The Brussels Post, 1921-12-15, Page 1VOL, 5o N0, 25 #2,00 per annum in advance
How 'P.", open a Savings
You can open a savings account
in The Bank of Nova Scotia with
a small deposit. All you need do
is to bring your money to the teller
and sign your name on a card.
The ledger -keeper then gives you
a pass book, which is your receipt.
It takes less than five minutes.
When you wish to deposit more
money, and itis not convenient to
do so personally you can sena it in
by a member of your family, or a
neighbor. along with your pass
The five minutes you take to
open a savings account may be
the turning point in your career.
It has been for many others.
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid-up Capitol E 9,700,000
Reserve 18,000,000
Resources - 230,000,000
Manager Brussels
New Advertisements
Knife found—Wm Poem,
For sale—Wm. Bremner.
Now la the time—W. E. Willis,
Edith Roberts—Family Theatre.
Auotion Bale—Maxwell T. Abram.
House for sale—James Ireland,
Christmas Gifts—Mian Hingston,
•Jerseys for Sale—Garry J. Wilson.
Entertainment—Brnasets Sohool,
Holiday Delicacies --Bella Restaurant.
Christmas Tree—Knox Church, Oranbrook.
istrict gnus
Max. Abram'e Auction Sale, Lnt 27,
Con. 9, Grey, on Tuesday afternoon
Frank Doxey, Secretary -Treasurer
of Oranbrook club, is the re.preBente-
tive of here at the Annual Convention
in Toronto.
Our public school was officially
visited last Monday by the Govern-
When,the Landlord
Raised the Rent
"I never do have any tun," com-
plained a young girl petulantly.
"Come with me, and I'll cure your
discontent," suggested a visiting
nurse of the National Sanitarium
They visited a humble little home.
The mother was struggling to sup-
port the three children, Wnlle hor
husband was fighting tuberculosis at
the Muekolca Hospital for Conaurup-
Lite was not rosy. It became
tragic when the rent was doubled.
Hopeless despair looked from her
brown eyes. Three pairs of childish
eyes watching, eenaed something to
make even baby lips quiver.
"But there!" with a amlle, and the
babies milled too, "I musn't complain.
He's getting butter anyway. He
writes It's wonderful up there—it's
saved his life." And the brown eyes
worn & prayer.
"Fre lust got to help," exclaimed
an enthusiastic young person as she
and the nurse walked down tho road.
Contributions may be sent to Hon.
W. A. Charlton 228 College Street,
merit appointed ladies looking after
the proper condition of such buildings.
Gond time ie anticipated at, Knox
church Sunday School Ohlls)Mas Tree
Entertainment, to be held Thursday
evening 22nd inet. Interesting pro.
grem of music and Literary numbers,
drills, &c. See the advt, in this issue,
BARN HORNED —A serious fire oc-
curred between 1 and 2 o'clock on
Saturday, when a barn South of the
v%tear,& ee tas,cfetrere rear,
fiEc ohtanPmdueuon
e Wold Goose'
A B remount Picture
At the
Family Theatre
Saturday, Dec. 19th
'Now is the Time
To do Your Xmas Shopping
We have a good Fresh Stock of
A Boz of McCormick's Special Chocolates
Special Baking for Christmas
Wi. E. Willis
railway track, the property of A. P.
Jnynt, but leased by Merner & Fee,
was totally destroyed along with Ito
contents consiseing of flax tow, hay,
five work horses one colt and two
seta of harness A strong wind, blow -
lug from the Mouth, saved the sur-
rounding buildings, The reflection
could be seen mites, and some of, the
burning shingles were carried right
into town0e distance of of a mile.
The origin of the the 18 nnknowh,
It!neeis partly cavered by instil'
It was decided not to select office
bearers for the Smrday Sohool until
next Spring when school is ready to
re -open.
At annual meeting of Victoria Hall
the following Trustees we> e re-elected :
A. Polinck, Gen. Eckreier, Robt,
Strachan, W, McDonald and Duncan
be called upon to report tee demise of
Mre. Robb. I. McLenna`>, let line,
Morris, who passed away, in her
young womanhood, last Sunday even-
ing at 0 o'clock. It might be truly
said "She fell asleep." Deceased was
born at Neepawa, Man., t,nd returned
with her parents 00 Molesworth locali-
ty. 5 years ago she wee united in
marriage to her now bereft partner,
who with a little eon, John Stewart,
aged 4 years, are left to remember
the love of wife and mother. Mre.
