The Brussels Post, 1921-12-29, Page 4ti1f1.1'3t.;rd
0,17** Nott' S'e;r
av rylvotla ittr kite il•t+
SVrikr w+41(11 1t1 11 gdepti tied* - ad laraltte
ap tarda Zoctla roa+.11ies,yet, you 90 pcse
r erttot- EVA 11":1111. Nett' ta4-..5:,) a' 1
1114 e 14848 s" !oe optte „g g .,de yvtl
PA"ve'1 too ;1111 rl,t 4f 111 r to 411th-
. 1/(cavy f.kltl tit., 4414, Ott.^ tank, Y4+11'
?lerii lU 'hr, 44; 14119(4 lat;t 1'.•,4 4,'fi: .•n14'
. i
b ,
Q e +. C it ,e r. . dda � .r
. a1.
:Macy 4 k. r' C .at1 r k
4114 k tl
14X048 ip t la ,iprl lora
11..467 weak I) �,v:•t', the fiU
3.147tu ertl - :bearer `Il.. No! t; 1,tdYa n d
I'rovdtlV14I 1834 alar,°. yq 14 a ,,, y
s✓1''r 1.itoo. It 'wet, at If ^;vk.c
tt'ud t9,9,V4eaevrva'. ve r. '•ee eta the
Icalle„r 97 the e:oase 1 1 a ars :d I
Oyes Premier1)rney tl 110,,n 1) add
4 ira the °Ri.tose
J wish h` than f SxJ
'� J, 1148 � ��ta � y�,ta �'�t ars for their
1✓},t`t ra u i g N tl` nein: ' 118 2`ai ,'t r and. ,sx-•
*118814:1 t.f> tiog0 our . h let 3l 34'ishes ffr a
rd 1,1 4'17,11 pros-,,rialas Kelt' Year We
i..0i•.it yc>'-T aa.trvrsgedtlrlllg i92.2,
C 414 C ALL, C. A. BARBER,
lef✓'v�l r e l✓rtA$ lady{:. Manager,
-$.0i7de vett' W;i;'.y Ig'.k ]Scar,'. !:! t.yval
, the 1,, +
°Jere re /»./t fte d ;'8 tai. .' r ta dl77 4t
,grgea w : :t.t rte 771.avvd ivr
paw, C'Y •.±ti l= 14.'441„r '. ,:tl in*, ve s'. C :.•t, .
:'. 41441
Ye"! 1•. gets e. ': tar, -tit.' v 9t
t Y! },W:;. f...*1.1:7 f,;;7,7. F 111'7 . ✓ 1 '. - r . .
WJ<14.ZSJJ41r it=t1V7e( 111114 14• g' •, o-,
wick } 1vv+ ,c ;erurap<y R., c, r 7 y
-.,,.:14•!11 - +.,la 1saD1va, c.1., _e`t. ..
i*,.y ,.^,i ,t t,.Y Vat )
!drove 29;8.' .ty 'neo. l z• w
.'NWs 15':4 #4-.a 4.` '11.11
..SaY'w •Y. k'.t ...4 t 7, Vt t, r: •!. .
0X.'.14 _ •. ;t; 141 ,:.i:_ %::! C -.
yt:rt r f,,,1. rcr'x1•1a_ ..1. a:...
'4e!:.e `.ty •i' .iel.r wetia ,;7.••.4t
1 Py'srb ,y ''1! ',e 73• *!! :'Yx
r E 1 k t , 71-. 5 .-.• 11 f.
4t ,1ry44:J ✓rt t prat,
t• a a3y et.: ,: 11' 3 1 -0 :.s -y' c• r.
