The Brussels Post, 1924-1-2, Page 4eee
cbt grumsets
n�i' Montley will be el ireleip El 0
toe Dey, nerves where the eetethees.
Wirth effeee eeclamatiou lest !Beasley,
teee le Leap year, Leek -met volt
eligible widower8 and procrastmating
od bath:eters as is nev? eilk (hese will
have to be purchased if you gay No 1
Exeree iloy Saint orgarevation arlopt.
ede "Gorse Turn" day and pet it into
practice the Saturrley prior to Christ
Mas, If it served a good purpose, as it
no doubt die, the idea ie worth topybig
by ;Waite as well as jailors, The op.
portunitiee 10 do a good rum are often
ellOwed to slip pest because we are not
on the lookeeut for them. Let us make
every day a "God Tare" Day,
WHAT about the local Horticultural
Sogiety ? Time to limber tip and get
busy eor 0924. Every lover or admirer
of flowers or the berratification of the
neigbborbood should join the circle, en
vest a dollar and secure choices of
shrubs plants or seeds that will add to
the appearance and valuation of your
property and that of your neighbor,
"Brussels the Beautiful" should continue
to be the slogan.
XI= every engagement promptly at
whatever hour arranged as it is an
imposition to set a time and arrive 20
minutes late. Some folk appear to have
the babit ot being a trifle behind on all
occasions and perbaps keep a score wait-
ing or disturb a gathering by their
persistent tate coming. Tbis is largely
a habit. and a bad one, that might be
easily corrected by deciding to start
early instead of late and thereby setting
a good example and doing away with the
Now for a busy School term, The
success hoped for next Summer will de-
pend much on the "digen" of the next 6
months. A good average per month is
better than what is commonly called a
"spurt." Doing well what is on the
program is of much more value than
giving it "the.once.over." Pash to
secure top place on the monthly report
as to be tailenders all the time must
grow monotonous- wben that place is
won by laziness or carelessness.
Regularity of attendance. careful prep-
aration of studies and detertaipation to
wln ate 3 steps in the ladder of success.
SLEgr MO car passengers on the Can-
adian National railway between Toronto
and Montreal are presented with a cup
of hot coffee in the toortiog by the
porter. On the card alongside the cup
are the words "Good morning! Compli-
ments 'Canadian National Railway."
That is only one indication of the upeo.
dateness of "our" railway. It the "cup
of water given in the mew of a disciple"
does not go utnewarded. possibly
General Manager Thornton will broadeu
his philanthropies and pass a mug of hot
coffee to the poor beggars who spend
the night on the slat seat cars. It's
worth trying, unless the fares come
down and the travellers can buy their
own eye-openers.
PRINCE ERIK, of Denmark, has re.
nounced his claim to the Danish throne
so as to be able to wed Miss Lois Francis
Booth, Ottawa. He fortunately will not
have to go a begging as bis bride-to-be
is grand daughter of J. R. Booth, the
luraber king of Ottawa, and a multi. mil-
lionaire. La Iter is now 95 years old but
still active. The prince ad Miss Booth
nest first at Teeth Louise, a Summer re-
sort in the Canadian West. We have
beard or numerous reeouncernents
among royally that did not stay re-
nounced but Erik may not be that kind
of a fellow. Miss Booth is said to be a
Very fine young lady. Tile POST will
take the chance of shying a slipper
after them.
ANNuatmeeting of East Huron Agri-
cultural Society will be held in Brussels
Town Hall Wednesday, 16113 lust , at
x 3o p re. Do you ever attend one of
these gatherings to encourage tbe pro.
motors, to discuss new plans and buckle
into arrangements for the next Fall
Fait ? A strobg, tredve membership is
the best backitig one of these organize-
tiO118 MI have, hence the importance of
lending your shoulder. The officers re.,
ceive no salaries (exceptiog the Sec-
retery-Treasurer) hence the time spent,
energy expended and efforts put forth
ate ell for the good of the cause. Tbere
is a tip- top constituency in Huron Co.
for Agricultural Societies, as we can
produce the good, draw the crowds
and distribute the awards. Some folk
say "The Comity Fairs must go" on ac-
count of the big Fairs but we say they
Nese Go too it the people of the cont.
mushy put the Go into it, Now is the
time to thrtutilete the plaits tor 1904 and
Tim Pon; will guerentee if a live
emberslep list 01 400 Is put betrital the
Directorate the best Fall Felt ever held
in Bast Huron will be seen. It mum
be done without moral and financial
support. Will you lielp? Show your
good inteetion by attending anneal
Arinuai Meeting
Brussels farmers' Club
Will be held Ip the
Family Theatre
Thursday g Jan. 3rd
at 30 p, in. eintrp,
An intereeted ere vequeeted to attend.