McLennan'e maiden name was Cath-
arine Isabella Scott, being a daughter
of Peter and Mrs. Scott, of the bound-
ary of Turnberry, While never vett'
rugged she was only ill for 5 weeks,
her heart and kidneys being the
danger pointe. The funeral took
place Tuesday afternoon to 'Moles-
worth cemetery, Bev. Mr. Tate, her
pastor, of Biuevale, conducting an
appropriate service. In addition to
the members of the krunie, 9 Metre of
deceased (Mrs. Jno, Simpson, Tessier,
Sask, ; Mrs, Jno, Fraser, Grey town-
ship, and Miss Ethel at home) and a
brother (RobtScott) with the par-
ents survive. The bereaved share in
the eympathy of a wide circle of
friends in their set row.
Rabbit hunting is on the program
by the sports.
What about a Community Literary
Society in your territory ?
Few changes in the teachers in our
township schools this Winter,
Box Social at Milton and Mre.
Rands, 11th Con., Weduesday even-
ing of this week.
Pile Auction Sale at Mark L. Car-
diff's last Friday attracted a great
crowd and fair prices were realized.
He had a large het of good cattle in
the sale
AuCTIONSALE,—Maxwell T. Abram,
Lot 27, Con. 9, has leased his farm to
Weiland Kreuter and will hold a
cleating Anctlen Sale of Form Stook,
implements, Feed, &n., on Tuesday
afternoon of next week at 1 p. m,
Christmas Gifts
WHY not get new Frame
Mountings for your
Glasses for Kn>ns P I
have just received a variety of
styles of
Spectacle Frames and
Eye Glass Mountings
Eye Glass Chains,
Goggles and
• Sun Glasses
Waterman fountain Pens
R".lneed Prices on ell
El eines and Mount; lige.
Maude C, Bryans,
Optical Parlors
Methodist Churches
The pastor will take tis his sub-
jeet next Sabbath
The Seventh Commandment
of the Annual Chrieunee
Tree Entertainment of Un -
inn Church Sunday School for
Friday, Dec. 23rd. This ie
to be the best yet.
DON'T forget that a Oheiet-
wtws Tree Program will he
given in 1810.1 'i'nwnship
Ball, Tuesday Ever Dec. 20,
the Presby tartan and Methodist
Sunday Schools uniting.
Will be given under, the
auspices of
Brussels School
on the evening of
Wednesday, Dec, 21st
Opera douse, Brussels
Most interesting and well varied
Program will be presented and
the public is cordially invited to
enjoy it,
Admission 35 Cents
Program at 8 o'clock
Jas. Taylor will be the Auctioneer.
Mr, and Mrs. Abram will probably
take a trip to Flint, Mich., to visit the
latter's parents and other friends.
They retain the house and orchard on
the farm so may continue to make
that tbeh headquarters, List of Bale
may be read in another column of THE
Guelph Winter Fair was pronounc-
ed a great success by those who at-
tended. Where were our young men
that they had not an entry in the
stuck judging ?
Municipal affairs are very quiet in
Grey. Guess nobody is very anxious
for the job of being a Township Fath-
er. Now since Miss McPhail, M. P.,
hue set the pane what's the matter
with nominating some women for the
Reeveships or for Councillors ?
Township Nomination Monday 26th
inst., in Township Hall from 12 to 1
p, m.
We look for a Forward program in
connection with our Memorial Park
in 19,22, Now is a good time to plan
for it.
What's become of that Community
Musical, Litetetey and Debating Soci-
ety that used to flourish like a green
bay tree ?
Thursday of this week Township
Council meets Lo close up1921 accounts
preparatory to issuing Financial
Sun appears to rise and set much
the same as it did before the Election.
We had our fears by some of the talk
we heard.
John Osborne, a former resident,
was buried on Tuesday at Elma
Centre cemetery. He died at the
horse of his daughter, Mre. Garner
Nicholson, near Beigrave, last Satur-
day morning,
Several Mnrrisites are at Godetich
this week attending court,
Connell meets Thursday of this
week to close up year's husinees.
The pupils of S. S. No. 4 collected
the 3000 of $7.85 for the Muskoka
Feed is plentiful and numerous and
farmers are carrying large stocks over
the eVinter,
Miss Edna Thuell, 6011 line, is mak-
ing good recovery after an operation
for removal of her tonsils.
Morris will supply a bride for a
near -by wedding, e0 Dame Rumor
says. Who fin you guess it is ?
Municipal affairs are very quiet in
Morris and it would not he a surprise
if acclamation return would be the
De you ever visit your public school
t0 chow your interest in the boys and
girls and also to encourage the teach-
er ? What was the date of your last
visit ?
