HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-12-22, Page 3Wells a wlndow'pane t_ a little Hera fiprdehire village to the pages of mi- litate l-linea of hyinn+books, printed in many languages, is the remarkable dtetina Van that befell the work of one writer, aferriet Auber. Confined one day to her house at Hoddesdon, she naw-' posed the words of "Our blest Redeem- er," afterwards+ amusing herself by scratching them on the window of her room since when they have been song by countless voices an over the world., Que beautiful spring morning many years ago a young woman, Jemima Thompson be name, was travelling by coach between Taunton std Welling- ton. Having nothing to do and little to think about, she took an old envel- ope and a pencil from her pocket end started to write down, almost trio first words that came into her mind. BY the time she had reached her jour- ney's end she had composed the words of the famous children's hynauy "I Thio When I Read That Sweet Story ot.Old," which has long since become a classic In the hymnbook. Cowper the poet, on being faced with the prospect of appearing before the House of Lords in connection with hie appointment as Clerk of the Jour - nail, became so nervous that he de- cided to commit suicide rather than face the ordeal. On the day before his appearance he drove by coach to the Tower Wharf, intending to drown him- self, The fact that there were too many people about thwarted him, and he re- turned to his rooms in the Temple. Here he tried to kilt himself by falling on the open blade of a knife, which,. however, broke in two- Fortunately, some friends appeared on the some, and in their company Cowper forgot his troubles. Afterwards he became so full of remorse that be sat up all night and contritely wrote a hymn. It was "Cod Moves in a Mysterious Way," and it le sung all over Christen- dom every Sunday, not probably one person in a hundred knowing how it came to be written "Jew, Meek, and (Matle," was com- posed almost unconsciously by the Rev. G. R. Prynne, vicar of St. Peters, Pilymouth. He wrote the famous wordy one evening while his wife played trio piano to him. The lines, he afterwards recorded, came into his mind wii nut the slightest effort on his part, atm he scribbled them down on the beck of an envelope, without realizing that he had written a hymn • which would long outlive himself. The little fishing port of Brixham 1$ closely arecciated with what is per- haps the most famous hymn of all "Abide With Me." This was written by the vicar of Brixham, Henry Francis Lyte, and it was his last composition. The hymn was the fruit of a stroll by the sea on a lovely Sunday evening, after church. The vicar left the house for his customary walk and jotted the words down on a scrap of paper, "Christians, Awake!" was a Yule- tide present to a little girl. John By- rom, the author, wrote the hymn for his small daughter, Dolly, who found it in manuscript form with the rest of her Christmas • gifts. A little girl, too, was the Inspiration of that old favorite, "There is a Happy Land," Andrew Young, the writer, was spending his holidays in Scotland, where, in passing a cottage, he heard a quaint Indian melody being played on the piano. The tune took hie fancy and he asked permission to hear it played again. As he listened, it oc- curred to him that the tune would make a pretty children's hymn. Late that night he composed the words. THE CAUSE M+ �j ) y t i r'+ THE CAUSE O BA( KA(, IE Our Great PrnuiniQn, StatOnly in Rare Cases Dees ]sack- Pugetstice oW BIritian Oots of heat and flour Min the Columbia River and y lul}r• ,bin to have been 54 Per newt, greater ache Mean Kidneyi'rDlliYi@• l during July, August, anti September Every muscle in the body needs than during the Same period last year, constantly a supply of rich, red blood Shipments to the United Kingdom and in proportion to the work It does. Tile Continental poria from the Pacific in muscles of the back are under a heavy September alone awounten to 7.$43.- strain ,843:strain and have but nate rest. when 00Q' bushels. Ono great cheep in the the blood is thio they lank nourish- exPort grain business is the large moat, and the result is a sensation of movement naw being made to Ghia pato. in those muscles. Some people Ol ent. think pain in the back means kidney W. 4, Clark, :of the Pacific Steam• trouble, but the best medical authori- s'hfg Company, at a meeting of the ties agree that backache seldom or United States Shipping Board, made never has anything to do with the kid, the aseertten that thirty-eight United neys, Organic kidney disease may States railrolilies ere convened or have progressed to a erilical point influenced by ad Canada,w without developing a pain in the back, + It Is reported that a number of This being the case, pain in the bank Canadian capitalists have under con• should always lead the sufferer to look sideration the project of constructing to the condition of his blood. It will a large elevator at Robe,Japan. The be found In most cases that the use movement of . Canadian wheat which of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to build-up commenced this fail to Japan is re- the blood will stop the sensation of epousible. So far 750,000 bushels have pain in the Ill -nourished muscles of . been hooked to that country. bhe back. How much better it is to I New buildings and improvements to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the ! the extent of $325,000 