The Brussels Post, 1921-12-8, Page 1russet VOL. 5o NO.— 2, 2.00 per annum in advance .3RUSSELS. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DRCEMJ3FR 8, 1921 W. H. ,KERR, Proprietor Suggest i ons BUYEARLY 1 BUY SOMETHING USEFUL 1 BUY SOMETHING SERVICEABLE I • What could be more appro- priatexthan a pair of nice KID 014 FELT SLIPPERS All the most pleasing shades of the season and to be had at a very moderate price. Men's, Women's and Children's fine Aid Shoes MEN'S AND BOYS' WORM 'SHOES Single and Double Harness and Harness Parts Trunks, Club Bags, Suit Cases, Rugs, Wool Blankets and Heavy Team Blankets. - {: ' For Service and Quality try Chapman`" .. Bros. New AdMdrtisements 8peotaoleware—Mise Bryan,. Christmas Goods—g, R. Smith. Auction Sala—Mork L Cardiff. Christmas Gifts—W. F. Stratton. Christmas Tree—Ethel B. Schools. Anotion Bate—Rev. J.•8. Johnson. Santa Clans time—W. A Grower. Sweet Clover seed—Mrs C. H. Knight. Cedar posts for sale—Russel Robertson. Ohrletmaa Suggestions—Chapman Bros. pistrirt .erns Monorieff A social is to be held by the Endeav- or on the evening of Friday next. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Dr. Perrie, Wingham, will preach in the church bene. Jamestown A abort time ago Irvine Peters, Grey Boundary, who had his collar bone broken, by a`fall from a horse, has recovered nicely from the frac- ture. Mrs. Will. King and Mies Jessie • Strachan, of this locality, took part in the program at a Concert in Brussels last Thursday. Former rendered a piano solo and Miss Strachan gave a Western sketch in recitation form. 'LWalter and Mrs. Forreet are home ha an enjoyable trip to Algoma with relatives and friends for a few sveeke. The former took a hand in LADIES' AID Methodist Church Brussels Will hold a Ba ziaar Saturday, Dec.t 0th In Public Library Where will be ou sale Plain and 1 Fancy articles of a practical character, suitable for Christ- mas presents or home use, Homemade Baking, Candy, &c. Sold at Fair Prices. Lunch will be Served. Keep the date in mind. 1 deer hunting while away uud secured his share of venison. Mr. Forteet's brother went to Algoma 35 years ago. Geo. McDonald, North boundary, has purchased a building 16x18 feet; from Wilbur Grainger and will move it to his farm for a bee supply house. Mao. has 24 colonies of bees but ex- pects to quadruple this number and devote his whole time to the Apiary. Belgrave • - Murray and Mrs.. Johnson have re- moved to Louder', where they intend making their home. Trinity churchSunday School will hold a Christ -mai Tree entertainment in the A. O. U. W. Hall, Tuesday, 20th inst. Woman's Institute will meet Thurs- day afternoon of next week, at 2.30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Richard Procter, 4th line, Morrie. Program will consist of musical numbers, re- port of Provincial Convention ; ad- dress by Rev. Mr. Jones, Christmas leading by Mrs. J. Couites and Roll Gall. Latter' will call for worth while sayings, and their authors. These meetings are very interesting and the -women of the community are cordially invited to attend. BIBLE SOCIETY.-- Next Sabbath morning a union Bible Society service will be held in the Presbyterian church. at 11 o'clock, when Rev. Jesse Gibson. Secretary., Toronto, will give the address People are asked to fetch their Bible Society envelopes with their names and amount marked on them so the total may be arrived at without opening them. Folk un- able to get to service are urged to place envelopes on offering pletes in respective churches following Sun- day or hand to Harty Hopper at store. Regular Anglican service will be withdrawn next Sunday afternoon. W. M. S.