The Brussels Post, 1921-12-15, Page 4be CxUgZta IPS/
1110ec=acrn brains are recommended as)
acerenpartier for the same variety of
tires I the Management of automobiles.
It lacks like a wise suggestion.
AN'idle man, particularly tf work is
obtainable, is a menace to the laird and
A wart upon the body politic,Faith-
fully fi'iing your niche in life is one of
tee best evieenees of true manhood,
Wept now that it's all over let us kiss
and make tip and boost Canada for all
we're worth no matter t whoi '
m is power.
We hope piedge•makers will not forget
their vows and early set the wheels a -
moving to reduce our tremendous debt.
WHO'LL be the leader of the Liberal
party Ip the Ontario Legis'ature as suc-
cessor to Hartley Dewart, resigned ?
Stome say Welliugtou Hay, of Listowel,
who is at present filling the gap. Others
think Major Tolmie, Windsor, might be
offered the job
Nor much wonder Hon Mackenzie
King was chosen Premier of Canada
Tuesday of last week as we notice the
Friday before the question was debated
and settled at Mitchell High School
Literary Society under the following
title:—"Resolved that Hoe. Mackeuz'e
King would make a better Premier than
Hon. Arthur Meighen or Hon. T, A.
Crerar." South Perth electors also
hocked up the affirmative debaters by
electing Wm. Forrester by a tidy major-
ity to support lion Mr. King.
Because a Hamilton school marm,
named Miss Cat'bbert, gave Stdnee
Painting an overdose of "strap oil"
Magistrate Jeffs fined her Sto oo and
c 1sts The J. P. says 1 or 2 strokes
should have been sufficient punishment
for telliog an untruth but the admin-
s'rator gave s5, Perhaps when her
"dander" was up she lost track of her
count. It is to be boped Sydney will re-
member the lesson and cancil bis Anani•
as membership. fa the "good old days"
the teachers did not Stop at r5 they were
well up o0 birch wielding but they got
results all right and no fine.
MICHIGAN State possess many fine
people, sober, steady and industrious
but the education of some of them bas
been sadly neglected in distinguishing
men from deer, As a result this past
bunting season there are no less than
22 deaths, with another score wounded.
In one or two instances wilful shooting
is charged and arrests made. A hunts•
man must be extremely anxious to se-
cure game when be would not rather
miss a shot where he is not certain as to
the "game." There have been numer-
ous instances of the same error in the
wilds of Northern Ontario. To say
"I'm sorry" after life bas been taken is
only adding insult to injury in most
Haag's good luck to the early settle-
ment of the Irish scrap. It's been long
delayed but the intermediate events
may have done good. Experience 10 a
wonderful teacher and the lessons learn-
ed are generally of practical stelae.
Meddlers' can cause disquietude yet and
hinder the brotherliness that should
exist between the members of the
British Empire but murders, wonndings
and burning to say nothin g of the tier
vows strain• worry and all that, is very
apt to put people into a thinking mood
and cause them to see things through
a different pair of spectacles. Let the
dove in with the olive branch,
HELEN DRERLER, with Chicago as her
postomce address, is a much married
woman, having bad no less than 16 men
in 3 years and the 17th on the string
when her dashing career was baited.
Rumor says she was receiving about
$soo monthly by this matrimonial pro•
gram. Her choice of occupation for
hubbies appears to run toward soldiers
and sailors. Helen will have to desist
for a while from this dizzy whirl end
take holidays in a government home
This will also allow her less energetic
sisters to close up matrimonial alliances
without being pushed aside by such a
booster as Mrs, Drexler. They should
get a move on though while Helen is in
the"coop," Delays are dangerous.
WELL, everything appears to be run-
ning along about the same old way since
Tuesday's Dominion Election and none
of the dire disasters promised by the
calamity howlers if Hon. Mackenzie
King were elected to power have hap-
pened so far. How silly—if not crazy—
to talk suer rot, Even as old a head as
Bur star Morphs), of Listowel, who w. e
for merry the M. P, for North Perth was
credited with threatening to leave the
country, if the Meigben Government
were not returned. As Morphy was
beaten by Dr Rankin, of Stfatford, by
about Ego it looks as if H B is going to
Wive lots of time to pack his Saratoga
and move Perhaps it WAS just simply
bunk )re Was spelling rind tf so he is like-
ly to change) his mind, No one party
owns Canada oven if they Act as if they
thought so.
