The Brussels Post, 1921-12-8, Page 5INISINE CAROL
Junlet loom of our BOMA *vee
e ee. ora few cloys ae tearher, 7vllsa
•p , ret o go o het borne ll Ay -
11110, SLITHERLAKi Yt I i t l i
H i�4 SONSCar o ton owing tO Witmer, She le back
• t,IM1Tl'cO again,
GI'a'Spis ®Ji°7"afJ�lp Expected to arrive in a' Wm ham
few days at Ethel,
sae la the legit Utooe, Ethel. t0•}
V ► • Barrister, eotloltox, Conveyancer,
Notary *abaci, dill, UWoe-8 teearfe Slosh
1 Seer Nor tat at neutral hotel.
Selloltor for the Metropolitan Bank,
Tine popular labelers. le open to the public in
ail departments of a Pirs1•olaso Rotel,
Neale served at' regular hours,
Phone 44 Clean,comfortablebeds.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterlaery
College. Dayand night calla. Moe oppo.ite
Atom MIB, Ehel..
Agent Hawick Mutual fire insurance Company
Phone42 Turnberry Street, Brussels
Successor to John Barrie, Walton,
7. T. M'RAE
M. a., M. 0. P., 4S. O.
141. 0. H„ .Village of Brusseta.
Physician, 8argeoa, A000uotiear
t Moe at residence, opposite .Melt ilio Church,
William street.
Barristers, 8o:dcltors, Notaries Public,
Moe an the Square, 2u,: door from Hamilton'
Street, •
Private funds to loan at lowest rates.
w. Paonnroom. K. 0. J. L.-RuLoiwa
H. J. D. aortae
Winter Term opens Jan. an 3rd
L rA:n
Tonga & Charles Ste., Toronto
Is noted throughout Canada for high
4 grade boniness rduratlon, None bet-
tor In the Dominion ! Many Bust.
nese Colleges employ our graduates as
teaohers Thonannde of our former
students are now an boldness life, Write
for our handsome catalogue, ne. Btiadents
admitted at any time.
Grain Grinding
Phone 4418 , Jamestown
Well Tools
275 feet If, inch Drill Rope nearly new,
1 set Jars and Rope Socket,
!Sinker, 18 feet by 8 iachee,
1 4 -inch Sand Pauli),
1 5 -inch Sand Pump, .
14•inch Reamer,
2 5 -Inch if eemere and Bite for same,
Also a length of 6 -inch Casing.
All for sale cheap as owner has no
use for them.
Wells Cleaned Out end Pumps Repaired
Well Drilling done as usual.
Call up Phone 281
I What Abourt Your
'WILL pay the hi Meet mar-
ket price for all the Poultry -•'
your you plane for theta ave to sell and call at
I%(1J[� +r
• Phone.2x Yol lkeck4,1
Representative Wanted
Stint e eNtA'rtvn WAterr.O ver Brussels and.
Huron County to represent "The Old Reliable
1'onthili Nurooriee' Rig soles ere t0 be kende
,111 Nursery stook during the re000'
etraotlon period. A apleodid opportunity tor
a eve salesman. Highest oommieetone Paid,.
handsome, free equipment, larga lino of fruit
end ol'ntnaont01 010011 to ,,far, S'rONr .4,
Special price off car.
Grover Gill,
Phone S94 • ETHEL
Election roturne were 'received in
Curnrntlnity hall,
McElroy property, on Dingley area,
has been purchased by R, Cookerline,
Mir, Cuthbert and baby, Toronto, is
the guest of her mother, Mrs. 11'. Few.
Miea Dora Laundy has accepted a
position ae school teacher near Haney -
bury and left for that place.
Bert, Haggett and David Watson
returned home last week from Mack-
lin, Sask., where they had spent the
past few Inentht.
Sunday evening service in Metho-
dist church was withdrawn on account
of Presbyterian annivereary. Rev,. J.
L. Small, Hespeler, a former pastor,
conducted the services.
The young folk are busy practising
for the Ohrietame entertainment..
Good program is expected.
Mre. L, Rae left recently for the
West on a visit with her eon and
daughter, Mrs. M. Martin and Roy
Rae,;of Herschel, Sask. Mre, Rae is
taking the trip with 'Mre, Ballantyne
and Miss Boyd, of Atwood.