•i'•1.,,,,.+ -.-=, tad a al 17 7., .77,7d v, va.ices
t.'1. .a = vial:
r: 141 at)t r :',77',J.1 141-
14 ,. ,,a 7't W:;.*'t
Lr. ,Y,7,A • W,-. ,t '1'41' 11.11 ✓fM' t .!..0.!et;
.w t:
77.+7, v 1.'.4".1.: g..W 7777 de t.0 a' 1:41
,0.:1. e.,de.a';4pc ,✓efure c ir,t.t_.•.:¢ t;r,ty/i,
pe ._,:'a:r y o. at 7.,'',e..t11.e. , t+y.
x,414'1-1.1 •411. ,a. 1 1-4,4. rt<s g1s 4 'f ,:.t
a'.0 _..;1.a e..711::c1.:: feenda '.:cr wxy
vf'a t,
1'448 ".t 4811 1t :1 n a f1'y -
rn,tra. 4.4r w a 1, t` ,,, f f
eVery1;4,Cl y r .'„1< >. I7= f..)3, !114 a C
(y1 vrt!.9Yi),. r :1 ,. .c 1 ,: 77.1.y e,,
,488'400 a fir, :x.•..11: .1.•_,•e et 4t•
••r J 9 ;! 7,y
t;e!,71.,Vt7,Sri4'• f.,.....
lie :0. ;Tifj
,tiff'; (1Jete4y 4.7 tl tot>j_..) .xilrt,:cr:, 4!' .-.
tri ,411 413'! r 4„ ev*dydr.7pg '=i+1., y t1."
dg.l, fdml; /,: •, 141 7,1,760.i'/.a Mt14"3).
1,.yan1dr 11$ a word tae 1982;rrr:a
I,74.!4..1,114.411 n71:4t spef3 out. an hove let, ea:,
Ns (belt fr'Jorf': ai rhea{ for *.bs ye: •
J ,,,,aya a 114.0,,14 y1 11;rey rtFrf, apt arye:'t
far roanya year .1 54ttr;tog into .tv 1414
easyreiil:'r3g 444 1331 pr4verf.',a. 'nX
8111 '1. 11.4.41, d4'Wn expenses od k 1.
keep nlY-rr4.,ja+e 1S a e..ee1.0:41 ire
to Ii4lyp 47:4(3 1tt,4 T{,tlt t W14'41.7 i .4,v 7.14.
1%x4111+4 4a one 0000ar310 81,9 tee
hoW" is 14,4414 loo4,ty
'11414) toeto4) tsar fieto
41)arkell tjy th.large aurni,er nI ,, 1,114 34
/3444 teen 71440 hove depar'ad tine ilk,
harry of them /4lite su/444ealy 'l a4e
narwprls /44 4444 to, 'm en art W4144' 1,l • is
10110 undererood l,y Irrik who foP n 7 lar•
,1044rgr W10171108 1)1 '(44e. 1iaav,r'0 1 110
exacted from those who eland iv. It,4
forefront. Possibly we dont et, tor,:!! 4.
lee hair 4/11/,ugh with the niers w(418 tarry
tan lrurdans Of 111e paopla.
'refs fellow whosrtg14.ared ar the l,n
(tell Verniers' 'I:o ilVoll riot! gr..4/et' 1114e. y
for flier i,nove hu..11 ase Wise tangbr In„
1013041 Pa he crawled out trton ern/lar the
smothering he reserved adieu tan hole•
gates got through with Iain{. 41411:h
gents, who 1(111 hanker for 111., hot tie,
should oilier get vivant() (/4 have earoe
enough to frnow that the Proh,bn-4on
train is, not backing II l7 turd we are glad
to kneel 4..441 the I1: 1.' O 11111 not mIO
mattere at Iheir 11414111431114g.
6(1011{/3 banking instinlllons have Ilia
right to Hell in amalgamate without noel,
calling their .siutreholdere 7 The deal
nn IIIIFWaan 1110 1.4/11111 of Montreal 8141
Merallantn Think flus calmed nitwit cru.
elem. 1f every 1tur:kholder Wal, paid IT
infullor made a little moiny In the
(rolruatlClnn tt wouldhe different bol if
nnio4 1444/414414 1)111104111g 1410 fellows who
trusted the ht14ih111141 With. their hard
earned call) then the easels altered con.
slderably. 'Pita public have confidence'
In our bunking Institutions 1411 tl hl
doubtfui If th114 feeling will be 4trength
ensd by alteh expefiencce likely to he
put (War 11114m,
,s,e slrla:.
lrb'R"8;114 ':"alt„"
•1 t Meadtex' 3:vett i
v:I...: e1. lY i 414E P L1)' !
