HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-24, Page 8With Thoughts of Christmas
When the slogan,is "Get bet-
ter acquainted with the pub-
lications of our own Canadian
Here are a few we have
Robert AV, Service—
Riymes of a Red Cross
Man • ,$ 1 35
S�tdl'gs of a Sourdough.... 1 35
Basil King—
'tth'e Empty Sack 2 00
Joi1t McCrae—
In Flanders Fields. 1 5o
L. M. Montgomery—
Rilla of Inglesides.,2 00
Rainbow Valley.......,2 00
Anne's House of Dreams1 00
Pauline Johnson—
Flint and Feather......,., 2 25
Marion Keith—
Little Miss Melody,.....
Isabel Ecclestone McKay—
Mist of Morning 1 65
Marshall Saunders—
Beautiful Joe...,., .....,, 85
Douglas Durkin—
Tbe Heart of Cherry Mc -
Bain 2 00
Tb e l.ohstick Trial 1 75
H A C, x1v—
Jess of the Rebel 'Trail2 00
W. H. Drummond—
Poetical Works 2 65
Johnny Courteau.....:, I 65
2 00
French ivory
See Our Window
Our lige is larger than ever
and contains a number of new
pieces, made for the first time
this season. Prices are lower
thee last year :
Ivory Hair Brushes
Ivory Trays
Ivory Combs
Ivory Mirrors
Manicure pieces—
Nail Files
Corn Knives
Cuticle Knives
Ivory Bonnet Brushes
Ivory Clothes Brushes
Ivory Ring Box
Ivory Pin Cushion
Ivory Jewel Box.
Ivory Trump Indicator
Ivory Calendar
Ivory Photo Frames
Ivory Tooth Brush and Holder
Ivory Soap Boxes
Ivory Shoe Horns
Ivory Button Hook
Ivory Glove Fastener
Ivory Perfume Bottle
Ivory Vanity Boxes
And nmey other pieces
Good Assortment
of Ebony
The .i Store
Druggist and Stationer
focal lieba items
ELECTION Day, Tuesday, December
RoAos have been extra good barring a
little muddy spell.
DRESSED poultry is coming to market
in good quantities,
1922 Almanacs are showing up, re-
minding us of the flight of years.
WHAT hate yon in Christmas or Holi-
day bargains ? Only 4 weeks to Christ-
THE Pose' gives the news and 25 cents,
in advance, secures it to Jan. 251, 1922,
to any address in Canada.
CHRISTMAS entertainments are loom-
ing up. An advertisement in THE PosT
is a good way to hoost them. Do it now.
Tisa pie business took a tumble in
price as well as the bread at Wilfrid
Willis'. 20 cents gets a good pie now.
SxvsRAL cars of gravel have beeu
brought in by the G. T. R. and have
mach improved the street leading to the
depot also the yard. It was badly need•
1 1HvaoN Co Council will convene on
Wednesday, Dec. 7th, at 3 p. m. This
is a day later than usual on account of
Election Day coming on Tuesday of
that week. See advt.
SAM BURGESS has resumed tbe milk
supply and delivery business and many a
householder will be saved a pedestrian
stunt daring the coming mouths after
the lactiel fluid by Sam's call at the
THANxs.—The POST is grateful for the
prompt responses to numerous notifica-
tions forwarded recently, and we are
hoping to put our subscription list in A I ,
shape. Some folk are years behind, des- ,
pile all that has been said. This condi-
tion makes financing a diMcult job
ENGAGEMENT —WS. Elizabeth Silman,
Toronto, announces the engagement of
her daughter, Maud Evelyn, to John
McCallum Henderson, son of Rnbt, and
Mrs. ' Henderson, Brussels, Ontario.
The marriage will take place December
27th at Kew Beach Presbyterian church.
Tun old building adjoining present
postoffice, bought by the Dominion
Government as part of site for new post.
office, is simply a disgrace to Turnberry
street and a menace to the public in its
present conditiou. Shop in the Srnale
block, formerly tenanted by Fred. Me•
Cracken, could stand some fixing up
which would aid in the street improve
ment also What do you think ?'