While on way to statical Lorne Tab-
or hail .misfortune to have the crank
shaft of hie car break: Gordon
Thompson, who has been assisting
Mtn in the blacksmith shop, took Ed.
Hamilton's truck and towed him
Jack Pelton, Detroit, is here ono
832 were realized by the Rlission
Band •Pageant at the Pk'eabvtet•ian
Mrs, Wm. Heist and Nelson are
visiting:; Pars, Roger, a daughter of
r ear r
n $ir ston:
a a fractured ahohider was
the lot of Gordon, little son of J. O.
and Mre. Rymer, Donegal.
Wm, Coulter and Wm, McLelland
.wet'e injured by being thrown offa
wagon. Formers knee got it and the
latter's arm.
Tuesday of last week Fred. J, Cur-
tis, of this locality, died in. Listowel
hospital, in his 83rd year. Funeral
wee held Thursday afternoon to 17+Iwa
Centre cemetery,
Number of cases of pneumonia
around here,
Pastime Club will put a Hockey
team in the tieid this season.
Robert Mason died Thursday of last
week and wa . buried on Saturday.
Alive Mayme Hall, of the Royal
Bank, will be transferred to Hanover.
A. bad fall was sustained by Mr.
Oarera on the slippery street, confining
him to bed for some time.
Resignation of Mies Smith, of the
Collegiate staff, has "been received.
Mre. Mew, Palle, will succeed her.
Owing to illness of her mother Miss
Ward, Principal of the School of Com-
merce here, was called to Maryland,
A large audience hatred Hon. Geo. E.
Poster, the veteran politician, now
berthed safely in Canadian Senate.
Tuesday of last week David Oante-
lon passed his 74th birthday amidst
enngratulations of nameroua friends.
.Be ought to be good for 74 more. -
Principal Bouck has resigned as
teacher of Model School and will go to
Toronto Normal after Chrieimas bon -
days. He has been au active spirit
here and will ..
be missed.
Peter Cautelon, an old and well
known resident, died Monday of last,
week, in his 138th year. Ere was a na-
tive of Goderich township but had
lived in town for 40 years, His wife,
4 sons and 2 daughters survive.
John and Mrs. Kroellee have return.
ed frau apleasant visit with relatives
in Chicago.
August Bast ie able to be around a-
gain after being laid up foesomtl weeks
with bloud-poieoniug in his knee.
Miss Graa A ylee worth
e goes to Tor-
onto where she and her, mother will
spend Winter with Morley and Mrs.
Mrs, Andrew McKee has gone to
Bluevale to spend some time at home
of bee brothel, George McDonald,
whose wife died recently,
Maw. D. .Yi, Kennedy met with a
painful accident at her homea at the
P a. station when site slipped off alp
platform whiClt was covered wilh ice
alighting on her shoulder, fracturing
her cnliat' bone, cutting her face and
receiving n severe shaking up.
Mrs. L A, Barris, and Cnn., re-
ceived 0 sem e shaking up when she
felt down a stairway in the home
No bootee were broken but ehe was
Ionised and strained about her titular
and body and back was also injured,
Wish her speedy recovery.
OrNeuralgia, Sciatica, Litmbagof
The remedy is simple, inexpeu-
sIve, easily taken and harmless.
Rheumatic Capsules
Your druggist will supply you.
Write for free trial to Temple -
ton's, 58 Colborne St., Toronto.
Sold by Jae, Fox ; ih Walton by
wlrtponay'on, Toronto. Ona t W, GINea1.
Bread dowel now to 0 cents a loaf.
Who will hose Municipal affaite
next year ie now the query ?
Rev, Or, and Mre, Porde were lvei-
000,,e visitors . with Seafertll friends
last week,
28 boys and 20 girla were enrolled in
opnuectiouwith the Agricultural
bourse being conducted here.
The Times newspaper plant has
been moved to the Ritchie building
near Presbyterian church, W. G.