. +.vty egner is
r _ .c. b4 S'LLCrx'.
Y. �F r��t�� •;��?MOPS Ik/0E
r <, sa abea each Will be held 10 the
t to 111 tome reel FAMILY THEATRE
1114 .: i° a. '✓ti 44`811 �[xr�T•�•*, �.T y�+,�•�,X g� JAN
1111,.. a.1. aJ.e. tl ',.:oc; '!rX.[.i X✓t'1'E.:,s;i, AY JAN. 4r2s
M,0 .4 8.:'.144 1)' 11t2v'eloap.zxz.
v t:a3 : lixp3,ois » an he presented and of:oers+
k.4-t3ed for year. Ail interestedasked
to attend.
R, ,LITTLE :.. ,p s4...Y:
re r
fJ:sg toys
o/tr/oectior. with the seix:rl:e of illicit
4• a,' t g of 4,41-x111111.)4 J;yuoi etilla. B4: heti :et pollee/40n 1111E
° ),F 7s;, vl T'.r,utn, tli.•ae lxath elaborate and epode, sB111
t sr an• 1111,1 of„,Y , extent to supply the whole Dominion
. . ay evk.n,11. Det• with CI.177301". It m8 be Mentioned
11 l.a. 7 r i the fact ti4'iat 44 (141r,1al37 {'has 7411, Kandy arid Mr,
a u u: a 4)I:)441/41.1,t t✓a.e. Ef„tines were at 0044 time publishers
,S 1:a 4.:-•• «ineaee•141:1.4' at- of 141(41 papers lo (Clinton, while 410W
7.d.7- t7 13 4Gdsvo, Yrea;dent, ,flaky both wont 'harmoniously under
the some roof.
M. King ie n brother of the success -
fag Progreselve candidate in North
In view of the fact that General
otter, Toronto, holds the longest re-
cord of any military officer 1141 the
Dominion. the i3ecretary was Instrue-
tett 10 send hirer a letter of congratu-
lation, Mr. Otter wee born just
al.iou4 where the Rouse of Refuge
stands, nest Clinton.
The new Yiee Preeldent wale for
aurae 0)114*aresidy,ntof Clinton, befog
a daughter of the late !Stewart MUM -
air John. Wiil'wen, though not
actually lit newspaper work flow, is
said to he the Canadian correspon-
derrt of the London ,Aimee, with a five
figure maw 7, He has always been
rec,3golzed ea an able journalist.
grey Ootsracrt
w*7 res t 1414 Secretary Vita`, 7
{eve a. )144l1434.) t'.W4E:4t•y of lite j'ean's
ti ,444/.;en.,7a7h5(. 4. 114.91/4>4ni::-011 Of
3;'141 144'1, 1•1'4,i". td.a re144/4.'1.f ()etttain
P**,, ..f 1- .111-t:33'/, (fa0wed a 01814}11
c...13' d.731 ';t.e.1 t11e1' 411 Iralaiillekt-.
4,4xf,f,."e,: tf 1"t.
T&Z.47. 4-)410...'.4 014 oft.4,cka's revolted as
t .7141 ,.
143.4.. d'er.•'1'1, 4, Sir 3051/) Wiliis4m,
'.:t14t.) $ 1., _:41er.. 8/.11 k. gi. ESodg..
r ,3,-e•.1ea.•, J, .4 I/
Y ., Pres det.t, 44514. L 13. Scott,
1 .4;!x,41. 1,,,,,,v 3 A. 11ohilltu1n.
