HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1921-11-24, Page 3IRRIGATION IN
Addressed by Able Speakers
on Engineering, Agricultural
and .Economic Aspects
of Irrigation. •
One of the most successful canyon.
tions. bald In Western Canada in re-
cent mire took place at Vernon, Bd.
ties Columbia, duriug the Met =rah,
when, aftee a lapse of fourteen year%
irrigationists oE Western Canada, tor
the second time, held their annual
meeting there, the PCOE1SiOn being the
fifteenth annual convention of the
Western Canada Irrigation Assocfa-
The mein reason for the success of
this convention was ,the excellent proe
grain of addresses that had been ar.
ranged. The subjects covered engine
Bring, agricultural, economic, legal
and administrative aapects of irriga-
tions and were deelvcred by able
In two inspiring and instructive ad-
dresses, Dr. John A. Wicitsee, Prose.
dent of the University of Utah, gave
some very good advice on the funda-
mental principles of irrigationfarm- and swam away she heaves a sigh of
ing practice. He told his audience that relief and proceeds to become a male.
Irrigation should always be, and In a Her erstwhile husband, whet has now
become feminine, is the mother of the
next batch of babies!
Great minds have purposes; others
have wishes.
Aim Alfred 'Planehementagne,
Michel des Sala% Que„ writes:•--
"BahY'a Own Tablets aro an excellent
Medicine, They saved My baby's life
and 1 can highly recommend them to
all =there." Mrs. Tranchernoiltagnees
experience Is that of thousands of
other mothers who hays tested the
worth of Baby's Ow a Tabtete, The
Tablets are ft euro and safe medicine
for little ones and never fail to reg0"
late t110 bowels and stonmeh, thus re-
lieving all the minor ills from which
children mitten They are sold bY
medicine dealers or by mall at 25
cents a box trout The Dr. 'Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
An Oyster Mystery.
In Private life the oyster is a very
queer lisle You never know whether
You should addrees a particular oyster
as "Mr," Or "Airs.," for the same area.
tare changes its sex frequently.
In the spring the oyster's mind turns
to thoughts of love. Its conduct is gov-
erned by the sex which it has as-
eumed for the time being. If it is a
temporary male, it becomes a father:
11, On the other hand, it is for the time
being a lady -oyster, then the cares of
motherhood are uppermost in. Its
The mother oyeter lays a large num-
ber of eggs which she hatches not by
sitting on them, but by keeping them
in her gills When they have hatched
good system of •agriculture always
was, supplementary to the natural
rainfall. Most of the surface of the
earth was arid or semi -arid. About
one-quarter of the earth's surface re-
ceived less than ten inches of rainfall
annually, and with our present know-
ledge could be redefined only by ir-
rigation. Over another vast area,
comprising an additional thirty per
cent. of the earths surface, the rain-
fall was between ten and twenty
lathes. On this area the chief exten-
sive crops could be grown without ir-
rigation, but the intensive crops de-
manded the help of irrigation. Nearly
sixetenthe of the earth's surface could
be re-claimed, if at all, only by Irriga-
tion or dry farming. The remaining
four -tenths would be helped materially
by a system of irrigation.
Water Alone Not Sufficient
Dr. Widtsoe advised his hearers not
to expect water alone to produce
rrops. It was necessery for farmers to
till the land in the best possible way, result would be the saving annually
More harm might be done by the use of many hundreds of lives, Which at
of too much water than too little, Ex- Present are inevitably lost.
cessive irrigation would cause their Read these carefully and remember
land to become water-logged. Just a them•
seine:ort quautity of moisture should (I) Cancer, in its early and curable the prospect of cure is good. . think what WIR be the uffect a t is .
be kept in the soil at all times to keep stage, gives rise to no pain nor symp- (8) Any bleeding occurring from runaway sort of farming, if we do not. tiever fails to cleanse the liver an.d
the plants growing without being tom of ill -health whatever. the bowel after 45 years of age, com- pick up the lines and get back to the bowels. In a few hours you can see
stunted. (2) Nevertheless, in its commonest manly supposed by the public to be only gait which will bring us through for yourself how thoroughly it works
lie asserted that those wile had its situations, the signs of it in its early "piles," should be submitted to in- to safety. all the sour bile, and undigested food
Heated farms could not expect to stage are conspicuously manifest. vestigation at once. A large proper- This is a hungry world. There are t of the bowels and you have a
farm rightly anti properly, large tracts (3) In case of any swelling occur- tion of such cases are cancer, which more mouths to feed just now than well, playful child again.
