HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-12-22, Page 1VOL, 50 NO. 26 )t2 00 per annum in advance BRLSSET,S. ONT411O,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1921 ... gar.'1•a..,... ..i•+ •'.+.*a... I Choice Stock of ' i a Candies ;, ' .1 Fruits, Mats > \ Fancy Biscuits $ 4. Oranges and Bananas, &t;. . 4.Our Grocer Stock W 4. y + IS FRESHa. AND NICE 4. Special Bargains --in f, * China, .:Crockery and other goods. : W. J. McCracken Itar F Wish you a !Merry Xmas. 't' New Advertisements Corn -Wm. Strath. Local -W. A. Grower. Eodake-lr. R. Smith. Greetings -A, Strachan, Dog strayed -Jan Nichol. Sleigh for sale -Tun Pon. -. Farm for osis -Ezra Peters. Pups for sale -Alex. Nichol. Reduced prices -Bunker Bros. °owe for sale -Cecil Batsman. Watoh repalring-J. G. Jones, Choice stook --W. J. McCracken, Season's oomplimenta-W. E Willie. Season's GreetingRs-Geo, E Weller. Coal for sale -Ethel Farmers' Club. Wild vs Wnllaoe-Fataily Theatre. Sleigh for sale -Gilbert Mof!afum. Standing timber for sale-Ameat Bros. Annual Sala -Huron Co. Breeders' Anse. Annual Meeting -Brussels Farmers' Mob. Molesworth John Allen, late d Ethel, has taken over the blacksmith shop in the vill- age. Bert Heibein, who went West on the Ilurvestere' Excursion last Fall, is home. The Mission Band is preparing a missionary program which they . put, pose giviug Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. Gordon Campbell and. Earl Cumwing attended the Fat Stock show in Guelph' and Lot ne Campbell took in Winter Fair in Toronto. Alnnual meeting of Women's Mis sionary Society was held in the manse. i Encouraging reports were received from treasurer and different see reburies. Mrs. Howe and Miss Scott gave interesting and helpful rep ort s of the Conferences held _ i Wi n n ha m1 g A solo by Miss Geri rude Sangster wee very much appreciated, .At ulnae of meeting rettosllnteofs were 'served: Mis, Thos, Unmoving was eleeted urea. dent, Mrs. J. Alexander Treasure*, mei Miss Margaret 13rolyu Seetetary, fat coming yaar. Trowbridge Miss Ida Ooldue loft for Loddon, Jack Vine, London, spent a few days with airman id this vicinity, Miss Murtha (Alias, Buffalo, N. Y., le spending a couple of weeke at her house.' Mee. S. Byres, Edgerton,' Alla., left for her borne, after, spending -a . couple of months with her sister, Miss Mary Duke, Sorry to hear of death of A. Mein - tyre, T.enten, Mrs. Mcbstyre is a daughter of the late \Vht. Frear, for lung year's a resident,ofiTruwbridge Beigrave - CARD of THANES. -We wish to re, cord blur best !banks for the khidly deeds and Words of sympathy tender- ed ue in the Illness and demise of the late Jno. Osborne, (itis, Nicholeon'e fathep). They wiU linger as 'a happy memory in our time of trouble. Gratefully yours, GARNER uND 'ME.H. N108OLSON. Pallbeatere at. Jiro. Oaluroe's luuei'- al hint week were H, Kirkby, Joe Mil- ler, Thos. Bridge, Wm. Armstrong, Chas, Williamson and Win. Stubbs. Rev, Mr. Jones, Preebyterhtn pastor, conducted the eerviosl-instead of Rev. Mr. Hawkins, rneetiotied last week. Wroxeter Frank Allan is home from =Toronto for the holidays. Miss Agnes McKeroher returned from Kingston on Smut day. We4ue pleased to note that Lovell, who has been seriously 111, is tiow improving. • Mrs. D. McTavish and 2 children and Mrs, M, McLennan ate the guests of relatives in Toronto. Mrs W. ()unwell, and 2 children, Mount Forest, are visiting the foim- Br's father and brothers het e. Miss Mary Yining had the misfor- tune to slip on the ice last week, sus- taining a rractited arm in the fall. The following item refers to a. sister of Mrs, John Hamilton. The death occurred at the rurally residence ()hutch street, Seaforth, on Sunday, Deo, 11th, of Adeline Maxwell Har. rise, wife of J. M. Best, Barrister, after an illness of several weeks. The funeral took place from St. Thomas, Church, Dec. 13'h. at 10 a. in , to Goderich, whereiulertneliI was made. Her husbaird, 2 sone, .1 H., Benham Seaford, ; R. M., Barrister, Brace• bridge, aed2 daughters, Misses