HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-12-22, Page 511U8IAFN CARDS, JNOI SUTHERLAND & SONS LIMITED MCS CMS?, OVra100 WM. SPENCE 001VVEY,ANCI R AND .ISSUER OF MARRIAGE ILIOENSES ince to Cite rear .atge, *.tuer, SO4 QIPR1t!JEe',s° 6 d ib°!br JAS. E. SMiTH as PROPRIETOR This popular bestiary Is open to the public in alt departmetGel of a illrat-oli ee Hotel, RATER $2 60 per day, $9 00 a week to steady Boarders Meal!) served at regular hours. Phone 64 Olean, ooraforhrble beds. OR. WAROL.AW Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. Day and dight culls, ()Moe oppotics Flour Mill, Ethel. JAMES M'FADZEAN Agent Bowick Mutual fire insurance Company Phone 42 Turoberry Street, BrueeeIs Suooeaoor to John Harris, Walton, T. T. M'RAE m. EL. M. O. P.. S. O. M. 0. K., Village of Brussels Phystotan, Surgeon, Acaunahe'ir I. Moe at residence, opposite Mel, idle church, William street. PROUBfOOTJ BELOW & COOKE Barristers, 8o',citors,. Notaries Public, ffio, OBoe on the Square, In,: door from Hamilton Street, GOOEBIOH ONT. Private funds to loan us Lowest ratea. W. PROUDEOOT, K. (J. J. l,, EILLol a .' R. J. D. (motto ✓ ,br V.A ,b •` .54, .D ,dtuZrs, i' Winter Term opens Jan. 3rd g ELLIOTT i i von,. Cha Toronto & Fins Sta. 70 onto 0Ie noted throughout Canada for high g grade businesseduratlon, None bot- a a for In the Dominion I Many must- o 11 nese Colleges employ our graduates as O. 1 teachers. Thoueaed% of our former atudenta are now In business life Write for our handsome catalogue, Students admitted at any time. 4 k. W. J. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL. > aaas art a aaY 'V 4a'a s`:s 5A^a'9 aa''919a (, "' BRUSSELS AigiS HORSE FAIRS Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in, Brussels this season as follows THURSDAY, JAN. 6rx, 1922 FEB. 2ND, 1922 111 AR 2ND, 1922 " APRIL OTU, 1922 local and •outside Buyers WilI be Present By Order of Council. F. B. SCOTT, Clerk, Well Tools FOR SALE 276 feet 1lh inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1 Sinker, 16 feet by 3 inches, 14 -inch Saud Purup, 1 6•duch Sand Pump, 14 -inch Reenter, S 5.illch Reenters and Bits for tame, Also a length of 8.inch Oasing. All for sale cheap as owner has no use for them, Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Well Drilling done as Usual Call up Phone 28x GEO. BIRT, BRUSSELS What About Your 1' i• POULTRY? WILL pay the highest mar- ket price for all the Poultry you place fo4. you have r theto n l and call at M. Yolleck Phone 2x BRUdt ELS 44,L,.t,.p.},ll.,ic,P.p,1,q,q,q,++.1.44.1.,p'$.,f.++ 9' r Representative Wanted RarrtraaaarAMtve WA:u'rsnfor Bromide and Huron County to represent "The Old Boilable Ifonthfll Nurseries," Big sales aro to be 'nude in selling Nursery steels during the recon etraotion period, A splendid opportunity for a live salesmen, Highest euminieslona paid, handsome, free equipment, largo line of ault arid ornamental Moak to offer. Ston a d+ WscusKO0oN, Toronto, Ont, Christmas Suggestions BUY EARLY I BUY SOMETHING USEFUL I BUY SOMETHING SERVfcEABLE I What fould be more appro priate than a pair of nice KID OR FELT SLIPPERS MI homiest pleasing shades of the season and to be bad at a very triodorete price, Men's, Women's and Children's Fine Kid Shoes MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK SHOES Single and Double Hartman and Harness Parts Trunks, Club Sage, Suit Casein, Rugs, Wool Blankets and Heavy Team Blankets. For Service and Chapman Bros. Qu,ilit try ' i tai elms ,Iterils pe been in failing health for the at 11 W years. J2e is survived by his widow, it daughter, Miss Vera, 3 sisters and a. I ot er, the Misees'1'Will of(Soderloh, Mrs. Joseph Taylor, Lucknow, arid Rev, A. C., pastor of Blyth Methodist Ohut'ch. He was the eldest son of the late John Tiffin, a pioneer farmer of Colborne Township. The annual meeting of the Blyth branch of the British and Foreign Bi- ble Society has just been held in the Anglican church. The address of the oecaeion was given by .Rev, George 'Telfor'd. The attendance was HU - usually large, and the contributions very encoureygiug,. CHRISTMAS t nab iS On. BEAUTIFUL moonlight nights. NExT Sunday tail! be Christmas Day. Now is the time to 'renew for Tara Poses NORMAL Schools closed last Friday to reopen January 3rd. J. W. Kum, H. P., for North Huron, bass majority of 1445. There