The Brussels Post, 1921-12-8, Page 4Abe*moods;x 'I Illi IZ,f�- reel H s ,n c�pRRs , �' >� 41Jd 9 R"Betennee the Cornerer whera yn u axe,,, • LONoON Advertiser suggests that le - stead of dredging the Niagara river for pre•bietoric relics, the Deneteiou Senate might be at"kiit comifand. The latter Would iinr) ibledly prove drier, ' VISIT of Lloyd George,- the little Welshinah, who is a oath centurywan• der among 'atatesmep of the world, is expected to spend a couple ofweeks at 'the Wasbington Conference. He weighs 16 ounces to tbe,,pouud and be bas pot only political wisdom but the happy koack of getting along with 'folk andoarrying his propositions through. RAILROAD passenger and 'freight rates are reducing somewhat, Tbis is good business as regularly scheduled trellis Might better carry a fall quota as run half loaded, With the motor ear opposi• tion alert 'and optimistic t4e railway ay managers will require to revise some of their old blue lams and regulations if they expect to get their share, Ax outstanding figure passed off this stage of action last week wben Lord Mount Stephen died in England, in bis gird year, Reared in comparative ob- scurity and poverty in Scotland he plodded, planned and labored with brain and muscle until he had the world—or a big share of It—at his feet. els Canada r experiences are worth while looking up and are encouraging to every youth in the land. "MEN shall iearn war no more," is on record but its realization will only be brought about wben the brotberhood of man is recogniz-d, ahem grafters can't make millions out of armaments and when Nations will forgive and forget. Greed for territory and reaching after acreage belonging to another ; a "chip - on -the -shoulder" of a bully and insolence iustead of heart to•beart talks over le- ternational squabbles are often material to start a war•fire and once set agoing the problem Is to stop it. CANucK judging representatives at the big stock Sbow held is Chicago gave a good account of themselves and got in on the winning without much trouble. We can produce the goods in the keen- est competition. The fellows who are always crying about Canadian inability to hold tbeir own should begin to take nerve food and get rid of their doubts and fears, as they do our land and its husky inhabitants gross injustice when they insinuate that all our music must be played on the and violin. Brace up, get a plaster for your spine and tell the world we are winners. A school with practical demonstra- tions should be established to instruct the "mac of the house" in the art of carving, If alt specimens of the poultry family were "built" after the same pattern tbere might not be the same need but our experience in carving is tbat in no two are the joints located in the same geograpbical position and anyhow with a table full of hungry and most observant guests is no time. to go on voyages of discovery la the study of anatomy. By all means let us have a school, call it by any name you wish. WE wonder if the great outbursts of loyalty to Canada and patriotism to the British Empire that have been slopping over by many candidates and their de- puty apouters during the past few months will continue or now that the Election is over and no more offices to wiu will these delightful sentiments be allowed to droop and die ? That a good share of it was only "fizz" is apparent from the fact that these declarations were not on the program of many until an Election was in eight. What is needed is constancy. Canada is a land good enough to be cheered for and boosted 365 days in the year and the old flag deserves our best laudations all ibe the time as it is wor- thy of our greatest efforts and warmest praise. Tint Department of Higbways has ordered the removal of advertising signs erected on certain of the provincial highways. This will particularly affect a cbain of clothing stores with head- quarters in London, who have erected signs valued at $145 at frequent inter- vals, The department will control all signs between the fence and those situ- ated a quarter of a mile back from them. in order to maintain the natural