreciated the opportunity to fill up the Grimm to 25, Tinder similar con-
on I have to take a little rent Greeks, Kittim the people of drenare veryliable to ookds and neo
of no salting, the greater are the ad-
previous cravings and unusual ditigns; the common plants were prat-'
While mother reads aloud to me; Mizraim F gypt, and Asshur the easy- which are titins!, became the kindled p
verse nutritional effects, I ant' o alai! vanished the ewes. Beall all dead four ears previous, xiena, The names in ch. 11 appear to torch handed on through Isaac for monis, a person with a Cold should
we ran 'an merl-
ic$ now quickly ' y y And, oh, how sweet her voice can bel be rather names of individuals, but the world's darkness.. The pioneer keep away from them,
Not long since P becoming satisfied and contented The Variegated aIfalfas, including Then out of doors I romp and playiHaran (v, 26) is the name of a place Abram "budded there an altar, en-! Good general health will do much to
merit on four groups of brooding ewes They quit following one like :dogs and. both the Grimm and the Ontario Vex-
Until the shadows come to stay, in vs. 81 and 32 and In ch, 12. It has dared as seeing the invisible, valued prevent these diseases, Take ere •also
in order to determine the effects of behaved once more as normal ewes legated, have proven ;much hardier And I begin to fell-as-though-thoughbeen supposed by some modern writers material things only in so far as thsy out of -doors have fresh air indoors
super -abundant salting as contrasted should, than the common alfalfa in the gar- I'd like some bread and milk -and -so that*Abram is the name of an ancient might be ministering agencies in the r tie
with average and no salting, Our ex-; lye believe°that one. of the best lois experiments conducted ,at the I have my sup -per -and -and -then- immigrating tribe, and that the story supreme purpose, willingly left ,the without chilling and eat simple nous
erkenee showed clearly that if salt a s to allow salt to breeding Boake College within the last fifteen years, Why, here's the morning come again!, of Abram is in reality the story of fertile plain toward Sodom to the fishing food, Plenty of sleep and regu-
is kept from the ewes during the win- as well as to feeding lambs and other In an experiment which was con -Youth's Companion, the movemonta and adventures of such worldly wise and .prosperous Lot, Con- lotion of the bowels is else important
ter period they manifest a pronounced sheep is to self -feed it free -choice duoted in 1928 ,for the eleventh year, o a tribe. The personal element in the tent in the sure truth that the only Do •not consider yourself so hardy
craving for the staple mineral article stylekeeping it before the sheep at the average yield of hay per acre per Annual Pasture Crops. story is, however, so strong that we wealth is life.Sons may not choose that you can afford to sit in cold
after a few months, During the suck-' alt times. Under such conditions of annum was 4.1 tons from the Grimm are compelled to believe that time was their fathers,but fathers do choose draughts or dispense with an overcoat
lingeriod those ewes that did not It feeding the sheepwill take about and 8,5 tons from the Ontario Var- Of fourteen varieties of crops which a real person. At the same file their. song. Abraham chose the path on ion
' n e markedin- w fed g iegated, In a ten-year experiment were tested in the Experimental De- story makes it clear that both he and of the pioneer, and became an im- g Cold rides. If such Exposure
receive salt showed a very what they need, and one can be fairly g pertinent of the College at Guelph, it his nephew, Lot, were leaders of tribes mortal individual through the medium has
be unavoidable,
rdo your beset
clinatiou to do many unexpected certain that all the individuals wil with ndmerous lots of alfalfa, them whi•ch at sonic early trmo moved west- of a happy family c e g w
things whioh might lead them to get cease to suffer from salt starvation' was an average annual yield of hay was found that far pasturing with ward and southward from the coin- "" drink of tea, milk or lemonade, a bath
some of this precious article. These they can follow their nature per acre of 8.1 tons front the Var-
cattle these which were the most pal-'paratively barren plains of Mesopat Result of Cow -Testing, and rub down, and warns dry clothing
ewes would actually chase the fender, i becauseith to take salt from the box legated and of 1.1 tons from the corn-
atable were oats, corn,past a rape, amia, into the sparsely settled and A member of scow -testing associa- may make the difference between
around the feedlots, licking his shoes,) To saltahoe flock liberal .is axmon ed and 0 1.1 rod alfalfa. barley and sorghum and in the order note fertile land of Canaan. They tion in Quebec reports to the Doman- health and an attack of pneumonia.