Liela and Verde, at home, survive. Methodist Churches ETHEL crRCufr The pastor will take as his sub - jean next Sabbath "God's Best Girt to the World" ANNOUNCE'IENT is made of the Annual Christmas Tree Illnt i etta nm tt of 01 1111• 100 Ohm`oh Sunday School for Friday, Dec. 23rd. This is to be'Lhe best yet. Reduced Prices Shop open 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 24 AT each Christmas time we have diapused of fore guru ters of beef at cost, by the quarter. This year We offer the same inducement and will cut them tip to mutt, the cue - tow -r, rrgerdieea of size, Otder early mid get choice cut. Store open as above stated, We thank our customers for business of 1921 and wish one and all the Season's Compli- ments. OAFKEB IlBOS. We Wish all our Customers and Friends A Merry Christmas And Happy and Prosperous New Year Alex. Strachan P. S.—Our store will be open every evening this week and on Wednesday alld Y Saturda even- ings before New Years. • W. * ERRI2, Proprie Wild Wallacevs WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING EXHIBITION —AT ,THE— FAMILY THEATRE In Motion Picture • Tuesday, Qec.2lth Presented by MR,' JOS. MCKAY Formerly of Brussels who owns the Picture and has leased the Family Thee- tee tot the showing. Admission 25 Cents Sat I ,til, Robertson built a cement driv- ing shed on hie faint, Lot 84, Coll, 10, Grey, Cement war k wire done by Messrs. Meehan and the carpentering I.y 4'i'ard Bros, Robt. McTaggart built a driving shed .eeriier in the saasun, Misses Bertha Smith and Jennie Earls, of Stratford Normal School, are spending the Christmas vacation at their' homes here. jl. Harkness, wife and 2 children arrived from China last week anti are visiting the formers' parents, Rev Dr. and Mrs. Harkness, e.t the manse, The entertainment provided by the Mission Band of Lite Presbyterian church, Friday eveuing, was most successful. The program was given entirely by the children, • Moncrieff A new garage was built for Alex. Mann by Andrew Machan & Son. A number from this locality attend- ed Walton Fowl supper Tuesday evert- ing. We are sorry to hear of the iU health of Mrs. It, W. Livingston from i heumatieue but hope she will be fully restored, The Hall over Pratt's stote was used as polling booth on Dominion Election day. J. W. King gal 119 votes. Geo. tipotton 21 and W. B Fraser 12, giv ing the former a good majority. During the past Fall Marshal Ha` - r'18011 has improved bis home by build- ing a new veranda and putting new roof on house. 'Messrs. Hunter atid Noble, Cranbreok,'did the work. eo Car of No. 2 Government InsPected Yel- low - low Corn at the track, McNaught Station, soon. Order now. William Strath Phoue 2813 Annual Meeting —oF— Brussels farmers' Club Will be held In the FAMILY THEATRE WEDNESDAY, JAN 4TH As. Zo'clock p. un. I/ ports will he presented arid tfliret+ 1•4b d f r.teru• All inteteeted asked to attend. W. R. LITTLE - Sec.-Treas. foal farSa!e Ethel Farmers' Club Have a gentility of yeranton Nut Onel for sale at :1314 00 per ton. Price holds good for re- mainder of 1921. Harvey Dobson Phone 3515 Salesman Ethel Standing Timber For Sale Consisting of Hardwood Tops and Saplings, on Si Lot 16, Con, 7, Mor- ris Township Apply to Ament Bros. BBTISSEL5S Walken Friday evening of this` week the an- nual Chrietanas Tree 8ntettaiw,neut will be glven in Bethel church. The Bazaar held by the ladles of St George's ChM ch turned out, quite a 0U('0000 tta Usual. - tatSt week`151rs: Jno. 