. f ring in the breast eg a woman after at this stage is perfectly curable. ever before in the history of mankind.
• " h d .ri know a tea -
Millions ef mother.; keep "California
fAinard's Liniment for Distemper.
Ten Commandments of
Hazlett the hardest iob irst eaeli
day. Etiey ones are pleasuree.
Do not he afield of criticism—
erltiolze yourself °Gem
De gild and rejoice in the Other
Id -
tow' a sttereee—studY Ills methods.
Do not be mialed by dislikes, Aold
ruins the finest tabelee,
Be enthualaetle—It is contagioue,
Do not have the nation that stuccoes
means simply money -making.
Be fair, and dO at least one decent
ant every day in the year.
Honor the chief. There must be a
head to everything.
Have confidence in yourself, and
make yourself fit.
Harmoeize your work, Let sun-
shine radiate and penetrate.
A School Creed.
The following creed is used in the
schools of Fond du Lae, Wiseousin:
"My body is my house. I must live
in it as long as life bets. If I take
Proper physical exercise, this haute will
last longer, and bo a stronger, hand-
somer dwelling place.
"My musles are the machine with
which 1 must do all the tasks that des-
tiny and determination place M my
way. Training will keep the parts in
smooth werking order.
"My will co-ordinates the foroes
within me. Physical education helps
to develop man's will—the will to
make the best of himself and serve
"Consequently, physical education is
a factor in the world's progress, in its
happiness, and in its joy in working
and playing."
No Chords Lost.
L. hear your next-door neighbors
have -a new organ. ,How many stops
has it?"
"About three a day—for meals."
Provincial Board of Health, ontarlo
Dr. Middleton will be glna to ausvver questions on Public Health mat-
ters through this columa. Address lien at Spadina House, Spadina
Crescent, Toronto.
Through its Use Strength and
Vigor Was Restored.
To be tired After exertion is natural. Mr, Lorne W. Barclay, Atin of Air.
Rest and food restore the body to nele E, R. Barclay of Parkhill, Ontario, and
mai after mice fatigue. But to be now
Dheetor of the Department of
tired all the time 15 a sYMPtoet Of en
Education of the Boy Scouts of Amer'.
anaemic condition that will not be e, Ilea been deeorated by the Govere-
corrected until the blood Is built 1(0. I malt of France with the Cress of the
Such an anaemic condition is so
Legion of Honor es a recognition of
the work done bythe Ameriaan, Cana -
diem, English and Belgian Boy Scout
organizations for Frenee Scouting un -
gradual in ita approach and generally
so looking In acute pales that it is
Often difficult to persuade the suffer -
or to do anything for it. But tt la not
A condition that corrects itself: u der bia direction. This is the first time
a French decoration has been granted
the blood is not enriched the trouble
in recognition of the services of a boy
will increaze, The nerves will be uu-
dernourtsbee .and neuralgic mine worker.
*• * *
will follow. Digestive dieturbanoes
Tee Penetanguishene Troop carried
often result from thin blood, sleep is
disturbed and a general breakdown
may occur.
Mr. Wilson Johnsen, Nineveh, N.S.,
saps: 'A few years ago my system
was in a badly run down condition. MY
nerves seemed alwaye on edge, and
I found myself eo weak that I could
herdly do any work. I suffered from
headaches and from pales in the back
and under the shoulders, and was of-
ten so sleepless at night that wben
morning came I felt as tired as when
I went to bed. I was taking intsdicine
all the time, but it was doing me no
good. Then I read the testimonial of
a man whose condition had been
similar to mine, and who strongly re-
commended Dr, Williams' Pink Pills.
I decided to give this medicine a fair
trial, and when I had taken six boxes
I felt much better. I continued taking
the pills unttl I had taken 1512{ more
boxes, and I can only say I am glad I
did so, as I am now enjoying the best
of health, and I advise all men who
feel run dovtn to give these pills a:
good trial."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
out an impressive ceremony- on
Armistice Day, The Scoute of the
capital of Huronia planted a
grove of Canadian cedars at
the entrance of the town, each - Scout
making himself responsible for a tree.
