HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-24, Page 5Du$ NE$I COOL
4fSC ani Y/Y,
Mee la the PON Mae, Ethel. 604
• Barrister, Solicitor, Oopyeyanoer,
Notary Public, ko, Oflloe—Stewartb Block
1 door Nor th of Central Hotel.
Solicitor for the Metropolitan Bank,
®F4Bb°?'d(%°se tYlt ori16z.
This popular hostlery: is open to -the public in
all departments of a Firet•claes Hotel,
-• Meals served at regular hours. •
• Phone 64 Olean, comfortable beds.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College. Day and night calla. Office oppo4itt
Flour 1,1111, Bthel.
Agent Hoick Mutual Fire 'Insurance Company
Phone 42 Tnrnberry Street, Brussels
Successor to John Harris, Walton,
M, B.. M. O. r.. •S, O.
M. 0. H., Village of Brnneb,
Physician, Surgeon, Accoucheur
C Rase at residence, opposite Mely lila Church,
Vi/ Sham street,
Barristers, 8o:•Jcitors, Notaries Public,
(Moe on the Square, 2n,: door from Hamilton
Private fund, to loan at lowest rates,
H. J. D. OooltE
Increase Your Earning Power
Eby attending; the 1.
Gt/�l/JL/ ' t
Tonga & Charles Sts., Toronto
This school is etriotly firet•olaes in all 13
departments and enjoys a wide -spread
Patronage. It is time-trled and �.
truly -tested and you risk noth- 6
Ing by coming; hero. .Our gredu-
ates are eminently successful. Enter g
any time. write for catalogue.
Monthly Horse Fairs will be held in
Brussels this season as follows :—
THURSDAY, DEO. 1sT, 1021.
JAN. 5TH, 1022
FEB. 2ND, 1022
MAR, 2ND, 1922
APRIL 6TH, 1922
Local and Outside Buyers WIII be Present
By.' Order of Council.
R. 8. SCOTT, Clerk.
Well 11 Too
275 feet 1 inch Drill Rope nearly now,
1 set Jars and Rope Socket,
1 Sinker, 16 feet by 3 inches,
14 -inch Sand Pump,
1 5 -inch Sand Pump,
1 4 -inch Reamer,
25 -inch Roomers and Bite for same,
Also a length of
0 -inch Casing.
All for sale cheap as owner has no
use for them.
Wells Cleaned Out and Pumps Repaired
Well Drilling dons as usual.
Call up Phone 28x
1 What About Your $
' WILL pay the highest Mar-
ket rise for all the Poultry
you have to sell and call at
we your place for them.
NI. Yolleck
Mostly Clover with a little
Fall Honey with it,
12 cts. a lb.
Clover Haney also on
hand, ,Phone 5824
oxer delve icnms
SHor for Christmas.
WEDNESDAY 11001 will close up Novem-
MEDAL Contest in Brussels, Monday,
HAVE you paid your back subscription
t0 rHE eon.?
THE deer hunters are borne With
ample proof of their success,
SEND THE POST as Christmas present
to the absentees. A number are doing
BustNEss men should order their
Counter checkbooks in good time from
'1'HE Pos'r,
fixussELs School will put on a Christ-
mas Entertainment aloug about Sesta
Claus time. Initial program has been
marked out, we understand.
THESE days when motors dash about,
One's wits must never stray ;
Pedestrians have io look alive
If they'd remain that way,
FIRST Monthly Horse Fair for this
season will be held in Brussels Thursday
of next week, They will be held on
Thursday preceding first Friday each
month during Winter.
greeting cards for Christmas with your
name thereou, may be bad by leaving
your order at THE Posy, and selecting
your design. We have on hand this
year the finest cards we have ever hand-
led, Don't make the mistake of leaving
your order until it is too late.
IN an article concerning Voters' Lista
for the corning Federal election the 'Tor-
onto Globe says :—'•In rural polling
subdivisions and m towns of 2,500 or
less any person entitled to vote whose
name does not appear on the list must
be giveu a ballot on polling day upon
taking oath that he or she is duly quali-
LONDON Daily Advertiser of Thurs-
day of last weea gave place to photo-
gravures of Joe. W. King, the U.F. 0.
candidate for North Huron and W. H.
