The Brussels Post, 1924-1-2, Page 5RDS
.7e$61e XCI
P. M. Soo.rr
NorI y�ve oi>lalute�cei i�tt any hada lex or 0uatea
Honor' graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night oalfe. OEae opposite
rloar Mill, Ethel.
Graduate Department of Op1nhthahuology, Moi
Coriniek Mediool College,.CUtcage, Ill. Three
months goat graduate coarse during year .1910,
Eyes 0010 110011y examined,
Latest Modern, Methods used.
Or -Cross Eyes straightened through proper,
ly fitted Lenses,
Satisfaction Aspured,
Moe -hours : 10 to 18 a. in. ; 1.00to 6 p; m,
Saturday evening, 7:00 to 9 o'olook,
Phone 20x"
rr Pszazio e ..jiamo.a'
fire, Automobile and Wind Ins.
For Brussels and vicinity', Phone 647
Agent Hawick Mutual fire insurance Company
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Phone 48 Box 1 Turnberry Street, Brussels
The Ii,clian Herbalist
f t
found in the
Stratton 11 Block
Brussels, Wednesday and Saturday
of each, week until further notice.
M. B., M. C. P., J S. O.
M. 0. H„ Village of Brusaela,
Phyelo,an, Surgeon, Aceonobeur
Otaoe at residence, opposite 7fioiv ilia Church,
William street.
Tr. M. nft°zoecza.rSt
Barristers, SoWaltors, Notaries Public,
Office on the Square tra2nnotduct from Hamilton
Private funds to loanat lowest rates.
W. PEW:Tweet, S. C. J. L, RILLORAN
Dormer Homing, Jim.
,E,,bmrkaESe Mme'
Winter Term opens Jan. ind
Highest market prices
paid. a
4* See me or I'ilone 'No. 2x, Brus
4* stile, and 1 will call and get'
Tofu' Poultry.
M. Yollick
hi YFFNNNhh#Mhd'•MF�Nd"NiN•M
-oral BetasItems
00011010$ Pet beftu'e the' bell ay an
the deaeased had made preparatione
for Qhtiattnae for heryoung
The funeral syns held Wsl PadaY
afterncp1, a private eervioe being held
et her lOte bottle, follewrd by a ,public
service in the .church, servioeo being
conducted by Rev, 111r. M000)01100,
r Id Joi n
Herold ai
rPt Were b a s W 1@ . R
'turner ; George and Chas, ShiPley ;
A. iGroves and F, Jeukine, Inter,
Went was made in Clinton Omelet y,
Jamestown \
3110, Hayden, W'yindom', wee home
for the holiday looking fine,
Mrs. D. MacDonald is improving
Somewhat we are glad toetate,.
WHO'LL be the next Warden of Huron
Co. ?
Tim visiting school teachers have
MONTHLY Horpe Fair Thursday of
this week, '
RENEW for THE Pos'r. 4 conte a week
does the trick.
Mum weather will bring down the
price of coal, itis said.
HEAVY passenger traffic during ,the
holidays on the railways.
will re open tor the new. year Thursday,
January 3rd; as per regulations,
DON'T fret about having too much
fine weather as we may have it rough
enough yet before the Spring time
comes, gentle Annie,
PouL'rRY prices took a drop, probably
ou account of mild weather. The tur-
key market was said to be influenced by
the supply from the West.
Wm. GILLESPIE bas been nursing a dis-
nbled left baud, occasioned by broken
bones, caused by a blow while engaged
at bis work. We hope he will soon be
o. k.
NUMBER. of Brusselites have P
chased a quantity of standing timber in
o haul
andgettinga ready t
the bush a are
to tial[ respective -homes in sleigh
lengths to be circle•sawed.
'Goon TIME Expected.— Thursday
evening of this week, ian. 31d, Western
Star Lodge. I, 0. 0, F,. Brussels, will
put on the 3rd Degree, followed by a
social hour. A good attendance is hop-
ed for.
Yongo & Charles Sts., Toronto
and woolen for pooltlonelna etenogrnph-
6 era, accountants, private secretaries,
eommeralal tenohers &o. Some of the
)d salaries offered this year were 176 t0
1100 a month and Tip 00 01100, 61000,
Es1e00. $2s00 and 04500 per 0nnnul.
