The Brussels Post, 1921-12-15, Page 5$u$llttrs:O CA$D t• MO. SUTHERLAND Inc SONS LIMITED liVacratterCE WM. SPENOE CONVEYANCER sem ISSUER or MARRIAGE LICENSES Ipce In Ike :Port Oates. Ethel. .804 (PecArv'as Moms, licAfegfang JAS, E, SMITH ^ PROPRIETOR This popular hostleryla open to the public: in all departments of a lrlrat-shies Hetet.. RArtS 42 00 per day, ;8,80 a week to steady Boarders Meals served at regular hours. Phone t4 O1ean,aomfortable hods. OR. WARPL4W Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary: College. Day and night oalis, OtSoe oppodtt•. Flour M111, Isthel, JAMES M' RADZE AN Igent Buick Mutual fire Insurance Company Phone 48 Turnberry Street, Presents Successor to John Harris, Walton. T. T. M'RAE M•B•. M. 0. P. 4 S. O. M. 0, a., Village of Btuneell Physician, Surgeon, A000noheir C Moe at residence, oppoolte Melville Church William street. PROUONOT, Ii!WORIiM & COOKE Barristers, 8oyicItore, Notaries Public, &c. Omoe on the Square, 2u: door from Hamilton Street, GODBRIOH-. ONT.. Private funds to loan et lowest rates. W. PROUDFOOT g, C. J. L. KTLLORA t$. J. D. Coon% Winter term opens Jan. 3rd ELLIOTT Yong( & Dharloe Ste., Toronto Ia noted throughout Canada for highh g.0rad business ern, Sonbet. yter In the Dotn-0 Sony Baal. teas Colleges employ oar graduates no Y. atuis are now In business life Write tesehere Thousands of nor former for onr handsome catalogue. Students g ? admitted m any time. W. a. ELL/OTT. PRINCIPAL , MI 'L t MIALVLSVMOZViairALVILLOYAree, BRUSSELS HORSE FAIRS RS Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in Brussels this season Re follows :- THURSDAY, JAN. 5TH, 1922 FEj3.2ND, 1922 MAR 2ND, 1922 APRIL OTto, 1922 Local4. and Outside Buyers Will be Present By Order of Connell. F. B. BOOTT, Clerk. Well Tools FOR SALE 275 feet It inch Drill Rope nearly new, 1 set Jars and Rope Socket, 1Sinker, 16 feet by 3 incise, 1 4 -inch Sand Pump, 15•inch Sand Pump, 14•inch Reenter, 26.inch Pieeweee and Bite for came, Also a length of 0 -inch Oaeing. All for sale cheap as owner has no use for therm. Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired Woll Drifting done ea united. Oall up Phone 28x GEO. BIRT, I3i2UssELs •++++++++++++++.1.+++++++++44 I' What About Your ' 4. JPOULTRY I I + I f WILL pay the highest mar- ; kat price for all the I'ouitr•y you have to sell and call et e, your place for thew. e. * M. Yolleck + Phone 2x 1 LU1SS13LS Representative Wanted RarnnainnavIVI WANTan for Brnnnele and Huron county to represent "Tho Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries, Hig soles ere to be made In soling Nursery stook during the reonn- atruotloa period. A splendid opportunity for 0 live salesmen, Highest oonnnlsIions Paid, hendeome, free equipment,1nro Tina oC fruit Mid ornamental stook to onsor, Storm er WahrineToar Toronto, Ont, Suggestions BUY EARLY BUY SOMETHING USEFULI BUY SOMETHING SERVICEABLE i What Gould be more appro- priate than a pair of nice' KID OR FELT SLIPPERS Ali the most pleasing shades of the season and to be had at very moderate price. Men's, . Women's . and Children's floe Kid Shoes MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK SHOES Single and Double Harness and Harness Parts Trunks, Club Bags, Suit Cases, Rugs, Wool Blankets and Heavy Team Blankets, For Srvice and Chapman Bros. Qualitytr Total )jtem Roan every advt. COUNTY Court is on at Goderich this week. Surma -Dm hustled in quite a quantity of wood. CRatsTMAS comes one week from next Sunday, w LEr's have a twentieth amendment forbidding whine. WHAT is your specialty in boostlug Brussels and locality ? NEXT Monthly Horse Fair will be Thursday, January sth. STATUTORY Municipal Council meet.' Inge 'Thursday of this week. As oftomist : a member of the Liber- ty League who continues to pay his dues. ' 4 cerise a week pays the subscription to THE POET. It surely should be worth that, AUTOMOEILEs'are still busy in large numbers uotwitbstandlng that half of December is tabulate d. AN ;ufotmal. dancev/111 