Santa Claus
Ow' stock of
New Confectionery
cat''' be beaten in either
Price or quality,
See our liargains in
Newport Chocolates
All kinds of Nuts and fruits
We ask you to
look our Pipe
Bargains over,
They make
suitable pres-
ents t0 men
who smoke,
W. Aa Grewar
IT is estimated there are 30,000 men
and women out of employment in On-
tario. A move is on band to endeavor
to arrange a plan of work to greatly re-
duce this large number, perticulerly
dating tire Winter time,
WHY would it sot be possible to re-
duce the members of the Dominion Cab-
inet without impairing its efficiency and
thereby cut the first notch in a program
of euttieg down expenditure? Every
curtailment possible should be practised
•'SWAT the fly " While not ,etre most
seasonebie topic to write about in mid
Muter, there's nothing like taking time
by the forelock and be ready for the ar-
rival of gentle Spring and the coming of
the pestiferous house -bold nuisance and
enemy, An old adage says figures wont
lie (unless election returns sometimes)
hence the following from a French pro-
fessor should be pondered. He says 6
female fl es were imprisoned on May 1st
and by Sept 30 be figured the fly family
direct des cendants bad multiplied to the
al Most unb:lievable number of 3,000,
000,000,000,000. Is it any wonder that
"Swat the fly" sbonld be the watchword
of everybody if such a family can be
reared ready to go into business for
themselves at the end of 6 months ?
ss MENNONLTE9 left Erntold, Sask..
lst week, as the first contingent going
to locate at Yellow Pine, Alabama.
They went by special train, re cars car.
ried their belongings. '1 hese folk thought
they were hampered wader the British
flag because special privileges were not
accorded tbem, so they pulled out.
H,pe they will hid everything lovely
but we believe the mac or people who
think Canadian laws and usnages too
narrow and stiff will discover that they
did not improve conditions, no mater
where they cast their lot. We desire in-
creased population but their life and
couduet must barmen ze with the septi
ments of our Dominion or we are better
without them,
The Evils of the Cigarette
Following in the Essay no "The
evils of the Cigarette," written by
Fraser Strachan, Brussels, that wort
the Silver Medal at the W. C. T. 13,
Contest here lust week
Although the majority of people do
not realize it, one of the greatest hin-
drances to National development is
the cigarette habit which ie so preva-
lent among growing boyo and youths.
Cigarettes injure youth') physically,
mentally and morally.
Wonderful 'experiments have been
made regarding the effects of cigar-
ettes upon athletics. These all prove
that the use of cigarettes makes the
competitors nervous and unable to
compete favorably with those who do
not use them. Shortness of breath,
yellow fingers and pale and miserable
faces are some of the effects. The
heart cannot work properly, the lunge
become weakened and the mind does
not act promptly and correctly in
times of greatest need. A young than
who has become a "fiend" and slave
to this deplorahle habit cannot easily
resist the temptation to steal, cheat
and drink,
N. P. Stanffer, a well known Ameri-
can athlete, declares that the sale of
cigarettes should be prohibited and
that they 'should not be tntide.
He etatee that the effects of the in-
haled smoke go directly to the nerve
centre causing parched throats, un-
steady legs and confused mind,
Brain becomes dull and the body does
not do its p, oper work because the
nerves and heart are run down.
MO Smoking -110 Sorosis—•#w trill!
Just Swallow s Capula
RAZ -MAH le Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing, . mom
gatherings in the bronaltiaslop tubes. aim
long nights of quiet sleep; contains as
habit-forming drug. $1.00 at rear dose
gist's, Trial tree at onr ageameea or
Tetapi&nna, 142 King W., Dottie a.
Sold by Jae. Fox ; in Walton by
W. G. Neal.
Agents for the
Edison Diamond Amberola
floe Stock of Records for Christmas
W. F. Stretton
Stretton Block - Watchmaker and Jeweler
Thomas A. Edison, one of the
world's greatest inventors, bas recent
ly discovered that tobacco used in the
form of a cigar or pipe does not harm
au able bodied man, but cigarettes
certainly do. It is not the tobacco
that a cigarette "fiend" craves for but
it is the poisonous wrapper. The
poison produces a degeneration of the
brain which is quite rapid among boys
Edison does not employ anyone who
smoke cigarettes.
An experiment , has been recently
performed by a prominent temperance
lady of Georgia. In one dish she
snaked cigarette papers in water and
in another she soaked common tissue
paper. She set the water of the
cigarette papers in her cellar and
after a few hours found a mouse' lying
dead on the floor. She uses tbie for
killing mice now and finds It very ef-
fective. In the case of a bny who
smoked 1200 packets of cigarettes he
sent them to the company asking how
much they would give for them. The
reply was "Smoke 1200 more and we
will sand ynu a coffin." He would
certainly need it if the wrappers are
ae injurious to mankind as they are to
Kansas has a law compelling school
teachers to instruct their pupils con-
cerning the evils of tobacco and cig-
arettes. In order to set a good ex•
ample for the pupils the teachers are
required to abstain from the use of
tobacco. The use of these vile objects
is making inrnt4de in the strength of
the nerves of all who use them, es-
pecially boys of tender yearn and
women who think the practice smart.