It pays to got euporlor training.
Enter any time. Every graduate of r
1. this cataloognuyment. write ,
Pym.,,,.. V4waa,t ir.v .,r.e,„
prepares young men and young women
for 13118410H wlleh is now Canada's
greatest profession. We assist gradn-
4otos to positions and they have a preo-
t.tionl training which enables them to
meat with success. Students aro reg-
Istered each. week. Get our tree oat.
nloatle and learn something about our
different departments,
b®1eZetarflat bi l badd 2e7t, 5v Ov
Dr. 0. ' H. •McInnes
of win glum, will be at the
American Hotel, BrU800IO
Tuoaday and Friday Aftornoone
Adjustments gtvon for 81900000 of all
kinds, specialize In dealing with.
ohl ldren,
OF L,—Following L. O g were elected
ofllcete of Belgrave L. 0. L; No. 402
for 1924 :—W. Ma Charles King ; D.
M„ Charles 0oulte6 'Fin. -See., Stew-
art McBurney; Rec.-See., Allan Pat-
terson Tteae„ Wal. McMurray ;
Chap., John S. Scott ; D. of C., John
F. McCallum ; Leote., D. Deacon,
John Noble; Qom„ 3, E. McCallum,
H. Irwi1;, W. Love, Alex. Bruce, R,
Owens ; Tylers, R. Chamney, G.
Nethery ; Sick Com., W, M., D. M„
and Ohap. W. Bro, R. McCrea con.
ducted the election and installed the
officers, Belgrave L, 0. L., is in a
prosperous condition.
Schools reopen Jan. 3
Monthly Horse Fair 3
Municipal Election.................. 7
New Councils meet 04
Agl, Society Annual Meeting" 16
New County Council meets, " 23
THE P0510 T teas.
Law is all right restricting the use ot
firearms in the bands of boys.
A new side -walk at eitber end of iron
bridge will soon be a necessity.
Council Chamber should be renovated
during the Winter and put in present-
able shape.
Those new window blinds at the
Town Hall. a short time ago, have taken
wings and flown away. -
Arrangements for early getting to
work on introduction of Hydro to Brim -
sets should not be delayed.
The lawn about the Public Library
building is going to be badly trampled
by the school pupils meeting in the
Audience room.
Senior Room—Following is the per-
tged in Hist, ,SiellCon .,Geog'Wit.,Rading
Gant, and Daily
;—Sr, IV—
Tom Pennington 66. Jr, IV—Gold-
win Knight 80, Jack Cameron 81, Jean
Oaruerte' 76, Helen McNabb 75, Marie
Huethee 75, Margaret Brown 73, Jean
Smalldon 69, Archie Campbell 65,
Edith Keyes 62, John Locking 63, Jinn
Pennington 46. Sr. III — Eleanor
Knight 89, Eylene .Steins 84, Earl
Dunn 81, Edith Brown 79, Glen Hun-
ter 78, John Pennington 72. Jr. III—
Kathlene Zeigler 92, Howard Brown
88, Blair McIntosh 74, Willie Fischer
72, Holder Que I. ed BUNTER, Teacher.
and Comp, :Sr
II—Evelyn Hueltner
Cecil Leartuont 90, Mary McIntosh
89, Fergie Smalldon 88, Vera Porter
86. Jr. II—Gladys Smalldon 92, Geo.
Fischer 81, Merle Wilson 76, Roma
l7a eiexon 62. Glass 1—Examined, in
Writing, Arith„ Reading and Spell.—
Mary McDonald 87, Dorothy Huether
87, Pearl Baker 84, Clifford Brown 74,
Elmer Locking 71. Pr.—Alice Lock -
FOLLOWING personal refers to a son of
Dr. J. W, Shaw, Clinton, and a former
old Brusselite :—Harry Shaw, Clinton,
left Wednesday of last week for Lon-
don, England, where be will enter on a
new course of study at the University of
London. This University has in con-
nection with it the great London
library where copies'of practically every
hook in the world are kept, Harry
graduated from Toronto .University in
Political Science in Jou and the follow-
ing year took bis M. A., degree in
Economics. We extend every possible
good wish to Mr. Shaw in his new work
in London.