Miss Gertrude Shaw, 3rd line, is
hums from Clinton where she under-
went an operation for the removal of
her tonsils and is making a good re-
Morris ratepayers got in their work
Tuesday of last week, Let us hope
everything will turn rent for the
country's good, even if every vote did
not, count.
The Sunday School of Ebenezer
church,-331OWI)Lnwn, intend holding
their Annual Christmas arch and en-
tettAinmeut on Wednesday evening,
Dec, 21st, An exc ll r
e estro ram is
p g
r [e aced
Admission 29 oand
15 cents,
Last Sprint Garry Wilson, Sed line,
invested in 52 baby chicks of Rhode
island Red variety, from pens of John
Duncan, Brussels. He sold 24 cock-
erels that averaged 4 pounds and 3
nmlces at 14 weeks. The pullets at 5
months and 8 weeks began laying and
he is so well pleased he intends going
into the poultry line stronger than
ScuooL REroRy,—Following, ie the
report of 8. S. No. 8. Morris for the
months of October at>d November,
Pupils examined in all snbjects ; V
Glass—Miller McAt ter 70 ; Annie
Clarke 05. Jr. IV—Alvin Rutledge
75 ; Monis Leitch 73 ; Evelyn Oodk
70 ; Letts Hawkins 62 ; Myrtle dank
54 ; Dnnehte Smith 54, Sr. If—Elien
Ntr•hnl 80 ; Rowland Mar•ke 70 Jr,
If—Jerk Clarke '75 ; Mervyn Me-
Oauley 70 ; Her•hett Hawkins 63. Sr,
t--l++ahel Leitch 85: Robert Nichol
78. Jr. 1—Jean Leitch, Marion Mo. ,
/�► TREE
Thursday Ev''l, oec. 22
Good Program
Adults 25C, HI Children free
Everybody invited
Oauley, Robbie Yuill, Harold Jordan,
Jr. Pe.—Reginald Watson, Welling-
ton Marks.
MARY E. hloNAB, teacher.
A welcome visitor at J. H. Kelly's
home was P. L: Graham, of Birch
Hill, Sask„ who came East with live-
stock for Exhibition at the Winter
Fair at Guelph. Ile took let prize and
sweepstakes on a fine Percheron
stallion, Mr. Graham is a brother-in-
law of'Mesere and Miss Kelly, 8th line.
Miss Kelly visited themlast Summer
at Birch Hill.
Perth County
An alleged Blander charge is entered
by Wm. Forrester, Mitchell, against
Harvey Webster, of Blanshard town-
Newton elevator is among the as-
sets of the Canadian Cereal and Flour
Mills, Company, Limited being offered
for sale uuder Bankruptcy Act Trus-
tees Sale at Montreal on Monday,
Dec. 12th.
W rolceter
Miss Jack, Mount Forest, was a
recent visitor at the home of her
uncle, George Jack,
David and Mrs, Weir, Hawick, at-
tended the funeral of a relative in
Atwood on Saturday.
The Bazaar held in the basement of
Presbyterian church, Friday after-
noon, under the auspices of the United
Women Workers, passed off very
successfully, 9250,00 being realized.
At the regular meeting of the Wo-
men's Institute, held in Mrs. Pope's
rnnms last Tuesday, an iotereeting
paper on "Beautifying the home," was
read by Mre. M. McLennan. Current
Events was in charge of Mre. T. A.
THE POST gives the news.
Additional Walton news on page 5.
Peter McArthur and Frank Kelly
were among Morrisites who took in
the Winter Fair at Guelph.
Don't forget the Anniversary Fowl
Supper and fine entertainment in
Duff's church next Tuesday evening.
Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Johnson will
conduct the closing service of his rec-
torship in St. George's church. lie
purposes leaving next week with Mrs.
Johnson and daughter for Man-
chester, England. We wish them
bon voyage.
Jno. Marshall has Bold his 100 acre
farm, 8th line, Morris township, to
Mrs. Reegan, of Kinburn locality,
price being $8,500 The former has
bought Fred. Jackson's 50 acres on
Con, 12, McKillop. The latter is just
one lot from Chris. Barrow's farm.
Latter is Mrs. Marshall's father.