The grove was planted immediately
behind the Ontario -Quebec statues
which mark tho portals of Huronia.
On Armistice Day the grove was
solemnly dedicated by the Scouts to
the memory of the Penetanguisheue
soldiers who fell in the Great War—
each tree planted repeeritted one of
the heroic dead.
* * *
One of the Field Secretaries of the
Provincial Council for Ontario sends
the follovring:
Some of the boys here
are noted for being expert at swear-
ing . The day after a meeting, two
boys who -were there and joined, to.
gether with another lad who was net
at the meeting, were playing ball, and
the lad who was not at the meeting he.
gan to swear. The others, who had
joined the Scouts, remembering that
"Scouts did not swear nor assvelate
rained from any dealer in medicine, with those who did " said "Look here
or by mail at 50 cents a box or six we are Scouts now and don't have any
boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wit- thing to do with those who swear."
Hams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. They dropped. their bats arid left the
other lad an the.fleld. The following
Keep Your Head. day they were playing again and the
t el f • ar
When the horses are running away, sante lad had another a la t a see -
it is no time to drop the lines and Ing. Instead of breaking up the game,
In order that the mimic may realize M mall after 45 rears of age, should jump out or hang on to the dashboard. the othcee chasm( him off the field.
the inmertance of early treatment of be submitted to investigation without Von may holler "wheal" till you are
cancer the following information is delay, and the decision at once arrived red in the face, but if you don't grab mother! Open
of vital assistance. It is no exaggera- at by an expert microscopical exam- the reins and "saw em down"for dear
Child's Bowels With
tion to say that, if acted upon, the ination whethcr it is cancer or not. life, it won't be long before there will
California. Fig Syrup
A very large proportion or such sores be a big smash-up.
or swelling occurring at this time of There are farmers in this country at --
life are cancer, and if neglected for the present time who are fit the wagon Your loele one will love the "fruity"
The Old Reliable. Try It!
only a few weeks the result is almost with the lines down and the team. run- tas• • ot • •ealifornia Fig Syrup" even
Minarder Liniment Co.. Ltd.
invariably fatal. If removed at once ning wild. Let's stop a minute and if constipated,:bilious, irritable, fever -
Yarmouth. X.S,
• h • full of col!' A teaspoonful
If Headachy, Bilious
Then he decided that be had better
give op sweerleg and Min the Seouts
and preseutly asked the beye if they
weehl let hint jOill if he gave 1,15 SWetlr' CLIMB THE STAIRS
ing." Wlihi a wonderful example of
integrity and loyalty to flee see -foetid
traditions of the Brotherboodi
Surgery in Mid -Air. ABOVE HEAD.
The Emmet authorities heere found
aeroplanes ere ireful for transport and
other services lu their colenial terri-
tories that they ietend to introduce
Hainiltcrt m an Declares
large inulthenglued aeroplanea, which Tanlac Overcame Her Rheu. •
will be assigned with a pilot and a
small staff of mechaales, to surgeons
nudism and Other Troubles,
who have large territories to cover. "If ethers hadn't allowed their stato-
operahetialbtinliefiatrweisil il)toessoestiattintir edvelt.ye wo
Mimeo published In the papers I
Efeesaving device that modern aurgery anetildwile'iteellagetkene°w,Ritiortilegol? e'or"
assistant acting as anasstasstist, 11111 what the medicine has done for me,"
can suggest. The surgeon, with his for the benefit of others I Wan•t 10 tell
be able to perform major as well as
miner operations just readily in south, Hamilton, Out
said Mrs. John Dale, 65 Catlearille St.
remote areas as if he lasel his patient "About three years ago I began tO
In a well-equipped laospittul. suffer froni rheumatism, which kept
It will be possible, should a patient getting worse until I was' M almost
constant patis At ti.111.2,9 my arms be-
came so swollen and painful I couldn't
raise iny hands aboye. my bead, and •
my ibigers were so stiff I could seam-
ly hold the eoffee pot to pour out the
There is a funny side even about a coffee.
poor slum child's ignorance ot the "I could barely go up a flight ot
country's beauties and Joys. stairs on aceount of the stiffness itt
A philanthropist one eunnaer day my =aeries. i became so nervous the •
said to a ragged urchin of seven or noises made by my childeeu pine Mg •
eight; about the house made me Beetle.