FROM AN 01.0 BaUSSELITIL—A note to
THE POST from B. Gerry, Fort William,
a former well known resident of Brus-
sels says :—"Wo are having extra fine
weather at the head of the lakes, , not
any snow nor much heavy frost, Wood
and coal dealers are "having a poor
Winter but the consumers are coming
through o. k. Wood cutters hs the bush
are calling for snow as they cannot bring
the cordwood and pulpwood to market
and they are depending on the delivery
for their wages. Nelson Gerry has
men cutting wood by the cord on his
farm but as they have to cross a large
river are depending on the ice for a
bridge. He has 7 black foxes 011 the
farm, the woodcutters attending to the
foxes. They are a pedigreed class of
course, We are all as well as our age
and time permit of. The 13th use
January is my birthday. I was born Jan.
33th, 1834. Hoping THE POST plan and
its readers have a good titne on Christ -
mac and New Years. Yours truly,
Dec, 23, 3923. B. GERRY."
By the above reference it will be seen
that Mr. Gerry will be eo years of age ou
the cath Inst 13 seems to bea luck No.
after all,
Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in'
Bruse088 this season ns follows :
'THURSDAY, JAN. 3, 1924
JAN. 31, 1624
MAIL, 6, 1924
APR. 3, 1924
Local and Outside Buyers will be Present
By Orden of Connell.
• Walton
Mrs. Alex. Gardiner has, been enjoy-
ing a visit with Acton relatives.
A merry Christmas party assembled
at the home of Geo. and Mrs. Jackson
The tine faint of the late .Alden Mc -
Gavin has been purchased by Wm.
Somerville, at $6,500,
We are eorry to report that Joe
Holmes, McKillop; had an arm frac-
tured and his hand injured by a load
of hay running over it.
Owing to the vacancy in Knox
church, Cranbrook, by the removal
of Rev. Mr. Kennedy to his new
charge, Rev. Mr. Chandler will act as
Moderator for the congregation,
SCHOOL REPOI1T.—The following is
the report of S. S. No 7, McKillop, for
November and December. Sr. IV—
Geo. Love, Alex. Clark. Jr. IV—
Eva Scarlett, (hon.), Effie Balfour.
Sr. 111—Grace Somerville (hon.),
Hilda Stewart, (hon,), IJillie Thamer.
Jr. III—Ross Driscoll, (hon,), Arthur
Balfour, Orval Holmes, Sr. II—Dor-
othy Somerville and Dorothy, Driscoll
equal (hon.), Helen Somerville. Jr.
I1—Geo. Taylor, (hon.) Grace Perdue,
(hon.) Sr. Pr.—Wallace Shannon,
(hon.) Walter Somerville. School
was open 190 days for 1923. Best at-
tendants, Ross Driscoll, 190 days,
Dorothy Driscoll, 190 days ; Walter
Somerville, 180 days.
E. 61, LITTLE, Teacher.
"Fruit-a4ives"Relieved Both
Dropsy and Sick Kidneys
The Wonder of Fruit Medicine
Those wlio It:now they haw,idaay
Trouble—who Suffer with pain le the
back—who are up frequently at night
willweloometheeewathat Fruit-e-
tives", the wonderful mCdiene made
from fruit juices and 'tonics, will
positively relieve kidney and Bladder
,l roubles -as proven' by this letter,
Our little girl had Kidney TroOne
andDropsy—hos limbs and body were
all swollen. We decided to try
• "Fru it•a-twee". In a short time, the
swelling wont down. Now, sheis the
healthiest one of the family".
;Port Robinson, Ont.
60e, a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250.
At dealel'8 or from Fruit-a-tives
Limited,.Ottawa, Ont,
Eai'l Hoy. Sr, Printer—Gordon
Ryan -Good, Lena Drager,
Mlts, D, HonMES, Teacher. ,
(l, 1, ,I1ldepn lo one of the latest to
have a radia machine installed,
Mos. Wm, Hoppel' le Improving
after tt seeloue opsretlon and will soon
he 318 hearty ae ever we hope.