appear- ance of trees nailing of advertisements on them will be forbidden, Ripley Presbyterian Church After 48 years of separation Huron and Kerte Presbyterian Churches, Rip- ley have decided to worship under one roof again, Tide decision was reach. ed .on November 21st at separate meetings of the congregations, held under supervision of Presbytery Com- I tnieeion cnmposed of Rev, W. Bradley, Teeswater ; Bev, ', Over• end and I,' A. Mackenzie, laymab, .Kincardine. Some time ago the Elders suet and asked for a Ootnmiaeida to investigate the situation, 48 years ago the two eongt'egatlooc held worship nn bile leh Cnn, It WAS decided to prove in- to Ripley and it was at that Bute the bleak. occurred. One realm) fortired f congregation an ()petted iu tl Fd t n 11 o i itinu sll t. alt h k t n P t b 1 ut h ,l the other 'bunion opened ].infix Pr•eeby- torian ellluoh Arid since then each heti carried on intlenentlant of the other. A bat& cif Amort wee reeolted tit the eeasions on the 21st, Aa 80011 fie the legalr'egaixeutentc are taken care of the two organizations will occupy the time ehtToh Both oongre atrt s are to come in t'i'es of debt and set vices will be held alternately in both churches utitil a new edifice ie erected,' It is further agreed that united con. gregation will use organ, and Book of Praise, Ie is peculiar to note that sinceHurnn church wac established members of the congregation would not subscribe to worship with ,music supplied by organ,'neitber Would they sin other tan Nelms, In Knox chercb otgau was used and -also Book of Praise, One of the moat ontslanding clausee of the agreement is that both pastors are to vacate their positions on same date yet to be fixed. Rev. B. D. Mc- Lean is pastor of Huron clturoh and Rev, G. A.. Gilcitors of Knox church. To this provision the mluisters have agreed. After pastorates have been declared vacant united congregation will call a new minister. In connection with. retirement of the present paatora each into receive a bonus of $1,000. This money will be raised out of proceeds of sale of one of the manses. The new coup egatinn wilt be known ae tbePreebyterian Church of. Ripley. Both old names have been discarded and the words union and united have been purposely avoided, Neither congregation wishes to con. nect the words with the new organiza- tion, East Wawanosh Council Minutes of Council meeting held at Belgrave, Nov. 21st. Members pres- ent, minutes of last meeting were read and confirtned. Following ac- counts were pairs 1—et Taylor, widen- ing road Con, 6 & 7, *42 60 ; 0 Cook. widening road Con. 6 & 7, $45 00, work nit grader, $9 (10 ; B Jackson, gravel, *38 35 ; R SVighttnan, gravel, $27.75 ; J Gibann, gravel, *5 55 ; 0 King, gra. vel, $075 ; L 11 Beeman, tile and drawing same, $63 60 ; Jenkine & Brad nock, repairing Toll Drain, $207 70 ; Jenkins & Bradnoek, balance contract Sturdy Drain, $94600; Gen, Sturdy, inepectingcontr'[;ct un Sturdy Drain, $20.00; Geo. Caldwell, inspect- ing gravelling centract Con. 2rtud 3, $15 00 ; Fred Toll, Lila and work on Toll Drain, $35 70 ; Fred Toll, repair- ing open ditch Toll • Diein,*4.40; Earl Bentley, balance contract claming nut Toll Drain, $15 75 ; ]mink Marehati, catch basin on the Toll Drain, *13 00 ; Alex McGowan, catch basin ou the McGowan Drain, $13 00 ; Joe John- ston, drawing tile and digging drain Oon, 2 and 3, $1460; John Johnston. repairing culvette widening and gra- velling Con. 2 and 3, 870 60 ; Wes. Walden, repairing culvert and gravel- ing Oon. land 3, $1865; ,l Carter gra- velling on Con, 3 and 4. $110 65 ; R Beebe/tap, inspecting same, $12.00 ; 1 Sam Deacon, cleaning not ditch and! gravelling on Con. 10. *43 75; Gen. termites, gravelling on Con. 10 and 11, $875; Chas Johnston, cnue statute labor tax, $8 00 • Estate Sitnon Mitch- ell, tile, *12.72 ; Ed Walsh, putting in culvert Con 8, $2 00 ; Pe ed Hayden, raking stones, $3 75 ; J Stonehouse, work on grader, $8 10 ; Carl Bennet, team on grader, $6 00 ; Lennard Cook, putting in culvert, *1400. By tete No. 11, 1921, appointing place of nom- ination, places of election, D. R. O. and poll clerks was duly read and