"Seeing se malty fine statements in
the papers about Tattler, I decided to
get a, bottle and vee it it would do me
any good. Well, my rheumatism got
better with the first few doses and,
now that I have fiashed the ,seconel
bottle the last trace of it is gone. My
eervousness is gone too, and I am se
ow' over being free, front pain I
can't fully express it."
Tanlec ts sold by leading druggists
everywhere. ,
Extraordinary qualities are p05808 -
sed by the River Tinto, in Spain, it
hardens and petrifies the sand of it;
bed, and if a stone falls in the stream
and alights upon smother in a few
months they are united and beecene
Minaret's Liniment for Garget in cows.
Classified Advertisements.
bit transit develop any suddenly ad.
verse syniptems, to perform a delicate
operation in mideir.
Preferred the Frying -Pan.
"You've got a real treat coming.
We're going to send you to the coun-
try for a week."
"Oh, don't!" replied the urchin, and
he looked as it he was ebout to cry.
'Why?" exclaimed the philanthro-
pist, in surprise. 'What's your objec-
tion to the country?"
"They've got thrashing machines
there, ain't they?" answered the boy.
"'Weil, it's bad enough here. where
it is done by hand."
A. Dominion Express Morley Order
ler live dollars ecsLs three rents.
Women. an an average, have broad-
er !made in proportion to their length,
and darker eyes end hair than men.
— USE --
of laud: nor could they expect to arm
profitably under irrigation without al- 40 years of age, a medical man should (9) When warts, moles, or other What will it mean if any considerable Pig S3'111P an y.
aches eeme from a torpid liver and
fail 1 liv tock to la back into at once be consulte.l. ee. large proper- growths on the skin. are exposed to number ef men etop producing? It spoonful to -day saves a sick child to -
a• Ask your druggist for clogged bowels. which cause your
or Stomach is Bad,
Take "Cascarets"
Get a Se -cent box no- w.
Furred Tongue, Bed Ceide, Indiges-
tion, Sallew Skin and mieerable Head -
a OW es p
the soil the organic matter that was 'Gen of such swelling are cancer. constant irritation they should be im- makes one dizzy to think of it. Some -i
teka out of it by plent growth. (4) Any bleeding, however trielaW mediately removed, A large number hoe- the world must be fed. genuine "California Fig Syrup" which
L. C. Charlesworth. Chairman of the occurring after the change of life of them, if neglected, terminate in And it can not be very meg thati has directions for babies and children
Irrigation Cour.ell of Alberta, explain- means almost invariehly cancer, and 1 cancer, prices will be below theecost of prosl of all ages printed on bottle. Mother!
eel tLe work of that body and the rea- cancer which is then curable. If neg- (10) Avoid irritation and the duction. Juet now we are in a stage,! You muse say "California" or you may
sons for its creation. Its functions lected till pain occurs, it means ean-i tongue and cheeks by broken, jagged of transition. But the needle will. get an iniltatien lig syrup.
were to supervise the oonstruction ver which is almost always ineurable. teeth, and of the lovser lip by clay surely swing back to the north star
end operation of tbe Jorge co-operative (6) Any ir7egular bleeding occur-, pipes. Many of these hritations, if if we release it and give it a chance.
irrltration distriets that had been ring at the change of life should in-' neglected, terminate in cancer. The heart of the nation is right, and
b I f in Al- vile bl be ubmitted to a doctor'si Certain peedisposing factors in the it knows what it owes to the farmer
formed or ele• e ng ori -n
et a y s
berta, whose bonds, by which the investigation. It is not the natural! causation of cancer are now pretty and will pay it willingly and cheer -
funds for the construction work had method of the onset of the change of, generally aceepted. Some of these are fully if it once understands the right
been or would be obtained would have
the guarantee ot the government The
credit of the province had been
pledged to the extent of e!I,400,000 by
the eale of the bonds of the 'Leth-
bridge 'Northern Irrigation District,
the first of these large systems or-
ganizer]. Construction work on this
system was now under way and it was
hoped to have water flowing through
the canals and ditches in 1923 to he
legate about 105,000 acrea of the most
fertile land in Alberta.