If you say Yes THE POST would like 10
refer you to County Secretary Elliot of
Huron Childrens' Aid Society, whose
address is Goderiob. At the Home they
can give you a good eb01ce from infants
to children r2 years of age. A trip
could be taken to the Co. town and a vis-
it paid to the genial Matron, Miss Bent-
ley. so you could make your choice.
Read the report of the annual meeting
of Childrens Aid on page 4 of this issue
of THE POST. It's a great work and a
splendid uplift for youngsters requirtng
a better start in life than they received
before being taken in band,
HORTICULTURAL, --Will Yon become a
member of the local Horticultural Socie-
ty for r922? It is one of the most Inter.
nsting'otganizations in town if you love
flowers and wish to 'see Brussels deserve
the name Beautiful, Wingham, Exeter
and other towns are organizing Societies.
Give,ua a boost by the investment of a
dollar for a 'year's membership, for
which you a generous supply
bulbs, plants and trees of your choice
next Spring Mrs. ,1 D. Warwick has
been the reef President. Brussels lost
energetic workers in this Hauge in the
removal of 13, S. and Mrs. Scott to Lon-
don. Mr. Scott was the Secretary.,
Treasurer since organisation,
HORSE Fair Thursday of next week.
THE Farmers' Club is expecting a car
of corn and a car of feeding molasses.
Did you read their advt ?
A few cases of Scarlet fever in towu
and quarantining has been in order.
We're sorry fortbe "shut in" but "Pre-
vention is better than cure,"
Tows Hail Opening Thursday even-
ing of next week. Fine program at the
Entertainment Don't miss it Boost
the clearing off of the debt undertaken
by the Women's Institute.
SoMzBoty has done a mean trick in
breaking a number of window panes at
T, Wood's factory and storehouse.
It will be no joke if the offender is found
out as tbe law don't wink at that kind of
work. It ought to be everybody's busi•
ness to guard other people's property,
rather than damage it.
Lose. -0. Thanksgiving Day, between Brne-
sele,and Seatorth, 1n memo known as Par-
rlsh's ewampp lbtack bound, tan markings
white brinde breast stripe, brown feet.
Phone 5e Sea forth or write C, P, Sine, &ea-
ferth, Reward.
Leayasrt halter loot in Melville church abed
or un road North of Brussels. Will Linder
kindly leave it et TAR PAST Publishing House,
Brussels, and greatly oblige owner,
9ALe or BAKnN0, &n,—Saturday afternoon
of this week, et 3 o'clock, the ladies of St.
John's Guild, will holda sale of Homemade
Baking and Candy in the Audience Room of
the Public Library, Brussels, The patronage
of the public invited.
CRANK of Chevrolet oar lost between Wel-
ton and Brussels Will finder kindly leave 1t
at Tan PoeT.
0 steers, rising 2 years old, in good condition
for sale, Weight about 800 pounds. Phone
2012, FRANK HAOKw ELL, Lot 29, Con. 10, Grey
8 Rttoun Island Red nice cockerels for sa1e.
Apply to Wu ELLIS, Brussels, South.
STRAYED from Lot 16, Con 0, Gray, a sow
and 0 little p1cs. Owner will be glad to hear
of their whereabouts
J, W, Ssepnkaeos, Phone 4019.
-TeLgPRONs Uasne,—Ail accounts const be
paid. They are now all posted up and any one
that don't wleh to come in to pay cony call op
and they will be told the amount of their
account and they can then remit but It Is ln-
perattve that ell accounts be paid tit once.
Some have been standing too long.
P.& SCOTT, Oheirman of Board,
Fon SALK—Champion "'Minim it" kitchen
range with warming closet and water reser-
voir. In goad conditions Burns wood or
cool. Apply toff A. Dixon, Bank o1 Nova
Scotih or at residence.