passed. Connell adj'turned to meet Dec, 15th, at 10 o'clock. Canadian News One of "Jack Miner's geese" is shot, in Labrador. Two young children burned to death at Montteal. Old Indian battlefield found on farm in Haiinn enmity. Verdict of arridenral drawing in case of Mee. Carl Ahrens. - Joseph Dead, Ingersoll, dies, result of n sunstroke last June. Rev. ()anon R G. Sutherland, of Hamilton, dies at age of 76 years, Remittent Cnntrnnere fix assessment of Y. W. O. A. and Y. M. C. A. at $25,000 each. C. G. Buelett, Secretary of the Nor- wich Public School Boat d, and Wil- liam Fairley, a member of the Schein) Bnard and 'Pawn Clerk, were fined $10 each for failing to make Income .p tax returns on hehnlf of the School: Board until entified by the depart -1 went at Ottawa to do so, Beeauee she rejected his attentions, Jack Grubb, Nety Yolk, a stage car- penter, fatally injured Mise Cecile Bartley of Chicago, a vaudeville ac- tress, in the Lyric'Pbeatte, Hamilton, Friday. Grubb, then turned the wea- pon on himself, sent own hullete through his chest, and succumbed on the dim stage within 10 minutes. The contract has heen closed be- tween the Council of the Townehip of flarwich and Chatham Pubic Utilities Commission for a hydro Line extending into the tnwnship from Chatham through Kent Oen. ter. The work of oonetmucting the line is to commence early and it le expected that It will he completed in a very abort time. Other rural firma are contemplated in that county, and it is believed a nnmher of them will be authorized next Spring. A$THMA S RAZ-MUAH NO Smoking –No S,rayinp--Nu id! Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing stop moult gatherings in the bronchial tubes, gild{ long nights of quiet Bleep; contains IN habit-forming drug, $1.00 at your dreg ggist's, Trial free at our agencies ot'wTlt* Templefona, 142 Xing W., 7`oront•. Hold by ran. Fox ; in Walton by W. Ce. Neal. "Busy Bee maim A,.MODERN, handsome low priced Steel Range made of Armco Steel—High Closet, Copper Reservoir and Nickle, Plated, adapted for. any kind of Fuel, wood or coal, and priced so that every one who needs a Stove can own one. Call and see our Stoves. Steel Hauges, Cast Hauges andQuebec Heaters all sizes ir.WSecond hand Wood Stove for sale, Geo. E. Weller B. 0. Legislature defeats 8 -hour -day bill by 24 to 15. 'Young woman cashier held up and robbed of $693 in Sandwich. Body reported' to be in motor car at bottom of river at Montreal. The body of en unknown Canadian soldier was buried at Ottawa.. Vancouver will establieh military camp for unmarried unemployed men. Sir Douglas Hazen to investigate claims for losses due to illegal warfare. Lt. -Col. Harry Cnckshutt, Lieuten - ant -Governor of Ontario, officially opened 38th annual Ontario Provin- elal Winter Fair, held in Guelph from December 2 to 8. Secretafy J. E. Bettie received the consent of the Lieutenant -Governor to come to Guelph for this ceremony, which took place on Monday afternoon Dec- ember 5, at 1.30 o'clock, Robert McOorkell, Harwich, suf- focated by gas- fumes. 8 lives loot when steamer founders between Oswego and Trenton. Thos, Shipwell, St. Catharines, kilted by falling into canal cutting, Joel Whitney, 6s years old, farmer, of Essex, says be is "off Windsor for life," Whitney told the police that he had been in Windsor only twice during the year, but on each occasion has been the victim of a pickpocket, and by a strange coincidence the same man robbed hien each time, Whitney deciaiee. Jostled by a sandy complexioned man as he was boarding an. Essex inter urban car tbie evening, Joel found he had no mouey with which to pay hie, fare when the conductor came around. The two - trips to Windsor cost the fanner $100. A Christmas Gift For Your Friends And An Investment For Yourself The Farmer's Advocate 3 YEARS FOR $3.40 The most reliable farm and home paper in Canada. Our own 200 acre experimental Farm and constant travelling among farmers keeps our editors in close touch with the problems of the farm. The "Farmer's Advocate" is owned, published and edited by farmers. Each camber of the farnity will be interested in some department and a8 will enjoy oar serial ,poria OUR SPECIAL. OFFER ONE YEAR $1.50 NEW PRICES TWO YEARS THREE YEARS $2.50 $3.00 iN ADVANCE (FORMER PRICE 02.