The Brussels Post, 1921-12-1, Page 1VOL. 5o NO. z,
$2.00 er annum in advance
W. H. KERB, Proprietor
Eighty-nine . Years
Banking Service
The service and policy of The
Bank of Nova Scotia have been
built up on the experience and
training.accumulated in 89 years
of banking in Canada.
Customers of this Bank have
the comforting assurance that
their banking business is being
conducted with a well-established,
experienced institution capable of
giving the most complete and -
up-to-date service,
The Bank of Nova Scotia
Paid up Capital 9 9,700,000
Reserve 18090000
Resources • 230.000,000
Manager Brussels
Mi i±t teixrs
Knox church Sunday School enter-
tainment will be held Thursday even-
ing Dec. 23rd.
Spotton and Fraser joint political
meeting Saturday afternoon of this
week, at 2 o'clock, sharp, in Town
Hall, Brussels.
The Bible Society book for Cran-
brook and locality bee been returned
to the Branch Treasurer at Brussels,
by Jno. Schnook, the diligent collect-
or. Total this year is $86.70. This is
a very creditable sum and shows what
may be accomplished when everybody
lends a helping band,
Township Council will meet here
Saturday of next week.
We were sorry to learn of the
death of Mrs. McPhail, Southamp-
ton, who was a former well known
resident here. Several from this
community attended the funeral
at Brussels last Saturday afternoon,
Deceased was a daughter of the late
Malcolm Lamont.
'Busy Bee'
A MODERN, handsome
low priced Steel Range
made of Arnco Steel—High
Closet, Copper Reservoir
Nlc le Plated, p
ad a
for any kind of Fuel, wood
or coal, and priced so that
every one who needs a Stove can own one, Call and
see our Stoves,
Steel Ranges, Cast Ranges and Quebec Heaters 1a11 sites
EgIr Second hand Wood Stove for sale.
€ eo. E. Weller
R.W.Ferguson s Specials
Ladies' Blouses
Linens s
Beautiful for
Everything Nice in Men's Wear
4444.4.4444-1•444-4-4•44444•4 44,4•14
Electors of North ' Huron $'
Ladies and Gentlemen $
Vote for
4' National Progressive Can -
4• didate and Progressive
4' Election date Tuesday of next +
f week, Polls open from 8 a. m. +
New Advertisements
Busy Bee -0. R. Weller.
Bolide). Gifts—Jas. Fox,
8 Big Days,—Hanna & Co.
Car of Corn—Grover 6111,
Car of Corn—Alf, Basher,
Stook for Sale—W. J. Kelly.
Card to Electors -7, W. King.
Standing Timber—Thos. Pierce.
Teaoher Wanted—Barry Speiron.
Joint Political Meeting at Brussels.
Wood for sale—Wesley Stephenson.
Ford car for sale—Rev. J. 8. Johnson.
Political Sleeting at Whitfleld'e School.
Notice to Creditors—J, Bollinger Estate.
Women's Institute purpose sending
a box to the Soldiers Comforts be-
fore Christmas and any person wish-
ing to donate anything to this box
please leave at home of Mrs. C. Ray.
nard on or before Dec. 16th. Canned
fruit, fruit cake, jam, jelly, apples,
cookies, or anything good to eat will
be accepted.
BAZAAR,—The "United Women Workers will
hold a Bazaar in the school room of the Pres-
byterian church on Friday Dec, 9. All goods
are Baked to be delivered by Deo. 0, at the
store or home of Jno. Douglas, exoepting home
made baking end candy which are to be
brought to ohuroh afternoon of Bazaar nt -1,80
o'clock, Sale of goods will start at 4 p, m.
M S, JNO.-DOUQLAe, President.
Wroxeter news also on page 5.
Miss Nicholson was called to Bay-
field on Friday owing to the death of
a sister.
Reeve Douglas and Mre. Douglas
celebrated the 25th anniversary of
their marriage last Friday evening
when they entertained a number of
their friends,
.After a lingering illness of several
months duration, Mies 'Agues Miller
died at the home of her. parents,
Richard and Mrs. Miller, Jamestown,
early Monday morning, Deceased
was of a quiet disposition and was
well and favorably known here, hay -
Car of Cary
Expected to arrive in a
few days at Ethel.
Special price off car.
Grover Gill,
Phone 5914 ETHEL
Car of Corn
Unloading at G. T. R.
Yard, Brussels, Thurs-
day of this week.