Changes will he made next March,
lowing newsy note is from a former
resident of this locality, now doing
business at Weyburn, Sask, It
speaks for itself :—DEAR EpxTOR,--
While enclosing my remittance for re-
newal of THE Poem I wish to con-
gratulate you for the valuable news it
contains from time to time. It is
looked for each week as a letter from
home and we receive it ae+a rule nn
time, therefore we are kept posted
with the happenings each week in the
vicinity of my birthplace, near Wal-
ton. It is 10 years since Iwas
and expect I would see quite a change
since then. Many have passed to the
Great Beyond, I suppose the Elec-
tion caused quite an excitement
around Brussels as it did around Wey-
burn. It was quite a turn -over in-
deed, I am taking advantage of your
kind offer asking for personal notes
concerning myself and family. I
operate a blacksmith, horse shoeing
and woodwork business in Wey-
burn. Weyburn is a good sized city
and a good place for business, My
shop machinery is operated with elec.
tele power which reduces the hard
work which used to be in the trade in
Ontario. We are having fine weather
here and hardly any snow, I occasion•
ally meet people who used to live at
Brussels and Walton and to my sur-
prise I had one of my big nephews
front Walton step into my shop this
Fall, He had nearly grown out of
my recollection, but very soon I had
bitn sized up. I believe he was get-
ting horneeibk for we had a time keep,
Can be found in our
store in
Boudoir Caps
Fancy Dress Hangers
Shoe Trees
Lingerie Straps
Corsage Boquets, &c.
Seduction on all Hats
Miss Hingston
ealmornt Millinery parlors
Ing nim as he wanted to get home,
Wishing THE Pose.: the best of suc-
cess, I ane Yours truly,
Dec, 7, 1921.
Trinity Church Sunday School will
bola their Christmas Entertainment
in C. 0. F. Hall on evening of Thurs-
day, Dec, 22.
Early last Saturday warning John
Osborne answered the imperative call
and passed quietly away at the home
of his son-in-law, Garner Nicholson,
Lot 5, Con. 4, Morris township, The
funeral took Tuesday afternoon,Ner-
vine being conducted by Rev. Mr.
Hawkins, Blyth, and interment was
made in Elute Centre cemetery, where
wife and sou are also interred, Mr.
Osborne was born near Toronto and
was iu hie 83rd year. 48 yeats ago he
was united in marriage to Mary Rip-
pon, of Euglaud, who passed away 12
years ago this Fall. The only son,
Ohas., died a year later, Mre. Nichol -
sou is the only survivor. The family
lived in Morrie, near Montorieff and
Ethel. Mr. Osborne had made his
home at Mr. Nicholson's for past 3
years. He had not been in good
health for past month. His surviving
brothers are Chas„ in Hamilton • Jas.
and Wesley, in the West; and' Alf„
in Port Huron. Mrs. Rarrieon, Mus-
koka, is a sister. There were 7 sons
and a daughter in the family, Mr.
Osborne had a wide circle of frieuds
and was highly esteemed,
Knox church the Beigrave branch of
the British and Foreign Bible Society
held a union service, Rev, J. Gibson,
Toronto, being the preacher, Rev.
Messrs, Jones and Peters took part in
the service also, Anglican church
withdrew their service and Sunday
School but as Rev, Mr, Hawkins
preaches in Auburn in the morning he
could not be present. Weather and
roads were tine but the attendance
was disappointing as the congrega-
tions of the three churches should
have filled every seat In Knox church
but as it was several were vacant
places. Rev, Mr, Gibsnn's subject
was, "What the Bible Society stands
for," taking for his text the words,
"The entrance of Thy Word giveth
light," found in Psalm 119.180, He
spoke of the great things accomplish-
ed by the British and Foreign Bible
Society in the face of great difficul-
ties, traced its workings from its in-
ception to present day when at every
port of entry into Canada the Society
has men with Bibles printed in every
language to suit the many peoples
who are coming to our shores, who
present every nets comer with a copy
of the "Word that giveth light."
During past 4 years war Society is-
sued over 40,000,000 copies, which
when figured out means a copy off the
presses every third second, Told of
Dr, Livingston's great dream followed
rip by Stanley and of several aspects
of the work in foreign lands. This is
the one place where all can work to-
gether to fulfil the Saviour's com-
mand to "Preach the gospel to all
pegple," The Missionaries of all de-
notnivations must get their supplies
from the British and Foreign Bible
Society as no single one of them
could stand the enurmona expense of
tranal 'tl
ate g and id printing the Bible in
over different languages
and no
Missionary has ever skd for sup-
plies and been refused. Last May for
the first time the Society Mae in
danger of having to stop their presses
and decided to do so as they were
8180,000 in debt but King George
urged them to keep on, to make their
wants known to the world and
above all to trust in a prayer -
answering God. In conclusion the
speaker urged all to make some sacti-
flee to help nuance the work and with
their offerings to Pray i Pray I Pray 1
The offering will be announced later
as additional sums are to come in,
There were 56 births and 28 deaths
registered at Olintonin 1921.