will be no recouut in this riding. ANNUAL meeting of Huron Old Boys' Assoclatiou in Toronto was held lastbat- urday, In the Y. M. C, A. Building, 4o College street. Tee late Col. Sir Sam, Hughes, who by the way is a relative of Mrs. James Duncan, Brussels, is said to have left are estate of $80.000. AT Guelph Winter Fair Dr. White, town, captured 3rd prize for best White Pantail pigeon, young hen, and 3rd for hes olde i' r hen. H had only 3 entries so did well in the face of hot opposition. MUNICIPAL Nomination Moneay even• ing tel next week. You ought to attend this meeting and show a little interest in affairs. It you have "kicking" to do or questions to ask that ,Is the place to do it. W. H. Hsu. is once more.in charge of Rural Route 4, Morris Township, as Deninaa's assstaut, since the latter has put his car away for the Winter. Mr. Bell is well acquainted with the territory and his duties and still has forenoon's anti evenings to attend to his other duties in Brussels. GOING STRONG,—Last week the Am- herstburg Bobo entered upon its 48th yearandbetter than ever. is tt ha e . We were th oldtownwhenit linin at e was born g and have watched its growth from a sturdy infant to its present development with interest. It is a welcome visitor to our office and Tar Pose, wishes it many happy, prosperous years. Tars publicity attending the issuing of marriage hcenses since that work was taken out of the bands of private parties and entrusted to Municipal Clerks, has provoked so many complaints that the Drury Government, by Order•in Coun- cil, has decided to stop the publication of names.Any person who desires to search the records may do so by securing authorization, which will be given on a prepared Corm free of charge. W. H. Wxtils MRETsi wins ACC/DENT. —W. H. vsillcs, tis ;Ingham, totmerly of Brussels, met with a painful and dis- tressing accident Friday atteruoon, 9th Inst.. when, atter reaching fora box on a shelf, he stepped buck ou a rubber boot lying on theft-ror, and saved htm- soll Lunn lalling ou the stove by turning simply to one side. In doing so, bow• ever, lie wrenched his aukle so badly that for several days the pain of it peaty crippled him as well as deriving him of much needed rest. Fortunately the in- jury has so improved that he is feeling almost amulet again, although be stilt suffers somewhat Item the effects of the strain, Ray, Ws, ELLra' Vonot Is BADLY Ar. rearm) —Tile tollowiug item Ecom the ivledinlne Hat News ralera to an ex- Shaunavon minister and asou of Wm and Mrs. Ellis: Brussels South, and will be read with regret by, his friends here: —At the close of- Suutlay evening's service at the Baptist church, a congrega ttonal meeting was called to receive the doctor's report as to the pastor's condi. Hop, His physician reported that i would be a mouth or more before Mr. Ellis should undertake his work, and recommended teat the church give him leave of absence for at least one mouth Funowtngsome discussion—and numer- uus expressions of sympathy, leave ut ab. c wasvoted hen until esu e t January. The doctor has advised a chairge at once, as Mr, Ellis' 'voice does not show signs of returning*, and it is hoped the change a warmer climate m bringabout Int a may effect.Ellis ' the desired Rev. Mr, is leaving for the Coast, Blyth Editor Elliott, of the Standard, wee at Goderich lent week on the Max Welsh stable lite ease. M. W. Telfer, Blyth, wits elected it member of the Executive of the Nrn thorn Hockey Leegne, Nantes of pn551hle nand dates foe the Rrevoshlp aro Dr.1lline, If ail born, J. Dodds, B. W. Geddes and J. 51. Ta- ntan,• Oouucilior J. D Moody has an- nounced that he will not be a midi• i date for Inunioipal honors at the con - log election, BROTHER MICR.