pro -here mentioned. Owingto thepeculiar were rich in cattle, in silver, and in ion Dairy Commissioner that in the Try to keeptby
pulling at his coat tails, biting his; mote health and well-being, to in- Q gold."Theyhad "flocks, and herds, yourself fit the sensible
hands and doing other' unbecoming: crease profits and to make for a more ,Eternal vigilance is the the re-Ist ntro-
o b over, it isnot eaten nd tents." Abram led out to battlethree years he has been testing, pro- use of food, air, sunlight, work, re
and unexpected stunts. I well remem-' productive and satisfactory all-around five safeguard against rt intro x d ly y cattleat first, but after for the rescue of Lot from invading duction in his herd of six cows has creation and sleep. If you axe attack -
p sheep husbandry. duction of tuberculosis into the clean they become familiar with the crop it
her one ewe in articular that was so herd. is relished. enemies, `his trained servants, born been increased from an .average of ed by fever, go to bed early. There fs
in his own house, three hundred and 7,142 pounds of milk and 272.8 pounds no doubt that the thousands of lives
Sawing Wood. provide the means for profitable em- eighteen" (see ch. 12: 2, 5; 14: 14).! of fat to 10,568 pounds of milk and were unnecessarily lost during the
Tho buck -saw, like the grain cradle, ployinent on many 'a mild winter day Ch. 12: 1. 'The Lord said unto Ab 896.6 pounds of fat. In 1920 his best influenza epidemic because the sick
ram. The writer is a man of prophetic cow produced 9,181 pounds of milk courageously but foolishly tried to
Is . practically an institution of the At present costs of mechanical la- gifts who has seen profoundly into the and 869,3 pounds of fat. In 1922 the "stick it out" another day before tai-
past. A necessary evil once, it should' bot repair bills run into money rap- ways of God in the history of his best cow produced 13,471 pounds of mg to bed
now be regarded as an antiquated in idly, and any portion of this which people. It was not merely restless -;milk and 528.2pounds of fat, Com -i Keepthe following How the Institutes Assist the Work of Immigration, gin mind:
veniion for driving boys off the farm,: can be saved by the productive use o£ Hess, or material necessity or senor are thiswith the averse of all the'
rind relegated to the museum for the available farm labor is a most BY MISS E. J, GUEST, Convenor of Provincial Committee. noir, that drove Abram from the land peight 1. Be regular in your habits es tiv-
line of employment durIn of his fathers. It was the voice of cows in Quebec milking months ing. Eat nourishing, easily digestible
curiosities. profitableS The most valuable immigrants to' man coming in through the Govern- God. It was a beginning of the work or longer in 1922, namely 6,010 food. I{cep the bowels well regulated.
The .one enan Cross -cut is a little the winter season.•
Canada are its native-born: children,' ment channels to assist in housework, ing out of God's great plan of bless-' pounds of milk and 195.5 pounds of Get eight hours sleep every night
better, while the two-man cross -cut' Time was when every farmer was and the proper feeding, health, educe. Not many of these, however, get fur- ing for the whole world. In Abram fat. The improvement in the herd Keep the bedroom windows open.
is a distinct step in the evolution of something of a mechanic The pioneer tion, and general welfare of these 10 ther than the cities. The attention of and in the nation of which he. was to referred to was brought about by ells,2. Avoid undue and inion d sec
sociability. It has its place in the' farmer lied to be. And the present -
their own homes and communities `your Executive was drawn to this,be the founder should all fainrhes of carding Unprofitable cows, as indi-wet p
bush, of course, and even the other; day farmer will find it profitable to de -
8. been the foremost concern of -and the President and Secretor asked; a earth be blessed, v. 8. (Compare i caked by the test, and replacing them ensure t regu and cold.