Colgate is proprietor:
011ff, Anderson is new manager of
skating rink,
Miss /tette Clark wee appointed
Sohonl nurse,
Goderich township Council pro-
hibits camping.on roadsides,
Medals for ilasays on Fite Preven-
tion were won in our school by Ruth
Jarrett and Jack Walker. ,
Hugh Robb, a former resident, died
at OhilEwask, B, 0„ on Nov. 26, He
had been 111 for some weeks.
824 was the receipts of the Sunshine
Mission Band of Presbyterian church
at their annual Thtmk-uffering,
Last week Mre, R. Archibald and
Calvin Hillen were at Buy Oity,
Mich., attending the funeral of their
The remains of Jiro, Fowler, who
died at Souris, Man„ .on Nov 21st,
aged 86 years, were brought here for
interment, funeral taking place Sat-
urday. Mrs. Fowler and youngest
daughter accompanied the casket.
Wm. lrwin, Ripley, is taking over
the Queen's hotel here in the near
Evangelistic meetings of Hanley &
Fisher are drawing large 000grega-
First graduating exercises of nurses
at our hospital was held Thursday of
last week with 8 young ladies in the
class. •
N. A, Gibson, who recently .aoldhis
barbering business to Mr. Churchill,
has purchased it back aud is uow in
35 lat prizes, 6 ands and a cup were
H. Goddard'* winning* at Palmerston
Show. L. 1
ayhury got 9
, awards In Anconas.
Wesley Heath ie the proud owner of
12 White Minorca hens which be be-
lieves are record breakers. ''hey
were hatched on May 12th and are
already laying,
A. and Mre, Harron, Los Angeles,
is sympathised with in the death of.
their only child, Beatrice Gladys, aged
2 years and 8 months, which occurred
01.1 November
* Mr. .
Marron is
brother of George E, Harron, town,
and resided here before going to Los
Angeles a few years ago,
St. Andrew's Sunday School have
decided not to have a Christmas en-
tertainment this year.
William Lyuu, liowick boundary,
wee operated on for appendicitis,
Sunday evening, Nov. 201h• We
wish 111t•. Lynn' a speedy recovery.
Annual meeting of Molesworth
Beef Ring was held in the hall when
business of a successful year's opera-
tions was completed. lalore are ap-
plying for shares in the Ring for
Summer of 1922 than can be accom-
Pleasant time was spent Tuesday
eveuiug, Nov, scud, when the Young
People's Society of St. Andrew's
church held a social. Members of
Ethel Christian Endeavour were in-
vitedaudshunt 50 motored to Moles-
worth. 111thel friends provided a
shunt program of music, recitations
and dialogue. Items were well ren-
dered and program was appreciated.
u evening spent n
t ru
otos-snug and a social way. Lunch
was served and company separated
feeling that a pleasant and profitable
time had been spout and that it is
good fur members of different soeie-
ties to meet together to get acquaint-
ed A. return vndlt is proposed.
Mets. LCllotgEEn DECEASED.—After
being in pout health tot 5 years, and
finally stricken witb dtopsy, Mrs,
Sarah Lougheed slept peacefully
away Sunday morning, of last week
at 9 u'eluck, et the residence of het'
daughter, Ales. Wm. Spence, WmI-
nute street, Lietowel. She was in her
87th year, She was born in Mulmer
oareslnp, nest Orangeville, married
at, Oookseille in 1835, and after resid-
lug in tiaakesville, moved to Moles.
worth in 1889 where ehe lived up to
the time ul the death 7 yeare ago, of
hft'. Lougheed, who for 35 years oar.
Tied the snail between Molesworth,
Trowbridge and Lietowel. Since that
ah has made Her ho with me vuh Ler
daughter's, and a greater part of the
Lowe with Ales. Spence is Listowel,
Elea. maiden name was Sarah Otegg.
Much might be said of the good
qualities which made Mr
greatly loved and admired, Around
Molesworth she was known as a great
friend to the sick, a woman of un-
selfish spirit and fitlthful to duly,
Site had a great love for the honkie of
God, ttttd regularly attended the ser-
vices even after her hearing had
failed, Of a family of 9 ouiy 3 daugh-
teresurvive, They are Mre. Spence,
Lisboteel; Mt•s. Margaret J. Weloh,
Sarnia and Mrs Herbert Eldridge,
Vancouver. Mrs Lougheed was f,n•
lung years a member of the Metier -
church, and the funeral am Tuesday
following, to Moleswmtit cemetery,
was iu charge of her paetot ltev, De.