—The W. M. S. of Knox church, Belgrave, held their annual. meeting Thursday, December let, at 2.80 p. m., in the School room of the church. Society feeling the great lose of their President, the late Mts. tV' Wm. n kronen who hasbeen a K , valuable missionary worker, extend- ed deepest sympathy to husband and family. • After the usual business the new officers for the coming year were appointed as follows :—Honorary President, Mrs. Censor ; Pfesident, Mrs. (Rev.) Jones ; lot Vice Piesident, Mrs. R. 81. Munro ; 2nd Vice.Ptesi- dent, Mrs. W. J. Geddes ; Secretary, Mre. Jas. Taylor ; Asst. -Secretary, Mrs. Jos. Miller ; Treasurer, Mrs. P. Scandrett ; Asst. -Treasurer, Mrs, \Vm, Geddes ; Messenger Secretary, Mrs. R. M. Munro; Horne Helper Secretary, Miss S. McDougall ; Mis- sion Band President, Mre. H. Kirk- by ; Strangers Secretary, Miss S. Mc- Dougall ; Organist, Mee. Millet' ; R.W.Ferguson's Bpecials Ladies' Blouses and Underskirts .46...a...da. ...a t.a...h.1_i _ • ..a.. i ..a.a- .46AZ A.i 1-„I�b eLrnensBeautiful for o tot1 Xmas thing diti who is&��'�'7��Ir� • `r"�TTr--►'��'�►'°�'T quality 1; du9ything EB N cei in Meu'sWear M rdtrTOP /rt 1' p le to Arita, Organist, Mrs, Seandrett ; Audi. tors, Mrs, J. Stewart, hire, IL 51. Munro ; Press Secretary, Mre, Jas, Anderson. A dainty lunch was serv- ed by the retiring let Vice, Idea, W. .1. Geddes, which every one fully en- joyed, S. CARTER DIES SUTDDENLY,— The people of this comtnueity were great. y surprised to hear last Monday, Morning that Samson Garter had quietly passed away. He was alive at an early hour when his wife arose to attend to household duties but when breakfaet was ready it was as- , certained that his spirit had fled. De-: ceased bad been bothered with asthma for some time but was ap; parently as well as usual on Sunday. Mr. Garter was born in. Sussex, Eng- land, where he was married to : Miss Morely. They came to Oanada and lo- cated at Clinton, afterward moving to ' Wawanosh 52 years ago, He was nearly 76 years of age, On death of wife Mr. Carter was married to Mrs. Picket, whose maiden nauie was Miss Jordan, of Clinton. She survives alongwith3e s (Fred.,of Wing - barn ; Sam., Torono, anBert, f Morrie township,) 'and 3 daughters, Mrs. David, of London ; Mrs A. Cloakey, of this locality ; and Mrs. Brummiil, Winnipeg.)' The family have lived 4 years at Belgrave, The funeral takes place to. Clinton, Thurs- dayafternoon of this week, service be- ing taken by the Brethren preacher of Hamilton, Mr, Carter enjoyed the esteem of the community and deep Byrn pathy is felt for those called upon to suffer the unexpected bereavement. A eon, George, of Northern, Ontat io, was killed in the world war, The first Mrs. Carter was buried at Clinton. Morris Reeve Elston is attending Huron County Council at Goderich this week. Last week Miss Gertrude Shaw, 3rd line, underwent an operation for the removal of her tonsils and is making favorable progress toward recovery we are glad to state. Itis said Allan Speir, 6th line, will pass his farm over to the sons and will take a well earned rest probably off the plantation. He ie 74 years of ageput is well preserved and alle for a good day's work if not kept at it too hard. Ethel Harold Love, who was home for past few weeks, returned to the Sani- tarium last Tuesday. Friday afternoon of lithie week the Ruth Pert Junior, Institute will meet at the home of At McKee. NOTICE.