Rose Forrester, Clinton, had his
left hand cut while working ae the
Doherty piano Mowry,
Miss Eliza Montcestie, Clinton, fell
on the street and broke her arm and
later her sister had the misfortune Lo
fall and break ono of her hips.
W. H, HERR, Proprietor
Christ m as
Under joint auspices of Ethel
Presbyterian and Methediet
Sunday Schools,
Township Hall, Ethel
Tuesday'ev'g, Dec. 20
Excellent program of Drills,
Dialogues, Choruses, Motion
Songs, Etc,
This is to be a
Presents received for Sick Child-
ren's Hospital, Toronto.
Admiseton 25 and 15 Conte,
Robt. Barr, A. McKee,
Sup. Presby, 8, S. Msth•.S, S.
Election Notes
Halifax Liberals banquetted Hon,
W. 8. Fielding.
Hon. 'Bob" Rogers, who was de-
feated in Lisgar, Man., by a Progres-
sive, blames the Union Government
arrangement for the "land elide,"
Thousands of wiseacres knew how
the Election would turn out—after it
was over—brit few said much about it.
The "I-told-you-eo'e" is a big family.
The vote in Brussels stood ae fol-
lows :—
Town Hall Lib. Total
Fraser.,,,•,,, ..,.. , .. 84 84 108
King 80 49 129
Spotton 185 80 215
Spatton's majority over King 86.
The complicated telegraphic returns
were well handled by Jas. Fox and
were announced at the Town Hall,
where all stripes of politics assembled
and enjoyed the good natured banter.
Deputy Returning officers were Geo.
Muldoon, Alf. Dennison and duo.
Cunningham. -
Berry Forrester Steele
Blanshard .........498 117 898
Downie 569 287 801
Fullerton 599 149 202
Hibbert 608 260 150 -
582 197
Logan 407
Mitchell . 82 580 405
South Eaethope.105 899 56
Tavistock 7 206 108
St. Marys 142 723 1133
2908 3209 2948
Majority for William Forrester,
Liberal, over Dr. M, Steele, Conserva-
tive, 261 ; over Robert Berry, Pro-
gressive, 301.
Church Chimes
Little Stars Mission Band of Melville
church presented their annual program
Tuesday eveuin9 at an entertainment in
the church,
Last Sunday morning Rev. Mr. Mc-
Leod took "john the Baptist" as the
subject of his discourse and in the even-
ing spoke on "The terror of an accusing
Congregation of Presbyterian church.
Tiverton, hes extended a unanimous call
to Rev, N. R. D. Sinclair, 0I A. D D.,
pastor of Betmore and McIntosh con-
gregations, in the Presbytery of Mait-
land. Call was before that court on'the
1150 inst.
Rev, C. F. Clarke's sermons in the
Methodist church last Sunday -were
founded on "Search the Scriptures, &e"
in the morning and "Che rich young
ruler" in the evening. In addition to a
well sung anthem at the evening service
a well balanced selection was sung by
the ladies of the choir.
will be the concluding services wader j.
S, Johnson's rectorship in St. John's
Angitcan church, as be expects to sail
for England immediately following.,
The Christmas musteal program of the
choir, assisted by Miss Isabel Strachan,
will be given next Sabbath evening,
Caleb Simper :unbent ,corm of the
Magnificat end Nnuc Dimittis, mad J. [-l.
Maunder's Christmas Anthem "Awake 1
Salute the happy morn" will be render-
h r'
C Istmas
Da it
be the
Day will an
of Brussels Methodist church, lu•tead
of bringing in an outsider the Board bus
asked Rev. Mr. Clarke, toe pastor, to
preach the sermons, Special music is
being prepared by the choir. '9aoo has
been sot as the Free will Christmas offer-
ing for the day, It may be that Rev,
Mr. Longley, a missionary home on
furlough from China, and expected to
visit the Hoover families, will be here
and take part in the services. The fact
of the date being Christmas will not be
overlooked in song, story and gift mak-
A TeLaraogs has been installed In the
Queen's Hotel apartments occupied by
L. A, Dixon, Manager of the Bank of
Nova Scotia, Brussels. The No is 40x,
Are Atwood resident Was here Tuesday
morning searching for a flock of 4)
stravieg ducks that had come clown the
Maitland for a voyage, They were
traced es Ear as Cranbrook. Somebody
may have arrested therm at this Carist.
Mas tins.