1i'arr4.aa v. 5 - kl and)+,
4 aatae,1 ,;4':re,t.ry bites 5 iyntr,
4'.,':4, :,e.3.klar7, 14801 fife,?*
1 41 .141143 ( ,1!.1x1, 5", oudf,,,.t.
1 „a . is 1;. P:i4al,l and and 34)184
' a, ',114.1, . 4
ze, ,•se vl' 1;/'/31/014.0/41-rie$darnee
3 r' ,f, 1144*, 1114;1'isore, 3i01,41Mor.
n , 1.4,+Se'3."k, 83.4, and .91/414 D.
r ,1.f; .1.414 1411f>14ttrion y. ldajrar Statutory meeting of Municipal
if, -f. ,t lid 71,.-e. ti. 3. Mulish. ti, (iounc'i of Township of Grey was held
9.11 ,4„ 1', 1: 4;4,
,,11,14/.14, 11.C. King, Iti Towoehip Rall, Ethel, Thursday,
11J 11: 1071 y, 4' C.t,.e1'r, H. L. Scott, Deo. 16. Meulhere all present. Min -
1 It '1'41,11.00,. George NeWtun, 414x1/ of prcvio114 meeting read and
'IL!. w f res7dent. 1445. 414ai, een, adopted.
9....}t. lar 1.n 13.4/43 /.:1,. hat flat, been in B,kgatisltion from 30)1(3 Oarrrochan
4 ,,,,,1.,r: 4. r 4. t•JI1,3f,41 .4 yearn. lie asking to have Cox Mulrieipal Grain
4a .4/341 (34/'.41l( 11/,11 40774*4asf,rl whale, t:lvaeed 0134.61.1.1 101111y to provide Oft -
44.4! *)f'-1• 11,ur,,lfa3,4.nr11-. When It eieatoutlet for Michel Municipal Drain
as 4:..•, tl..1.e•4 that the Errand on his was received and r'iiferred to ,1n4, Rog-
kta, 71.7k .6/5;14 138,1 are Arnerirat; eagle, but e1., O- 1.. S. for an. examination.
get. ,.1,e (,4."8.4:.11. Seaver, suru,urrd. .Extension until Jannaty 9th. 1922,
a 1 1y x W14,114. il 1,f !Duple 1eaave . he was glven 1,0 Ootlealmr to complete col -
4r 44 yeti 4 (,443139' 1u014d 4.f applause, leotio0 of Y:xze8.
1, 1 .ty, 'he 1/44irit,/ and ever. Bylaw No. 9 for 1921, appointing
he,i, ssz7' 1(3. fp**1044 '.1011:e ever following. Polling places, Depnty Re-
routing OMrers and Poll Olerke for
, og . 131' ,e or,• Meer it, the 148.. fielding ,!lection for Reeve, Deputy.
+et,•.,tan-a.J'4(the 11',nnuiola()ov- Ii"/3ve and Co1nelllors for the year
), 48,174.. • 11„1 i.,„ ram(*. 1444 sap Bated 7922, Witt( put through tie several
re, 911.4 4141,t414,41 4/. 11krpteraly of late in elegem 8141 finally platre4.1 ;-Polling,
r , , 44,14 ) . n4•r•i1.11,tr 4184 fnrnl,•d 14113
Pmailah ch ldron who recently came to Canada on board
t}le 4`lnlnnrrs4 of Prance." Their names ares Thomas
Marehatl Howard. 'Sydney Aehton, John Kincaid, Lawrence
King, Edwin Coleman and Billy Colenuul,
1. 0, '"O1 r »Note( Souse.,
!v. 4117,010 tVt+, 141,1. it' 'tea
uta, Pollaclfei4, 31411',
iiuuwF :H 143 No. 1,lailr:rl
to f _ R• , and P. Liaaidntlu 11'441,3
.at ,1fie1atel s1"uee S. S.
at11lF434 43'Wal#1utl, 41 ; ..+0 , and
lint is ,Pull 431l4/40• 7147 . A. at
9.44: No r4•.il 44/T,pag-
184 :114. 43a4ai4c3n tY otl
1t, Tu Vii, t1t't'ows14'bip4444 l,44i5xr1,
-`ih114 41/ l�.•'9 , toad Wits 114'1.