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.) WRITE TODAY:- Send re your orders without delay so that your subscription will start with our splendid Xmas number. The William Weld Co., London, Ontario " Every farmer Needs a Ford 'You don't hesitate to own a binder for a few days' use per year --to save time. Why not a Ford for use dtty or night every day in the year ? —to save time that can be better used in productive work, —to keep you in close personal touch with markets, —to handle light produce to town, —to bring out help to your farm, —to keep the boys contented on the farm. The sturdy Ford is the farm car you want for dependable power, endurance, simplicity and economy. We render Ford Service and sail Qenuine Ford Parts Call and ask about the Fordson Tractor, D. M. SCOTT, Brussels AUTtIOlyLG*D FOfitD DEALER Pierre'1'r'ert'tbley, Vtane°Peer, given itp for dead, ar'rivee at old home it Mentreel, A1ontreat (Wooer asks aup p ress' nn Of 11411408 Of poisons and implomenta used to take life, The Re* erchants' 4aaocietion Stehtfeed, concluded the swum') with complimentary banquet on Tues- day, Nov, 29th, at the Obamber of Commerce quarters, • •%V, 0, Miller, • Seeeeeary, of the Provincial as- suciation spoke. Ten years to the penitentiary with hard lttbn,r WAS .tbe afentence Imposed by Justice A• K Dyetu•t in the Assize o ,Winnipeg,'red M. U tut, K.upon F iiryane, foulnd guilty of attacking Willilm AI'mstl'ong with a; razor' on Ontobar 23. . « Tivn Hungarian gypsy fortune tell- cera, Mary Stevenson and Angelina Nicholas, and their pupilla tt'eucurer, Z'tlota Reinitro, were fined $20 at Brantford, for theft from three local men under specious' forthne.telling pleas. Theywill also pay back the money they secured: . 7,`hs books of the Underwood Public Library, which were destroyed b;X We ill 1920, are being gradually re- placed, 8469 have been spent for books, and there are now 700 vnlutnns on the ebelvee as well as 8 popular i magazines. Some of the new Fall hooks, are being procured. Wo tep'e Institute le paying for the eutetak- ing of the library, Watson Hungerford, a Meaford man in Owen Sottud, is in the hospital with a broken neck and is baffling the physicians of this district. In the last week of September be was in an auto- mobile accident near Chatsworth, and sustained a broken neck acid was given a few days to live. He is para- lyzed from the shoulders down and has been in that condition' ever since the accident, 0anade has nationalized. over 22,- 000 miles of our railways, and for the pastS years there have been heavy deficits ; unless we can .ptace'these railways under more economic man- agement they will bankrupt Canada. Tu make therm pay we must have mote production, and to get more production we must increase our population, in other words we have saddled on ourselves a great big white elephant that we have to work like slaves to keep. It will require all the skill,. ability and astuteness of our moat able statesmen to handle and extricate us out of a vet y serious and difficult railway problem. A youthful bandit, about -22 years of age, entered a drug store at the corner of Gei'tie and Notre Dame avenue, Winnipeg, at 6 o'clock Thuile day evening, shot the pro peietor and his assistant, cleaned nut the till and escaped. J. Wilder, the proprietor was shot in the acro anti hip, and A. Davie, the aseiatant, was shot in the abdomen and serious- ly wounded. Both are in the hospital. No "hands up" comtnand was given by 'he assailant, who simply entered the store and started firing at the two victims. It is not known how much mnney waa taken. So numerous and bold are the wolves becoming at MacLennan, just East of the Sault, -that stock-raieera there are asking relief. During the past 4 weeks about 100 sheep have been killed in a very limited area by wolves which have appeared since the bear epidetnic subsided.. It is estim- ated that at least 400 bears were killed within the city and its immediate