The Brussels Post, 1921-12-8, Page 3mast and Present. It ls.lrumaa to a*agperate•the °berm Of the past, We all do It In 0Ur fm ilivldual ]toes. More and More, as we Set eider,• memory turns to aux'Child,. hood alai :7euth, iixaa on the bright pointe, the delleate, delicious hours, *Mils the test and then says, "Al, to think wind. Ilea was then! Why,can; X not Was back the friends and; the OPorte and tho•dainty mei' elvereioi that really made existence aeem worth while?" In. this, as In everything, humanity 'tit "general isbut the Individual' writ Urge, When trouble thicken, and storms clatter and clash, and the ofd World seems to be hobbling to ruin, ivo look back and say, "Oh, how t d1f- ferent! Thoao past people did 'not bttvo our problems to contend with, For them life 'wire .(Ample and easy•and Serene. Women had all the household virtues. Mea did not hurry and did not worry, but gained the simple neceesarlea in honest and industrious content, Day.by,dayemenkind -grows more corrupt and dlseattsflod, and times worse and worse Must still mooed the former." Itis one of the first duties of a man to fight that tendency to overestimate the past, whether in itis own personal life or in general. Study the past ab- stractly, •impersonally,lnetead of sen- timentalizing about it, and you will =-Cee. that it met the same= difficulties and made the same mistakes that we are meeting and malting. Do not judge 1t by high 1lghts•and pleasant memories, Plunge Into the shatdows' and you will find them just as dark and deep as .they are•; to -day. Such study of the past is of Immense value to us, but its: value does not come from blighting rho present, but from enabling us to understand 11. Only by appreciating how mon have sat- tered and struggled can we get light 00 the wisest way to meet the suffer- ing and struggle of our own time. Only by sufficient consideration of the huge travail of the past can we gauge the toilsome stepsof humanity in the slow, tortuous, uncertain march of progress, or become convinced that there is progress, however confused and desperate the upward movement lily appear. It is our business ad honest men and women not only to show that the ,present is as good as tho past, or bet- ter, but to help to make it so by be- lieving in it, Merry Misprints. The misprint is an unconscious humorist of the first order, The following paragraph appeared in an Eagiish newspaper not long, ago: "We wish to apologize for the manner in which we disgraced tho beautiful lvedding last week. Through an error we were made to say, the, rosea wore punk.' What we meant to say was, `the noses worn pink.' " Dr. Jowett, the famous preacher, had been engaged to speak at a mis- sion hall in Birtalugham, and some handbills advertising the meeting were circulated. The last line on the bill read: "Mr. Jowett and ether fiends will address the meeting," Some years ago a blue -boort con- tained an amazing misprint. It was an account of a conversation between the British Ambassador at Berlin and the Gorman Chancellor. It said: "His Ex- cellency concluded his filthy remarks and left." Nobody seemed to know • what -the offending word ought to have been, but general opinion chose "pithy." A certala paper reterred to two teamed* gehtiemen as "bibulous old flies" instead of Need- less to say..the:editor gat into hot water and in:p-reparing'.his apology he wrote "The learned gentlemen aro too 'fastidious:" To the editor's'horror.tho ,printer distinguished' himself agate by printing: "The learned gentlemen aro two fast idiots." A Lancashire man, who had just re - tamed froth a tour round the world, was annoyed by a report in a local paper, In which It was, said that "his friends were surprised to find him un - banged." Of course, the last word lacked a "c," but It needed explaining before the world wanderer oould "o" it. British Mints Busy on Pudding, Pennies. His Majeety's mint is getting reedy for Chriatmas by joining 10,000 three- penny pieces, sayo a London despatch. The small sliver ening are as popular as ever for the Yuletide diversion of placing them in Chrlatmare puddings, with merry jests about what will hap- pen to tine parson who gots them. Re- quest/ for the three -penny piecesrhave been made especially. by Edinburgh and Glasgow banks, who saw that they have been besieged by patrons for colts; Apparently the rich Engllsb pudding has lost none of Its popularity, What Sort of a Man Is He? When a shrewd loudness- man le making an lnvestntent in any miter - prise, the first question he asira Is, "What sort of a inan•ie'beak of the 0 to 1' e p rp is or the institution?" Every- thing depends, on the sort of a man who is at the head of anything. The quality of the head will trickle clear down through from the top of at or- ganit.ation to the very bottom. Elcvbtod City. Madrid' is the mast elevated city hi Metope,. It ie befit on a mountain plain or plateau 2,300 feet abeve the -betel of the •sea. 