James Glinaour and family, who
• rl i'ch l k.,
have been Being du aG A y c+ Sas
have locates] In Wingliatn, hewing the
Hanna 103580
> e 'that carding
i cck d Iia a
It o expected
spinning factory may open up ithe
brick building of the,ti'o.traei's'
Fertilizer .(Jo, near G, '1', li Pro,
prletor will seek for a 926,000.
guarantee for 10 yearn et 0% (rent the
Suppiy of dressed poultry was
abundant at Christmas.
Quarantine` has been lifted and
everything going as 119110.1.
Mrs. R. R. Hay has gone to
Montreal for an extended visit
The Arlington Hotel was raided and
12 bottles of grog got, Fines follow-
Ed. Howe. Arthur, aged 58 years,
formerly of town, died Dec. 14th. His
wife and 3eons survive.
Complaint is made of theft of ever-
green trees from the cemetery. Santa
Clans should retate
r a kick.
Miss Gertie 7dhx
Toronto, spent
t e
nest of
s in Listowelh
her brothers, C A and W. J. Zilliax.
Word was received that I. Bricker,
formerly of town, was a heavy loser
by fire at Yorkton, Sask. Furnace
exploding was cause. Loss, 52,009
partly covered by insurance.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
St. Andrew's manse, Mimeo Jaw,
Sask., Tuesday, Dec. 18, when Mise
Jessie Donaldson, eldest daughter of
Jas. and biro. Donaldson, Listowel,
and Mahlon Burwell, Grey, Sask.,
were united in holy bonds of matri
mony Mr. and Mrs. Burwell left on
a trip to the East and are visiting in
Listowel. On their return to the
West they will take up their
residence at Grey, Sask.
Collegiate re -opens next Monday.
Leslie and Mee. Wasman, Toronto,
were here for the holiday.
De. Wm. Shaw, Morrie, Mich„ and
Colin Shaw, Springfield, Ohio, wets
holiday visitors with Dr. J. W. and
Mte. Shaw.
A Vanes S°UDDEC5 DJ/ATM—Olin tOil
citizens were shucked on Saturday
evening, 22nd ult, to learn of the
death of Mrs. L. Levis, on the Huron
Road, Deceased was formerly Mise
Fannie Shipley, being a daughter of
Thos, and Mrs. Shipley, of Clinton.
She was Inar1ted stone 20 yeare ago to
her now bereft partner and for sone
years resided in Winghatn, but came
back to 0113,0on 4 years ago. and have
resided on the Shipley farm on the
Huron Road. just East of town. She
leaves to mourn her loss, besides her
husbaud,'a family of 10 children, the
youngest being a babe, born on Sat-
tirday inorning, her !eremite and one
sister, Mrs, 0uteell town, Deceased
had always taken' an active kntereet in
the work of the Ontario St. Methodist
church, A sad feature, was the death
Following are the names of the
pupils of the Senior Room arranged in
order of merit for the month of De-
cember. Se. IV.—Hattie McCall,
James Shortreed, Mary Kreuter. Jr.
IV.—Marguerite Bolger, Mildred
Pollard, Reesel Sholdise, Isabel Hoy,
Flora Harris, Jean Hood, Muriel
Farquharson, Jean Drager, John Mc-
Donald. Sr. 111 --Kenneth Jackson,
Laura Manning, Altea Carter. Jr.
11I—Beatrice Kearney. Florence
Ryan, Vera Gardiner, Norma Murray,
Lewis McDonald, Alvin Fluquharson,
Clarence Steles, Lorne Steles, Viola
Cerner. Sr. II—Olara McCall, Ethel
Shan', Elwood Shnrtreed, Chas. Mc-
Donald, Helen Steles, Blair Shaw,
Laura Hoy, Win nifl'ed Drager.
GEO 11. Hoon, Teacher.
30veou. Roost
Following is the Report of the
Junior Boom of Walton Public
School, Sr, II—Alex, 1lood, Ray
()alter, Earl Gillespie, Jim McCall,
13erva Stelae, Harold Bolger, Dorothy
Drager, Ruth Manning, Lawson
Kearney, Mabel Meehan. Se. I—Wil-
fred Shortreed, J013,1 Murray, Jimmie
Murray, Halcyon Chandler, Muriel
Dundee, Grace Manning. Jr. 1—
Helen Farquharson, Norma Steins,
A car load of Western horses was
brought here Ian, week.