Alf. Baeker
Phone 5
Belgraue Mission Band
Will hold a
Saturday, December r 3rd
at 230 p. m., in basement of the
Presbyterian Church.
Choice stock of Plain and Fancy
Sewing, Home-made Baking,
Candy, &c,
Lunch will be served,
You aro Invited to attend.
Methodist Churches
The pastor will take as hie sub-
jeet next Sabbath
The fifth Commandment
of the Mutual Christmas
Tree En tertainntent for
Friday, Dec. 23rd. This is
to be the beet yet,
I Methodist Church
' Brussels
Will hold a
Saturday, Dec. 10th
,ln Public Library
There will be on sale Plain and
Fancy articles of a practical
character, euitable for Christ-
mas presents or home use,
Homemade Baking, Candy, &c.
Sold at Fair Prices.
Lunch will be Served.
Keep the date in mind.
ing held a position in the general store
of A. Munro & Co. until overcome by
ill health, Deepest sympathy is felt
for the family in their bereavement,
as this is the third daughter to pass
away in young womanhood inside a
few years. The surviving members of
the family are the parents, one broth-
er and 2 sisters, The funeral took
place to the Wroxeter cemetery,
Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Dr.
Harkness officiating.
Mus. Fred. Hastie passed away at
the home of her parents, J. D. and
Mrs. Miller, Listowel, on Thursday,
after a month's illness. Her maiden
name was Elizabeth Miller and ebe
was married just a year ago. With
the exception of a short time in Listo-
wel all her life had been spent in Mor-
ris township, With her „husband,
she had completed arrangements to
go to Loddon where the latter had
purchased a business, Mrs. Hastie
was ever active in the work of the
Presbyterian church here and was bald
in high regard by,pll who knew her
and the cutting off of her young life is
deeply regretted.. She is survived by
her husband, parents and one brother,
Andrew, of London. The funeral
took place to the Wroxeter cemetery
Saturday afternoon and was largely
attended. Service was held by Rev.
Mr. Nicol at the home of the parents
at 11 a. m. Saturday.
In Brussels Town Hall Messrs. Spot -
ton and Fraser will address a joint
political meeting Saturday afternoon
of this week at 2 o'clock.
Joe and Mae. Shaw, 3rd line, who
were away on a trip to the Pacific
Coast, have arrived home. They en-
joyed their stay and met many old
Mies May Little is back from a visit
of 6 months to the West. She visited
relatives and friends at Saskatoon,
Arcola, Kisby, Carlyle and other
pointe and had an enjoyable time.
The Sunday School of Ebenezer
church (Browntocvu) intend holding
their annual Christmas Arch and en-
tertainment on Wednesday evening,
Dec. 21st. An excellent program is
being prepared,
Miss Maty McKellar, Cromarty,
underwent, an operation for 'ter eyes
in the Stratfnrd Hospital, on
Tneaia Nov. 1S1h. The lady is im ro in
g 08
well as can be expected. Miss McKel-
lar was the teacher in the Miller
School, 5th line, Morris, and her many
friends here wish her well,
D. Ballingall is ready to lend a
hand, bee his advt.
The people of this locality will have
a chance to hear Messrs. Spotton and
Fraserepeak Saturday afternoon, at 2
o'clock, in the Town Hall, Brueeele.
Mr. King is oleo invited.
The annual meeting of Victoria
Hall shareholders will be held Friday
eveeiug of this week, in the Hall, at
8 o'clock, On the same evening the
annual meeting of the Sunday School
will also be held. All intereeted are
netted to attend and offer suggestions
and discuss pltcns.
We are sorry to report the death of
Mrs, Fred G. Hestia, Wroxeter, form-
erly Mise Beth Miller, daughter of 3,
D. and Nits Miller, Listowel, at the
homeof her patents. t . N
ra. Hastie
had been seriously ill since
birth of a child some few weeks
ago, anti two nurses had heart attend-
13ARx BURNED.—On Thursday morn-
ing, Nov, 17th, fire destroyed Sam.