'Taylor under. went an operation for appendicitis and is waking et good recovery, Her many friends !tope she will soon be htttrty ire ever, Last timidity Rev. J, S. Johnson held the concluding service as Rector. of St Geo,ge's church and left for England this week, accompanied by his wife and daughter. - Tueedity evening the Anrratal Fowl Suppler and eater lid indent svas'held in wire elms tan and passed off with a well sustained teem • Pr'ograin was just as worthy of commendation as the supper. Tlie play entitled "Phe Minister's Bride," was well presented at Bethel +reptanrnrent int evening of Dec. 9.11. Ebner Hack well made a dandy pat son aiscl Misa Gudkin, es his bride, acted her part very naturally. They wet e well eupported . by a score of other youugEfolk who did well and (10801 ve credit for the production. It should be tried again. Ethel Harvey Dobson was visiting friends in Lueknow last week. Femme' klub have Scranton coal to sell. Read the.it advt. Mee. (Rev (Rev ) ()Kell" and the boys -spend the Ohr iatmas holiday at Scot- land, cotland, Ont., with relatives. In the item last week referring to. Harold Love the word sanitarium ahem(' have read hospital. George Hutchinson has been visit- ing friends at Drew, Clifford and tithe, meets for a few days. Leat Saturday afternoon Ethel Fur- met'e' Laub inet and diacioaed busioess aft ties. Olil+era w•etenominated. Alex. O.•weron, Jarvis, nephew of Mr. Hutchinson, has been visiting O. and .5118. Hutchinson and family fur few days. Out hbert and Mrs- Hutchinson were at London last week consulting a speorelist. MIL Hutchinson does not improve as her many friends would, like to see but hope for improvement. Rev. Jaynes Pearson, B A , has gone to S'aedwich, Essex Co., to supply for balance of Oouferenoe year in the place of Rev. J. 0 L. Sprackneli, who has lied to take a test from a nervous breakdown. We wish Mr. Pearson success. Animal School tweeting w;11 be held CV true 1tv e el r 28th hist . Rumoure b ant t hat a latiy Tausteeis likely to be nom- inated n -initetid rob i Bi m t l y with the new order of things. Let us attend 33he meeting and boost, for our school and the community generally. A contest is now being held in the Eva or h League, Meal hers being de- vidert into sides represented by the (.Hon's Red and Blue, Last Thursday a debate oil the sol '-'at e thin the minister has wore opportun-- ities in be of benefit to the community than the school-teacher,"wits held, J. ;riHey and Blake Howlett were Lhe i,fftt manes speakers while George Mc- Kee turd William • Mitchell took the negative. Decision in debate was in favor of the negative by a win of 1 mark. t\lusical and Literary num- ! urs Were also given. There was an attendance of about 85 This wee the third night of the very interesting rnilteat being cart ied ort. Oranbrook Srinoot oloeea Lhis week for Ohriet- alum vacation, Jus. Dickson is back from a trip to West. He spent several months on there. Harty Keys is determined to take nobody's dn.i., so has purchased a high t„at!, '.t et, t d iv ti. • Mies Jeaafe alehziee is home from Tomato for bee Christmas turkey and pluui padding. Unapt forget the Christ mire Tree and 1111ortain,nent in Knox church this ('t'hursda) ) evening. Stdt,nd meeting Wednesday of next .reek. D. fleeting, is refiring Trustee 051 t eli in s h e frt,ePl le -election. K The savvier in the Methodist church last So,clay afleuroon was cancelled n amount t f the sr overly day. A genii r u'ri d froth this locality will likely al tend Muoicip,tl Nomination peueeedinge at Ethel next Monday. N11.0. 55'nnzrea, thio Otte been visiting iu the Weer, fat t he past year, and her daughter, .Mrs 150L)ourtld and baby soil, arrived here hast week. Mrs, }Ian, will likely spend •the Winter here, a1 1.11.- parental horse, 'lox do°1Ar. -A jolly crowd packed the haute et Milton and Mrs. Rands, \Vedneehrty evening of last week, to share the gond things ening incnnnec. Non with the B•+x Social Rev. Mr. Clarke made an up -to elate chairman and after a short peech introduced the following excellent and well ren- tteted prom uuu :-Song. Gen. Evans; reading, Miss Metj n'y Hoover • gong, Rete and Harvey Onxt'y : root; et:ton, Ida Omen/ore ; solo, Mise Ella Rands ; speech, W. 11. Ker,', of THE POST ; recitation, Miss hitldsed Maunders ; ruing.Mr Geo Bemislreading, s. W. Randle Prank Dixey Was next called noel tat sell the boxes and he tingle such a gond jell of it that 042,00 were the (Malicia! penceede. They were no rnlu'nlml li,,x,•o ho•tvepee, whether' horn viP.vp.iut of Mettle ne outside and a hoilber