—The putting of ashes on the etreets in the village of Ethel is Prohibited. Persons found doing this in future will be liable to a line. Next Sunday will be Communion in the Presbyterian church. • Prepara- tory service will be held in the church ou Friday evening at 8 o'clock. A union Sunday School Christmas Tree Entertainment is announced for Tuesday evening, 20th inst., in the Township Hall. Fine program is in course of preparation. The gifts on the tree will be forwarded to Sick Children's Hospital, Torornto. Bump. er crowd is expected. See advt. in this issue. Regular meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held 'Thursday after- noon, Dec. 16th, at 2.30, at the home of Mrs. 0. Raynard. Subjeot Whole. some reading fol' girls and boys, tak- en by Mrs. (Rev.) (Kell. Roll Call, Table decoration for Christmas. Box will be packed for the Soldiers com- fort. All donations fat the box must be in. A gond attendance is asked for every woman is welcome to these meetings. The C. 0. M.'a of the Senior Room of our school held their monthly meet. ing on Friday afternoon, Nov. 25, from 3.30 to 4 p, m. The President, Earl Bowes, introduced the following program :—Recitation, Mildred How- ard ; (horns, the Boys ; recitation, Roxy Rowland ; paper "Alfalfa" Jennie McKee: song, Kenneth Halls. and Harold Vndden ; recitatinn, Sylvia Thompson ; paper, "Red (lover" Earl I3owes ; reading of minutes of hist meeting y the Sector. tory, Jennie McKee ; debate—"Re. solved that thine are more pleusm'es in Winter than Simmer," effirrmttive being Mk en by Cad Acnes and Olnyne' 11o'hel and negalive by Violet Heath end Natjorie Thompson. Rev, F. S. °Kell and Mrs. Falconer acted as judges and derided in favor of the ,egatiVP. Junior room also gave so P m very good numbers during the early part of the program. A num- Methodist Churches ETHEL CIRCUIT The pastor will take as his sub- ject next Sabbath The Sixth Commandment ANNOUNCEMENT is made of the Annual Christ:nee Tree welEntertain i t itnfUn- ion Church Sunday School for Friday, Dec. 23rd. Tills is to be the beet yet. DON'T forget that a 01111E5. Mae Tree 111 Program b n t P trivsti iu Ethel 'Tmonnhip Hall, Tuesday Ev'g,,Deo. 20, the Presbyterian and ,Methodist, Sunday Schools uniting. Santa Claus Time. Our stock of New Confectionery can't be beaten in either pries or quality. ' See one Bargains in Newport Chocolates Ail •kinds of Nuts and fruits OYSTERS P' YP � We ask you to �lank our Pipe Bargains over. suitable make s t ble pr s They a - ents to men who smoke. W. A. Grewar ber of the parents were present and some gave short addressee. Meeting closed by alt singing "God Save the King." RcaooL REPORT.—The following is the tephrt for the Senior BOOM of Ethel for the month of November';— Sr. IV—Jennie' MCKee (Hon.) Earl Bowes. Jr IV—Sylvia Thompson, Howard McKee, Marjorie Thompson, Carl Arises, Olnyne Michel, Violet Heath, Lorne Hayden, Mildred How- ard. Sr III -Beryl Gill, Fred Murray. Glen Eekmier, Norman Davidson, Harold Vodden. Jr. III—Rory Row- land, John Murray, Cameron Kress, Kenneth Halle, Goldwin Thompson, Athol Mut ray. FLORA J. ALLAN,Principal. Grey Township Council will meet next Saturday at Ethel. Miss Emma Hollinger, 10th Con., has gone to Kitchener to take a posi- tion. Reeve McNabb and Deputy Reeve Collins are at Goderich this week at- tendieg the sessions of Huron Co. Council. The item referring to stock pur- chased by Jas. Nirhnl, 9th Con., should have said that the prize win. nhng dam was the mother only of the sow bought. Male is no relation to the female serured by Mr Nichol. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT — A Ohtut,m,e Cnul•ert will be given in S. 8, No. 4, Grey, Friday evening, 16th net. Good program including play 'Held for Postage." Good school talent. This will be best Concert yet. Ad,niesion 25 and 16 cents. Miss L Greer is the teaeher, SCHOOL REPORT—Following is the repo 1, f S S Nn 10 for the month of November. Examined in Arith., Memory Work, Spell., Can. Hist„ Hygiene. The second mark is for laity work, Those marked * missed ne or ator•P exams. Sr. IV—Eldon Whitfield 69 : 44 ; 'Melvin Carnnrhan 5 : 66 ; Lona Patterson 64 : 71 ; .4 I lairI (,x 42* .6 Wilda '•t $ S ener t. r — r "• P IV V rt t Baker 86:66 ; Annie nglis 65 ; 61 ; Bertha Speir+ul 62 : 61 ; Kate Stevensnn 68 : 61 ; Toni Pen- ingtnl. 