vicinity during the Fall. Reports are craning in from the Algoma Central Railway that the wolves are doing great damage there, particularly at Mile 95, tvbere they are destroying the beaver and deer. The settlers are de. mending that a larger bounty be placed on the wolves, $25 not being sufficiently large to induce expert trappers to spend time in an endeavor to exterminate them. "Pere" an English bulldog, owned by Jack Campbell, Windsor, grappled with a daylight woman bulgier, who was discovered by Mrs Campbell, tak- ing wearing apparel from a room at ler hotue late Wednesday afternoon recently. The dog sprang at the woman, grasping her by the throat incl teasing open the flash, drawing blood. Mrs. Campbell called off the dog and the woman escaped through the front dont', She has tint been seen .since. Mrs. Campbell was un- aware that the burglar was in her hnme until aha walked into the room which was being ransacked. She gave a low cry and the woman turned to fire. The dog then came into the rotes), sprang at the stranger's throat, and would not release hie bold until Mre. Campbell ordered him to "Lie down."` Electric siren alarms, to be used in case of attempted robbery or burgle' y, will he attached to the 110 branches of the Bank of Hamilton. A test of a siren was made at a branch in Toro)) to, it being attached to the wall on the outside of the bank building two storeys up. The interior of the bank is wired, with many electric buttons hidden in secret places, so that if a robbery is attempted the staff push their buttons and alarm Automat- ically shrieksa warning on the street. The teat brought policemen to the brink on the jump. However, the local police suggest that if the railings. in the bank were built sip to the ceil- ings this would be as good protection as bank Mame, as in the bank hold- ups bandits have hurdled the rail- ings which eeparated the bank staffs fu non the public. It is said that the electric siren alarm may be ittetalled in every bank in Canada. A resnlntion urging the government to amend the Bee disease an by pro- viding for the eompulsoryregistration of every beekeeper in Ontario was panted at a meeting of the Ontario Beekeepers' Association, It was pointed nut that lack of registration. Me a serious handicap in cahryiug nett inspectinn provided for under the act. The rnmtnittee appointed to in. veetigate conditions with the view to preparing the ground for the forma• tion of a co-operative marketing as- sociation, will gather all information avaiiabtet with the expectation that thirigc will be sufficiently ready at the next Con ventinti to put the project Antler way, It is poe'sible that a apeclsl meeting may be called and the an -operative pine brought inti+ eeist- entre in tittle to handle next year's crop of honey about the end of July, The. oltlerre elected were;p,'1`, halliard, Lambeth, Peesidaut t A,. Mc'1'nvlDh, Carleton,'Place, and John 51 yer e, Stratford, vice.Preeldente ; F. 15, Millen, of the Ontario o A t1cuItt nal College,tl 0l t lY • 'eaerll'ah • NOTIOL TQ.CREDITORS,-1n the matter fethg eatato of John not. Roger, late of the Tpwnohtp. of Oroy, In this County of Httren, Farm- er, deooaaod. Netic0.alehereby ghee pureunnt to "Tae lie•' vlbfal tltetales of (Werth, Chapter eel ,e etien. Mie' that alt the eosredltota50rs and othldersJobn klu$Phawsalaiubger»,• flgalt 8 of the xa. former, 'detente* otter about the l4Eh deg of Nov,, A.U. 1981, are regalre&of or before the. to send b ant 20th aid o'aet(ver , eel), IRO, y p prepaid ut rc 11 the to Louis and test r ane of the 1deceased, of th lynat1r . tad etiree their or the deceased, at Blyth, P, 0 (,.etu o, thdt. Christian and afallpmbs addrea*as and da• tote statement the full pnrhloulnrs of their Melee the statement of their 11000eatn line the nature of the neourities lir any) held by them. And further take notice that after stroll last mentioned date the 1Exoautera Wilt groused to distribute the assets of the deaonr amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard onlyto the claim of whsob they seen have l(blnolo% and the said kxeoutere tit not be liable for