Fraser, Liberal nominee of same riding,
The latter "saw service" in the Legis-
lature for part ol•a term when he suc-
ceeded A. H. Musgrove who resigned
and was appointed Postmaster in Wing -
MEDAL CONTEST,— Monday evening,
Dec, 5th, a Medal Contest will be held
in the Methodist church, Brussels, under
the auspices of the local W. C. T, 11.,
when competitions will take place in
vocal Music and Elocution, Essays and'
Posters. Medals and cousolauon awards
will be made in first 2 classes and cash
prizes for the 2 latter. Subject of Essay,
(not to exceed rsoo words) will be "The
Cigarette evil," showing its hindrance
to developing manhood, or the serious
effect of alcohol and narcotics, in their
relation to the mental, moral and spiritu-
al, Same subjects will be dealt with on
posters, (size of which will be IS x 24
Inches.) Workmay be done with cray-
on, colored pencils or pen and ink.
Further particulars may be obtained
Irom Mrs. A. McGuire or members of
Committee having Contest in hand.
Following au illness of over 2 weeks, the
death occurred on Wednesday morniug
at the residence of her son-in-law, Dr.
D. R. Netuercott, Stratford, of Mrs. A.
L. Struthers. The deceased was well
known, having lived there tor forty-
seven years. Her husband predeceased
her 36 years ego. She was born in
Dresden. 'rnere remains to mourn her
Toss, a daughter and 3 sons, Mrs, D. R.
Nethercott, Stratford ; Fred. Struthers,
of Fairbanks, Alaska ; Russel and
Frank Struthers, of Winnipeg, also one
sister, Mrs. W. H. Braddon, of London.
The funeral took place on Friday to
At/beanie cemetery from her late rest.
deuce, 17 Centre street. D -ceased was
a resident of Brussels for a few years
when het husband and his brother, j.
M., were in the Dry Goods bustuess.
Mrs. Struthers is well remembered uy
the older residents who have not Forgot-
ten her kindly, pleasant manner and
helpful ways.
SEAyoa'i'se News has this to say :—"It
is surely lnc0usistent for THE BRUSSELS
Pont' to blame the Meigben government
on the one baud for spending too much
money, and then blame them for not
spending money in building a Post -
office in Brussels ata time like this when
the cost of butlding ns expensive. He
n este raft in .bis
almost Sl question
asking if suggests
off the candidates know
anything about the matter ? Oue would
expect praise instead of blame, for not
wasting money during the war for such
purposes." lu the tet place all the steps
taken, such 115 purchasing the lots, ar-
ranging plans, voting the grant, &c.
were all done 1004 before the war.
sadly. Numerous public buildings were
erected in other places after piedgeS
made to Brussels and 3rd the govern'
merit bad no scruples to boost their own
indemnity and squander money on use-
less Commissions, &c, even if times were
hard, Wonder if it was "wasting
money" when the thousands of dollars
were spent ou Seaforth building ?
NO Smoking --No Shrayint,--Ne Sufi
Just Swallow a Capsule
RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed
to restore normal breathing atop MUM
gatherings in the bronchial tubes,
long nig its of qulet sleep; contains roe
habit-formingdung, $1.00 et your dm!
gglare. Trial ree at our agencies or
Teatpletona, 142 Xing W., Toroitte,
Sold by Jas. Fox ; in Walton by
W. G. Neal
SAID :—lion, and Mrs, MoKeivey and
Iroise, spent Sunday on the Ethel
Circuit, whish wee one of Mr, McKel-
vey's former charges, They report,
having a very enjoyable time as they '
mot many old friends, Mr, McKelvey l
conducted Mtseiotiary Annivet eery
services and found the people very
much interested in Mipaione as was
shown by their largely increased cots-
McKillop township Council will
meet in the. Miller Hotel, Saturday of
this week, at 10 a. m,
A number of improvements are be-
ing made to the homegecently put. -
chased by W. G. Neal,
The outbuildings on Victor S
ling's farm, West of Walton, have
been fitted up ,to serve a8 large a pur-
pose as possible for the Winter, since
barn was burned, Building would
not be possible until next year.