Seeretary, President,
Cheery Note from The West
The following cheery letter came to
TME POST lase weak from Robert
Blair, a former, old, reeident of Brea -
self) locality, and brings good news
which we are glad to receive :—
DleAef BDITOR.—It is a pleasures to
write you a letter of Greeting at this
season of the year, We wish you
Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year. The weather here is more like
Summer than Wham, as we have
Warne days and the nights are 2210013.
light and llne. I may say we gave
just come through absolutely' the best
season, in our experienee. Men start.
Ing iu to farm last year are well testis -
fled with their returns. A. great num-
ber ate suffering from the effects of
their indulgence dririug the season of
high prices during the war but
another mop or two will see them in
good shape, itis surprising the num-
ber of Yuen who have left this part of
the country at diffetent times, and
who are now returning, acknowledg-
ing that this district is as good as the
beat anywhere itt the world, Several
have taken up land chew to Dinsmore
and are busy putting their newly
acquired property in shape to enjoy
Wieestern life to the full. Of course
you will agee with me times have
changed since we first came In from
Hanley. We have now the tele-
phone, the radio, Consolidated
school, various lodges and a host of
societies and organizations. Our
roads at the menet time are second
to none, in so far as they are bard and
dry and they make motoringa
pleasure. I think I am safe in saying
that we have a lot to be thankful for
in the present satisfactory results of
the °cops. Conditions are changing
and the old style °feria man owning a
great stretch of land has given way to
the farming of mallet; acreages with
more intensive cultivation, It also is
a fact that our record yields seem to
be getting larger eveey year. Garden.
Ing and mixed fanning are working a
great change in out methods of buy-
ing and Belling. This Fall this district
helped to ship over 4000 turkeys to
Montreal and New York, and every
year our shipments of create and our
butter production is on the increase,
Poultry is a source of revenue and
whereas a few years ago we were
porting our fowl ' today we have a
Mega surplus to dispose of. In the
matter of live stock the improvement
has been wonderful. Pura bred sites
are being used and we are gradually
raising our standard of stock. Of
course, as you are well aware, we are
not overcrowded for population and
we can settle all the people who care
to come to our fair Province and offer
them a tremendous choice in the mat-
ter of 'cicadae and land. We have
pretty nearly anything a person may
wish for in prairie land. However
the best way to know all about us is
to conte out and see us and you will
be more than welcome. I shall close
by wishing you and all your readers
A. very Happy New Year.
Tours very truly,
Dinsmore, Sask., Dec, 17th, 1923,
The Family Herald's
Many of onr readers who have
known and read The Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal for Wh-
ey. forty and even fifty years; still
marvel at the constantly increasing
excellence of that remarkable farm
aud family jostled, .A.5 each year
succeeded another it ;teemed that as
far as was humanly possible the point
of perfection had been reached, but
inevitably this astonishingly progres-
sive paper would launch some new
feature and make improvements here
and there that would add inuneasur-
ably to it; attractiveness and value.
And so, for the coming season all who
whet), subactibe to the old reliable
Family Herald and Weekly Star may
depend upon reeeiving even greater
value than in the past, with many
pleasant surprises thrown in. Otte of
the nice surprises this year is a most
beautiful picture of a remarkably
lovely woman, entitled "The Wonder -
f131 Heroine," which will be given free
to each new subscriber and to each
present -subscriber who renews In time
for another year. Truly this's value
beeped up, pressed down and running
The remarkable life of the beentiTel
and heroic woman who is the subject
of the painting has been published in
booklet form, and our renders may
obtain a copy free by sending a post
card to the Family Herald and Week -
I y Star, Montreal,
No Smokino—No Sprayino—No Soon
Just Swallow a Capsule
Restores normal breathing, stops
Mimes gatherings in the bronchial
tubes, gives long eights of quiet
sleep; Writhing no habit-foeming drug..
$1.00 at your druggists. Send 4e
in deniers /or a generous sample.
Ternpletons, 142 King West, Toronto.
11 A Z 1111 A II
For Seth by James Fox
ee"'"'"ereT'eeeee'ree"e'lee" eeee—e—
Ma, ',140eVey,, Wingharn, bag been ma
gaged ire teecheisof S. 5, No. 5, to sag,
Seed Miser Shinehe Pattie,
The regular 81111081 meeting of the
Atwood nebtle school was held in the
school Wednesday , afternoon of thee
week. There was theme the ',twat ere
terelanee end general rouelite of true.
Weser trensiteted, Roth:lag truotee.
john I. Hallett/0er Was reeileetee and
John 3, liernmond, Seercleury-treesur.
At the annual meeting rif the Wo.
tuetee Miesionavy Societe of the blind
line and 4th and 0th one , of EWA,
held December 13113., et the home of
Mrs. Elwin Thompson, oilthere for the
meadow year were electetl as follows ;
President, Mrs. G. Porter Vicetleresi.
dene 'Mrs. Angus Dickson ; Seeretery,
Mrs. Elwin , Thompson ; Treaserer,
Mee, W. Trumbull ; Orgaraist, Miss
Veda Grey ; Flower oommittee, 'Mrs.
W. Pertet field and Mts. ,T,
DidscreCate MEETING tnectitui
of the clithetore of the Elate Farmers
Mutual Fire Insurence Company wee
held in 4.14rieultural Hall, Atwood,
Tuesday, Dee, lEhle with members of
the Board .eresent, President presid.
ing, whosigned the minetee of the
lase meeting after saule had been read
and confirmed. Clatime for lessee
were paid to the following :—Geo.
Holtzman, Wallace, *1800 for damage
to house and contents from explosion ;
Robe Kenney, Ellice, 39800 for
damage ,.to house; Harvey, Logan,
*550 lumber burnt in planing mill.
Following accounts were paid ;—&1 -
wood Print Shop, account $49 75 ;
K. Baker, meetings, mileage and ad-
justing claims, $30 80; a S. Love,
$45.90; Alex, Ross, $85 00 ; John Den -
stoat, 552 60 ; James Mut.T
at, 552 00 ;
GeoCleland, 540 80 ; T. M. Shearer,
.548 20; 3. $ Cowan, 541. 80 ; Ivy D.
Smith. $85.00 and 0. X. Wynn, rent of
hall, $9 00. Applications for Inman.
ce were accepted amounting to
$218,200. bleating adjourned till Tues.
day, Jan, 22n9 to meet again in the
Agricultural Hall, Atwood, at 2 p.
as Annual meeting.
Mayor Gallow entertained the town
officials and the press at hie home.
Joeue 11, McOrgeroec PASSES AWAY,'
Within 1-0 Months of the death of hie
life partner, Phoebe Bell, to whom he
was married nearly 50 years, John H.
McClinton passed away at his home,
Keays street, after a lingering illness.
Mr. McClinton was born near Hamil-
ton in 1852, but came to Huron
County as a child. For over 15 years
his father wan a school teacher in
Etat Wawatiosh, in which township
the deceased lived on a farm until
coming to Goderich in 1910, when he
opened a shoe stove, which business
he carried on for a number of years.
Mr. McClinton was a Conservative
and always took a deep interest and
active part in the affairs of the com-
munity. For a period of 15 years he
was Tax Collector for East Wawa -
nosh township. During bis residence
here he was a member of the Town
Council, was Chairman of Patriotic
Relief Association during the early
years�f the war, and was for a time
also Secretary of the Poultry Associa-
tion, While a life-long Methodiet he
was strongly in favor of the church
union scheme. A very hospitable
man Sir. McClinton and his late wife
entertained at one time or another al-
most every Methodist minister in the
London Conference. 4 sisters etti-
vive him, namely ;—Mrs. Wm. Helps,
Denver, Colorado; Mrs. Robert Tay.
tor, and Mrs. Robert McDowell,
both of East Wawanosh and
Mrs. 11. 'I. Morrish, of Toronto. 8
daughters and a son also survive, as
followe :—Cheistina McClinton, at
home; Mrs. Robert Taylor, Auburn ;
Mrs, Robert Oraigie, Brockville; and
James McClinton, of Toronto. All
members of his fatuity and also his 4
sisters, with lbs exception of Mr.
Helps, were here for the funeral, as
were Eobert ,Oraigle and IL t. More
riots, Ferretti WA% bald on Wednee-
day afteetroota to ideitland eensetevy,
coirdected by Rev. 3, E. Holum, se.
slated by Itev, .3. le- Ford. Palmer.
me were Willient eicletowell and Mare
Yin AleDowele ell Ease Watrothoeb Awl
4383115n0 Bell and R. ,H, Tityloe, of
towe. The many and beautiful dotal
Debaser ittdicatederlarked reePeee for
bbs deed an(1 deep eynapathy with
the bereaved, wbo have thus; been
called epee within A year to bear the
double sorrow of the death of both
timelier and father,
PEawe Ideseeeeeietele Digs —Perey
Allan Meleohneosi died ;Se life home at'
Kincardine nal ,ObrietMaa Plertlitig
after a erielous /geese of About 2
weeks, of eltertenetieur horn whIclt he
had suffered for some thee, The late
Mr, Malcolm:ion vas Clerk of Brno
County, Solicitor for the (Minty and
Country Crown Attorney, atiweb as
Solicitor for Kincardine and Huron
townships, 2 weeks ago he attended
the meeting of Bann County °pencil,
and at the close went home .10 bed,
death, following as (gated ;shove. He,
was born at Goderieb, the 2n0 eon of
tbeelate Sutherland and Ales, Malcolin.
son. The father was Master iti Chan-
cery, For some years the late Mi',
Idalcolmson was a Captain in the 32tal
Settee tegiurene He was a weather
of the 1. 0. 0, and the Sons_ of
Scoeland, Etna a Warden in the
,Anglican °Muth, ' Sur vi vi fig relatives
are the wife, son, Sutherland, and
daughter, Alice. Funeral sviee held to
the ;Church of the Messiah on Thurs-
day morning and the remains were
brought to Bodevich, foe interment in
Maitland cemetery.
Huron County
A 101 pound j'ick rabbit was shot by
Wm. Sanders, Breter.
:John Witlper passed away at hie
home, Brueefield on Oh eistinas Day.
Annual Oluistmas Tree entertain-
ment was held by Clinton Knitting
Company and a big time enjoyed.
Londeabaro Woraeres Instttute gave
510, fruit and clothing to the County
Shelter, Goderich,
Women's Institute, Thames Road,
sent a donation of canned fruit to
Siek Ohildrense'hospital, Toronto.
A blacksmith business at Brucefield
has been purchased by P. Passold,
Miss jean Haskett, teacher at No.
10, Tuckersmitle has resigned and
gone boher home at Parkhill.
efother of Harriette, Gladroao, form-
erly of Exeter, died at the home of
her daughter in New Brunswick.
Saturday before Christmas was
"Good Turn" day for Exeter Boy
Scotts, when they {lid many a help-
ful act.
Upon returning home Ben Oox, Col-
borne, was shocked to find the Molest
body of Charles Sulphite hanging by
a rape from a beam in the stable,
Life had been extinct for some time.
The boy, who was a Bernardo Horne
boy, had been with Cox some years
and always warned to be a willing and
industrious worker. No reason can
be given for the rash wt.
Patrick Ryan, who was injured
some days ago when he fell from a
wagon, died at his home at Dublin.
Surviving relatives are the widow, 5
sons, Michael, Vancouver ; Peter and
Harvey, McKillop township. and
Joseph and Jack, Dublin, and 3 daugh-
ters. Mrs. 3, Hannigan, Kathleen and
Mary, Toronto. The funerel was held
Friday morning to St. Peter's church
and cemetery.
Following officers were elected for
Exeter Plowman's Asso. :—Pres.,
Mutt. Routley ; 1st Vice., john Mor-
gan; 2nd Vice, Wm, Turnbull; Seey.
Wilfred Shapton -; Treas., Ohne. Mon-
teith ; Dire,,ctors. John Allison, Lou,
Fletcher, John Passmore Elgin Row-
eliffe, Enos Hertlinan, 15. 3. Pym,
.Tohn Campbell, E, 3. Shapton, Wm.
Robinson, Geo. Hunter, Percy Duns -
ford and R. D, Hunter. •
Here AdThere
Sixty per cent el Rannitenli
population own their own hems, •
revealed by the pros of the
1923 eseeernuent for • the Daitenite
eity, whieh, Wording to these fig.
Urs, hest 20,259 dwellings and 457
The greet f !Our neevernent overt
the wheeler:I at Fort Wiliam And
Port Aethur thitt sealren )3/10- been
unprecedented, eccoreinee to reports,
of the Cenediae Pecitie 1411With'
br tb# Mad of October, lead]
shipped 239,086 tons of elone to
lower Lake parts,
Port Arthur's Wilding permit!'
for the ten menthe ending Oetaber:
showed a total of $2,632,055, which
is the biggest building yeav in thie
history of this Ontario city, exceed-
ing even the total for 1921, one of
the real estate boom years,
Canada exported $4,778,000 worth
of cheese to various countries dug-
ing the month of October, an in.
crease of e11224,000, over the total
value of theses exported in October,
1922. The United Kingdom was leY
fee the largest consenter, talking
215,000 cwt., valued alt $4,684,000,
• According to an announcement of
Iron. E H. Armstrong, Premier of
Nova Scotia and Minister of Mines,
the coal production of his province
for this year will mach at least
6,200,000 tons, an increase over last
year's production of 4,642,196 tons
.of more than 1,500,000 tons, The
outlook for 1924 is encouraging
The Prince of Wales, unless inter-
fered with by affairs of state, in.
tends to make annual visits to his
Alberta ranch, William Carlyle,
superintendent of the E. P. Rana,
told the members of the Canadian
Society of Technical Agriculturist;
in addressing them at Toronto re-
Fur traders in the distant parts
of Alberta, Sasketchewan and Brit-
ish Columbia, ordinarily weeks atid
months from mail service, are now
getting regular quotations on furs
from the Calgary Herald's radio
broadcastMg service;
The annual winter carnival at
Banff, which is yearly becoming
more popular and is attracting
vetting enthusiasts from all parts
of the continent, will be held Feb-
ruary .2-9, 1924, while the Banff
annual bonspiel will take place Feb-
ruary 4-9. •
According ter estimates made by
the Rt. Rev. Dr. G. Exton Lloyd,
Bishop of Saskatchewan, that prOV-
ince has room for another empire
north of Prince Albert and North
Battleford. The bishop has just
completed a six weeks' tour of the
limits of settlement in his diocese,
covering 2,400 miles, and estimates
that homes and livings for 250,000
could be provided in the country re-
ferred to.
. • - • -
Hugh Berry, merchant, Biucefield,
generously presented pupils of S. 8.
No. 3, Tuckersmith and No. 10 Stan-
ley with oranges. It took 8 dozen to
811 the bill.
Ohas, Isaac, Stephen, had a narrow
escape while driving his Overland car
in London. Auto was struck by one
of the London and Ph. Stanley eleetric
cars that wae backing up and it was
carried for about 10 rods. The car
was somewhat datnaged and Mr. Isaac
was slightly bruised and shaken up,
A Grand Old Sea Empress
Wine the Empress of Japan sailed
om Vancouver for Yokohama,
'obo, Nagasaki, Shanghai and Hong
IKong a short time ago, she started
ion her one hundred and fifty-fifth
Nyyage. A voyage in ateaurship
Oreetaelee ie a round trip, or, in other
words, until the rebip returns to her
home port again. The distance from
Vancouver to Hong Kong is 7,291
suiles, or a total of 14,582 milers to
be covered on each Voyage, When
tbe Empregs of Japan arrived at the
lent of Vancouver, she established a
record for Trans-Peeific voyages,
With the completion of her one hun-
dred and fifty-fourth voyage, the
Empress of Japan had covered
800,e00 ?eines in the Canadian Pacific
service; or equal to nearly One hum.
dred 'tunes around the globe. In
computing thin record, there is not
taken into her account her four
etegere wu serviee,
The Empress of Japan was built
at the yards of the Naval Construc-
tion and Armaments Company at
Barrow -on -Furness, and arrived at
Vancouver in 1891. She is a steel
twih-strew steamship, then masts,
two funnels, of 6,000 tons, is 455.6 ft.
in length, 51.2 ft. in breadth, and
33.1 ft, in depth, 100 A.-1 according
to Lloyd's Register, and in noted
for her trim yacht -like appearance.
She has enjoyed greater popularlity
during her antra career then atheist
Iny of the smaller cleat ef steam-
ships on either the ,Atlantie or
For thirty years the Empress of
Japan has been in constant service
without a single mishap to rata* bar
eecord. Although In her day the
was tonsidered the finest of her tette
afloat, and for two deeselee was
"Queen of the Paoitio," 8h. roe
linquished that honor only when the
speedier and larger Empress of
Russia and Empress of Asia were'
Acted to the Canadian Pacific.0,-.1
between Vancouver and the Oriente
It is a tribute to the builders of
the early days when it is known
that the ship's oriental bailers ars
still in her hull and doing good ser-
vice. In fact, the Empress of Japan
still maintains a speed of 1614 knots
an hour, and on October 8 she shade
387 miles in the twenty-four hour
period. The Empress: of Japan
accomplished the last trip from
Yokohama to Vancouver in a little
less than 12 days, allowing for the
Meridian day. Some of the entre '
American Mama whiith have meetly,
entered the Pacific service are wee
eidered to have excelled thttnseHeat
When they Wear thee dettanOst
feat 14 to 16 days.
:Hobert 4liViiitittii0t1 50l oI W. i. W114
woo!), who resides near liensah, e.
cantly fell from ri chute in a helm near
Lucian while feeding (mete, lie fell e
eistenee of ao feet and freetured
bone in hie fanfare
4. gelee Weeding was performed at
the donne of elle bride, Mae Peed
Murrey, near Merriam)'on Dee, 21st
when elle wire married to Bert 314ott-
eon, of Teeewitter. They will melte
their home io lesegivatere
The death occurred in Detroit, on
Werlemiday, Dee, 20th, of Mts. Fret3.
evika leinkbeiner; widow of the late
George Fredemek Eilber, at the
age of 88 yeats and 29 days, For
,irlanY years tleceased lived in Orediton
rooelley being eiriong the moat highly
respected reeldents. About 3 years
ago deceased wept to Detroit to retiree
with bet, daughter, Mee, '1'reller, Site
enjoyed the beet of health during her
stay there until about 2 weeks age,
wben she was taken down and for a
111348 life was deepeired of when she
Lo'oravIleierdy,embriugtaveetwedveegyproszhneisetoeofk pea-
ce ah leer fmrovc1118Billuerlle lasn deutilvtel veescild be oyo na
Ramey of 5 sons and 4 daugheers
Christopher, Zuvich Charles, Henry
13'., and George, CherlitonWine
Newark, Ohio ; Alm VV'tn. Weuzel,
Orediton ; Mrs,Louis Ray1xe:111dt But -
fee, ; mea. Cawley and Mrs, Treller,
In 11011008 101111 10 10001.101, a the
Orange Lodge. Besidee hie widow he
leaves 8 s011ti and 0 deughtei ^—lefes,
Howard Wright, Aire. Meath 131111011,
Alio. Ilareyey Roblosen, !Woe Fere,
Roleireoo, Olive, Alma, Eilwerad and
Varohl five at home, whIte-Lerue
;Adel] In Logan.
s t Ligon AgPicoltoral Society
ANNUAL rellefflAret.
Tho Dleatti0 at East Huron a geom.
tural Soolety will be reed re thW
eWove Wee
nrecselc, Warne:tarty. January' lee*, 1224,
tit Ligi teeleeit p. 354111011 of the nmetIng
—Receiving the Annual Statement and one,
item' Relent, appointing Oebaire the :feat'
az.acut, lettenOcue,
beeretery, President,
Farm for Sale
oontoining sores, being 3134 Lot. 17, Oen.
6, Monis towtoMp, k9n oWea the Cannon
term Ott prenness le a oorefortable frame
house, bank barn, good drilled Well, orchard
4. well tvetered g and 8faitl8(51411111(1Fiver tottehes Corner. miles te Brussels andschoolustt,ty,
school handy, la auras Or timber. Possession
after harveSt to do eat work. Por further
partionlare es tO price, terms. Bo. Apply to
10013T, 15102101, Executor,
Phone U$10. Brussels, It. 4,
Farm for Sale
Perth County
Centalns 100 acres, being 834 Lot 28, Con.
Morrie toWnehl Good brick house wilt eel.
In the General Hospital on Christ.
tnas Eve, 3, B, Schneider, of the
;Deitch 4 Schneider dry,goods firm, of
Mitchell, gave a quart of blood to big
little. daughter, Pauline iu order to
try to save her lire, but lit was of tie
;wall, for the child passed away early
Wednesday morning, at the age' of 3
yam e.
The lase one of leerth tity's old;
est and most respeeted families passed
away Dee, 26th, in the person of Mee.
Jane McEwen, formerly Jane Deakins,
sister of the late William Deakins, and
wiclosv of the late VVilliam Mailwene
The death occurred at the home of her
daughter, Mrs, W. J. Stmt.
fowl. She had been 111 for ebout 4
The homes of R. 3", Beason and
Ferrule Lloyd, Stratford, were robbed
on Friday night, Deo 21st. In the
case of Mr. Eamon the burglars eei-
dandy were watching the houize, as it
was only empty about 2 hours, In
that time 0 cases of whiukey, McCall's
Special—and Heather Dew, were
taken, the door lacked behind the
thieves. Me. Lloyd's loss was not. so
great, as the haul included 2 bottles of
whiskey, 2 of ale and several bottles
of create de menthe.
Thomas Sayre Logan, passed away
suddenly on Christenas Day ,in his
60cle year. "e" Friday be contracted
pleuro-pneurnonia. About '7 o'clock
Ohristmas morning he tom his wife to
go aed get her breakfast, a9 VMS
feeling quite comfortable, and when
she returned to the bedroom a few
vainutes lathe she found him dead.
Mr. Boyd had lived in Logan for
many years. He was a Conservative
lar•, bank bari, with cement Stabling ; driving
oiled drillediVell and it never failing eprin at
Wilt be done and possession given 0h1s9wle 7all,
For further pertieulars apply to
A. H. hiACDONAT,D, Brussels.
Farm for Sale
The undetTittned off ars hia eligible 80 acre
farm for sale, being South part Lot 14, Con. 9,
Grey towable. Good 2.story brick house,
bank barn 40x00 tel with stabling, All ()leer-
ed exoept 200059 of budi and under good ante
of en Itivation. Abont an 5018 80 orchard with
email fruits, 40, Good cistern and plenty of
hard water. 83 miles to eitber Brussels
00 Bawl. Rural telephone and rural mall.
Pogsesslen this Pall or next Opting as would
suit. .For further particulars enquire on the
premises, .1052$ RAUL
Bull for Service
'rho andersignad will keep for service, on 0I4
Lot 80, Con. 9, Morris township, the thoror-bred
Short Horn Bull, Gainford of Salem. No.
=.90418-.e. Sired by Gainford Marquis 0048901 ;
Dam Mildred Y1/ by Royal Sailor (15969). Ped-
igree may be seen on application. TermS-
110.00 for thoro'-brede payable at' time of ser -
Vice with privilege to return, Oracle caws not
Representative Wanted
iteenesetteeerve W,tswoo for Brussels and
Huron County to represent "1010 001 Reliable
POnthill gurseries." Big sales are to be made
In selling Noreery stook during the recon-
struction period, A splendid opportunity for
a live saiestuan. Highest commissions paid,
handsome, free equipment, large line of fruit
and ornamental stook to oder. STONE, ik
Vflom.tuomott, Toronto, Ont.
. The Seaforth Creamery :
: .1
eream Wanted
i -
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results, •
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR, T. C.
McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
0 ea
* 44+ -0 6+114.0+04•0441440+444,440,41044 4.544+0 +5+ 414444 4.44114•4 44.•4. •
Brussels Creamery
Cream Wanted
We will pay Patrons 1 cent per
pound butter fat, extra, if
Cream is Delivered at our Fac-
Call and get a Can and make other En-
quiries if interested,
Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns
aw••••sintemiosal •
Brussels Ctrlamery 11. 1.,roptew3rt