38 : 82. Sr. III—Doris Neely] 80 : 75 ; Leslie 'Patterson 85: 87; Litlinn Whitfield 68*:69 Jr t ISI—Neloou Whitfield 55:58; Milford Spelt -an 52: 49 ; Bert Neahel 19*** : 56. Senior II— A ilth., Mrmnry Wolk, Spelling, nd Composition, Wilma Baker 91 : 95; Greta Bake, 86 : 88 ; Wilda He ker 70 : 89 ; Pearl Oarnnchan 7 ; 84 ; Russel Whitfield 69* : 72 Ii told Sr. I—Ieabel Speiran 94 ; Helen \Vttit field 89 ; May Oatnochan 87 ; Artlint Neahel 80 ; Alma Patter - on 78 Pr —#ii nlu't Evans 96 ; Law. on Whitfield 89 ; A. Vance Baker. 0 on toll 29 Avetage attendance W. 13 DENT[ �N, teacher. 60 YEARS MARRIED.— Win. and ire. Buttery celebrated their Golden Veddin at the home of their illi t g (laugh. ln- g el I\121 Riddell, t 1 on Wednesday, ov �td. P �. Ei0 scar y f ha pPy Prns• pelauy Wedded life and then to be per- mitted to celebrate the anniversary in good health is a boon rarely granted 11r, Buttery was horn in Perthshire, Scotland, on Dec. 20th, 1848, and Mee. Buttery at Linenlnshire, England, Sept 23rd, 1843 They were married at. RegetvilI , Hulot Onunty, in 1871. For tr number of years they made their home on Lot 24, Cnn. 11, Grey township, until their• 2 sons, Charles and John, enlisted for overseas ser- vice and Nov. 23rd was a momentous day. Together they have witnessed the wonderful transfo'matiol of the Counties of Perth and Huron from a trackless wilderness tn a veritable gal den of plenty and prosperity and now, growing old in years, Mr. and Mrs. Buttery can look Batik with pride and thanks i ' mto va life together of g g harmony int rt n and acenm li y p shiuenb and Call rejniee in a family whose mem- bets without exeeption occupy bonne - ed pieces in their communities. The family Consists DUB eons and 4 daughters, namely :—Harry, Wm. anti E,trtll3', Hogiva : John, Phippen, SttekCharles at ni hnP' Aire. Giv- ens, D'licl'e, Sioik ; Miss Enttita, Mrs. any HitotliIge and Mrs. Russell Rid- dell, Edina low lollii 1. The old folk Christmas Tree Entertainment Under joint auspices of Ethel Presbyterian and Methodiet Sunday Schools, Township Hall, Ethel Tuesday ev9, Dec, 20 Excellent program of Drills, Dialogues, Choruses, Motion Songs, Etc. This is to be a WHITE GIFT TREE Presents received for Sick Child- ren's Hospital, Toronto, Admission 25 and 15 Cents Robt. Barr, A. McKee, Sup. Presby. 8. 8. Meth, 8, 8, shower from many friends of "Union," also cheques, Bold and flowers, show- ing the high esteem in which they are held in this community.tis to be hoped Mn. and Mrs. Butter may be spared for a good many years yet. Smoot REPORT -Following is the report of 8. S. No. 2, Grey for month of November :—Sr. IV—Evelyn Cun- ningham 80. Jr. IV -Bert Johnston 68 Sr, III—Howard Oster 74 ; Bes- sie Forrest 71. Jr. III -Jim John- ston 70. Sr. 11—Walter Oster 63; Jim Turnbull 57. MARY CLARKE, teacher. Dont forget about the Auction Sale of Mark L. Cardiff, Friday afternoon of next week. It is a clearing sale and he has sold one farm and is (ffer- ing the other for sale. Hie Lot is 5, Con. 13. List of sale may he read in this issue. A fine bunch of registered Aberdeen Angus cattle are in the sale also a good lot of grade cattle. Mr. Cardiff may takea trio to the West by way of prospecting combined with a holiday visit. Oranbrook Nice slipping with a sleigh, Mission Band will meet at the manse on Saturday next at 2 30 p. m. The sacrament of the Lot d's Supper will be dispensed in Knox church next Sunday morning. Preparatory ser- vice will be held on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. A Box Social will be held at the home of Milton and Mrs Rands, 11th Cnn, of Grey township (1} miles West of Cranhrook) Wednesday evening of next week. Good program will be provided. Ladies will kindly remem- ber their boxes. The public invited, Wroxeter NOTES.