=+At 33r1Ju111
• 19n..5, 4430s h4tattlt, J.J. ;.
3$atuuei 7MYatiultn,'ge.Rtil1Q)lenk,
7110. '1', act'a 144:111, 711414ltirS10144
1413,401044, 311, 4I{. O., 1444(14 Wan. -r
Nett {Ota ting of ddbe Coattail. 4+144
/74407, rt�?4$ttit41
114ACAL11i6:ziL), tGllr
Poultry 0.1 M it4411i13'4ttt. ail, 111
44411 1121
Wrtbsttn', 11'Pa/tt4Ntticl, +a
'e0ws;41404..7, al("Na(, llfit41jue1), »a6,
;11(11414 in ;he Pinner 91(47y. Taeoeused
414114 44'dl'h'/3X5W 3) 15'tin4atoc1 battery
114(3(1 841€1 '1 t)ile +lx:oslurtu ti/e da14I,41 ay
111 aul3a 'hie rig was 3hit ,by+4%57 4414
Firtg,.4.rluua1 8111'4 I3nttrae All Agri•
4tuittire'Is-to '11ediada,C "4.44i9owel 11r41t1
J N•+ru14 • fkr,h <to 4147 i b nu/er 1,h•a
e na-
pieesalf'tixt' Px1'4b (000n17 brand/ rOf
klae lriep4Art14aut :of Agriculture. M.
,C 117r'krai! 41'(11 414)44.44 (:hat%e ad the
f .
A1F 71481E
Gf Df
FOR 'THE ¥*1IR 191:21
0.:313;011 hand SviantirLoan ac. 8537.40 ; Twp- ;Morrie S425 -. w.$ 34.2 25
•45rb1ul 143)0 14r457(3; Gl3v •grant ,.839841; Twp. of
MarriaVol 02 R .490 31
734u:k;Mg Fond $24858: Priueipal (320099; Inter-
est $190412; Ooup,,n '1 46 84446:86
'Local improvements 294 69
!:t'leyl?eme System '$826941; ''b331O9;
4'n+ribe,1.17 $62110 ; +t Beep/Le-midge .$13 010. _-.. 3347 43
Seal$ent Tares-R'rhert Oliverit'd 45?
Licweees-Billiaida M 00100
R#tut}s-W. W441is, $1,09; W Little, *3309; 3. Ms14tu1, .-(3689;
Currie, VIM; H Douglas, (,2419; Znc1e 74438 ()ataxy
x10'00; Mrs- Geo. T14waon, ;46(1'41; 2. Karlaskie, .$10:001;
Jas. S4111447»Y. 14,3.(/) 'M, I3ryaare. '(333411); Dominion Ger-
eminent, $4'00; Twp. Mt,rrla. $090; 7< Lou`ry, $300;
1145. Black, ,11'13 000 • ti 04•rd4f, :8500,
Weigh Scales -B. Oliver -- 31'0'0)
Debentures By -,Law No 11. 1920 2346 70
Locos-l4tandsid Santa, COO, ; Telephone 87st41/1, fl'83'JDOO; 30100' 0D
Mlotellaneune--Woulauts if/Mitt/1e, girb90: N Battiiltnrt,
$1009; A. L Stewart, 'x180; R. 01ire1, '845.89: R.a911'a7
7'sz. $29 16 t °minty 7'rva.,,, 7 ) 23 ; W. ,m P,inrJalr,;
$163.1514 Aruu•ementitex,'43939L 143. T Plum, 720.410 742 44
Electric I4ightr--Crxh Receipts . ,_ _ 327042
Wood -Cash Receipts _. - . 34128 22
$ 71131E - 71- 9
balance ._..-.- Z 17741410
Balance doe by Ctnatty account _ _._. 99 312
Local account _ 14(902 9
o Woodaccount.514.4 44
Loan ace0nnt 7,55D 00
As William 134)41444 Sewer
Salaries -Dr. r. T. McRae, $200x341; A. Stevcwhan, $35449; 17. 'S.