Burke's barn and conteute 14, miles
West of Jameetown. The neighbors
had difficulty in saving a team of
horses. 4 head of cattle, 14 hogs, a
number of hens, the season's crop and
farm implements were coneumed by
the flatter. Cause of the fire ie a
mystery. Mr. Burke has been team-
ing in Wingham for the Brennan Cou-
treating Oo, and was not at home at
the time of the fire. The building
was insured in t he Howick Mutual,
day mot Meg Agnes Palmer, daughter
of R. T. and Mrs, Miller, well known
t•esrdell ,
is of this locality, cc sed
Y. p as
peacefully away to her eternal rt,
She had been i
❑ failing heal th for the
past 0 months nod despite the beet of
care gradually faded away. Deceased
was born 000 the adjoining farm on
Which she died, Her life had been
epentin this neighborhood excepting
5 ease when the familylived in
Wroxeter Miee Agns clerked in the
Nlunro general store for 2 years in
Wroxeter and enjoyed the friendship
and oeteein of It wide circle of friends
who greatly regret her demise and
Borrow with the bereaved. The funer-
North Huron
A. Joint Political Meeting will be held
in the,
Town Hall, Brussels
At 2 p. m, sharp on
Saturday next, Dec. 3rd
When the questions of the
day will be dlecueeed by
Mr, Geo, Spotton - Conservative Nominee
Mr. W. H. Fraser. - liberal Candidate
and others.
Mr. J. W. King, U, F. O. Standard
Bearer or hie Representative, is invit-
ed and will be given opportunity of
addressing Electors.
Ladies aro Cordially Invited..
6c3'Don't miss this Mase Meeting.
Cod Save the King!
al took place to Wreaker cemetery
Wedneeday afternoon, a suitable ser-
vice being conducted by deceased's
pastor, Rev. Dr. Harkness, In addi-
tion to the parents there survives 2
sisters and a brother, who share in
community sympathy in their be-
A Bazaar, under the auepicee of the
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church,
will be held in the C. 0, F. Hall, De-
cember 14.
'A union service was held here last
week of the Methodist and Presbyteri-
an congregations, addressed by Rev.
Mr, Coburn, Toronto, on the subject
of Evangelism. It was a fine gather-
ing and will prove beneficial.
Fall wheat got a fine start for 1922.
Teacher wanted for S. S. No. 10.
See advt in this issue.
A number from this township will
take in the Winter Fair at Guelph.
Very little talk about Municipal
affairs as Dominion questions have
sort of crowded them out for the
time being.
The Miesion Circle of Elms, and
Grey will meet at thee
bpm of Miss
Eunice Richmond, Friday, Dec. 9th at
2 o'clock sharp.
Saturday afternoon of this week
Messrs. Spotton and Fraeer will hold
a joint political meeting in Brussels
Town Hall at 2 o'clock sharp.
Auction Sale of Geo. Ford'e, Lot 15,
Con. 14, will be held Thursday after-
noon of this week. D. M, Scott,
Brussels, will be the Auctioneer.
Mre. Richard Mitchell, is back
from a visit of several months to the
West and she will continue to make
her home here with her eon Will.
afternoon Spotton,
Conservative candidate, will give an
address in the Whitfield school house,
12th Oon., Grey, at 2 p. in. Ladies
cordially invited.
There will be some acurryiug in
Grey township next Tuesday. The
probabilities are that a large vote
may be polled if favorable weather
and roads are on the urogram. The
women will be on band to exercise the
CARD OF THANES,—Will those kind
neighbors and friends please accept
our sincere tbanke for deeds and
words of kindness, in the days of our
bereavement and sorrow by the loss
of our dear departed mother.
Last week R. B. Stevenson, 15th
Con., got back from a visit to the
West. He went last Spring and kept
on the move until he got to B. O. It
was an enjoyable trip and Been under
favorable auspices. R. B. might as
web have made it a wedding tour.
Having disposed of his farm, Lot 10,
Oen. 13, Mark L. Cardiff has decided
to hold a clearing
Auction Sale Fri-
day, Dec 9t12when, in addition to
uaual live stock implements &c„
there will be included 17 head of regis-
tered Angus cattle and a number of
choice glade cattle. Jamee Taylor
will be Auctioneer. See bills and list
in next issue of THE POST for further
Buttery, who live with their son-in-
law, -Russel Riddell, 14th, Oen. Elma,
and who had been residents of Grey
and Elrna towtiahips for many years,
celebrated their. 50th wedding anni-
versary on Wednesday of last week.
Family consists of 5 sone and 4 daugh
tare, namely, Harry, William and
Hardy, of Regina ; John, of Pbippeu,
Seek, ; Chas., of Elms, ; Emma, Mrs.
Russel Riddell and Mrs, Roy Hastings,
of Aima • and Mre M.