J. L Downey, John Roger, jr.,
Thos. Pascoe aid John McDerwutt,
of Mitchell, bagged 39 jack rabbits and
4 cotton tails on Thanksgiving Day.
They did their hunting in a woods
uear Walton and found game very
Hugh Campbell, 16611 Oon. Grey,
who has beeu up hunting near Pokes -
ley for the last two weeks, has been
fortunate in shooting a 205 lb. buck.
We hope the others in his party had
as good luck.
SCHOOL RFPORT.—Fdllowing re-
port shows the standing of the pupils
in U. S. S. No. 16, Howick & Grey for
October ; Sr. IV—Bert Spence 00:
Jr. IV—Ethel McCreary 50 ; Lawson
Doig 44. Sr. III—Matilda Peters 04 ;
Cecil Grainger 44 ; leabel Doig 43 ;
Andrew Doig 33. Jr. III—Eva Brown
62 ; Nellie Doig 44 ; Eileen Hislop 44 ;
(Afton McDonald 41 1 Mervyn Grain-
ger 37 ; Clarence Grainger 84 ; Annie
Schmidt 14•. Jr, II—Martha Peters,
Irene Grainger. 1st -Hollis Schmidt,
Sr. Pr. =Margaret Schmidt, Stanley
Grainger. Jr. Pr.—Dorothy Brown,
Rnth McLennan, Leilu,Hielop.
Mrs. Jae. Oattanach'e health is im-
proving we are glad to state.
We welcome Sheldon and Mre.
Bricker to our village from their farm
Last Sunday the 61st anniversary
service of Howi_k Baptist church was
observed. Services wine conducted
by Mr. Senior, Toronto.
After a trip of a few months A. 0.
Hutchinson is back from the West.
He met many he knew.
After a visit with his parents here
Rufus Winter, Nelson, B, 0., has gone
00 a trip to Scotland.
Collector of Customs Neelin was at
Sarnia attendiug the funeral of hie
brother-in-law, Mr. Clark.
A broken rib kept R. J. Beattie
from attending to his duties as teacher
at S. S. No. 6, Tuckersmith.
Douglas, the 5 year old son of David
and Mre. Gemmill, Egmondville, died
in Stratford hospital. Remains were
brought home for interment...
The 16 acre farm, North Main street,
owned by the Redman family, has
beeu Bold to Joseph Mero, Hallett,
who gets possession next March.
Junior Hockey team has organized.
President and Manager is Chas. Rob-
erts ; Chas. Holmes Secretary -Tres.
surer ; Chas. Sitio, G. Hays and F.
Oudwore, Committee.
A quiet wedding took place at the
Ontario street Baptist parsonage,
Stratford, on Friday afternoon, Nov-
ember 1I, when the marriage of Miss
Anna Tolson Edgar, Seaforth, to Hor-
ace Percival Wilbee, Stratford, was
solemnized by Rev. Hugh Macdiarmid,
Special services were held in St.
Michaele church last week by Rev.
Fr, McLauchlin.
The coming Winter will be spent by
Mre. Alex, Elder, with her daughter,
Mrs. (Rev.) McLean, Thameeville.
Brotherhood of Methodist church
have worked nut an interesting pro-
gram for the coming months.
An operation was performed in De-
troit for tewnoval of part of Frank
Scrimgeour's foot. His mother went
to see him.
Dr, Blackall and Miss Blackall have
removed to London where they pur-
pese making their home. Good wish-
es accompany thew.
After an enjoyable holiday visit Miss
Josephine Woodcock is back from
England and has rearmed her position
iu the Telephone Central.
Before leaving Blyth for Wallace -
burg Miss Annie McElroy was pie-
s' ,mirror bythe
w• an ivory seated ith
'1of Form I BI t School.
u I
p Ains nivereary services of St. And> ew's
church will be held Sunday, Dec. 4,
when Rev. J, L. Small, Hespeler, a
for mar pastor, is expected to preach.