Instruments of torture aforemention velop his skill and initiative along this . 3 y 18 ` 18 22: 18, '26: '4) 8. Get regular exercise in the open
find occasional employment, just as line to apoint which will minimize the Branches, judging from Branch, and were accorded an interview with:":V, 4. So Abranr departed. The full
I by better ones. As the Dairy Cern-: air each day,
edDistrict, and convention reports. the Minister of Agriculture in which fitment of God's plan through Abram mdssnoner says, such results are pos-
the old grain cradle is resurrected hs bills for maintenance of farm ,g 4. Dress so that you are -comfort
now, "and then for some special par equpment and at the. same time avoid
Next in interest has come the needs they urged the better advertising of was dependent upon Abragea obs-' sible to all dairymen who will use able whether indoors or out: Avoid',
pose. 1 costly delays when -the equipment is of the orphan and dependent children,' the attractions of the country homes; thence (22: 18), and his obedience was Isow-resting as a means of accurate extremes in the matter of cIothing::
P As a regular means of working up! needed for immediate use: almost every District reporting assis- of this province in Great Britain and the expression of his faith in God. He information and weed, feed and breed Too much clothing may prove. quite,
gu tante from the Branches in money, the planning for direct passage to the believed this call, however it came to accordingly,
the winter wood -pile, however, these', er clothing for the nearest Chil-i rural districts. This, he said, should Mal, to be God's call. He trusted God p $s6 I;harmful ho li nlittle.
are only to be advocated for one Who' Are the Hens Laing? dren's Shelter or Sick Children's Hos receive attention in a practical way,' and wear And so, in the good prom- P grooms6 at aa tern-
has not and cannot get the dente of God, the foundations of Winter Rules. Peep t e of from 65 to 68 degrees.
cash to hire a buzz saw outfit. Modern, Can you tell which hens are laying pitals. Western Ontario Institutes) The member of the committee for Tarries life were laid in faith. "By Protect your animals from the cold. resp the home well ventilated.
without the use of trap nests? This tun endowing a ward in the London Eastern Ontario, Mrs. Jean Muldrew;'faith Abraham, when be was called 0. Kee the feet dr and warm.
life is too busy add full of interest to is easy to determine if one will go Hospital se memory. of the unforget•' is at present in Great Britain teeters' to go out into a place which he should Tms will make them more conefortable 7 Avoiri coughers and sneezers.
spend unneCCssarily rn back -testitis to the trouble of handling each bird table work for the children of rural ing for the Department of Immigra-;after receive for en inheritance obey- and will save you feed.
mechanical. routine which machinery suspected of being a loafer, When. a Ontario of Mrs. Mina Hutton Wilson' tion and Colonization with what we ed and went out, not knowing whither Stop the holes in your barn. ' 8. Remember that gneumonla is
enables us to dispense with, Most of ben eommenees to lay conditions in and Miss Maud Hotson•of Middlesex, `hope will be satisfactory results. he went" That would Hat, perhaps,' Board in your tie-up. t highly contagious and that there are
us can find. enough manual -labor jobs. the organs concerned in reproduction In many cases members have adopts' The committee recommended the have been accounted worldly wisdom, An old horse, especially, like an old carriers of this disease just as there
after we have substituted as much are quite different from conditions ob- ed children themselves, and seen that' same program as Iasiyear in immi but was it not a higher and finer sort man feels the cold. 1 are ofD other diseases.
gasoline for'muscle as we' have wit p Blanket your horses on frosty " 9. Do not neglect the so-ccalled
station activities as the field had been of wisdom, for the apostiE who wrote
Iserved during the period of idleness: adopted children from the various in-
to use. !When the ovary is dormant and no stitutions weregetting a square deal merelytouched asyet,Theyurged, of him eo Doke s afterward said of nights in the fall, when their coats are Common Cold, for in so doing, yoit
We have heard arguments that 9 g + kun, ou looked for the city which may be neglecting the forerunner of
eggs are being produced the distance as regards health and schooling, • I moreover, that the District President hath foundations, whose builder and short. an attack of pneumonia.