Fon Sats. -2 hatter calves, one good milking
cow, good Clyde burse colt rising 2 yearn,
Apply to Geo, CoLvts, Brussels, South.
Phone SO2,
House and lot for sale, Queen Street, Brno -
Bele. For further partlenlars apply on the
premises. 11118e MONAn, Brussels,
COMFonTAnrn Residence, located on Flora
street, Brussels, for sale. Garden with smell
tette, hen house and stable, all 1n good repair.
Poosession given at once For further partic-
ulars apply to Phone 2110 or the proprietor,
R. H. 510Kiaron, Brussels P. 0.
De, PA Rxna, Osteopathlo Physician, visits
Brussels Monday afternoon of each week.
Chronic and nervous diseases ancessfnlly
treated, Visits residences. Conenitatlon at
Queen's Hotel.
A representative of the Rural Ma 1
Courier service was here a short time
ago in the interest of the Couriers and
certain improvements they are hoping
for as to sa'aries, freedom' on statutory
holidays and other changes iu the law.
IT looks like a hard Winter, Rbeuma•
tism, Neuralgia, Neuritis and Lumbago
will find many a victim. Templetoo's
Rheumatic Capsules will knock out the
worst attack Or la it Asthma—then
RAZ MAH is the sure relief. • Sold by
Jas Fox; in wahon by W, G Neal,
Otr Monday next, Nov, 28111, the De•
partment of Agriculture is opening in
Wingham Towv Hall two dowses for
men and women, mea P11enu
y ❑g men's
course will be in Apr culture and the
ladies' coarse in Domestic Science,
H••nte Nursing, etc. Both courses ate
to run 3 months. Huron to one of the
4 counties to have the adventage of
these schools Ibis year—Huron, Middle•
sex, Peel and Wentworth,
FAMILY TH89.11011•111M.11111 1111111•1•1•01MMOMMI
Saturday, 26th
Mabel Normand
What Happened to Rosa
Connel Myers
Cheated Love.
Wednesday, 3oth
The Island of Regeneration
Special Short features
A car of old metal was shipped by A.
Yollick this week.
CONGRATULATIONS of old friends in
Brussels sod locality are extended to
Dr. and Mrs. A. McKelvey, 'Toronto,
in the arrival of a son last Sunday.
FRIDAY afternoon the local W. C. T.
II. will., hold a prayer service in the
Audience room of the Public Library
for the promotion of the cause of Tem-
perance at the Dominion Election A
discussion will follow on the nee of the
ballot on December 6th, All the
ladies welcome.
day evening of next week, R D. Cam-
eron, Lucknow, will give his interesting
and instructive Lecture "Across Canada
Westward„' in Melville church, Brus-
sels, under auspices of the Y. P. S. C.
E, • Patriotic soegs, lunch served and a
social hour enjoyed. Mr. Cameron is a
capital speaker and is well worth bear•
ing. Read Iheadvt. in this issue.
Tows HALL OPENING.—The work of
improvement to Brussels Town Hall id
now about complete and an opening
Concert to mark the event will be held
Thursday evening of next week, Dec,
jot, by einem Musical and Literary en-
tertainment, under auspices of the Wo•
men's Institute. The hope is for a pack-
ed Hall so as to clear off indebtedness
contracted. Tickets will be so cents,
without reserved seats. Canvassers
have been secured who will call on you,
but if not don't miss it anyhow. Give
this local enterprise a good boost and
show your willingness to aid in the good
day afternoon a po'i teal meeting in the
interests of the Conservative candidate
was held in the Town Hall, It was well
attended, considering the short notice
Hon. Mr Guthrie was billed to speak at
Wingham in the evening and Mr, Spot-
ter] arranged to have him call here and
give au address. Chair was occupied
by Geo. R. Muldoon, who introduced 3
speakers, Mr. Pettigrew, a returned
soldier, who briefly dealt with the
Government relation to the men ; Hen,
Hugh Guthrie, Guelph, whose time was
largely occupied with the U. F. 0.,
charging them with disloyalty to Canada
and praised the financial condition of
the Dominion, Hoped the women
would do their duty. Geo. Spotton, the
candidate, closed the meeting, and stat-
ed he would be hack to Brussels for
another meeting before voting day.