be held in Wednesday edea d Brussels P Rouse nus W Opera Tog 280 inst. Wingham Orchestra, PEonLRM:— Here Is a knotty problem, Which we have to How can we make our money last Unless we make it UNITED FARMERS Ann has been in session at week as well as the Women's Couveu- tion Co-operative Company's annual meeting. You will be well advise first cold—weatber twin [ism before it develops. Use the Stand- and Remedy, T. R. C.s the positive Asthma rem( Jas. Fox; in Walton by s a a e' Y Y n Dg nursed first ? nal Convention, Toronto this d to check that Re of Rbeuma- RAZ-MAH, dy, also sold by W. G. Neal. IF you know anything that we don't know which the people ought to know, but don't know, don't you know that it is your duty to let us knots it ; that the people may also know what we ought to know, but don't' know - be• cause you won't let us know, don't you know ? I. D. Atkin, Milverton, disposed of a White Wyandotte cockerel at the Guelph Winter Fair to Joseph Russell, M. P Toronto for the sum of $5o. The bird too k 3rd prize in the contest, but for all that, Mr. Russell clams he was the best bird in the show, and when fully de• veloped will be hard to beat auywbere. Geo. Mantling Brussels, sold this cock- erel to Mr. Atkin, we understand. DID You 'GET A No'rlcx?—Many Of TILE 1'1MT subscribers to arrears have beetfseut a statement of account in case they did not underston(1 the reading of the address label, We have many hun- dred dollars due and are living in hope of manyprompt p m t res oases, We t P P lank those who haveo do a theirar Ir P t already Y but would like to soy a newspaper bust• mess today can't be run on even good promises or lu>entions as our creditors will not accept them and give us a re- ceipt. Cash is, what they demand. 'Toe Poor bas a host of good paying patrons and very few dead buts hence we live in hope and with the help of the Diet- sion Court will stir up the latter. MoToa LicENsxs:—No delay in con necuon watt the issuing of the new motor licenses is anticipated this year, Chief Clerk ' P. Brckett, of the Motor Vehicles Branch of toe Ontario Depart meat of Public Flighty eye, stated las week that (bey expected to be ready to start the work of issuing in full swing promptly on January Ist. About hall of the full supply of 1922 licenses bad been received at the Department al- ready, and ne was sure that tbere would be nu delays this year. The new license mar kersit w i carry black *numeral's on a white background the plates and general design will be practically the same as this year's, but the visibility of the numbers is expected to h eincreased bythe fact that at t1e figures will be four inches in height Instead of about three inches as on the, year's markers. It is expected tbat the usual plan of allowing motorists a month to which to secure the new license will be followed this year. Everybody knit -Ws that in Canada there are more Templeton's Rheumatic. Capsules Sold than alt other Rheumatic Remedies combined for Phew. matiem, Neuritis, Neuralgia( Sciatica, Lumbago, etc. Many doctors prescribe thein, moat druggists eel! them. Write for free trial to Templeton, Toronto. Sold by Jas. Fox 1 in Walton by W. G. Neal; IRiSH QUESTION SETTLED "Ireland shall have the same con- stitutional status in the oauwullity of' tuitions known as the British Empire as the Dominion of Canada, the Oow- roanweal th of Australia, the Dominion of New Zealand and the union of South Africa. with a Paa'liment leaving powers to make laws for the peace, order and good government of Ireland, and an Executive responsible • to that. Partiamant, and shall be styled and known as the Irish Free•State." Such is tate first article of "a treaty between Great'Britaiaand Ireland" which was signed, on behalf of Great Britian by Lloyd George, Anacin Chamberlain, Lend Birkenhead, Winston Churchill, Sir Laming Worthington Bvans, Sir Homer Greenwood, Sir Ciento') Hew- ett, and on behalf of Ireland by At. thus Griffith, Michael Oollfne, Robert Barton, E. J. Duggan and Gavan. Duffy. Mensa SCHOOL REPORT,—The following is the report if r n U. S- S N . P u12, Morris' Cls and Hallett for the mouth of Novem- ber ; Sr, IV—Total 400 -Stewart Young 300, Sr. I1I—Total 400—Aud- rey Bryant 354 ; Harriet Taylor 846 ; Bert Lydian 219. Jr. III—Total 403— Edith Pattereun 2SO. Jr. II -Total 200—Wray Bryant 1511 William Hef- frou 149. Those present every day were Audrey Bryant' and Wray Bryant. DIXON MCGOWAN, teacher. Jamestown SCHOOL REPORT.