buzz-sawing'tvood'is more expensive between the pelvic bones is small. The Something is being achieved, though or Vice -President be appointed Chair- maker is` God, 1ieb. 11: 8-10. Out Give your horses and cattle a goo&
$y observing these precautions you
than buck-snwim . But these enemies vent is dry, small, puckered and, in much more could be done, in welcom-' mail of a District Committee on this of Haran. The movement of which bed. Bedding is cheap,
tions are generally based on old-time yellow fleshed chickens, has a band of ing new Canadians, especially those of, work so that reports might be secured •Abram was the leader is traced from Water your . horses at least three are strengthening ,your fortificatfona
conditions, As it works out in these ellow pigment around the inside. other nationalities, into a Institutes, and given at the various annual meet "Ur of the Chaldees," a city on the times a day. The stomach of the horse against an attack by that deadly en-.
tunes, most of us :find that gasoline When laying commences the pelvic where thea ntay both contnibutg•to and ings and conventions, o£ the valuable Euphrates river some distance south is very small ' tapes such a h a� vi toll ofelifche. •wiutetr
beats elbow grease by a substantial bones become liable and s Yead apart receive from the fund of home making' and interesting phases of $ranch and iii of ancient Babylon, northward to Punctuality in feeding and watering heavy folk li�c
margin. There is this, too, that buzz- p P p Martie, a city and •district in northern the stock is very important. They will:
to permit the passage of the egg, The information in these centres, The District action: Mesopotamia between the Tigris and
sawing is a. more or less sociable job vent beco•mes large and moist and the school and the Institute are the two 000081 IDNDED P1*000AM reit 1924. Euphrates rivers (ch. 11: 81), and worry and lose flash .if kept waiting The Cross on the Mountain.
which goes with a vim and men quite ring y pigment pp pbeyond the re ular time '
refer it to the tedium of of yellow i merit disc ears. A most important community forces for 1. Toe secure as full information as thence westward and southward g y Travelers approaching the town of.
properly P visit to the poultry house on an early the raising of the standards of citizen- possible of immigrant families set- Canaan. He and his pen de appear
A goodgrooming.costs no mons
hand -sawing. winter evening and a half hour spent ship in Ontario homes. fling in Ontario, ex girls and women to have been of Aramaean stock, akin and is equal to two quarts of oats. ;1larriman in eastern Tennessee are at
Again, it will be noticed that the in going over the hens will be profit. In one case a Branch invited the employed as domestics in homes to the people of ancient Syria. See A horse cannot thrive on hay alone. treated by the sigiet.of an illuminated,
able mother in a french family who had throughout the province from: a.The ell 25: 19, 20; 23: 5; Dent 26: 6. He needs oats or corn fox strength; cross that stands on top of one of the
recent! purchased a faint in the 10- Colonization Department of the On- Going on still toward the south (v. and grass, bran or potatoes to keep many mountains surrounding that ran-
i pp 9 , passim by Shechem,: which was way contra. The crass is twenty-eight
his bowels right.
SHEEP Cality to the meetings. There were feria Government b. The Employ- near the middle of the Palestine coon- Kap your horse's feet soft and have' fret high ani is Iighted by sixty elsc-
Same farmers produce wool at a flue children and i1 was a busy time, meat Labor Bureau. c. The, Soldier try, and Bother, Abram settled ulti d tris lights of afty candle power -mat -
For Horne and Country
farmer who buzzes his supply gets the
job over with and goes on to some-
thing alae, while the buck -saw ad-
herent is hardly ever out of a job. The
wood pile stares hint in the face until
he hates to go past it. cost es low as ten cents a pound, while
What a comfort there is in looking their neighbors are spending as much
ab a big heap of sawed firewood in as eighty cents to produce the same
the yard when a cold snap comes on quantity. According to specialists,
and the snow piles deep around the this wide variation is not due to luck.
ings, A survey ea many farms show that
ds a large flock of sheep can be cared for
Farm Equipment•Needs. with practically the same labor ex -
While proper housing of farm tools pence required to took after n small
and machinery is the greatest farm flock.
equipment need at this season of the Another consideration is the feeding
year, the provident farmer will find it of legume hay. The farmers showing
to his advantage to go over all of his lowest cost included in the sheep ra-
tion twenty-one per cent of alfalfa
season and place it in the bast pos- and seventy-nine per cent. of clover
sibie ;repair for sleet season's use, and mixed hay. Growers showing
We are prone to postpone this'al-
ways needed work until the equipment
is actually' needed, but this is a most
uneconomic method,' If an inventory
of needed repair parts is made and
these aro' ordered at once, costly de-
lays may be avoided next summer.
