HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-12-22, Page 41
W. F. Stretton
Stretton Block Watchmaker and Jeweler
its2, 411
��fltilnilniili►,►,n 1,
Agents for the
EdisonAgents f
Fine Stock of Records for Christmas
be Zru,oatts Vosi
PREMIER LLOYD GEukoE has..., the
knack of hitting theball'a-rye and sel-
dom has off•daya.
WHAT about tha▪ t Christmas letter you
have been Intending to write 1 Better
attend to it while the spirit moves you
because time le a great speeder,
WittliINGTON-Peace Conference Is get-
ting along fairly well, If they can in•
fuse the Christmas spirit into their dis-
cussions happy results should ensue;
Unlaces you wish your relatives tore-
alize on your life insurance policy keep
off the thin ice, You are no matt
or than the thousands whose obituaries
are now a matter of histotly.
DONT take too - much for granted or
von may run against a snag. A man in
New York was knocked down, both eyes
put in mourning and Ills lipsplit by a wo-
man who said he was trying to flirt with
be poor thing. Poisibly the wounded
will carry on introductory negotiations
by telephone in future. The amazon is
raid to bee striking beauty and lived up
to her reyutatien.
MANY a pair of spectacles will be fo-
cassed on the Progressives of the Do
minion in the coming Parliament. It is
xpected the spectacle they will present
will be one of caution, broadening as it
comes into close "bolts" with repre-
sentatives of other professions, trades
sod caliirgs and that there will be revel-
ations to c'early prove that there are
worse jobs than farming, the basic in-
dustry of Canada.
OVER 6o candidates in the recent Do
minion Election lost the $zoo d - posit
each nominee has to put up on entering
the political arena. He must score halt
the majority of his opponent to get his
cash back. It looks almost like adding
insult to injury for a government to rake
in the cash in such situations. The 3 these fruits but under the Union Tack
cornered program was a great threshing they 11 Arish•
machine for getting tile "grain" into
the "bia" at Ottawa. Guess every dol•
tar will be needed if a debt -paying cam.
paign is inaugurated
Santa Claus
Our stock of,
New Confectionery
can't be beaten in either
price or quality,
See our llarguine in
Newport Chocolates
Ali kinds of Nuts and Fruits
piWe askou
ipes 'They look our Pipe
suitable pres-
ents to men
who smoke.
W. A. Grewar
INDIA may be given the right to gov-
ern themselves like the Dominion of
Canada. Great Britain has had no easy
time in directing many of their public
affairs It has not been received either
giatefulli nor gr iciouely by some but not-
withstanding the rule, while sometimes
necessarily stern, bas resulted in great
good to India 'They will find out if
nett are given larger privileges there
will come with these heartaches anal
worries they never even dreamed of
Sometimes the hest way to cure a croak-
er is to give over the job to him and in g
times out of in this course will take the
"cto:k" cut of him and make a good job
of it. As a successful coloniz;r Great
Britain stands without a peer when it
comes to advancement, peace, content-
ment and general acceptance by the ma-
jority. Arbitrary rule will not produce
"WHY I got lickt," appears to be the
title of short sketches in many news-
papers respecting a little event that was
on the program December 6th. It is not
an easy task to be a good laser and the
"slams" dealt oat to the electors in
many instances by the defeated are
most babish and smack of the bitter-
ness of the draught. Some men appear
to think they have a life lease on all the
good jobs and cry when the public say
"It's you're move."