—Owing to the absence of Miss Nicholson, at Bayfield, Miss J. Howe is teaching in the Public School this week.—Reeve Douglas attending County Council in Goderich this week.—Rev. A, McKibben, Gottie, was a visitor in the village on Mnn- day —Miss Douglas, as Ayr, is the guest t of Miss J. Ritchie.—Jim. Henderson has moved to the residence he lately purchased from the Misses Howe.— Alex. and Mrs. McKercher• Howick, entertained a number of their friends Tuesday evening.—Vote in Wrnxet)er Tnesday stood : Spotton 70 ; Fraser 64 ; King 64. Walton Yotnra people of Bethelalmawill present the play, "The Minister's Bride, • at Bethel, on Friday evening, Deo, lith. Tickets 25 and 16 Dents. Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Joseph Bennett next Tuesday afternoon, at 8 o'clock. Among those attending the Winter Fair at Guelph this week are Jas. Rea, Oliver Turnbull and Wilbur Tutnbnll. Jno. Sutillie has disposed his farm to his sister, Miss Mary Smillie. The former and wife may take a trip to the Pacific Coast. The Auction Sale of cattle held by Messrs, r ees , Dou he L & Fulton,neat. a • Dougherty Wroxeter, attracted n cl a e bigcrowd and gond prices were realized. Welcome visitors to this nommunity were Alex. and furs. Simpson, of Globe, Arizona, Mr. Simpson was a former resident, being a brother to Jas. Simpson. Mies Maude Ferguson and Rev. Mr. Chandler were judgee at) the W. C, T. U. Medal Ootitest at Brussels last Monday evening, the fnrtner on sing- ing and the latter nn Elocution. The farm of A. J, Carter, Lots 4 and 6, Con. 18, Grey, has been purchased by Miss Martha Smillie, the price be- ing 85,500, it ie said. Pneseseion is to be given next April. Mr. Garter still owns 35 acres and may build nn it, Bills are out announcing the annual Bazaar, nodes auspices of St George's Guild. It will be held in the A. O. U. W, Hall Wednesday afternoon of next and a n d will be conducted much like its redecessors, i Plea dent p of Guild is Mrs, W. W. Sholdice and Mrs. W. H. Anderson is Secretary. DDFF'e CHOBOH. ANNIVERSARY.— NextSunday, 11th inttt„ the conniver- eery servicer of Duff's church will he held, Rev. Dr, Perris, Wingham, will reach at 11a. m. and nd7 t. n PThere will be epectal musieby the choir and a special offering is asked. On the evening fT a Tuesday, lrved ith inst.,a s g y, wore char i t 1 PC l Iib n� meaty bo e Len- latious from a distance lsola ;card burlsroanof heichurch, follbwotd by a liberal Party Elected Oy Large Majority The sumiiaty given out at 11,80 Tuesday night as to results of Dominion Election are as fol- lows :— Liberals . ..... 114 Piogreeeivee ...... 42 Conservatives ........ 41 J. W. ILiug carried North Huron ; 'Thus. McMillan, (Lib) H ,nth' Huron ; Di'. Rankin, (Lib ) Noel Perth ; Forester, (Lib,) South Perth ; Hon, G. P, Graham, (Lib.) South Essex ; Euler, (Lib ) South Waterloo; ?inlay, (Prog.) South Bruce ; Guthrie, (Con.) South Welling- ton. Above figures will no doubt undergo changes but not 10 materially affect the result. choice program. Jessie Alexander, the well known Toronto reader, has been secured. Seafotth Male Quarette will provide musical numbers and resident ministers will give addresses. Tickets 75 acid 50 cents. See the bills and get there. Exeter DEDICATE NEW ORGAN,—Sunday was arreventful day in the history of James Street Methodist Church. For some time the chueoh board had been debating whether to install a new or- gan. At last