In many cases etuployere prefer
laborers who do not use cigarettes and
-1 in fact some will not employ men or
boys who smoke them no matter haw
ifew. In Pennsylvania a heavy fine
is inflicted upon deniers who sell
cigarettes to young men under 21
years of age ; or for minors who have
them in their possession.
Thesoothing effect which cigarettes
give to the boy who begins smoking is
In reality the numbing of the nerves
It pays boys to sacrifice the "sooth-
ing" effect at the start for they escape
untold misery in after years.
Mr- Hill, President of the American
Tobacco Company, estimates that in
the year 1018 the money invested in
cigar§' tee in United States alone was
5158,000, 000.
The deciding whether a young man
should smoke cigarettes or not is a
very serious question and every able-
bodied, as well as able -minded hny,
should :by all means decide in the
What Readest Thou ?
By D. Rocaae
"Court ye mind, or court ye mirth,
And you shall have your money's
W urth."
It is a great privilege, to be convers-
ant with other minds through the
printed page, and a privilege fraught,
with high t•esponsibility both as to its
use and abuse. He who has a high
aim in life will be governed thereby
in his choice of reading, for whatever
passes before the mind photographs it -
"Busy Bee"
A MODERN, handsome
low priced Steel Range
made of Arnco Steel—High
Closet, Copper Reservoir
and Nickle Plated, adapted
for any kind of Fuel, wood
or coal, and priced so that
every one who needs a Stove can own one. Call and
see our Stoves.
Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges and Quebec Heaters all sizes
)Second hand Wood Stove for sale,
Geo. E. Weller
sale upon It anis beenmee henceforth
Part of it. As the reptile§ that take
their polo'' frena their food the ptind
shapes itself to that which itreoeivee,
A protnineat writer of a few yearsago
tells tie that it was a turning poitttiu
Ids life when in a booketot'e one day
he took up the "Beauties of Ruskin,"
which was a book of extracts, but
pure gold, and it gave him a rapture
rot good Woke, stud everlasting ditgutt
fortlecrepit or immoral literature,
We.hisve sometime§ looked over the
piles of papers that Toad the counters
of eome of the cheap bookstall§ to see
what kind of pabulum is furnished
under' the disguise of mental food for
our youth,. Much of it le cnutensinat-
ing in character, We have been long
convinced that the puhlieation of
"blood and thunder" storiee and the
detail of
s emu a su est mettle to o
! t the
1 )
readee, It le a b'as'h o1) amain that
caleies death with it. The following
incident, sold to have occurred on a
rail,t''ain, will suggest the dlspoeition
that should be made of all each trash.
News Agent on train : "Does any
one want to buy a pack of cards, box
and all, for 25 cents ?"
J, el. Ororve : "Is that all the box
you have ?"
Agent : "Yes, sir,"
J. M, Crowe : "Give them to me.
Here is your quarter."
He put diem into the stoye in pres-
ence of the crowd, (Laughter, and
several „Amens.")
Agent (terribly abashed) ; "Who
are you ?"
Crowe : "I am a moral disinfeeant,"
Another sort, and more pernicious
atilt, is that which sneers at religion
and caricatures its professors and in
etidioualy attempts to undermine the
foundations of morality by painting
she shot t -lived pleasures of sin in such
attractive colors that evil thoughts
are suggested to the minds of the
young, and their sympathies enlisted
on behalf of subtle and soul-destroy-
ing vices. In the past, tnany youth-
ful minds have been saturated with
this foulness and the harvest is already
being gathered. The increase of
juveuile crime ; the astonishing pre-
cocity in evil of boys and girls ; the
prevalent 'of vicious habits and law-
leseness not only among what we call
the degraded elements of society but
in its higher circles ; the growing ir-
reverence and general reckleasneas
of spirit are all owing largely to the
blighting influence of this literature of
the pit, The immature mind craves
excitement and adventure, add the ir-
religious press vomits forth the undi-
gested invaginations and speculations
of wicked men who write only to feed
the morbid taste of beatdlees youth
and simpering maiden§, and after the
that shock to the moral sense they learn
to feed geeedily un dime novels, etc.,
and a depraved taste and a corrupt
life swiftly follow.