Pr's still "Hosanna" and "Crucify"
according to the now Opposition press
Public opinion is just as fickle as 201,0
years ago. The fellow, with his little
hatchet, is still out to chop into kindling
wood anything and everything that
does not bring grist to his mill. Tice
grain of public opinion must be meas-
ured in his half bushel or else it is de.
nominated as grade 3 or purely chaff
Silty, isn't it brit nevertheless it is in
evidence. Ajust mead of praise should,
at least, be accorded where deserved ir-
respective of personal preferences or
party affiliations, The daily press has
been responsible for sowing bad seed
years ago, and like wild mustard it is
net easily eradicated unless by persist-
ent, clean cultivation,
MIss AGNES MCPHAIL, M. k., for
South Grey rt ing, was some' winner as
she has a majority of 2,500, She may
be of real service iu Parliament for var•
ions reasons, but in one thing she can
a-suredly do as well as scores of "lum-
ber" who have sat in the dry kiln—draw
the indemnity, There is a great female
vote in thisDomihioo that Miss McPhail
will represent, outside of politics, and
she will be able to tell the public if her
brother M. P.'s wish to give live clues
tions the soft pedal or not. We expect
this first woman representative in the
Commune will do her part to her own
credit and that of the constituency that
placed her, only we hope the daily press
wont go batty in the silly things they
write about her,
ALREADY there is a score of applicants,
it is said, for the seat in the Canadian
Senate vacated by the deatb'of Barrister
Ctothers, which appointment belongs
now to the Liberals. Of the gs Senators
66 have bean placed there as Macdonald,
Borden and Meigheu appointees. There
are zgmembers of the Laurier placing
With such a preponderance of Conserrv-
atives some think there is trouble ahead
for the Grit government. It itrastooish-
Eng bow few years it takes to reverse the
voting power and another equally as
intruding thing is the similarity of eq.
poinimests and close adherence to old
worn out usages in lillirIg up the berth
in this dormitory to the House of Coin-
ommous. The Liberals have an opportttn-
ity to make a record in reforming the
Senate. Will they have the grace and
grit to do it 1
Ir Premier MacKenzie King doesn't
go straight it wont be for lack of advice.
lie has no easy row to hoe but we antici-
pate he will surround himself with men
of good judgment, experience and with
Canada First as their motto the outcome
should prove of advantage to thelDo-
minion. THE PoeT has not much faith
in following past traditions as to public
affairs. Because Sir john A. Macdon-
ald or Hon. Alexander McKenzie did so
and so is no reason why Hon. Artbur
Meighen or Hon. MacKenzie King
should do the same. The clothes worn
by a boy ,p years ago are not suitable for
tae man be has grown into. Public men
must have foresight as well as hindsight
and should not he too ready to accept the
program of every man possessed of
prophetic" vision. Hon Mr. King is
ou visionary but has come to this day
with a much broader experience of pub-
( 1 c t 'sirs than is the lot of many men
who seek to wield the sceptre. We wish
him a term marked with great prosper-
ity for the people over whom be will
preside as Premier,
Marshall Feeh, the imperial French-
man, who filled so large a plane in the
greet world war, was a welcome visit-
or to Canada arid the U. S. The
people have a good right to pay him
Sunday, 11th Met., T. R. Atkinson,
former M. P. P. for North Norfolk,
was found dead in bed, at Simcoe. He
was a Barrister and also took an active
interest in dairying. Mr. Atkinson
was a bachelor•.
Al. the good old age of nearly 93
years John McClat•y a member of the
well known stove manufacturers, Lon-
don, passed away Sunday morning of
last week. He was keen and vigorous
to the lust and was a wonderful old
gen tient an.
Senater T. W. Ornthers died quite
suildenly at; Ottawa last Saturday.
He was 71 years of age and had only
recently been tippointad. St. Thomas
was his former home where be was a
Herristet' and had represented West
Elgin in the Commons,
Porth County
Stratford park hoard is going to
Mon the bathing house into a check-
room for skaters on the river, Hot
coffee will also be supplied -
A railway tankcar containing kero-
sene ell standing In the G. T. it. yards,
Stratford, developed a crack and the
entire contents of the tank leaked
A verdict was given in the County
Court, Stratford, In favor of Edward
Guth in the action brought. ((gannet
him by William Beery, of Brunner.