• The Need of Reservoirs.
Another important subJect that was
discussed was the necessity of reserv-
ing reservoir sites. William Peerce,
who brought this matter before the
convention, said that there would
come a time, in the not very distant
future, when it would be considered
a crime to allow any water from our
mountain streams to go to the sea if
it could, by reasonable outlay, be
,utilized for irrigation and domestic
What Are You Worth to
• Society?
\Vhat would your gifts, your educe -
tion, your training, your degree ot el-
fielency bring ill any particular line?
bring at public auction? It business
men wore to bid on these, as if they
were buying merchaediae, or as in
the Ones when slaves were purchased
according to their age, their strength,
their endurance, the probable amottnt
of work one multi get out of Dunn, and
the number of years they would be
likely to last—what would they give
for your ability?
An honest antiwar to We question
might point the way to most of us to
intreaso our value 99 per cent.
A. pernicious word is "inexhaust-
ible." "Inexhaustible" mountains of
ore, "inexhoustible" forests, "Inex-
hrtuetible" fertility of the 5011 have
all . been greatly depleted, and some
have been wholly spent, We need to
'remind ourselves that neither coal nor
oil nor iron nor any ether ore nor
forests Mar foltb1l1y den last perman-
ently in the face of egifish exploitation
or ignorant ovulate.
life, and in a large number of cases beyond andivadual control; athors,
means commencing cancer. however. such as occupation and hab-
(6) Any wart or sore occurringi its of life (determining a localized nearer together, not farther apart. To
spontaneously on the lower lip in ai chronic irrttation or inflamation) and know each other better, instead of
men over 45 years of age is almost; suspieicius growth in connection with striking each other down. What, then,
certainly cancer If removed at once' old sears and .simple tumors, call for is the part of wisdom, se far as the
the cure is certain, if neglected thel more general recognition among the farmer is concerned?
result is inevitably fatal. public in order that preventive mea- In the first place, let's not think
(7) Any sore or swelling occur- sures and early treatment may be put
ring on the tongue or inside the mouthl in operatieil.
and' the wrong of things. It is a time
for producer and consumer to get
Why guess about it—
When you can know about it?
Suppose a guide said—
"This way there's a safe and pleasant
road to your destination, with no risks or
troubles on the way," and—
"That way there's a road that a good
many have stalled on and turned back
from, but you may get through."
Which would you take?
Postum is a thoroughly agreeable and
satisfying meal -time drink, and you're
sure that it's perfectly safe for health.
Tea and coffee contain drug qualities
which disturb the health of many.
Postum or tea and coffee? Which road?
Why guess when you can know?
Poston) comes In two fortns: Instant Postum (in (1ns)
made instantly in the cup by the ruldition of boiling Neaten
Postum Cereal (in packages of larger hulk, for those who
prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepared)
made by belling for 10 minutes. Sold by all grocers.
Postum for Health
"There's a Reason"
or feel that we are in water that is
too deep f or us. If we have thought
we were in et er our beads, maybe WO
have not straightened up enough.
Let's hold our heads high.
Careful and conservatively we may
step out into deeper water, all the
time holding our heads up like men
who know their worth and are proud
of their profession. Have we done
our hest with the old farm? If not,
let's do better this year. Let's make
every foot count, Brush lots do not
feed starving men. Let's improve our
metheds wherever we can. Let's work
for better maikets. Lot's work shout-,
der to :boulder with each other to do
it. Let's not expect too =eh right
away. Let's remember that Rome was
not built in a day, and that, like the
oak, anything worth while takes time
to grew. The most contemptible thing
on earth is a quitter.
And then, if we have brought the
old placo up to its best and really feel
that we might use a little more land,
let's add a bit from the adjoining
farni that may he in the market at a
reasonable price. Lent' nevor made
any man poor. It is poor management
that does that. Then we can grow bet-
ter crops. Then we can add a. fen'
good cows to our herds and let ratite
of the poor oues go. It is a good time
to swap. cows,
And let's keep a level head and nett
drop the lines!
ThO,LWO 111051 loathed buge in exie-
fence are the bedbug and the bombug.