'tieing much women to extremes of heat cold call, it 15 eery nnbenitity. %U[3LR•NOT. rABfSBABY'S OWN i4 ]fir NN �! AIILETS /Os, W, 'Bs eley, Mille Itoobe, Out, wrltea, "I have .+sed Baby's Own '1 ab- icta for the past eight menthe and would not be', without.them, . I Vasa them for indigestion and teething and. my baby la cutting Ms teeth without mar trouble whatever, I. can highly teeemmond the 'Tablets to other mothers." What Mre. 3eealey says thousands of other mothers say, The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxa- ttve which regulate the bowels and, sweeten tbp.s.totitaeb, thee driving out Cousttpation find Indigestion and' tnak- 1ng teething easy, They are sold by 'medicine 'dealers or by :Rail et 25 conte a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. Black Rain. While showers of , tiny .frogs and riven• times • are •not unknown, how many people are aware that at vari- ous tinias:the old country has experi- enced auah. peculiarities as "black rain," "blood rain," and "milk rain?" These are caused by such impurities as soot, lant-pollea,'finely-divided aut., phur, and sand. in 1903 there was a downfall of "blood rain",in, England, and this, on examination:, was shown to have been Impregnated with Miller - al substances carried b y •air -drifts from the Sahara. - The fine dust discharged in volcanic eruptions alga been known to remain in suspension in the air for several years. Such phenomena as "frog ahowere" and "fish showers" are due to strong ascending air currents, each as local wbirlwinds, which carry 'these light objects away from the ground and transport them through the atmos- phere until the force of gravity brings them to earth. Smallest Increase. While Scotland now has more reel-' dents than ever haters, the increase in thelast ten years was. the amallest ever recorded in a similar petted. Tho hest cure for the body is to quiet the mind:. Minard's Liniment for Distemper, Those Cheery Chairmen. The other erenhtg Mr. Stephen Lefe nook, the world.fantoua hnrnorist,' of Montreal, told 5000 tri Iiia eapoliencas with portant chairmen Ae Irad met at hie ledturea. 000 01 them, in lntrodncing amid those present know, the drat series of :rectual'•es' =was a complete 10i1ur4, 50.they were trying a new ex= periment—they were Seeing what they could do with cheaper taleetl "Hel'e'n one that bappened in To. roato," Continued Mr, Leacock: "I was. to speak in Torouto for the eocond time. I was invited to Colne 1 back. .That practically never happens to no--soniettntes they dare me to-) conte back, I felt awfully elated, put 0 was amid I 811001d say some things the second time I had said the first time. 1 mentioned it to' the chairman, but the latter replied:: "I don't think: yon need be afraid at that, because• the people who heard you before won't be here to -night," Mr; Leacock: alao mentioned a chair- man with a very bad memory, who, In, introducing him to the audience, said "I earl assure Mr,--er-I oan assure: Mr,--.er—the lecturer— er—of the evening, that his name has been a household word for years." You're Constipated! Take "Cascaras" for Liver, Bowels Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, or sour, gassy stotnaoh--al- ways trace this to torpid liver and de- layed fermenting food in the bowels. Cascarets work while you sleep. They immediately cleanse the stomach, re- move the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the consti- pated waste matter and poisons in the bowels, Get a 10 -cent box now and let "Oascarets" straighten you out by morning. The (best education in the world is that got by struggling to get a living. What is defeat? Nothing but the first step to something better, --,Wen- dell Phillips. The weight of the human brain is said to doable in the first nine months of Iife and treble before the end of tho third year. Surnames and Their Origin O'DOWD