G. N. Hazen, Listowel, who leas air -
tasted in service, at the house, by Rev.
T. W. Biatchfo5'd. Many Mende and
former neighbore from Molesworth
Were at the futreral, also relatives
from Sarnia, Drayton, Palmerston,
Atwood mid Barriston, Pall -bearers
were 13. 11, Sporloe, se„ H. R. Spence,
jr„ and William Il, Spence, Listowel ;
John Maxwell, Patmetston ; Arch.
Maxwell, Derrytou, and Geo, M.
Welch, Sarnia,
To all Parties
I am very pleased to be able to
announce a. big Reduction on
Star-Gertet t Recur de to !etre than
Pre-war prices-,
1.00 and 41.25 Records
$1.65 and $1.5 Records
Have a levee stock of these
Records on hand, Galland hear
none of the Wee. bits,
Harold Love
Every dome in Canada, every Can-
adian school boy and girl sbeuld know
the new Canadian Coat of Arms. It is
a most beautiful plate and should oc-
cupy 0 prominent place in all true
Canadian homes. The people of Can-
ada are indebted to the Family Herald
and Weekly Star of Montreal for re-
producing the new Coat of Arms in all
its true heraldic colors and preeenting
a copy, 14 x 17 inches, to all readers of
that great paper
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
is Canada's greatest family and farm
paper and is known throughout the
whole Dominion. It is wonderful val-
ue andprovides every member of the
family with Olean, wholesome instruct-
ive leading. It is a great money saver
for the fanners of Canada and repays
the subscription price one hundred
fold each year, Canada is proud of
the big weekly 3:t has no superior the
world over and is improving year
after year. IGost only c s o two dollars
a year and each reader for 1922 will
receive free a copy of the "Coat of
Huron County
Hensall main street was scraped
and mud hauled off.-
ifrLive bird and target shooting in a 2'
day ahnot by Hensall Guu (flub.
Canon Hill, Goderich, had -roses
blooming in bio garden hast week.
Councillor Knight, Goderich,
chargee short weight in coal deliv-
Mrs. Joseph Hetherington, Nile,
passed away on Nov, 10th, after a
long illness.
Nile Methodist church Quarterly
Board has granted their pastor, Rev.
H. Boyle, a vacation of 2 weeks.
Mies Helen Swan, Hensall, left for
Rochester, Min„ to take a position as
nurse iu Mayo •Bros., Hospital in that
Rev. Mr, Naylor, from near Orange-
ville, has been appointed to take
charge df St. Paul's Anglican pariah,
Hensall, early in 1922.
The new lights in the Lutheran
church, Dashwood, were dedicated
on Sunday night Dec. 4th, Rev. S,
B. Rix, Mitchell, conducted services
in the English language and the pas-
tor, Rev. Oraupiter the dedication, in
the German language.
Graduate Department
e nrtmea
Cormack Medical College, Three
months post graduate 00rosdart»g
year 1010.
Eyes correctly fitted with Ginsseo.
Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes, Granulated Eye.
lids, Watery Ere% Pain in Eye Balla, Inflamed
Eyes, Pus or Watery Discharge from Eyes and
D,zzineso caused by Eye•etraia relieved
through properly fitted Glasses,
ta.8-Cross Eyes straightened through proper.
ly flood Imn.en.
&napes tented at night equally as good as
during daylight.
All kinds of Optical repairs done.
Satisfaction Assured.
Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door
South of Barrister Sinclnir's office,
Office boors • 10 to 18 a,m100 to
Saturday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock.
Earlier forenoons by appointment.
Phone 26x
Dr. Rellemanu will remove foow
(*oder lair to Coldwater, Mleh,
*88 was paid by lltrllett Connell to
Inca Mail' for sheep ki33ed by doge.
13y slipping on the ice Mee, 'Wm.