—Rev. A. 0. and Mrs. Titian were called to Gnderieh at- tendiug the funeral of the foriuee's brother, the late J. J. Tiffin, who died nn T'i.teetlay morning of beet week. The inteemr'nt took plane Thursday, Dine, 15, in Maitland Cemetery, (Stale - hilt, Revennt being bar' charge of Rev. H D. Mayor, pastor of,Nin Ninth Street 1Methodist. Church, Cir, Tan had b h NICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS Can be found in our store in Boudoir Caps Fancy Dress Hangers Shine Trees Lingerie Straps Corsage Boquets, &c. Seduction, on all Hats Miss Hingston Balmornt Millinery Parlors Warden Dnip, was at Goderich at- tending to official duties. W. S. Brears attended the U. P. 0 Oonve}tioi at 'Toronto. John and Mrs, Sangster were at VS/higher)) attending the funeral of EBward Renwick, of Lucknow. At last sestina of Huron Co. Omen - oil Warden Doig woe presented with a gold beaded cane by his fellow mem- bers of thiyt body ae a mark of rep. preciation in •Hiiing the chair. The recipient replied in fitting term$. Seaforth Over $600 were realized at the Bazaar held ender the auspices of the Borrie Catholic Women's League. Smile 'n searching Mrs. OliverS think a, repeat a- Querin was 'visiting at tion should be made over the repeated Palmerston. fires so that suspicion would be allay - New books have been added to the se. Public Library. - Last week Cecil Day and Ross Doig were at Goderich doing duty as jurors. Miss Beryl A hto i i.i horne from her 1. mr finer position,London, p • - idt foe a va- cation. , cation. Wm. and Mrs. Jardine, Tugaeke, Sask., will spend the Winter! with Robt, and Mre. gathers, Mrs. Jar- dine's parents. Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Ocagg, Wingham, preached Sunday School anuiveesaary sermons in the Methodist church. Epworth League was in charge of the evening service. Fordwich Grant and Mrs. Fraser and baby, Brue els were visitors with James and d, Natthews Howick. Last Sunday Rev. Mr. Sperling, home on furlough from China, was the preacher in the Methodist church. MAUDE C. BRYANS OPHTHALMOLOGIST Graduate Department of Ouhtbalmology, bio. Cormick tledical Lollege, Chicago, Ill. Three months post graduate course during year 1910 Eyes correctly fitted with Glasses. Readaohes, Dry Itchy Eyes, Granulated Eye lids, Watery Eves, Pain in Eye Rails, Inflamed Eyes, Put or Watery Discharge from Eyes and Dizzineaa caned by Eyestrain relieved through properly fitted Glasses. Lai -cross Eyes straightened through proper- ly fitted Len'.es ,IE'Evea tested at night equally as good as during daylight. All kinds of Oetfeei repairs done. . Satisfaction Assured. Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door South of Barrister Sinclair's oMae. Mace hours : 10 to 12 a. m• 190 to 9 p. m, Saturday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock. Earlier forenoons by appointment. Phone lea r1 Holiday i.licacies Choice New Stock of Raisins, Grapes, Mixed and Pecan Nuts, Oranges Bananas, Grape Fruit, , Celery and Cranberries Fine assortment of Candies in Bulk or Fanog Boxes. Our Chocolates are Different Pipes Cigars Tobaccos DIES— Don't fail to see our Ohristmns Pipes Try a NEILSON Saladice Ice Cream Brick. FRESH OYSTERS We thank you for past patronage and wish you the Compliments of the Season. Bell's Restaurant ra New Stock of tthbers co I -I A N IJ At a Specially Low Price Bargains in Men's Pants IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THEM. esesseireeestreeinseasesaieus wesesermntlexerettrmo Joe Schwadron oluessedisseleasocevesseesessumeortilar Seaforth Hockey Club. Is grouped with St. Marys, Stratford, New Hams burg and Mitchell, Judge Jtlokeon, Lethbridge, Alla„ has liven renewing old ftiendahipe in title !pealiiy, He is an old boy who Is well t Numbered, Geo. Dale ch Son, Hallett, took let rizn for Clydesdale foal at Guelph Nair and T. McMillan 6e Sun, seine tuwnehlp, for ptuutdian bred Clyde over 8 years. George Hewitt, it nephew of Mn',e John Mohennan, who Is a 0. P. ft. beake91min at Calgary; was injured by i a fall from a train, Same they ' hie II wife fell through a trap door and i broke a limb. Mr. Hewitt was a former Seaforthite, being born near Walton, Huron County, Hensall wants its Salt works re- built: Usborne township ie being canvas. sed for introduction of Hydro. Some lively municipal contests are on the pi'ogratn of Huron County. Teeswater, has. re -organized their H nckey team, Chiselhuret Methodist church is purchasing a piano. Grain boats were still arriving at Goderich last week from the North. Robert Mason, an old resident of Huron Co., tiled at his home, Clinton. Reeve of Hansell gets $40 salary and each Councillor $26 for year's services. Mrs. Thos, Fitton, an old r'es•dent of Exeter, ie deceased. Her age was 83 years; 67 acres of land adjoining Bruce - field was sold to Mr. Howett, Auburn, at $8,600. School building at Teeswater will not be built until ratepayers vote on the question. About