Scott, 7137 501 N 4 04444', $10 00; W. ill. Sinclair. (3104)51;
Soon Lang. $8713; Robert Oliver, $00.00 ----. 74939 00
Printing -W. A R 1111 443,1
Interest-Stnkin9 Fund, $14882; Standard Bank 1555447,._.._ 703:3
&oadn-143 T. Pluto & Son. 39 0/1; M Oliver•, 74$ 70 John Speir,
$2015 ; J Ewan, $1.'41 T K'•ltinglnrl, $289 ; S' 'Sinclair,
MOO ; A, Dennison. $1 20 ; A Thompson, 144:3 00 ; B.' Cheat -
Pion, $.1280 ; It. Thnell, $1500 ; A Oakley. $94 56; 8. Wet.
son $33 78; Imperial Oil 1),. , 817 31 ; G. T R., 3"224.44: ,O.
Pailald, $14850; 1411. Holland, ,49843; 0. Davidfon, $7490;
C. Riley, $9790 1398 17
Schools -:M. Black, Treas. School Board, $4$00 00 Govt Grant
$198 41 5198 41
Del^anlur•e11 and Olsupnns--Schrinl Loan, $53750; By -Law No. 4
1916. 16273 20: No 7. 1915 $374 42; 1414 ' 9, 1917 $44015: No.
10, 1917, 711479 74 ; Nn 9, 1910, 1433 48 ; lin 4, 1906. $,134.24 1972 77
Fire Prnteetinn-N F Gerry, $53.00 ; S.'1', Pinto $$100 54 00
County -County Hates 1861 84)
Loans -Standard Bank, $2680000; Telephone System,
111900 00: Cern mat Loan, $200000 40100 O9
Electrtr Tight -Wilton and (5111eapie, $197486; G. T. R.,
4(686 07 ; R. Thue4l, 81731.00'; C. Davidson, $1119 99 ; Rt Rol-
land, $'85.55; John Wright, $1.13; Benson Wilcox, $30985;
13ogeie lri4r,tric 0.'., $4390 ; Ma"•'•, Electric Oo., :$12101 8008 38
Town Rall,-Wiiron h'c Gillespie. $2330 ; Gnn McCall. $1 501 P.
8, Scott, $4000; W tVilli:arnsnn,$33600; E L. Ruddy Go„
$8.3248; G. Colvin. $1.9511; lairs McGregor, $250; Fred.
Wilkins, $170; Amen/ Hos,, $2619 . .. 813 12
Miseellantein••-.1, W.ig'ha $'114( 801 Telephone Go. $5 20 ; i)r, Mc-
Rae $843; (4 T B. $I00; Dr White $500; Dr McNsutlh-
ton, 1500; Huron t)hildren4 Aid. $1000; R 0/)14411, $2600;
A. Strachan, *800 / F. it Smith. 75 „ Tp. Mon is, '(6 75 ; '
R. Champion,' $1.410; M. Yeller* $3.110; G. Birt, $250; D.
Ewan, 35 ; Am'1nt Bros , $160 ; M. Nichol, $1 00 ; Inapec'r
Weights et Measures, $410 00 ; N. F Gerry, $4 90 ; Tress of
Ontario, $40 iX) • Arnosernent t41x, $4,5.85 ; J Long, $1000 ;
A. Lamont. $1200; Municipal Worl(1, $1256; Wilton
Gillespie, 845 97 ; F. 8. Scott, $19 00 ; 8. T. Plum, $4 00 ;
G. 1latis4.', 161 26 ........,.. 318 31
Public Library -F H. Gilroy, Treas. 400 00
Wood -A. Elision, 71700 00 ; S Wiitrm, 701,80 ; G Riley, 60 ;