Mies 8)o0thy Brownlee, St, Thom-
as, ie renewing old friendships,
An attack of tonailitie laid Rev.
Mr. Laing aside for a few dayp.
Stored close each week night except
Saturdays:at 0 o'clock, until April let,
At blomlt Forest Poultry Show
Walter llainetoek was quite succeee•
ful at prize winning.
A radiophone has been installed by
Miss Nettie Harris at the hone of flee
brother, Edward, 2nd Con, Howick
CLOSE CALL,—A serious accident
and one that might easily have been
attended by fatal results happened
here on Christmas Day just as the
noon train was Coining into the
station. An auto driven by Mr. Orth,
proprietor. of Kut'tzville mill, in which
were also his wife and Geo. and hire,
Ott and child, was going North on
plain street, they being on their way
to spend the day with relatives at
Clifford. When nearing the crossing
Mr. Orth noticed the train, but
thought it would be uprose in time for
him to cense behind it. However he
misjudged the distance and the auto,
struck the back coach just at rear
steps, tearing them off, The auto
was turned completely around and
flung upside down in the ditch, pin-
ning the occupants underneath.
Helping hands were 80011 on the
scene and the car was lifted up and
the folks released. The ladies, who
were in the back seat, escaped unin-
Warren Ament, Detroit, is holiday-
ing at the parental home.
Bert Horton, Calgary.' was here on
a visit with J. and Mrs. Sproat.
Mies Leile Best, of Meaford. Col-
legiate staff was here for the vacation.
Wednesday evening Rev. Dr. Mc-
Gregor, London, and Rev. Dr. Martin
addressed a church union gathering iu
the Presbyterian church here.
of James and Mrs. Watson, Goderich
street, was the scene of a happy event
on Thursday at 1 o'clock. when their
eldest daughter, Grata Thorbourn,
bhcame the bride of Robert Scheldrup,
Regina, son of the late William A, M.
and Mrs. Scheldrup, of Minneapolis.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
F. H. Larkin, D. D„ In the presence of
the immediate relatives and, a few
friends of the contracting parties.
Bride, who was given in marriage by
her father, looked charming in a navy
blue georgette dress, beaded with gray
squirrel fur. She wore a corsage
boquet of Ophelia roses and was at-
tended by her sister, Miss Marion
Watson, of New York, who was be-
comingly gowned in gray silk georg-
ette, with corsage boquet of pink
roses. Gramm was supported by the
bride's brother, Leslie Watson, Wind-
sor. Miss Muriel Willis played the
wedding march. During the signing
of the register, Miss Beth Willie gang
"At Dawning I Love Fou," House
decoratione were in Christmas colors,
Following the ceremony a dainty
luncheon was served, after which 51r.
and Mrs. Soheldrnp left for New
York. On their return they will re-
side in Regina,
W ulEham
Hiram Smith celebrated his 840
The mother of Dr. Redmond passed
away at Lansdowne on Dec. 19th, in
her 78th year -
A. re -!union of the McDoug all clan at
Lower Winglnam on Christmas day
Was an enjoyable gathering,
David Petrie, Knox College, has
been spending the holidays at the
manse here with his parents.
Agold watch and chain eves pre-
sented to W, Marden, the well known
base ball pitcher of town, before he re-
moved to St, Thomas.
An item worthy of Chronicling is
that the Town Hall floor was scrub-
bed, the 1st time in 5 years. It seems
like a wank of superat'igation.
Give the Kiddie Plenty
of our bread spread with butter
or jam and he'll not Want or
need any other solid food. Our
bread is a so evenly balanced
food that y0ungstete thrive on
it wonderfully and never get
tired of it either. If your boy's
appetite is capricious try our
bread and in a little while you'll
, find lliul always ready for a slice
of 11 and another one too.
The Palace Bakery
Number. ot Teams wanted to
draw loge, for which highest
wages per day will be paid,
Kindly get in touch with the
undersigned at once as we
want.teame to start to haul
on the first sleighing.
Ament Bros.
Advo Your
order at .
Laura Secord Candie
Delivered fresh from, the Studio T 7
bleed, but the ,nen were '00118iderably
cut and ecratchc:d.about the face by
the broken glees of the windshield,
The car was considerably damaged,
the windshield anal one rear wheel be-
ing broken and other parts badly bent
and twisted. It certaknly was a class
call area those involved feel very
thankful for their fortunate e80ape
from serious injury Or perhaps of be-
ing killed.