the said genets or Key pert thereof to n ay Person or persons, of Whose claim notice shall not brave been reoelved by them at the time el Such distribution. Bated Shit 80th day of Nov„ A. D 1921, LOtTIt 80,LINGER, '22Exeouors, JAUOB BOLli1NGait, S Standing Timber for Sale Standing timber for anle by the acre,- con.. slating Maple, Ash, Birch and. Rim. Por fur- ther particulars apply to .Tuns Fianna, SH Lot 80, Oen. t, Morris. Phone 6810. Town Wood Account Persons owing for wood purchased trona the town are asked t0 settle thestoneforthwith. By order of Council, Payment received by if, 8.. SCOTT, Village Clerk. Teacher Wanted Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 10, Grey town- shlp.a.2nd class certificate and Protestant Duties to Qom mance after Chrtatmas holidays, Apply to undersigned stating salary wanted and experience. BARRY 1'rrilcc. Brussels, P, O. 1i. 1t. 0. Hog for Servile bthe nui4en1gned will krap Lo 44 UG r tyy to rilobi p fotRaorrv olo eb rre end Be,ksb Ireemir.sneeito 8rd,„ • rm ra E Od Aa A 1 Nm0 n d Na. b8a , 1 a f gister0 sa, v(ue, wall ptivtlage of 'ratarnlna er ¢t fA It sat so treld d A. NIlIlOL Photic 0819 PrnpriotoT, Farm for Sale 8p Aare taro for sale being Nut Lot 14, Con, 10, Grey. '1'llere,ta.a oolutortu shouse, good cellar, hank barn with opulent atter in stable, mind, ab,, oraliard and plenty of good water. Nit plt18116slldone Laud, ,rn good state of enttidatfpn, Perin la all wire fenced. 8)f miles* distant from Brussels end Ethel, Par further particulars n Iy to ALEX, BARE, Brussels, R, R, No, 5, 'Farmi for Sale. Very desirable fern for sale, aontalning 100 scree with fine buildings. Small amount 11011 finance or would consider hoose and lot or Small farm. APPIy to Tan POST, House .for Sale The property of the late Mrs, Prooter, core nee of lox Putter and Vlore street, Brussels, le offered for sale. Good frame house and y._ Bore of land Possession may be bad on Oetobber lot Nor further partioulere apply to. VfM. THUELL, Phone 1011 it, R. No. 4, $ruesela, JAS. A. REA Breeder of large English Berkshires Young stook for sale, either sex, Nor further partienlare Write or phone. Brusee(e Central— Walton P. 0. Phone 8018 R. R. 8 Buil for Service The undersigned will keep for service, on see Lot 80, Con, 2, Morris township, thelhoro'.br Short Horn Buil, Gainford of Belem, No, =0041D=. Sired b Gainford Marquis 11068901 Dam tt(tdred VII by Royal Sailor (189501..Ped- ixreemay be 0001 on application. Terms - 510.00 for thoro'-breds payable at time of ear• vice with privilege to return, Grade cows not allowed. THOS, PIERCE, Proprietor e4.•44+ eeeFid••34•.5C'l...ese •e tutee. •reeiesH eeeeli e4e+••r•+41t•FO+•4 • The Seaforth Creamery • i. • ream Wanted Send your Cream to the Creamery thoroughly established and that gives you Prompt Service and Satisfactory Results. We solicit your patronage knowing that we can give you thorough sa tisfaction. • We will gather your Cream, weigh, sample and test •• • it honestly, using the scale test to weigh Cream sam- a°. pies and pay you the highest market prices every two : weeks. Cheques payable at par at Bank of' Nova Scotia. 3• • For further particulars see our Agent, MR. T. C. • e McCALL, Phone 231o, Brussels, or write to a. ar The Seaforth Creamery Co. SEAFORTH, ONT. +440•r:•+•40 e-•4+1+41+e+d'+4 00•••••••••••••••••••••••0 +•••••••••••••••-•••••••••••• I s, Students May Enter Any Time • a • • . • �- ice/ ..4) • `'‘‘,(i 5 • • o • The $cbool with• experienced instructors.1 1 sThe School Whish gives thorough Courses. 8 The School which assists its Graduates to positions. p Addrose the College for Froo Oatgloguo, to either Stratford or Wingham ocN••s•••4Ce4,0449•00**a644 •a 41,e.a0.0e464)•• a*5'9•••••••sr l 1 Creamr. anted 11•1111111•111111mmalliglIBMIfigiagg Ship Cream Direct to the Briisseis Creamery Prompt Service Satisfactory Returns' We furnish you with Cans and Fay all Ex- press Charges, issue Cheques l'or tale pay- ment of your Cream twice each rn'mth, pay- able at par at your Bank. Give the Brussels Factory one trial and you will not want t0 discontinue. Brussels Cr � Stewart Bros, ,� Props;