The wbrk of repairing or replacing.
worn or broken parts always takes
more time than we anticipate, and this
time Can bd' taken far more economics
ally, during the winter seas en than •and the varieties of
*hell the active farm c m grain ;crops re- With great promptness and efficiency,
t tt paign is on. ceiving' championship prizes at the contributed thousands of dollars'
And we can and will do more of this: Provincial Winter Fair this year: j worth of food, clothing and household
Winter wheat, 0.A.C. No. 104 (:Peel1 furnishings to their sisters in the
County) ; spring wheats ltiarquis'stricken areas.
(Wellington County); oats, O,A.C.1 Sonia Branches aro making a study
No. 72 (Bruce County) ; barley, 0.A., of the Immigration Laws and express
C. No, 21 (Bruce County) ; peas, Cans' their approval of keeping the physi-
adien Beauty (Wellington County; sal and moral standards of admission
beans, Pea Bean (Kent County);, high, rather that the monetary.
Dent carp, Wisconsin No, 7 (Kent' Your Convener is also a member of
County) ; net corn, Longfellow the Ontario hostel Committee and can
(Vont County), testify to the line type of young wo-
but the man said, "It is the first thing Settlement Board.
you've been invited to. You had bet- 2. To secure as full information as
ter drop the work and go. Take the possible, re children being placed in
baby and I will work near the house Ontario homes from: a, The ChiIdren's
and look after the others. The mem- Aid Society, b, The Barnacle Biomes.
bars felt that something worth while c. The Salvation Army.
had been achieved with that one home, 3. To see that the children of in -
One Member of the committee has migrant families or those placed in
recently purchased a Ford car which homes by the Children's Aid Society
she makes socially useful in calling on or the Barnado Homes. attend school
Influence upon is c i ten and
the many new families in the district, regularly.
a considerable lumber Belgians, get- To report all eases of cruelty, neg-The question is frequently asked ro-
e ' n y' through the ages. Abraham is ]mown sardine the best dates for sowing mil- Dan Dean-, Having received a email
ting them connected up with the near- led, or overwork on the part of those to Jew, Christian and Mohammedan, let for bay production. For several Cross to play with one day while visit
est Instituto and giving the children employing help to the proper author -. as the `father of the faithful," and years in succession an experiment has, 105 at the house of a neighbor, the
some instruction in art and domestic ities. the "friend of Gad.' been conducted at the Ontario Agri-
bung it in a window and .called
science, - To report all cases of chaldron Or - - APPLICATION'. cultural College bysowing millets on to his mother to come and sen it,
The Soldier Settlers coutinne to he permits suffering from contagious er 1, Called o God. When God needsd g I "Why did you put the cross in the
high cost fed Only figs per cant bf al- remembered, the Girls' Institutes keep- infeetious diseases or who are mental- an agent he re always able to find one. each of six different dates, starting on window?" asked the mother,
falfa fifty-five per curt. of clover and g y May 15th and finishing on August este
needy cases. This form 4f immigra- and when neeessaty, to take any ether be known. Only the man must learn 1 think about Jesus and try to be good,"
tion work, however, grows yearly less action advisable, to listen to the voice thet always otic t ttvo dates of sending. Tho av-
mends as the soldiersget To take an active interest `n sgeaks. Stephen says (Acts 7. 2) erago results have shown the highest replied. the little boy,
in its de r sup- that the God of glory appeared to returns from sawing on June 1st.