Variations—Dowd, Dowde, O'Dowda, Doody. Racial Orlgln—Irish. Source—A given name. The family name of O'Dowd and its variations are but Anglicized develop- ments of the Irish clan name of "O'Dudhda," and such names as Heth- erington, De 'eauharnais or Van Rens- selaer "have nothing on St" from the viewpoint either of antiquity or im- portance in the dim ages of the past. At beat the use of these others as hereditary faintly names can go back to but 'about the eleventh century, Five hundred years before thisthe chlettain of the Clan O'Dowd stood high in the councils of the Irish kings and high -kings. It was abbut the year 050 A.D. that the organization of the elan took place under the leadership of the chieftain "Dubada,"• whose gtven name had a meaning not dissimilar to "Donald," That is, it meant "dark complexioned-" The O'Dowds were one ot the num- erous clans which owere itt the first place septa or divisions of the still more ancient clan of the O'Connors, which together with the O'Nsilla fur - wafted a very large number of the suc- cession of "High -Kings" who ruled the anotent Isiah civilization front about 1700 B.C. until it finally"%vent to pieces. under Lite terrific and persistent on- slaughts of the Anglo -Normans. LAMB Variations—Lambden, Lamson, Larnp- kyn, Lambert, Lambertaon. Racial Origin --English, Source—A given name, How did snob. a family name as Lamb come into being? Through the resemblance of a man to a sheep? Possibly, in some in- stances. Through the inn or shop sign, as "At the Sign of the Lomb?" Yes, in a great number of instances. But for by far the moat part the family names in this group were form- ed with no idea of any zoological con- nection, but were based in regular fashion upon a given name, and in the first cases were significant of parent- age. Lambert was this name. It was the name borne by the patron saint of Liege, and was brought into England from Flanders, for all through the Middle Ages trade and communication between thteae countries was close, Though to -day Lambert is more fre- quently met with as a family Immo than a given name, and in many in- stances nstances It is given to children today because it is a surname borne by some branch of the. family, it is truly a given name. It is Teutonic, but not of the pre -Christian era, for its mean- ing is "Iamb -bright" or 'fair lamb," clearly not the type of name to be chosen by the war -loving pagan Teu- tons. ?`he ¶Block Signals Are Working__ In some resppects, human experience is lice railroadfng- Every moment of the business and social clay the 'block signals are giving right of way to keenness and alertness --while the slow and the heavy must wait on th ; sidetrack for their chance to move forward. The ability. to "go through" and to "get there" depends much on the poise of body, brain and nerves that comes with correct diet and proper nourishment. That's why so matey choose Grape- Nuts rapeNuts for breakfast and lunch.. Served with cream or milk it is completely nourishing, partly re -digested, and it supplies the vital mineral salts so necessary to full nutrition. Grape -lints has a rich, delightful flavor, is ready to serve on the instant --.and is distinctly the food for mental and physical alertness and speed. At all grocers. "There's, a Reason" for Chrape'1Vuts Don't Btu Auto Extgine in osed' . During thee approacG=aragebdng winter suite a geed rnanypeopls will be poisoned 10 death bylexhauat from their own 440• meblisa, They will run the •engines In the garage,•wltit doo5' 58t4. wiadowe closed, and before they knew It, will be overcome ,by Ilio deadly carbon monoxide, If accidents of thio kind are to be avoided motorists should see that the garage is well veutllated before per mating an eu$ine to run for any length of time. This advice a urgently offered by the ?United States nubile Health Service, which Imo been making a speolai Study of the subject, with experiments an Truman beings, doge and other animals. Tp make the teats as practical as Pos- sible, a building about the size of an average prlveto garage'was .erooted--- 10 by 10 by 20 feet—and the angina of a small car was set going inside of it. It was found that the engine die - charged hppr-oxiinately twenty -eve cubic feet of exhaust gas per minute, and. that 0 per coat, of It was. carbon monoxide. The "hemoglobin," or red coloring matter of the blood; contains iron, and owes to