He poked fun at the U F 0. candidate,
criticised Mr. Amos, of North Perth and
hoped the Meighen Government would
he re-elected, National Anthem
brought proceedings to a conclusion.
Church Chimes
Choir of St. John's church was most
13nspiteb'y entertained Thursday even-
ing of last week by W. anti Mrs Little.
The vocalists appreciated the invitation.
Bible Sncie'y Collectors are meeting
with good success es far as canvassing
has been done. It is hoped to finish up
by December 5 so as to send annual re-
port to Toronto.
Primary classes of Methodist Sabbath
School, assisted by ethers, have their
a nual Christmas tree program in course
of nreparation. The gifts are forward -
cd to needy children,
Rev. Dr, Carmen, General Superin•
teudent and Rev. Dr Moore, General
Secretary, of the Methodist Church of
Canada, have issued a cell for prayer
among the various churches for the
success of the Washington Conference.
Melville church choir held a sale of
homemade baking last Saturday after-
noon at the audience room of the Public
Library and also served lunch. Weath•
ertnrned nut dtsagreenhlr but a good
crowd attended nevertheless, Over
Ssn were realized,
Rev Dr. Sperling, pastor of rat
Methodist church, London, who was
appointed there Zest Conference, died
quite unexpectedly early Monday morn-
ing. He preached Bentley evening as
flaunt end was found lying on the vestry
door at the close of the service. He
wee 6o yesrs of Age and a fine type of a
man with a splendid record.
The visit to Brussels of Rev. joint
Coburn, One of the General Confer-
ence Secretaries nn Evangelism and
Social Service, on Tuesday of this week,
was along the richt hoe His Confer -
eines in the afternoon anti early evening
were most practical and encouraging.
At 8 p m„ following a service of Gos-
pel Song, Mr, Coburn gave an address
most timely, vigorous and optimistic in
Its outlook and that will produce. results,
Rev, Mr. °Kell, Secretary of Evan•
gelism for Wingham District, else took
Part in the exercises, The ifinery is
being continued ilirnuvh the District,
Rev, Mr. Cohuri r
n s a fo mer Fordwich
boy, hie father and family being well re-
membered, and his appointment to his
present work shows gond judgment ori
part of church authorities, Rev. Mr.'
Clarke, pastor, will be heartily support-
ed in this 5ardward Evangelism move -
Deposit Your Coupons
youcut the coupons
your Victory Bonds
or other securities, the logical place to put them 9s
into your savings account,
At any branch of this Bank, you can open tasavings account with yam
coupons, or+, we will cash theist for. you without making any -charge.
Let the inrereat from your investment cern more interop in the
STAN 13.3:12:12., BANK
ch: G, li. Enrols, Manager,
•• F. McConnell, Manager.
Brussels Bran
Dublin Branch:
In following up arrangements between
the Presbyterian churches of Canada in
jointly issuing Sunday School papers
during this year the work will be en•
larged by printing 'Peteehers' and
scholars' helps for study of S. S, les -
ons, Present plan is working very
"Almost thou persuadest me to be a
Christian," Acts 26-28 was the text chos-
en by Rev, J. P, McLeod in Melville
church, Sunday morning fast and 1n the
evening his subject was,.'Lessous from
the life of Joseph," Genesis 41 : 41,
"See I have set thee over all the land of
Egypt." Attbe Young People's meet-
ing views on the life of Joseph were
Last Sunday Rev, R. A. Brooke, of
Crediton and Ailsa Craig occupied the
pulpit in the Methodist enureb and
preached 2 well prepared sermons,
Morning text St Luke 14 18, "They all
with one consent begau to make ex.