R. and H• Ohonenion, $28250 ; J Pedgrifl. 8201 O6 ; E.
Henderson, $43912; A. Rutledge829448 R. Dark,
$194.95 ; A Dennison, :$177 36 ; 3. Gilder, $2380 ; 4'. 'Cel-
li/mu, $77 ON) ; L. Thorn. $58 /80 ; J. There'', $21790 ; .4.,
Coleman, $2860 ; M. Oliver, $18 70 ; M. Lowe, $62 00 : 8,
16121.65; 1' Davidson, $3 4.50 ; A. Oakley, 8184 50 ;
L Wili,bunsnn, 82850; 1.1. Rolland, 1$8905; J. 8peir,
$50 00; H. Speir $50 541 ; J, M"P'arlane. $30 5f) ; W. Bishop,
$81,25 ; .1. Bishop, $5 043; A. Oakley, $25 03 ; G. 1314 t, 8357 62 4770 08
Telephorie System -Debentures and 00upone, $3466.09 ; 0, H.
Satoh!, Treas. $0300 00 1:111.,...,. 12705 69
$ 88144 54
Receipts end Disbursements for 1920 after December 15th
Electric Light, cash
Twp, of MnKIllnp
Twp, ,Jr East Wawanosh.
Twp, of Grey
7'wp of MON ie
Current, Loan
J, Ballantyne $15.00 ; 0. Bell $415
A. Bellamy/no
Dec, 81 --Amount to balance, dust bank
Dec. 16 By ludati80
A, Hisinp
111. Adlington
Ii. Armatrnng
Jas, Thuell
Standard flank
$ 182 10 00
1111...• .. ,18 00
5572 60
8628 00
2000 00
......11110 16
8 0
8787 31
$ 16200 70
60 00
9 46
..... .., 11119 45
1 168 86
14 85"
$ 16200 70
A, 8T14AGI•IAN, 8. T. PWM,
TreaAurrer, Reeve.
Mussels, Deecmber 17th, 1021,
.4. Anal), :$')*loot,, Isaias- 4.41 d
Jai •
She tee l ',14114 41t.:a. t 148
e1,4r:' Tolle tilosaa 841(8113)8 ", r 4/
41e1r4 repr04C1.4 tada '. ,t
4ar'cka4 Peep acing! 1814* ,:1 , -
1,114 ,frcn4 /14/4'11. trnere, 1411 to 3,'t.
w1Sa ,and 't:N'14 1.11145(3. t, * 1414.4 X11 3''
331/41 cattle SI. 1114441el .4T t914,' 4:.:
1 talkat*17 31,e(aY7' 4.(171145 417. 4/ '
149caef.' hair ': t: .11 • •? - "
;64x1 'tat' ,,pitlfrll s ,r,
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tilos, i441at ,p1.134 1414 ro.3,,.
%dor-end k 'rc)rt t -fired. 7,4, s
4' S
at 3s 1974144Latl •t1a ,
1v:?t eo1np144e lab* rt yr.
h1tn $tor 1l1~ia1 114111
Con'tlr,4Ut1U11e 3.111:et. a.
4 'Yv. Ji,. Vzxlrltca 41419 C.1:. za ,.,ts
l�l�t" li t Radars' Ids.; idtU
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tory 7,48784777111,10 a/anal y,1
Titter fur 5E11a
44nn1.ing1itaber Ter ase 17 I*, a
'ala.iag Maples, Aeii1... 734 4 n a
11811 - ]
:,�1artxonlarse,p4:v t . + 4
Lot 29,0rm,I9, leorria
111 a- " s 111141 n •+r;,,1o41i4traa It./11.44*117
t . 9 a r 1,488 is 0 188108 .t7012.78,7
,r k •4.11X1/ x'377 1t :arra]( •4S
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.1.7•(, •n , 1 t a„ •r ria *0113a. 1d4,3rrly 3371
9,. r. , Y 8 • a,t "or Or i.1tira4r011441 WO )11.,11.