have been corn - blood than to give way to unreason- pleted at the Brandon Manitoba, Ex- able alarm about your kidneys. If you .hibition grounds during the past year, suspect your kidneys, any doctor can according to a report of the directors. make tests in ten minutes that will set your fears et rest, or tell you the wont. But in any event to be per- fectly healthy you must keep the blood in good condition, and for this pur- pose no other medicine can equal Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Songs of Birds. The duration of birds' stings greatly and it is announced that the buildingvaries. It is two or three seoonds for thrashes and chat -finches, tour to five will be completed next spring. The seconds for blaokcaps, but from two to five minutes for the lark. Many a man who has energy enough to start a riot has not strength enough to hold his tongue. Airship Will Not Collapse. Dirigibles will be made safe by an Invention of a Frenchman, according to Lieut. Enea Beesi, formerly of the Italian Aviation Service, who arrived inthis country from Europe. Lieut. l3ossi says he has been in France observing the work of this in- ventor. whose name is Zangean. He asserts that Zangean has invented a process of building dirigibles which eliminates the danger of collapse in mid-air from fire or explosion. The new dirigible consists really of three envelopes one within the other. The inner envelope contains cora pressed hot air. Between the Miler envelope aid the middle envelope there is a vacuum, and between the middle envelope and the outside en- veloope there is a substauce the nature of which is secret, The dirigible is landed by letting air into the vacuum, thus making it heavier. Marble Near Pretoria. A deposit of white marble, said to equal the bent Italian in quality, has been discovered near Pretoria, Trans: vaal- e yAn electric landing sign marking l,rre aerodrome at Croydon, England, said to be the largest sign in exis- tence, measures a quarter mice in diameter. During heat waves the atmosphere of New York is very humid, owing to to proximity to the sea; hence the oat is less bearable than it would be in London. Au improvement hi the seismograph —the Instrument used for recording earthquake shooks—has been aconin, Wished by the use of light-sensitive paper in place sof the ondtinary paper *pen which the record is narked by a otglus or pals, The Canadian system of taxation was made the subject of special study by members of the Celled. States House of Representatives and Senate who arrived at Ottawa on November 30th for the purpose. The party con- sisted of about fifty members of Con- gress which spent three days studying under the guidance of the Department of Finance. The operation of the sales tax was made the subject of a special atudy. Construction has commenced on the addition to the Northwestern Elevator Company's plant at Fort William, Ont. Minard's Liniment for Garget In Cows. elevator addition will coat approxi- mately $700,000, consisting of 60 con- crete tanks, 22 feet in diameter and 96 feet in height, which will give the entire plant an aggregate capacity of more than 900,000 bushels. Cleaning machinery will be installed adapted to clean 8,000 bushels of grain an hour. Surnames and Their Origin HARPER Racial Origin—English. Source—An occupation. If you want to know just what sort of a position the harper held in medieval times, you should read the historical romances of Sir Walter Scott dealing with medieval life in the Scottish borderland. Persons bearing the family name of Harper may count upon it, unless the name was arbitarily adopted at some later period, that their ancestors in the Middle Ages were bards, traveling entertainers, who derived their sus- tenance from the donations of the no- bility: men who travelled about from castle to castle, chanting their songs of history and tradition. They were by no means looked down upon as persons of interior posi- tion. They were, in fact, lionized and respected in much the same fashion. that the professional musician is to- day, oday, and they lived ca "charity" only in the sense that authors, physicians and members of other respected' pro- fessions did, for in those days it wee not possible to commercialize art, and virtually all members of professional and artistic callings had to rely upon the patronage of some member of the nobilityfor their support. The harp was probably a more popu- lar musical instrument along the Scot- tish border and in Wales than in other More than two hundred exhibits of gttiin,•graseus, clovers and alfalfa front Alberta, from seed grown frena the In- ternational boundary 44 far north as trio Peaeo lilver country, aro bolog Bent to the luternatIonal Creme and Hey Show at Chicago. All of the seed Dia been grown by farmers and the. oollelitlon bs considered uneurpass• i able, The establishment of a flnlshing sta. 1 tion in Heigium, Holland or Frail ce for finishing Canadian cattle prior to their being slaughtered mid delivered tis fresh beef to London and other Bri- tish centres Is proposed by the Alberta Minister of Agriculture. In these countries a shortage of livestock and surplus of pasture is said to exist, and these cattle -could be brought to the pink of condition after undergoing the long voyage. Canadian grain would be shipped overseas ter this purpose, Alberta's exhibits r t the Internation- al Live Stook Show at Chicago include two Clydesdale mares and a colt; two Peroheron fillies and a colt, and a Shorthorn heifer, Ali these are pro- vincial prize winning stock and Alber- ta is confident of repeating her suc- cesses of last year. The animals are travelling to Chicago in a special car. "Cascarets" if Sick, Bilious, Headachy from the Bowels Get a 10 -cent box now. You men and women who can't get feeling right -who have headache, coated tongue, bad taste and foul breath, dizziness, can't sleep, are ben ous, nervous and upset, bothered with. a sick, gassy, disordered stomach, or have a bad cold. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Cascarets, or merely forcing a passageway every few days with salts, cathartic pills or castor oil? Cascarets work while you sleep; cleanse . the stomach of sour, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from liver and carry out of the system all the constipated poison in the bowels, A. Cascaret physic to -night will straighten you out by morning. Protecting Warriors of the Present Day. When body armor "came back" during the late war, the United States authorities sought hints from the great collection of medieval armor at the Metropolitan Museum .of Art in Now York City, and consulted specialists in that branch of archeology, says a Philadelphia despatch. So admirable was the craftsmanship of the old-time armorors that improve- ment on their work was obviously out of the question. But the modern war experts were quick to see that they had at their command two very note- worthy advantages. One of these was steel made extraordinarily hard with alloys of tungsten, nickel or vanadium. The other was machinery. An old-fashioned suit of armor may have required the labor of a year or. more for a skilled hand in its produc- tion. Modern machinery can chop out the requisite parts from sheets of steel by thousands at small cost. It is not required that the metal clothing shall be decorative, but merely that it shall be bullet-proof. In the war good alloy steel hardly thicker than. ordinary blotting paper proved an effective protection against pistol bullets, the light weight of ma dern armor being one of its most notable advantages as compared with the old style. French hospital records proved that 70 to SO per cent of the wounded were injured by missiles or shell fragments which steel of this small thickness would have stopped. Steel alloyed with maaganesa was found best adapted for helmets of which 7,000,000 were ordered anti 2,- 700,000 ;700,000 delivered for the American troops before • the war's end. To pre- vent the helmets from reflecting light, they were painted, and while the paint was wet a ooat of sawdust was bestow- ed upon them with a blower. sections of England, though the harp- ers travelled the entire island. MOWAT Racial O rig l n—Scottlsh. Source—A place name. Here is a family name to puzzle you. From the sound of it you might think it of East Indian origin. As it stands there is nothing to indicate its origin. Fortunately there are records to prove its origin, though even then it is a little more difficult to grasp the manner in which the change has come over the name from its original form. The family name of Mowat is a Scot - deli evolution of a Norman Preach place name. It is borne by a certain branch of the Clan Sutherland. - The original Norman form of the name was "de monte Alto," and in some of the old records it is found as "do Montealto." There is a record of the grant of lands in Losscraggy and Culpedauchis by King Robert Bruce to one "Patricius de Monte -alto." According to history acid tradition, the Norman family was one of the first to leave the domain of William the Conqueror and attach itself to the court of the Scottish monarchs, and upon receiving the grant of lands in the territory dominated by the Clan Sutherland, the-. family attached itself to that elan. Through he centuries whish have followed the name "Mon- tealto" has been boiled down by Gaelic speaking tongues to Mowat - Real Rest Depends Largely Upon. the Depth of Your Sleep A warning to "light" or "poor" sleepers The deeper and sounder you sleep the better you feel. Five hours sound refreshing sleep does you more actual good than ten hours restless, disturbed sleep. This is because the final conversion of food into vital tissue and nerve cells goes on Endre rapidly when the physical and mental forces are at rest. You can't get sound, refreshing sleep if your nerves are agitated with tea or coffee. Both these drinks contain caffeine, which is sometimes very irritating to the brain and nervous system. If you want to know the Joy, vigor and stamina .that comes to the person who gets sound, healthful sleep, why not stop taking tea or coffee for a while, and drink delicious, invigorating Postum instead. Thousands of people everywhere have found that this was the only thing they needed in order to bring about these very happy results, Order Postum from your grocer today, Drink this delightful cereal beverage of satisfying flavor, for a week. Perhaps, like thousands of others, you'll never be willing to go back to tea or coffee. Postum comes In two forms: Instant Postern (In tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postern Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for those wlio prefer to make the drink white the meal Is being prep:dad) made by bolting for 20 minutes. Postum for Health "There's a Reason" r ,i1f111111J 1 At!li# S' Once a mother leas wind Baby's Own. Tablets for her little ones she would not ho without them. The Tablets are I perfect borne remedy, They regu• ate the bowels and stomach; drive out constipatlen. .tied indigestion; break up Bolds and simple fever and make baby healthy. and happy, Con- earning them, Mrs. Noble A, Pye, Besot &scum, N.S„ writes:—'"i have found Baby's Own Tablets of great benefit for nay children and I would not be without diem." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealer's or by Mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Idodloine 0o, Brookville, Ont, A Pocket Movie. A remarkable instrument has been invented by two Italians. It is a eine matograph camera and projector com- bined, so small in size that it will slip aaplly into the pocket, In appearance it resembles an or- dinary folding film camera. On one side of the magazine is a spool con- taining a roll of film 40 ft. In length, which is sufficient for more than 600. plotures. The end of the film is at- tached to another spool, which is driven by a small clockwork motor. To take a "movie" you simply wind up the works, point the camara'in the right direction, and press the button, The little motor draws the film across, and at the same time opens and closes the shutter at the rate of 500 times a minute. Tho -camera is used also to throw the picture on to the screen. The film la wound round a spool, the back of the camera is removed, and a lantern attachment is fixed on. Then the ma tor is wound up, the tuttou is pressed, and there you are; Such an instrument will enable amateur photographers to keep Mo- tion records of friends, relations, and children, Shelter -Belts and Soil Fertility. A blanket of four or five inches of snow over a prairie farm during win- ternn nil earl spring means d until - p g a tango amount of moisture for the soil, The problem is to keep It there and not have it blown away by high winds.. This is where shelter -belts on the farm prove their•value by prevent - lug drifting and thus retaining mois- ture and fertility. Devastating, Talking of school answers, a rather devastating ono was given a member of a certain education committee, who thought it well to visit', the scboole oc- casionally and ask questions in the °lasses. Once he spoke about eMr. Lloyd George, who, he said, was a statesman. "Now, can you tell nae what a states- man ie?" ho finished up by asking. Up shot one hand. "Please, sir, a statesman is a man who makes speeches." "Well, hardly that. I sometimes make speeches, but I am not a states- man." The little hand went up again. "I know, sir, a statesman is a man who makes good speeches." --+� MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If lost or stolen you get your money back. Equal to the Occasion. "Waiter, if this le spring chicken where is the wishbone?" "It was too young to wish, sir." Minard's Liniment. for Distemper. Deep. Sea Scout --"Well, what do you think about the ocean?" Land Scout—"It's too deep for me." Hia Sole Attraction. Ancient Adorer --"l could sacrifice all my wealth for your love-" Young Adored—"If you did anything so foolish I' should never love you," That's All. A six-year-old girl submitted the fol- lowing composition on "People" to her teacher: "People are composed of girls and boys, also men and women. "Boys are no good at all until they grow up and get married. "Men who don't get married are no get either. "Boys are an awful bother, They want everything they see except soap, "My ma is a woman, and my ea IS man. A woman is a grown-up girl with children. "My pa is such a nice man that I think he must have been a girl when he was a boy." A Dubious Outlook. The wealthy young man who was trying to learn to work had fallen in love with the daughter of his employ- er, but he found that at. path was by no means clear of obstacles. "You tall me that your father ob- jects to your marrying me" he said, in a crestfallen way. "Is it because I am in his employ? I can leave It and go back to a life of idleness if he pre- fers." "Oh, no, that isn't what he wants," said the fair one. "He says I may marry you just as soon as you're valu- able enough to have your salary Cabbages in Cuba grow to such a raised." size that a head often weighs 20 The, His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. 0. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so successfully that no one could tell he 'is a deaf man. It 1s effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- al drums. A request for information to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt reply. advt. LUMBERMAN'S FRIEND The Original and Only Genuine Mother! Clean Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup," It the little tongue is coated, or it your child is listless, cross, feverish, fall of cold, or has colic, give a teaspoonful to cleanse the liver and bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself how thoroughly it works all the con- stipation poison, sour bile and waste out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. Millions of mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" handy. They know a tea- spoonful to -day saves a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist for genu - ins "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may gat an imitation fig syrup. PAGE'S PAY CHECK NOW MUCH BIGGER CAN WORK EVERY DAY SINCE TAKING TAMA , Troubles Gone, He Eats Any. thing and Feels Fine All the Time Now. "1 am putting in fan timeat week since Tanlac has get nae in Minh flee shape," said W1fllam Page, Ss+ Inelntii+ ton St., Toronto, Out. "My troubles had been pulling me down for six years and during all thea time I hardly knew what it was to ever feel good. My stomaoh was all out of order and as regular as I ate anything I bad to pay for It in suffer. ' lug, There was a burning like are ie my stomach, I would bloat all up with gas that nearly cut elf my breath and at times I had such smothering spells that I thought each breath would be my last, I had frequent attacks of rheumatism in both knees and ankles and sometimes these spells nearly laid me out altogether. My nerves were all unstrung, I was restless all night long and could sleep but little, and when morning canto I never felt fit for work. "But Tanlac straightened me out and to -day I am feeling fine and in ab. solutely sound health. I have a cork- ing good appetite and can eat any. thing set before me and digest it as good as I ever could. My nerves are strong as steel and the rheumatism has just about completely gone, I sleep like a top and get up mornings ready for a big day's work," Tanlac is sold by leading druggists everywhere Adv. Modern "Mummies" Now? That he has rediscovered the an- cient Egyptian process tar mummify. lag human bodies is the claim of a Paris physician, Classmed Advertisements. HELP WANTED, AD11,14 WAI:TLD—TO UU PLAIN and light sewing at hone, whole or spare time; geed pay; worn sent any distance; charges paid. aen.i stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing a PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. g)ISLL PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD 3 condition, with a large number of music rolls, for sale at a bargain. L. Costello, 73 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. BELTING FOR SALE ALT, RENDS OF 0:11W AND USED belting. pulleys, saws, cable,hoee,packlnw- etc,, shipped subject to approval at lowprit.es In Canada. TO: est Ti, 116 vomc, STRET. TORONTO O co« DANDERINE , Stops Hair Corning Out; America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Thickens, Beautifies. Book on DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. play Clover Do., ziso. 118 Weet 31st Street New Yorlc, U.S.A. YARMOUTH, N. S. COARSE SALT LAN ®'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CLIFF - TORONTO When your head is dull and heavy your tongue furred, your bowels costive; when you have no appe- tite for food, no strength for work and no interest in life; your stomach is at fault. You need Esther Seigel's Syrup, which con- tains medicinal extracts of more than ten different roots, barks and leaves, which are wonderfully beneficial upon the digestive or. gone. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. ,wet USE SLOAN'S TO EASE LAME BACKS OU can't do your best when your back and every muscle aches with fatigue. • Apply Sloan's Liniment freely, with. out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative glow of warmth and comfort. Good for rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains and strains, aches and pains sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints and the after effects of weather exposure. i For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. At all druggists -35c, 70e, $1.40.:'j Made In Canada SlO Liniment WAfA itIANI,Y?YAhi INAWASIal M , Mwt't1M1'}hisiossonnenteemissfferas 35 -cents buys a bottle of "Danderine" at any drug store. Atter one applica- tion you can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. THE MISERY OF BACKACHE Removed by Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound. ,Meaford, Ont.—"I took Lydia I+L P nkham's Vegetable Compound foe backache, and I also had a female weak- nese. eaknese. I felt dizzy and nervous, and was withoutenerggyp5� I had to force myself to do my work, and was always tired. Saw a ?inkhorna�.. vertisoment Which induced me to take e 1F the Vegetable Com. tet pound, and tray ba adually stepppe aching enc i din Itrlater ine sprit . am recommending the Vbgetapae '.s+nch pound with pleasure to all I meet whsa Complain eel did."—Mmonso Exoog, Nioaford, Ont. Woman's Precious Gift The one which she should most zeal- ously guard is her health, but she efts* neglects to do so in season until calm ailment peculiar to her sex has fast°. Itself upon her. When so etre women may rely upon Lydia E. P ham's Vegetable Compound, a remedy that bas been wonderfully successful Us restoring health to Buffeting Wome If you have the slightest doubt Lydia E. Pinkhamd Vegetable pound will help yea, write to Led Pinkhatn Moutae 09. feenitan �atlpie Lynn, Mash, tot advice, Your letl will be opened, read and answered by a woman, arid held in atarlat &wifidon+ee. (SSUe Neo 1140--11,� Never say "Aspirin" without saying 'Bayer." WARNING! ss you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not W aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only at. .'uroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directiionn and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and plvded safe by millions for Colds Headache - Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pairs handy tin ilexes of 12 tablets---lottles of 24 and 100—All Druggists. Aspirin In the trade mark (registered In-gonada) nt Myer eIMutfnetere of Mena- aceticnrtdoater of Snitei'llracle. 'mote It Is wen bacon that Anplrin means darer manufacture, to noise the public against Intltallonn, the i'ablet, or ltaynr Company will be stamped with their einem' trade mark, the "Sorer Crass."