Beaty claimed $200 damages foto the
killing of his dug,
The jury sitting on the cane of Jas,
Jordan, Clerk of the township of Hib-
bert, v. Joseph Nagle, Ribbert town-
ship, before. Judge Barron, at Strat-
ford, on an action of slander, returned
a ver -diet for the plaintiff, but awattl-
ed no damages. 'The pinintiff charged
that, at a meeting of the Township
Council of Hihhert last July, defend-
ant had accused him of receiving
money on 2 occasions in connection
with II natters of two mnnicipal deems,
known as the Campbell and Murphy
Huron Co. Home
Inspector of the Huron Connty
Home presented following as his re-
port for the year ending November
80th, 1921..
Total number of inmates admitted
since oenin of house, 582number
of inmates on 1st December, 1920, 78 ;
number admitted for first time during
year, 21 ; number of deaths during
the year, 14; number of inmates in
House on let of December, 1921, 85 ;
number of males, 87; number of
females, 48,
Admitted during year from several
municipalit'es as follows : Townships
—Hay 1 ,•MoKihlop, 1 ; Ueborne, I ;
Ho wick, 2 ; Morris, 1 Colborne, 2 ;
Grey 1; Towns and Villages—Gode-
rich, 6 ; Seaforth 1 ; Exeter, I ;
Wingliam, 8 ; Clinton, 1 ; }Jensell, 1 ;
Hayfield, 1.
Number of days' board initiates,
29541 ; number of days' board of
keeper's family and help, 1200 ; aver-
age number of inmates during year
81 ; average number with keeper's
family and help, 84 ; total expenditure
on House and Farm, $12742 74 add
value of proy isione and fuel on hand
let Dec„ 1920, $3279.70 ; total expendi-
tures. $15,022 44.
Deduct : Produce sold during 1921
and other sources, $2192 50 ; previa -
hens, produce, new °totaling and fuel
on hand let December, 1921, as per
inventory, $8184.60 ; received from
paying inmates, $2398.91 ; total,
Amount expended for support of
inmates, $8,301.43 ; average expense
per inmate per day, 281-7 ; average
weekly expenditure per inmate,
$1 97.
Expenditure of House and Farm
account is as follows :
Hired help, farm and house,
$171.60 t stock and implements,
$1100.80 ; salaries, Inspector, Keeper,
Matton, est Matron t , A at on and Chaplain,
$2445.00 physioiau's salary and ap-
pliances, $54217 ; repairs to building
and furniture, $891 88 ; provisions and
clothing, $41319ii8; fuel and light,
$2283.41: books. postage and station-
ery, $26; incidental expenses,
$220.51 ; sundry expenses for farm,
$683.39 ; total, $12,742 74 During
the year the sum of $4,883 55 has been
collected for maintenance of inmates
of which no account has been taken in
the above.
June TORRANCE, Inspector,
Keeper submitted following report
of cropsigrown and work do
ne nn the
Industrial Farm during year 1921 :
Hay, 25 tons ; oats, 300 bushels ;
barley, 200 bushels; oriines, 15,533
pounds ; garden carrots, 30 bushels
garden beets, 80 bushels ; marigolds,
1,000 bushels ; potatoes, 500 bushels ;
turnips, 100 bushels ; raspberries, 8011
boxes; cabbage, 500 heads ; parsnips,
10 bushels ; live hogs sold, $1,097.80 ;
calves sold, $130.
J. B. REYNOLDS, Keeper,
Medical Officer reported that that
has been no severe attacks of sickness,
no epidemic during the past year, al•
though there have been an unusual
number of deaths, many only being
inmates a short time and aged on ar.
"Busy Bee"
A MODERN, handsome
low priced Steel Range
made of Arnco Steel -High
Closet, Copper Reservoir
and Nickle Plated, adapted
for any kind of Fuel, wood
or coal, and priced so that
every one who steeds a Stove can own one, Call and
see our Stoves.
Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges and Quebec Heaters .all sizes
l"Second hand Wood Stove for sale.
Geo. E. Weller
rival, The average of those who died
was 8.0 years.