Given, of De -
lisle, Sack, Congratulations
are ex-
-tended to Mr. and Mre. Buttery by
their many friends and good wiebes
oxpreseed for a continuance of good
The funeral of the late .Mre. Alexan-
er Stewart, of whose decease mention
was made last week, was conducted
by her pastor, Rev, Mr. Kennedy,
Knox church, Oraubrook, where the
late Mr, aha Mre. Stewart and family
were in the habit of attending wor-
ehip since pioneer days. Few of the
aid familiar faces of those days are
Thursday, lst,
Under the direction of Brus-
sels Women'e Institute a fine
program of Vocal and Inettu-
mental Music, Literary Selec-
tions, &c., will be presented.
Proceeds devoted to'
Hail Improvement Fund
pellets 500. Children 25e.
Everybody should patronize
this Entertainment. Be sure
and get a ticket from the
Canvassers. Come any way.
left. All honor to those grand old
women and men of pioneer days.
Pallbearers of Mre. Stewart were
Louie and Alex. Steise, son-in-law
and nephew, Thomas Learmont, neph-
ew, John Wilson, William Duncan-
son and Jamee Houston. Peter Kel-
ly, au ,aged cousin, and Miss, Kelly,
Tuckeremith, attended the funeral.
Vallance Inglis and Earl Machan
are back from a trip to the West. 1t
was an interesting experience.
The W. M. S. of Knox church will
hold their final meetiug on December
7th, at 2 p. in. in the church. Officers
for 1922 will be chosen and a good at-
tendance is hoped for.
YOUNG people or Bethel church will present.
the play, "The Minister's Bride," at Bethel.
on Friday evening, Deo. 9th. Tickete 05 and
15 pante,
Mre, Lewis Whitfield returned from
Toronto last week after spending
a month with friends there.
McKillop Township Fathers favored
us with tbeir annual visit last Satur-
day when Council was held here.
Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church
met at Mre. Hugh Fulton's this week.
They are preparing a box of Christ-
mas goods for Toronto Deaconess
ical meeting will be held Saturday
afternoon, at 2 o'clock sharp, in Town
Hall, Brussels, to be addressed by
Messrs. Spotton, Fraser and others.
Ladies invited.
Wednesday, Dec, 14th, is the' date
chosen by the Guild of St. George's
church for their annual Bazaar, to be
held in A. 0, U. W. Hall. Plain and
fancy Sewing, home-made Baking
and Candy, &c. will be on sale. Sup-
per will also be served. See the bills',
for further particulars,
of the saddest accidents that has hap-
pened in this town for some time oc-
curred about 8.30 Saturday night,
when Leonard McManus was struck
by au auto driven by hie brother,
Wilmour, and was fatally injured, dy-
ing in the General Hospital about 5
hours after the accident. His ekull
was badly fractured, He was a son
of James and Mrs. McManus of Col-
borne Township, just outside the cor-
poration, and was in his 18th year.
Wilmour McManus was driving on to
the square just as his bvother Leonard
and a lady friend were crossing the
street on the West aide to the Model
Theatre, and before the car could be
stopped it struck Leonard, throwing
him heavily to the ground, The lady
also received some injuries. An in-
quest was ordered by Coroner Dr.
Hunter. The jury was impanelled at
2 o'clock Sunday afternoon, and after
viewing the body adjourned until
Wednesday night. The jury ie as fol-
lowe t Foreman, Carl Dunlop, John
McKinnon, B.J.R
Ryan, Thomas
ner, Harry Watson, Jamee Bogie,
Thomas Anderson and 1. J. Moser.
630 Candidates After 735 Seats
630 candidates have been nominat-
ed for the contest to choose a new
parliament for the Dominion of Cana-
da, according to the best information
available. There are only 235 seats
in Ibe Dominion House of Commons
They are as follows
Nova Scotia 16
New Brunswick 11
P. E. I. . 4
ue ec 65
Ontario 82
Manitoba ... ,15
Saskatchewan .16
Alberta . 12
Brit. Columbia13
Yukon 1
S o
o 'CI
51 05 17 33
79 64 70 15
13 10 12 10
14 11 16 1
12 18 11 0 G
1 1
Totals ,.. ,235 211 201 144 74
Total candidatee--030.
Under the election lacy of Canada
polling on December dth will begin at
8 a, m, and close at 6 p, m.