Tea will follow on Monday evening.
Samuel Peter has disposed of his
ptopetty on 8th Oon, to John Hone,
Mra. George Keys, Toronto, ie visit-
ing her parents, Young and Mrs.
Mrs. Jim Bell, Waterdown, who
attended the funeral of her brother-
in-law, in Grey township, called on
relatives in the village,
The 2 year old daughter of Arthur.
and Mts. Simpson, 8th Con. El1na,
while playing with other children of
the household had the painful mishap
of a broken twin.
Walter Blackwell and Thos. Dick-
son cut down a tree containing a hive
of bees, securing several pounds of
honey, in Albert Thompson's bush,
reAfter a long and severe illness, 0.
W. Stockford, a prominent hardware
merchant, of Atwood, passed away
Thursday morning, of Inst week in hia
49t1 year, Service waS held Friday
evening and rewaius were taken to
Elora for interment on Saturday.
One of Atwood's landmarks has
disappeared when Mr. Milne had
pultlp shop taken down and moved to 1
Seasonable Offerings
A11 Wool Underwear
Fleece -lined Underwear
Work Shirts
Leather Mits and Gloves
Heavy Rubbers
Fine Rubbers
Stable Window Glass Putty
Nails, 011e and Turpentine.
Full line of Fresh Groceries
Ohesley Flour,
Kincardine Meats.
Call and inspect our stock.
W. G. McMillan
his farm, Building was erected many
years ago, and atone time a thriving
business was carried on by the lute
Lemuel Pelton in the manufacturing
of pumps.
Huron County
Whooping cough is on the program
at Clinton.
A. Wilkin, Clinton, Bold shoe busi-
ness to W. Barry, Walkerton.
New pipe organ for James street
church, Exeter, is being installed.
W. T. and Mrs. O'Neil, Clinton,
have gone to Florida for the Winter,
Wingham and Exeter are organiz-
ing Horticultural Societies,
Jno. Baker, Belmore, died at Wing -
ham hospital, aged 78 years.
South Huron political Nomination
was held at Hensall, on 22nd.
Clinton women, of the Conservative
faith, have organized for the fray.
Exeter Council granted $25 to
Stephen and Ueborne AglSociety.
J. Eldon Howald, Zurich, has gone
to Jacksonville, Florida, for the Win-
Zurich Base Ball teams won 8 Sil-
ver Cups in season of 1921. Hurrah
for Zurich.
Mise Freda Schoenhals, Clinton,
won $5.00 for Belling most tickets for
school concert.
For shooting on Sunday a Goderich
young man was taxed 814.45 by Police
Magistrate Reid.
J. W. King, National Progressive
candidate, has appointed Benson
Cruikshank as Financial Agent,
While hunting Thos. Yearley was
shot through calf of one leg by the
accidental discharge of a companion's
Among list of young men who pass-
ed Council of Toronto College of
Physicians and Surgeons are :—J. E.
Swartz, Goderich and W. D. Swan,
In case of Doherty Pianos Co., Clin-
ton, the Oourt of Revision set the
assessment on land at $1,000, build-
ings at $12,000, business assessment at
$7,800, total assessment at $20,800.
Annual meeting of South Huron
United Farmers' Riding Association
was held in Hensall when following
officers were eleoted :—Director, W.
D. Sanders, Exeter ; assistant direc-
tor, Samuel Pymm, Osborne ; Secre-
tary -treasurer, 0. W. Layton, Bruce -
Graduate Department of Ophthalmology, Mc-
Cormick Medleal College, Chicago, Ill. Three
menthe post graduate course daring year 1019,
Eyes correctly fitted with Glnsees,
Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes, Granulated Eye-
lids, Watery Eves, Pain in Eye Balls, Inflamed
Eyes, Pus or Watery Discharge from Eyes and
Dizziness caused by Eye -strain relieved
through properly fitted Glasses.
I i'Oroea Eyes straightened through proper•
ly fitted Leoees.
20 -Eyes tested at night equally as good es
during daylight.