°uses." Subject was "Pre -occupation."
ID the evening the Scripture chosen was
St. John 5.40. "Ye will not come to
Me that ye might have life"—denting
with the 'Authority of the Will." In
addition to a well sung anthem by the
choir Miss Mae Wood rendered a very
suitable solo, "I would ho like Testis "
Rev, Mr. Clarke was preaching anniver-
sary sermons at Ailsa Craig one of the
churches on Crediton circuit.
MOCtrTormos,—In Grey Township, on Nov,
17th, 1021, to Mr.,and .Mrs. J. .J, MoCut-
cheon,a son.
MCKeovsy,—At the Private Patients' Pavl•
lion, Toronto, on Nov, 20th, 1921, to .Dr.,
and Mrs; Alex, D. McKelvey, (formerly of
Brussels), a eon.
VANNeas&N.—At Rentrya, on November 21st,
11121, to sir, end Mrs, Henry Vannerman,
&TnUTanRo.—In Stratford, on Nov. 10th, 1921,
at the residence of her somin.law, (Dr,
Wethercotti, Sarah Rtrathers, widow of
the late A. L. Struthers,
FainAvinenie, &o, Boy Loo r8,` Oon, 5 Murria, ii3ale.
uereserveti at 1 p, m. na proprietor is gluing
up tarmipg, ALLAN SPaIc, Rrep„ Joe, TAY•
LUn, Any
THURSDAY, Deo. leT,—Farm stook, 1n1143 -
manta, &e., Lot 10. Con. 14, Grey township.
Sale unreserved at 2 p, in, Geo, Ford, Prop„
D, M. Scott, Aum
Meeting of Huron County Council
The Council of the Corporation of the Coun-
ty of Huron will meet in the Connell Chamber,
Goderiob, at 8 o'oloolr in the afternoon of
Wednesday, the 7th day of December, 1921.
All nelson etaagninet the County moat he in the
hands of the Clerk not later than Monday pre-
ceding the meeting of Council.
Goderiob, Nov, 18th, 1921. County Clerk,
Hog for Service
The nndereigned will keep for service on
Lot 4, Con 9, Grey township, the thorn' -bred
Berkshire Boar, 1.13igholere Superbhs 5rd " re-
glstered No 55890 Terms, 51 00, at time of
service, with privilege of retnrmng, or $1.50
if not so paid. J. A. NICHOL,
Phone 2828 Proprietor,
Auction Sale
MNNT0. FaeD. &o.—D, M. Scott, Auctioneer
hes received instructions from the under-
signed proprietor to sell by Public Auction at
Lot 15, Con, 14, Grey township,on Thursday,
Dee. lot, at 2 p, m. the folwing valuable
property :-1 Durham cow due March 28th, 1
heavy mare, 1 driving horse, 1 horse blanket,
1 wagon, 1 set doubletrees, 1 neck yoke, 1 gray-'
el box 1 baggy, 1 cutter, 1 rake, 1 hay reek,
1 set Iran harrows...1 need drill, 1 set .plow
harness, 1 set single harness, 2 horse °oilers,
14 shocks corn, nboat 2 tons green feed, about
4 tone hay, about 100 bus. oats fit for Beed,
about 50 bushels barley, a few email articles.
Bale unreserved as proprietor 1a giving up the
farm, Terms.—Sums of 51000 end under
cash ; over that amount 8 months' credit glv'
en on furnishing Approved Joint Notes. Land
owners as security: 4 per sent off for cash on
credit amounts.
�ig11��•��i1�Mti•N•��illr��rpi!®••4rMw•tswryM•tA�•4Al4�•A1t �f
Fox's Drug Store
•Weekly Store News .
0 A Good•
Hot Water Bottle••
Always a most useful houee.
• hold artiole and more par.
• trcularly at this season of
the year.