There were 8 from cancer; ap•
oplexy, 3; gangrene, 1; nephritic, 1;
enlarged liver, 2; heart disease, 2;
sectile demetitls, 2
There is a general feeling of con-
tentment and happiness prevailing
throughout the House, Sanitation
and food is first class, the beating is
J, W, SHAW, Physician,
South HuronReturns
Following are tha returns for the
recent Dominion /Gentian contest in
the South Riding of Huron over
which there has been 'much discus.
sion :—
ply of asbestos comes fr,ttn the
Province of glebes, The. Nat. twat
Resources Intelligence l3t'ench of t he
Department of the ,intetiur, bits just
issued a revised edition of "Ouuiptet
Foots." which martins in coupler.
form, inforinatioii resat'ding Canada ;
its area, population, trade and inane.
tries ; Litelt extent, capital invested,
wages paid, values of live atoek, prin
clpal si•ops and amounts prodnerd ;
mineral resources anti forted pn °(Mets.
Copies of the booklet are available on
ltpplicatlosi to the Sirperinteudent,
National Resources lutelligenee,
Branch, Department of the Interior,
Lucknow locality has seen makes
in December, Better sober up before
close of 1921,
Ed. Dtnintivh Stanley tof ns v t 1ti
had a finger broken by the halter
Black McMillan Merner of a colt he was leading, Stec dint khnbar for sole by Site sore, non.
No, 1 44 212 183 Purvis in South his site did not lose sisidn vlaptu. Asha lltreli cant Elm, For far'
2 19 • 111 92 his $200 deposit ott Lle'ctinic dtry as he ,her p,rttoulerseppty to Trios P15805, 814
8 11 61 4g polled 2241 to Pvngleesive .uluy's Lut su,eon:8, Norris. Phone 6810,
4 7 22 72 4846 Truax's, Liberal, toter was
6 6 103 125 8;857, House for Sale
rrn for Sale
Palm for solo. rontunii aE 00 Sores, Boundary-
ml'us iia,lowlek. 'Altera is a frame heals
it nic b nen
a'ltli ceuioat stabling, 12 snores of
wheat anti 4 acres or rye arid. telephone.plowinglimed Moll 4
mile, to Wroxeter or Steleewerlh• For.
further partietibirs apply no the lirmalsea to
1?'!.ltA PECI4RS, Prep,
Wroxeter, P. 0., R. 8.2,
Rimy Ridge Duron Farm
Peru Bred Dares Jerse"e, improved type,
good gnu ity With plenty or bone, Prtoee res-
>autibts, tall i+ad see them, Dnrees lead ;
otharafoOuwGA1RRY J. WILSON,
Phone Ill 8:34 LOt 10, Ron, B. Morris,
Standing Timber for Sale
87 499 521
No. 1 90 93 22
2 102 59 87
3 11 62 38
4 57 83 39
5 38 20 32
0 30 77 21
7 53 82 40
370 458 229
No. 187 42 93
2 88 30 71
3 61 46 71
4 57 10 44
6 67 18
0 29 23
289 189
No. 1 74 - 26 88
2 80 8 27
4 105 70 33
5 63 46 17
6 100 86 00
7 54 64 18
8 75 18 17
112 88 48
882 897 839
40 197 177
38 44 108
No. 1 41 48 175
2 55 78 100
3 68 76 110
4 19 32 47
183 234 492
No, 1 27 ' 118 112
2 21 145 17
3 24 114 131
4 28 70 122
100 447 585
51 25
85 28
3 65 129
4 114 86
5 107 29
8 109 73
7 • 42 14
8 75 43
628 427 237
No. 1
No. 1 61
2 06
3 68
4 73
5 78
322 236
No, 1 48 147
2 il'S 106
8 116 79
4 137 35,
414 807
No. 1 161 24
No. 1
183 48
95 24
123 60
512 154
Seaforth 87
Hullett 876
Goderich Tp. 289
Stephen 682
Hensall 40
Bayfield 88
Exeter 183
Olin ton 100
Hay 628
Stanley 822
11eKillop 414
Usborne 612
Tuckeramith 428
The property of the late Mrs, Procter, oor-
A Spring Day
nor of Altunsndsr and Fiore street, Brussels, is
(dieted fbrmils. tioettPraise house and 14sore
or land Possession may be bad on, October let
s - Nor further liar Deniers apply to.