it was decided to put in a new instrument, and Sunday morn- ing, with a targe congregation pre - Sent, it was unveiled, and dedicated. Rev. 81, 3. Wilson, pastor of James Street Church, opened the morning service with a short address, in which he thanked the board and the mem- bers of the congregation for their whole -hearted efful t in the big under- taking. He oleo spoke of the use to which the organ was to be used. "It is not like a theatre organ," be said, "That is, to be used like one for the purpnse of entertainment, but for the greater worship of God." Mrs. James Pickard, the oldest .member of the congregation, unveiled the organ, fol- lowed by the formal dedication read by Rev. J. W. Ribbert, of Kingsville, President of the London Conference. Medal Contest Fine Success One of the Best Heid Yet Despite unfavorable weather condi- tions a representative audience as- cembled in the Methodist church Mon- day evening to bear the program pre- sented in connection with the W, 0. T U. Medal Cantina. That they re- ceived value for their money in quantity and quality goes without saying. Intereet never flagged and the variety and excellency of contri- butions in song, story, essay and poster was a compliment not only to the competitors but to all having a Aare in the preparation. It is very doubtful if a score of the best adults could present a program as free from hesitation and mistakes and as uni- fnrmily tneritorinus as was the afore- said entertainment. Rev. O. F Clarke presided and after a hymn and prayer by Rev. Mr. McLeod suitable introductory remarks were offered by the Chairman. Those taking part in the Elocution- ary numbers were as follows and in order named :—Douglas Ennis, Janet Brown, Doris McDonald, Evelyn Chapman, Stanley Clarke, Louise Rose, Winnifred McMillan, Mildred Maunders, Rhea McLelland, Elva Oliver, Florence Stewart, Bessie Wright and Greta Ecktuier, 13 in all. In vocal music the 8 entries were Lizzie Harkness, Wilfrid Champion, Jack Oliver, Mazie Somerville, Dori, McDonald, Edna Edwards, Wilma Galbraith, and Mildred Sperling, The Essay Contest, subject being "The Cigarette evil," was undet taken by the following quintette of boys :— Sydney Ballantyue, Fraser Strachan, Lawson Clouse, Ian McDonald and Gordon Beet. Forost r P e earn eti iso t Cameron P + Strachan and Ori W Orville Whitfield enter- ed. The judges on elocution were Rev. Mr. Chandler, Walton ; Mrs. T. Dougherty, Henfryn ; and Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson, Brussels, For musical numbers, Miss Maude Ferguson. Wal- ton ; Mee. O. Walker and Miss 1Mae Wood, and in Essay and poster com- petitions Mire, Weller jr., Rev, 3. P. McLeod and W, H, Kerr, Everybody was on the alert to as- certain how the awards were made and were very hearty in their ap. ;Aimee when announced as under :— Essays -1st, Fraser Strachan ; 2nd Ian McDonald. Posters, let, Cameron Strachan ; 2nd, Orville Whitfield. Elocution, Selnint' Division, medal went to Rhea McLelland and Junior Blass, Janet Brown. Singing, Medal, Mildred Sperling with Wilma Gal- braith a close 2nd.Il n A who took part in the s ear' Mull contests werer p eseltted teitlt silver pins as a recognition of work well dons. Mee. A. McGuire, President, ex- presned thanks to all who took part in any way, and was delighted at the hearty response e and successful 1 rs sue of the Oen twit. She indelged. the hope that it would incite to fresh en- deavors in the good work, The young folks were called to the platform and were presented with the medals and pins by Mesdames Dark, SPCTACLEWARE —AS— Christmas Gifts WILY not get new Frame or Mouutinge for your Glasses foe Xmas ? 