A real good article to have
on hand just when you need
Nyal Creophos
This Is one of the Nyal Fam-
ily Preparations designed to •
provide the public with este,
dependable family medicine
for the treatment of ordin-
ary ailments. It fortifies the
syetem, en abling weak con-
stitutions to 00000 sof ully
combat the inroads of. disease
germs— $I, 00 per bottle
p. 8
0 Wampole's Blood Root ••
• Hydrogen•
Cough Relief
a Peroxide ••
0 A powerful Antieeptie, Die- p
• infectant and Gerrnicide, Still holds first place as our
• popular. Cough Syrup:
O Satisfaction guaranteed,
250, 3$c and OOc
May be used with perfect
safety internally or exter-
Garden Court Line
One of the most exquisite lines of Toilet Articles
Face Powder (all shades) 75e Talcum Potvder 35c.
Cold Cream 50c Toilet Water $2 00 Double Combination Cream 50o
Perfume $1.25 per oz.
es For Children
• with a Cough
® Syrup
i• can be given to a
0 very young child
without any unpleas-
• ant results—
• 25c per bottle
Cod Liver Extract
& Extract of Malt
Ono of our very best
Tories and Buildeea,
free from the fishy oil
which malty delicate
patients cannot toter-
ale -
60c and $1.00 bottles
T. Ra C.
When one has severe
pulite, brought on i6,
many cases by a
chill—the jointe sore
and stiff — nothing
gives relief like T. R.
0,'s. $I.00 per bog
"Careful Prescription Dispensers"
eta....80......... s•w80e00®•e.•G•essee0••••••••••••i••gi
Great Fall and Winter Sale Contioues
Positively ending Saturday, December 3rd
This is a rare opportunity to secure your wants for Winter at Honest Reductions
off regular marked prices. Purchase your Christmas Gifts now.
�.�d..a.i.l4.h.�.t.,a•.rd.��LA.41.-4.41,. ..46Z.+.416.itJ.t.►411—&-.b,41..`..,1A.41.416.,.0.416-.•..►�'L.��•
Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. •
For a good serviceable
sizes 36 to 44
24 75
Min's Overcoats and Suits.
Smart models for Men and
Young Men. Dressy patterns.
16 75
Men's and Young Men's
9 75 Boys' Heavy Belted Model
6 95 A good School.. Suit for Boys
6 to 14.
75c Penman's Heavy Fleece Lined
V Underwear, 34 to 46.
Penman's Heavy Wool Ribbed
89cShirts and Drawers. Last
year's price $2.00.
1 25 Stanfield's Underwear, size 34
only, Shirts and Drawers, Blue
and Red Labels.
110 Work Shirts, all colors and sizes.
Regular $2.00 and $2.50
1 98 Peabody, Carhartt and Head -
1 tl light Overalls,
1 25 Carhartt Boys' Black Over-
Rugs, Blinds, [indiums
20 per cent off
4 yards wide $4.19
55c per Square yd.
Sugar per 100 Ibe $8 25
Nrnoms 40
Tea, 3 lbe 1 00
Laid, 3 !be .......... .......... 69
Currants 10
Coffee,..... 47
Helaine 24
Shredded Wheat... ,..... 2 for 25o
Oatmeal ................ O lbs. for 26
New stork of latest models
of garments for Women,
Misses and Children -
20 p. c. off
Muffs, Stoles -t Price
Winter Coats $ro oo
Heavy Cottonades .49
Oxford Shirting .28
V,V, and Shirting .24
Prints, best quality ,24
Flannelette , i 5
Bleached Cotton .55
Silks 1.59 1,98
25c Bargain Hose
Hundreds of pairs of Stockings for Women,
Misses, Buys and Git'le—all colors and sizes.
Sweater Bargains
Ladies' and Misses' all -wool Coats and
Pull -overs, Reg. up to $8 00'—
Sale $3.49
$2.50 Black Cashmere Hose $1.69
Monarch Yarns, b oz. balls 1 1
Waists—Silks, Crepe de chine 3.98
HAN NA & CO. eta. Wingham