All kinds of Optical repairs done,
Satiefaction Assured,
Optical Parlor in Leckie block, one door
South of Barrister Sinclair'e office,
Office hours : 10 to 12 n, nt. ' 1.80 to 0 p. m,
Saturday evening, 8 to 10 o'clock.
Earlier forenoons by eppointment, -
Phone 20x
Ab Jtttohener Poultry Show If.
Rowclglie, Lxeter, won several prizes
for lied Gape
Miss Lexy Murloch, helical', nurse
in -training at Brantford, hue been ill
with tlleunUatietn.
hire, (Rev,) Seobie and children;
Whitechnrela, are back from a visit to
Vancouver, B, 0,
Missionary Banquet Friday evening,
18th inet,, by laymen of Methodlet.
uliurch, Goderich,
Large consignment of grain has
been arriving at Goderich by water
during past few weeks,
Dr. and Mrs. O'Dwyer, Zurich, at-
tended funeral of former's brother,
Raymond, of Calgary, at Centralia,
Reeve Amos Tipling, Winghatp, of
ficially opened the new cement street
pavement on Josephine St„ North.
Noy. 9th R. E. Simpson ;weed away
at Winghaw at age of 03 years, He
tyle it brother of Mte. A. H, Mile.
Will of John Holmes, Turfberry,
gave $500 to Wingharn Presbyterian
church and $500 to hospital of that
A silk umbrella was presented to 3,
P, Hume, teacher of Knox church
Bible class, Goderich, as a token of
Editor of Clinton New Era was pre-
sented with a Thanksgiving duck,
They must be Christian people down
that way.
Wesley League, Clinton, visited the
House of Refuge and gave a program.
Confectionery was also distributed to
the inmates.
Memorial window will be placed in
new Methodist church, Centralia, in
memory of 4 young then who died for
the Empire.
New accountant at Molson's Bank
Zurich, is Mr. Barnes, Woodstock.
Fred. Aikenhead bad to quit on ac-
count of ill health.
Family of Henry Johns, Elimvilie,
has received a bronze medal from
England in memory of L, E. Johne,
who died in the war.
J. A. Mille was elected as Recording -
Steward, of Wingham Methodist
church, instead of John Kerr, who re-
signed owing to ill health.
St. Paul's congregation, Clinton,
presented Mrs. Morgan with a purse
and an address as a token of apprecia-
tion of cervices as organist.
When Rev. G. W. Rivers, Remelt,
was going to Ohiselhurst church, his
buggy met with a slight accident,
Front wheels came off letting him and
the little boy fall over the dashboard.
Wes. Caldwell, Hensall, has received
the Government appointment as
patrol officer of game and fisheries in
Counties of Grey, Wellington and
Perth, and expects headquarters to be
at Listowel.
2 stained glass memorial windows
were presented to St. George's church,
Goderich, by Mre. G. M. Doe, Chicago.
They are in memory of Mrs. Minnie
Hawley Morrison and McKee Dunn
Morrison, the latter killed in action in
Wingham Base Ball boys were ban-
quetted in the Council Chamber and
presents made. Norman Geddes re-
ceived club bag for best all round play-
er, Fred. Anderson got a pair of shoes
for best batter, and Geo. Howson a
sweater coat for stealing bases,
Perth County
8840 was netted by Poppy Day sales
at Stratford.
Palmerston Poultry Show on Nov,
20th, 30th and Dec. 1st.
Rev. Mr. Dengis is the new pastor
at Centennial church, Stratford.
Jack Canuck club presented A. K,
and Mra. Cole, Russeldale with mantle
clock as recognition as President of
Patrick Burns, Dublin, received a
severe kick on the hip from a horse
and slight hopes are held out for hie
recovery, as he is up in years.
Palmerston Connell voted grant of
$450 to clear off debt on Memorial
monument. 27 heroes from that town
and vicinity died for the Empire.
New stores in Monkton are all near-
ly completed, some occupied at pres-
ent. Buildings are a credit to the
proprietors and a fine improvement to
the village.