that metal its power to take up oxygen, from the air' breathed into the lunge, There is enough hemoglo- bin in -the body of an average man to hold thirteen pinta of oxygen. But every molecule of carbon monexide taken into the lungs and absorbed be. the blood replaces a molecule of oxy- gen. Hemoglobin attracts carbon mon- oxide'800 times as strongly as it does oxygen. Thus the poison gas, when breathed, rapidly crowds the oxygen out of the blood, and in a remarkably short time the victim is overcome. Experiments made by the U.S. Pub- lic Health Service showed that three Darts of the gas in 10,000 of air Pro- duced no perceptible effect, Six parts caused discomfort.' Nine parts in- duced headache and nausea. Fifteen parts or more meant danger of death. If a car, while "weaning up," should give off only one cubic foot of carbon monoxide in a closed room of the size above mentioned, the atmosphere' would become dangerous to life in three minutes. When a person is overcome, by car- bon monoxide, don't send for a pul- motor, Get him into the open air. Fresh. air and lots of 1t is what he needs. If he is not the far gone the oxygen ho takes tato his lungs will drive out the poison gas in am hour or two. Mother! -Move Child's Bowels With California Fig Syrup Hurry mother! Even a sick child ]eves the "truity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may prevent a sick cbild to -morrow. If con. atipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels is often all that is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an Imitation fig syrup. Carnegie's First Million. Here ie a story that has never been told in print. It tells how Andrew Car- negie madehis-firstmillion dollars. He was the $ret iroumaster to hire a amulet. We all know how much chemistry has• had to do with the de- velopment of steels, but at that period, when the ehtowd Sootchman was young, possibilities to that direction. had not begun to be realized, In Europe there was Introduced the so-called 't'Tbomae basic process," which made poselblo the use of high- phoapborus iron. Previeusly Iron that contained much phosphorus was not available for making steel because the product was brittle. The process in question overcame the difficulty. Carnegie, through hie chemist, got newt( of it, and he lost no time in. securing exclusive, rights to its use 10 the United States. At that time deposits of the Lake Superior region ,had not been discov- ered and the Staten was getting most of its Iron orea from Pennsylvania and Now Jersey, Oernegie saw that the now process would make available the iron beds, at the Appalachians, where the eras are high in phosphorus, and ho secured options on all the best of them. Soon afterwards he seed these options at a clear profit of $1,000,000. It was simply a matter ot being ono jump ahead of everybody else, and Carnegie was able to accomplish this through his wisdom in hiring a chemist. Oyster la Strong. The oyster ranks as one of the ten strongest things to be found on earth, When this dainty.sltelldiah is is its prime a force of nine hundred ttmos its own weight is necessary to force open its shell, Electric Tannery. Uaillg olectrlo tanning =Chines, What Is claimed to bo the largest and Most up-to-date tannery itt Seth Amorlea, has been put la operation- In Brazil, Ages et Birds. While a goose nlay live thirty years, a sparrow tweety11vie, and a stow an many ea one hundred, .dueke,tipoultry and turkeys die of old ago at twelve years, KEEP '1D AL' DURING Colds :and Aiseases May be Avoided if the .Blood is Kept Pure, no not 1st your blood get thio thin winter. For people who llay.e a ten - deny towards Anaemia, or bloodleee- uess, winter is a trying season. Lack of egereise and -fresh air, and the more reelected diet, are among the many, things that •eoinbine to lower Um tone of the body and deplete the blood As •0000 as you notice the tired fool- ing, lack of appetite and shortness of breath that are warning .symptoms of thin blood, take a short course 01 treatment with Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Do not watt until the color :has entirely left your cheeks, until your lips aro white and pow eyes dull. It is so much easier to correct thinning Of the blood In the earlier stages than later. This Is well Illustrated in 'rho case of Mrs. E. Williams, Elk Lake, Ont,, who says; "I tape great pleasure in letting you know the benefit