—F011owitig allows the percentage obtained by the pupils in U. S. 3. No. 16, Howick and Grey, for November :—Sr. IV—Bert Spence 64. Jr. IV—Ethel Mc0reery69 : Law. Doig 35, Sr. I1I—Matilda Peters 60 ; Isabel Doig 45 ; Andrew Dreg 32 ; Cecil Granger` 28; Jr. III—Eva Brown 78 ; Nellie Duig 66 ; ()Often 141cDonald 49; Aunie Sulnnidt 34; Clarence Grainger( SI ; Lrileea Hislop 31 ; Mervyn Grainger' I5. Jr. II— Martha Peters, Irene Grainger. "— Hollis Schmidt. Sr. Primer—Margar- et Schreidt, Stanley Grainger. Jr. Primer—Dorothy Brown, Ruth Mc- Lennan, Leila Hielnp. ANNIB el ORRAY, Teacher. Walton Miss Simpson was visiting her ala- i ter, Mee. McLaren, at Oromerty.. John Clark has bought a grocery business at Harriston. His sat, James, and daughter, iniac Edna, will oondurt the bu.inese. Their matey t filends wish them every success. I BARN BORN.ED.—A disastrous fire •°courted of 1 SAturda night, 3rd ' y ng teat. ' when the barn al I and hen house of Alex, Somer. r C e , I M'I I Rnad, 'L'uokeremith, were burned to tbegtound. No stock was destroyed, but a quantity of hay told brain was IOst, L tte was first noticed between 7,80 and 8 o'clock itud was fact gaining headway. It took but a Ifew minutes fur a Targe c>uwd to gather es the reflection of - the fire cntalti be seen for tulles, but frau the that the barrt was doomed, and hod it tint been for the untiring effnrte of the neigl,bule, the house would likely have met the same fate. A high wind 111(41 beau bin who,' all day, but fortun- ately had calmed (11)3914 somewhat. Bots the lire started is a Mystery as uo one herd been near the been for over an hear. Mr. Sauter and family wi h to express their appreciation of the splendid work done by theit friends and neigh bore in Hghing the the. • PRrs RXTbRIAM. N W.i1 8—Decent. bee Ineetrng wits held at the Manse nod was well attended, She, Jno, Ritchie was appointed President, as Mrs, J Lawson declined the honor. This has been 1 eat aood year in the Societys history b eleetluga have been held i11 the country 1omee(Wr•- ing the Summer, mantle and have been very successful, average for the 8 meetings thus held was •ahont 85 in attenda008 at each meeting. Mem- bers have been keenly interested in the Study Books and have taken the parts allotted to them with very few exceptions. 43 Messengers are taken, thus showing a desire to botterstauld alt about the work on the mission fields. Steely was taken by ales. .1. I•.lielnp aewsted by several others, all striving to de their pert, Mrs. Chandler gave a reading on "Steward- ship of Wealth" and Mrs, Ramsay on the work in Ln(lia. At the close of meeting a lufieh was served by Mrs, Chandler, It was decided to hold the meetings in the chelch (loving the Winter, A box of good thinge is be- ing shipped this week to the Rescue Hoole, presided over by Mies Retta. Offleere for next year are :--110t. P1esidents, "Mrs (Rev,) Chandler, Mies M. Slnilile; President, Mrs Jno, Ritchie; 1st vice Pres., Mt'e, James 1 Lawean ; .2nd vice Free,, Mrs,' ,Ino.. Mtrllonaltl ; Sid Ole Pres,, Mee. Robt. Ooutte ; 4 vice Prit s„ Mrs, Robt, Reid ; 6tlt vita Pree, Mrs. J J, hltGayin • 5111310tar'y, Mrs. D. McOallum ; Treae• mer, Mia Rubt, Fi rguso{> ; Supply Sao, Mis A. Gardiner; Ytrellgere Sec., Mrs P. McArthur; 'Borrie llelpr tis Sec , M> e, P. Gardiner ; Prete Sec,, Mrs, Hegh Campbell ; Library and Lit, Sac„ Mas. Joe. Bennett; Messenger .Sue., Mee. Walter David - eon, . Listowel NURSES GILADUATION.