His Lordship Bishop Williams, of
London, confirmed a class of seven
candidates at Grace Church, Millbank.
and gave a very impressive sermon on
"What the word Christian weans.;
M. P. Murray, 13th Con„ Logan,
who sold his farm, last Spring, has
bought Lot 18, Con. 12, known as the
David Reidy farm, from Louis L.
Longeway, who purchased it a few
years ago. Land is in a high state of
cultivation with a ilrst-class brick
house and large bank barn with all the
latest improvements, and is consider-
ed one of the best farms in that dis-
Dry Shod
WHEN you wear a pair of our Rubbers you
know you have a good thing because they
keep your feet dry and they wear well.
We sell only brands that have stood the test.
A Note to Men
Who want Good Wearing and Comfort in Shoes,
for every day use. The country -wide, old reliable
GREB SHOE with the Guarantee that is worth
Chapman Biros.
Next door to Bank Nova Scotia, BRUSSELS
� �
Take "Frulf a-tlresll And
Make Yourself Well
"Frui t -a -ti ves",the marve I loos medu
cine made front fruit juices and tonics,
is the most beneficial medicinal agent
that has ever been given to mankind.
Just as oranges, apples, figs and
prunes are nature's own medicine, so
"Fruit-a-tives"—made from these
fruit Juices—but concentrated and
intensified—is the greatest Stomach and
Liver Medicine, the greatest Kidney
andBladder Medicine—the greatest Blood
Purifier the greatest remedy for Head.
aches, Constipation, Indigestion, Nervous.
ness and Bad Complexion—in the world,
To be well, take "Fruit -a -tines"
50c a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o.
At dealers or sent postpaid by
Frult-a-tines Limited, Ottawa,
Atwood is to have its streets lighted
by a local plant.
Mrs. (Rev.) A. J. Langford, St.
Marys, has leen on the sick list.
Union Thanksgiving service was
held at Atwood, the 4 churches taking
J. B. Muir, Avonbank, fell down
stairs inflicting cut on head. Several
stitches were necessaay.
A Stratford buyer was through
Gad's Hill one day recently looking
for old horses fit for the fertilizer tank
at $2 a head.
Sterling silver vanity case was pre-
sented Mise Greta Sinclair, of St.
Marys on her transference to Royal
Bank, Woodstock.
Mise Grace Dinsmore and Dr. J. W.
Brown, both of St. Marys, won let
and 2nd prizes offered by Thames
Bread Co., for best essays.
$35.75 was realized by Poppy sale
by Mitchell I. 0. D. E. was sent
to women and children in France and
5105 to Pearson Hall for blind sol -
Dr. C. H. and Mre. Bnrritt, Mitchell,
leave early in December for St. Pet-
ersburg, Florida, where they will
make their Winter home at Hotel
Put and Take" is the name of the
new club formed by the young people
of Palmerston. The idea is to 'put"
in your membership fee and "take"
all the fun you can.
Fire whistle at Palmerston will
blow every day at 12 o'clock, The
authorities deem it wise to keep the
whistle "in tune" so that it will not
fail in time of necessity.
Kenneth Cameron, Mitchell, while
performing on some of the athletic ap-
paratus at High School gymnasium
lost his balance and falling to the
floor, had his left elbow dislocated,
Richard Husk, Mitchell, while oper-
ating a turnip slicer had the misfor-
tune to let his hand slip into the
machine with result that first finger
of left hand was almost severed at
first joint.
Mrs. Ed. Robinson, of the Huron
road, had the misfortune to have her
right shoulder dislocated. She was
getting out of a car at the home of
Mrs. Thos. Worden, Mitchell, when
she fell, with the above result.
During the four years' rectorship of
Trinity church, Mitchell, by Rev. Mr.
Roberts, there haus been 59 baptismal
services, 27 marriage ceremonies, 31
burials and 55 had sought confirma-
tion, not including the Claes to be con•
firmed on the evening of Nov. 24th.
Miss Margaret De0oursey, daughter
of D. and Mre. DeCoursey, 10th Oon.
of Logan, was married to Timothy
Dwoyer, of the same township. Many
relatives and friends were present in
St. Bridget's church, Dublin, to wit-
ness the ceremony.