His mother was so mush iiiptessed
established successfully on their farms porting local Children's Shelters and Abraham. He does not tell us how, Naturally,varieties like the Japanese with .the idea that she spoke of it to
and their wives become active mem- to co-operate with the Children's Aid It mayhave been in visible rnanifesta- Barnyard and the Japanese Pani Ie her bleeds and suggested that a .!alga
bars themselves. • Society in securing good homes fnr'tion. Tt may have been a spiritual requie to be sown earlier than the cross erected at some suitable .place
The needs of the fire sufferers ill the the children for adoption, 'revelation tb his mind. It may have antght do a groat deal of good, The
Hungarian Grass which requires a
North aroused the abundant sperm- To familiarize Institute members been through his deepening distate for churches of the fawn took up Mho Hist-
shorter season for development.
titles of Old Onterio members who, with the Immigration Laws. 'vice and idolatry, Fads are fingers * ter, sad the cross was set on the
To enihasize through articles writ- of God. Sometimes a trivial daily 1 mountain 4 .
ten, through lectures and discussion,' of Godanco may erystatlfze rnornent bo we seek to satisfy the hungering m Aurid so that great abiniuG symbol
d children
mately at Hebron. It is interesting to him shod often. More feet are ruins
note that wherever he made an en- in the stable than on the road. ing three thousand candle power in
campment of his people, there he built Do not degrade your family by us-' all. It is so placed that you can see it
an altar and recognized the presence ing a lame horse.
God. Ch. 18: 17-1. The name `Abram," horse. If you sell him, the money
which means "high father, is here
"Abraham," "father of a multitude."
that you receive is blood money.
See the story of the covenant in ch. -''-'•*-
17:1-8. High tribute is paid here to Millets Sown at Different
the character of Abraham, and to his Dates.
h• hild his
household, an influence continued
'from any of the passenger trains that
and powerof hisG d Kill the worn-out or incurably latae' pass through the town. Moreover, it
is visible for ten or twelve miles, The,
city furnishes the current free, and ah
automatic switch turns it on every
The idea ot placing the beautiful
symbol where all. might see; It origin•
ated in the mind of little five-year-old
' ing up the making of layettes fee ky deficient, to the proper authorities, And he is always ,able to let his will. ^Because someone might son It and
mixed hay, and forty per cent. . of allowing about two weeks between
timothy, Also,' the men producing
wool cheapest raised twice as many
lambs to increase receipts from the
flocks as did the group producing the
wool at high cost,
Championship Grains.
The following gives the counties
work ourselves if it is done at this
season of the year, ,
A well: equipped shop whfeh can be
made comfortable during were wea-
ther is a great convenience and a good
Investment oe any farm. But lacking
this a work bench equipped with
good vise located in any outbuilding,
and a simple equipment of teals Will
answer a very geed purpose, and will
the importance ot gettiug in touch nus dec,srons But God s spirit is the minds
in s, of the with the same
gulding providence. This makes the degree of care that we iso in looking of sacrificial love stands lilto a sort'
with the new -tamers and leading themfinal above the airy, and its itteseago
Common bush flame with God. The after their stomaehs'l
to realize that they have a part to aril! small Voce wlrispera through'in seems the more tender and beautiful
play in • advancing community in- ter experience. It becomes "one clear The unlimited - ssibilities of, help -,I booause it lend its birth in th inhol of
threats, call xor me." The capacity of the fol service suggest that fairs and e- is child.
To visit and tvslconio now-conters,1 man kindles to become "friend of positions have but begun their wont', --41.---,-.
whether native or foreign -here, to the God:" So Abram conceived the idea education through o The wren breeder Hover sells a o0
community and into the Institute, to which his age \vas stranger. Tao c thio gh d m nstration. animal es breeding purposes,
work it out demended chane of lace. g n p
where they may imbibe and contribute g p Canada sent ton million dollars 0
Rendering muuences must be sa4rl
to, the highest ideals in homemaking geed, worth of fere to the united States last' The good cow greatky discauusa th11
and Canadian citizenship, i 2. Perils of rho City. Motorial self -Year.
'farmer's chenets fox leas.