Parente are often much to blame in
this 'natter. Itis as tnueh their duty
to provide food for the minds as for
the bodies of their children, and to
guard ae jealously against the cop.
ruption of the orte as against the
poisoning of the other. Our churches
and Sunday eghoola endeavor to co-
operate with parents in this respect
by furnishing the children with 11-
lusttated books and papers suited to
every capacity—from that of the
child in the infant class to the adult
and thoughtful man,
If the evil of pernicious literature
is great, itis not beyond control. We
can "conquer by displacement"—
crowd out the evil by securing only
the good. The beet way to dispose of
a vicious publication of any sort that
should come into your hands is to
destroy it ; do not denounce it and
then leave it to be read by somebody
else who may receive from it irrepar-
able injury. Of the publlshere we ex-
pect nothing. They care not how
they poison the mind and blight the
life so long as their own pockets are
'filled with ill-gotten gains. "As a
than thinketh so is he." Right read-
ine will produce right thinking,
which will evince itself in right con-
duct. It would seem there are at
least two things which all gond penple
need in their pilgrimage—fresh
glimpses of the petit before them, and
the glory to which it leads, and a
quickening of their energy to reach
that mark. Next to the Bible itself,
comes healthy literature in guiding
and cheering travellers Zionward.
St. Thomas, Dec„ 1021. D. R.
Canadian News
Ald. J. Cameron Wilson, M. D„
elected Mayor of Landon.
Fred Payette, Fort William, killed
by fall into hold of a eteatner.
Le Pays, Independent Montreal
newspaper, suspends temporarily.
Workman suffocated it) London,
Ont., sewer, and rescuer drops dead,
Oommisaioner rules Salvation Army
women officers must not wear short
While waiting atti g iii his car for a Chum,
Franklin Read was nye' crone by death
Saturday night at Brantford. He
had filled the tank nn his car at a
gasoline station on King street, and
then got in to wait. Another motor-
ist desired to get his car next to the
pump and aeked Read to move up,
It was then found that he had been
suddenly stricken. He had heen
tentibled with rheumatism of the
The Dominion Allion,'.e for the Sup-
preesinn of the Liquor Traffic has poll-
ed candirlaJes of all parties in all parte
of Canada in past Dominion elections
on the question of whether, if elected,
they would work and vote to promote
the enactment of Dominion 'prohibi-
tion of the manufacture, importation,
expo' talion and inter -provincial
transportation of intoxicating liquors
for beverage purposes. 48 candidates
without tiny 'r'eeervatinn, many of
theta with an enthusiasm, gave hfl-
hefence to Alliance petition, 7 re-
plies were friendly and offer' no ob•
potion whatever to the Alliance pro-
gram, hot are milder in their inclose -
tion of it, 15 vete "011 the defence",
they do not niter art opinion; others
cottrtennsly, declined to do ea. 11
ware frankly not in favor of the pnitny
of the Alliance, but were deailptie t.lrllt
enure legislative action ehnttid be tak-
eh 2 were ettuighr nut in opposition
to Prohibition, Many did not Ieply,
matter of the entato of John clot•
poser, tette of the Townah(p of
Gr•yt to the temerity of Huron, farm.
ere emreaeed.
Meltesle hereby given pareuunt to "0410 110•
vlariil lftatutes of l7ntariu, Chapter 141 xeoften
t0," that till creditors end others having Odom
against the estate of the 0x121001 kadingec,
farmer, Who died on or about the !•lair day ur
Nov , A.U. 1941, are required on ur uurure the
20tikda of December, A.1), 11)21, to send Of post
Matelot or deliver to ,Loafs Hollinger tom of
Like akeeutors of the laud will one testament of
the deoeaeed, et Blyth, e. U Untaimu,'theti'
Ohrlttlon and surnames, addressee end dr•
serlptlone, the full partfenlm'i of their claim,
the statement of their accounts and the nature
of the securities lie Any) hold 15 thorn,'
Anti further take notice Unit after such last
mentioned date the Executors wilt pruused to.
dietrlbuto the assets of the deoeas to Bloungst
the parties entitled thereto, Merin regard
only to the . claita of Which they 0oa11 Mom
notice, and the said Exeuutors wi,l not be
li bre the a
a h said inmate or tiny part thereof to
Nn arson Or persons, Of � 0 moue Y P P e Who cam at tine
thah not have hour r roelvsd by thorn at the
time et snap dlattsy of
Dated this tiOth day of Novi A• D 1021,
Larne'B0 LINI3ER, xnuutore.