Geo„ Spotton
Will address a Political Meeting
Whitfield's - School
nth Oon, Grey
Saturday of this Week
At 2 o'clock
Ladies are cordially invited,
++414+14+44+++++ 4444 N Y• F
With so many 3•cornered contests
there ie sure to be more dissatisfied
parliamentary candidates than satis-
fled ones,
After winning the was' the govern-
ment at Ottawa is certainly entitled
to a rest. It's too much to expect of
any bunch of men to do all the work.
38 supporters of the Meighen party
in the House before its dieeoutlon
have declined re -nomination, evident-
ly deeming discretion the better pint
of valor, and have deserted the ship,
9 of these have been given Senator-
ehipe or other appointments and the
others have declined to stand.
We have now a net national debt of
over $2,248,000,000 ; our interest bill is
$140,000,000 menially, and we require
over $500,000.000 every year to run
Canada. From all sources including
customs duties, inland revenue, post
offices, income tax, etc„ we received
5350,000,000. There is a serious deficit
between our receipts and estimated
expenditure, of $150,000,000, Where
is this money to come from ?
Canada has five women candidates
for Parliament, three in Ontario, and
one ill Manitoba. In Toronto, Mrs.
Rector Prenter has entered the
lists in Toronto West, while
Mre, Philip Kiely is running in
East Toronto as a Liberal. In Grey
county, Mies Agnea McPhail. a farm-
er candidate, has set the heather afire,
In Quebec the sole woman candidate,
is Mrs. Rose Henderson, well known
social worker, who has entered the
fight in St. Antoine division (Mont-
real). Mre. Henderson is running on
the labour ticket, In Manitoba, Mre.
John Dick has announced herself as
an independent candidate in centre
Winnipeg, Mrs. Kiely has since
retired it ie said,
Look at the list of faithful who have
received some of the real tbinge.
True, they were all in the last house,
but they see something more perman-
ent in their new poste ;—
Sir George E. Foster, North Toron-
toHon. , a senatorJames
a senatorship. Moose Jaw,
Hon. J. D, Reid, Grenville, a sena.
Sir A. Edward Kemp, East Toronto,
a senatorship.
Hon. Thomas 31. Tweedle, Calgary,
a judgeship.
Hon. Herbert M. Mowat, Parkdale,
a judgeship,
Brig. General W. A. Grieeback,
Edmonton, a senatorship.
Hon. RobertF. Green. West Koot-
enay, a senatorship,
Not a bad list is it ?
The tariff has been a contentious
question in -our politico for over. 40
years ; the very word tariff means a
tax, impost or exaction. The word is
derived from a Cape or headland call-
ed Tariffa, that juts out from the
North coast of Africa. This Cape
used to be inhabited by a tribe of
pirates. When a vessel was seen en-
tering the straits of Gibraltar the
pirate galleys would intercept the
ship and force them to pay a toll.
This is the origin of our modern word
tariff. Ae more than one half of the
money received into the Dominion
treasury comes from customs duties
that are levied through the tariff it is
easily seen how it playa a very im-
portant part in our politics, Last
year there was collected in duties
levied on imports from outside
$187,000,000 or $22 per head of our
population, ,
Church Ohimes
Next Sabbath evening a Peace ser-
vice will be held in theeth '
M palet
church,bearingon the Conference cranes at
In Melville church last Sunday morn-
ing the pastor bed as his subject "What
ie the Gospel 1" Matt. 4-93. "a Anchors"
Mae the theme in the evening, based on
Acts 27.29
Rev, Mr. Clarke discoursed last
Sunday morning on "A thornless
World," Isaiah 55-x3, being the text t—
"Instead of the thorn shalt come up
the fir tree and instead of the brier the -
myrtle tree." In the evening the
theme was "Love's Covenant," as in.
stanced concerning Jonathan and David
in i Samuel i8•1,
The "Little Stars" Mission Band of
Melville chutcb held a meeting Tuesday
Afternoon of last week at which Mrs.
(Rev) Gollan, of Lueknnw, gave a very
interesting address. The Birthday
Party and Christmas
Tree 01 the Band
be Tuesday, Dee. 1301.
Din you read "Basy Bee" advt IP
READ the. advts. Rod save money,
SEVERAL items crowded out of this
Melva. Contest next Monday evening,
at 8 o'clock in the Metbodtst church.
Program will consist of inuaical Rid
literary cohtestt, esedys, posters, eco,
Rev, C. 8'. Clarke will preside, Admits•
sion 25 cents, A good atteudence is
hoped for. Gathering is under the aus-
pices of the W. 0, T. 11,