were gotten up very elrihnrately and Witl) enrteidererlde in- )tri,nuv, Prieea ranged from 00 cents to 58'611 iitul thorn wrw gt'eet fen over the allocation, Then came the pair - MAS TREE --AND— Enteirtainment KNOX CHURCH Cranbrook Thursday Ev'g, Dec. 22 Good Program DI LOGUES, RECITATIONS, MUSIC, DRILLS, &c. Adults He. All Children free Everybody Invited • 1 ing off and the sharing up of the nec- essaries acrd luxuries of life. After a thoroughly enjoyable evening votes of thanks were proposed to the genial host and hostess, the talent and all others who had assisted in the even- ing's entertainment. "The Sweet Bye and Bye” was sung, the Benedicton pronounced and the compeoy separ- ated for their respective homes. Some of the lads did not go directly to their own home however. Every- body had a good time. Jamestown CARD or TaitNxe.-We wish to ex- press our thauka to neighbors and Mende for their kind deeds and sym- pathy, during the illness and demise of our daughter and sister. It will ever be,appreriated, R. T. argD MRS Musann arra nausea. Morris Public schools close Thursday of this week for the Christmas vacation, ex-ReeveShortreed was at Toronto last week as the representative of Walton Farriers' Club. George Henderson, 3rd line, was ail Goderich last week rendering service to King George as juryman: Sam. Yuill, son of Oouucillor Ynill, is home from the the School of Prac- tical Science, Toronto, a to , for Christmas n e. h Iiia y Quite a quantity of dry wood is in the hands of Morrie rennet yet as the mild weather of this season has not pulled very strong on it, Next Monday will be Nomination at the Township Ball from 12 to 1 o'clock, There should be a good attendance showing to the nominees, whoever they may be, an interest in township affairs. PRESENTED WITH CARVING SET. - At the recent session of Huron Go. Council an interesting event not com- mon to the usual session was put on program. Our Reeve, William El- ston, having reeently been married, was called to the front and ill a few well-chosen words of congratulation, the Warden presented him with a beautiful carving set, the gift of his fellow councillors as a token of respect and good wishee to his bride. M. Elston made a feeling reply, thanking the givers for their beautiful gift. Grey . Nomination Day next Monday at t Ethel, Township Hall, from 12 to 1 p. in. Christmas Tree Entertainment at Un 'SS'Neiok.n church Friday evening of tine Mies Beth Hoover, 9th Con., is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. McCallum, in H ullett. Wedueeday evening of this week was Rue's church Sunday School Entertainment. We are sorry to state that Robb. Wilson, 10th Con., is not having good health Rheumatism is his trouble. Hope will boon improve. Mrs. Wm. Boy, 8th Cnn., is home from an enjoyable visit with her patents! 8. and Mrs Laing, and other friends in Brantford, She found the folk well q. R. Cunningham and Jas. Fulton, 180 Con., were at Goderich last week us !jurors for County Court, It is not a sub that raises many blisters on your hands. At tine coning annual School meet - Mg of 8. S, No, 10, known as the Whitfield school, the question of pot. solitlatiou will be discussed end' a large turn out of ratepayers ie hoped for, The date is Wednesday, 28th inst. Mies Denman has been teaching the school for the past few months, J. D. Bahasa KILLED -We regret to have to record the death of J, D. Blake, formerly of Con 13, Grey town- ship. He was employed on the rail- way at Minneapolis, 17. S., and was killed by a train on December 3rd. 151r, Blake was 65 yenta of age, and was born in this township, being a son of late Patrick Blake. After attain- ing manhood he went to the Western States where he lived for years, Let. et' he came back to the old homestead when he lived fora few years going to Minneapolis 2 years ago. Deneased le survived by hie wife mid 8 daughters who will share in the sympathy cif many old friends in this locality, Mr, Blake was a fine fellow and his demise is deeply regretted. Day After Christmas Proclaimed r is mud Maliday Ohristlnas Wining nn Sunday this year, Monday, December 20th, will be observed AS a holiday throughout the Dominion. All order•in'Oouucil pro- viding for this has learn passed. It is probable that provision will be made for the observation of the Mondrty following New Year's Day as a holi- day also, - GOT 4Tla PRIZE. -At Winter Fair held et Guelph Audiew Turnbull 151.11 Con , seemed 4th piece for Short Hon steer in a chase' of 21. Wilbur Turn- bull, runner's brother, won 4th piece also for grade steer under. 