The first complete bathroom ever
10 110 aeroplane is a feature of
the 1,200 borse-petver biplane, the
Lawson. L4, just built in the United
States to carry pus.sengers, goods and
mails over a number ef room ie a showerbathWW1-
routes. 1,
this bath,
When the digestive organs are out
of order you need the help of
5 Mother Scigel's Syrup. The herbal
medicinal extracts of which the
Syrup is made restore tone and
strength to jaded stomachs, make
food yield nourishment and save
from the many ills which indigest-
ion brings. Mother Seigel's Syrup
1 is now sold in 50e. and $1.00
bottles at drug stores, see,
gaineriorVB 1.109550 DOS usessemea
Book on
and How to Feed
Mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
31. Clay Glover 0o., Imo.
115 West 51st Street
New York. V.S.A.
Bulk Carlots
stomach to become filled with undi-
gested food, which sours and ferments
like garbage in a berme That's the
first step to untold misery—ineiges.
Dote foul gases, bad breath, yellow
skin everything that is sickening. A
Cascaret to -night will give your con-
stipated bowels a thorough cleansing
and straighten you out by meriting.
They work while yea eleep. Millions
of men and women take a Cascaret
DOW and then to keep their stomaeh,
liver and newels regulate,, and never
know a miserable momn
ent. Do't for-
get. the ebildren—their little insides
need a good, gentle cleansing, too.
HE racking, agonizing rheumatic
• ache is quickly relieved by an ap-
plication of Sloan's Liniment.
• For forty years, folks all t•eer the
world have found Sloan's to be the
natural enemy of pains and aches.
81 penetrates without rubbing.
i You can just tell by its healthy,
stimulating odor that it is going to do
you good.
Keel: Sloan's bandy for neuralgia,
sciatica, lame back stiff joints, sore
nuncios, strains andsprains.
At all druggists -35c, 70c, $1.40.
Made in Oman'
0 41
Nothing Else is Aspirin—say "Bayer"
Wareing? Unless you see name
"Bayer" on tablets, you are not get-
ting Aspirin at all. Why take thanods?
Accept only an unbroken "Bayer"
mange which contains directions
worked out hy physiolats during 21
years and ved safe 10' mn illiotor
Colds, Headache, Earache, Toothache,
I-, condition, with a large number of
music rolls, for sale at a bargain.
L. Costello, 7.3 West Adelaide Street,
belting. pulleys, saws, eable.hose.paelting.
011., EI111111.1bilbjeCt 1.0 PI M (U lowest
prices in Caads. YORE taie
srthess co..
..... , . ••••,.1
Aepirin in 'handy lie boxes of 12 tab.
lets, and In bottles of 24 and, 100.
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of
IVIononeeticaeMester of Salleylicacid
While it is well known that Aspieln
Mertes Bayer meamfatture, to assist
the public against imitations, the Tab-
Lhohlh/hOhOh ....... /UN.: ....... ................... Nal a
"Danderine" ('osts
only 35 cents a bottle.
One application ends
all dandruff. stops itch.
teg and failing hair,
and, In a few 1110100)11110100)110,1110100)110,you have doubled the
beauty of your hair. It
will appear mass.'
aft, lustrous, and -easy
to de upe-Bet what will es,
please you latest will be we,
after, a few weeks' use ..
when you see new hatri.,
—fine and downy at iiref—yes—but
really new hair growing all over the
scalp. "Danderine" Is to the hair
what fresh showers of rain and sun -
are to vegetation. It goes right
to the roots, invigorates and etrengtie
ens them, This delightfuleetimulating ,
tonic helps thin. lifeless, faded hair Co,
grey,- long, thick, heavy aril luxuriant.
Tells Remarkable Story of
Sickness and Recovery.
'Toronto, Ott --"I suffered greatly
romweaknees, seemed to be bred all
the time, and 101 00
ambition to do any-
thing oe go any place.
My nerves were In
bad ehape, 1 could
not sloep at .night,
and then came a
breakdown. I read
of Lydia E. Pink-
hean's Vegetable
Compoundi the
newspapers and sev-
eral of my friends
advised me to use it,'
ant it sure y put ew life into mo. Now
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I ISSUII No. 47--21.