a score of applications have been received for Model School teach er at Clinton. Clandeboye school has been fitted up with table and stove to serve hot dinners to pupils. St. Andrew's Presbyterian choir, Wingham, will present a Cantata on the evening of Dec. 29. Ripley debater's decided that the pulpit has more influence than the press. Guess that settles it. 330 cords of wood from the corpor- ation wood yard, Teeswater, have been recently sold to the villagers. Warden Johnson, Lucknow, was made the recipient of a gold beaded cane by Bruce County Councillors. Already names are being mentioned for Warden for 1922. Better wait un- til After municipal results are known, Gasoline lampunhooked came nein kid iu Crediton Methodist church, fell set- ting fire to interior. Fire was got out. Little damage was done, Handel's Messiah was put on in James street Methodist, church Exeter Thursday and Friday evenings by a community chair of 170 voices. At Hensel) Trap Shoot R. Day, London, only missed 8 birds out of a total of 150. Dunk and Passmore tied for 2nd at 128 and Fred. Kerr, Credi- ton , was 3rd with 125. There are 85 inmates in Huron Co. Home atresent. No. of deaths dur- ing year- were 14. 602 have been ad- mitted since opening. Total expendi- ture for past year $16,622. Huron County Council This County's share of the Mothers' allowance to date is $4,850, and on Provincial Highways $916.81. S. B. Stothers, District Representa- tive, was paid $90, expenses of the judging team to Toronto and Guelph. A grant of $788 68 was made to the town of Clinton as a special grant, the same being necessary to meet extra -coat of road improvement in that town. The inadequate arrangements for fire protection at the Co. Home, where so marry old and infirm inmates are confined, were stated, and Com- mittee recommended four fire ex- tinguishers be purchased and placed in the House of Refuge at $18 each. Since last meeting of Council Rev. S. E. MacHegney, Chaplain, has re- moved free Clinton, and 0. S. Hawke received appointment for the House in his place, at the same salary, The archway ordered to be built at the House of Refuge has not yet been done, and it was recommended that this be done the coming year, and that instead of an arch that 2 hand- somepoets, one on each side of the roadway, be built, the same to be con- nected with the fences by cobble stone walls or some such construction. Re claim of T. Pritchard for auto accident between Carlow and Nile ; your committee examined the road and found it on top to be 17 feet wide and decided to take nn action. Al the jail conditions are good gen- erally. There are at present 8 prison- ers in this institution. The repairs to the jail wall which were ordered to le done at the June meeting have been executed. Considerable kalsorb iuirig hits been done to the interior walls, and repairs to the plastering has been done on the authority of the Inspect- or of Jails and Prisons. Ten cords of wood for the jail w re purchasd , With reference to items, $1650 for dental bill of prisoners at jail and the High Constable's telephone bill of $109 82, we deem these excessive and would recommend that in future more economy he exercised. Recommended the following addi- tions to County Roads System t—In the township of Hullett, the road known ae the baseline from the Mait- land bridge to the village of Auburn, Southerly to Northerly limit of Gode- rich township ; the road leading from the village of Auburn to the O. P. R. depot. The town line between Wallace and G eey tow iiships, The traffic on the roads doting the Summer has been very heavy, the automobile and truck traffic being al- most 2a times as great as it wits 8 years ago. This increase of traffic necessitates a greater amount of maintenauco and also emphasizes the need of improving the grades and eliminating dangerous points on the roads, and so it can be expected that more, rather than less, wont tnust be I done in the future if the road system SAID NE COUlO NEYE E WELL "Fruit-a-tives" Restored Him to Health 169 Avsnolt lams IX, MONTREAL "For three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general health was very bird. I consulted a physician arid took his meet/eine' but I did not improve; and thistly hetold. mallet I could net be cured At tills iilut', a frk'n,l advised ms to try "Fruit.o-tirrs".. After taking twl boxes, I was greatly relieved; and this fruit medieime made tree coinfiletrly well. My digt'tit hin ani( general health are now splen,li 1". GASP—AR].) DUl3ARD, 50c a box, 0 for trial size 25e. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -tines Limited, Ottawa, is to keep up to the traffic require- ments. In connection with road expenses it is interesting to note that during year 1921 County will have expended about $170,000 on roade. Of tide less than $9,000 hits been sent out, of coun- ty for steel, cement and other sup. plies, and the remaining $101,000 bias een distributed among the ratepay- ers of the County, while about $90,000 only was raised by direct levy from them, Most, work is carried out during seasons at which farmer is not busy, so that production of the emir Ly is not curtailed, and to a large'. ex. tent tout of time spent on roads would otherwise he lost. Moreover, as costs are becoming lower, and coo. petition for, jobs is becoming more active, it would appear to be the wrong time to halt development work on the roads hi spite of the facts that prices for farm products are very low. Many ratepayers throughout the county are in favor of Cutting road expenditure very ooisiderably on account of the high taxes that they have to pay, while as a matter of fact, the county road rates of Huron are the lowest of all counties in the Province, and if this taxwereabolish- ed ab dish- ed entirey, the z'atepayer even in the mural municipality would still have 911 per cent of his taxes topay and would have no roads, The form of improvement which is most necessary at the present time is the regrading of many of our roads. This work has been largely left over in the past owing to scarcity and high cost of labor and the press of other matters. These conditions no longer exist, however, and this work will affect the improvements to the roads as follows -- I.—Widening g n t theta to a definite width, making them safe for the traffic on them. 2.—Draining by ditches to an out- let. 3.—Eliminating deep ditches near B $350.00 buy WHY NOT ra year ago only loon Oak Flooring. ? would feet For MHO To -day Y E We aaal:mFLiruish 1000 ft. Oak Flooring 1000 ft. Bill Stuff 1000 ft. Sheathing 1000 ft. Bevel Siding 1000 ft" Undressed Lumber 1000 XXX Shingles 1000 Lath 2 Outside Door Frames . Dud Doors 5 Window Frames and Sag' complete. All First-class Material, Besiid with Wood and Save Money See Us AMENTr BOSS Phone 16 Brussels the road and otherwise improving dangerous places, 4. -Extending Culverts to the same width as the road. as—Improvinghills. Exclusive of necessaryre-snefacin g, culverte and expansive cuts, this work will cost about $60,000 per mule. It should be carried out hi accordance with a definite program, which ex. tend over a period of 10 or 15 years, e•e••O•s•••••00A44,4o44O4e.4 6'00-000ee4++04040'Fie O, 0044 0 a r a The Best Christmas Loaf 4 O • • er E a W. E. WILLIS t ep The Palace Bakery comes from Willis' Bak- ery. Of course it's just as good any other time as at Christmas ting, brit it seems to taste even better on the great holiday. Serve it on your table and delight your guests. Y.' e'BOBOOde'F••Ve'ea,oee.aoa,es•d'0SCIie008'Jde•e090'B404-e4,t,et,t, II Gifts that Last at Moderate Prices Do Your Xmas Shopping Rallpe =WI The Jewelery Store is the best place to get suggestions for Christmas Presents. Our stock is right up-to-date. Let us Shbw bw Yo u et a T Our line of Ladies' as' Wrist Watches, atchrs , Geilta '11'tLCCh ea, Pearl Fart St t NPrkleta andPti t c , , t cut Diamond Rings, Peat I Rings, Signet Rings, Waldemar tlhains Tie Pins, Cuff Links, Bar Pins, Silverware of all kinds, Out Glees, Fancy China, Pursue, Pipes, Auto Strop and Gillette Safety Razors, Flashlights, Kodalrs arid Cameras, French Ivory in Oases and . sold separate. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Mounted Suit Case Umnbrellas, Xmas Poet Cards, Seals, Tags and. Booklets, WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS [`ruthE` wdr $2.50 58 00 $4.00 $5.00 and $0,00 each Give her a Diamond this ehristinas Theta is no other Gift she will cherish hire a Dinitronti. A nice variety to choose from, Prices from $25.00 to $150.00. oout'Steak oof"not XMAS GIFTS THAT LAST J. R. WEAL Dr. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Wf2O PETER