HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-12-22, Page 8Keep the ChriChristmas Story iitifulo 1,1751 illr%l 29 Brownie $3 50 With a Kodak 2a Folding Autographic Brownie $to,00 No, 2 Brownie $2 5o Holiday Films Developed and Printed Christmas Shopping Easy Here With our Large Stock to Choose from Season's New Books Circ • Ehonv U•vher Goods 13,red Stationery Christmas Cards Holly Boxes Toes, Dolls and Games French ivory Limoges China Fuun'ain Pens Chocolates Christmas Decorations Tissue Paper Tags, Seals, &c. i =3»3»:»:»:_Intal ;mkt;W'rSti/.3+34St'3» -I«1K.4.: 4-14. ;•:»: F.1.4. .41 +P F H. SMITH The 47:5,414Cat Store Druggist and Stationer Itara1 ' e 3ttiu DR. PARKER will not make his usual visit to Brussels for the next 2 weeks. unless. he is requested to do so. As Chris,mas falls on Sunday thio LOCAL news on page 5 also. year, the telowingday, Monday. De - THE POST makes a fine present. cemher 26th, will be observed as a hoti- A'r1'END the Municipal Nominations. clay MERRY Christmas to ad readers of poeTr' KED.- On account of the THF, Po -.r. School Concert the Family Theatre SNOW Shovel Brigade was in active service last Monday. postponed their sbow to Tbtrsdav, 222d SNow shovel business boosted after lust„ so there would be no confl'ct. See last Sunday's storm, advt. MONTHLY Horse Fair, Brussels, Thursday, January 5511. Attend itd� WRY buy fancy boxes when you can get a WEnxaomAY of this week the shortest 351h box of Newport chocolates for 52 25 An- other lot of pipes arrived. Don't taet Dad day of the year. Sun rises 7 48 and sets WA . A. GrgREWAR. at 4 40.BABY sleigh, with top, for nate. Apply to HOG killing is ort the proeram and ' Tae POST, headcheese, sausages and pig's feet are J. G. JONF,a, Expert Watchmaker, is prepar- varving the usual bill of fare. ed to do watch and clock work Yours may DRIFTS on the highway in some laces be 0 mumble tinlwkeeper tint byincompetent g p repairing yon have Mat faith In it. Bring it to made motoring go a little tough on Mon- me. I will repair the wore, wrecked watch or day until a Toad was "broke " sleek and will do it reasonably Work left at PUBLIC Library Board will meet Frimy house will receive prompt nttentton. T, 6. JaNEe clay evening of this week in the Beard Watchmaker and Optician. room of the Library, at 8 o'clock. Two gond Derham rows for sole, one due to RozT THOMsON loaded a Conetgnment calve anent Christman and the other about of turkeys at Manitoulin Island. R. J. 16th or January. ('.EGm BATBMAN Phone 8518 'Ethel. McLauchlan and Id. Woodley looked BLACK and tan Collie strayed on farm of Tae Nichol 9511 ('on. Grey Twp. Owner may have It by proving property and paying for this notice. after the work. THE straying Atwood ducks were to rated on the farm of Robt. Davidson, I2tb Con., Grey township, where they had halted for a rest after their long swim or float. GOOD SHOWING -Only about $300 in taxes were not paid Collector ()ever before December 15. This is a good showing as most of Ibis amount is due by one assessment, AT Council meeting last Thursday evening A, A. Lament and Dr Elam'l- ton Treasurers for Melville and Meth- odist churches. addressed Council as to the legality of collecting meson church sheds. There was a lengthy discussion that did not produce dr filet? actino but the matter may crime up retaiti The legal opinion appears to be that such properties aro not assessable ac- cording t . Statute. MATRIMONIAL, -A quiet wedding was performed at the borne of Thee. and Mrs Robertson. St. Thomas, on Setur day 17th inst. at 5 o'clock when Mise Catherine Taylor, a former nurse of Wingham and formerly of London, became tbe bride of George Spot•ou, ex Mayor of Wingham. Rev. Mr. McG,II- vary, of the Presbyterian church, co -ducted the ceremony. Mr. Spotton was the eandidateof the National Lib- eral and Conservative party in North Huron in the r Federal F decal electi ,n. Miss Taylor is well known in Brussels and frequently rendered service profes- sloually and occasionally visited old friends here. Mr. and Mrs, Spotton will continue to live in Wingham it is seal MRS, W. J, CRAUFORD DECRA•ED - THE Posy was sorry to learn last Sun- day that a telegram, had been received by J. W. Simmons, of