1 year in warrn competition with 19 ' entries He sold his animal at 13 conte per pound. The Short Horn steel taking 3rd money was the prize one Andt;ete showed et London Fair last Fall. J. Learch & Son, Preston, bought An- diew'e animal at Guelph to show it at Ottawa Winter Fair, We congratu- late Messes, Turnbull on their.eueoees and also on their enterprise. Brussels School leport The following is report of Brussels Continuation and Public School for mouths of November and December. The percentage is based on weekly ex- itminatione. Examinations missed are marked*. FORM III J Turnbull ..,.-818 h1 Nolan. ..... ,..88 2 J Miller .. ...76 5 lin McLellaud,65 7 T Burgess 78.3 E Fraser....,.. 86 4 W McDowell ....70 0 Denois........648 A Stewart 767 E Dark.......... 64 J McVettie.,'16 5 N Honver...... 63 8 P Alderson..,72 3 A MoFadzean.63 8 R Grant ..... 71' N Shew..........67.4 O Hall 87.5 Examined in 8 subjects -- E E Mar tin ,. 83 3 N, Srnith .. 61 Examinedin 2 subjects, - L .5leelrter,81.6 FORM I1 al Jewitts.•79.3 el Oliver. ....,,383 M McNair.,. 78.7 A Ballantyne.,58' L Thuell 73.1 L McKay..........68 E Olivet .........73 R Astral. ....-65 4* E Dennison ..71 7* G Best ...... 65 1 M MUDuuga11.711 C Strachan....548 J Walker.-- 65 4 G Stewart .... 48 8 O Bolger. 01 2 C Cardiff..... 45 8 V Lowry ...•80.5 0 Cameron.35,7*" M Pessmore80 it FORM I K McVettie.,.,79 2 I Keyes........ 80 4 M Alcock 76.2 L Olouse........59 .K Ferguson 76 E Pollard..... 68 8 M Fet'guson....7e 4 V Smith .......,68.5 S Ballantyr e73.6 Thuell .57 lvH matrgwaY721 G Lrl unser.... 644* \V Frain 85.7 0 Whitfield - 51 8 F Dane .,,85 5 A McNair. 60 1 V Mc0utchecu84.7 M Little47 1 D MacDonald 642 E Davidson,. 42 5* J Messer 64 2 Bessie Leitch.40 8 N McDowell61.2 R Armstroug39 Eckmierp-..... 81 PEARL \f. TAYLOR, P vin DEAN GEDDE9, Asst. ROOM III Report for November and Decem- ber. Pupils examined hi Read., Gram., Arith., Geog., Hist., Spell., Comp. Those marked * missed ex- atninations, SR, IV J Ferguson. 89 J Oliver. ...78 F Strachan. 83 L Rose 78 D Clarke ... 31 I Sohwadron....74 E Chapman 80 F Oliver .......70 MSparliug. 79 D Thompson....68 JR. IV J Stewatt 82 L Champion 83 R Pollard..., 80 11 Stretton. 83 P Backer ...,...,73 hl Mc'ettie 82 ill Walker... .... .71 J McOracken..,81 T McDonald .,..68 L Heist.... ..... 41* W Galbraith... 65 SR. II1 M Thom ea n....77 01 huell . D Ennis 70 S Scott, 83 D McDonald....75 H Ohampion.,81 A Grewar.......'12 F Lowry 60 W NcMillau....72 hf Logan69 M ..... 70 H Kerr .......58 J Yolleok .., 89 D Warwick....56" A Logan 89 G Sparling.....60" fe Dennison88 M Harkness. ,.41" S Clarke 1 .... 68 OLIVE RiNTOIIL, ROOM 11 Hnnnre 75 ; Pass 80. Examined in Lit., Geng., Writ:, Spell., Read., aud. Arith. Christ m'as Tree Entertainment Under; joint` auspices of Ethel Preebyteriati .and Methodist Sunday Sohoole. Township Hall, Ethel Tuesday ev'g, Dec. 20 Excellent'' program of Drills, Dialogues, Choruses, Motion Songs: Etc, This is to be -a WHITE QIFT TREE Presents received for Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto. Admleslon'26 and 16 conte.. Robe. Barr, A. McKee, Sup, ?reaby 3. 0. Meth. 5, 0. .3R. II J White ..........98 A. McOracken..-.85 M McDonald..-90 6Tn GLASS Examined in same, S Burchill....... 95 J Smith.........82 JMcDocvell 92 N'1'homeou.....80.... J Douglas 90 0 Parveon 78 11 Hamilton --88 R Fax 76 B Yolleck....... 85 4Ta CLASS D Wheeler...... 95 E Heist,. ..... ,72 G Holland:.. ... 80 3ztn CLASS Excellent -E Browne, ,J Kerr, G Thuell, hi McQuar'rie. Good -151 Si J Rutledge, W Edwards, P 8r'yans, M Roe, T alottltosh, W J Rutledge. 2ND CLASS Excellent -H Smith, E Prentice, E Dennison, M Schwadron, 8 Yolleok. Good -L Kerr, IST CLASS Excellent -A. Pope, 5 Lowe. Good -J Ritchie, Ai McDowell. Fait' -W Heist. F. L Bi7CZIANAN. Church Chimes In Melville church last Snnday morn - tog the pastor took "Study iq Home Life," the Virgin Mary being She il- lustration and at the evening service "The relationship between Life and Light" was the theme. "He that believetb shall not make 1 haste" or the g.iapet of patience and pre. paredness was the subject of Rev' Mr. sermon Clarke'. a s man Sunday morning awl "If any man thirst let him come unto Me and drink," at +he eveutng set vice, He deo eerie gene a fine address on Paul ntid Ci^.rothy et the Sunday School. Next Sutidav will be the ebniversary of Brussels Methodist chureb and will also partake of the annual Christmas re- Eerence in song and address. Rev, Mr. Clarke will occupy the pulpit and special musie will be rendered by the choir. Officials are asking for a gener- ous thank c.ffering, eaeo being set as max mum and are hoping for a worth-' while rally from the congregation, both in gifts and attendance. LLostxa Sxavica -Last Sabbath evening Rev Mr, Johnson closed his official duties as Rector of St. John's churcb. Auumberof folk from sister ehurch:s joined with the congregation-, on this occasion. The dinner -se was a Christmas one from the text "On Earth Peace Goodwill toward men," He re- ferred to the strife IEe an d st ru les' Q In the .aorld a bd shower"! that the mission of Jesus was to silence all discord and rnitate and consummate Peace. The more the Master's rule was acknow- ledged the larger wnulrl grow the real Peace and goodwill. Congregation was urged to be bearers of goodwill wherever they went aid thereby bring into practic- al illisire lti ou the so i fthe if o ag u ell c choir At Bethlehem. Rector r thaiked the congregation for kindness show and referred specially to the fine belp the choir afforded him. He also appreciat- ed the friendship of the community to Mrs. Johnson, his daughter end him. self, Wished the congregatiou pros- perity in the days to come. Choir gave a fine musical program with Mrs. F. S. Browne as leader anti organist. In ad- dition to s well snug anthems appro- priate solos were rendered by Cbas. Pope and Miss Isabel Strachan, the let- ter kindly assisting the choly. Mist Marjory Campbell and Fred. Wilkins took solo in the chants. Rev, Thursday or aveek perd C. PSR, Steamvltip "Melita" from St. johns, with Manchester, England, as their des. tiiatiob, We with. them bon voyage and a pleasant stay M England and a return to the land of the Maple if they find their their heart '8 still on !bis sided the Atlantic. We hope to hear from Rev, Mr Johnson oceaatonally and will give readers of Tart Po.T the benefit of his letters. . JR. III 13 Holland,., 83 F Semis .... 84 A ThornpsonSO CKernaghan.•.•68 V Wilson 79 G Kellington. , 59 M Strachan 78 *51 Somervllle...68 1 Brown 71 E Edwards. 53 E Wilson SR, II Examined in Spell., Arith" Comp., Writ„ Geng,, and Read. D MoVettie95 LThuell ,.......• 85 H Seeker ,. 88 1 S,nith 69 G Yoll ek e 32 0 Ennis. 55 L Rutledge, 69 J Smith 49 K T7tue11 ,.....88 JR, II Examined in Arith„ Geog„ Read, Writ„ Spell, M Downing,. .... .84 W Ohatnpion81 el Ennis 88 H Whittard 68 OWelker......,..83 T Walkey66 G finrgess 72 R Farrow 63 I) Rutledge,..... 71 .1 Rernaghan58 J Hamilton 88 F Edwards...., 45 17 Fox ..... .. 88 Har, Wlrittnrd.48 11 Thomson ...64 J Caldivell34 L Harkness.... 83 KATHLEEN WILTON. R00MI Examined in all subjects, SeatraoAv night and Sunday forenoon King Winter occupied a prominent p on the weather program end pre. seuled 1t in the double forte style. Snow wash evidence but the drstribu• tion was very uneven owing to the gale that was blowing. Ting wee the rough- est spell tbls Winter. The tallow Who Wes crying for rougher -weather should kavabesn will satiisisti.