—The grad - eating exert:mail ill 0onnection with the Listowel Meutoriel Unepital were held in the Mottle Hall, which was HJled Ivitlh people of the town and surrounding country. Graduating sloes eoneleted of Allier Margaret Pear. call,, Mise Relmeta McDonough and NI NS Myra. Neilly, all of whom took firet•elase honors., Dr. J. J. Forbes, Chairman of the board, presided, and gave an interesting address on the bone tai and its requirements. He emphasized the naetl of a purses" home in the near future end hoped for liberal grants from the town and -the Toonefip Councils. Dr. Alexan• der MacKay, Tnrollto, Inspector of Pigeons and Charitable Institutions, addressed the gµltduating class, Mies Robinson, Superintendent of the hospital, administered the oath and presented the pine. Dr, Philp, the oldest mediae] than in town, gave a abort and witty address and present- ed the diplomas. F. W. Hay, M. P. P.. by whose gertei•osity the town re- ceived the building which was con ver•ted into the hospital, gave a short address. plu'icel part of program was given by Mrs. Adam Hamilton, Mieses Vera Grey and Luella Scott, and >Meesrs. F'rtkbeiner, Zuibiigg, Blackmore and Felton. Flowers were presented by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary and the Busy Bee Chapter. I. O. D E. The Hospital Auxiliary also presented (11401 graduate with a text book on nursing, and the Hospi. Cal Board gave each a nurses' case of 'nett entente, Women's Hospital Auxiliary served refreshments. Blyth 0 K. Taylor's health is improving, Geo. Spotter] hada majority of 10Jn Blyth on Election Day. The Max Wolsh stahle burning ease was on at Guderich this week. hliesinrt Band of Presbyterian church will hold a Bazaar on 17th list. Proceeds from offering and supper at Preshytetian church annivereary tr>telled 3540. .A fine showing. Owingr attack t n A / of lumbago John Barr was unable to attend Guelph Winter Fettir. 1st time he missed it: 15 years, Last Sunday evening there was a union Bible Society service in Trinity church. Revile. Messrs. Telford and Tiffin addressed the congregation. New A Y P. A, officers of Trinity church are :—President, F. Slowan vice Pies., Austin Spafford; Sec., Dorothy Yoward ; Treas., Fred. Frank ; Organist, Vera Armstrong 1 Ex Com , Alice Watson, Alfie Emigh and J, Daley. Fordwich W. H. Lynn is making a good re. covery from his operation for ap- pendicitis Rev, F. E. Olyedale was nursing a very sore linger, blood poisoning be- ing feared. He bad pierced the finger with a piece of tin arid dirt got into the sore, caused the trouble. Dominion Election day was a busy time in Hawick township. The re- sults mf voting were :—Ring, 763 Sportful, 538; Fraser, 149. Majority for King 230 Will. Campbell, Egbert Sanderson and Roy Strang were in Guelph as the judging team repree• enthtg Huron County at Judg- ing Onwpetitinn held in that city. Te,u119 11 nw 22 0nunties took part and our buys carried off the 9th prize. MAUOE C• BRYANS OPH IHALM OLOG,ST Graduate Department of Ophthalmology. a lmgy, Mc- Cormick k Medlenl Cote e, 11. ThreeMmonths est graduate coarse duringyear 1819. Eyes Corrootly fitted with Glasses. . b t Next Monday evening Methodlet Sunday School Will hold their animal Ohriettnes Thee euterteiumep7 ill or's H1411. nnWeldkalw r3Iineeay*nothgMs.WM,. dent ofa of township, and Nish of Mre, Belt Faille, formerly of this village. Interment took place on, Saturday afternoon. A quiet wedding was solemnized on W edneeday afternoon 110th ult., at the parsonage, Foldwi017 Rev, F. 1:. Olysdale officiating, when Barbara iii, Litt, daughter, of Joe, and Mee. ,Litt, and Albert 13, McDowell, eon of Wesley and Mre, McDowell, Wallace, were united in holy bonds of metre. mony, They will take up residence on grooni's farm in Wallace. The home of W. J. Spotton, Orange Bill, hada narrow escape from de- struction by fire early Thursday rooming, Dec. 1st, Fr out some un-. ktrowfl cause it stalled in a elotiles closet under the stairway and when discovered had gained ooneiderabie headway. Several overcoats and other wearing apparel were