town, with the sad information that Harriet Rennes, be- loved wife of W. J. Crawford, formerly departure, our appreciation of your of Brussels, and son of the late Samuel I u ork as a min'ster and also as a citizen and Mrs. Crawford, of town, had passed of our town. It is needless to say we away on Saturday at Superior, Wiscon- , all wish you evert/ blessing and success io your ministerial work and we ask you to accept this purse of gold certificates as a small 'oken of our esteem and to remind you that although you may he far awayin the Id Land O .a 7 yon will al- ways he remembeted by your friends in Brussels, In conclusion we alt join in wishing Mrs. Johntbn, ylur daughter and yourself Godspeed and a safe journey bore. Signed on behalf of your t: iends, Menet SMITH, i. G. loxes, A suitable reply was made by Rev. Mr. Johnson of er wh,eh farewells were 1pok- en, good w sties expressed and the coat. ploy separated, FOR HALE -A light sleigh. GtLniIaT 110- CYALLITM, Let 29, Con. 9, Morris, Walton, P. 0. Comae pups for sole. Phone 586. ALSZ Mono/. 6th line, Morrie. HON/Ytor sale. Phone 5824. Fos HALE, -A pure bred Short Horn bull, dark red in color, 11 months old. WM. EngM- NoR, Lot 25 Con. 4. Grey. Phone 576. FOR eels or rent, a comfortable brick house, with good stable, drilled well, cistern, large garden, small fruits, &c. Situated corner Church and John streets, Brossele. For fur- ther particulars aa t0 price, terms Ale. Apply to Jae. IRELAND, Brussels, R. R 5, Phone 5811 SWEET clover Seed for sale, Annual variety, Guaranteed pure. For further particulars es lo price, &cc, Write Mae, CHAS. H. KNIGHT, Varna, P 0., Ont. tf CIDAR posts and anchor poets for sale. Also a quantity of elflike and timothy seed mixed. HolismL Rntoamaon. Let 27, Con. 10, Grey township. Phone 474, Boner, and lot for sale, Queen Street, Brun - sets For further particulars apply on the prewiaen. MISS IIONAB, Brussels. Drt. PARKER, Oeteopatble Phyaldnn, vielES fart....els Monday afternoon of each week. Chronic and nervous diseases successfully treated, Visits residencee. Consultation at Queen's Rotel, AnoiEas AND PaESENTA'rtot.-At the erose of the service In St John's church last Sunday u aV evening a goodly company assembled iu the school room wben the following address was read by J. G Jones and Adam Smith presented Rev. Mr J,hson the departing og Rector, with a wet filed purse: -DEAR MR JOHN sol -As you are shot try leaving for R'gtantl we. your friends, have as, sembled this evening to express our re- gret at your departure from our midst During the time you have been in Brus- sels you have mademany friends, not only in your church but In the communi- ty as well, therefore we take this oppor- tunity of expressing to you, before your sin. She had been an invalid for past 4 years from paralysis, receiving the best of care from Drs. and nurse. Mr. anti Mrs. Crawford were married about 20 years ago: Her husband and daughter, Etta, survive. Funeral took place Tues. day. Deceased WAR a great worker in connection With theRedCross and kin- d✓eel societies and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends. She visited relatives in Brussels and locality6 years ago. While death was a happy release to the departed the bereaved share in the syllrpathy of many old friends. Mr Crawford holds a responsible 'post in Superior in connection with the Grain Exchange, To Parents Thursday, Dec. 22 Thla week only Charlie Chaplin IN "THE TRAMP" And Special 6 -Reel Feature Saturday, 24th An Ali -Star Cast IN "HIS TEMPORARY WiFE" Monday, 25th HARRY CAREY 1N "DESPERATE TRIALS" Wednesday, 28th Anne of Green Gables Taira in the School Entertainment Weduesday eveniug. CHRISTMAS mail rush. in and out, bas been on at the Brussels Postoffice, WEDNEanAY, Jan, 4511, the aouual meeting of Brussels Farmers' Club will be held in the Family Theatre at 2 o'clock. See advt. WARNING -The party with the flash Hatt,' who visited wood pile at the Meth• ortist church, about 4. or 5 o'clock Tues- day morning of Last week, will get off with a warning if be takes the hint and cuts out that sneak method of securing his fuel supply. For the sake of those who belong to him this is an easy way out. Goderich jail has vacant rooms tor those who continue to practice these early hour stunts. The gent was seen at the woodFile, however, so it is no hearsay story. While the church would be ready to lend a helping hand in case of deed it is not going to stand for trans- portation methods of this kind tried on them, MATRIMONIAL -Kew Beach Presby terian church, Toronto. last Saturday. 