The graduating nurses, who will re-
ceive their certificates on December
8th, in the Majestic Theatre, Strat-
ford, are as follows :—Miss L. Cuth-
bert, Lucan ; Miss Margaret McLeod,
Auburn ; Miss Verna Meadows, Zar-
ra ; Miss Mable Willard, Seaforth ;
Miss Evelyn Drummond, Mitchell and
Mise Mignon Henry, of Mitchell.
John Lather, a well-known farmer
residing about 3 mites from Milvet ton
while aiding a neighbor, Louis Wyck,
of Newton, in sawing wood, was al-
most instantly killed when the
balance -wheel of the tractor flew off
and cut a deep gash in his shoulder
and leg. He died about 10 minute&
later. He is survived by his wife and
a son about 18 years Of age,
Mrs. Elizabeth Moore, who has been
living the life of a recluse since the
death of her husband several years
ago, was found dead in her secluded
house on the 14th Lon. of
Ima about
8 miles from Milverton, Wednesday
of last week. It ie not known how
long she had been dead when the
body was found, She owned the 50 -
acre farm on which she resided, and is
understood to have bad a small bank
$35o,00 a year ago would
buy only woo feet
Oak Flooring,
For $350.00 Ta -day
We will furnish
1000 ft. Oak Flooring
1000 ft. Bill Stull
1000 ft. Sheathing
1000 ft. f Bevel Siding
1000 ft. Undressed Lumber
1000 XXX Shingles
1000 Lath
2 Outside Door Frames
and Doors
5 Window Frames and
Sash complete.
All First-class Material.
Build with Wood
and Save Money
See Us
Phone 16 Brussels
Jas, Fuller, Mitchell, is dead, in his
90th year. His wife, 2 sons and 4
daughters survive.
Mitchell I. 0. D. E. will hold a Win-
ter Garden party and bazaar in the
Town Hall Dec. 861.1.
Epidemic of whooping cough has
reached Hampstead section making
the school attendance small.
James Ruston bas returned to Mil-
verton from Brumfield, in Huron
county, where he finished a ditching
Mre. Geo. Cox, organist for 29tk
years in Presbyterian church, At-
wood, has resigned. Mise Blackwell
is her successor. The former deserves
a pension.
Following a visit of Licence Inspect-
or Elliott to Mornington recently the
County coffers were swelled to the ex-
tent of about $500 through fines levied
on several residents for a breach of
the 0. T. A.
Hie Lordship Bishop Williams, of
London, confirmed a class of seven
candidates at Grace Church, Millbank,
and gave a very impressive sermon ou
"What the word Christian means."
Louie Stegner, New Hamburg, had
an early visitor for breakfast one
morning. The pet deer "Mollie" came
into his kitchen and helped herself to
a large coffee cake which ebe relished
M. P. Murray, 13th Con„ Logan,
who sold his farm last Spring, has
bought Lot 13, Oon. 12, known as the
David Reidy farm, from Louis L.
Longeway, who purchased it a few
years ago. Land is in a high state of
cultivation with a first-class brick
house and large bank baro and all
the latest imprvements, and is con-
sidered one of the best farms in that
Canadian News
Three members of one family die
at Levis, Que„ iu one day.
Body of unidentified man found in
Detroit River, off Ford, with skull
Walter Gayman, Vineland, instant-
ly killed by train, while driving car
across track,
When he attempted to drive his
team over a level crossing at Bradwell,
Sask,, Thursday afternoon, Dan Hunt,
a prominent farmer of the district,
was struck by a passenger train and
instantly killed.
••••••e•••see•••••••••e..,N4A.N+M4•®+4'4+ +M®+hi dt,
• .
IIIIII st '`�^ $
The Youngsters
will Hurry Hone
from here with the big loaf of
our splendid bread they tomo
00 willingly fora They know
our bread, these kiddies. See
them eat slice after slice and en.
joying every bite, And the
more they eat the better It will
be for them., Our bread fe a
body builder in its beat form.
Children thrive on it as on no
other food,