I have found in the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was in an anaemic condition, and was very weak and run down. The least exertion would leave me breathless and it was with difficulty that I did household work. I was ad- vised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pille, and after the use of four boxes I felt like a person. In fact my system seemedfilled with new energy and new life. I strongly recommend this medicine to all who feel weak or run down." The purpose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 1s to build up the blood. They do this one thing and they do it well. i They are for this reason an invaluable remedy in diseases arising from bad or deficient blood, ae rheumatism, neuralgia, atter-effects of the grip or fevers. The pills are guaranteed to be free from opiates or any harmful drug and cannot injure the most de- licate system. You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills .through any dealer in medicine, or they will be Bent you by mall at 50 cents a box or nix boxes for $150 by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo.; Brockville, Ont. Sliver Burnishing. Silverware can be burnished by a , machine invented by a Swiss in muoh less than the time required for hand work by expert workers. If a man empties his purse into his head no man can, take it from him. An investment in knowledge always aye the best interest—Franklin, Mantas, N. S. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., Gentlemen—I have used Minard's Liniment and have found it a good ram- edy. Attar the explosion I Was pretty well shaken up, having Quito a number of bruises and cuts, but thanks to ltMin- ard,e LaaOahent I ani my old self again. It healed the sores and bruises and gave me much relief. It is true to Its name as the King of Pain, for 1t stopped the pain almost at once. I first noticed the ed. in the Montreal Standard and decided to invest In a bottle, for which I am not sorry, but can say with truth that I am thankful for it having- done all it claim- ed to do. and in my case much more, and e satisfied eustomer is the best ad, one can possibly find. That Is my view of It and I think you will agree with me too. 'Yours very truly, (Signed) Agricola 184 D St., H llf x, N.S. COARSE SALT LA -N D'SALT milk Carrots TORONTO BALT WORKS CO J. CLIFF TORONTO ,8m,erlq'e 'rammer Cog remedies Book on DOG DISEASES and How to reed Marled. Free to any Ad - drams by the Author. S. Clay clover oo. Tea 118 West Sist Street New 'fork, U.S.A. BITS OF RUMOR HWM ISE MERE Peer Poddyl A tiny maid, held un to ;tear her father's vote oat the telephone, beret bite tars, "Why ase you miter?" esireIt her mother. "Oh, mamma," mobbed the child, 'thew ever can we get daddy out of that Nttle trete?" His Punishment, "Doctor," said Johnny, hair out of breath from running,."oome up to our house, quick," "Who's seek there?" asked the doe; tor, "Everybody'but nix, I was naughty, so they wouldn't give me any of the nice mushrooms pa picked in the woods," Pot Personal Use .Only, A small boy who wee sitting next to a very haughty womait in a crowded car, kept sniffling in a most annoying way until the woman could stand it no longer. • "Boy, have you got a haadkerehief?" she demanded, The smart boy looked at her for a few seconds and thea, In a dignified tone, came the answer: "Yes, I 'ave, but I don't lend it to strangers." A Belated insult. Manuel a colored fellow with a re- cord previously clean, was arraigned before the justice of the peace far as* Sault and battery, "Why did you beat that man up?" questioned the squire. "lie called me a rhinoceros, gala" "A rhinoceros? When did this off cur?" "'Bout three years ago, sedge." "Three years ago! Then, why did you wait eo Iong to resent !t?" "Jedge, I ain't never seen no rhin- oceros till dis mawainf," MONEY_•ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. UnentpIoyment is one of the great- est factors in bringing about diseases of the mind, - -- SYRUP 1, orcellem for indtteceon 10.00,e It Cadets stomach and liver to do their work naturally end efficionlly, With rho erten. in perfect ,vorking order --indigestion li fmpowihle. Try it today FOR BNEN E til MrnSOot ac. Sacndippetb5.00 byrap otnuaoIi.d 51. JI DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? THE pain and torture of rhea• matism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle handyand apply when you feel the first twinge. It penetrates without rubbing. It's splendid to take the pain out of • tired, aching muscles, sprains and strains, stiff joints, and lame backs. For forty years pain's enemy. Asia your neighbor. At all druggists --35e, 70e, $1,40. Mode in Can da sioa 9 Liniment Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer." WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at a11. Why take chances?. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," Which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism ,Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy tin bo18rs of IS ,tablets—Bottles of 24 end 100 --All Druggists. Aaplrin Is the trade marts (registered in C:nnada) of ,,".:,yes Itantttneture Of IdOhlio neetloecldeator of Salieyneacid. While it le well known that Aspirin means /MVO, mhnnraeturo, to armlet the public against imitations, the 9'ablett ot Baser Cornp8nY well) be etatttped With OW" !Mora) trade mark, t58 "Bayer Cross,, WONDERFUL •A' IN WEIGHT REPORTED • «.«.rrrM. YOUNG VVOMAN WEI" ED ONLY V'S ROUNDS. She Nei*; :Vitititithe Over Qui, Hundred and J*nprrnving Every' -Boom I betcan .t zturg Teague X only weighed 70 pouwdls. I actor wetlf t over one hundred and Cin gtdotilull every day," said Migys baitu,:.Dolso 0t Chattanooga, Tens, "I' bought MY drat bottle of Taoism et Gee City, Ind., and It helped me es mach •that I oontinued using it. I ttdvs always been very delicate and over - ad a groat deal froto, etyma:eh trouble and rheumatism, I sagely over had, any appetite andsimply could not re" lish anything. I fell off until I Only weighed 70 pounds and was so tido, I looked perfectly awful. Title is the condition I was In when I began talo- ins Tania,t "Oh, I feel so di&erent now., Crania my complexion la improved, MY ay petite Is good Cod I cam hardly get enough to eat, Taulac is simply grand, and I eau truthfully say it le thle only medicine that has ever done me any good," Tanlac is sold by leading druggtab everywhere, Adv. Building Joint Railroad, Brazil and Paraguay are plann,lug to build a railroad linking those ceun. tries and giving the latter an outlet to the Atlantic independent of Argen- tine. Minard's Liniment for Garget in. Cows, root -blinding, which resulted in wo- men having feet so small as to be practioally useless, has been discon- tinned in enlightened China, Classified Advertisements. PLAYER PIANO FOR SALE. to NU PLAYER PIANO IN GOOD EP condition, with a largo number of music roils, for sale at a bargain, L. Costello, 78 West Adelaide Street, Toronto BELTING FOR SALE ALL IKINDS OF NEW AND USED beltingpulleys, saws, Cable,hose,paoking, etc„ shipped subject to approval at lowest prices YORE, STREET, TORONTO. O('' HELP WNANTEU, �ADIES WAI:TRD—TO DO PLAIN and light sowing at home, whole or spare time; good pay; work sent aur distance: charges paid. .Send stamp tor particulars. National Manufaoturinx Co.. Montreal. DANDERINE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. SS -cents buys a bottle of "Danderine'' at any drag store. Atter one applica- tion you eau not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Boetdes, every hair shaves now life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance, WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE flay Pass the Critical Period Safely and Comfortably by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhamas Vegetable Compound. Regina Desk.—" I was grain thro b Change of Life o and suffered for two nv ,1 nervousness, sleep. less nights and gene P ,s eraiwealtness.Some days I felt tired ai nni1110 do my war 1 ggave Xiydia 1 . Pinkham's Vege. , table Compound trial and found good results, and I alae find it every helpful Spring tonic endues. . Ail for constipation 1'om which I suffer much. i have reo- ommended Vegetable Compound to Be. oral friends, luta am willing you show publish this, —Mrs. M ltrjis W t sax $10 Robinson St., Regina, Sas&, If l you have warning symptoms QUA ca 'sense of suil'ocation, ;lot ilaahea. ada5hos. 1,„•lrnLL 2Mo, uivertcoi inrpa *l gg evil Timidity, Bounds in taro earl{, palpitation of tit@ hagrt, ar lie ori rho eyes, irregqnularlties donetl p"gt ht variable appetite, weakness, Cid nute. Udo hail diaglo so- t 6tittleof Lytdtli E. >Sinitham evegetable Coat�orad and begin taking the medicine at area ,Wo know it will bolo you. as it did Mrs, ,?Lindsay. 1SSUZ'Fio, 4rw054,,