'vas the scene of the marriage of Maud Evelyn, second daughter of the late thorium E. W. Silman and Mrs. Eliza brtb Silman, to John McCallum Hen- derson, youngest son of Robert and Mrs. Henderson, Brussels, Ont. Rev J A. Cranston performed the marriage are - ninny and the wedding march was paved by D. Henderson, Tbe bride, who was given -away by ber brother, George B Silman, wore a pretty gown of gold cloth, a large black bat with French flowers and carried a shower bouquet of sunset roses. Miss Marjorie Silman, sister of tbe bride, wearing a black charmense dress trimmed with Belgian blue, and carrying a shower of Columbia roses, acted as bridesmaid, Fred M. Little assisted the bridegroom. Pretty little Miss Doris Bottomley. in pale blue georgette and carrying a bas- ket of sweet peas. acted as dower girl. Dnrtng the signing of the register Mrs Rose Clark, sister of the bride sang "O, Promise Me." The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a handsome travel- ling bagand to theattendants l Els of silver. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's in Cher, 28 K ngswood road. Mr. and Vire. Henderson left later for a honey- moon io Algonquin Park, the bride tra velting in a dressof navy blue Canton crepe and seal coat with sable trimmings. Mr and Mrs. Henderson will. upon their return, reside on Silver Birch avenue, Balmy Beach. Many old friends in Brussels and community wish them happiness, prosperity and long life CHRISTMAS 'I'Rza ENTERTAINMRNT - The annual Christmas Entertainment of the Methodist Sunday School was held last Friday and notwithstanding the in• clemency of the night the Sunday School room was filled to capacity. Program was made up of musicai and li'erary contributions from the various classes of the school and was well car- ried out and Erotn youngest to oldest did their respective parts most successfully After a hymn and prayer by the pastor following was the bill of fare :-Reel talion, Cavell McIntosh ; piano solo, Louise Rose ; recitation, Alice Pope ; chorus, "Holes in our stockings," Mrs Weller's class; recitation. Mamie Mc- Quarrie ; dialogue, Mrs. Dixon's class ; recitation,. Gordon Wheeler; solo, Helen Backer ; recitation, Leota Car- d ff ; recitation, Lloyd McCauley ; chorus, "Waiting up fnr Santa" Mrs Weller'e class ; recitation, Russell Far. row ; exercise, Miss Mina Huuter's class ; recitation, Mervin McCauley ; chorus, Mrs. Dixon's class ; presenta- tion of Testament to Helen Baeker for memorizing largest number of verses of Scripture, by Mrs. eller ; recitation, Margaret Downing ; chorus, "Holy i t N b "' Catch My Pal" class • recite tam, Marion McCauley ; sol, Ruth Stark, Toronto ; dialogue, 'Helping Santa Claus," Miss C Hunter's class ; reading, Miss Myrtle Hunter, of ' Good Cheer class" ; chorus, "We Want Yon" class ; reading. Gordon Best ; address, Rev, Mr. Clarke; chorus, "Tbe capitol ship," Boys' Club, The boys responded to enthusiastic encores. Santa Claus ptit in an appearance and was joyously welcomed by the little folk He dis- pensed bags, of candies and oranges in a good natured way Doxology and Benediction brought the interesting program to a close. The tree contained gifts In the way of clothing, quills, toys, books. &c., that were expressed to the Deaconess Home, Toronto, om r accompani- ed b 1� tz oo in cash. The school $ room wets very neatly decorated with ever- greens. Christmas bells and other pretty devices. The financial result was $2o 07 W. H Ken, Superintendent, presided. Tbe acoompanisls were Miss Mary Clarke, Mrs. Weller, Mrs, Stark and Mrs (Dr) Hamilton. Committer Was deservedly thanked as well as all who had to do with program, gifts, der coratieg or assisting in any way Pro gram was the beet given for several years, •a,` ()PEN • Savings Account. in this Bank for each child the year it is born. Make