Piunkete, Apburn, suffered a broken
alba Mabel Bailie and Mrs, W. J,
A LNevitt, GoderIeb, were made Life
Met/Mere of the W. M. S.
r ,
O vol Phillipa, of Londe*born, baa
brought the Joseph Mere farm, Huron
Read, paying 810,000, The latter will.
lsIve Doris 15 ulgn6h erold�,deeghter
of Jno, and Mre, Payne, Exeter, lvae
badly scalded: The little tot in some
way got hold of a kettle of hot water
while hermother was attending to
some houseltnld duties,
On Nov. 18th the .funeral of Mrs,
Henry Johnston took place to ,Green
Hill Cemetery, Ashfield, She was 91
yeats of age Mr, Johnston died 21
yeet'e ago. They were resident* of
Ashfield for over 60 years and were
highly esteemed,
Perth County
Mitchell will . hens a Poultry Show,
Stealing blankets from clothes !Ines
is latest Mitchell diversion,
St. Mary's Town Council turne down
request for early closing By-law.
Class of 17 was confirmed in Trinity
church, Mitchell, by Bishop'Willianta,
Intermediate and Junior Hockey
will be played at Mitchell this Winter.
The Hav'riston Hospital was closed
last week by those who had . charge of
Stratford will have three bockey
teams this year in the 0. H. A, and
senior Northern.
Contract of painting and decorating
Town Ball interior, Mitchell, -was
awarded to Yes. Salisbury.
Chas. Trim, Milverton, while carry-
ing a bag of corn slipped on the icy
pavement and severely sprained hie
A Chinese girl will be educated by
funds from Women's Bible class, Mit-
chell Methodist Sunday School. This
is practical Christianity.
Some of Logan residents are an-
noyed by having their- mail boxes
tampered with, supposedly by child-
ren returning from school.
Employees of T. S. Ford's store,
Mitchell, presented Wm. Gollnitz, a
member of the staff, with an electric
reading lamp ae a wedding gift.
Barnsdale Trading Company, one of
the oldest established general stores
Stratlord. made an assignment.
A. C. Barnedale, manager, said no
made fo
c the future
2000 sparrows, the feathered pest,
met their fate around Motherwell the
past month when a contest was form-
ed by the local farmers. Losing aide
will entertain the winners to a dinner.
Lloyd,. the 11 year old son of George
Tanner, Mornington, ran up against
the suspended litter carrier with such
force that cut a long, deep gash in his
forehead, Several etitehes had to be
put in it.
The paved provincial highway from
Stratford, was a sheet of •ice Thursday
Noy. 23rd, and while dangerous for
horses and autoee, was a paradise for
youths. Two young men skated four
miles from Sebringville.
Harold Colquhoun, Hibbert town-
ship, had his left leg and left arm
broken by a fall of 40 feet from the
top of a silo, He went to close a door
and to steady himself he took hold of
a lightning rod that gave way,
Ernest Petty, an employee of Men-
ton Bros„ printing machine manu-
facturers of Toronto, had hie left
hand badly bruised and suffered the
loss of one finger when the press
which he was engaged in mov-
ing in the old Argue building, St,
Marys, slipped to the floor pinning
his hand beneath it.
• Car of Western Oats •••
•Expected to arrive this week, •
• 8
• Leave order at once, •
• •
• Royal Household Flour
Always in stock. It is the beet •
on the market and our prices •
ere right. •
Groceries `
Fresh stock of Groceries just to es
W. J. McCracken
New Stock of Rubbers
At a Specially Low Price
Bargains'Men's in Pants
Joe Schwadron
This Fruit Medicine Always
Gives Relief
917 Deme Sr,.
stfffered terribly with Dyspepsla.-
had it for years and all the wed'.
Ohms I took did not dome any good,
I read something about "Fruit-ar
tines" being good for all Stantaeh Trouble
and Disorders of Digestion, 00 I tried`
After finishing a. few boxes, I was
entirely relieved of theDyspepsiaand
my genera health was restored; and
I am writing to tell you that 'I owe
my life to "Fruit -a -tines"
500 a box, 6 for $2.60, trial size 25c.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
Fruit•* -tines Limited, Ottawa.
Gordon Dow, Russeidale, opeeated
nn for appendicitis at London, 18 doing
Devonebire cream with pie encialq
are ort program at Mitchell. Yum I
Yum 1
Fullerton Women's Institute ask
Council to permit them to repair and.
light Township Hall.