0.40013 BOLL1NUnit, ' g
Hog Strayed
Strayed on the premleea of the undersigned
Lot 80, B line, Bowiek township, on 1-etu, 00y,
December Ord, a hug, Owner is reque200 to
prove property, pay expenses and take it
away. PHOS. GRANT,
R. R, 2 Wroxeter, P. O.
Standing Timber for Sale
Standing timber for sale by the acre, con.
slating , aple, Ash, Birch and Errn. For fur-
ther ppartloulara apply to Taos Meuse, SE
Lot 9O, Oen. 0, Morris, Phone 5910.
Town Wood Account
Persons owing for Wood purchased from the
town are asked to settle the suing forthwith.
By order of Council, Payment r,'oelved by
F. 8. SCOTT, Vinage Clerk,
Teacher Wanted
Hog for Service
Ibo nniierelgttad will keep for eervice on
Lot 4. (P.a. 0, 141.5y townsiltp, lite thore!•bred
Ilerkohlre Boar ' Ulghelore SUperbee Ord,' re -
teetered 140. OM '10A1118, 01 40 at trine of
,oirvice, with pen/liege of returning, or 51,58
It not so pniti 1. A. NIOB01.
Phone 28111 Proprietor,
Farm for Sale
50 nor* fort! for sale he/n5 104� Lot 14, Qom.
10, U reY, The, 1111 It comfortable house, good
cellar, bank barn with cement fluor In stable.
drivee10d, orchard and plenty of good water.
Full plowing all done laud in geed stateof
ortltivatton. Farm Is all wire fenced.. It
m)te0 ul»'ant from Brussels and Ethel. For
further parncu lura apply to
ALEX, DARK, Brussels, 1i, 11, No, 8,
Farm for Sale
Very desirable farm for sale, containing 100
Kum WW1 fin 0 0000120 'mall amount wilt
0210122 01‘ wuold oonslder house and .lot or
small farm, Apply to Tan Pusw.
House for Sale
The property of the late Mrs, Procter, nor,
nor of Alexander inn Flora street, Braeeela, la
offered tor 2010. Good frame house and "/. sore
of kind Possession may be bud on Ootob_or let
lror further particulars apply to,
Phone 1011 R, rt. No, 4, Brussels,
Breeder of Large English Berkshires
Young stock for sale, either sex.
For further partiealare write or phone.
Brn'sels ltentral— Walton P. 0.
Phone 0011) R. R. 8
Bull for Service
The undersigned will keep for service, on S
Lot 80, Con. 2, Morris township, the thoro'-bred
Short Fiore. Bull, Gainford of Salem, No.
00418=. Strad by Gainford Marquis ((1008901
Dam Mildred VII by,Royal Sailor 1189501. Ped•
Teacher wanted for S. S No. 10, Grey town- 1gre.e may be seen on application. Terms—
ship 2nd class certificate and Protestant $10.00 for thoro"breda payable at time of ser -
Duties to commence after Christmas holidays, vine with privilege to return. Grade cows not
Apply to undersigned stating salary wanted allowed.
and experience. H,ffuv I Pieutd 1 , THOS. PIERCE,
Brussels, 1'. 0, R. R. 8, 1" -Proprietor
•"••"Nita N•4•eaPeet+e-1 'welt Lw'+4e •',•• 't tt'rhe•-r•N'•9'MF•4•+M}
The Seaforth Creamery
ream Wanted
1111111111®r 1111E11111111111=111Mingsaggi 111101•111111111111111111M
Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly
established and that gives you Prompt Service and
Satisfactory Results.
We solicit your patronage knowing that we can
give you thorough satisfaction.
We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test
it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam-
ples and pay you the highest market prices every two
weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of Nova Scotia.
For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C.
McCALL, Phone 2310, Brussels, or write to
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
't••+ •••4•"••••+• s
•••••••••••••••••••••••4.104'o•••44•••••H•••••••••!•4 `
s Students
May Enter Any Time •
The School with experienced inbtrUctors. •
The School which gives thorough Courses.
The School which assists its Graduates to positions. •
Address tho Collogo for Froo Cataloguo, to either
Stratford or Wingham
••t••••••••••••••••••••••a• •e•ma•w•e•ows** ot••••NMaI
Cream Vi/anted
Ship y:1 u Cream -
Direct to the
Brussels Creamery
Prompt Service Satisfact,>ry Returns
We furnish you with Cans and Pay all Ex-
press ss Churg""s, TsSu«, Cheques 1,1r ti:e pay-
mr,tit of your Cream twice each month, pay-
able at par at your Bank.
Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you
'will not want to discontinue.
1 .
DrussIs Gi ,,n��r StewartBras.