small deposits regularly, and when college days come, the requi: site funds are ready and the education will not be a drain on the family purse. r, • THE STANDARD BANK or CANADA, TOTAL ASSET0 OVER NINETY MILLIONS Brussels Branch: • • C. H. Samie, Manager, Dublin Branch: •• F. McConnell, Manager. sol Christmas Entertainment Will be given under the auspices of Brussels School . ' on the evening of Wednesday, Dec. 21st IN THE Opera Nouse, Brussels Most interesting and well varied Program will be presented and the public ie cordially invited to enjoy it. Admission 35 Cents - Program at 8 o'clock WELL DE<ERVEn,-Tbe Ladies' Guild of St. Joan's church waited upon Mrs F S. Browne, the energetic and capable organist and choir leader of Sr. John's church, Brussels, and presented her with a solid (Yak rocker. Reply was appreci- ative. Tbe' gift was well deserved as Mrs. Browne is alert and always ready to lend a helping hand It would be well for organizanoos in all the churches if her optimism were possessed by a larger number, HAD Goon' Trate.a Little Stars" Mission Band of Me church held their 26113 Birthday Party on Tuesday of last week There was a lengthy pro- gram given by tbe members of the Bat d and a Christmas Tree well laden with gifts to be scot to St. Christopher House, Toronto. Average attendance throug the year has been 4o Baud raised $221. including re Junior Mem berships. q of these were given for regular attendance. Certificates and pins were presented Tuesday evening, but through an oversigot the name of Jessie Little was omitted. Program was as follows, Miss Kate Amen!. pre.idiug ;- Hymn, "Jesus Br ds J ds us Spine" ; prayer, efts. Joo E Smith ; chorus by Band, "Day of Days" ; words of welcome, Douglas Ennis ; Secretary's report, Jean Ferguson ; Treasurer's report, Wilma Galbraith ; solo, Matguerne Logan ; recreation, Jack McD well ; recitation. Margaret Strachan ; recita- tion Jack Oliver ; chorus, '•Christmas Carol," ; recitation, Jean Scotf ;. recita- tion, Jim Srntth ; solo, Evelyn Douai son ; exercise, "What wuu d you like lo be at Christmas" ; instrumental, Fra, k Oliver ; recltation, Tack Hamilton ; re. citation, Maxie Sommerville I solo, Wilma Galbraith ; recitation, Archer Grewar ; recitation, Fred. surchrll; drill, "Toys on Parade" ; reading, Mac Ferguson ; duet, Janet McVettte and' Elva Oliver; recitation, Fraser Strachan ; instrumental, Elaine Den nison ; recitation, Janet. Brown ; rearm tioo, Mary Ritchie ; "Love Song," by 4 girls ; recitation, Ian McDonald ; re citation, jean Ferguson ; instrumental, Gertie Yolltck ; pantomime, "Nearer My God to Thee" ; recitation, W iti i feed McMillan ; recitation, Russel Fox ; recitation, Louise Rose ; chorus by Band, "O Well We Know," ; presenta- tion of junior Memberships ; closing prayer, Miss Kate Deadman. • SPECTACLEWARE —AS— Christmas Gifts WHY not get new Frame or Mountings for your Glasses' for Xmas ? I have just received a variety of styles of Spectacle Frames and Eye Glass Mountings Eye Glass Chains, Goggles and Sun Glasses ALSO Waterman fountain Pens Reduced Prices on all Frames and Mountings. Maude C, Bryans, Optical Parlors Druteat• • ttt People We Talk About I It Roy Stewart arrived home last week from Varsity for the Christmas vacation, Miss Hazel Stewart, Kindergarten teacher, at Galt, arrived home last week for the Yuletide vacation. Cardiff Best AndsEdgar Lowry are heel; home from the school of Practical Science, Toronto, for the holiday Lloyd Jackson is spending his vaca- tion under the home roof in Brussels rle is attending the S P. A„Toronto. Mrs D. A Clarke, Hampton is spend. inc a week or two at the parental home. Mr Clarke expects to be here for Christ- mas Mrs. MacQuarrie is visiting Mrs. Frank Str-tton while Mrs Pringle to spending the Christmas holidays in New York, the guest of Mrs. Wilson, her sis- ter in law. Among relatives from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Mrs J H Hewitt were :-W T Hewitt, De. troll ; and H. Sod Mrs. Lounds and S Pike Hamilton. M m rs(Rev.).Hinde and children. d ch dr n. Guelph, and Miss Gertrude Deadman, of Queen's University, Kingston, ars needing the Christmastide at tbe old home io town Rev Hinde comes OD Monday, Misses