Up in Muskoka
Phone 1411 R.11. No, 4, I
A Spring day in Muskoka, with sky
and water vividly bine: the smell of
pine, the song of birds In the air.
On a sunny slope a girl gathered
trilliums with eager hands, She smil-
ed at the questioning stranger.
"I never picked wild powers be -
lore," she said wistfully. "We lived
Inthecity. Father died, and then—
tuberculosis. of to was.all
b els. 1 I wasn't strong,—worked too
hard,—and I got it They brought me
here to the Sanitarium on a
"But, look at me now!" exultantly,
• Theglow of health was in her cheeks,
"It's the rest and oars and good food
and: fresh air that saved me," and her
eyes shone joyously.
Surely she was worth saving, 'this
bonny, blue-eyed girl! Surely the
Muskoka -Hospital forConsumptives
deserves her gratitude!
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. A. Charlton 223 College Street,
Breeder of large English Berkshires
Young stools for sato, sillier sex.
For further particulars writs or phone.
nett -sets VVeittr,il— Walton P, 0.
Phone tine R. R.8
Bull for Service
'rhe uudarsirned w ill keep for service, on St
Lot BU 'on. 2, Morris township, the thoro"bred
Horn Bull, (Sslnford of Salem, No,
81414 -. .air' d by Gainford Marquis 1(104890) ;
limn Mildred VII by Royer Seiler 118940), Ped-
iD " may be seen on .application.- Terms -
514.00 for thorn'-breds payable at time of ser-
vice with privilege to return. Grade saws not
sduwud. THOS. PIERCE,
•4444+4',•+•+45'44,bt.cd•t bt'+'i-I' acv stere i•W'r39,4,d'A.1••'"rm•-i•O+Y+•d•
k The Seaforth Creamery
erea W ted
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that
give you thorough satisfaction.
• We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
• It honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
f pies and pay you the highest market prices every two
• • weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
• ▪ For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
we can
• w
�, / n/f ? "�
a ��
44 s t d ���r W a
28 j •
• k
• •
__ •
218 it The School with experienced instructors. ••
The School which gives t orough •Courses. 4
83 y The School which assists its Graduates to positions. •
17 • Address tho Collogo for Free Onta!egue, •
to either 0
27 • •
4-04.4184-•41.044448•+•448+41.444.•••••• 0184.4.4.•+•+•+ • 414.4.411.4444•4'0+sr
Students May Enter Any Time •
15• Stratford or Wing*am
44C4e0•048•44,4,6•41n44.Go.r;3 tri --5 cte +a. a• aa/2•4,q a to oa e49••�iil�
44 188
Tot ale 4097 4059 8908
Majority for Black 88.
Canadian News
Mrs. J, Mtieoogh, aged 87 years,
rnolhen' of G. T. R. Trahtmaster O. J.
McRenugh, Stratford, is dead. Horn
in Ireland, she has resided: at, Stratford
since cowing froin SKIM in, 85 years ago.
40 head of Holstein cattle were dis-
posed of at Stratford at the consign-
tient sate of Perth District Holstein
'' Breeders' Association. Bidding wits
brisk and some Sue prices were re-
Few people realize that 27,445 Can-
adian ex -service ;nen have hewn estab-
lished on the land and are nearly all
making good ; that Canada's water-
power rapt swots an investment
of $415,000,000 while the power pro -
direct] would otherwise require
18,000,000 tone of coal yearly ; or that
nearly 88 per tient of the worlds sup
Cream Wanted
Ship yu, T4 s" Cream
Direct to the
Bruss&: Creamery
Prompt Service Satlsfacty ry Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press Charge's, Is'tiuu Cheque:; lot the pay-
ment of your Cream twice each 'month, pay-
able at par at your Bank,
Give the Brussels Factory one trial .. and you
will not want to discontinue,
Stewart Brost