deetroyetf and same of the wood -work damaged, It was Indeed lucky that discovery was made so early aa in a short while the fire would have gained uncontroll- able headway. Perth County 34,500 was paid by Percy Barlow for Fred. Henry's doe residence at Mitohelt. Snlueone entered house being vt- sated by Alex. Oolquhoun, St. Marys, and stole Mise Grace Oolquhoun's gold watch. The cement bridge over Fish Creek, Prospect Hill, is completed and will beopen for traffic about middle of Dem, Stanleqce,beryoungest son of C. F, and Misr, Dahmer, Milverton, underwent an operation aud is doing as well as cab be expected. Harold Moore, St, Marys, who suff- ered loss of a hand while working at a chopping machine, has returned to his home in Paris. Miss Carrie Symmons, book-keeper at St. Marys Oreamery, had a very successful operation on her nose at a London hospital. Mitchell Advocate and Exeter Ad- vocate are carrying on a discussion about relative beauty of Mitchell and Exeter girls' ankles. Alterations to accommodate a larger number of patrons at St. Marys poet - office are being made, by which some 124 new lock boxes are being added. A trade of emrei(l ra e bl imp n OI'ta l P I ce took place at T horudal e when W. M. Wright traded his farm for Joseph Gleason's general store business in village of Tborndale. Joseph Meighen, Ottawa, father of ex -Premier Meighen, is in St. Marys, where he purposes buying a home among his old friends to spend his de- clining years. The 13 new houses erected this year in Mitchell and -which are all of them are ready for occupation, have been either sold or rented. There is not an empty house or flat in Mitchell. Isaac Langford, 15th Con., London Township, has purchased a home in Thorndaie, where be and Mrs. Lang- ford purpose spending the remainder of their days. :Miss Langford, teacher in the Continuation school, is a daughter, and will reside with them. Shakespeare Mothers' Club met on Monday evening with a good attend- ance. One feature of the evening was the closing of the membership con- test,. 33 new members were taken in during the 3 months, with Mrs. E. King's side winners. Annual meeting of Downie Farmers' Club was held at St. Paula, and was lar'g el y attended. Following officers were elected ;—President, James Thompson ; Vice -President, Harry Stewart; Secretary Treasurer, Alex, Frame ; directors, Thee. Boyee, Geo. Aitchi son, Henry Morrow, Richard Clyne, Joe, Altcheson and Jas. Rye- lop. outh Perth Educational Associa- tion elected following officers :—Hon- orary President, J. 13, Smith, public school Inspector ; President, Bon. Nelson Monteith ; Vice President, Jo Mountain aisle •e - S aTre a s Miss M. cOttli Exact iv it e Y . Committee, ea Hib- err, A. A. Oolquhoun and R. Rog - lath ; Fullerton, Roily Smith and as, Woodley ; Blanchard, Jas. mire and Mrs. Hookway ; Downie, re. S. Richardson and J. McKay ; moth Eaethope, Jacob Krug and Jas. Ogilvie. en 13H, Dry Itchy Ey ea, Granulated Bye- g lids, Watery Eyes, Pato in Bye Balla, Inflamed Eyes, Poe or wintery Dtsol>nrge from Eyes and M Dizziness oan.ed by Eyestrain relieved th, ough properly fitted Glasses. h1 9 ',1rosa Byes straightened through proper. ly fitted Len.es dslrBres met 'd et night equally as good as during daylight. A11 kinds of 0341081 repairs done. Satisfaction Assured. Optical Parlor in Leckie bleak, one door South of Barrister Binclslr's mem. Ogee hours : 10 to 1.2 a, m 1 80 to 8 p. m, Saturday Earlie r toreuoupa by appoint ant, Phone 28x • There are nearly 1,000 Japanese and t7hinese pupils attending the Vancou- ver public echonls, according to stat- istics recently given out. There are 490 Chinese and 501 Japanese, These students are feom 1 to 7 years older than the other members of their c1Ags- es. In the majority of cases, school P. New Stock oRubbers TO HAND Ata Specially Low Price 1111110111111111 Bargains in Men's Pants IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE THEM, Joe Schwaciron STOMACH ULCER ANO GALL STONES After Suffering 26 Years, Completely Relieved by "FRUIT-A•TIYE5" MR, EDWARDS MAPLxnURer FARM, FIILLIIUner, P.Q "I am in my 78111 year. About 25 years ago, I began to have trouble with my Stomach. One doctor said I had Cancer; another said, Ulcer of tate Stomach; another, Gall Stones; others, Ulcers of the Liver and Inflamma- tion of the GallBladder. Three years ago, I consulted one of the best specialists in Montreal. He said I must go to the hospi- tal, have an Uleer out out of my stomach and gall stones removed. I was then 74 years old. I said "N0." Then, I began to take "Fruita-tires'. I found they helped me a lot, and I still take them occasionally, and 1 nen so much better that my old friends often ask me what I have done to myself to look so well. lam gaining in weight and enjoyinglife verymItch" H. W. EDWARDS. 60e a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25c, At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit• a-tivu Limited, Ottawa. principals do not consider the Ori- entals ahindrance to other pupils. Frank Williams was arrested by. po- lice, Woodstock Saturday afternoon, chargeded with stealinga baby bu The buggy was occupied by bonne - lug tally, The man arrested claimed he had promised g local woman a bug- gy, and that on Friday he paid 35 for one. He did not know the mac from whom he bought it. The Argos won the Canadian senior rugby championship, Tnronto, by de- feating the Edmonton Eskimos in the anal game by the score of 23 to 0, in a game in which the score is hardly a 009)801 indication of the play, as the visitors gave the interprovincial cham- pions a harder battle than the score signifies. The new champions have gone through the season without a de- feat, Saturday's victory being their 9t11 straight since the season opened on Oct, 1, and they have scored 228 points to their opponents' 55. ;BUILD NOW WHY NOT ? ;p35o.ao a year ago would buy only 1000 feet Oak Flooring, For $350,00 Tv -day We will Furnish 1000 ft. Oak Flooring 1000 ft, Bill Stuff 1000 ft. Sheathing 1000 ft. Bevel Siding 1000 ft. Undressed Lumber 1000 XXX. Shingles 1000 Lath 2 Outside Door Frames and Doors 5 Window Frames Sash complete. and All First_ciass Material. Build with Wood and Sa.ve;Money See Us AMENT BR05, Phone 16 Brussels Spontaneous combustion, was Saturday found to have started in a car of coal, standing on the spur line of the Hamel Furniture Company Mildmay. It is thought that the coal had been smouldering for about 20 hours, and the discovery possibly averted the complete destruction of the plant, as the car of coal was close to the building, •sesoearsasaesswtests••••••N••••••••••••••••••••••• • • 4. • O. • - • • • • • - • • The Palace Bakery • • The Best • • •• • X��.� Christmas Loaf • • _If�/I•I~ ,•f�•ii i•m. .I•• ! o�Io•••• •toa •e••• aw • • oe• o•• ••ee • • ••• ••i •• • •••• •(• •• e• • • •. W. E. WILLIS •• •••40•••••comes from Willis' Balt- ey. Of coulee it's just as good any nther time as at Christmas time,but it seems to taste even better on the great holiday. Serve it your table and delight your guests. Gifts that Last at Moderate Prices Do Your Xmas Shoppioq Now The Jewelery Store is the best place to get suggestions for Christmas Presents. Our stock is right up-to-date, Let us Show You Our line Pearl Set NeckletsWatches, and Pelldas, Diamond Rings,, Pettit Pins, CRuffgLit Linke. Signet Rings, Silvier Silverware Chains, inds, Out Glass, Fanny China, Purses, Pipes, Auto Sttop and Gillette Safety Razors. Flashlights, Kodaks and Cameras, French d sold sepR9aata. Ladies'Ivory lU ldGents'11Gtoldeand s l Silver Mounted Snit Case Umbrellas, Xmas Post Cards, Seals, Tags and Booklets, WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS 82.50 133 00 34.00 85,00 and 36,00 each Give her a Diamond this ehristntas ~ Theta to no other Gift she will cherish like a Diamond. A. nice variety to choose from, Prices 19070 825,00 to 4100 00, Ottloar'stook of of XMAS GIFTS THAT LAST J. R. WE /illi I". JEWELER AND OPTICIAN WIeI:JXE f sic,