Some bad roads were on the program
where gravel is short, if soft weather
continued muell longer.
A Hoe Hereford hull calf has been
sold by Arthur McCall, 8th line, to
McArthur Bros , at a good figure.
It was one 01 the number advertised
in Tun POST and only one ie left now,
E Sanderson ; S. We George Snell;
J. W., John Stfell ; Sec„ ifiobt, Pato;
Treas., J, B, Tierney ;
ha lata, Rev,
W. B. Havk1ne ; D., Jae, Stell ,
3. D., 1.APopletono
; S. S., Ai 'W,
Moilwing'; J. 8., Win, Garter'; Inner
Guard, C. Fingland; Tyler,' Robt,
Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Tillie spent the
holiday with Durham relatives.
Chas. Cole was visiting under the
parental roof. He it a resident of
Ste athrny.
A wedding of Interest took place on
Christmas night when Fred. Stowell,
Englehart, New Ontario, and Miss
Oela Beacom, Clinton, were married
by Rev. W. B. Hawkins, of town.
At the advanced age of 81 years A,
McKellar, formerly of Blyth, passed
His wife was
away 'at S
co Tis
Mies Isabel
Taylor, daughter of the
laylor. who
1 B and bili
late Rev.
ago the Tamil
surviveshon 4 yeare g y
moved to SGrathroy. He enjoyed
the esteem of a wide circle.
NESHI'rT—STALKER,—A quiet mar-
riage was solemnized at the rnan0e ou
Wednesday of last week when Miss
Grace Stalker, eldest daughter of
Richard and Mrs. Stalker, East
Wawanosh, became the bride of Wm.
Nesbitt, of Morris. Rev. George Tel-
ford, M. A., 13. D., pastor of St,
Andrew's Church, performed the cere-
Geo, Brown has purchased a Ford
Howard Mitchell, Kingston,'- and
Wilbert Doig, Toronto, were ilotne for
the holidays.
Burnet and Mrs. Smith, Stratford,
spent the weekend' and °hetetmas
day with Mrs. Smith's parents, Jae.
and Mrs, Elliott.
The entertainment in the hall was
a decided auocees. The dialogues
were humorous and the parte welt
taken. Diill too, was particularly
good. Hall was well filled, Some re-
sorted to standing on a table at the
door in nyder to get some of the good
cheer. Order throughout was splen
did. After expenees were paid, the
sum of 545.00 was realized.
The installation of officers of Blyth
Lodge No. 303 A, F. & A. M„ took.
place on Christrnas night, R. Wor,
Bro. J. 13. Tierney performed the cere-
mony : I, P. M., J. S. Scott ; W. M.,
ere. D. 0, McInnis, Exeter, suffered'.
a paralytic stroke and is in a pre•'
carious condition.
ogs Woofed
We are in the market to purchase
Saw logs and Heading bolts;
which the highest prides will be
paid. Cut Soft Elm and Soft
Maple Logs, 10 ft. 6 in. ; 13 10.2 in.
and 16 ft. ; ant Basswood, 11 ft.
2 in, ; 12 2t. 10 in. and 16 ft. Out
all other timber customary even
lengths. Out Basswood and Elm
Heading bolts 20 in.
Ament Bros.
A New Ford Body Type
—The �./```'" Sedan
The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, announces a new
two -door type closed car which will be known as the Tudor Sedan.
It differs materially in seating arrangement from the four -door type
recently announced, It is also lower in price.
Among the other noteworthy features of this latest Ford model is
the coach type body—never before available in a low priced oar.
The Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, is considerably
behind in its manufacturing schedule on this type of body. Con-
sequently we are not able to state definitely when this model will
be on display in our showrooms. Watch for its appearance.
New Ford Prices
Coupe, $665 . Tudor, $755 Fordo,, $895
Electric Starling and Lighting Equipment Smndord on these modem
Touring Car, $445 Runabout, $405 Truck, $495
Electric Slatting andLlgh3ng Equipment $55.0D extra.
All Perces 1, 0, b. Ford, Ontario, Government Taxes extra,
.4llFord models may be obtained through
the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan.