The Brussels Post, 1921-12-29, Page 71* WHEN NERVES ARE { —:. EAS` HY C 1JL1EEN Perhaps nothing Phage is alive and tate upon fouroLeet ran eh the the err NEAR ,Y� MOTION t;'Anrdin'ary speed of which rise desert s" ,ti} r antelope le capable.: Mr. a 3y Chap- Ulan Mellows In his recent book, "Aorese. Mongolian Plalna;' tn.l how, A Tonic (4ltould be Taken to En - while crossing the plains In an auto - mobilo ho di covered a large herd of ficin the Bloss. the animals•• BY Dirt, J. J. MIDDLE TON Provincial Peard of Health, Ontario. (ir ellddleton will be glad to answer questions nn Public health mat, lets through this cetuula• Address him. et :bedew. House. Spasms Crescent, Toronto. Ourrilies wore out in an instant, he When you become su exhanste I at — — ---T -.-- writes, and Coltman put ee more tela day a work that you comet :Ile.rp. Thrtie remarks are puiute;lly dlrec't- eed. As the oar leaped forward the or sleep LOIS to refresh Y01. it is time eC to you•—,you, ilia porion who reeds to look after your health. velemto these lines at the pre=crtt moment. I want to talk to you, and you only, and I want you to feel that what Is am writing will apply to you as an indi- vulual. Let usget to the point th4nt Whet are you doing' to help' Public Health work? Perhaps- I should ask you first .of all if you believe in Pa'blie health work, and if not why not. Do you not think Public health aetivIty is useful, and iii not Why is it not useful? Will You ask yourself that'quostion before we go any further?' The reason X want you to eek yourself that ques- tion and get it settled onee for all, is because I believe every plan, woman and chill in the province should be a antelopes, which were five or six hon- Hameans stc a udv alralu on Your dna yards away, ranged themselves act he ct at o1(1co 0 reserve winch c11 resat( in single file and strung out across the plain. We left the road at once and iu but one thing- :3 nervous bre;tlt- beaded diagonally toward them. For down. some (orange mute when. a horse or Du not trait for a breakdown. The a ear runs parallel with a herd or ante- treatment !s o11nple enough if you do lopes the anitn.tls will hiving In a cam- not let your condition become too far plete ,Oeluicirale and erose in front of advanced, The treatment is one of It nutrition of the nerve cello, requiring I small never forget 'the bight of un efIeetive tonic, As the nerves have those megnifice 1't animals streaming to bo nourished by the blood, the vital across the desert, . 'Their bodies seen fluid must be built up. Dr, Williams' ed to skim the earth.! I was shouting Fink Pills act directly on the blood, in excitement but Coltman said: sad with proper regulation of the diet "They're not running yet, Walt till have proved of the greatest' benefit in we .begin -to shoot" nervous troubles. .I could Weeny belleve;myeyee when Airs, Mary McAdam, Sydney Mines, S saw the speedometer !narking thirty 1I S is ane o4 the malty who has five miles, for we were making a poor showing. Then the long column bent gradually Moue direction. Our speed increased to forty mllea, and the car began to gain, for the antelopes were running almost across our course. They were about two hundred yards -away when Coltman shut off the gas and jammed on both brakes, but be- fore the car had stopped they had gained another hundred yards. I leap- ed over a pile of bedding and came Into aetion with the ,high-power rifle AA soon as my feet were on the ground. Coltuutu's rifle was already spitting fire from the front seat, and at his second shot an antelope dropped like lead. My first two bullets struck the dirt far behind the resrmrst animal, but the third caught a full-grown fe- male In the side, and s'heplunged for- ward into the grass, I realized, now what Coltman had meant wheu he said that the antelopes had not begun to run. Al the first shot every animal in the herd seemed to flatten itself. They did not run— they dew across the ground; and their legs shoaled only as a blur. The one I killed was four hundred yards away, and I had aimed four feet ahead when I pulled the trigger. • They could not have been travelling at less than fifty- five or sixty tulles an hour, for they were running Ina, semicircle round the ear, while we were moving at forty miles an hour in a straight line. Roly's Avenger. Every now anal then the sagacity of a certain dog seems to prove that In- telligent reasoning rather than mere instinct accounts for his actions. A ease In point is told by a traveller who lately returned from abroad. While he was in England he was the guest of a Country gentleman who took great pride in the good-tempered relation's that existed In one of his kennels of pedigreed doge. With -de- light he would smile out two favorites of his, Rory, a noble mastiff, and Rely, a little thoroughbred Scotch terrier, which were always the beat of friends. One day the visitor nal his host `scatted to drive to a nelehboriny °aun- ty. Shortly after they had arrived at the Int where they were going to pass the night they heard the sharp yelp- ing of a small dog mingled with tho savage growls of the innkeeper's big mongrel. The stable boy said that a strange little Scotch terrier had drift- ed in from no one know whore, that the mongrel had bitten hint, and that the terrier had run off. Front the description of the dog the Euglfshmatt was convinced that the stranger was holy. The little fellow had probably trailed them all the way, shrewdly keeping out of sight until they reached their destination. to vain the Englishman called and search- ed the shrubbery; Roly could not be found. It was past midnight, and the guests at the inn had retired, when suddenly there was a loud commotion In the gable yard. Awakened, the -English- mai, and his guest followed the inn- keeper to the scene, and there they 80.11 the big mongrel go sown to de- feat before a huge nuutetllf, white a lit- tle Scotcb terrier dented round ex- citedly. It was hely and his friend Rory, the mastiff, who hal come to take the part of his little comrade. The terrier had obviously journeyed straight !tome and with animal sagacity enlisted the sym- pathy of his strong ally, the mastiff, which speedily returned with him to the scene of his trouble And undertook to avenge his wrongs. Not HIs Fault. The 1undayscboot superintendent was reviewing the lesson."Who led the clltidl•an of Israel out of Egypt?" he asked, There was no answer. Pointing to a little boy at the end of the seat, he demanded, a little crossly,. "Little buy, who led the children of Israel out of Egypt?" The little boy was ready to cry as 11e piped out with a quavering voice,. "Plense, sir, It wasn't ine. We just tnoved Here last week. ,We're from Manitoba." Dolis were madei� n Nuremberg as long ago a8 1000. Stockings Dant be darned with n,new .Sewing nta•Ohh30 aloe/intent. ;the .•, Ricer.O.rineeesitas. more ,tuibu- tarlea than elle alter river, The total. number is put at 2,500, ituoludiitg 4011 Large stream a• _ proved this tonic treatment. Site Public Health worker, and I further says: "Last winter my health con, 'believe, indeed I am confident that pgave , T was : ldown everyman, woman and child in Lha andietely my' nerveusoutsystem inane fuconl dition province would be a Public Health that greatly Warmed me.. I often had worker if he or she only knee's what nervous headaches, and at mums Is being done along health lines and severe -pains in.the region of my heart. what still remains to be dente One I felt as though I would never be welt thing is certain--jrev cannot throw est and' feel confident if ii berore there is disease in .your house or again, My husband got me a supply of out your ch Dr. 'Williams Pink P 1 s and the second box was finished I began to improve and under a further use of the pills I telt a's well as ever. I would advise all weak and nervous women to give this medicine a trial," You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pill tt h d. ler 1 i medicine s nroug U. ea er by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The - Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brock- ville, Ont, - Hard Times. Be glad because the tunes are hard, Hold firm your head aloft; For man's great battling sort. is marred' When life runs smooth and soft. Soft times are for the feeble knee, They soothe the timid heart; Who has true manhood in him,:ho Seeks cut the hero's Dart, He lays his comfort gladly down, Ills ewe he puts aside, And turns his back upon the town Of luxure end pride. For him the crag where eagles soar, The sea where shipsare driven, The wild no foot has trodden o'er, The clouds by tempest riven. Look well the ox 'lies soft and warm, See well the sheep are fed; But let man's soul embrace the storm, And thro' the lightning tread. To glorious ends he had his -birth, On high his joy's are stored;. His body's but the sheath of earth, His soul, God's living sword. Say not that we are evil -starred, For Once the world began 'Tis only when the times are hard Man proves himself a, man. —Harold Begbie- Sarcasm, "i don't think your father feels very kingly towards me," said Air. Stay' - late. "You misjudge 11!m. The morning after you called on me last week he seemed quite worried for fear I had not treated you with proper courtesy." "Indeed! What did he say?" . you are only acting the part of a "I•Ie asked me how I could be so .good citizen, and to do less would be Aide as to let you go away without to neglect your duties to your family your breakfast" and friends,: to yourself and t0 the neighborhood, especially communicable disease. If there are such diseases about, you may be the next vlethn— you are probably just as liable to s"catch" something as your neighbor. It is therefore in your interest to see that your neighbor and family, as well as yourself and family, are not ex- posed to any form. of outbreak if possible, and that. everybody is in good health to, resist or throw, off such an outbreak onee it does occur. Listen to this: Do you know that 60,000 babies died in Ontario last year before reach- ing one year of age, and that a large number of .these deaths ceubd have been prevented if these infants and their' mothers had been given proper care and attention? Do you know that thousands of lives are lost yearly in this province because 'communicable diseases are not reported to the Medi- cal Officers df Health in time to have quarantine and -preventive pleasures taken to stamp out the outbreaks. Do you know that although breast feeding is by far the .best method of bringing up a baby, less than fifty per cent, of babies throughout the province are fed for the first nine months at their mothers' breast. Do you know that there are thou- sands of young children growing up with physical defects of various kinds not beteg' corrected—in "feet without any ,medicine 00 nursing :supervision whatever? Do you know that thousands of peo- ple are suffering from venereal dis- eases with the hospital for incurables or the insane asylum their only goal if effective treatment is not started in tine? - Do you know that large numbers of men and woolen engaged in industry are being ruined in health and receive bodily ,injuries through lack of fresh air, sanitation and protection from ac- cidents. What I want you to do is to say the/. whatever anybody else around you is doing or not doing in regard to Public Health, es for you end your house, you will follow. out the principles of hygiene, sanitation and right living, and moreover, will try to interest others around you so that they will do the same, 'You must realize that . in doing so community in which you live. 1 want to help you by suggesting r•o:ne of the gmoral things you can do to promote Public health: Protect all food stuffs from flies, Ropolt immediately to the- Medical Officer of health any auspicious case of scarlatina, ineasles, typhoid or other.communiceble disease that you may know of. Live as 'much as possible out of doors, • Sleep' in well -ventilated bedrooms. Drink plenty of fresh water daily. Eat plain, subeltlrltiab foods and avoid excesses of all kinds. - Keep your bowels regular. Take daily exercise. Have your teeth examined by a den- tist at least twice a year. ' 'To expectant mothers;—Keep Your- self under the constant supervision of a physician before your baby is born. Breast feed the baby up till nine. months, Have it examined for physical and mental defects, by a physician or at the baby clinic. Remember that you cannot expect a child to grow up without supervision by a qualified -examiner any more than you could expect a piece of machinery to run along indefinitely without be- ing examined for necessary repairs, Can you arrange to have the Pub- lic Health teachings put into effect in :your own home? If not, Why not, Please ask yourself this question. If there is any further information I can give you on these subjects, kind- ly send me a line. I shall be glad to help you. What Kind of a Day ;l>o You Wish Yourself? Suppose you could make a wish at the breakfast table and finally have the wish come true. Would you say, "I want this to ,be a good day," or—"I am willing for this day to drag along?" If you keep on wishing your days with the food you eat, finally the wish is likely to coma true. Grape -Nuts helps your wish for a good day. Nothing miracuiou4; just the natural result from right food with the right taste. There is a charm of flavor and crispness in Grape -Nuts that is like the smile of a good friend at the breakfast table- - And Grape -Nuts, with cream or milk (fresh or tinned), is fully nourishing—feeding the tissues and glands, the bone and blood, with just those elements which Nature requires—building strength without any "heaviness." Grape -Nuts is the perfected goodness of wheat and malted barley, scientifically developed -ready to eat from the. package. A Grape -Nuts breakfast or luech is a practical wish for good tuck. "There's a Reason" SW by nil grocers With The UTS ARE EA.PP i'C IED .EN It is the intention of the local coun- cil of Windsor; Ont,, to start an of - fleet's training course this month, This will comprise a series of lectures and demonsbretioas. Mr. Frank C. Ir- win, Assistant Provincial Commission- er, will give a lecture at the opening of the course and several' other mem- bers of the executive willattend the classes from week to weejt,. Each les- son will•take two hours,and it ex- pected that several' interesting fea- tures. will, be introduced, * i * * 4 Thirteen tenderfoot -Scouts were initiated' Into the 1st Ancester. Troop recently, before a large attendance of boys and their parents. Assistant° Commissioner Chas. W. Homing and Frank C. Anders, of Hamilton, were Present, the former being the chief speaker of the evening, the latter act- ing as initiating officer. Mr. Heating, in his remarks, dwelt on the import- ance mportanceof the boys Living up to their Scout promise and laws,- and em- phasized the fact that boys who'ful- filied their Scout obligations would be the men that Canada of to -morrow would be proud of. The patrol lead- ers of the let Hamilton Troop staged' a very interesting and instructive dis- play, the chief feature of which was an' excellent exhibition of club swinging. The officers from Hamilton were all impressed by the calibre of the boys. present and by the enthusiasm dis- played. The .well child is always a happy child—it is a baby's nature to be hap•+ py. and cantanted, Maulers, if your little Tones aro cress and peevish and cry a great deal they aro, not well -- they a,o in need of medleiu'e--some• tiling that will set their bowels and i stomach In order, for nlne•tentlls of I all childhood' ailments arise from a dfs'ordere;l state of the bowele and stomach. Such a medicine is Baby's i Own Tablets. They. aro n mild' but thorough laxative which regulate late t he bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus.f drive ant constipation, colic, indiges- tion; break up colds and simple fevers nud maize the baby healthy and 'happy. Concerning them, Ails. Albert Hamel, Pierrevitle, Qua, writes: —"Baby's Owjjsa ,Tablets ars the best medicine I know of for little ones. They relieved my little girl from constipation when nothing else would and 1 can s'tnongly recommend 'them to other mothers." The tablets are said by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. W11J1.ains' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Out. "finale"John-Sher i, who claims to be the oldest living 'human -being, has celebrated his one hundred and thirty- third birthday.•Sheli, who is a Ifen- tucky farmer, enjoys fairly good health, MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion Express Money Order, Five Dollars costs three cents, Dr, Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research and other scientists declare, as a result of their researches, that there is no physiological reason wily a Human be- ing cannot live 150 years.. Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Flg Syrup." If the little tongue is mooted or fr your child Is listless, cross, feverish, full of Bold, or has oolie, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste oat of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Muttons of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- ine "California Fig Syrup which has .directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! Yoit'niust'say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. PNEUMONIA and other Lung Diseases -L'iaim many viettms 1n Canada and should be guarded against. * a * Field Secretary Darle Davison was a visitor at the Hamilton headquarters recently and gave to the secretary glowing accounts of the spread of Scouting in the outlying places in On- tario. At the sane time he congratu- lated the local association on the ex- cellent recruiting work they, had done. during the past year. t * * * Full information regarding Scouting and the formation of local Scout Troops may be had upon appliaatioa to the Field Department, Boy Scouts Association, Bloor and Sberbourne Streets, Toronto, Ont. The Point of 1t. Little 'resale was busy with pencil and .paper. Muth against her will she had at last been prevailed upon by fuer mother to write and tltsuk her Aunt Amelia for the nice box of pocket handkerchiefs the, aunt bad sent her for a birthday present. She had !toped for a toy, or a box 01 chocolates, at least, but that is by the way and at any rate she hated writing let toie. But mother insisted on a letter of thanks. As she sat there trying to write with a dull lead pencil her mother had given her, she nlet with little success, Mid at last in despair exclaimed: "Oh, mt11111010 the wood Inas slipped clown over the lead and the marks won't Come Ont"" The weight' of an ordinary huu5.11 heart is 0 1-3 ors, The record weight is 40 ozs. 13 drs. A few minutes oath day is eta- cleat trfficient .to keep ,att.acturate .record of farm business. Minard's Liniment for folds, (till. • MINARD'S LINIMENT Is a great preventative, being one of the oldest remedies used. Minard's Liniment has relieved thousands of oases of Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma and kindred diseases. It is an enemy to Gernis- Thousands of bottles being used every day. For sale by all druggists and general dealers. Minaret's Liniment Co., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.S. COARSE SALT L A N D' S A L T Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS C, J. CLIFF - TORONTO America's Stoner Do; iemediee Book on DOG DISEASES and How. to ]l'eod Mailed Free to any Aft. dress by rho Author, 8. May Glover 00, Otto, 119 West gist Street New York U.S.A.: From .;IVlafuttek Mini to Intake. In Africa 'the natives usually give every white bran a name that denotes; his (thief characteristic, In An Afideen: Adventure M. Isaac F. Marcoseon says that the first nano they gave him was Bwane Ohe (.'ha, which means "the !toaster who ie quick." Subsequently in the upper Cane* and the Kassai, he goes on, I was call- ed Mafutta Mingi, which swans "much fat." Still Another name that I born yeas Tata Tal.•y'it+hich in virtually all rite Congo diillecta means"spectacles." In manly regiirns'drat I visited the na» fives had never seen s pair of tortoise she11 glossea such as I wear, and, the children, thinking I was a sorcerer, 1101 iron me, shrieking in terror. Up the Ka6sai I heard a Stpty that admirably illustrates the humor of the natives. A fat Belgian officialcame out to take charge of a post and na- turally enough became known among the natives es 1Kafutba Mingi. As soon as be learned what it meant he was indignant and demanded that they give 'him another name. Sothe local chief . solemnly dubbed him Kiboko. The official was immediately acme - ed, Then he noticed that everyone who addressed hint by the name al- ways smiled as he did so. On investi- gating he learned that the word meant "hippopotamus.." Minard's Liniment for Distemper, Carada.bos 1,000,000 choice farms awaiting settlers. ACHES AND PANSsr SLOAN'S GETS 'EM ! AVOID the misery of racking pain. Have a bottle of $loan's Lini- ment handy and apply when you first feel the ache or pain. It quickly eases the pain and sends a feeling of warmth through the aching part. Sloan's Liniment penetrates without rabbit; sciatica, sprains and strains. Stiff joints, lame back and sore muscles, For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggists -35c, 70.c, $1.40. Made in Canada 9� Fine too for rheumatism neuralgia i raiment Pains enem vuommuisimoisa "Cascarets" To -night For Liver, Bowels You're bii ousi Tou are headnchY, constipated, your eyes burn, skin is Yellow; your stomach Is 6.0111', gassy, upset. No wonder you feel miserable. You need a thorough physic with "Cascarets" to -night to cleanse the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gases take the excess bile from the liver and carry out of the system all the constipated poison in the bowels. pet a 10 -cent box now and let "Cascarets" straighten you out by nlal'ning. Cuticura Will Help You Look Your Best Make the Cuticura Trio your every- day toilet preparations and watch your skin, hair and hands improve. The Soap to cleanse and purity, the Ointment to Boothe and heal, and the Talcum to powder and perfume. S,.p25e. Olotmnt2StusdNe, raleaa25r. Sold tt rougbouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: !grip Coloeude S4o5yt. iIv5e, wlMouom , MRS. MARY WILHELM Pittsburg, !Pe. "No matter what 1 should ray about Tarlac, it wouldn't be half good enough;" said Mrs, Mary Wilhelm, 715 Mint Way, South Side, Pittsburg, Pa. "I never dreamed it pa rale for a medicine to restore me to the splendid health I now enjoy. In fact, I had almost resigned myself to being an invalid, As I could see I was losing weight and strength every day, and no relief was to sight. For three yews stomach trouble, headaches and narv- ousness made • my life miserable. "The test bottle of Tanlac acted al•• meet like magic and it wasn't long ere til I was so well and strong that I could hardly realize I had ever known a sick day. I an like a different per- son in every way row, eating, sleep- ing, feeling and Iootting better than to years." Tanta.. is sold by teed/vs druggists everywhere. Adv. Classahed Advertisement:,. dLAiiEIIi I'IAPIO b`01i SALE. 1.)1=,LL i'LAYEit PIANO IN (00011 condition, with a largo number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain. L. Costello, /3 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. BELTING FOR SALE ALL BINDS 01' r:$it' AND 1.1 4N1. belting. valleys saws, cao,itose,ltatking, etc., shipped subbl subject to tiuproral at lowers 1180 YORK, STREEET TORONTO. CO. , THIN, FLAT HAIR GROWS LONG, THICK AND ABUNDANT "Danderins" casts only 35 cents a bottle. One atppiication ends all dandruff, stops itching and falling 'hair, and, in a few moments, you have doubled the beauty of your hair. It will appear a mass so soft, lustrous, and to do up. But what please you moat ..s•-!.117 he after a few weeks user when you see new hairline end downy at first—yes— L.z , but really new hair growing all over rile scarp. "Dander - me" is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthen% them. This delightful, stunulabing tonlo helps thin. lifeless,. faded hair to grow long. thick, heavy and luxuriant. I SUFFERED FIVE YEA RS Finally Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. P6nkhain°a Vegetable Compound. Paris, Ont.—" For five years I suf- fered from pains caused of my organs and in my back. All of tills time 1 was unfit for work and was taking different medicines that 1 thought wore good. 1 saw the advertise- ment in the papers of Lydia E. Pula hams Vegetable Compound and took it faithfully. I am now inperfecthewith an cis a my tw-t work. I recommend 'it to others, and give you permission to publish this letter hi your little bookt1 and in the newspapers as It testimonial. —IVirs, D. CAssanY. Box431, Paris, Ont. Why woman will Continue to suffer so long is more than We can understand, when they can find health in Lydia 'kl. Pinkhaln s Vegettlbl'({t CCva oupol Por forty years it has been 1110 stand red remedy for ,.e:t a ittis, and has ro- istered the health ofiI1ou an of mitten who have beets trou kr rlth sueh all- , bents as displacefmlents, inflammation, ulceration, irrdgularliaes, etc, If you want special advice write h; Lydia M. Pinkham.Medicitte Co. (conks- • dontiei), Lynn, Klass. Your letter: VIII be opened read and, answered t womanan Mutt by tiheld in strtet eonfldance. iC�t(ni,. 11o. rrtee .ti re Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," winch contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rhe umatisnt Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago'1in, Pain Handy flu boxes of 1?, tablets --Bottles of 24 and 100, --All Druggists. Aspirin Is the trade Mark (registered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono. aceticachiceter of Satioyltcacid, while It la Well known that Aspirin means 'Sayer manufacture, to aeelne th6 nubllc against lntitatlons, tite Tablets 01 Barer Company wnt be 44atngee with thou general trade ennelt, the "Bayer' Mem"