). 1• r'• 1R.b149 y11'311E/04..3,Y Pea the ly 21a
,1 /4314140, ;t,".1.,'}.. IA ;Q.4.
.. € : 4 Duro; farm
1,1;} 41, Pre,1 1((1111.11 34'r'.e •v, iu4}rovad 4ypa,
1;111, i 4n. 1at PtA+ty C 4114148. ?117/4811r/a-
Y o4•' 11,.'3 11x(3 4b41ra 11141114.34.44149 14
114114 1141041(1 3 41
112:' o, 9'4 *54741491,4;08.34. Morris.
House for Sale
la 3814., Procter. ava-
• at the is
1 r 7 h ?r . 4'. 43e ! Esti 63111/41/,oos. and3ixero
r! e a f< r le 4)1111',9 araa414*4 0 8an9. (ere
tun•a Ho., em**te nay 11,4; to44 on Ornswor (alt
a „ 31111:'4t J.//4trnaterr aty Iyy SO. .:
i9bt. THLiELL,
/444., no I9/1 U.N. 4).3,4,414's42/4,
Bteelet of large tdglisb Berkshires
a J 1,t n ro_a for *ale, Other sex.
7,11 44inner ply t{amara write or phone.
1•Y -i +^.-''4:.41184-- -,
Welton P.0.
Y^•.i +AfJ'r R. R.
(tali for Service
e c^,1 r mod (1119 keep for aarrice, on 4144
C 91orr4s 19Wnah1p, the thoro'-b1184
rt. ;3 nen 1,:11. 1.541erord of 15alem, '9(o,
/; rr*xt by (ialoterd .rgnia (10680( ;
• 1.111 4 3111 oy Jtnyal Antler 1191159).
- Ptx1-
;1 7 r .4'4114 on applifxlion Terms -
7 n £,,, t0''ra'-',rei8 -payable 1114 tie:Le of ner-
4. r ,. •tt4 prav1l„ge toretnre, Grnde costs not
,. ,ve•1.
Ntria Ford
'dun don't hesitai, t', 4,tt'il a binder fora few days' use per
year to 'save time,.
Why not a I':1r1 1411 4141- ":t r 1.:r night every day in the year 2
-4.1) /44j4. tim4 that tic, t,. 1,94t used in productive work,
-to keep you in cir}4- each with markets,
-to handle light ,pra. Lc,t) i •411,
-to bring 0.114') 33471:4' 1 "r `tl*'ln,
=to keep the bo1'F t .:i :,t,. - 4,91 tbs. firm
The stttriy Tod :: •;,. f • r,'7 mat for d• pendttble
power,, ..1414 1 . , ., it 1 :1'
We render ;Ford Service a.,'nd 4011 Genuine Ford Parts
Cali arta ask about the Fardson Tractor.
D. M. SCOTT Brussels
AI 3 S) rr)141l) 1)19SIAM
••••••••••••••••••' +*•tete...4418 •t*1 woo** a* a4-••••• erir•e•••••
Students May Enter Any Time
The (ch„al Stith tslret'ienea'd ineti'uctors.
The i'ch,iol which awes thorough Courses.
The School a this at# -i t,. its Graduates to poi•itioos.
Address the Collage for Fred Catalogue, to either
or Wingnam •
*OA 0.4 M wR AA.*4•N4N♦I
-1 .e.��
Cream .. anted
MEN116.41Saii71 ra:tz1..
Ship yet; Cream
Direct 40 the
Brusseh . Orearlery
Prompt Service 1Satisfa at. ry Returns
We furnish you with. Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charg''s, 144/1(14 Cheques 1,)r t4:e pay-
ment of your Crl:am twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
will not want to discontinue.
Bruss 1 Tellytewart.Bros.
.142 I