Michael McCarty, a Logan pioneer,
flied Nov. 270, aged 70 years. Myra
Jordon, ble wife, and 8 eons survive.
Basement of new Lathe' AM church,
Brodbagen, has been opened and will
be used until auditorium is completed,
Boy Scouts, Mitchell, presented
Rev. Mt'. Roberta -with a puree as a
recognition of the interest he has tak-
en in their organization,
Mr. Jennings, Arkone, who at one
time was a resident of Whalen, died
November 26, aged 93 years. While tt
resident at Whalen Mr. Jennings
often occupied the pulpits in the.
neighborhood as a local preacher.
For a number of years he had been in
very poor health.
Elgin McLaren, son of Dunean Mc-
Laren, Hibbert, was severely burned
in the mouth and throat when he
drank some Gillet 's
t lye.
into the house at noon and picking ap
a receptacle in which he thought was
water he started to take a drink,
John Boshart hes putehased the en.
tire steam heating plant of a factory
that ie being wrecked at Wiarton and
is having it installed in the new
factory of the Milverton Furniture
Co. Material is good as new and the
saving through the purchase will
amount to
There is a possibility of litigation
arising between the Milverton Plan-
ing Mill Company and the trustees of
Union S. S. No. 8, Plana and Wallace,
Some dispute arose between the sup-
erintendent and the contractors
which culminated in a constable being
employed to put the bricklayers off
the job. Proceedings are also likely
to be taken against the constable.
$35o•oo a year ago would
buy only lona feet
Oak Floai'itlg,
For $350,00 To- day
Wewill Fornish
1000 ft. Oak Flooring'
1000 ft. Bill Stuff
1000 ft. Sheathing ,
1000 ft. Bevel Siding
1000 £t. Undressed Lumber
1000 XXX Shingles
1000 Lath
2 Outside Door Frames
and Doors ,
5 Window Frames and
Sash complete.
All First-classMaterial.
Build with Wood
and Save Money
See Us
Phone 16 Brussels
$200 were proceeds of Lutheran
church bazaar, Mitchell.
A sad fatality occurred Friday
afternoon at the home of D. and Mre.
O'Connor, Hibbert. Mrs. O'Connor,
was cleaning beans when her baby
boy, Dan„ aged 15 months, put one in
hia mouth and accidently swallowed
it. Medical assistance ,vas summon-
ed, but before Dr, arrived the little
lad had choked to death.
.. Baked by Experts
• - :
• oat t, from the beat materials, •
• Ireinilitim.
our bread needs only•
•trial to demonstrate its
e absolute parPectinn. 1ns 44 flavor, toothsomeness •
fir ',Z-
an and nutritive quality it •
• '1!r4�tiw�- is an ideal bread for all, •
♦ 1, a��r •
s 1,�it from the littlest toddler
�� to the strongest man. a
e t a loafto-day.
• W. E. WILLIS p
•0.0.000.• •
Gifts that Last at Moderate Prices
ilo Your Xmas Shaping Now
The Jewelery Store is the best place to get suggestions
for Christmas Presents. Our stock is right up-to-date.
Let us Show You
Our line of Ladies' Wrist Watches, Gents' 'Watches,
Petu'1 Set Necklets k ate
arid out Pan
d s Diamond mond Hinge,
Pearl Rings, Signet Rings, Waldemar Chains Tie
Pine, Ouff Linke, Bar Pine, Silverware of all kinds,
Cut Glass, Fancy China, Purses, Pipee, Auto Strop
and Gillette Safety Razors, Flashlights, Rodaks
and Caner
r t as, French Ivory in Oases aud'sold
separate. Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver
Mounted Snit Case Umbrellas, Xmas Poet Cards,
Seale, Tags and Booklets,
82.50 83 00 $4,00 45.00 and $6,00 each
Give her a Diamond this Christmas
There is no other Gift she will cherish like a Diamond. A nice
variety to choose from, Prices from 825,00 to 8160.00,
Cart and lr'apeet XMAS GIFTS THAT LAST
our'8took Of
J. R. wewar,