Marguerite Wilton, Margaret Maunders and Edna McCall are home from the Stratford Normal for the Christmas vacation They have still half term to put in to complete their course Nelson Agar is back to town from Wingham hospital and is making favor. able improvement "after his operation for appendicitis Here's s case for a mili- tary pension that should require Mire pressure on the authorities for govern- ment assistance as Nelson did bis duly for his King overseas and still carries the results of the campaign. BORN ANDO:RON -In Morris township an December 4th, 1921, to Mr, and dire. John G. Ander- 8011,a son. MCCALLUM -In Hallett township, on Deem. ber 1601,1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Mc- Callum, a daughter. TAMAN -In Blyth, on December 10th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Taman, a daughter. WATSON,-In Gerrie, on December 10th, 1921, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Watson a SCI. The Season's Greetings 1 DESIRE to express my apprecia- tion of your patronage during the past year and my Heartiest Greet- ings and Sincere Good Wishes for your Health and Happiness at Christmastide and throughout the New Year. 11111101/111, Geo. E. Weller 0 AM•t•••r•*••••••oempipe••epeeteee.** 001100•e0••00•e#e•e, Fox's Drug -tore I _ Extends to a'il s Hearty Greetings for a Very Merry Xmas s and Happy New Year IFlee limege end Nippon China I Thi, we (111119111 St (1119 of Our very special lines -our stock • . ab present includes some • very attractive pieces, • Hand Bags and Strap and Purses • sumo hw,th,uue IRO tiro 111 • this Ihie $120 to 86 UU • 14 Fancy Boxed Stationery • • Always an attractive gift r 25c to $2.00. Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens • One of lite anti' trot. of gifle • .Gond assortment $2 60 10 56.00, • Safety Razors • Both of the well known • makes Gillets and Autu- ▪ Strop $5 00, `m • Flash Lights You will find ''Pte "Ever - Ready” a good nue, in black and pickle. • • ..r • •••s • • Chanalates '1•hone who are discriminat- ing inn line teix'caudy will fled '•SVitlerds" to be otie of the best. Great, variety Of dainty packages. Perfumes and Toilet Waters 1yL1ity nice packages of Seele y's pet fumes and toilet s9tsexirp,tonally flue $1.25 to $7 UU Thermos Bottles Tbe genuine "Thermos" un,krs n usofill gift, Pim laid Q.1,11 t aiz •s $2,00 to 50 00, Bronze Statuary and Welters' English Pottery A, r still very popular 05 a ?iotas gift. Cased Pipes g •ntlstn tn. A good pipe .11 kre a ver y accept- able ail', 8;2.00, $225, $360 tied $5 00. French Ivory and Ebony Toilet Articles Irl this depnrtneuteur st olds is 11.11 biello1,1 y atituctive COnl prising many individual pieces as ,yell u: soils li,tndsomely fitted eases $6.00 to $19.00. Guai'auteed best qultlily. Our Toy Department le brimful with all kinds of tie ago for little folk. Dolle, Games, Trains, Fire Engines, Stettin Engines, limns, Di Inure Pile Drivers, Sand Cranes. Picture Blacks, Picture Books, Story Books, Puzzles, Toy Guns, &c., &c. Our Book Counter Contains many of this seasons beet books as well, no a great list of reprints and any book nut in stock. will be gladly and promptly pro- cured for you. 0 • •• • • • m • 11 • • • • • 7 • • • • • r • • - • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • FOX'S DRUG STORE 1 • • • "Careful Prescription Dispensers" • • DRUGGIST and STATIONER • • w Huron Co, Breeders' Association The Huron County Breeders' Asoocintion in- tend holding their Annual Hale about March 1st, 1922 Any parties desirous of contributing cattle to this Sale will please notify the cec, e- ters previous to January 1451. 8. B. we OTB ERII, 26-2 Secretary H C. 13. Association Cdnton, Ont, W BRUSSELS, MARK ET Fall Wheat 11 00 f1 00 Oats 45 60 Peas 125 1 50 Barley 55 00 Butter 00 00 00 00 1500 16000 1 00 100 Eggs Hugs Hey Potatoes per bag rr/ Season's - Compliments WE thank the Public for the generous patron- age abcorded us and wish you one and ail a Merry Merry Christmas and a Happy, New; Year. W. E. WILLIS HIVI Ferijition's Specials Lad s es' and louses Underskirts Table Linens Beautiful for Xmas P�•••rlrTT.r-7r'•770-e- s •a1r.P'�' Ir-+s'"r"►w►'7`OrT• Everythirig Nice in Mi'sYIear l 1 1 ,t iii