1 have just received a variety of styles of Spectacle Frames and Eye Mass Mountings Eye Glass Chains, Goggles and Sun Glasses A1.80 Waterman fountain Pens n n Reduced Prices on all Frames and Mountings. Maude C. Oryans, Optical Parlors Brussels XIMIIMUMMUNNSios mu. gas aa mos McGuire, Clarke and McDonald. The National Anthem was sung and the Benediction by 'Rev. Me. Chandler brought to a conclusion a most suc- cessful and interesting gathering. Mrs. (De.) Hamilton, as accompanist for the evening, did her part in her usual capable manner, The financial proceeds were 543 00 A lunch was served the Judges and few other friends at the close. In the training of the majority of the young folk Mrs. Archie McDonald, Mrs. T. McCall, Mrs, J. Meadows, Miss Jessie Wencher), Mies Hiugston and Mrs. (Dr.) Hamilton took an active part arid must have been pleased at the outcome. Mrs. Parker read the prize Essay .•vhich pointed out various reasons why the cigarette should be shunned and banned. No small credit is due Mesdames Mc- Guire, Dark and MoDonaldifnr• the vim they put into Contest both in its pre- paratory work and managing it throughout. The community owe more to the W. O. T. U. as an organi- zation than perhaps they even at- tempt to repay, in sowing gond seed in the formation of character and help- lug instill moral principles that will be lifelong in the history of the youth. A Society possessing its principles and their practical application deserves the hearty support of all lovers of better conditions for home and native land. In the near future TEE Pon hopes to publish the Essays. This was the 6th Medal Contest in the history of Brussels W. 0. T. U. Church platform was appropriately decorated Monday evening with W. O. T. 17. proverbial white, flags and house plants. Brussels Council Regular meeting of Brussels Coun- cil was held last Monday evening, all the members present. Minutes of last meeting read andd passed. Following accounts were presented and on motion of Councillors Stewart and Wilton were*ordered to be paid :— Benson, Wilcox & Co Electric light supplies. .$ 65 30 Reason Co., Electric light supplies ... 02 68 Robert Oliver, salary, &a.....,. 80 00 THE PoeT, printing...-. 20 60 R. l'huell, Electric light......,. 160 00 M. Holland, teaming 49 50 A. Oakley, hauling wood28 00 S. Watson, hauling wood15 00 C. R Davidson, teaming. 84 90 W. A, Williamson, painting interior of Town Hall 360 00 George Colvin, work at Hall 19 60 Mrs. McGregor, cleaning Hall 2 60 Mr, Ruddy, curtains for Hall stage 382 43 Express Co.... ........... . 3 63 L. Williamson, hauling wood. 5 00 Communication t on read front m Barrister Sinclair, with , enclosure to settle} t ne Jackson suit. 5Ioved by Fraser and Wilton that R, Thuell be notifield to discontinue Wednesday forenoon electric light service for ironing as Council had given no such authority. Carried, A. Yolleck addressed Council with a request to place an additional electric light on Elizabeth street. The matter was deferred for a general diecussion of Electric light situation. Caretaker Oliver was instructed tn take necessary means to open drain alongside Miss K. McCallutn's prop- erty, After discussing various tither matters Council adjourned to meet on evening of 16th inst. Huron County Hundreds of aeras Of good fruit roil and celery land will be opened up around Grand Bend by the completion of a County Road from Grand Bend In it point near Point Frank, work' on which will be commenced immediately. Community u ity club was ,organized at Hayfield 1 with Dr y G.Ati Atkinson Presi- dent.; Mts. Gilles vice -President ; F. A. Edveat•ds, Sec. ; J, It Reid, Treas. Object L •. of ar taus tt3 r OY ' i its g tndr ate Burr rounding country together to breve social gatherings, entertainments, de. bates, dances, ate.